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Formula for area of curved boundaries with one straight side: d = intervals between perpendiculars h_0 = first perpendicular h_n = last perpendicular h_1 through h_n-1 = intermediate perpendiculars

Area = (h_0/2 + sum of h_1 to h_n-1 + h_n/2) x d (trapezoidal rule)

Formula for area of a trapezoid:

Area = (side 1 + side 2) x height / 2

Formula for area of all boundaries curved with zero end perpendiculars (oval):

Area = (sum h_1 to h_n-1) xd

Formula for area of a triangle: (in square feet and acres)

Area = base x height/2 Area = bxh / 2x43560

Formula for area of a long narrow curved area:

Area = length of centerline x average width

Formula for area of a rectangle: (in square feet and acres)

Area = width x length Area = w x l / 43560

Taping on sloping land is more difficult compared to taping on flat or level land. Taping is to be considered a horizontal line. Sloping land is often measured along the soil surface followed by entering a correction factor. The correction factor is determined by the ___________.

% slope of the land

Permissible error (E) = (2 methods)

0.02 x sqrt(# of setups) sqrt(traverse length/100) x 0.014

Fractions of a foot are typically recorded as ______.

0.1 and 0.01 feet

Manipulating units of measure is key to calculating area. Which of the following is NOT a common unit of measure? - 1 rod = 16.5 ft - 1 chain = 88 ft - 1 meter = 3.28 ft

1 chain = 88 ft

Units of measure: 1 rod = how many feet? 1 chain = how many feet? rods? 1 acre = how many square feet? square rods? square chains? 1 hectare = how many acres?

1 rod = 16.5 ft 1 chain = 66 ft, 4 rods 1 acre = 43560 sqft, 160 sq rods, 10 sq chains 1 hectare = 2.471 acres

Tape measures used for agricultural survyeing are often ____ feet in length.


When distance is given in stations, it indicates the number of _________.

100 foot lengths

Taping pins are used during surveying to assist the survey team in measuring long distances. The pins are stored on a ring. How many pins are located on a complete set?


Referring to the black segments on a self-reading target rod, some segments display a pointed, angular end. The pointed end of the black segment represents _________.

5 one-hundreths of a foot mark

When measuring fractional tape lengths, use a tape with graduations located between the "0" and "1" ft mark. If the rear tape person holds the tape even with the 56 foot mark and the head tape person reads 0.15 at the finish point, the distance measured is ______ feet.


Early surveyors in the US have used different equipment including a wire chain. The wire chain is called "Gunter's Chain" and was ___ feet long.


What percent is 1 sigma away from the mean? 2 sigma? 3 sigma?

68%, 95%, 99%

A surveying crew, taping on a uniform 20% slope, is directed to mark a spot 75 feet from the top of the slope along a horizontal plane. How far, along the soil surface, should the survey crew measure? The correction factor for a 20% slope = 2.0.

77.0 feet

Calculate the following distance: The rear tape person is holding 7 pins, one pin is in the ground, and the head tape person is holding 3 pins. The tape measure used has the first foot, between 0 and the 1 ft mark, graduated to 1/100's of a foot. The rear tape person is holding the 79 ft mark even with the pin and the head tape person reads 0.63 at the finish point. What is the distance of the traverse?

778.27 ft

Permissible error ___ actual error (misclosure) or adjustments are needed.


Height of Instrument -

the line of sight through the instrument

How does a slope correction factor work? (5% with correction factor of 0.1)

the taping crew must measure 100.1 feet along the surface of the land to measure 100 feet of the horizontal distance on a uniform 5% slop

The head tape person has which end of the tape?

the zero end

Why should open traverses be avoided?

there is no method for checking errors

When attaching the instrument to the tripod __________.

turn the instrument base with one hand while holding the instrument with the other hand

Plane surveying -

type of surveying in which the surface of the earth is considered to be a plane for all x and y dimensions

Use of range poles:

used for long taping exercises, used to keep the tape in a straight line, especially useful on rolling terrain where it is difficult to see the end of the land being measured

Control survey (CS) -

used to reference both preliminary and layout surveys, establish a network of horizontal and vertical monuments to serve as a reference for imitating other surveys

The Table of Contents should contain a brief description and page reference for each survey exercise. T/F

True, and the location, date and space for a grade

Steel tapes should be cleaned with _________.

a dry cloth

What is an approved turning point?

a hatchet imbedded in the ground

Stadia -

a pair of fixed horizontal lines in a survey instrument used to determine distance

