Gifted Hands

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

What information does Carson's mother drill into her students?

Tells them what the wealthy people did and how they behaved and thought

What does Carson realize about himself after one week at Yale?

That everyone at Yale was bright it wasn't just him

What pressure does Ben feel for the first time in his life?

That he has to be like one of the guys and wear the right clothes

What stereotype does Ben face in school?

That he was stupid because he was black

Where did bens dad work?

The Cadillac factory

What did Ben love about his father?

The veins on the back of his hands

In what way do the doctors take advantage of Ben? How does he feel about it?

They as him to look over cases and take care of there beepers, he likes it because it gives him more work and practice

What does Carson find ironic about his relationship with his mother?

They both use silence to protect each other

Why does the school counselor put Curtis in a vocational program?

They didn't think blacks could go to college

What happened to Bens grades in 10th grade because of peer pressure and basketball?

They dropped from A's to C's

Why do the Carson boys always obey there mother?

They never thought of doing anything else

Why is the application at John Hopkins risky?

They only accept 2 out of 125 applications

How does Carson's relationship with his peers change?

They respect him now

How does Ben get his crew to pick up so much trash?

They star work at 6 and have to get 150 bags

What message does Ben feel it is important for young people to hear?

To be nice to everyone because we are all God's children

Several months before the divorce where dodos ya move her kids?

To boston with her sister, jean Avery, and her husband, William.

Explain the ritual of capping.

To get the better of a person, throw sarcastic remarks at them

What is the purpose of the hoax Carson gets caught in?

To see who was the most honest student

When the mom went away where did she actually go?

To seek psychiatric help

Describe the Boston neighborhood in which the Carsons live?

Trashed lots and dilapidated buildings

What did Ben call his temper

a pathological temper

What perfect gift did Curtis give Ben on his 13th birthday?

a subscription to Psychology today

Ben had 3 Flare ups, what were they?

1. he hit his friend jerry in the face with a lock in hand making a 3 inch gash in Jerry's forehead 2. Ben's mom bought him the wrong pants and he took a swing at her 3. ben was arguing with friend bob about good music on the radio. Ben got his camping knife out and tried to stab Bob's stomach but his belt buckle broke the blade.

After moving back to the old house in the middle of. 8th grade what was the name of bens new school? Describe it.

Hunter jr. High; predominantly black, 30% white

Why does Carson only apply to one college?

10 dollar entrance fee and he only had 10 dollars

How old was Ben when he firtst became interested in John Hopkins Hospital?

10 years old

How old was Ben when they realized they were happier without the dad?


What age did Sonya get married?


What does this event tell us about Mrs. Carson?

It means she is strong and realizes what her sons can and can't do

What did the mom make the boys do that really changed their lives?

Limited them to. 3 tv shows and 2 books a week

What does Carson do between his second and third year of medical school?

Married Candy

Who had an impact on Mrs. Carson's life?

Mary Thomas

Who had visited Ben's mom the day he was born and again after her suicide attempt?

Mary Thomas

What did Ben decide when he was 13?

Maybe not missionary but he still wanted to be a doctor

What was bens worst experience in 5th grade?

Missing all 30 questions on a math quiz

Why does Ben decide to apply at John Hopkins instead of remain at the University of Michigan?

Political strife

Why does Ben not tell his mother about the three incidents of racial prejudice?

Scared his mom would take him out of school or worry about him

What religion were they?

Seventh Day Adventists

How does Mrs. Carson react to the counselor's decision?

She goes to fight it because she doesn't believe it

Describe Carson's mother's reaction to her son's improvement.

She knew he could do better

Who does Carson credit as the most influential person in his life?

Sonya Carson, his mom

Where did Curtis go to school after they moved?

Southwestern High School

Besides math quizzes what did Ben dread in school?

Spelling bees

Who was the other smart boy in 5th grade?

Steve Kormos

What was Ben's biggest pressure in 10th grade?


After getting off track in 10th grade what happened to Bens grades in 11th and 12th grade?

was getting A's again

How does Carson decide on Yale?

College bowl Yale beat Harvard

What street was their old Detroit house on?

Deacon street

Where did they move into until they could get there house back?

Delray, they lived on the top floor

What church did they go to?

Detroit Burns Avenue church

After the marriage where did the family move to?

Detroit Michigan

What happened on the drive back to Yale?

Falls asleep at the wheel

Why does ben turn down the West Point scholarship?

He had to be in the military if he went there

To what does carson attribute his ability to pass the chemistry test?

His dream

Why does Carson come to accept his father's absence?

His family is happier without him

What two things happened when Ben was 8?

1. He had his first religious experience 2. He got a model of a 1959 Buick with friction wheels and a chemistry set

What year did their dad leave?


What year did Sonya and the boys return to Detroit?


How many jobs did Sonya work when they first moved back?


How many kids were in Sonya's family?


What rules does Mrs. Carson create to force her boys to study more?

3 tv episodes only and two books a week

How far did Sonya get in school?

