gov 200-001 review Final Exam

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when considering the question which possible option asserts that matter is the ultimate value


A contractual order represents relations between and among who


Which of the following relationships between taxes and production is most accurate

Taxes discourage production


The advent of a new hermeneutic or interpretation of the scriptures as flowing from the reformation

Biblical Christianity produces a covenantal order and procedure What is meant by Personal Covenant

This means that every individual is inspired by God to be reconciled by him on the basis of atoning sacrifice of Christ

which of the following correctly defines Presupposition

A presupposition is something assumed to be true beforehand as a basis of argument discussion or perspective

read the following quote and identify which option matches it, men like Karl Marx or Charles Darwin operated at this level


Another critical presupposition of the Biblical Christian worldview

Human Depravity means that man is fallen in his nature because of his sin and therefore incapable of saving himself

Which Monarch is Parliament relative to the English Bill of Rights

King James II

Which of the following is not a presupposition inherit within the Biblical Christian Worldview

Man is inherently good

which British author wrote "Popular Government"(1885)

Sir Henry Maine

When referencing the biblical Christian worldview, three basic presuppositions are asserted. What is the First?

The Kingdom of God is spiritual

what does a rationalistic epistemology assert

that man knows simply by exercising

What does a naturalistic ontology assert


What is meant by the phrase "Holy Commonwealth arrangement which the puritans of Great Britain and North America extensively developed and applied


What is the significance of the Dutch Theologian Abraham Kupher (1837-1920)


What role of the preamble relative to the U.S. Constitution


Which of the following identifies structure and procedure of biblical Christianity

A holy commonwealth approach to man and life

Which of the following correctly defines the term Worldview

A worldview is a philosophy of life which attempts to address and answer the grand questions of life to direct man in organizing his relationships, or in the manner he should live and construct all of life

Biblically speaking what is the province or purview of civil-government

Civil-government has lawful authority over some behavior but never over men's consciences

What is the purpose of civil-government from a biblical perspective

Civil-government is divinely ordained for order and procedure in a fallen world

Given examples of covenants within the Holy Commonwealth which is the third covenant

Civil-social Covenant

A Biblical revelation Epistemology asks the question how does man (ultimately) know? what is the correct answer from the perspective?

God disclosed the truth of himself and what exists in verbal propositional from the bible

in considering final answers in the area of Ontology there are few options from which to choose which identifies these options

Ontology represents with either naturalism or supernaturalism

What is the first sphere of government and governing authority

Sovereignty of god and His governing authority

The Telelogical dilemma deals with what life-questions in a final way?

Teleology attempts to provide final answers to questions of purpose and destiny

When referencing the biblical Christian worldview, three basic presuppositions are asserted. What is the Third?

There is no institutional interposition between god and man.

True or False: The English and American Constitutions are similar in that Parliament and Congress consist of bicameral legislatures sitting in two separate chambers.


Due Process of Law at the time of Magna Charta included a judgment by whom?

by one's peers

According to Madison, what is instituted to private property of every sort as well as that which lies in the various rights of individuals as that which as that which the term particularly expresses

civil government as created by the U.S. Constitution

True or False: government credit does not divert or redirect production; as a matter of fact, private loans tend to be more frequently spent on dubious and frivolous projects


Given examples of covenants within the Holy Commonwealth which is the first covenant

personal covenant

The first primary question of a worldview which inquires into the origin of the cosmos is often times referred to as

the cosmological question

when considering the axiological questions which possible option below asserts that a god or God is above or beyond man as the ultimate value


The epistemological question ultimately attempts to answer what

what do we know

Martin suggests that a worldview has three components and which come in the form of primary questions. subsidiary questions, and the institutional structure and procedure of life What is the first primary question?

what is the origin, nature, and destiny of the cosmos?

the theological question essentially asks what

where are we going

According to Martin we can and should know not only what we believe but also what

why we believe it

Which of the following offers the best interpretation of Article 1 section 8 clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution


in what year did Martin Luthor nail his Ninety-five Thesis to the church door at Wittenberg, Germany