Benchmark -

a permanent point of known or assumed elevation

HI =

Elevation + BS

A field notebook should contain a Table of Contents at the "end" of the field notebook to avoid wasting pages. T/F


After leaving the worksite the survey team should check the field notes for accuracy. T/F


Keeping field notes is NOT considered a very important aspect of survey work. T/F


Sketches do not contain dimensions or stations. T/F


A set of survey field notes is signed by the data recorder in the upper margin of the left page. T/F

False, the lower corner of the righthand page

The names of the survey party are listed in the margin of the tabulation page. T/F

False, the margin of the sketch page

When leveling a survey instrument with three leveling screws, the leveling screws must be located directly over the tripod legs. T/F

False, they must be located parallel to two leveling screws

Weather information is located in the upper right corner of the left (tabulation) page. T/F

False, upper left corner of the right (sketch) page

Marking a right angle to a line requires the survey crew to use a pair of arcs that radiate from a common base line. T/F


The function of a turning point is to create a location place for the target rod that will not change elevation when the target rod is rotated for a back sight reading. T/F


What can help keep a steel tape in good condition?

a coating of oil or wax to prevent rusting

What is GIS?

a computerized database management system designed to manage spatial data, data is defined by location and multiple attributes

What is GPS?

a constellation of at least 24 US satellites that provides worldwide accurate position coordinates

Pacing -

a crude and rough method of measuring distances, because it is quick, it can be used to detect large errors when measuring with another method

Tachymetry -

a method of measuring using an observation on a rod equipped with stadia, there are three crosshairs in the instrument, a reading is taken using the upper and lower cross hairs, then the distance is the difference between the upper and lower readings

Chaining -

a method of measuring with an iron chain-like device containing 100 links and measuring 66 feet long, today its a term that represents the process of measuring distance with a tape measure

Differential leveling -

a method to determine the difference in elevation between two or more points

Odometry -

a simple method of measuring distances by counting the number of revolutions of a wheel with a known circumference

Turning point -

a solid location, usually marked by a temporary stake, on which a foresight is taken, to which the instrument is moved, and from which a backsight is taken to determine a new height of instrument

Existing angles can be measured using a tape measure, survey pins and _______________________.

a trigonometric sine table

Obtaining correct measurements, readings, and recording them correctly in a set of field notes is a description of ______________.


The most important fact in a quality set of field notes is the ___________.

accuracy of the data

The unit used to measure large land areas in the US is the ________.


How to read a tape graduated one foot before the 0 mark (101 foot tape)?

add distance from zero to finish point to distance at last pin

The tripod legs should be pushed into the soil, by stepping on a foot pedal to __________.

adjust instrument height, anchor the instrument, level the instrument

Area is recorded as the number of__________. - hectares - square feet - acres

all of these

Modern methods of measuring linear distance include which of the following? - electronic devices - odometry - pacing

all of these

Which of the following is an acceptable method of preventing damage to a survey instrument when being transported to a new worksite? - detach from tripod - tighten all adjusting screws - store instrument in the instrument box

all of these

Which of the following is required for taping? - ring with 11 pins - field notebook - steel or nylon tape

all of these

Which of the following may result in taping errors? - improper allignment of the tape - reading wrong numbers - pin counting errors

all of these

Taping -

also called chaining, is the most common method of measuring horizontal distances, most tapes used for measuring land are 100 ft in length, full tape length = station (357.65 = 3 + 57.65)

The face of a target rod, which contains the numbers, should be directed ____________.

at the instrument

When reading the target rod with a survey instrument, the operator checks the level _________.

before and after each reading

When using a steel tape, care must be taken to avoid damaging the tape. If a steel tape is allowed to kink, it may __________.


Calculating area of quadrangles without parallel sides:

break shape into multiple shapes, 2 triangles work for this shape

When the operator is moving in the area of the survey instrument, care should be used to avoid accidental contact with the tripod legs. Contact with the tripod legs _________.

can change the instrument level adjustment

An alternate method, without using a tape measure, of marking a perpendicular is accomplished by a method called the ________.

chord method

3 GPS Segments:

control - brain, DoD space - satellites user - civil and military

The purpose of the leveling procedure is to ___________.

create a level line of sight

What is error?

difference between measured/observed and true value

The rear tape person directs the head tape person left or right, using hand signals, to allign the tape with the ________.

end point

Leveling: Actual Error = (misclosure)

ending elevation - beginning elevation

Accuracy Ratio =

error of closure / distance measured

When reading the values associated with the black segments on a self-reading target rod, the top of the black segments always represents ___ values.


