Good phrases

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Come to think of it, this happens all the time - people act devoted to God to mask their bad deeds

'Tis too much proved, that with devotion's visage And pious action we do sugar o'er The devil himself

I'll work to satisfy to the fullest extent your deepens need for...


you will do no such thing


what are the 4 practices that sustainability in the supply chain seeks to manage?

1. environmental practices 2. social practices 3. economic practices 4. ethical practices

what are the 3 things that sustainability in the supply chain seeks to understand?

1. supply chain risks and opportunities 2. the positive and negative impacts of the company's supply chain practices 3. the value of sustainability investments to the business

to call a spade, a spade

A person who calls a spade a spade is one speaks frankly and makes little or no attempt to conceal their opinions or to spare the feelings of their audience.

Just as a raging thunderstorm is often interrupted by a moment's silence, And then soon after the region is split apart by dreadful thunderclaps

A silence in the heavens, the rack stand still, The bold winds speechless, and the orb below As hush as death, anon the dreadful thunder doth rend the region

the piper for the "fun" of the first go-around.

After such a negotiation, lawyer and client are less well positioned to work long hours together under pressure. If they ever have to negotiate again when the tables are turned—such as during a dawn raid or a huge lawsuit, or when the firm holds unique expertise—the client should expect to pay the piper for the "fun" of the first go-around.

elegant way to compare two things

At the same time, the concept is still critiqued by researchers as ambiguous and amorphous, resulting in an understanding that is equivocal at best

elegant way to say many

Building a strong brand with great equity provides a host of possible benefits to a firm, such as greater customer loyalty and less vulnerability to competitive marketing actions or marketing crises; larger margins; more favorable customer response to price increases and decreases; greater trade or intermediary cooperation and support; increased marketing communication effectiveness; and licensing and brand extension opportunities.


But it's not resilient. When the world changes, and it always does, open systems are far less brittle than their shiny counterparts.

self-cleaning algorithm

But the ability to speak up is a self-cleaning algorithm. Our freedom to move on, to criticize and to suggest creates the conditions for the system to improve.

adding emphasis

But the risk of being among them had, remarkably, fallen by an average of about 13% a decade, from about a one in four chance for a 75-year-old in 1995 to less than one in five by 2015.


By rethinking their current strategy, fashion retailers can drive consumer demand with attractive, strategically placed, seamless, and easy-to-use experiences that are also accessible anytime, anywhere, and on any mobile device.

What is polluter (pays principle)?

Cost of pollution should be covered by those who cause it.

adjectives and commas

Covid-19 has ruthlessly exposed and exploited their vulnerabilities, from rotten bureaucracies to frayed social safety-nets.

analogy for connecting two things

Creating a sustainable world means creating new ways for people to live and thrive - while keeping the planet's ecosystem and the global social tissue healthy and able to sustain us and future generations.

great way to describe something complex

Cuomo could be charming and nuanced; no one had a deeper understanding of the complex web of relationships and egos in state politics. "There's no question that he was capable of tremendous political dexterity

do whatever you like

Do as you please

You may wonder if the stars are fire You may wonder if the sun moves across the sky You may wonder if the truth is a liar, But never wonder if I love

Doubt thou the stars are fire Doubt that the sun doth move Doubt truth to be a liar But never doubt I love

Listen to many people, but talk to few

Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice

Show me the person who's master of his emotions, and I'll put him close to my heart - in my heart of hearts

Give me that man That is not passion's slave, and I will wear him In my heart's core, ay, in my heart of heart

God didn't create us with such a huge power of though and a divine capacity for reason in order for us not use them

He that muse us with such large discourse, Looking before and after, gave us not That capability and godlike reason To fust in us unused

this old man only likes the dancing or the sex scenes; he sleeps through all the rest

He's for a jig or a tale of bawdry, or he sleeps

The people love him, because they judge based on appearance rather than reason

He's loved of the distracted multitude, Who like not in their judgement, but their eyes

Horatio you are the best man I have ever known

Horatio, thou art e'en as just a man As e'er my conversation coped withal

usage of comma and dash

I have been involved in much of the work that has led to many of the world's biggest corporations become more transparent, responsible, accountable, and - at least by their own claims - sustainable.