Which influential Latin Church father who was bishop of hippo develop the first complete Christian philosophy of history and of the state within systematic presentation of Christian Theology through his City of god which dominated European Christendom for close to 800 years

Aurelius Augustine

when considering the question which possible option asserts that man is the ultimate value?


the English constitution contains three distinct characteristics one of which is unrepresentative

It embodies divided authority and diffused power through a tripartite system of checks and balances

Contrary to what is commonly taught in American public schools and universities today, Americans showed little interest in eighteenth-century radical French political theory, though when they did, as in the case of John Adams, they often expressed profound disagreement. Consider the list of radical French intellectuals below, and choose that individual whose works anticipated Karl Marx, though who is often linked to the American founding generations as a figure of influence.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

What is meant by the depravity of man

Man is depraved in that he is a fallen sinful creature and cannot save himself.

in his writings from "On Property" Madison states that a mans land or merchandize or money is called his what Property


While the Reformation is characteristically ascribed to Dr. Martin Luther, it had been anticipated over a century and half earlier by the Englishmen John Wycliffe and the Bohemian Jan (John) Huss. Huss was highly influenced by the writings of whom?

St. Augustine (and Wycliffe for that matter)

please read the quote below, taken from a specific provision in one of the Charters of Liberty at English Common Law. You are to decide from which document the quote is from, and what right is being protected or established. No free man shall be taken or imprisoned or dispossed, or outlawed, or banished, or in any way destroyed, nor will go upon him, nor send upon him, except by the legal judgment of his peers or by the law of the land.

The document containing this quote is Magna Carta (1215), and one of the rights elaborated is security from arbitrary imprisonment.

What is meant by the reformation doctrine Man is a king under God

This phrase means that every person has been authorized by God to take righteous dominion of his work

The Axiological Dilemma deals with what life question in a final way

axiology attempts to deal with issues of ultimate value

Which term was used in puritan America as flowing from the reformation period which recognized that god is over all life?

holy commonwealth

As witnessed by the growth of Christianity in Europe - and by extension North America - we're able to ascertain that a worldview

is capable of transitioning to other countries via patterns of migration

In order to answer the first two primary questions, we must address four simple, subsidiary "philosophical" questions. What is the first of these subsidiary questions?

the ontological question

Which philosophical question presented below can best be equated with the following quote by Francis Schaeffer in Whatever Happened to the Human Race(1979)


Which philosophical question presented below can best be equated with the following underlined portion of this quote by Francis Schaeffer in How Should We then Live (1979)


what is the difference if any between Rationality and rationalism


which of the following represents a naturalistic ontology


When was the English Bill of Rights written?


Which of the following identifies the institutional structure and procedure of biblical Christianity

A Holy Commonwealth approach to man and life

which of the following is not a fundamental characteristic of a worldview

A worldview will attempt to be limited in its application rather than attempting to address the larger questions of life it will focus mainly upon ethics and morals

What is the significance of John Adam's Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law (1765)

Adams wrote his Dissertation to address the notorious British Stamp Act of 1765; he compared British taxation policy to that wicked confederacy of ecclesiastical and civil authority reminiscent of Europe and Great Britain experiences, and which provoked the British colonists to flee to America's shores for the sake of liberty

what is the significance of Aurelius Augustine (354-430AD) Bishop of Hippo, North Africa

Aurelius Augustine would develop the first Complete Christian philosophy of history and of the state within a systematic presentation of Christian theology through his city of god (413-426AD) which dominated European Christendom for close to 800 Years

Which worldview flowed out of the protestant reformation

Biblical Christian

What is the purpose of civil-government from a biblical perspective

Civil government is divinely ordained for order and procedure in a fallen world

Which covenant recognizes all of the corporates relationships of man including marriage the family local and national government

Civil-social Covenant

A most inspiring but disconcerting quote form this noteworthy American leader is found in the front matter to your McCellan text this quote is timely for our times too read the quote below and identify the correct author Hold on my friends to the Constitution

