geography notes

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

november 29- december 3 2017 on Wednesday, nov 29, in bio we talked about heredity. math was broing. in choir we pratcied our skngs more. in french we had an australian sub and did a worksheet. for mutual Wednesday we mae our shirts for the ward christmas party skit. no tv that night. on Thursday, nov 30, in ap geo we had our test. I got 96/106 on the questions. I am so proud of myself. in english we talked about how to make a powwerpoint. in seminsry we talked about complimenting others and makingnthem happy. in woods we took our test. I didn't do so well. I got 89% or a b+ oh well. after the test we played cards. Thursday after school I took my honors rest and I passed! yay. Thursday night we watched a crossover episode of the flash and green arrow. it was weird. firday, dec 1, in bio we talked more about heredity. math we had a sub, and it was really boring. in choir I had to play and we failed. I am goijg to practice suprr a lit so hopefully we get better. in ffrenhc we had a punishment lesson because we failed on the self start. oh well. fridsy after school my choir talent show grouo came over and we practi ed. we also wrote out our harmonies. then, I went ttot the ward christmas party. it was fun. echo didn't come. we had to perform in a skit, and it was kind of awkward but meh. then, I went to a mxovie night at skye caden/ nancy sorensons house. it was really fjn. we watched pnyo, which I haven't seen in years. it was so giid. Saturday, december 2, I slept in thn went shopping with mom. I am si haopy. ee actua,ly found me some long sleeved stuff that fits and that I like. then I showered then haad my piano concert. ggp, ggb and kevins facn.ily came and suprised me there. kt went pretty well. then we drove up to slc snc eent to see tghr zoo kivhts. they were pretty cool. I had mac and cheese at the beastro and we got to see different animals and some really cool knkghtd. Sunday december 3. fast Sunday. sister smith taught a really good lesson about sharinv the gospel. in sundqy school ee gallkrd about hos its not alwqays abot us. mosfly,its about thise we serve. I maxe banana bread,then wsnf fi. hiir praxtkce. it was ok. ghen i came home and made apple furnovers. ggb and great gransm

bauer came obed for djnner. I got to play them some ukulele so gs. then we wat he'd the chrust aa devotional. it snowed or like 15 minutes afterwards, but it didn't really stick. I'm sad. I snt it to snow. we watched another episode of the flash. now iris has a brother and its wally west and he is completely differnt from the cartoons. ugh. oh well. I hope it snows overnight. night klb minday 12/4/17 yazy I snowed. but itcalk mrlted bt the time I got hone. in ap we started chaoterv three. we also workrdbon story maos. in englidsh we tlked abiur itony. in xeminary we got our new questions. I had the main quesrion to at so I had to teach. wsdid nothing in wooxs today. I cleanes my room this afternoon and eveijv. then we had cookies and warched another episode of the flash. night klb Tuesday 12/5/17 in bio we talked more about heredity and whales. math was so boring. I almkst fell asleep. in cnoir we went oer all of our songs. I'm not going to play for the concert and I'm sad. in french we talked more about past participles and different verb posisiotns and direct objects. its all kind of confusing. I read a lot of the afternoon then did some hw. we watched the new studio c. latelt they haven't been super funnybbut there's still good. part of an episode of the flash. lots of death and drama. (dramatic irony mainly).(#englishclasswhereiactuallylearnedsomethingforonce) night klb Wednesday 12/6/17 in ap we.talked about rsce and how cheer is really only on- human. I'm engkish we read a story about greed. in seminary we rotsted around and deciphered.the meanings of different scriptures. in woods I resd the while tim. for mutual we went "caroling". they broight the stand up speaker and played music thriugh it. it was all instrumental, but I didn't thnk thatbitwas verybtraditonal caroling. it was fun though. it is freezing and although they forcast says no chsnce of precipitwtion the sky is super ckoudy si u hopen it sniws. night klb Thursday throygh Saturday 12/7/17-12/9/17 thursday- bio, counselor came and talke about scholarships. dint remember math. chokr couple positions. french. game and pop quiz. friday- geo, culture groups. english poem yest booktalk and reading day. seminary- group game about different parts In mosiah. woods studied for geo stated quiz. fridaynight went on polar express. reofe caboos e. went to meas and hung out for a while. Saturday. slept in, then had horrivle cramps. mom anf dad nicj