I've made a quick executive decision

I have in quick determination

I thank you for your good advice

I thank you for your good counsel

use of cause, effect and the degree to which it applies

It also mentioned a crack (the cause of the defect) appeared to have formed due to excessive mechanical stress put on the capacitor, most likely (though not necessarily) during soldering of the capacitor to the PCB

It's common for us old people to assume we know more than we do as for young people to be too wild and crazy

It is proper to our age to cast beyond ourselves in our opinions, as it is common for the younger sort to lack discretion

keep the flattery for kissing the hands of those who can pay well

Let the candied tongue lick absurd pomp And crook the pregnant hingers of the knee Where thrift may follow fawning

And like a person with two opposite things to do at once, I stand paralyzed and neglect them both

Like a man to double business bound, I stand in pause where I shall first begin, And both neglect

adding another adjective

Machiavelli was privileged to have lived in highly interesting, if chaotic, times.

adding adjectives

Most business advisors, sensibly, aim to be professional, objective, and neutral

reformist spirit proved fleeting

Mr Guedes bragged that reforms to simplify the tax code, slim down the public sector and privatize inefficient state firms would follow. Yet the reformist spirit proved fleeting

My two schoofellows, whom I will trust as I will adders fanged, they bear the mandate

My two schoolmates, whom I trust about as much as rattlesnakes, are in charge

You must stop! Your words are like daggers

O, speak to me no more! These words like daggers enter in my ears

Oh, it's nice to kill two birds with one stone

Oh, 'tis most sweet when in one line two craft directly meet

What are the three underlying principles that the book mentions?

Precautionary Principle, Proximity Principle and Polluter (pays principle)

Often our intentions are strong at first, but as time goes on they weaken, just like an apple sticks to the tree when it is unripe but falls to the ground once it ripens

Purpose is but the slave to memory, Of violent birth, but poor validity, Which now, like fruit unripe, sticks on the tree, But fall, unshaken, when they mellow be

security blanket

Rather than ripping the security blanket away entirely, the shadow bill gives some comfort to those who have used hourly billing their whole working life.

To be truly great doesn't mean you'd only fight for a good reason. It means you'd fight over nothing if you honor was at stake

Rightly to be great Is not to stir without great argument, But greatly to find quarrel in a straw When honor's at the stake

good transitional format in the beginning of sentence

Seeking insight, we searched the scholarly literature on CC, and reviewing 149 papers, realized VCC is not one enormous task

canary in the coal mine

Something whose sensitivity to adverse conditions makes it a useful early indicator of such conditions; something which warns of the coming of greater danger or trouble by a deterioration in its health or welfare. The household staple was a "canary in the coal mine" of sorts in the early days of the pandemic, disappearing from stores and serving as a harbinger of shortages across a range of goods.

adding emphasis to the last item on a list

The basic idea later inspired platforms like the Global Reporting Initiative and Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes, influencing corporate accounting, stakeholder engagement, and, increasingly, strategy.

using seamless as an analogy to a smooth process

The importance of omnichannel has never been so fundamental to the fashion industry's success as it has become now. Online and in-person commerce models must provide a consistent and seamless buying experience that allows consumers to buy a product in any omnichannel touchpoint and collect or return it in a selected storefront of their choice.

