Gold book chapter 8

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The most prominent part of the thyroid cartilage, or adams apple, is at the approximate level of _____, This thyroid cartilage landmark varies between the levels C4 and C6


each of the thoracic vertebrae connects to

a pair of ribs


a radiographic study of the spinal cord after the injection of a contrast medium through a lumbar puncture

soon after _____, the thoracic and sacral (pelvic) curves begin to develop. these two curves are also called ______ curves

birth, primary

the _____ is the thick, weight bearing anterior part of the vertebra. Is superior and inferior surfaces are flat and rough for attachment of the intervertebral disks


a typical vertebra consists of two main parts, the _____, and the ______ _____

body, vertebral arch

the first 7 vertebrae are known as _______ _______

cervical vertebrae

As children start to sit up and raise their heads for the first time, the first _____ _______ curve forms in the cervical region

compensatory concave

a rounded inward or depression surface like cave


severe stress as the possible result of a forced flexion-hyperextension, the so called whip lash type of injury may cause a fracture in the _____


______ is an exaggerated curvature to the right


Use of higher kvp in thick or dense tissue results in...

increased production of scatter radiation

the cartilaginous disks between the inferior lumbar vertebrae are common sites of _____


the _____ ____ corresponds to the level of C1 or 1 inch below the level of External auditory meatus (EAM)

mastoid process

the _____ and ______ develop as multiple _____ bones and then _____ into two distinct bones.

sacrum, coccyx, separate, fuse

An abnormal or exaggerated lateral spinal curvature is called


the _____ should be depressed as much as possible for a lateral C spine


the spinal canal begins at the base of the ____ and extends distally into the _____ . This canal contains the spinal cord and is filled with cerebrospinal fluid

skull, sacrum

any fracture of the vertebral column may cause serious damage to the ____ ____ as well

spinal cord

the _____ _____ extends posteriorly at the midline junction of the two laminae. It is the most posterior extension of the vertebrae and can be palpated along the posterior surface of the neck and back

spinous process

The superior cross-sectional perspective of typical rib articulations show that articulations are closely spaced and are enclosed in______? These synovial joints are _____ and allow for slight gliding movements

synovial capsules, diathrodial

the vertebral column, also called spine column, is a complex of bones called the


this provides flexible support for the trunk and upper body to the lower limbs


With the head in neutral position, the angle of the jaw or gonion, is at the same level as:


following the cervical vertebra, the next ___ vertebrae are the _______ _________

12, thoracic.

It is important to know that the LPO position opens up the foramina on the rights side and a ____ TO _____ _____ angle is needed

15-20 cephalad

After fusion into a single sacrum and a single coccyx, the adult vertebrae column is composed of an average of ______ separate bones


To open and demonstrate the cervical intervertebral foramina radiographically, a _____ _______ position combined with ______ _____ angle would be required

45 oblique, 15-20 inferior

the vertebral column Is divided into ____ sections


the largest vertebrae are the

5 lumbar vertebrae

A newborn baby has ____ sacral segment and form 3-5 _______ segments for an average of 33 separate bones in the vertebral column of a young child.

5, coccygeal

a ____ _____ is necassary to open up the zygapophyseal joints on the thoracic spine

70 degree oblique

the KVP for the cervical spine ranges between ___ to ____

70 to 85

an erect examionation of the cervical spine allows for natural curve of the spine, the shoulders to be depressed, and a _____ inch SID to be used for the lateral and oblique projections


Rotation of head primarily occurs between_____ with the ____ acting as a pivot. the superior faucets also assist in the rotation of the head

C1 and C2, odontoid

In the thoracic vertebrae, the zygapophyseal joints form an angle of 70-75 degrees from the midsagittal plane. therefore, for example, to open and demonstrate the thoracic zygapophyseal joints radiographically a ____ ____ position with a ______ central ray is required

75 degree, perpendicular

the KVP for the thoracic spine is ___ to ____ depending on the imagining system. and sometimes higher kvp's and lower mAs would need adjusted

75 to 90

The vertebral column is composed of a series of ____ curves


In contrast to other zygapophyseal joints, those between C1 and C2 (atlantoaxial joints) are visualized only on an ___ ___ _____ projection

AP open mouth

between the superior and inferior articular processes is a short column (pillar) of bone that is more supportive than the similar area in the rest of the spinal column. This is called _____ _____ or even lateral mass when referring to C1

Articular pillar

Skull- C1

Joints- Atlanto-occipital classification- synovial Mobility type- diarthrodial Movement type- Ellipsoid


Joints- Intervertebral classification- Cartilaginous (symphysis) Mobility type- amphiarthrodial (slightly moveable)Movement type- N/A


Joints- R and L Lateral atlantoaxial classification- synovial Mobility type- diarthrodial Movement type- Ellipsoid


Joints- costotransverse classification- synovial Mobility type- diarthrodial Movement type- Plane (gliding)


Joints- costovertebral classification- synovial Mobility type- Diarthridal Movement type- PLane (gliding)

What extends posteriorly from either side of the vertebral body?


