God's Big Picture: Intro, Chapters 1-3 and Genesis
Explain Freedom
Freedom is people's choice to love God back or not and you cant be forced to perform real love.
Key lessons for Joseph
1.) He believed in God and God helped him rise to the top several times when he was at the bottom. 2.) Everything is part of God's plan and we need to forgive and love.
God's nature
1.) Is creator 2.) wants a loving relationship with us 3.) generous- abundant 4.) powerful 5.) Good
What bible verse supports God is the author
2 Timothy 3:16 says all scripture is God- breathed.
Significance of Gen 12:1-3
Abraham trusted God and left everything behind because of his faith in God to start God's kingdom.
Joseph after Jail
After Jail Joseph tells the Pharoah of his dreams and ends up ruling Egypt. These are several examples of God helping Joseph rise to the top.
Gen 3:15 ; prophecy that Christ will overcome the devil.
Covenant vs contract
Covenant- exchange of persons Contract- exchange of materials
What is meant that Humans are the pinnacle of creation?
God made everything for humans to live. He created humans so he could interact and have a loving relationship with us.
Covenant with abraham and significance; how was it different then creation covenant
God promised Abraham a kingdom; Abraham trusted God and did all he asked. Adam did not keep his covenant.
What does Gen 1:31 mean?
God says very good instead of just good meaning he made all this for humans. (everything else is secondary)
Promised Kingdom
God tells Abraham he will re-establish his kingdom. This is fulfilled through Jesus Christ.
Gen 3:15
God threatens Satan telling him someone will come to smash his head.
Kingdom of God
God's People in God's Place under God's rule
Rest and Sabbath Relationship
He had done his job perfectly and has best resting on the Sabbath every since.
What does Jacob wrestling with God teach
Jacob didn't know if his blessing was real so he wouldn't let go until God blessed him.
Joseph is a dreamer; brothers don't like him so they sell him away and Joseph ends up running the Pharoahs house
How are Old Testament and New Testament dependent on one another
Old Testament talks about what will happen and God's promise and then the New Testament is this fulfillment. You need both to explain the other.
Pattern of the Kingdom
Original creation shows us a model of his kingdom and what it is supposed to be.
Joseph love life problems
Pharoahs wife tries to sleep with him so he runs away and ends up in jail.
Jacob and Esau
Rebekah helps Jacob receive his fathers blessing while pretending to be Esau. (does this in an evil way). Esau is angry Jacob stole his blessing so Jacob runs away and gets married to Sarah and Leah. When he returns to Esau they are forgiving.
What does Ruah and Sheva mean
Ruah- God's breath/ spirit into man sheva-means oath and also talks about god resting on seventh day
What is the pattern that Satan uses to tempt Adam and Eve and us?
Satan questioned God's power, distorted the truth, and gave a false propositon.
What is the significance of Gen 1:26
Saying humans will watch over and maintain earth.
Gen 2: 18-25
Saying man couldn't be alone for his relationship so he needed a partner. So God created woman out of man.
Who was Satan
Serpent who tricked Adam and Eve into disobeying God
Spread of Sin and social chaos Gen: 4-7
Sin will keep urging you to do it more but you can fight it. Cain and able is next sign of Sin.
Original Justice
Since we are all children of Adam he couldn't pass on the good of his covenant with God.
Why was earth created?
So God could have his loving relationship with humans
Gen 45: 5
Tells his brothers to not worry he forgives them because he believes that it was God's plan to send him there to save Egypt.
What is the idea of diversity of writing in one book?
That there are several different authors who were all inspired by God.
The attraction to good things in a disorder way ; will become weak and have misery
ONe author, one subject of bible
The true author is what God inspired them to write. Through prophets he told them to fulfill these texts to the fullest
What sin is Adam and Eve Guilty of?
They deliberately ate from the one tree God told them not to.
Sacrifice of Isaac
This is the extent Abraham was willing to go to to please his God
Significance of Story of Babel
This is when man thought he was greater and more powerful than God.
Effects of Sin
We receive Eternal punishment and become farther away from God.
What is Original Sin
When Adam and Eve broke their covenant with God.
Perished Kingdom
When Adam and Eve turn away from God and he banishes them from the garden.
means helper in Hebrew
What is Moral Law
not to limit or restrict us but to do what is good and what what we were created to be.