Treat them with honor and dignity. The less they deserve, the more your generosity is worth

The less they deserve, the more merit is in your bounty

Ebbs and flows

The model collapsed when Covid-19 brought in unexpected ebbs and flows in orders and hampered access to critical supplies, putting planners on a 24/7 fire-drill mode.

elegant way to describe inaccurate demand

The principle describes how companies typically respond to a spike in demand by ordering more products than required to hedge against potential continued growing demand and to avoid stockouts. This demand distortion is then passed along and amplified at each stage of the supply chain, with orders to suppliers furthest away from the point of sale far removed from the realistic views of consumer demand.

expression to denote something can't be undone

The question now is whether governments can put the genie back in the bottle through concerted, coordinated action. Many politicians say the power to tinker with biology is too dangerous to have in the hands even just of doctors and must be regulated.

You've got a guilty look on your face, which you're too honest to disguise

There is a kind of confession in your looks which your modesties have not craft enough to color

nothing is really good or bad in itself - it's all what a person thinks about it

There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so

starting sentence with nor!

They have also won the ultimate affirmation: defeating a superpower. It is not surprising that America failed to turn Afghanistan into a democracy. Nor was it unreasonable for Joe Biden, America's president, to want to draw the conflict to a close, given the duration, scale and expense of the American deployment.

yours forever

Thine evermore

There's method to his madness

Though this be madness, yet there is method in it

talking about people who are not the "regular people"

This is most glaring when we go near the edges of a bell curve. Disabled people or folks who are out of the mean in any way are shunted aside by what the busy but blindered tech people think is important.

This is only a figment of your imagination

This is the very coinage of your brain

I swear

Upon my honor

When bad things happen, they don't come one at a time, like enemy spies, but all at once like an army

When sorrows come, they come not single spies But in batallions

When someone's love is great, the little worries become very big. So when you see someone who worries a lot about little things, you know they're really in love

Where love is great, the littlest doubts are fear. Where little fears grow great, great love grows there

strong caption game

While Italian cities, Florence in particular, were nurturing the great flourishing of learning and culture of the Renaissance, the peninsula was, at the same time, the focal point of seemingly endless war, intrigue, and violence between Europe's powers.

what is financial capital?

enables other types of capital to be owned and traded

what is social capital?

institutions that help us maintain and develop human capital partnering with others (communities, schools, families..)

Social Equity is composed of.....

human rights, peace, security, justice, gender equality (People)


hurry; accelerate; rush One of the key feedback loops that could hasten its demise works like this: Blasting summer sun melts the bright white snow that collects on the ice sheet, exposing denser, darker ice below and sometimes creating meltwater pools.


impulsive and unpredictable. America's intelligence was flawed and its planning rigid. Mr Biden was capricious and his concern for allies minimal. That is likely to embolden jihadists everywhere. It will also dismay America's friends and encourage adventurism on the part of hostile governments such as Russia's or China's.

what is manufacturing capital?

materials contributing to production rather than output

doing something is an art form

meaning it requires specific knowledge of nuance.

fork in the road

metaphor. decisions, choices

what are the five-capital model?

natural capital, human capital, social capital, manufacturing capital and financial capital

what is human capital?

people's health, skills, knowledge, motivation

rubber meets the road

practical testing stage before release A place or circumstance at which the implementation of a plan or intent is to be achieved.

what is precautionary principle?

protect the environment precautionary approach should be used by the States according to their capabilities. Lack of full scientific certainty not a reason to postponing cost effective measures to prevent environmental damage.

sustainable development is about creating balance/interaction between:

social equity, environmental protection, economic development

what is natural capital?

stock of flow or energy and material that produces goods and services

An important definition of supply chain sustainability

the management of environmental, social and economic impacts, and the encouragement of good governance practices, throughout the lifecycles of goods and services. The objective of supply chain sustainability is to create, protect, and grow long-term environmental, social and economic value for all stakeholders involved in bringing products and services to market.

What is proximity principle?

treatment and disposal of waste should take place near the point of production

economic development is composed of......

understanding the limits and potential of economic growth (poverty reduction, responsible consumption) (Also referred to as Profit)

Sustainability in the supply chain affects.....

upstream suppliers, controlled operations and downstream use of goods and services

environmental protection is composed of.....

water, energy, waste, biodiversity (Planet)

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