geography quiz questions

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The Four Traditions of Geography are

Earth Science, Regional Geography, Spatial, Human-Environment Interaction

The Pangaea hypothesis proposes that

all continents were once joined in a single content called Pangaea

Arguments in favor of free trade do NOT include the claim that free trade

benefits developing nations more than developed nations.

term refers to the making of maps?


Favelas are an example of:

economic inequalities in Brazil

NAFTA and the WTO are considered to be a vindication of:

export promotion

Death rates remained high for most of human history for all of the following reasons

fluctuating food availability. disease. natural disasters and hazards.

The prime meridian runs from the North Pole to the South Pole through:

greenwich, England

Examples of industries that are in the primary sector are:

mining, fishing, forestry

Which of the following terms refers to the unit of Earth's surface that contains distinct patterns of physical features or of human activities?


entangling alliances are an ultimately expected outcome of

the Realist system of balancing and bandwagoning

NAFTA and the WTO are considered a vindication of:

the ideas of Adam smith

Theories of development have changed in the last 25 years

to include social and demographic factors

Several African countries are experiencing sharply lowered life expectancies due to:


In an advanced economy of a country of the Global North

Most of the jobs are in the tertiary sector

Which of the following is reflected in a population pyramid that narrows toward the top?

Most people in that population die before they reach old age.

The amount that a local currency equivalent of U.S.$1 will purchase in a given country is a measure of


Through which ocean does the longitude line at 180° run?

Pacific Ocean

C + I + G + X is a formula

That is used to gauge the economic development of a country

World Systems Theory (global economic core and global economic peripheries) explains that

The countries of the Global South will never truly develop

Relocation diffusion refers to

The spread of a feature or trend through migration of people from one place to another

Many countries of the Global South seek out FDI

To encourage structural transformation and to provide jobs to their citizens

The growth of the outskirts of the cities of Mexico, Brazil, Lima, Luanda and Lagos is an example of

Urbanization without development

The new world system has integrated the world's nations into

a global production and distribution system led by transnational corporations

An unintended effect of a society's preference for boys over girls can be:

a shortage of marriageable women

The center of Pangaea is thought to have been modern-day:


Which of the following relationships is accounted for in the rate of natural increase?

birth rates and death rates in a given population

All of the following are sectors of the economy EXCEPT for:


Which of the following terms can be used interchangeably with ethnic group?

culture group

The highest average temperatures on Earth fall within a band 30° north and south of the:


The 27-member European Union

has removed most barriers to trade within its borders. is governed by an elected European Parliament. provides subsidies to its poorest member states

The effects of the Anthropocene include all the following except

increased glaciation

In some of the countries of Central Europe, the population is aging and declining due to:

low birth and death rates

A disadvantage of using GDP per capita as a measure of economic development is the fact that GDP per capita

may hide disparities in income

Which of the following is not part of the United Nations' calculation of the Human Development Index (HDI)?

percentage of GDP per capita spent on health care

The leading cause of death among girls between the ages of 15 and 19 worldwide is:


What term represents a country's leading urban center that is disproportionately large and exceptionally expressive of national feelings?

primate city

Cartographers solve the problem of showing the spherical Earth on a flat piece of paper by using:


The key goal of an import quota is to

protect domestic industries from foreign competition

refers to the relationship between the distances shown on the map and the actual distances on Earth's surface?


A state with control over its internal affairs has


What mechanisms have national governments used to protect their economies and industries from foreign competition

tariffs and import quotas

Continentality refers to

the characteristic of regions that lack the temperature moderating effects of the sea and that exhibit a greater range of minimum and maximum temperature, both daily and annually

social science

the scientific study of human society and social relationships

Which is the only entity that can legitimately authorize the use of violence within a country?

the state

physical science

the study of matter and energy

As one moves away from the equator, average temperatures drop because

the sunlight strikes Earth's surface at an angle and is therefore less intense

All of the following are characteristics of shantytowns

they are built from any available materials, they usually lack utilities, educational opportunities are limited

Between 1945 and 2011, Earth's population


The reasons for differences in behavior between cultures are complex but usually related to __________.