Daniel Webster

John Adams would publish his very substantial and scholarly volumes in which he critically examined twelve ancient democratic republics three ancient aristocratic republics and three ancient monarchal republics He found them all inferior to the political system of the new American republics in the several states that were formed after 1776

Defense of the Constitutions of Government of the United States

Which of the following correctly defines Deism

Deism represents a belief in the existence of god while denying the relevance of spiritual revelation God is acknowledged as creator but not providential guide

While the Protestant Reformation is dated differently most historians and academics began the reformation with the posting of the ninety five Theses on the church door in Wittenberg Germany by whom

Dr. Martin Luther

Given examples of covenants within the Holy Commonwealth which is the second covenant

Ecclesiastical Covenant

McClellan notes a few educated Americans were familiar with some of the works of the great international law jurists. You have a list of some of these individuals below. Choose that famous figure who was not an international law theorist, but instead, wrote the very influential Second Treatise of Civil Government (1689), which was actually incorporated into UVA's (University of Virginia) original curriculum in 1825, and recommended by James Madison, Rector of the University.

John Locke

Which of the following properly defines the term Jurisdiction

Jurisdiction refers to the lawful use of lawful authority

Which English Charter of Liberty contains the following clause: That the Church of England shall be free, and have her whole rights, and her liberties inviolable; and we will have them so observed that it may appear thence that the freedom of elections, which is reckoned chief and indispensable to the English Church, and which we granted and confirmed by our Charter, and obtained the confirmation of the same from our Lord and Pope Innocent III, before the discord between us and our barons, was granted of mere free will; which Charter we shall observe, and we do will it to be faithfully observed by our heirs for ever.

Magna Charta (1215)

One basic presupposition of the Biblical Christian Worldview is that all men, on the basis of the finished work of God-in-Christ, have direct access to God. What is this presupposition?

Man is priest under god

Which of the following best identifies Naturalism as an Ontological possibility

Naturalism asserts that man knows naturally or through his intuition

the bill of rights accused James II of house Stuart of disarming Protestants but who armed and employed whom contrary to law as a matter of fact this part of the Bill of Rights assists us in understanding the second amendment to the US constitution

Papists or Roman Catholics

In contrast to the democracies of the ancient world or of the medieval and renaissance city-states of Italy there arose in England by stages what we now call representative government What is the English assembly called


What sort of government did American leaders believe best preserve liberty encourage public virtue and dissuade corruption


Read the following quote by Nahum Sarna a noted scholar of Jewish history taken from his book Understanding Genesis (1970) Determine which option best describes or conveys his point of emphasis

Sarna's is asserting that a biblical interpretation of history is linked to an understanding of ideas and their consequences in the moral and social life of any society

What is meant by the reformation doctrine Man is prophet under a sovereign god

Simply put it means that God has revealed truth or absolute truth of mankind through the Scriptures

Under the English constitution legal sovereignty resides within which civil institution

The English parliament

A Biblical Supernatural ontology asks the question How do all things exist what is the correct answer from this perspective

The God of the Bible created everything including man

when considering the application of worldviews what is meant by the level of Abstractions

The level of Abstraction refers to that first critical stage of conceptualization where an intellectual begins to pull together and systematize a worldview or vision of life

Worldview properly speaking has three sections Which of the following IS NOT REPRESENTITIVE of these

The levels of application of worldviews

In England, the Common Law is an essential part of the English Constitution. In America, the Common Law is not mentioned in the written Constitution of 1787, but Common Law principles underlie much of the US "invisible" or "unwritten constitution. In this regard, it is possible to speak of a "visible" and an "invisible" constitution, and of a "written and an "unwritten" constitution. Which of the following Common Law principles is located in Article I, Section 10, clause 1 of the US Constitution, though the phrase 'Common Law' is missing?

The obligation of States against passing a law "impairing the Obligation of Contracts."

The glorious revolution of 1688-80 was an important turning point in English constitutional history as a result of this bloodless revolt what institution became the real sovereign of great Britain and a permanent fixture of the English constitution

The parliament

What is meant by the reformation doctrine Man is Priest under a sovereign God

This means that all people have direct access to God on the basis of his finished work in Christ on other words they do not need a Priest to mediate their salvation

What is meant by the phrase The Kingdom of God is Spiritual?

