Geology Unit 2

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silt size

1/16-1/256 mm

turbidite settle debris


after 800 C


before 200 C for

sedimentary rocks


the original rock from which a metamorphic rock formed

Goldich Stability Series

-Bowen's reaction series on its side and relabeled least to most resistant -Relative susceptibility to weathering olivine --> quartz


1. Breccia: angular 2. Conglomerate: Rounded both are Chalcedony


1. clast size 2. clast sorting (well sorted --> travelled further) 3. clast rounding ( further tansport --> greateer rounding)


1. compaction 2. cementation a. calcite CaCO3 b. quartz SiO2 c. hematite Fe2O3 (dry environment)

sand (quartz)

1. quartz arenite: >90% quartz; sand, beach "clean" 2. greywacke" sand + mud "dirty", deep offshore 3. Arkose: quartz + feldspar; sand --> terrestrial (pink + white (can have hematite cement))

depositional principles

1669 1. law of OG horizontality (sediments will be flat from gravitational moving; stratum, strata, stratified) 2. Law of superposition ( bottom rocks are older, evolution and fossils) 3. law of lateral continuity ( layers spread out for a long way)

sand size

2 mm - 1/16 mm

temp for metamorphic rocks

200-800 C

Geothermal gradient

24 C/km

mud/clay size

<1/256 mm

gravel size

> 2 mm

aphanitic texture

A texture of igneous rocks in which the crystals are too small for individual minerals to be distinguished without the aid of a microscope.

mudstone (shale)

A type of fine-grained sedimentary rock that forms in slow-moving water; typical of a lake or floodplain deposit. (feldspars and micas)


Breaking down complex molecules by the chemical addition of water

clastic sedimentary rock

Clastic Sedimentary rocks


Dolomite; CaMg(CO3)2; Mg rich ocean; doesn't fizz with acid; Mg can sub for Ca, add mg and Ca

crystalline limestone

Made up of calcite. Reacts with acid. Coarse-grained


Rhyolite, Andesite, Basalt, komatiite

equation for geothermal gradient

T = 24 C/Km * d (in Km) + 14

frost wedging

The mechanical breakup of rock caused by the expansion of freezing water in cracks and crevices


The movement of sand or other sediments by short jumps and bounces that is caused by wind or water

thermal expansion and contraction

a type of mechanical weathering in which the volume of rocks changes in response to heating and cooling


any of the large crystals in the porphyritic igneous rock


any rock that is pitted, grooved, or polished by wind abrasion


calcite (shells, chalk, coceolithophoran, coccolith); chalcedony (waxy, radiolaran, silica ooze, SiO2 quarts) ( agate, jasper (green/red), flint (black)); opal (looks like plastic); kaolinite (clay, hydrous Al Silicate)


calcite; 2 types: biologic (skeletons, bioclasts), nonbiologic (evaporite)

chemical sedimentary rock

chemical sedimentary rock


chemical weathering leftovers


chemical weathering that creates solutions; calcite + carbonic acid --> ca+2 and co3 -2


clay + h2o --> greasy


compressed peat needs heat; burning releases CO2 and SOx


compressed plants

welded tuff

compressed volcanic ash, obsidian stripes


cracking, unloading, stress from below


describing an igneous rock composed of both large and small crystals (phenocrysts + groundmass), porphyry


diatoms; quartz skeletion, spongy, absorbs

Precipitation from a solution(typeofsediment)

evaporites and biologic


felsic --> ultra mafic


fine-grained sedimentary rock generally composed of very small quartz grains; mica rich (biotite + muscovite)


formation of rust; hematite Fe2O3; copper rust --> verdigris

chalk limestone

forms skeletons


frothy bubbly basalt


frothy, bubbly tuff, foam


granite, diorite, gabbro, peridotite

Grains that are visibile to the naked eye

gravel and sand


halite (NaCl); calcite (fizzes with hydroclauric acid); gypsum (alabaster)

mechanical weathering implies

hardness, cleavage


hematite: reddish strak, hardness 6 limonite: brown yellow streak, hardness 4-5.5

solid state reaction requires

high T, High P, H2o

pressure solution (metamorphic; texture)

high pressure dissolution, low pressure deposition with water (eg marble)


igneous peridotite with sugary crystals

phaneritic texture

igneous rock texture in which minerals are easily visible without magnification


igneous, very large crystals, >1 cm, >2cm, pegmatite, phaneritic

oolitic limestone

is formed into small pearl-like spheres, constructed as concentric layers. This is a chemical rock, precipitated from warm, supersaturated marine water.


limestone composed of very tiny calcite particles - solidified lime mud, fizzes

530 million years ago

limestone skeleton

fossiliferous limestone

micrite with fossils

where does the geothermal gradient apply

near surface, for 200 km

neocrystallization (metamorphic; mineralogy)

new crystals created (eg Garnet)


non rocks, glass beads, volcanic ash, tuff


non rocks, no crystals, flash cooling, obsidian, volacanic glass


orthoclase: weak biotite: weak hornblende: weak quartz: durable

mechanical weathering

physical breakage of rocks into clasts

recrystallization (metamorphic; mineralogy)

rebuilding minerals bigger (eg plagioclase and muscovite)

salt wedging

rock disintegration caused by the crystallization of salts from evaporating water


rocks against rocks; h2o, glaciers, wind are agents of transport

root wedging

roots growing under rocks causing it to break

Phase change (metamorphic; mineralogy)

same formula, different mineral (Eg Stishovite; SiO2 but shorter bond links than quartz)

coquina limestone

shell hash

grains that are indistinguishable to the naked eye

silt and mud/clay

tufa limestone

springs, spongy, h2o dissolved limestone

plastic deformation (metamorphic; texture)

squeezing for shearing with heat (eg Metaconglomerate)


volcanic ash, pyroclastic texture, obsidian droplets


volcanic glass, conchoidal fracture


• Ca-rich plagioclase feldspar • mafic/ultramafic • grey • type of gabbro

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