birthdsy shopping. made frosting vot brownies and wrapped presents. porter family paryy. giant mnm for stacey. socks and weird calander. nativity was fun to help djo. nig klb Sunday 12/10/17- NICKS BIRTHDAY nicksbday. cinnamon rolls for breakfast. sister bjshop taught bout spirituql gifts. brother peterson taught about leadership. got set apart for miamaid secretary. had first presidency mrrting. did not need any iboprofin today. made cupcakes and frosting. tried to do geo homeworkbut it didn't eork. ggp and great grandma portercame for dinner. ggb,gratgrandma bauer, kevin and jessica and julie and jef fam came. jef, kevin and grant couldn't come- grant sick and jef with him and kevin had music practice. fun to see cousins and to tsalk with them. no flash ronight. night klb Monday 12/11/17 bio- bill nye video math- gralhing calculator chlir-- positions french- quiz homework all day and night Tuesday 12/12/17 geo- mormon characteristics english- presentations for country project seminary- test and donuts woods- hw and pokl table cleaned toyroom with f,gundersons and luke. kuke slammed his fingers in a door. piano lessona. started looking at competition music. choir concrt. crazy fast and slightly overwhelming. ggp and grandma b came with all the fam. night klb wedneday- Thursday wed- bio, mutations in genes .math- more graphing calculators choir- talent show. had to perfrom french- movie joyeux noel mutuwl- decorated cookies at our house Thursday geo- middle east region lab english- more presentations seminary- bullying and baptism woods- played pool stayed after and went to library then to a little of the choir chridtmss party. brother shsrp is putting in more lights fir us in the front room and my room and a fan in the loft. sorina invited me to go to the MTC christmas concrrt thng. it was so fun. we ate at olive garden then drove up to sl. it took forever. then we watchdd the show. it was really good!!! thrn we had to find our car. then we went to wendys and got ice. ream. night klb

november 3 2017 today in geo we talked about demographic winyer- where the population is shrinkling severly. in english we read the whole class. seminary we talked about how we can turn our stumbling blocks into stepping stones. in woods I laser engraved my bosrd and put on the grip tape. I haven't told my parents, but I shoukd be finushed with it next class. I just have to pjt the wheels on. we did a bunch of party ptrp for jakes psrty tomroow. I made a death by chocolqate cake ssnd I filled souvoneer pyramids with "gold" cnady. I also went njon a ride wround the neighborhood with luke. ee had pizza and watched part of the mummy. then the boys got scared, so I went upstairs and folded laundry and did dishes because I felt like being productivd. then jske and I watched some more of thr mummy. its weird but interedting. night klb november 4 2017 today I slept in until 10. I the went downstairs and frosted nakes cake. afteer that, we had lunch. jake had a mummy cake. it was really cool. (and delicious). I then wentt t and read for a while. after that, jake had his birthdy party. he had like 8 friendw over. they were all strqnge. I took the little boys up stairs and we watches tv while jake xid an escape room. I ant to xo it with my friendss next week. the we did presdnts and cke. the i we t up stairs and watchex mo tv. then ech coame over. wd hung iut for a whild, then had didnner. after.dinner we counted how many sets of twins were in our grade last hear who are srill at our school. there are 11 sets! its crazy! we thdn watchesd spidmqn 2(the one with doc octopus). after tnqt we ate cake and finiwned the mummy. then echo had to go nome. tomoorow is daylight sqvings aandn faat sundqy. I am excited because it mea s I can sleep in. night klb november 5 2017 today was fast.Sunday andd daylight savings. ,om was sick and had to fo tonthr instwcare so she srayed home. church was nicen. when I got home I reakized it wasnshwrk week again. I had to eat a little food so I coukd take some iboprpofin then I skept for 3 hiurs. we also had tithing settlement. we wat he'd some youtube and finishenthrn chocolate cwke. thrn I did some hw. night klb november 6 2017- jakes 12th birthday jake turned 12 today. in bio we hd a quiz then corrected papers for the resr of class. marh was boring. ee sang more songs in choir. in french we talked about reflexive and se verbs. I went and chcked my honors packrt. I missed a bunch so illl babe to redo them. I came home and made a. frencb vanilla chocolate chip cake. I did my piano then j did my engkish homeowkr. thrn I made peanut buttrr frosting. then ee had dinner with grandma grandpa and great grandma bauer. thrn kevin and jessicz and their kids came over for cqke and presents. it was fun to see them. I gave jake one odnthr books in the teslas attic serries. he has been wantimg them fir a while. he also now has enough money for his 3D prinfer. hrx really excited. night klb