This phrase means that Gods Kingdom refers to Gods rule and by spiritual it simply means that Gods rule includes the totality of life or what is and cannot be equated with any one aspect of life

Biblical Christianity results in a covenantal order and procedure. what procedure What is meant by Civil-Social Covenant

This phrase means that man agrees to follow God's will in all corporate relationships; for example, civil-government, law, marriage, economics, etc.

True or False: A constitution establishes publicly recognized political institutions, allocates power through the distribution of offices, and places limits on political power.


What does the ontological question ask

Who am I? How do we exist?

Which philosophical question presented below can best be equated with the following quote by Nancy Pearcey in Total Truth (2005)

a Naturalistic ontology

What was the importance of Magna Charta and its impact on the individual man in Great Britain

it established the great principle that all Englishmen not just the Lords are entitled to personal liberty and that no man including the king himself is above the law

Which of the following properly defines jurisdiction

jurisdiction refers to the lawful use of lawful authority

Which of the following defines Pantheism

pantheism is a doctrine which states that god is or is in everything and everything is god

Magna Charta stipulated that the assessment of taxes shall laid by whom?

the General Counsel consisting of archbishops, bishops, abbots, earls, and greater Barons of the realm

A biblical theistic axiology asks the question what is of ultimate Value what is the correct answer from this perspective

the God of the Bible is the ultimate value but that man created in the image of god is of infinite value

The Biblical Christian Worldview represents a restatement of which of the following

the Reformation

at what level of worldview application would the German philosopher and economist Karl Marx (1818-1883) best be placed

Karl Marx was an active writer and thinker whose works produced a vision for life and subsequently engaged the minds of others therefore he operated at the level of abstraction

What represented the more immediate and practical examples of American constitutional success relative to structure and substance

The British and the American colonial political structures

Which of the following philosophical statements is not part of the biblical Christian worldview

a naturalistic ontology

Which of the following correctly identifies a Biblical perspective on the structure and organization of civil government

a system of ordered liberty (liberty under pre-existing law) and limited civil jurisdiction

Madison claims "the most sacred of all property" is


At a very fundamental level the constitution reflects the intent of the Framers to make it difficult if not impossible for what very detrimental political phenomena to occur

for any single interest group including one representing a popular majority to gain absolute power over the whole nation and impose its will at the expense of other interests or groups

in order to differentiate between the epistemological possibilities of the of revelation and reason, it is necessary to distinguish between rationality and rationalism. which of the following correctly points out some of these initial distinctions

rationalism absolutizes mans intellect while rationality assumes man can receive communication outside the cosmos and therefore knowledge apart from the scientific method

Which of the following in unrepresentative of the components of a worldview

the scientific question

In order to answer the first two primary questions, we must address four simple, subsidiary "philosophical" questions. What is the fourth of these subsidiary questions ?

the teleological question

when considering the application of worldviews what is meant by the level of Conglomerate

this level refers to a most basic representation of the majority of the population as most people fail to reflect internality upon what they believe and why adopting instead ideas from various perspectives

when considering the application of worldviews what is meant by the level of selection

this level refers to how key intellectual thinkers choose from various worldviews to teach from

How is God Authorized to claim man as his property

through his creation efforts

True or false revelation presupposes rational communication and rational communication is impossible if man is irrational. biblical revelation presupposes rational man reason or rationality then is not negated by revelation but on the contrary indispensable to it


True or false: Government lending is vastly different than private lending


Which philosophical question presented below can best be equated with the following quote by Immanuel Kant in his Critique of Pure Reason (1781)

A rationalistic epistemology

one critical presupposition of the Christian worldview is that god is sovereign Which of the following identifies this

All of the above

Which of the following represents one of the most widely read and frequently cited authorities by Americans in framing a new system of government, and who did not advocate utopian solutions to the problem of despotism in his age? Rather, he favored constitutional reform, and analyzed the constitutional conditions upon which freedom depends, and in the hope of restoring the ancient liberties of Frenchmen.

Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu

The phrase "There is no institutional interposition between God and Man," means that institutional structures are directly responsible to whom?


Which Charter of Liberty was drafted in 1628 by members of the house of lords and the house commons concerning rights and liberties of the citizens of Great Britain and which confronted the perceived tyrannical acts of Charles I of the house of Stuart

Petition of Right

Orestes Brownson - one of the more Interesting political thinkers would write in his book The American Republic that Americas mission under god was to realize the true idea of the political state or nation and in which he also emphasized these fundamental components

Political parties

the biblical principle of private property is evidenced in the eighth Commandment of the ten Commandments what does it say (KJV)

Thou shalt not steal

the axiological question asks which of the following

what if anything represents the ultimate of value or which is ultimately most valuable

Biblically speaking what providence or jurisdiction of civil government in other words how far should its authority extend to peoples lives

Because civil-government is under law, it is only justified to rule over human behavior as delegated from God

Which of the following is not representative of a difference between English Constitution and the US Constitution of 1787

The English Constitution consists of a parliament whose authority is submersed under the supreme Judiciary whereas the American Constitution delineates a unicameral Congress whose authority is directly Subsumed under the executive branch

Martin suggests that a worldview has three components - which come in the form of primary questions. What is the third primary question?

what is the institutional structure and procedure of a worldview

The "law of the land" clause within the Magna Carta, which later becomes known Due Process clause is found in the 5th and which Amendment of the U.S. Constitution?

Fifth and Fourth amendments

Which of the following does not represent characteristics' of the American Constitutional Order and System

a central authority with singular, and absolute civil sovereignty

One basic presupposition of the Biblical Christian Worldview is that under sovereign God, man has been granted dominion to rule the earth rightly. This refers to which presupposition

man is king under god

people propose to structure all of life on the basis of presuppositions and conclusions drawn and which are reflected within the institutional structure and procedure of life therefore as biblical Christians we orient the structure of all life in which direction

vertically toward god

Martin suggests that a worldview has three components and which come in the form of primary questions. subsidiary questions, and the institutional structure and procedure of life What is the second primary question?

what is the origin, nature, and destiny of man?

A worldview must ultimately provide what

Enduring answers to the larger questions which are applicable to the whole of life

do public building projects such as bridgebuilding for example pursued to simply provide employment actually add wealth to a community


Which of the following correctly defines Naturalistic

Naturalistic is defined as a view of the world that excludes or dispenses with the supernatural or spiritual

These essays urged the people to support the new constitution and attempted to explain why it was preferable to the Articles of Confederation

The Federalist papers

Which of the following best identifies "Federalism" as America's contribution to political theory

a constitutional arrangement which lodges civil authority at various levels

Madison states that man not only has property in his opinions but more specifically what sort of opinions

religious opinions

How are covenants superior to contracts? if indeed they are? do they imply the same sort of relationship?

A covenant by its very nature represents an exalted and dignified approach to relationships that assumes God to be the superiors partner in, designer of, and initiator of, relational transaction, Contracts do not rise to this status

The cultural and institutional consequences of the reformation are significant not only for European and British History but for American history as well. Which of the following is not representative of these new institutional patterns dominant in the American Colonies

A merging of the ecclesiastical authority with the civil authority such that the church and the state were jurisdictionally aligned

there is a design/structure which flows from each worldview which of the following relative to the institutional spectrum references all of the art forms expressive of the ultimate beauty - ranging from the literary arts such as literature and history on the one hand to the audiovisual arts including music, painting and sculpture as examples on the other?


Which of the following is constitutional law or located in the U.S. Constitution

All Legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives

What is the significance of John Wycliffe (1320-1384 AD)?

Also known as the "Morning Star" of the Reformation, Wycliffe produced the first English translation of the scripture

in considering final answers in the area of axiology there are few options from which to consider which below identifies these options

Axiology responds with theism humanism or materialism

According to the great English Jurist Sir Edward Coke, "There is no jewel in the world comparable to learning," and "no learning so excellent both for prince and subject as knowledge of laws; and no knowledge of any laws (I speak of human) so necessary for all (social classes] and for all causes concerning goods, lands, or life, as the _ of England." Sir Coke, greatly admired this law, which had evolved over the centuries as a body of legal principles for determining the rights and duties of individuals respecting their personal security and property. It was judge-made law, developed not by parliamentary statutes or royal edicts of the King but by the King's judges, through the accumulation of judicial decisions. What 'law' is being referred to?