____ has a full faucet and a demifacet on its inferior margin


the spinous process of the last cervical prominens is about the same level as the body of _____


____ through ____ have full facets

T10, T12

____ through ____ have demifacets on their upper and lower margins

T2, T8

____ only has one demifacet on its upper margin


all cervical vertebrae have ____ _____ that run vertically. The right and left transverse foramina and the Single large vertebra foramina

Three foramina

True or false... Spine radiography requires a grid


articulations between C1 and C2 , the _______ joints are normally symmetric and so the relationship of the odontoid process to C1 also must be perfectly symmetric


the first cervical vertebrae, the ____, a name derived from the reek God who bore the world on his shoulders, least resembles a typical vertebrae


A rounded outward or elevated surface


All of the first 10 thoracic vertebrae have facets that articulate with the tubercles of ribs 1-10. These articulations are termed _______ ______

costotransverse joints

each faucet or combination of two demifacets accepts the head of the rib to from a _________ joint


Ribs 11 and 12 articulate only at the __________ ______

costovertebral joints

Each thoracic vertebra has a full faucet or two partial faucets called _______


____________ _____ separate typical adult vertebra. They allow for flexibility and movement of the vertebral column

fibrocartilaginous disks

The two anatomic areas of the spine that genually need to be demonstrated ny the proper radiographs are the ______ ______ and ______ _____

intervertebral foramen, zygapophyseal joints

the lateral positon of the thoracic spine best shows the _____ _____

intervertebral foramina

abnormal condition characterized by increased convexity of the thoracic spine curvature


the thoracic and sacral regions have a convex curvatures and are described as


The posterior part of the vertebral arch is formed by two somewhat flat layers of bone called _____. each of these extends posteriorly from each pedicle to unite in the midline


each cervical vertebra and the vertebral body continues to get ______ progressing down to the seventh cervical vertebrae


lower four thoracic vertebrae are _____ and share feature characteristics to the lumbar vertebrae


All 7 cervical vertebrae and the alignment of T1 should be demonstrated on a well positions _______ cervical spine radiograph


the zygapophyseal joints visualize well in a ____ position


The articular pillars are called _____ ____ for C1 because the lateral masses of C1 support the weight of the head and assist in the rotation of the head

lateral masses

_______ is an exaggerated curvature to the left


abnormal anterior concavity of the lumbar spine


the cervical and lumbar regions have concave curves described as ______


when children learn to walk, the second compensatory concave happen in the _______ vertebrae


______ _______ are the strongest vertevrae in the body because the load of the weight increases toward the inferior end of the column.

lumbar vertebrae

the spinal cord (enclosed and protected by spinal canal) begins below the ______ ______ of the brain. The continues through the ___ _____ _____ all the way down to lower boarder of the ______ ______ _____ where it then tappers off to a point called the ____ ______

medulla oblongata, first cervical vertabrae, first lumbar vertebra, conus medullaris

the vertebral column in located in the _______ region


______ is an alternative radiographic procedure that invloved fluroscopic and radiographic examiniation of the spinal canal for evaluation of lesions in the spinal canal, intervertebral disks, or nerve roots.


The _____ process or ____ is part of the second cervical vertebra but a superior perspective of C1 shows its location and how it is held in place by the transverse atlantal ligament.

odontoid arch, dens

the most distinctive feature of the second cervical vertebra, the axis, is the clinically important _______ or ______, the conical process that projects up from the superior surface of the body

odontoid, dens

The lateral spine is usually obtained using an _______ technique to blur out the structures that overlie the thoracic vertebrae. This breathing tedchnique requires patients to take deep shallow breaths during an exposure and a minimum of 3-4 second exposure time with a low mA setting


Radiographic demonstration of the relationship of C1 to C2 and the relationship with C1 to the base of the skull is clinically important because injury this high in the spinal cord can result in

paralysis and death

Rather than two laminae and spinous process found in typical vertebrae, C1 has a _______ that generally bears a small _____ at midline?

posterior arch, posterior tubercle

Each thoracic vertebrae is associated closely with one pair of ____


occasionally, a slight lateral curvature occurs in the upper thoracic region of a healthy adult. the curvature is associated with the dominant extremity. so the curvature may be convex to the right in a _____ handed person


the zygapophyseal joints of the second through seventh cervical vertebrae are located at ______ angles or _____ degrees to the midsaggital plane and only visualized in a true lateral position

right, 90

the central portion of the sternum is called the body. The manubrium and the body connect at a slight easily located angle termed the ____ ____ about 2 inches inferior to the manubrial notch

sternal angle

Each of the left and right C1 superior articular processes presents a large depressed surface called a _____for articulation with the respective left and right occipital condyles of the skull?

superior faucet

The hole in each transverse process is called a __________________. The vertebral artery and veins and certain nerves pass through these.

transverse foramen.

extending laterally from approximately the junction of each pedicle and lamina is a projection termed the _____ _____

transverse process

the typical vertebrae consist of ____ pedicles and ____ laminae that form the vertebral foreman containing the spinal cord, ____ transverse process extending laterally, and ____ spinous process extending posteriorly, and the large anterior body

two, two, two, one

T5, T6, T7 and T8 are considered ______ thoracic vertebrae which are small and share similar features to the cervical vertebrae


The last or seventh cervical vertebra is called the______?

vertebra prominens

the first thoracic vertebrae can be palpated posteriorly at the base of the neck for the prominent spinous process of C7, the _____ ______ which extends downwards with its tip at T1

vertebrae prominens

When several vertebrae are stacked, as they are in the normal articulated vertebral column, the succession of vertebral foramen form a tube-like opening called? this then encloses and protects the spinal cord

vertebral (spinal) canal

the _____ _____ consists of a ring or arch of bone that extends posteriorly from the vertebral body

vertebral arch

Both of the inferior curves, lumbar and sacral, are usually more pronounces in ______ than _____

women, men

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