GENS 420 Final

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Identify the least restrictive environment (LRE) for students with disabilities.

General Education classroom

List the five titles of ADA. What is one of the miscellaneous provisions of Title V? - Short Answer Type Question

*5 Titles of ADA: 1. Employment, 2. State and local Govt's, 3. Public services- restaurants, hotels, retail stores 4. Telecommunications= offer telephone relay service 5. Miscellaneous Provisions. * Miscellaneous Provisions are: Basically provides that nothing in ADA will be of a lesser standard than is required under Rehab Act of 1973; in other words Nothing is of lesser standard than Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act Protects individuals from retaliation for exposing noncompliance or for refusing to engage in activities that are out of compliance. Example: you are exposing noncompliance-such as not providing disability services within a restaurant- and get fired, the ADA protects you.

What does TAB mean?

-Temporarily Able-Bodied, label for people without disabilities. - That at any moment you could become a person with a disability.

Describe Benefits of taking this course

1. better be able to cope with a child with a disability 2. more comfortable with friends who are different 3. hire diverse individuals 4. choose a career related to working with individuals with disabilities 5. help others by spreading the news Purpose-- Assist individuals in the understanding of human diversity and help improve their ability to interact with and respect others who are different themselves . ALL OF THE ABOVE

Be familiar with the "Ten Commandments" and be able to identify appropriate interactions based on these "commandments."

1. speak directly rather than through a companion or sign language interpreter who may be present 2. offer to shake hands when introduced 3. always identify yourself and others who may be with you when meeting someone with a visual disability. remember to identify the person to whom you are speaking 4. if you offer assistance, wait until the offer is accepted, then listen or ask for instructions 5. treat adults as adults 6. do not lean or hang on someone's wheelchair 7. listen attentively when talking with people who have difficulty speaking and wait for them to finish. never pretend to understand 8. place yourself at eye level when speaking with someone in a wheelchair or on crutches 9. tap a person who has a hearing disability on the shoulder or wave your hand to get his or her attention. 10. relax, don't be embarrassed if you have to use common expressions

How many total disability categories under IDEA? Name two of the categories.

13 categories Autism, Specific Learning Disability (SLD) Deaf-blindness, deafness, emotional disturbance, hearing impairment, mental retardation, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, or visual impairment

What was the "intent" of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act?

?....... "Barrier-Free Environment" Regulations requiring accessibility not only to jobs, education, and housing, but to virtually all public facilities "Wheelchair Law" -One of the first laws passed whose intent was for a "barrier-free environment" -Protected the rights of people with physical and mental impairments -section 504 Set the framework for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Was the first piece of legislation that protected people from discrimination, it was very limited and did not cover all aspects of disability. - Problem with Section 504 is that it only covered federally funded programs!!! Like the Post Office

Define cerebral palsy and how it affects the individual who experiences this disability.

A condition caused by Faulty Development or Injury to the Brain that Occur During Fetal Development Or Near Birth. ---"Cerebral" refers to the brain and "palsy" refers to a disorder of movement or posture. A frustrating Problem people with moderate to severe CP face all their lives is that Most people see the involuntary body movements and automatically think "This person is Retarded!" A person with CP may or may not have an intellectual disability. Cerebral palsy is not a disease and isn't curable. Ranges from mild to severe. Causes of cerebral palsy: illness during pregnancy, premature delivery, or a lack of oxygen supply to the baby. lead poisoning head injury is the most frequent cause. 3 main types of cerebral palsy. its characterized as by an inability to fully control motor functions. spasms can occur, tonal problems, involuntary movement; disturbances in gait and mobility; seizures, abnormal sensation, and perception; impairment of sight, hearing or speech; and mental retardation-- intellectual disability= instead of mental retardation

Correctly choose the

ADD attention deficit disorder; attention span is short; can't follow directions; distracted; poor task completion; results in frustration; child attends to everything - unable to filter environmental stimulus; attention more focused when highly motivated (Nintendo) inattentive, hyperactive, impulsivity Impulse Control: inability to regulate emotions and behavior; acts quickly; talks out; poor turn-taking skills; loses things; forgets classwork and homework. ADHD!! ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER Hyperactivity: constant fidgeting; touching; squirming; shuffling feet; drumming fingers; talking; making noises; tipping chair; unable to stay seated *Chronic disorder that begins in infancy and extends through adulthood.