Common Law

within institutional structure and procedure of the third primary question we read of seven institutional areas which of the following is one of the following is one of those seven this questions requires you be very specific in your response


Which covenant within the Holy Commonwealth arrangement suggest that God is propositioning man relative to a corporate relationship

Ecclesiastical Covenant

Which charter of liberty was drafted in 1698 and outlined the tyranny of James II including his attempt to subvert and annihilate the protestant religion of Great Britain

English bill of rights

The Epistemological dilemma deals with what life questions in a final way

Epistemology asserts ultimate answers to the questions How can I know what is true

Today the fundamental law of the united states of America still is the constitution of 1787 a written document which is respecting and obeyed almost as if it were a living thing this book examines that Constitution inquiring how it was developed what its provisions mean why it has functioned so well and how it affects everybody's life in America today What do we mean by this word constitution relative to the American experience

Every country develops a Constitution which is akin to a statute and typically crafted by a congress parliament or legislature

What is meant by the reformation Doctrine The Priesthood of all believers

Everyone has direct access to Gods plan of salvation on the basis of his finished work in Christ

Consider the following Quote by the noteworthy early modern British thinker Richard Overton in his An Arrow Against all Tyrants and Tyranny (1646) and then answer the question below true or false Overton's quote is in direct contradiction (or in contrast) to the Protestant Reformations dictum that man is prophet priest and king under a sovereign God


The kingdom of God teleology asks the question What us the purpose of all existence? what is the correct answer from this perspective

God and His rule are in ultimate control and determinative of direction of time

Which of the following best captures the essence of the biblical Christian worldview

God applies to the whole of life

what famous literary work did Aurelius Augustine Bishop of hippo (354-430 A.D.) write which dominated European Christendom for nearly 800 years

His famous city of god (413-426 A.D)

what are the two most important teleological possibilities in the final analysis relative to the teleological question

Kingdom of God v. Kingdom of Earth

to recognize the existence of a covenantal order is to acknowledge that god has not

Left man alone god has reached down to man and propositioned him to live according to his truth in the whole of life

According to Lord Chatham (William Pitt I), which of the following options represents "the Bible of the English Constitution?"

Magna Carta, Petition of Right, English Bill of Rights

Three great political agreements between the British crown and great Britain stand out as prominent landmarks in English constitutional history. what was the first such great document drawn up in 1215

Magna Charta

Which British charter of liberty is often regarded as the foundation of Anglo-American liberties because it established the principle that all Englishmen not just the Lords are entitled to personal liberty and that no man including the king himself is above the law

Magna Charta

When referencing the biblical Christian worldview, three basic presuppositions are asserted. What is the Second?

Man is prophet, priest, and king under sovereign god

All worldviews must answer four philosophical dilemmas, each of which addresses a life concern in a final way. What does the Ontological question attempt to address in a final way?

Ontology attempts to provide final answers to questions of origins or the ground of being and existance

Which of the following best explains the phrase "ideas have consequences"?

Options a and c best explain this phrase A) ideas which are internalized assumptions affect the external realm when they are applied C) this means that one's beliefs (internal) are reflected in ones behavior (external)

There is no clear separation of personnel under a parliamentary system, unlike the American constitutional order and system. The real executive in the English system is not the King or Queen, but the Cabinet, which is made up of the King's ministers, including the Prime Minister. Where can members of the Cabinet and the Prime Minister also sit and serve?


