Geo Test 1

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Plate tectonics theory was widely accepted by scientists in what decade?Choose one: A. 1980s B. 1960s C. 1920s D. 1930s

B. 1960s

Radiometric dating of a magnetic anomaly stripe of rock that is 225 km away from the mid-ocean ridge axis gives an age of 4.5 million years. Assuming a constant rate, seafloor spreading in this area occurs at a rate ofChoose one: A. 50 km per year. B. 5 cm per year. C. 20,000 cm per year. D. 1,012.5 km per year.

B. 5 cm per year.

The chain of Hawaiian islands can be used to calculate the rate of movement of the Pacific Plate over the last few million years. The island of Hawaii currently sits on the hot spot and is therefore 0 million years old. The island of Kauai used to sit on the hot spot; it is approximately 5.1 million years old and is now approximately 473 km away from the hot spot, to the northwest. Given these parameters, what is the average rate of motion of the Pacific Plate in cm per year? (Remember to convert your units properly!)Choose one: A. 0.00009 cm per year B. 9 cm per year C. 0.009 cm per year D. 0.9 cm per year

B. 9 cm per year

Which of the following accurately lists the layers of the Earth from surface to center?Choose one :A. mantle, crust, core B. core, crust, mantle C. crust, mantle, core D. crust, core, mantle

Ccrust, mantle, core

The Earth's atmosphere is mostly composed of which two gases?Choose one or more: A.argon B.methane C.ozone D.nitrogen E.carbon dioxide F.oxygen

D.nitrogen F.oxygen

What is the stream of charged particles given off from the Sun called? Choose one or more: A.the aurora borealis B.the Sun's corona C.the Van Allen belts wind wind

Which of the following are characteristics of a planet? Choose one or more: roughly spherical/surface smoothed by gravity must have an atmosphere must have cleared its orbit of debris cannot orbit a planet must show no signs of life must be within 30 AU of the Sun

roughly spherical/surface smoothed by gravity must have cleared its orbit of debris cannot orbit a planet

Match each stellar characteristic to the type of star it is associated with.

screen shot

Complete the diagram by dragging the names of the planets and features to their correct position within the Solar System.


Decide which type of plate boundary the following items would most likely be associated with.


Identify the following tectonic plates by dragging the appropriate labels to the targets.


Identify the location for which Harry Hess suggested that earthquakes occurring there were evidence of subduction and tectonic plate movement.


Label Earth's inner layers based on the video.


Label each target on the map below with the name of the appropriate geological feature.


Label the block diagram of the lithosphere appropriately.


Label the climate belts of Pangaea appropriately.


Label the diagram of Earth's magnetic field appropriately.


Label the features on the illustration of a subduction zone.


Label the image with the features of tectonic plates.


Label the polarity chrons with the appropriate title and polarity. Note that some of the chrons contain short-duration subchrons. The boundaries between the chrons are indicated by the heavy black lines. The thickness of layers on this diagram represents the duration of time during which the layer accumulated.


Match the geologic activity to the plate boundary where it occurs.


Move the boxes into the proper order, with the objects closest to the Sun on the left, and farthest from the Sun on the right.


Order the steps in continental collision.


Place in order the steps of the formation of the Universe.


Place the events in the order they occur between the mid-ocean ridge and deep-ocean trench.


Place the events that formed the Solar System in time order below.


Place the following Solar System objects in order from closest to the Sun to farthest from the Sun.


Place the label that identifies the correct layer of the Earth on the following diagram.


Scientists have been able to determine the numerical age of the most important events in history by using a combination of radiometric age dating and mathematical modeling. Please put the accompanying events in order from youngest (top) to oldest (bottom).


Sort outcomes of continental collision versus those related to ocean-ocean (oceanic) convergence.


The lithosphere and asthenosphere are known as physically different layers of the Earth because they behave very differently when deformed.S ort the items below into the correct boxes based on characteristics of the lithosphere and asthenosphere.


The oceanic crust has distinct layers because of the way it forms. For example, some forms from crystal mush, some from vertical sheets of magma, and some from lava erupted on the seafloor. With these processes in mind, label the layers.


This figure shows air temperature values in the layers of the Earth's atmosphere. Identify each layer by dragging the labels to the correct spot on the figure.


dentify the three types of plate boundaries by labeling the following image. Drag the correct label to the corresponding target.


Over 20 million years, the total offset across the fault is 480 kilometers. What is the average rate of motion along the fault?Choose one: A. 2.4 cm per year B. 0.000024 cm per year C. 2400 cm per year

A. 2.4 cm per year

What is the best estimate for the age of the Earth?Choose one: A. 4.56 billion years B. 13.8 billion years C. 541 million years D. 5.64 billion years

A. 4.56 billion years

Identify the correct labels for the uppermost layers of the Earth in this illustration. Choose one: A. A: crust, B: lithosphere, C: asthenosphere B. A: asthenosphere, B: core, C: crust C. A: crust, B: asthenosphere, C: lithosphere D. A: lithosphere, B: crust, C: asthenosphere

A. A: crust, B: lithosphere, C: asthenosphere

Name the person who proposed the hypothesis of continental drift. Choose one: A. Alfred Wegener B. James Hutton C. Charles Darwin D. Edwin Hubble

A. Alfred Wegener

Identify the true statement associated with this diagram. Choose one: A. Apparent polar-wander paths were created by measurement of the paleomagnetism in rocks of different ages from the same location. B. Apparent polar-wander paths prove that, over geologic time, the Earth's magnetic poles wandered up to 90° from their current position. C. The apparent polar-wander path of Africa is the same as that of Europe. D. The apparent polar-wander paths of North America and Europe are similar enough to indicate that these continents did not move with respect to each other.