Which of the following is required to view the target rod through the telescope? - focusing the instrument - leveling the telescope - pacing the distance to the target rod

focusing the instrument

The large red numbers on a self-reading target rod represent ______.

foot marks

When using a target rod on sloping land, the target rod must be _________.

fully extended

Preliminary survey (PS) -

gather geospatial data to locate physical features for plotting to scale on a map

2 Types of data stored in a GIS:

graphic and non-graphic

Elevation -

height of land above sea level

Which of the following is NOT an error when taping? - holding 15 lbs pull on the tape - not using a plumb bob on sloping land - recording wrong numbers

holding 15 lbs pull on the tape

What angles do surveyors measure?

horizontal and vertical

What distance do surveyors measure?

horizontal and vertical

Rounding off Numbers: Sig Figs How to round when the digit to be dropped is 5?

increase by 1 if odd, leave unchanged if even

Layout survey (LS) -

involve marking on the ground feature shown on a design plan

Target rods should be used with care to prevent damage to the _________.

latching mechanism, face with numbers, alignment stop

What positions do surveyors measure?

latitude and longitude northing and easting x, y and z

Which of the following reduces accuracy of a survey? - adjusting the focus knob - setting or releasing the brake knob - leaning on the instrument or leaning on the tripod legs while taking a reading

leaning on the instrument or leaning on the tripod legs while taking a reading

When leveling the telescope on a survey instrument the leveling screws are turned using the thumb and index finger on each hand. The leveling bubble is moved by turning the screws under the telescope, moving one thumb to the left and the other to the right (opposite directions). If the operator is facing the instrument, the bubble on the telescope level will move in the same direction as which thumb?


Calculating the distance between two points using crosshairs in an instrument when the distance between the crosshairs is known is called __________.


When preparing to use the tripod level, the legs of the tripod should be pushed firmly into the soil before __________.

leveling the instrument

Which of the following is done to keep the tape in a straight line? - use the slope correction table - use only steel tapes that do not bend - lift the tape so gravity pulls the tape into a straight line

lift the tape so gravity pulls the tape into a straight line

When the instrument is stored in the instrument box, the leveling screws are _____________.

loose to allow movement

The first step when moving the tripod to a new location in a survey traverse is to _________.

loosen the clamp/wing nuts on each tripod leg

The rod person should lean the target rod forward and backward slowly to acquire the ________.

lowest target reading, shortest distance to the ground, most accurate rod reading

Theodolite -

measuring horizontal and vertical angles and for establishing linear and curved alignments in the field

The target rod is held with the ________ end on the turning point.

metal foot, zero, bottom

Adjustment procedure for leveling:

misclosure / number of setups of instrument (adjustment will be the opposite sign of the misclosure)

A method of marking a perpendicular uses a triangle with sides that are _________.

multiplies of 3, 4, and 5

Gunter's chain was a handy tool because 10 square chians equaled ________.

one acre

Instrument levels all have essentially the same parts. Which of the following is NOT an instrument part? - telescope - leveling plate - refracting prism - leveling device (screws)

refracting prism

After completing a survey traverse, the instrument should be packed in its storage case before leaving the site. The first step to repack the instrument is to ___________.

remove the sunshade and install the lens cap

A system used to reduce entering incorrect values includes __________.

repeating values orally

Formula for area of a triangle: (measure all sides)

s = (a+b+c)/2 Area = sqrt(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c))

It is a common practice for the legs of a tripod to be strapped together for _________.

safe transport and storage

When erecting a perpendicular using the 3-4-5 method, a survey crew creates two arcs that should cross. If the arcs do NOT intersect the survey crew should _________.

select different tape measure values

When crossing a fence with a survey instrument ____________.

set the instrument on the opposite side of the fence before climbing the fence

How do you clean a nylon tape?

soap and water

When removing a tripod cap ring, the ring should be __________.

stored in the instrument box

How to read a tape graduated between 0 and the 1 foot mark?

subtract distance from zero to finish point from distance at last pin

Leveling: Math error check =

sum of BS - sum of FS

Systematics error vs Random error:

systemic errors can be determined random errors can't be accounted for and are beyond surveyors control, use probability with these errors

To level a survey instrument the ________ must be over any two leveling screws.