According to McClellan, who was that great "fiery patriot" of the Commonwealth of Virginia, who exclaimed "I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience." Our dear author neglects the greater context here, as this quote is part of that famous March 23, 1775 speech delivered at St. John's Church in Richmond, and directed explicitly against the British relative to the emerging American War for Independence. The context is critical here, as McClellan's snippet can leave readers concluding this dear orator never based his ideas in principle, but only experience. Here is the remainder of that speech's immediate context, which incorporates that famous quote: I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past. And judging by the past, I wish to know what there has been in the conduct of the British ministry for the last ten years, to justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased to solace themselves, and the House? Among the options presented below of famous Virginians, who delivered this most famous, and memorable speech?

Patrick Henry

The English and American political systems are also distinguishable on the basis of separation of powers. The English government embodies a parliamentary system, in contrast with the American - Under both systems, the functions of government are separated into legislative, executive, and judicial branches, but there is no clear separation of personnel under a parliamentary system. The real executive in the English system is not the king but the cabinet, which is made up of the King's ministers. Members of the Cabinet, however, also hold a seat in Parliament. The Prime Minister, for example, actually holds a seat in the House of Commons (the lower house) and is the leader of the majority party of that body. The President of the United States, on the other hand, is more independent of the legislature. He is elected by the nation at large, not by the members of Congress.

Presidential System

Which of the following best identifies Rationalism as an Epistemological possibility

Rationalism maintains that man can understand all truth by simply taking thought in contemplation of nature in conjunction with his five physical senses

consider the following quote by DR Frances Schaeffer found in his How Should We then Live (1979) and identify which option below best explains his main point

Schaeffer utilizes Roman methods of bridge building to convey the critical role of ideas in supplying lasting answers to life when these ideas or worldviews for that matter are found weak and wanting they crash like a little roman humpback bridge because life's pressures are too great

The indictment of George III in the Declaration of Independence is amply supported by this famous English Jurist's description of the rights of Englishmen, and it was for these rights, among others, that the patriots were contending. Such terms in the American Constitution as "crimes and misdemeanors," "ex post facto laws," "judicial power," "due process," and "levying war" were used in the same sense in which he had employed them. In like manner, most of the early State constitutions drafted in 1776 were influenced by the Commentaries, and these in turn were copied in part by the newer States joining the Union. Thus the language of both the Federal and State constitutions in the United States cannot fully be understood without reference to the English common law. And this Jurist's classic, which is still being reprinted today, has generally been accepted as the best exposition of that law. Which great English author is being referred to?

Sir William Blackstone

with few exceptions the fifty-five delegates to the US Constitution Convention Paid close attention to the Eighteenth-century constitution of Britain and to English law and ? half of them had been judges or lawyers who were deeply read in the monumental legal treatise Commentaries on the laws of England (1765-1769) what great English jurist authorized this treatise

Sir William Blackstone

A constitution is an effort to impose order for the achievement of certain ends. Those ends are often set forth in a _______ to document as in the American constitution, which states that the "People of the United States" have established the constitution to form a more perfect union establish justice ensure domestic tranquility provide for the common defence promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity what part of the Us Constitution are these statements found?

The Preamble

uring the eighteenth century, it should be noted, there were two political parties competing for power in Parliament. These parties came into existence as a result of the constitutional and religious struggles of the seventeenth century, and by 1680 they were commonly used to designate respectively those members who opposed the Stuart claim that sovereignty resided exclusively in the Crown and those who supported it. What are the names of these two political parties? These same divisions comprised the American Colonists who were British Subjects at this time.

The Tories and the Whigs

Read the following segment of Article V of the Petition of Right (1628), and determine the purpose of the great writ of Habeas Corpus: Nevertheless, against the tenor of the said statutes, and other the good laws and statutes of your realm to that end provided, divers of your subjects have of late been imprisoned without any cause showed; and when for their deliverance they were brought before your justices by your majesty ? of Habeas corpus there undergo and receive as the court should bring order and their Keepers Commanded? to certify

The causes of their detainer

Please read the quote below, taken from a specific provision in one of the Charters of Liberty at English Common Law. You are to decide from which document the quote is from, and what right is being protected or established. Whereas the late King James the Second, by the assistance of divers evil counsellors, judges and ministers employed by him, did endeavour to subvert and extirpate the Protestant religion and the laws and liberties of this kingdom;... By causing several good subjects being Protestants to be disarmed at the same time when papists were both armed and employed contrary to law;... That the subjects which are Protestants may have arms for their defence suitable to their conditions and as allowed by law,...

