Getting started with the Geodatabase

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Geodatabase schema is a way to model which type of GIS data?

both spatial and nonspatial, in an organizational container that represents features in the real world. You can also copy templates from Esri into your geodatabase to meet specific project goals. The individual feature classes can contain specific fields that are relevant to your organization and analysis.

Geodatabase advantages

1) Centralized repository 2) Scalable data model 3) Increased data integrity 4) Support for images

Two types of geodatabases are designed to support specific organizational workflows and data storage needs.

1) File geodatabase 2) Enterprise geodatabase

Mosaic datasets are useful for the following actions:

1) Managing, querying, and visualizing large collections of raster data, including multidimensional, overlapping, and temporal data. 2) Controlling the display or the ordering of rasters. 3) Performing on-the-fly processing, which occurs as the rasters are accessed; the source pixels are not altered or converted.

Which of the following actions causes a change in schema? 1)Deleting a field 2)Changing the shape of a polygon 3)Updating an attribute value 4)Digitizing a new line

1)Deleting a field

Start ArcGIS Pro with a blank map. In the Catalog pane, browse to the C:\EsriTraining\GDB_Start folder and expand the AlachuaCounty.gdb file geodatabase. Which of the following components are present in AlachuaCounty.gdb? (Choose three.) 1)Topology 2)Feature dataset with feature classes 3)Stand-alone feature class 4)Mosaic dataset 5)Raster dataset

4) Mosaic dataset 3) stand-alone feature class 2) feature dataset with feature classes

Which data format is similar to a feature class in a geodatabase in that it only stores features that have the same geometry type? 1) Microsoft Excel spreadsheet 2) GRID 3)AutoCad .DGN file 4)Shapefile


Which items are considered to be schema? (Choose three.) 1)Spatial reference of a feature class or feature dataset 2)An empty feature class 3)Projects that store layers referencing geodatabase feature classes 4)Attribute values in a table 5)Fields in a table 6) Point, line, and polygon features


The following steps comprise the geodatabase creation workflow: Add Data

After you have set up your geodatabase, you are ready to add data and continue your analysis

Centralized repository

All data is stored in the same database, as opposed to in many separate files.

Which definition best describes a feature class? 1) A collection of features that have the same attribute fields and spatial reference but various geometry types 2) A collection of features that have the same attribute fields, geometry type, and spatial reference 3) A collection of features that are editable within an ArcGIS Pro editing session 4) A collection of features that have different attribute fields but the same geometry type and spatial reference

2) A collection of features that have the same attribute fields, geometry type, and spatial reference

When creating mosaic datasets, which of the following are best practices? (Choose two.) 1) Adding rasters into a feature dataset 2) Building pyramids on the raster datasets 3) Using UTM or state plane coordinate systems 4) Using the WGS 1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary projection for use on the web

2) Building pyramids on the raster datasets 4) Using the WGS 1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary projection for use on the web

Which statement is true regarding feature classes stored within a feature dataset? 1) They can only be used within the file geodatabase. 2) They must have the same coordinate system. 3) They are not editable in ArcGIS Pro. 4) They can have differing coordinate systems.

2) They must have the same coordinate system.

Scalable data model

As your GIS needs increase, you can migrate data from one geodatabase to an upgraded format that allows for more users and editors.

After you have created a schema for your geodatabase, how can you share it with other users? 1) Share it as geometry. 2) Export it as a table. 3) Export it as XML. 4) Share it as an image.

3) Export it as XML.

You are the GIS coordinator for a large company and want to give many people the ability to view and edit data stored in a geodatabase simultaneously. What type of geodatabase would be required? 1) Microsoft Access 2) Franchise 3) Multiuser 4) File

3) Multiuser

You have existing data stored in shapefiles, coverages, and CAD files. What is the most effective way to get your data into a geodatabase? 1)Recreate all of the data from scratch. 2)Use an XML data exchange. 3)Convert or import all existing data formats into the geodatabase as feature classes. 4)Create an empty geodatabase and empty feature classes and then trace existing features.

3)Convert or import all existing data formats into the geodatabase as feature classes.