When handling a survey instrument, lift the instrument by the ________.

telescope frame

When taping, the head tape person carries _______.

the "0" end of the tape

How do we determine the true value?

the most probable value is the true value average all measured values

The rod person should hold the target rod lightly, balancing the rod on a vertical position. If the target rod is not held vertical, readings will be ____________.

too high and inaccurate

Which of the following shapes is a four-sided shape with only two parallel sides? - trapezoid - rectangle - quadrilateral


When setting up a tripod for use, adjust the legs so the __________.

tripod head is nearly level, instrument will be stable, tripod head is approxiamtely shoulder level

Which of the following is included in the title? What page does this go on?

type of survey, name of property or area, legal description goes on the left (tabulation) page

Geodetic surveying -

type of surveying in which the earth is considered to be ellipsoidal for x and y dimensions

What equipment is used to assure the tape is in a straight line during a taping exercise?

range poles

Peg Test:

First setup: level midway and rod readings taken - difference is true diff Second setup: level moved closer to A and rod readings taken - difference is apparent diff Error = true diff - app diff Collimation correction (C factor) = error/traverse length


Global Navigation Satellite System


Global Positioning System

The rod person should hold the target rod by placing his or her fingers _________.

only on the edges of the target rod

The method of measuring distance by counting the number of steps an individual takes between two points is called _______.


While repacking a survey instrument, after placing the instrument into the storage case ________.

place the ring or cap on the tripod

The procedure for taping starts with _________.

placing a survey pin at the starting location

A survey team measuring distance on sloping land may use which of the following tools to accurately determine the location of the survey pins?

plumb bob

When the last distance to be measured is a fraction of the tape length, the distance is called a ______________.

plus station

Use of a plumb bob:

provides the chaining crew with a straight line from the tape, held level, to the ground

The shape that contains no parallel sides is called a ______________.


A field notebook page is described as ___________.

both a tabulation and a sketch page

Formula for % slope:

% slope = difference in elevation / distance between points x 100

Measuring angles with steel tape: 3-4-5 method

- lay out a 40 unit long line (AB) - swing an arc of 50 unit long toward point C (AC) - swing an arc of 30 unit long toward C (BC) - where the arcs intersect is point C

Measuring angles with steel tape: chord method

- measure equal distances from base of perpendicular - swing arcs from A and B the same distance to meet back up with the perpendicular

Most non-rectangular fields, plots, and areas can be divided into geometric shapes. What are the geometric shapes used to calculate agricultural area?

- rectangles - triangles - trapezoids - quadrilaterals without parallel sides - curved boundaries with a straight side - all boundaries curved - long narrow curved areas

What do the following symbols mean? - circle w line through it - square w line through it - ⊼ - RT or RC - HT or HC

- rod person - note keeper - instrument operator - rear tape person - head tape person

Calculating area of plots, fields, or gardens is often performed with a tape measure combined with application of mathematical rules. The units of measure often vary, with the area of one acre equal to _________. (rods^2, ft^2, hectares)

160 rods^2 43,560 ft^2 0.404 hectares

A taping crew is measuring along a traverse over 100 feet long using a 100 foot tape. The rear tape person has three pins in hand; the head tape person holds 7 pins and one pin is in the ground. The crew has traveled _______ feet.


When taping on a uniform slope of 12%, what is the actual, horizontal distance, if the distance measured along the soil surface is 329 feet? The correction factor for a 12% slope = 0.7.

328.3 feet

Formula for area of all boundaries curved: d = intervals between perpendiculars h_0 = first perpendicular h_n = last perpendicular h_1 through h_n-1 = intermediate perpendiculars

Area = (h_0/2 + sum of h_1 to h_n-1 + h_n/2) x d (trapezoidal rule)

Formula for area of a triangle: (two sides and the included angle)

Area = side AB x side AC x sinA /2

Survey notes data may be recorded on a field worksheet and then re-entered into a field notebook. T/F


The number of digits to the left of the decimal represents the degree of accuracy while completing a survey traverse. T/F

False, the decimals to the right represent accuracy

What symbol represents the head tape person?


Elevation =


The standard form for a set of field notes used while taping, by a survey crew, is to title the columns on the tabulation page as ____________.

Sta. Fwd. Dist. Back Dist. Mean Error Ratio

Break Chaing Notebook Setup and Calculations:

Station, forward distance, backward distance, mean, error, accuracy ratio mean = avg of distances error = |(mean - fwd)| + |(mean - back)| accuracy ratio = error/mean, denominator to the nearest hundred

What do surveyors do?