Which of the following make loans to countries that need money to pay for economic development projects?

world bank

Fair Trade is best exemplified when

A consumer buys coffee from a cooperative of farmers that shortens the supply chain to the consumer

The United Nations believes that

A high literacy rate and life expectancy are as important as a high GDP

The Pacific Ring of Fire includes

Alaska, Mexico, indonesia

Development may decrease human well-being by

Having negative effects on the environment

Which of the following is NOT a regional trade bloc

League of Nations

The following country has a primate city but NOT a World City


Which is NOT a criticism leveled at structural adjustment programs?

Structural adjustment programs may result in less foreign direct investment

One of the effects that comparative advantage has had on the world economic system is that

The countries of the Global South have become dependent on the Global North for industrial products

Structural Transformation is

The movement of workers from the primary sector to the secondary and tertiary sector

Which of the following is true concerning multinational corporations

They possess the ability to influence the political affairs in countries where they operate.

Which of the following countries is the top three greenhouse gas emitters?

US, China, India

Earthquakes in the Caribbean are mainly caused by

Plate tectonics involving the Caribbean Plate

Comparative advantage is most associated with


Adam Smith challenged the dominant thinking of his time

By demonstrating that free trade created more wealth than the hoarding of gold and silver as Spain had done for centuries

A low-pressure system encircling the earth near the equator that develops into a cloud belt and is responsible for the monsoons in India and southern China is known as the


The Pacific Ring of Fire

Is a seismically active zone along the eastern and western edges of the Pacific Ocean

statements would a free trade advocate make

Strict import quotas decrease the variety of choices for consumers

Most of the world's volcanoes can be found

Where an oceanic plate meets a continental crust

Which of the following typically occurs with urbanization

Young children become an economic liability to the family

The term used to describe everything people use to live on Earth that is not directly part of biological inheritance is


The term __________ refers to the unrestricted international exchange of goods, services, and capital.

free trade

Which of the following is NOT a result of fair trade policies?

increased investor profits

The theory that Earth's surface is composed of large plates that float on an underlying layer of molten rock is the theory of:

plate tectonics

The megacities of Delhi, Karachi and Mumbai have 20 million inhabitants each. The literacy rate of women in India is about 65% and in Pakistan, 60%. The growth of these cities may be an example of

urbanization without development

organizations is a regional trade bloc?

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), European Union

Arguments against free trade do NOT include the claim that free trade

causes greater migration from wealthy countries to developing countries

What percentage of Earth's population now lives in cities


In 2019, Earth's population was approximately:

7.5 billion

Fair Trade is

A kind of free trade approach where the consumer willingly pays more for a product from a developing country so that more monies go to the farmers and producers

Which of the following is NOT among the problems that arise from the use of gross domestic product (GDP) as a measure of societal and human well-being?

It overemphasizes social aspects of well-being at the expense of economic aspects.

Which of the following best describes the grandmother hypothesis?

Midlife menopause provides an evolutionary advantage by giving women no longer able to bear children time and energy to help succeeding generations thrive.

The Namib Desert is influenced by

Primarily by the Benguela Current

The goal of the trade barriers set up in countries promoting import substitution was to

Protect infant industries

Two of the major determinants to creating climate is

The subsolar point and latitude

Developing nations are usually characterized by __________ economies, while developed nations are usually characterized by the presence of __________ industries.

agricultural, service

The transition toward political systems guided by competitive elections is called


The mission of the World Trade Organization is to

establish ground rules for international trade and lower trade barriers

In which sector of the economy is agriculture


A country is undergoing a demographic transition. This mean that the country is:

moving from high birth and death rates to much lower birth and death rates.

Before the world was organized into the Westphalian System of independent states,

much of the world's populations lived under various very large empires

GDP per capita statistics may underestimate the role of women in the economy because

much of women's work is unpaid or takes place in the informal economy

A society in which many culture groups live in close association is:


The key players in the global economy today are

multinational corporations

Experts agree that certain factors must be present for democratization to flourish. These factors include all of the following EXCEPT

political dynasties and inherited wealth

Which sector of a nation's economy is associated with the transformation of raw materials into finished products?


Which world region ranks overall lowest in GNI per capita

sub saharan Africa

The efforts to improve present living standards in ways that will not jeopardize future generations fall under the general heading of

sustainable development

Governments seek to protect their industries from foreign competition through all of the following policies

tariffs, trade restrictions, important quotas

Peaceful cooperation and world economic stability over the last 70 years has been generally credited to the

the Liberal system of lengthening the shadow of the future

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