What is the main purpose of ADA? Why is it needed? - Short Answer Type Question

Americans with Disabilities Act -Purpose: prevents discrimination of people with disabilities. - ADA was needed since disabilities were not covered under the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 PURPOSE-Signed into law July 26, 1990, bans discrimination WHY- Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not cover disabilities ADA does not cover housing

Review the definition for Assistive Technology (AT) What is the purpose of AT for people with disabilities?

Any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities. (Tech Act, 1988; ATA, 1998 & amended in 2004) Provides the means to move, speak, read, hear, see, be more in control of the environment *Purpose---Access, Opportunity, & Choice, Independence, Self-Determination

Know the definitions of the following terms:

Autism - irregularities and impairments in communication Autism - irregularities and impairments in communication; engagement in repetitive activities and stereotyped movements; resistance to environmental change or change in daily routines and unusual responses to sensory experiences; extreme withdrawal Tourette's Syndrome - multiple motor tics; verbal tics (strange noises or says inappropriate words or phrases); extreme impulsivity and lack of control over motor and verbal tics Anxiety disorder - fear and anxiety reaches overwhelming levels; dramatically reduces or eliminates productivity and significantly intrudes on an individual's quality of life; and for which, friends, family and even the patient can find no cause Schizophrenia - psychotic behavior manifested by loss of contact with reality, bizarre thought processes, and inappropriate actions

Identify the range of intelligence quotient (IQ) for someone with a learning disability.

Categories: IQ (Intelligent Quotient) Mild 55-69 (standard scores) Moderate 40-55 Severe 25-39 Profound below 25 People with learning disabilities have Average to above average IQ (intelligence) They are smart!! Psychological processing deficit Auditory, visual, cognitive, tactile Difficulties in one or more academic areas Reading, math, written language Students with learning disabilities account for over 50% of all students under IDEA Learning disabilities include the "dys" group: dyslexia, dysnomia, dysgraphia,dyscalculia

List two adaptive skill deficits when considering eligibility for mental retardation.

Daily living skills necessary for a person to live successfully in the community Examples: self-care, communication skills, home living, social skills, leisure, health and safety skills, functional academics, community use and work These skills are a necessary part of the criteria for labeling someone as having mental retardation

Know the definition of developmental delay.

Developmental Delay: Refers to a limitation in one's ability to learn or care for oneself. Developmental Disabilities: A variety of conditions that may become apparent during childhood or before the age of 22 and cause mental or physical limitations. Once institutionalized for their condition, persons with developmental delays are now guaranteed the right to learn and grow to the best of their abilities in a more 'normal' environment. Developmental Disabilities imply significant limitations (severe disabilities) that require a combination of treatment and services which are lifelong, individually planned and coordinated

"Sum" up the history of people with disabilities in one or two statements. Question will be in a multiple choice format

Disability has been associated with sinfulness, curses, punishment, and failure in the parents Very little recorded history Thought to be a result of demon possession Cultures have shown disrespect and shame People with disabilities hidden away - shunned *Overall the history of people with disabilities has been very shameful.

Reword a statement into "person-first' language.

Don't say: "Mr. Lee is a crippled teacher and bound to a wheelchair. He teaches retarded students." Instead say: "Mr. Lee is a teacher with a physical disability and he uses a wheelchair. He teaches students who have an intellectual disability *Rewrite using "person first" language: "A large bank in California modified its building for handicapped employees. The disabled employees included afflicted college graduates who were dumb, crazy, lame, and spastic." "A large bank in California modified its building for employees with disabilities. The employees with disabilities included college graduates who were nonverbal, had mental illness, physical disabilities, and cerebral palsy." Ex: Mr.Jones is a disabled worker confined to a wheelchair. He works with handicapped, retarded employees Rewrite as: Mr.Jones is a worker with a disability and uses a wheelchair. He works with employees with mental retardation. Or: (BEST ANSWER) Mr.Jones works with other employees.