A. Apparent polar-wander paths were created by measurement of the paleomagnetism in rocks of different ages from the same location.

Identify the true statement. Choose one: A. Plates shift the continents around as they move, so Earth's surface is constantly changing. B. There are 120 major tectonic plates. C. Plates may consist of both ocean floor and continental crust, but never just oceanic or continental crust. D. The contacts between plates are called passive margins.

A. Plates shift the continents around as they move, so Earth's surface is constantly changing.

Identify the true statement .Choose one: A. The composition of the giant (Jovian) planets is mainly gas and "ice." B. Our Sun is the only star we know of that has planets associated with it C. The Sun accounts for almost 50% of the Solar System's mass. D. The only two planets with moons are the Earth and Jupiter.

A. The composition of the giant (Jovian) planets is mainly gas and "ice."

Identify the statement that is true about the ocean floor. Choose one: A. The heat flow through it is greatest at mid-ocean ridges. B. It is covered by a layer of sediment composed of sand and pebbles. C. Oceanic crust has a lower density than continental crust has. D. Oceanic crust contains granite and metamorphic rocks.

A. The heat flow through it is greatest at mid-ocean ridges.

Identify the true statement. Choose one: A. The temperature at the Earth's center may almost equal the temperature of the Sun's surface. B. The pressure at the Earth's center is less than 300 times greater than normal atmospheric pressure. C. The geothermal gradient is the rate of change in pressure with depth in the Earth. D. The calculated density at the Earth's center makes scientists almost certain that the inner core is composed of diamond.

A. The temperature at the Earth's center may almost equal the temperature of the Sun's surface.

This diagram shows a convergent plate boundary. Which of the following statements is true? A. This is an example of ocean-continent convergence; the plate on the right is being subducted. B. This is an example of ocean-continent convergence; the plate on the left is being subducted. C. This is an example of ocean-ocean convergence; the plate on the left is being subducted. D. This is an example of ocean-ocean convergence; the plate on the right is being subducted.E. This is an example of continent-continent convergence; neither plate is being subducted.

A. This is an example of ocean-continent convergence; the plate on the right is being subducted.

Boundaries between the Earth's layers Choose one: A. are places where there is an abrupt change in the density of rock. B. occur because of tides. C. are defined by abrupt changes in earthquake density. D. are noted by the changing metal content of each layer.

A. are places where there is an abrupt change in the density of rock.

Rocks Choose one: A. can be an aggregate (mixture) of minerals. B. form under intense heat and pressure. C. are solids in which atoms are not arranged in an orderly pattern. D. are an accumulation of loose grains that have not been cemented together.

A. can be an aggregate (mixture) of minerals.

Imagine that the light you observe from space is exhibiting a redshift. This would mean that the Universe is Choose one: A. expanding. B. collapsing. C. traveling slower than the speed of sound. D. traveling faster than the speed of light.

A. expanding.

Choose the list that accurately shows rock composition decreasing in silica and increasing in iron and magnesium.Choose one: A. granite, basalt, peridotite B. granite, peridotite, basalt C. peridotite, basalt, granite D. basalt, peridotite, granite

A. granite, basalt, peridotite

After reclassification in 2005, Pluto is no longer classified as a planet, because it Choose one: A. has not cleared its orbit of other matter. B. does not orbit a star. C. is not spherical. D. is not large enough.

A. has not cleared its orbit of other matter.

Geology A. helped determine that the planet existed long before humans did. B. stands alone and does not incorporate other fields of physical science. C. is relevant to scientists, but not to the daily lives of everyday citizens. D. predicts that the Earth will soon stop changing naturally.

A. helped determine that the planet existed long before humans did.

Atoms that are heavier than iron are generally produced by Choose one: A. high-energy fusion reactions during the explosion of supernovae. B. the Big Bang. C. normal fusion reactions during the lifetime of the star. D. fission reactions within a star.

A. high-energy fusion reactions during the explosion of supernovae.

The earliest nebulae to form in the Universe were made almost entirely of Choose one: A. hydrogen and helium. B. carbon and nitrogen. C. chlorine and argon. D. iron and magnesium.

A. hydrogen and helium.

Which of the following groups of elements make up most of the mass of the whole Earth? Choose one: A. iron, oxygen, silicon, and magnesium B. silicon, iron, potassium, and sodium C. nitrogen, oxygen, helium, and carbon dioxide D. magnesium, iron, carbon dioxide, and argon

A. iron, oxygen, silicon, and magnesium

Oceanic crust Choose one: A. is covered by a thin blanket of sediment that thickens away from the ridge axis. B. is the same age as continental crust. C. has not been sampled directly, because it is too deep beneath the ocean. D. has the same composition as continental crust.

A. is covered by a thin blanket of sediment that thickens away from the ridge axis.

A mid-ocean ridge Choose one: A. is marked by a series of submarine volcanoes. B. is covered by a layer of basalt lava blobs called dikes. C. sits lower than the surrounding seafloor because its rock is hotter and less dense than its surroundings. D. is a submarine trench that winds through all the world's oceans.

A. is marked by a series of submarine volcanoes.

The crust Choose one: A. is separated from the mantle by the Moho. B. plus the upper part of the mantle make up the asthenosphere. C. is the top of the mantle that has cooled and hardened. D. can be separated into two types: lithosphere and asthenosphere.

A. is separated from the mantle by the Moho.

Asthenosphere Choose one: A. is warm enough to flow slowly. B. subducts when it collides with continental lithosphere. C. is the uppermost layer of Earth's core. D. is the lower layer of both continental and oceanic lithosphere.