Journal October 18 2017 In bio today we had our inorganic chemistry test. It was really easy. I'm math we also had a year, but it was really easy as well. In choir we did speed voicing, which wasn't very fun, but it has to be done. In French we had our first lesson taught by the student teacher. She also brought a bagette that we shared. After shool, I rushed home and we got Jake from school then drive to the airport. After waiting FORVER for security, we got on the plane (my first time in 11 years and the first time that I will ever remmebr ) It was ok, but it wasn't as cool as I thought it would be. I honestly didn't feel like we moved at all it just felt like a ride at Disneyland. I was very grateful to have food and get to listen to my book. It was really nice. We got here safe and sound, in the pouring rain. There was really bad turbulence at the end and mom got sick. We drove around (in our rental car) and found our house. It is 4 stories, and it pretty cool. I'm on the second story. Ok I have to explain how the house is. 1 floor. Door from parking spot and laundry room 2 floor. Room with bunkbeds and another room with a queen, aka my room and then Nick and Luke are on the bunkbeds. There is also a bathroom. 3 florr. Kitchen and main room. Jake is on the pull out couch. 4 floor. Master bedroom, for mom and dad. Every floor besides the first has a balcony, and my parents is leaking into the third floor, right onto Jake's head. Hopefully we can get that fixed tomorrow. Also, after we got here dad and I went to trader Joe's and got some groceries, do we ended up having a late dinner at 815 Seattle time. Our first stop for tomorrow us hopefully the underground tour, but we'll have to see. Night! Klb October 19 2017 Today after we woke up we drove down to pioneer square. We walked around for a little but, then we did the underground tour. It was really good, but there was a lot of potty humor. After that we went to a toy store. It had some cool stuff, though we didn't get anything. After that we drove down to the harbor. We went a got our tickets then we had lunch. I had clam chowder with Dad and the boys had nuggets and fries. Mom had a chicken sandwich. After that we went on the harbor tour. It was really cool. They took us out on this boat and pulled way out into the lake and did a big circle so we saw like all of the skyline of the city. It was really pretty. After that we went into a curiosity shop. It was kind of lame, but they had a lot of cool stuff. After that we walked to pikes market. We saw the guys throwing fish, then we walked around for a little while. They had a cool boonstire that I liked, but I didn't get anything. After that we went to the original Starbucks and got hot chocolate. While we were waiting for them to make it, we went next door and got some really good pastries. I liked the marzipan one the best. Then, we walked through the rest of pikes market. It was pretty cool. We then went down and saw the gum wall. It was disgusting. It was basically an alley that someone decided it would be cool to put gum on the wall and then everyone else did too, so there's gum all up and down this alley. It was so gross. Naturally, we put some up some gum too. After that, we walked to the lubrary. It's really cool. It has 10 stories, and we saw all but 2 of them. (thry were not open to the public. Jake says they were like offices and stuff). After that, we walked all the way back to our car and drove back and went to trader Joe's again. We got some pizza popcorn and stuff then we came back to the house and watched inspector gadget 2. It was pretty funny. In excited because tomorrow we are going to go to the zoo and hopefully the space Needle! Night! Klb October 20 2017 This morning we went to the zoo. It was raining so there was no one there, but it was really fun. We got to see the new baby giraffe. Luke wasso excited the whole day. We had lunch at the zoo and I got to have clam chowder. It was really good, but not as good as Ivers. Afterthezoo we drove and saw the Fremont troll. It was huge! Space Needle Monorail Mall Monorail Food court Park Space Needle October 21 2017 Aquarium Sxince center Lunch Movie Nap Activities Halloween boring show Butterfly room Store Dinner Ice cream Tv with Jake Bed october 22 2017 gasworks park airport waiting room plane grandma and grandpa bauers home tv bed october 23 2017 slept in till 11 food homework shoe shopping dinner washed cars tv bed october 24 2017 geo- computer lab english- finished