Identify the cause of Down Syndrome.

Down syndrome: A genetically linked disorder caused by a chromosomal abnormality

List two types of behavior disorders and give specific behavior examples for each.

Externalizing Behaviors (Environmental Conflict) - Generally aggressive behaviors expressed outwardly toward others -hyperactivity, impulsivity, distractibility -high level of irritating behavior, negative attention seeking -persistent aggression, hitting, fighting -verbal aggression - cursing, arguing, general defiance *verbal/physical aggression Internalizing Behaviors (Personal Disturbance) - Behaviors expressed in a more socially withdrawn fashion -anorexia, bulimia -depression, withdrawal -fears and phobias -elective mutism *depression, anorexia

The term "handicap" is not appropriate when describing a person with a disability. However, "handicap" might be used in a different context. Identify that context and know the preferred term when describing a person's disability experience.

Handicap: Should only be used for golf, bowling and describing an environment that is not accessible to an individual with a disability...NEVER to describe an individual WITH a disability. "The room poses a 'handicap' to someone using a wheelchair since it is inaccessible." *Disability is the word of choice. Disability: reduced function or loss of a particular body part or organ - physical, emotional, cognitive, or sensory Disorder: broad term that refers to general malfunction of mental, physical, or psychological process Impairment: implies diseased, damaged, or defective tissue

Correctly identify a visual and auditory processing disorder (what it is, what it is not) - processing deficits (disorders in the way the brain processes information)

Having a visual processing deficit does not mean you need to wear glasses! Brain's inability to process information it receives through the eyes. Having an auditory processing deficit does not mean you need a hearing aid! they cannot process the information they hear in the same way as others do, which leads to difficulties in recognizing and interpreting sounds, It is the brain's way of processing information! Has to do with perception! (computer analogy and FAT City Video example - cow!)

Correctly choose the legislation that governs Special Education.

IDEA- Special education law that governs education programs for children with disabilities

Be able to identify "descriptors" of Special Education.

Individualized education for children with disabilities Related services Education placements, unique needs of a child with disability Provided at no cost to parent What are the descriptors? Parents do not have to pay. -on test says parents have to pay -answer false

Identify the words for the acronym IDEA, LRE, and IEP.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Least Restrictive Environment Individual Education Program- What is it? A document written by a team of people including teachers, parents, and student

What is the new and preferred term for "mental retardation" adopted by the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental

Intellectual and developmental disability

Identify Rita's primary disability.

Moderate to severe Spastic Athetoid Quadriplegia Cerebral Palsy (SAQCP)

Read over "myths and facts about Mental Health." Be able to identify an example of a myth and counter with a "fact" about that myth.

Myth: People with mental illness are violent and unpredictable Fact: The vast majority of people who have mental health needs are no more violent than anyone else Myth: Mental illness cannot affect me Fact: Mental illnesses are common and affect almost every family in America

Did you know? You can be gifted and have a specific learning disability! Often considered the "hidden disability" (SLD) Psychological processing disorders (What they are and are not!) People with learning disabilities have an average to above average IQ!!!

People can be both gifted and learning disabled. a student identified as learning disabled in one state may not qualify for special education needs in another state. learning disabilities is the largest category of school age children with special needs students with disabilities in the 7th grade are 4 years behind and seniors are 6 years behind their classmates in achievement. more students with learning disabilities drop out of school than students with handicaps. more individuals live at home after high school with disability. individuals with learning disabilities comprise a heterogeneous group of people individuals with learning disabilities have normal intelligence. the unifying difficulty that this group of individuals share is an inability to learn in the same rate and manner as their non-handicapped peers. relatively little is known about the causes of this disability many of these individuals do not approach learning tasks with the same purpose and motivation as their nonhandicapped peers. many of these individuals have difficulties interacting well with others in language and social contexts. 13. Young children who are late in developing language, and who develop language abilities in a different sequence than most other children, tend to be at risk for learning disabilities. 14. many individuals who are learning disabled do not reason or solve problems well without direct instruction on these and related skills 15. with specialized instruction, these individuals can become productive and successful members of society 16. learning disabilities can be a lifelong handicapping condition.