A. is warm enough to flow slowly.

Marine magnetic anomalies result from seafloor spreading in conjunction with Choose one: A. magnetic polarity reversals. B. apparent wander of the magnetic poles. C. global warming. D. magnetic storms on the surface of the Sun

A. magnetic polarity reversals.

The Big Bang theory states that Choose one: A. nebulae condensed and heated to become spinning accretionary disks, then protostars, then stars. B. temperatures had to remain above 1 billion degrees in order for atoms to form C. the Earth formed 4.5 billion years ago by the accretion of several small planetesimals. D. the process of atom creation, termed Big Bang nucleosynthesis, produced all known natural elements.

A. nebulae condensed and heated to become spinning accretionary disks, then protostars, then stars.

A global map of seismicity shows seismic trends indicating the location of Choose one: A. plate boundaries. B. intraplate interaction. C. passive margins. D. polar wander paths.

A. plate boundaries.

Choose the one type of deposit that is typical of a subtropical climate where evaporation is high.Choose one: A. salt B. till C. reefs D. coal

A. salt

The reversals of the Earth's magnetic field were first discovered by Choose one: A. studying the paleomagnetism of volcanic rocks. B. observing an abrupt change in seismic wave velocities. C. studying the composition of silicate rocks. D. observing the geothermal gradient in gold mines 3.5 km below the surface.

A. studying the paleomagnetism of volcanic rocks.

The Mariana Trench is the deepest place on Earth. How was this deep-sea trench created? Choose one: A. subduction of the Pacific Plate B. subsidence of cold, dense oceanic crust C. creation of a large crater by the impact of an asteroid D. spreading of the Pacific Plate along the East Pacific Rise

A. subduction of the Pacific Plate

The Earth's magnetic field is created by Choose one: A. the flow of liquid iron in the Earth's molten outer core. B. convecting iron-rich silicates in the Earth's mantle. C. centrifugal force pushing on the Earth's crust. D. the rotation of the planet on its axis.

A. the flow of liquid iron in the Earth's molten outer core.

Sometimes more than two plates come together at a special kind of plate boundary, as shown in the figure. What type of plate boundary is shown here at the intersection between the African, Indian, and Antarctic plates? Choose one: A. triple junction B. modified transform plate boundary C. hot spot D. continental rift zone

A. triple junction

Our Moon Choose one: A. was formed by the collision of the Earth with a Mars-sized protoplanet. B. coalesced from gas and dust in its current place next to the Earth. C. was a separate small planet before it was captured by the Earth's gravity. D. spun off the fast-spinning Earth during the early formation of the Solar System.

A. was formed by the collision of the Earth with a Mars-sized protoplanet.

Select statements true of the Hawaiian Hot Spot.Choose one or more: A.It produced the Hawaiian Islands. B.It has moved beneath the Pacific Plate over geologic time. C.It produced the Emperor Seamounts. D.It is no longer active.

A.It produced the Hawaiian Islands. C.It produced the Emperor Seamounts.

Identify statements true of Pangaea. Choose one or more: A.Rates of seafloor spreading in the Atlantic Ocean are compatible with what is known about the breakup of Pangaea. B.Pangaea was one of several supercontinents that have formed and broken up during Earth's history. C.The regional-scale folds visible in the Appalachian Mountains are remnants of Pangaea's formation. D.Pangaea consisted of all of the Earth's continents pushed together with the exception of Antarctica.

A.Rates of seafloor spreading in the Atlantic Ocean are compatible with what is known about the breakup of Pangaea. B.Pangaea was one of several supercontinents that have formed and broken up during Earth's history. C.The regional-scale folds visible in the Appalachian Mountains are remnants of Pangaea's formation.

Which of the following patterns would you observe if you started at sea level and traveled upward through the Earth's atmosphere to an elevation of 100 km? Choose one or more: A.changes from warming trends to cooling trends at distinct boundaries B.a progressive decrease in temperature C.decreasing pressure D.increasing density E.decreasing density F increasing pressure

A.changes from warming trends to cooling trends at distinct boundaries C.decreasing pressure E.decreasing density

Use this diagram explaining how marine magnetic anomalies are detected to help you answer the question below. Which of the following variables could influence the width of marine magnetic anomalies on the floor of the ocean? Choose one or more: A.duration of the magnetic polarity event B.latitude at which the anomaly formed C.frequency of sunspot activity D.strength of the magnetic field E.rate at which the plates are moving away from the mid-ocean ridge

A.duration of the magnetic polarity event E.rate at which the plates are moving away from the mid-ocean ridge

Liquid water exists on the Earth, and its presence makes life as we know it possible. Which factors allow the Earth to have liquid water? A.the concentration of gases in the Earth's atmosphere B.the fact that the Earth is more than 4 billion years old C.distance of the Earth from the center of the Milky Way D.distance of the Earth from the Sun E.the composition of common rocks on the Earth

A.the concentration of gases in the Earth's atmosphere D.distance of the Earth from the Sun

Which statement accurately describes the relationship between air pressure and altitude, as illustrated in this figure? Choose one: A. Air pressure increases above 0.6 bars at an altitude of 7 km. B. At the top of Mt. Everest, air pressure is less than 0.4 bars. C. At the altitude that commercial jets fly (12-15 km), air pressure is higher than 1 bar. D. Air pressure increases linearly with altitude.