stuff from last time read the wholetime seminary- got into groups for project. mine is joshua, heather, nate, and brin woods- cut out skateboard boys piano recital. I had to play a piece. ggp came for dinner tv bed october 25 2017 bio- sub, busy work math- new seats. boring stuff as always choir- positions for concert french- new verbs taught by byu student homework nap concert dies irae, double, carlos domingez, jabberwocky, thriller dinner bed october 26 2017 geo- lab work again english- sub and written tezt semknary- hope and hope letter for the future woods- sanded skateboard mom sick tv with boys concert at timp dinner bed october 27 2017 bio- notes on organic chemistry math- same stuff as normal choir- christmas music french- etiqet coach goofed around costume dinner daniels party talking with cupcakes over the garden wall ninja destruction talking home and bed october 28 2017 tv with nick supersaturday home and more tv lunch park home book nap babysitting home movie jw bed october 29 2017 Today in church we had xombined lesson. Bro Keyes taught it and it was really good. after church I played monopoly with jake and we carved our pumpkins. halloween is in two days and I'm rally excited. october 30 2017 today in geography we talkex more about different concept os population. in english we watched an edgar allan poe story. it was really creepy. in seminary we read our scripture then we worked in our groups. in woods I sanded my longboard. agqin. its taking forevrr but I'm almost done. I studied for geography after school tody. tomrrow is halloween. imnexcited because I gt to drzss up and kate invitex me to a halloween party. tommorrow I also have a test in french. I am excited to sde his my hair turn out. I braidd it wet, sohopefully it frizzes really well. night! klb october 31 2017 today. was halloween. I dressed a pirate. in bio we talked more about organic chemistry. math was boring, but I got to leave a few minutes early to go do a flash mob for thriller. in choir we went carolling and did just dance. in french we took our quiz then played werewolf. after school I went to the fcla halloween party. it was fun. we played games and ate lots of sugar. I then practiced piano then went to piano kessons. after lessons I went to the ward soup and chilli dog party. after that I went to a halloween party at kates house. we played just dance then we watched the movie hocus pocus. during the movie., sister pierce cqme and scared us by screaming really high during the movie. later, brother pierce came down with a chainsaw and scared us so bad. I was shaking and my teeth were chattering. OH I also gt my choir hoodientoday. its kelly green and says bauerkat. I'm going to hopefuoly wear it tojorrow. nignt klb november first twenty seventeen in geograpby we had a quiz. in engkish we wrote scarystiries. in seminary we talked about personal progress and grace. we also got new seats. in woods I finally finished sanding my longboard. at mutual we played volleyball against theteachers. they eon two out of three games, so we had to serve them ice cream. the dodgers lost the big baseball game. the world championship I thinj. night klb november 2 2017 in bio we talked abijt dna. we learned a song and had to do a marching rijtine up and down the halkways. marhnwas choir we had our ncert critique. the camera was haunted (it was glitching a whole bunch so itwas really hard tonwatch. in french we had a lesson about a whole bunch of diffrent verb endings. I stayed afterschool to do an honirs marh packdt hekp session. it was good. I walked home, did my piamo, thrn went to vollryball. we won. after dinneri vaccuumed than read for a while. after that, I mummified pie and padt of pumpkin (our skeleton dog and person). jakes party is on Saturday and I am making his cake tomorrow. night klb

red sJournal

november 7 2017 in geo we finished demographic winter mivie and then talked about our congressional bearing. we also talked about our family history migrationn in english we talked about sci-fi. in seminary we talked about not beginning bad thungsc and the law of chastity. and wanting to kiss boys. in woods I finished my longboard so I git ti brjnf it home. I did my oiano then went to lessons. I passed odd a bunch ofnsongs. we had dinner then I finished my hinirs packet. ee then watched studio c. then men in black with jake. there's weird powdery stuff on .y fingers that wint come off. tomoroe is la caille and I am so exckted. I'm also foing to try and pass of my hnors pecks. night klb november 8 2017 today i s holly and miriams birthday. in bio ee took a pretest for some fancy new science thigng thsybwe are toijgnto start. math was boring, but I pased off my honors packet. in choir