List the pros and cons of labeling. The terms used should be positive, current, and correct Think carefully about the words you choose Labels can be used both positively and negatively --Short Answer Question

Pros: funding for services language for professionals Cons: stigma promotes stereotypes everlasting

Know that conduct disorder (social maladjustment) is not a "disabling" condition and is not a reason for special education services.

Review criteria for services on pg. 93 in packet: You only need one of the five characteristics to qualify for services What type of behavior does not apply under IDEA? *Social maladjustment (conduct disorder)

What is the most commonly used medication for ADHD and how does it work?

Ritalin (methylphenidate) - stimulant medication in use since 1937. Increase the level of dopamine in the frontal lobe of the brain, where it regulates attention and impulsivity, hyperactivity.

Know the difference between the health care/medical model of disability and the social model. Which is preferred by the disability community?

Social Model: Focuses on societal attitudes and barriers that prevent individuals with impairments from living fulfilled lives Societal barriers and attitudes as the "disabling" factors Calls for an inclusive society that acknowledges differences and fosters opportunities for all Uses universal design principles and customized supports Health care/ Medical model: Disabling perspective Broken lives, helpless, pity Need to be fixed Focuses on individual limitations Views the condition as being disabling instead of societal barriers and attitudes Reinforces discrimination, fear and lack of dignity Social Model is preferred

Possible Exam Question-

T/F People with disabilities are adequately covered by private insurance and offered a higher rate of care than people without disabilities. F Employees with disabilities have a higher absentee rate than employees without disabilities F

Describe what you should you do when meeting a person with a disability.

THE 10 COMMANDMENTS -Be yourself -Focus on the person, not the disability -Show respect and comfort -Speak directly to the person rather than the companion or interpreter -Relax -offer to shake hands when introduced -always identify yourself and others who may be with you when meeting someone with a disability. -if you offer assistance wait until it is accepted, then listen or ask for directions -treat adults as adults -do not lean against or hang on someone's wheelchair

Describe the purpose of the Orange Activity.

This activity represented the fact that each person's characteristics are unique. Question might read: The orange activity done in class represented: __________ (MC) What was the orange activity? Question might read: the orange activity done in class represented: EACH PERSON'S CHARACTERISTICS ARE UNIQUE

Know that intellectual disability is one of the categories of disabilities under IDEA.


Review and identify "myths and facts" about employment for people with disabilities. *Example questions: Employees with disabilities have a higher absentee rate than employees without disabilities. True or False What is the average cost to accommodate a person with a disability according to the Office of Disability Employment? $______ Less than $600

disabilities have equal rights, not superior Myth: Disability accommodations are expensive Fact: When costs are needed they are usually minimal, 2/3 of accommodations cost less that $500, and tax incentives are available Myth: ADA places financial burden on small business Fact: Businesses with fewer than 15 employees are not covered by ADA provisions, andMyth: ADA forces employers to hire unqualified individuals with disabilities Fact: Unqualified applicants cannot claim discrimination; ADA only protects those who are qualified or who meet all requirements Myth: If all applicants are qualified, employers have to hire the one with a disability Fact: Employers are free to choose who they want; they base it off of speed and accuracy Myth: ADA gives those with disabilities advantages over other applicants fact: ADA does not give hiring preferences Myth: ADA gives people with disabilities special privileges Fact: Accommodations are made to ensure that those with businesses are not required to do anything that would cause "undue hardship" other myths: ADA lawsuits are flooding the courts-- resolved through EEOC, ADA is misused by people with vague complaints, ADA protects people with rude behavior- no!, employers cannot fire people with disabilities- they can under 3 conditions.

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