B. At the top of Mt. Everest, air pressure is less than 0.4 bars.

Identify the statement true of isostasy.Choose one: A. Isostasy is reached with the lithosphere is actively mixing with the asthenosphere. B. Isostasy is reached with the lithosphere is neither sinking nor rising relative to the asthenosphere. C. Isostasy is reached when the lithosphere is sinking into the asthenosphere. D. Isostasy is reached when the lithosphere is buoyantly rising within the asthenosphere.

B. Isostasy is reached with the lithosphere is neither sinking nor rising relative to the asthenosphere.

Identify the statement that is true about the Big Bang. Choose one: A. The Big Bang theory states that at the instant of explosion, atoms of all major elements came into existence. B. It began with all matter and energy concentrated in an infinitesimally small point. C. It occurred less than 13 million years ago. D. It is the explanation for how our Solar System developed.

B. It began with all matter and energy concentrated in an infinitesimally small point.

All time prior to the Phanerozoic is called the Choose one: A. Proterozoic. B. Precambrian. C. Paleozoic. D. Hadean.

B. Precambrian.

identify the true statement. Choose one: A. A deep-sea trench is a wedge-shaped mass of sediment scraped off a subducting plate as it slides under the overriding plate. B. Seafloor spreading behind a volcanic island arc creates a small ocean basin called a back-arc basin or marginal sea. C. A spreading boundary is always in the middle of the ocean basin where it is located. D. Plate boundaries where subduction occurs are also called passive boundaries.

B. Seafloor spreading behind a volcanic island arc creates a small ocean basin called a back-arc basin or marginal sea.

Identify the true statement. Choose one: A. Southwestern California and the Baja Peninsula are moving toward the southwest along the section of the Pacific Plate-North American Plate boundary called the San Andreas fault. B. The direction of movement of the Pacific Plate changed about 47 million years ago, which created a bend in the Hawaiian-Emperor hot-spot track. C. Plates move in response to only two mechanisms: the ridge-push force and the slab-pull force. D. The North American Plate is currently moving toward the northeast at about 5 meters per year.

B. The direction of movement of the Pacific Plate changed about 47 million years ago, which created a bend in the Hawaiian-Emperor hot-spot track.

Of the choices below, select the one that accurately pairs the feature with the type of plate boundary at which it occurs. Choose one: A. Black smokers occur at consuming boundaries. B. Trenches occur at subduction zones. C. Median valleys occur at transform boundaries. D. Accretionary prisms occur at divergent boundaries.

B. Trenches occur at subduction zones.

Which of the following trap(s) cosmic rays and shield(s) life on the Earth from excessive radiation? Choose one: A. Oort Cloud B. Van Allen belts C. Kuiper Belt D. asteroid belt

B. Van Allen belts

Which of the following issues initially prevented widespread acceptance of Alfred Wegener's continental drift hypothesis? Choose one: A. the presence of ancient glacial deposits in equatorial regions B. Wegener's lack of a good mechanism to explain why the continents moved C. the apparent match of the coastlines of Africa and South America D. the presence of identical terrestrial species on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean

B. Wegener's lack of a good mechanism to explain why the continents moved

Seafloor spreading is driven by volcanic activity that one: A. at the edges of continental shelves. B. along mid-ocean ridges. C. along fracture zones. D. in the middle of abyssal plains.

B. along mid-ocean ridges.

The heavier elements on the Earth (those with atomic numbers greater than 5) Choose one: A. were in existence at the moment of the Big Bang. B. are formed by stellar nucleosynthesis during the life cycles of existing stars. C. are constantly being created by fusion in our Sun and blown here by the solar wind. D. were formed immediately after the Big Bang.

B. are formed by stellar nucleosynthesis during the life cycles of existing stars.

The solar wind Choose one: A. caused the inner Solar System to have a higher proportion of gas and ice. B. blew light, gaseous elements out of the inner Solar System. C. is the term used to describe the large atoms formed during supernovae. D. created the Earth's atmosphere

B. blew light, gaseous elements out of the inner Solar System.

A scientific lawChoose one: A. has certain exceptions for a prescribed range of conditions. B. describes a specific relationship; an example is Newton's law of gravitation. C. explains why natural phenomena exist. D. is the same as an untested speculation.

B. describes a specific relationship; an example is Newton's law of gravitation

Over time, the Earth's interior separated into layers according to density, as shown here, through a process called Choose one: A. nucleosynthesis. B. differentiation. C. volatilization. D. fusion.

B. differentiation.

What kind of plate boundary is this fault? Choose one: A. dominantly divergent B. dominantly transform C. dominantly convergent

B. dominantly transform

The age of oceanic crust Choose one: A. indicates that the oldest oceanic crust is approximately 600 million years old B. has been determined by radiometric dating. C. is the same throughout the world's oceans. D. is greatest at the mid-ocean ridge and least farthest from the ridge.

B. has been determined by radiometric dating.

A scientific theory Choose one: A. is an idea or explanation that can be right or wrong. B. has been tested rigorously and has withstood all tests. C. is less convincing to scientists than a hypothesis. D. cannot be tested and therefore does not change.

B. has been tested rigorously and has withstood all tests.

Studies of interplanetary space have indicated that Choose one: A. both Mars and Venus lie within our Solar System's habitable zone. B. interplanetary space is much denser than interstellar space. C. the planets in our Solar System do not orbit within the same plane. D. the Earth's magnetic field is spherical.

B. interplanetary space is much denser than interstellar space.

Scientific cosmology Choose one: A. pertains to legends and verbal history about the beginnings of the Universe. B. investigates the overall structure and history of the Universe. C. proves the Big Bang theory. D. states that the two basic entities of the Universe are heat and light.

