Geography Exam 3 Study Guide

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Describe two valuable "legacies" that South Asia "inherited" from the British colonists.

As a result, South Asia today has become a prominent "player" in several hi-tech industries, such as software design, movie and music production, and computer-telecom help desks.

What is the main consequence of this "collision" between crustal plates?

It is fast enough to push up the highest mountain range in the world.

Describe the situation in summer: 1. air temperature? 2. position of the jet stream? 3. air pressure? 4. wind direction? 5. rainfall?

1. In summer, the continent is warm. 2. The jet stream flows around the north side of the mountains. 3. Air pressure is low, and 4. Winds blow toward the northeast, from the ocean to the land.

Describe the situation in winter: 1. air temperature? 2. position of the jet stream? 3. air pressure? 4. wind direction? 5. rainfall?

1. In winter, the continent is cold. 2. The jet stream is pushed to the south side of the mountains. 3. Air pressure is high, and 4. Winds blow toward the southwest, from the land to the ocean.

Which of the following statements about Pakistan is INCORRECT?

Pakistan is made up of a small group of islands

How can the motion of the crustal plates cause the formation of a large body of rich volcanic soil?

Remember that the crustal plate is moving northward. As it crossed a hot spot deep inside the earth, volcanoes erupted and spread lava over a large area.

What is the significance of this old map showing the areas where most people follow Islam?

This old map (from the same Imperial Gazetteer) shows the areas where Islam was the main religion.

How were the Himalayas formed?

by the collision of peninsular India with the Asian landmass

What two countries in South Asia have nuclear weapons?

india and pakistan

What is the big exception to the rule about cultural isolation in South Asia?

At the time of the Islamic caliphs (say around the year 900) their role as intermediaries in the trade between Europe and China made Arabian and South Asian cities among the richest in the world.

What country of South Asia has been one of the most successful in the region in reducing its fertility rate?


Which of the following statements about India is INCORRECT?

Bangladesh gained its independence from India in 1971

What language has been suggested as a neutral national language in India?


What religion dominates in India?


Which country of South Asia has the largest population in the region?


What religion dominates in Pakistan and Bangladesh?


What is the significance of this old map showing the areas where most people follow Buddhism, Jainism, or Sikhism?

Islam and Hinduism were the most important religions in the region, but other religions were locally important in several areas.

What territory in South Asia is claimed by both India and Pakistan?


What do you call a landform that sticks out into an ocean, like a large nose or thumb?

Like Europe, South Asia is basically a large peninsula. It extends out from Eurasia into the Indian Ocean, where it separates the Arabian Sea from the Bay of Bengal.

Which of the following best describes the geography of religion in India?

Most of the people are Hindu, but about 15% are Muslim.

In which of the following countries of South Asia is Hinduism the majority religion?


What is the significance of this old map showing the areas where most people follow Hinduism?

Note that Hindus were less than 40 percent of the population in several places.

How fast is this part of the crust moving?

Now, it is moving northward at a rate of about 2 inches per year.

Which of the following countries of South Asia is an island?

Sri Lanka

How can a mountain range help cause the wind reversal called the monsoon?

That is high enough to block the jet stream, the west-to-east flow of air high in the atmosphere. The jet stream has to go around the mountains.

What climatic factor dominates South Asia, often causing summer floods?


What physical feature is needed for orographic precipitation to occur?


In what part of India are Dravidian languages most likely to be spoken?


What is the rain-shadow effect?

the area of low rainfall found on the leeward (downwind) side of a mountain range

Why did the Bengalis in the former East Pakistan fight for independence?

they felt like they were treated as second class citizens

After the partitioning of India in the late 1940s and the subsequent formation of Bangladesh in 1971, what was Pakistan's policy toward the Pashtun tribes in the country?

to retain the British policy, and allow them to maintain nearly full autonomy

South Asia could soon surpass East Asia to become the world's most populous region.


The Islamic religion dominates in Pakistan and Bangladesh.


What are some problems caused by the fact that the country borders were drawn primarily on the basis of religion?

Unfortunately, the resulting borders do not pay much attention to things like language or the flow of water.

Describe how this volcanic soil helped make India a very valuable colony for Great Britain?

When combined with a long growing season and monsoon rain, these volcanic and floodplain soils make excellent fields for crops like cotton.

What happens where the jet stream "piles up" against the high mountains?

Where the jet stream (blowing from west to east) "piles up" against the high mountains, air is pushed downward and makes a desert.

What is the result in this area when the jet stream "collides" with the high mountains?

Where the jet stream (blowing from west to east) "piles up" against the high mountains, air is pushed downward and makes a desert.

What are some consequences of the fact that most of India is closer to the equator than Texas?

You could put about eight states as big as Texas into South Asia, but most of this region is closer to the equator (and therefore hotter) than South Texas.

What causes these rivers to flow parallel to each other? What is the main effect of that?

the crustal collision made these parallel ranges of mountains, you are right.

How do the Himalayas compare with the highest mountains in the United States?

the highest peaks are almost twice as high as the tallest mountains in Colorado or California.

Describe how Gandhi and other resistance leaders finally helped India gain independence.

After a very long struggle (you can read about Gandhi and other resistance leaders on the internet), South Asia finally gained independence.

Describe the nature of the dispute over the region called Kashmir.

The area called Kashmir is the focus of one dispute over how the land and water should be divided.

What was the name of the process of dividing South Asia into several independent countries?

The political leaders tried to solve the problem of religious differences by "partitioning" the area into several separate countries.

How does the size of South Asia compare with Europe?

The subcontinent of South Asia is almost half as large as Europe.

What happened after Spain finally reconquered Gibraltar? How did this affect South Asia?

Then Spain finally reconquered Gibraltar. Europeans began to sail around the world, making colonies overseas and factories at home. A different combination of conditions gave South Asia a new role.

What is the consequence of this combination of a bone-dry desert, the world's highest mountains, and the parallel canyons?

This combination of conditions makes this area one of the hottest and driest deserts in the world.

Bangladesh was part of Bhutan from 1948 until 1971.


The most serious natural hazard in Bangladesh is volcanoes.


What is the most serious natural hazard in Bangladesh?


Where do most people in South Asia live?

in compact rural villages

With which religion was the Mughal Empire of South Asia identified?


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