Take and analyze measurements

When taping, the field notebook entries should be entered according to a standard form. T/F


A completed set of taping field notes is signed by the head tape person, when the taping is completed by a crew of two. T/F


A good practice when recording taping data to reduce errors and improve accuracy is to repeat the values aloud before entering the data into the field notebook. T/F


A sequential pattern used to collect and record surveying data is recommended. T/F


A taping crew typically consists of a head tape person and a rear tape person with a third person acting as the opitonal note keeper. T/F


Always carry the instrument in front of you when passing through brush, timbered areas, or inside a building. T/F


Arranging survey data on the field page is often helpful to permit the reader to understand the data. T/F


DO NOT crowd notes, allow enough space to enter data clearly. T/F


Do no erase in a data portion of a field notebook; corrections are made by drawing a line through the incorrect data and entering the correct data above the error. T/F


Historically, surveying was used to mark land boundaries and divide land. T/F


If a survey requires more than one day to complete, a new page is started on the second day regardless of the number of blank spaces available. T/F


If the survey recorded is concerned aobut making incorrect entries, a format of using every other line is acceptable and creates a space to make corrections. T/F


It is an accepted practice to add dimensions between stations in the sketch of a taping traverse. T/F


Keeping the decimal points in a vertical line when entering data is a desirable trait in a set of field notes. T/F


Large survey projects may require multiple tabulation pages while only a single sketch page is completed. T/F


Making all calculations as the data is collected helps to reduce the number of errors. Errors can be identified and corrected before proceeding with the survey. T/F


Sketches are made to general proportions and are located in the right hand side of the field notebook pages. T/F


Some target rods are equipped with a sliding sight in order to make reading the target rod over long distances possible. The majority of agricultural target rods are self-reading and do not require a sliding sight. T/F


Survey notes should never be fudged to improve accuracy. T/F


Symbols are an acceptable method for listing the duties of each member of the survey party. T/F


The arrangement of data in a field note page for a taping exercise is often helpful to understand the data. T/F


The column headings are placed between the top two horizontal lines on the left page. T/F


The entries in a field notebook are typically printed as printing is generally easier to read. T/F


The quality of a survey is reflected in the quality of the field notes. T/F


Traditionally, hard pencils have been recommended for recording survey notes as they withstand damp weather and hard use better than graphite pencil lead or ink. The best pencils for surveying are 3H and 4H. T/F


Use a standard recommended form to comply with arrangment and to be consistent. T/F


Weather information is recorded and can affect the accuracy of the survey. T/F


When a sketch is drawn in a field notebook, a symbol indicating North (N) is included. T/F


When completing a set of taping field notes the sketch page should contain a sketch of the traverse made to general proportions. T/F


When conducting a taping exercise the survey crew should plan to tape both directions to obtain the most accurate measurements. T/F


When creating a sketch, indicate north (N) on the sketch page. T/F


When moving a tripod and instrument, carry the unit on your shoulder, with the instrument at the rear, to the new location. T/F


When taping, a survey team measures both directions to obtain accurate measurements. T/F


Backsight -

a reading taken on a point of known (or assumed) elevation

Foresight -

a reading taken on a point of unknown elevation

Perpendiculars may be created using surveying equipment. A perpendicular is _______ to a line.

a right angle

Traverse -

a series of connecting lines whose ends have been marked in a field, and whose lengths and direction have been determined from measurements, there are two types: open and closed

When defining a rectangle, all interal angles __________.

are right angles

If the target rod markings cannot be distinguished after adjusting the focus knob, the _____________.

distance to the target rod is too great

What do surveyors measure?

distance, angles, positions

Total station -

measures horizontal and vertical angles as well as horizontal and vertical distances

What are mistakes?

observed blunders caused by misunderstanding, carelessness, fatigue, miscommunication, poor judgement

When reading a self-reading target rod, the bottom of the black segments represent ___ values.


Measuring distance using a wheel of known circumference is typically used in automobiles, motor cycles, and bicycles to register distance traveled. This same procedure when applied to surveying is called ___________.


When leveling a survey instrument both hands are used. The leveling screws are turned __________ to level the instrument.

one counterclockwise and one clockwise (opposite or towards each other)

The alternating black and white segments on a target rod represent _________.

one hundredth of a foot

When setting the tripod on uneven ground, such as the side of a hill, place _____________.

one leg on the uphill side and two legs downhill

Black numbers on the target rod represent __________.

one tenth of a foot

To level a surveying instrument the leveling screws must first be __________.

seated against the base plate

The process of leveling a survey instrument requires multiple steps. The leveling process is repeated over the leveling screws until ________.

the instrument indicates level through a 360 degree rotation

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