B. investigates the overall structure and history of the Universe.

Stellar nucleosynthesis Choose one: A. is a stream of atoms emitted from a star. B. is the process by which stars create the heavier elements. C. produces elements with an atomic number greater than 26 (iron). D. is a process that happens during the death of stars.

B. is the process by which stars create the heavier elements.

The two most common gases of the Earth's atmosphere, and their percentages, are Choose one: A. carbon dioxide (CO2), 21%; and oxygen (O2), 78%. B. nitrogen (N2), 78%; and oxygen (O2), 21%. C. oxygen (O2), 21%; and carbon dioxide (CO2), 78%. D. water (H2O), 21%; and oxygen (O2), 78%.

B. nitrogen (N2), 78%; and oxygen (O2), 21%.

According to the mantle plume model, hot-spot plumes Choose one: A. stream upward quickly because their hot rock is less dense than the overlying rock B. partially melt the base of the overlying lithosphere, and the magma that is formed rises toward the surface. C. produce volcanoes that always coincide with a plate boundary. D. are thought to originate at the crust-mantle boundary.

B. partially melt the base of the overlying lithosphere, and the magma that is formed rises toward the surface.

Magnetic anomalies are Choose one: A. found only on the seafloor. B. places where the magnetic field strength is either greater or less than the expected strength. C. measured with an instrument called an inclinometer. D. defined as the angle between which a compass needle points and the longitude at that point.

B. places where the magnetic field strength is either greater or less than the expected strength.

According to current plate tectonics theory,Choose one: A. a continental plate will subduct under an oceanic plate when the two converge. B. plates are composed of the crust and the uppermost part of the mantle. C. plates move at speeds of a few meters per year. D. plates move around by convection on the uppermost part of the mantle.

B. plates are composed of the crust and the uppermost part of the mantle.

The expanding Universe theory Choose one: A. is supported by the fact that all galaxies exhibit a blueshift. B. raises the question of when the expansion began. C. was developed before the Big Bang theory. D. contends that galaxies are moving away from the Earth and from each other at a very low velocity.

B. raises the question of when the expansion began.

During World War II, the military imaged the seafloor by sending pulses of sound waves down through the water and measuring the time it took for the sound to bounce off the seafloor and return to the receiver. This method, illustrated here, is called A. sounding. B. sonar. C. bathymetry. D. polar wander.

B. sonar.

Oceanic lithosphere Choose one: A. attains its maximum thickness when it is about 800 million years old. B. that is 10 million years old is cool enough to be denser than the asthenosphere, so it can sink down through the asthenosphere. C. gets warmer as it gets farther from the ridge axis. D. gets older and thinner as it gets farther from the ridge axis.

B. that is 10 million years old is cool enough to be denser than the asthenosphere, so it can sink down through the asthenosphere.

Geologists call the interconnected web of interacting processes and materials on (and in) the Earth Choose one: A. plate tectonics. B. the Earth System. C. external processes. D. the scientific method.

B. the Earth System.

Which of the following lines of evidence for continental drift/plate tectonics was found after Wegener published his theory? Choose one: A. the matching of the distribution of similar fossils across oceans B. the existence of mid-ocean ridges, where seafloor spreading starts C. the matching fit of the outline of some of the continents D. evidence of similar paleoclimates in belts across Pangaean latitudes.

B. the existence of mid-ocean ridges, where seafloor spreading starts

The global occurrence of earthquakes reveals that Choose one A. they prove that Earth is splitting apart (rifting) at all plate boundaries. B. they usually occur on the boundaries of plates or at hot spots. C. they usually occur at the center of plates. D. their locations are randomly scattered.

B. they usually occur on the boundaries of plates or at hot spots.

Earthquakes are generated Choose one: A. by the Earth's magnetic field. B. when rock moves along faults. C. only in the mantle. D. as pressure and temperature increase with depth in the Earth.

B. when rock moves along faults.

Identify statements true of the lithosphere and asthenosphere.Choose one or more: A.The lithosphere is denser than the asthenosphere. B.The lithosphere "floats" on the asthenosphere. C.The asthenosphere is relatively soft compared to the rigid lithosphere. D.The asthenosphere underlies the lithosphere.

B.The lithosphere "floats" on the asthenosphere. C.The asthenosphere is relatively soft compared to the rigid lithosphere. D.The asthenosphere underlies the lithosphere.

Using the figure above, predict the future location of the red circle. Note that the red circle will move, but the letters will not.Choose one: A B C D

C, screenshot

The early view of the Earth's interior layers resembled a hard-boiled egg. Identify the correct labels for this simplified view. Choose one: A. 1: lithosphere, 2: asthenosphere, 3: mantle B. 1: mantle, 2: core, 3: lithosphere C. 1: crust, 2: mantle, 3: core D. 1: core, 2: crust, 3: asthenosphere

C. 1: crust, 2: mantle, 3: core

Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune are Choose one: A. planetesimals. B. terrestrial planets. C. Jovian planets. D. rocky planets.

C. Jovian planets.

Which of the following statements about lithosphere and asthenosphere is true?Choose one: A. Asthenosphere consists of the lower, middle, and upper mantle, and is defined as mantle material that is cooler than 1280°C. B. Lithosphere and asthenosphere have the same physical properties; they are both rigid. C. Lithosphere consists of the crust and the upper mantle and behaves like a hard layer that breaks and bends. D. Lithosphere is more mafic than asthenosphere.

C. Lithosphere consists of the crust and the upper mantle and behaves like a hard layer that breaks and bends.

The Phanerozoic Eon is divided into three main intervals. From oldest to youngest, they are Choose one: A. Cenozoic, Paleozoic, and Mesozoic. B. Hadean, Archean, and Proterozoic. C. Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic. D. Mesozoic, Cenozoic, and Paleozoic.

C. Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic.

Which of the following statements is true?Choose one: A. The lithosphere lies below the asthenosphere. B. Plate tectonics theory explains how crust moves around on the outer core. C. The crust and the uppermost part of the mantle are, together, called the lithosphere. D. Plates are made of only crust.

C. The crust and the uppermost part of the mantle are, together, called the lithosphere.

Identify the true statement.Choose one: A. Ocean basins get narrower as a result of seafloor spreading. B. Ocean floor is created by the process of subduction. C. To keep the Earth's surface area constant, the amount of seafloor spreading must equal the amount of subduction. D. Subduction causes continents to move apart; seafloor spreading brings them together.

C. To keep the Earth's surface area constant, the amount of seafloor spreading must equal the amount of subduction

The Himalayas are growing because Choose one: A. two plates are diverging there. B. an oceanic plate is converging with a continental plate and subducting there. C. a continental plate is colliding with another continental plate there. D. two plates are moving past each other there.

C. a continental plate is colliding with another continental plate there.

The island of Hawaii is the youngest, and the islands get progressively older to the northwest. Plate tectonic theory explains this as Choose one: A. the rifting of the Pacific Plate, starting at the northwest end of the chain and extending southeast to Hawaii. B. microplates breaking loose from the Pacific Plate as it moves, leaving this chain of islands in its wake. C. a hot spot currently sitting under Hawaii and the Pacific Plate moving across it in a northwesterly direction. D. a hot spot moving under the Pacific Plate toward the southeast.

C. a hot spot currently sitting under Hawaii and the Pacific Plate moving across it in a northwesterly direction.

Which of the following would you consult to predict the effect of sea-level changes on the amount of exposed land areas? Choose one: A. seismic velocity graphs B. readings of a magnetosphere C. a hypsometric curve D. the ship's log of the Glomar Challenger

C. a hypsometric curve

Which of the following regions makes up the biggest percentage of the Earth's surface? Choose one: A. mountains B. deep-ocean trenches C. abyssal plains D. continental shelves E. the plains on continents

C. abyssal plains

Asteroids Choose one: A. are icy bodies that reside in the Oort Cloud. B. are evenly distributed throughout the Solar System .C. are rocky or metallic bodies that orbit the Sun. D. can be nanometers to a few kilometers in diameter.

C. are rocky or metallic bodies that orbit the Sun.

The rate of seafloor spreading Choose one: A. depends on the type of plate boundary (i.e., convergent, transform) at which it occurs. B. affects the magnetic polarity of the ocean floor. C. dictates the rate at which ocean basins grow wider. D. is on the order of meters per year.

C. dictates the rate at which ocean basins grow wider.

The rate at which temperature increases as depth increases is the Choose one: A. Milankovitch cycle. B. metamorphic grade. C. geothermal gradient. D. concentration gradient.

C. geothermal gradient.

Our Sun Choose one: A. can be classified as a high-mass star. B. is a first-generation star. C. has a region around it where volatile materials remain gaseous. D. consists of 74% hydrogen and 24% nitrogen.

C. has a region around it where volatile materials remain gaseous.

Alfred Wegener's idea of continental drift was rejected by American geologists because Choose one: A. his English was too poor to be understood by them. B. the apparent fit of continental coastlines is blurred when the margins are defined by the edges of continental shelves rather than sea level. C. he could not conceive of a valid mechanism that would cause continents to shift positions. D. he had relatively little evidence supporting the existence of a supercontinent.

C. he could not conceive of a valid mechanism that would cause continents to shift positions.

Continental crust Choose one: A. is denser than oceanic crust. B. is thinner than oceanic crust. C. is thinnest beneath zones of stretching, called rifts. D. is more mafic than oceanic crust.

C. is thinnest beneath zones of stretching, called rifts.

The Earth is round because Choose one: A. the solar wind has shaped it. B. erosion over time has worn down the jagged edges of its planetesimals. C. its interior rock is warm enough to flow slowly in response to gravity. D. the gravitational tug of the Moon has worn down the jagged edges.

C. its interior rock is warm enough to flow slowly in response to gravity.

Cynognathus, Glossopteris, Mesosaurus, and Lystrosaurus are Choose one: A. names of supercontinents that existed before Pangaea. B. distinctive assemblages of rocks. C. land-dwelling species whose distribution suggested joined continents. D. the names of the most recent periods of magnetic reversal.

C. land-dwelling species whose distribution suggested joined continents.

The Doppler effect Choose one A. occurs when the frequency of sound waves received is lower if the wave source is moving toward you than if it's moving away. B. can be applied only to sound waves. C. occurs when the pitch of a sound gets lower if the source is receding. D. is the basic explanation for the blue shift of light in our Universe.

C. occurs when the pitch of a sound gets lower if the source is receding.

The Earth's magnetic field is generated in the Choose one: A. upper mantle. B. crust C. outer core. D. inner core.

C. outer core.

Continents Choose one: A. may subduct if they are old and dense enough. B. have retained the same size and shape throughout Earth's history. C. passively ride along as the sea floor spreads. D. plow their way through the sea floor.

C. passively ride along as the sea floor spreads.

The paleomagnetic record is Choose one: A. asymmetric across the mid-ocean ridge. B. preserved only in basalt layers on the seafloor. C. preserved in stripes of rock parallel to the mid-ocean ridge. D. a puzzle; it contradicts the seafloor-spreading concept.

