Genetics Lab Exam Final

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What pattern of functional protein synthesis of β-galactosidase and permease, respectively, would you expect from an I+P+OCZ+Y+ lac operon in the absence of lactose?

+ +

what conditions does the HW law need to meet in order to be true

yes: -random mating -large population size no: -mutation -migration -natural selection

Using the gel image: the three brightest fragments in the ladder are 100 bp, 500 bp, and 1000 bp in size. What size do you estimate the fragment in Lane 5 to be?

100 bp

For your 25ul ligation reaction: You need to add 160ng of your digested insert DNA (which is at a concentration of 160ng/ul) and 25ng of your digested plasmid DNA (which is at a concentration of 10ng/ul) to your ligation reaction. You also want 1X ligase buffer (it is provided at a 10X concentration) and 1ul ligase. How much water will you need to add to the reaction?


The genes responsible for albinism (A or a) and pink eyes (P or p) in mice are linked and wild-type pigmentation is dominant in both traits. A homozygous wild-type mouse is mated with an albino, pink-eyed mouse. The resulting F1 mice are crossed with albino, pink-eyed mice. The F2 progeny of this testcross are: wild-type body color, wild-type eyes 22 albino body color, wild-type eyes 7 wild-type body color, pink eyes 3 albino body color, pink eyes 18 How many cM apart are the albinism and pink-eye genes?

20 [(7+3)/(10+22+18)] (100)

The following double stranded DNA fragment was double digested with BamHI and KpnI. If you ran the double digest on a gel, how many fragments would you see? Assume complete digestion.


A SNP marker is found linked to the cystic fibrosis gene. Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disease. A couple plans to have children together and both are carriers for the cystic fibrosis gene but do not have the disease themselves. They are both A1/A2 at the SNP and the A1 allele is linked with the allele causing cystic fibrosis. Assuming no crossing over between the SNP and the disease gene, what genotypes in the offspring could result that would cause cystic fibrosis?

A1 - cf, A1 - cf

the remainder of the mtdna codes for genes with what essential cellular functions. Because of these necessary functions, the sequyences of these are functionally ______________________________

ATP production tRNA rRNA constrained

If the EcoRI/HindIII (stuffer) fragment cut from the vector is religated back into the vector, the M13F/M13R primers will:

Amplify the stuffer fragment because the primers are designed to complement the plasmid DNA

What does it mean to backcross?

F1 individuals crossed with a fly from parental type

What are the components of a PCR reaction?

DNA, dNTPs, 2 primers, DNA polymerase, buffer & water

What are the stages of PCR in their correct sequential order?

Denaturation Annealing Elongation

what are the three waves of migration out of africa

M haplogroups: Asia, Australia, Americas N/R: Europe, Asia, Australia, Americas Way to remember: Know m, and for N and R just add Europe

Which of the following is a true statement: Drosophila melanogaster has 10 chromosomes Male fruit flies do not generally have crossover events when making gametes A genetic map is the same as a physical map

Male fruit flies do not generally have crossover events when making gametes

how is the allelic frequencies equation different

[2(homozygous dominant or recessive) + heterozygous)]/2n

HW Law states that if certain conditions are met, the following will happen

allelic frequencies not change from generation to generation genotypic frequencies will stabilize after one generation (p^2 + 2pq + q^2)

Standard deviation is: the square root of the variance how spread out the data is both


what happens if by chance an allele mutates into a different allele and is passed on

both frequencies of original allele and mutant allele changed = population evolved

define evolution

change in population's allelic frequency over time

list the characteristics of mtdna

circular each cell: 100-1000s mitochondrial genome copies less prone to degradation (ideal for studies of ancient dna) uniparental inheritance (maternal) rapid mutation rate

what is the thing that will affect the allelic frequencies with migration

depends on movement of individuals in/out of population

natural selection is defined as

differential reproduction of genotypes

natural selection ____________________ mutations that ________________ the ________________ functions of _____________ coding sequences and therefore __________________________________ ___________________________________ ______________________________

disfavors; disrupt; vital; mtdna purges deleterious mutations

what does a sequence divergence compare

dna or protein sequence between 2 lineages

molecular clock

dna/protein sequences accumulate mutations @ relatively constant rate can be used to date past evolutionary events quick and dirty: comparing DNA sequences to estimate phylogeny and rate of evolutionary change

A lac operon of genotype I+ P- O+ Z- Y+ will produce permease when:

it won't produce permease because the promoter is mutated.

list the mechanisms that cause sample size to become small (genetic drift)

limited resources (sampling error) founder effect bottleneck effect

as a result of purging deleterious mutations, natural selection ________________________________________________________________________________ and _______________________________________________________________________________

limits accumulation of changes over time in mtdna promotes homogenization of mtdna sequence within the population

How can genetic drift result in allele fixation in non coding mtdna regions

more common a haplogroup = more likely it will be passed on due to chance, rare alleles likely lost and common alleles more likely to be fixed along evolutionary paths and by chance events, different alleles fixed

what are the pieces of evidence supporting an out of africa origin

more variation in mtdna in africa (lineages older and more time to accumulate mutations) variations outside of africa = subset found in africa (african source for variation followed by random fixation) all modern humans more closely related to each other than to proto humans

mitochondrial eve is

mtdna of all modern humans back to single common ancestor living between 99 thousand - 200 thousand years ago

what are the effects of nonrandom mating

no change in allelic frequencies deviation in genotypic

locate the region where only some regions of mtdna are highly variable and what is this region responsible for

noncoding control region replication and gene regulation

define the components that make up the term mendelian population

sexually reproducing interbreeding

what does population genetics look at in order to study the change of the genetic composition over time

sexually reproducing individuals able to interbreed

what is the genotypic frequency equation

Individuals with the genotype/total

Where would the repressor be bound in an E. coli cell (nonmutant) that is NOT growing in lactose?


The lac operon produces:

a single mRNA molecule and multiple proteins

what two things can be used to describe the gene pool

allelic frequencies genotypic frequencies

what does it mean when we say an allele is fixed

entire population has homogenized for the same allele

what is the equation we would use to figure out allelic frequencies if all that we were given were genotypic frequencies

f(AA) + 1/2f(Aa) f(aa) + 1/2f(Aa)

why does mtdna experience rapid mutation rate

fewer repair mechanisms proximity to reactive oxygen species (within mitochondrion)

what is population genetics

genetic composition of population changes/evolve over time

what does sequence divergence measure

how many bases/amino acids differ between the two lineages expressed as a % or as a decimal/proportion

The primers you used to PCR amplify your human genomic DNA insert from your bacterial colony were designed to complement (or bind):

plasmid pUC19

for all types of genetic drift, ________________________ ____________________ determines what the new distribution of alleles will be

random chance

If genes are linked, we expect to see a greater number of nonrecombinant gametes than recombinant gametes. True or false


Two genes that are far apart are more likely to crossover than 2 genes close together true or false


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