3rd grade

How tall is Sonya?


How far was bens walk to the library from his house?

7 blocks

How old is Carson when his father dies?


What book topics did Ben check out books on?

Animals, nature, science

What word got Ben interested in spelling?


What personality trait affect Carson?

Bag anger and temper

Why does Ben's internal motivation to succeed improve?

Because he made good grades and understood what he had to do to make good grades

How old were Ben and Curtis when there dad left?

Ben was 8 and Curtis was 10

Who always won the spelling bee?

Bobby Farmer

Where does the family move?


Whose smile "mesmerized" Ben?

Candy Rustin

Why do Carson's parents get a divorced?

Carson's dad has another family

During the marriage where did the family live?

Chattanooga Tennessee

What two events make Carson's eighth year his favorite?

Chemistry set and 1st religious experience

What did bens mom go to court for?

Child support but she never got any

What does Carson become interested in after studying it for the college bowl?

Classical Music

What attitude does Mrs. Carson reinforce in her children through poems and quotations?

Create your own destiny, be responsible, and the advantage of your opportunities

Who does Carson look up to as a role model and why?

Curtis because he made him proud and wanted to emulate him

How does the absence of their father affect Carson and his brother?


What did Ben pray for every night for a long time?

For his parents to get back together

For what does Carson win the Resident of the Year Award?

For his research on the rabbit it took 6 months while usually a research like that would take 2 years

What two positive factors lead to Carson's rise to the top of his class?

Glasses and his moms love and support

There were two positives in 5th grade, what were they

Glasses and memorizing the times table

In 9th grade what did Ben find most embarrassing?

Going to the store for his mom and using food stamps

What natural ability does Carson realize he is blessed with?

Hand eye coordination

How does Carson feel about rules?

He believes that sometimes they need to be broken or ignored

How did Ben fight back against the capping?

He capped back

How does Ben react to prejudice?

He forgives

What happened to Ben when he went to a private school in Boston?

He got behind

What did the boys later learn about the dad?

He had another wife and did drugs

How does Carson get most of his summer jobs?.

He is respected and his connections

How does Ben win acceptance?

He joined in on the capping

How does Carson feel about finishing high school 3rd in his class?

He knew he could have done better

What two experiences reinforce Ben's faith in God?

He prayed and was walking and found 10 dollars and then he was honest and didn't leave the test so he got 10 dollars

Why is it difficult for carson to understand why his father has to leave?

He thinks his dad didn't do anything wrong

What did Ben decide that morning at church?

He wanted to be a missionary doctor

Why did Sonya divorce her husband?

He was a bigamist and did drugs

What spiritual event happened to Ben when he was 12?

He was re-baptized

What was the name of his school in 5 th grade?

Higgins elementary school

what is Bens favorite hymn?

Jesus is all the world to me

What hospital is Carson interested working for?

John Hopkins

Who was the science teacher that encouraged Ben by giving him special projects?

Mr. Jaeck

What was bens. 5 th grade teachers name?

Mrs. Williamson

What area of medicine becomes a compulsion to Ben?


What does Carson feel he needs to be accepted at school?

New clothes

What did Ben say was great about being 8 years old?

No responsibilities

What was their pastors name?

Pastor Ford

How does Carson overcome this problem?


What area of medicine does Ben decide he wants to pursue


What magazzine taught Ben that temper was a personality trait?

Psychology today

How does Mrs. Carson deal with he stress of being a single parent?

Puts herself into a mental institution if it becomes to much for her to handle

What kind of living creatures were in the boston building?

Rats, roaches, and snakes

What was Mary Thomas' impact on Sonya?

Read bible verses to her and taught her about God. helped Sonya find strength in Jesus

What other job did bens dad have that he wasn't very good at?

Small baptist church minister

What prejudice does Carson face when he becomes an intern at John Hopkins?

The doctors think he has someone there to pick up and that he isn't a doctor because there had never been a black doctor

Why does Carson go ahead with the operation even though he cannot locate the faculty member who is in charge?

The guy would have died if he wouldn't have done the operation

What leads Carson to decide that he wants to be a doctor?

The missionary sermon, and how he felt he wanted to be there helping those people

Why does Carson fall behind in school?

The school that he was in before was less demanding

Where did Curtis end up going to college?

University of Michigan majoring in Engineering

What did Ben like to look at under the microscope?

Water sample Protozoa

What was the name of Bens jr high?

Wilson jr. High

What job did Sonya have?

Working in the homes of wealthy people, taking care of their children, and doing domestic house work

What motivated ben to join ROTC i the spring of his 10th grade year?

his brother was a captain and ben wanted to emulate his brother

What change of focus happened when Ben was 13?

interest changed from general practice to being a psychiatrist

What did Ben do after this incident?

prayed in his bathroom for 3 hours and asked god to take his temper away

What honor does Carson receive at John Hopkins?

to do only 1 year of general surgery and the next year of neurosurgery

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