C. preserved in stripes of rock parallel to the mid-ocean ridge.

Magnetic reversals Choose one: A. happen slowly as the magnetic poles wander and finally cross the equator. B. are localized phenomena that are recorded differently in the rock record at various locations. C. reflect changes in the direction of the flow of molten iron in the Earth's outer core. D. are caused by lightning strikes and/or chemical reactions.

C. reflect changes in the direction of the flow of molten iron in the Earth's outer core.

Accretionary prisms form due to what process? Choose one: A. rifting B. transform motion C. subduction D. divergence

C. subduction

Which of the following lines of evidence was discovered after Wegener developed his theory that continents drift? Choose one: A. the presence of matching mountain chains on continents currently separated by oceans B. the location of ancient till deposits and striations that indicated glacial movement toward the interior of continents C. the presence of earthquakes in seismic belts along trenches, ridges, and fracture zones D. the distribution of fossil species

C. the presence of earthquakes in seismic belts along trenches, ridges, and fracture zones

If the star Alpha Centauri, 4.37 light-years distant from the Earth, were to explode this instant, when would we be aware of this event?Choose one: A. never B. instantly C. 2.15 years from now D. 4.37 years from now

D. 4.37 years from now

As the map below shows, the oldest seafloor is generally less than 200 million years old. Why? Choose one: A. When oceanic floor becomes older than 200 million years, it turns into continental crust. B. According to geological dating methods, the entire Earth is less than 200 million years old. C. Heat from volcanic activity remelts parts of the ocean floor once it becomes 200 million years old. D. All oceanic lithosphere eventually gets subducted beneath the continents by the time it is 200 million years old.

D. All oceanic lithosphere eventually gets subducted beneath the continents by the time it is 200 million years old.

The boundary separating the crust from the mantle is called theChoose one: A. lithosphere. B. asthenosphere. C. heliosphere. D. Moho.

D. Moho.

Late Paleozoic glacial deposits are not found in which of the following places?Choose one A. Southern Africa B. India C. South America D. North America

D. North America

Identify the true statement.Choose one: A. All polarity chrons are the same length of time; they differ only in the magnetic strengths they represent .B. The series of rock stripes perpendicular to and bilaterally symmetric across the mid-ocean ridge records the sequence of the Earth's magnetic reversals over time. C. The width of each rock stripe is a measure of how long the polar direction took to change. D. Positive magnetic anomalies occur over areas of seafloor when the poles of the Earth's magnetic field and the paleopoles preserved in the seafloor basalt agree.

D. Positive magnetic anomalies occur over areas of seafloor when the poles of the Earth's magnetic field and the paleopoles preserved in the seafloor basalt agree.

Identify the true statement. Choose one: A. New oceanic crust is ultramafic in composition. B. As the seafloor spreads, the lithosphere rises to fill the space between plates. C. Some magma generated during seafloor spreading spills out to produce a new layer of seafloor called gabbro. D. Some magma generated during seafloor spreading erupts from submarine volcanoes.

D. Some magma generated during seafloor spreading erupts from submarine volcanoes.

Identify the true statement.Choose one: A. A stellar wind consists of the debris that is exploded out of a star as it "dies." B. Planetesimals that were larger than 1 km in diameter gravitationally pulled in all surrounding dust, ice, and smaller planetesimals to become asteroids. C. Volatile materials are those that melt only at high temperatures. D. The center material of our Solar System's protoplanetary disk developed into the Sun, while the series of surrounding dust, gas, and ice rings became planets.

D. The center material of our Solar System's protoplanetary disk developed into the Sun, while the series of surrounding dust, gas, and ice rings became planets.

Plate tectonics theory took decades to be accepted Choose one :A. because most of Wegener's ideas turned out to be wrong. B. because climate, fossil distributions, and land shape offered conflicting evidence. C. because of pure stubbornness by the scientific community. D. because Wegener couldn't explain how continents moved.

D. because Wegener couldn't explain how continents moved.

Stars Choose one: A. have unlimited amounts of fuel and therefore exist indefinitely. B. all explode cataclysmically when they die and contribute their matter to future star generations. C. create elements by splitting the nuclei of small atoms into the nuclei of larger atoms. D. begin as protostars, which fire up when they collapse and become denser and hotter.

D. begin as protostars, which fire up when they collapse and become denser and hotter.

The rate of plate motion Choose one: A. can range from 100 to 150 cm per year. B. cannot be expressed as absolute plate velocity, which describes movement of a single plate relative to a fixed point, because no points on Earth are actually "fixed". C. can only be determined within a few meters by using the Global Positioning System (GPS). D. can be expressed as relative plate velocity, which describes movement of one plate in relation to another plate.

D. can be expressed as relative plate velocity, which describes movement of one plate in relation to another plate.

Continental mountain ranges such as the Alps and Appalachians are the result of which of the following? Choose one: A. triple junction B. rifting C. hot spots D. collision

D. collision

Alfred Wegener proposed the idea of continental drift after he observed evidence from fossils, glacial deposits, and the fit of the continents that suggested all of the continents were once Choose one: A. aligned east to west along the equator during the late Mesozoic through the Cenozoic. B. aligned north to south along the prime meridian during the late Cenozoic. C. combined to form a supercontinent (which he termed Rodinia) in the Proterozoic. D. combined to form a supercontinent (which he termed Pangaea) in the late Paleozoic through the Mesozoic.