we did listening log five. it was the MTC (mormon tabernwcle choir) and I rhiught thebwbriviation was really cool. I'm french we pratcied more se burping monster. after school I took my honors math test and passed. then I hung out with mme flood and malaki. then I put in mu dress and makeup and we ot oj the bus and went to LA CAILLE. It was so cool!!! we were omour way to middle creek jh and charlintexgrd me asking ehat jh I go to. I replied OCJH and zsked if she goes to willow ccreek. surprinfly, yes! so chali went to la caille with us. it was so pretty (and cold). we took lots of pictures outside then went and sat down inside. I sst by echo brin ashley andncamillen. our first course was escargo. my friends said there's was good, but I didn't reslly like kt. we then had a strawberry maybe sorbet that was DELICIOUS then ee had salad and rolls. then after like thirty minutes we had some really good chicken. AMAZING MASHED POTATOES carrot and asparagss. I didn't like the asparagas but the rest was good. thrn ee had chcolate (fancy french whip ped pudding). it was all so good ! we then explored a lkttle then got back om the bus and drove back eo willow creek then ocjh. I grabbed my stuff from mme floods and then dad picked me up. I missednywnin excellence, but la caille was a ton if fun and I really enjouedngoing. night klb november 9-13 2017 on thrusday (11/9) in geography we talked.more.about immigrationand went to the labhain. in english we read.a.story called the lion and the woman or.something like that. seminwry was fun. in woods I helped jojo do her longboard. I had volleyball and we lost. on Friday (11/10) in bio we talked about different types of proteins. m,in math ms moulton wasn't there and so there was a video. then we has an assembly for veterans week. it was pretty good. mr nguyen spoke. in choir we got into our groups fir the talent show. it is wwy more serious thus year. in french we had cookies (homemade swig that I msde) and played kahoot. after school inwent to azures play the seussical. after that we went to shakemakers and I saw stephen monson kiss his girlfriend directly on the lips. it was fun to see tayah brown, ember andersen and sorina and azure. I also met some other people too. Saturday(11/11) I had f,ags at 8. we then had daylight donuts. after gush we cleaned up our yard. we cleared the garden, mowed the lawn, and sucked up lesved. we also put up the christmas lights. I like going onto the roof. we climbed thriugh the toy room window. then I made apple.pie. after that ee had fakesgiving. it was awesome to see josh mark and alyssa. I hsbent seen josh snd alyssa in a realy long time (I go to school with mark). we had tons of yummy food then played night games. we then got cold and came inside to play polytopia. Sunday (11/12) we had the primary program so ggb and ggp came to church withus. it was funnto see them. jake also got ordained to the office of deacon, and it was cool to be able to witness that. I then been hom and slept for 4 hours. it was so nice. monday (11/13 or today) in geography we talked about immigration laws in the us. in english we talked about our sensory project and finished thrnlion and the woman. in seminary we worked on our grouos. I had to play the piano and I failed very badlh. I was shaking so bad. In woids we played with jojos juggling balls pretty njch thr ehole time. I got new contacts after school today but I'm going to wait to put them in intuit the 26. we finished men I'm black tonight and iit was a sad endjng. I also started my honors math packed. night klb november 14 2017 in bop today we talked qbiut hoedna can spplit nd what hsppens. we also talked about hot fireflies gkow. in.marj I did my hoorsd packet then read the redt of the time. ms mouktonnisnstil nit back yet. in choir we went throigh almls aall of our songs. in french my het went off- 12:53 pm until 1:23 pm. ee then started watching a mivir, then we played werewolf. I had piano lessons today. jake got his 3d printer and ir is so cool. it printed a 3d cat that's adorable and I loge it so much. we watched the firz episode of stra fed things tonight. it really is strange. nightklb november 15 2017 in geograpby wetalked more asdbout migration. we also went to the lab and finaly finished our human geography inaction packet. inenglidh we talked about different facets, or personaalities of our sves. we had to draw some pictures. mine failed. in seminsry we talked about how God loves us no matte what. we also talked about reasons why its hard to be a mormon and reasons ehy we souks stsya mormon even though we have difficulties. in woods I did homreork the whwole rime. for mutual wehad our thanksgiving food drive. it was pretty fun. I was om a