Why would you want to create a feature dataset in your geodatabase? 1)All geodatabases must contain at least one feature dataset. 2)You have several shapefiles that you want to combine, and a feature dataset is the best way to accomplish that. 3)You want to create geodatabase component that requires you to have feature classes in a feature dataset, such as a topology or geometric network. 4)You view feature datasets as a great way to organize feature classes by geometry type.


What is a mosaic dataset? 1) A collection of feature classes that are managed as one entity 2)Multiple feature datasets used to manage spatially related feature clas4) A data model for storing and managing raster data in the geodatabaseses 3)A single raster image 4) A data model for storing and managing raster data in the geodatabase


Basic terms what is a geodatabase?

A container that stores spatial and attribute data. In a geodatabase, you can structure your features and their associated attributes (nonspatial information about a geographic feature in a GIS) in an integrated system that enforces rules, relationships, and topological associations


A database or file structure used primarily to store, query, and manipulate spatial data. Through the Geodatabase you can import different datasets from different sources and use them in GIS analysis

A feature dataset

A feature dataset's main purpose is to store spatially related feature classes in a common dataset for building a topology, a network dataset, a terrain dataset, or a geometric network. When you create a feature dataset, you must specify the spatial reference. You can then add feature classes of any geometry type (point, line, or polygon) to it, but they must have the same spatial reference as the feature dataset.

File database

A file geodatabase is a collection of GIS datasets and is stored in a file system folder. File geodatabases work across operating systems and can store individual datasets up to 1 terabyte (TB) in size by default. The size limit can be increased with keywords to 256 TB. File geodatabases support multiple people editing different feature classes or tables at the same time. Because of their increased capacity and editing capabilities, file geodatabases are the recommended type for ArcGIS Pro users.

mosaic dataset

A geodatebase can also store images as mosaic datasets. A mosaic database is a collection of raster datasets or images that are stored as a catalog of mosaicked images and can be viewed as one of seamless image

Nonspatial table

A nonspatial table stores data that lacks inherently spatial qualities. You can join spatial data layers to nonspatial tables to access their information.

Enterprise geodatabase

Enterprise geodatabases support versioning and replication. They require a database management system (DBMS), such as DB2, Informix, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, or PostgreSQL. Typically found in larger organizations, enterprise geodatabases support multiple users viewing and editing the GIS database at the same time. In fact, enterprise geodatabases allow for unlimited editors and database size.

The following steps comprise the geodatabase creation workflow:

Evaluate data Create geodatabase Organize data Add data

The coordinate system is a property of the geodatabase, so all feature classes and feature datasets within the geodatabase must share the same coordinate system. True/False


When using the Feature Class To Geodatabase tool to load data into an existing feature class, you can load only one data source at a time. True/False


Feature classes

Feature classes are the primary feature storage element in a database. You can store point, line or polygon features within a feature class. A feature class is a collection of geographic features with the same geometry type, attributes, and spatial reference.

feature dataset

Feature dataset group spatially feature related classes together and are used primarily for advanced elements that model these spaital relationships.

The following steps comprise the geodatabase creation workflow: Organize data

Geodatabase organization can include multiple feature datasets. Consider using feature datasets when you have datasets of a similar theme and have a common coordinate system.

The following steps comprise the geodatabase creation workflow: Create Geodatabase

Geodatabases are flexible and powerful providing a stable platform for your analysis. Create a geodatabase to contain the data and prepare for your analysis.

Support for imagery

Mosaic datasets in the geodatabase allow you to manage multiple images as one.

What file is schema exported as?

The schema can be exported as an XML file for ease in sharing.

Geodatabase schema

The schema of the geodatabase (its structure or design) defines the physical structure along with rules, relationships, and properties of each dataset within the geodatabase.

The following steps comprise the geodatabase creation workflow: Evaluate data

This is the first step, you must consider the data you need for your project. Which data should be imported into the geodatabase. Geodatabases can contain raster, vector, or tabular data.

Schema refers to the structure of the geodatabase, feature classes, tables, and any other components you may have. True/False


You have two feature classes: Parcels and Roads. If you want to use a geodatabase topology to help protect spatial relationships between them, you must store them in a feature dataset in the geodatabase. True/False


Increased data integrity

You can create spatial and attribute behaviors to facilitate editing, help eliminate data entry errors, and maintain spatial and attribute relationships between your data.

A small GIS company with five users is best served by a file geodatabase because of database size differences and editing capabilities. true/false


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