D. combined to form a supercontinent (which he termed Pangaea) in the late Paleozoic through the Mesozoic.

Which of the following methods of heat transfer occurs when an increase in temperature creates a decrease in density, causing the warm, less-dense material to rise as shown in this diagram?Choose one: A. conduction B. radiation C. advection D. convection

D. convection

The figure shown here is a typical example of a ____________ plate boundary.Choose one: A. transform B. divergent C. rifting D. convergent

D. convergent

This diagram shows how the tilt of a magnetic needle changes with latitude. Which part of the Earth's magnetic field does this tilt represent? Choose one: A. declination B. anomaly C. polar wander D. inclination

D. inclination

Differentiation of large planetesimals and protoplanets Choose one: A. was inhibited by the presence of radioactive elements because their decay absorbs heat from the surroundings. B. began with cooling down the component materials within these bodies. C. is the process by which these bodies collide to form larger celestial bodies. D. is caused by heat created by the transformation of kinetic energy from collisions into thermal energy.

D. is caused by heat created by the transformation of kinetic energy from collisions into thermal energy.

A negative magnetic anomaly Choose one: A. occurs when the Earth's magnetic field measured in ancient rocks is the same as it is today. B. is created when weak magnetic forces in basalt grains add to the force produced by the Earth's dipole. C. describes the sawtooth pattern of magnetic signal strength measured along the Atlantic Ocean seafloor. D. is indicated when a magnetometer measures intervals of magnetism that are weaker than expected.

D. is indicated when a magnetometer measures intervals of magnetism that are weaker than expected.

The geothermal gradient Choose one: A. increases exponentially as you go deeper into the Earth. B. averages about 5°C per kilometer in the upper crust. C. indicates that temperatures near the mantle-core boundary may exceed the temperature of the Sun (5,500°C). D. is the rate of change in temperature with depth in the Earth.

D. is the rate of change in temperature with depth in the Earth.

You could summarize our Solar System's development by saying that Choose one: A. the central dense ball of the bulbous disk developed into the planets. B. it formed solely from atoms generated by the Big Bang. C. outlying material of the disk condensed into second-generation stars. D. its formation began as gravity pulled material into a swirling, bulbous disk.

D. its formation began as gravity pulled material into a swirling, bulbous disk.

Which of the Earth's layers accounts for most of the volume of the Earth? Choose one: A. inner core B. crust C. lithosphere D. mantle

D. mantle

Plate movement is influenced by each of the following EXCEPT Choose one: A. slab pull, in which the downgoing oceanic plate exerts a pull on the rest of the plate. B. ridge push, in which the elevated rocks at the ridge axis push on rocks farther from the ridge. C. mantle convection, which creates shear at the base of plates. D. mantle plumes, which are created when hot rock rises up from the deep mantle and creates melting at the base of the lithosphere.

D. mantle plumes, which are created when hot rock rises up from the deep mantle and creates melting at the base of the lithosphere.

The center of a mid-ocean ridge is where Choose one: A. molten basalt sinks back into Earth. B. two continental plates converge. C. you find the oldest, densest, hottest oceanic crust. D. new oceanic lithosphere is being created.

D. new oceanic lithosphere is being created.

The Earth's magnetic field is generated by which of the following layers? Choose one: A. inner core B. atmosphere C. mantle D. outer core E. crust

D. outer core

The apparent tendency of the north (or south) magnetic pole to vary in position over time is termed Choose one: A. magnetic declination. B. magnetic inclination. C. dipole. D. polar wander.

D. polar wander.

Pangaea Choose one: A. is the name for the first supercontinent; others have existed more recently. B. broke apart because of the force created by the Earth's rotation. C. means all for one. D. started to break apart during the Mesozoic.

D. started to break apart during the Mesozoic.

Which of the following is caused by the interaction of the solar wind with magnetic lines of force and gases in polar regions? Choose one: A. the heliosphere B. a dipole C. the Van Allen belts D. the aurorae

D. the aurorae

Peridotite is Choose one: A. extremely abundant at the Earth's surface. B. poor in iron and magnesium, and rich in silica. C. felsic. D. the most abundant rock in the Earth.

D. the most abundant rock in the Earth.

This image shows Choose one: A. an example of nuclear fission B. how supernovae form. C. the formation of electromagnetic radiation. D. two atoms combining during nuclear fusion.

D. two atoms combining during nuclear fusion.

Earthquakes but not volcanoes occur in San Francisco because Choose one: A. a continental plate is colliding with another continental plate there. B. two plates are diverging there. C. an oceanic plate is converging with a continental plate and subducting there. D. two plates are moving past each other there.

D. two plates are moving past each other there.

The heliocentric model Choose one: A. was developed by Ptolemy and supported by his mathematical equations. B. states that the Earth is the center of the Universe, and the Moon and planets revolve around it .C. was widely accepted during the Middle Ages (about 476-1400 C.E.). D. was supported by Johannes Kepler's observation that planets follow an elliptical orbit.

D. was supported by Johannes Kepler's observation that planets follow an elliptical orbit.

Which of the following features protects Earth against high-energy cosmic radiation and very fast-moving solar wind particles? Choose one: A. Kuiper Belt B. magnetosphere C. Oort Cloud D. heliosphere E. Van Allen radiation belts

E. Van Allen radiation belts

Alfred Wegener used the orientation of glacial striations left by late Paleozoic glaciers as evidence that the continents were combined to form Pangaea during the glaciation. Drag the correct arrow, indicating the direction of glacial movement, to the correct spot.


Bathymetric maps of the seafloor show Choose one: bands of vertical fractures (fracture zones) that run parallel to mid-ocean ridges. broad, flat abyssal plains that sit at depths of 1 to 2 km below sea level. a flat, featureless deep seafloor. elongate trenches that reach 8 to 10 km deep (enough to hold Mt. Everest).

elongate trenches that reach 8 to 10 km deep (enough to hold Mt. Everest).

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