team with echo holly cooper hicken and theolder hicken boy. dad was our driver. we did pretty good. this year we endedup with 16 turkeys and hams. and tons and tons of cans. I'm haopy that we dee sble to help lotd of people. I love seeing hoe generous people are in this wor,d. its nice tobe rrminded that there are tons of good people ojt there. night klb november 16 2017 in bio we continued talking about genes and dna. in math we had a REALLY easy test. in choir we had our auditions for "breath of heaven" and "go tell". they took forever. in french we reviewed for our test next time. I stayed after and waited for echo. I ended up waiting for an hiur. I woeked on hw all afternoon. tomorrow is our big geography cingressional hesring so I'm wearing a dress. im really exckted for this. wearing the dress not he hearing. I'm.resllh nervous. lillian has been really sick and I hope she is feeling better. I'm going her play tomorrow. hpefully it goes.welll. night klb november 17-19 2017 on Friday november 17 in AP geo we haw our big congressional hearing. it sucked. I hate beungnssked questions. it was fun to wesr a dress though. I really enjoyed it. in english we reas the whole time. in seminary we talked about arguments and thinming about what its like from the other persons perspective. in woods I did homeeork and hung out with my friends. lillians play was good. I enjiyed watching my classmates perform and spotting my fi,riends in the different scenes. I went with kyra olsen and holly guymon. lillian still had a fever but she was reslly great. we watched another episode of the flash after wards. on Saturday I slept in then worked on my room pretty much the wjole day. I am in the middle of doing a super deep clean- I'm planning to completelyempty my room(minus my bed frame) and shampoo the carpets, deep clean my bathroom and clean my c,oset shelces. I emptied my closet and cleaned off the shelvees with lukes help. I also cleanee off my bathroom counter-it was really messy. saturdsay nigbt we watxhed the emoji movie. it was betfef than it'd thought that it would be, but it was still a stupidmovie. we watched anoghef episode of the flash after that. today, Sunday, was our first day after the ward wasrearranged. its funny. our ward was so hufe and tghybsaid that we lost over 20% of the ward but we only lost ten youth, five boys and girls, and maybe that many prkmary kids. we mak ly lost a lot of the older couples which is sad. wehad a combined Sunday school because none of the teachers showed up but ours (and the class younger. they weren't combined with us). brother spencer peterson taught and it was really good. in yw we taked about self reliance. sister laurel barney taught and it was really good. after church I had a TFHC meeting (temple family history consultants) at sister pitts and I found out that I am now the only girl called into this group because the other two were both moved to the toher ward. oh well. it was a good meeting. we talked about using the memories app. then I came home and watched tv with the boys. then I made earrings. after dinner we turned on charlie brown thanksgiving and mom dad and jake all slept through the while thjng. we didn't watch the flash tonight because jake is sicj and needed to fo to bed. night klb november 20 2017 in bio we talked more about dna. marh we had a boring lesson but msc moulotn was back so irnwasnt too bad. in choir we went through all oc our domgs. imnreally nervois to playnallnof ournsomgs especially fum fumnfum. in fremch we had a tst and mme fkood ssid that the highest score was an f so..... I did ap homework allnafternoon. ggp and great grandpa sherwood came to dinner and fhe with us. it was fun to see them. we warched another epislde of the flash. I finished my faith project so now I just need to ger it signed off along with some other stuff in pp. we java an ap test and I'm kind ofneorried but I studied so I hopefully will do okk. tomorrow is the last dayif school beforr the break. I'm extied. night klb november 21 2017 we had a test in ap geo. I got 18/24.5. not as good as I wanted, but I didn't fail it so... in englsh we drew our different facets. in seminary we watchef a movie sn talked about gratitude. in wloods I did nothing. I did my piani thrn gad lessons. after dinner mom and dad webtto meet with one of the mom ers of the bishopbric. we watched studioc while they weere gone. we watched another episode of the flash. its so good! its finally thanksgiving break andim really happy. nigbt klb november 22 2017 I slept in jntil 940 then showered. I cleaned and emptied my room and shampooed the carpet. I also went and practiced piano at ellias. we put away all of the thanksgivimg stuff amd pulled out the christmas sruff. most of it is still in boxes though. I also made eclair squares, and mom.msde pumpkin pies amd sweet potatoe casserole. we watched another episode of the flash. omorroe is thanksgiving and I'm.excited to see andy and lacey. night klb november 23-24 2017 the 23, Thursday, was thanksgiving. in the morning we watched the thanksgiving parade. then I made rolls. then we wnt to ggps and had dinner with andyblaxey great grandpa sherwood and great grandma porter. it was reslly fub. afte ww ate we did a puzzle and talked forever. we almost finished the puzzle before weleft. I'm gonna miss my family. I wish we could see them more often. today, 11/24 fisday we wdnt riding in eureka with ggb and john and courtney and tommys fwm. it was fyi. on the way up ggbs taioler tire blew and they had to fix it. then, on the way home the same tire blew qgain. we did a lot of riding and we did some shooting. courtne y and I rode around kn the razor for a while. it was realy fun. night klb november 25 2017 I worked in my room for a while todsy thdn we went and saw coco. I likd it and I thoight that it was really goof. ee got pizza afterwards and brought it home. then we watched another episode of the flash. ugh. it was one of the whiney ones wheere bsrry whines a. lot. night klb november 26 2017 today mom was called as yw secretary. I'm excited to hang out with her more. bella gold and bo (one off the ashdown cousisn-i dint knie ehsnt her last name is) taught the lesson. it was about eork and it was really goid. in sundsy school we talked about doing things that are giod better or best. after church I looked all over for my piano music for choir but I cannot find it anywhere! I'm freaking out because it meant I ciuldnt pradtice it at all and I also will ned to pay mr harper badcknfor it. I feel bad about letting ellia down. we went and visited with granma porter and ggrandpa sherwood. it was fun to tal with them for a while. then we weent to julies house and hung out with them and kevins faily. we played monkry in the .iddle, then had pancakes,bacon,cinnamonrolls, eggs, hashbrowns, and chocolate.milk and eggnogg. it was really glod. them we played a game like pie face but uou do it with eggs filled with water. it was fun. I got all wet from jono. then we watched a mickey mouse movie then part of elf. it was fun to hang oit with jane and hannah for a while. the both are getting so tall ugh. and tayler is too. zi don't want to go back to scool tomrrow. its goinf to be fun. ish. night klb november 27-28 2017 on novmeber 27, Monday, in bio we talked more about dna and how it eorks I'm different things. math was boring. in choir we sang through a lot of our sings our concert ie coming up soon and I'm nervius. in frnch we talked about past tense verbs. I got a ride home with echo. I spdnt all afternoon doing my ap essqy. ugh. I hate essays. then I taught a lesson about giving for fhe. then jake and I watched part of boss baby because mom had to go to a meeting. on Tuesday, november 28, in ap geo we reviewed for our tedr on Thursday. I'm so nervous. in english we talked about facets. w have to wrige an essay and I'm worried because our printer is broken. wellour compiter is broekn too and we don't have our pictures saved so....... oh no. in seminarybwe talked about how go pray and the different repitious prayers that ar ofyen said. in eoods we sthdied for the test. wgain. it was so boring. I had piano lessons today. my recital is on Saturday and I am a little nervous. then, the rest of my family went to ggps house while I styed home. then, I went to see Womder with the rest of the miamaids. it was really good. night klb


12/2/17 Saturday 1. the zoo 2. leds 3. thermoss 4. mac and cheese 5. dutch braids 12/3/17 Sunday 1. church midis 2. snow 3. wind 4. ovens 5. fuzzy tights 12/4/17 mnay 1. cookies 2. crates 3. support 4. yar 5. cleanliness 12/5/17 Tuesday 1. currency 2. authors 3. erasers 4. 30 second naps 5. mystery books 12/6/17 wednesday 1. timers 2. fleece lined pockets 3. hairbrushes 4. my house 5. communication 12/7/17 thursday 1. scholarships 2. rulers 3. corners 4. red pens 5. words 12//17 Friday 1. games 2. ice 3. videos 4. paper 5. r and r 12/9/17 1. iboprofin 2. neighbors 3. tape 4. soup 5. extendedfamily 12/10/17 sunday 1. feminine hygene products 2. scoks 3. spiritual gifts 4. paper 5. google 12/11/17 1. automatic save 2. earbuds 3. brownies 4. ramen 5. hoods 12/12/17 1. makeup 2. mini uno cards 3. choir 4. dresses 5. earrings 12/13/17 1. frosting 2. fireplaces 3. soldiers 4. notepad 5. scrub brushes 12/14/17 1. the mormon tabernacle choir 2. kimberly truantvein 3. sorina truantvein 4. kleenax 5. fuzzy shirts


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