The document in question is that of the English Bill of Rights (1689), and the right secured is that of Protestants bearing arms for defensive purposes.

what is the Biblical perspective relative to forms of civil government?

The scriptures seem to reveal that a written constitution which limits the form of civil government is best with this civil government is also under law

Determine the nature of true spirituality from the following quote taken from Francis Schaeffer in The Law and the Law of Love from the first chapter in True Spirituality (1971-2001)

True spirituality encompasses mans inner being and disposition as well as outward behavior relative to total obedience to god

Consider the following quote by Gene Edward Veith Jr. Taken from his postmodernist times a Christian guide to contemporary thought and culture (1994) and then answer the question below

Veiths main point is that the absence or denial of transcendent values and absolutes releases society from moral limitations and projects a government of unlimited authority or jurisdiction

Within the ontological question, philosophers have termed the alternatives of various starting points as the ground of grace v. ground of nature. What are various philosophers attempting to ask through this analogy?

What is the starting point of out reflection? the truth is that we cannot finish other than where we start ontologically speaking our starting point will ultimately determine our terminal point!

the various characteristics of a good constitution help us to recognize what can and cannot be achieved through constitutions

a good constitution should endeavor to provide rules of administration for a multitude of concerns the longer a constitution is the more people will read it and the easier it will become to distinguished its major provisions from details of relativity small importance

According to Adams, the great struggle that peopled America,' was

a wicked confederacy of ecclesiastical and civil tyranny in Europe and Great Britain countered by a love of universal liberty

which of the following correctly defines worldview

a worldview is a philosophy of life which attempts to address and answer the grand questions in life to direct man in organizing his relationships or in the manner he should live and construct all of life

Which of the following Does Not correctly identify the nature of or definition of a worldview

a worldview is the same as a presupposition

There are signal characteristics that assist us in identifying prevailing worldviews in a nation or civilization which of the following is unrepresentative of these

a worldview only represents a view of the world that excludes or dispenses with the supernatural or spiritual

Which of the following is not a fundamental characteristic of a worldview

a worldview will attempt to be limited in its application rather than attempting to address the larger questions of life it will focus mainly upon ethics and morals

Which of the following correctly defines Absolute

an absolute is synonymous with self-existent and self-sufficient it also relates to existence without relation to any other being

The European continental Reformation (1400s-1500s) is known for producing an array of theological scholars whose writing attempted to reform Roman Catholic institutions, or, replace them, Alternative interpretive methodologies were also advance which conflicted with the church's standard approach. Which of the following best identifies this new 'Protestant hermeneutic' or interpretive of the Scripture, which also resulted in new perspectives on the nature of civil and ecclesiastical government?

an approach which stressed original languages, grammar and syntax, as well as various levels of context

complete the following phrase with the best option presented below a Biblical perspective on economics

asserts freedom of enterprise civil protection of private property and lawful contracts

what is the Biblical perspective on liberty

biblically liberty for individuals exists under law law is defined as a pre-existing legal framework ordained by God for man

The biblical Christian subscribes to the twin constants of the sovereignty of God and the

depravity of man

Complete the following clause located in Article IV of Petition of Right (1628): IV. And in the eight-and-twentieth year of the reign of King Edward III., it was declared and enacted by authority of Parliament, that no man, of what estate or condition that he be, should be put out of his lands or tenements, nor taken, nor imprisoned, nor disherited, nor put to death without being brought to answer by

due process of law

there is a design/structure which flows from each worldview which of the following relative to the institutional spectrum refers to relationships between men and the marketplace


there is a design/structure which flows from each worldview which of the following relative to the institutional spectrum refers to the means of acquiring, including formal and informal schools and schooling as well as the media?


The American Constitution is like the English constitution both are biased on the principle that liberty order and justice are difficult to achieve and must be preserved through fundamental laws that should be respected and not easily cast aside to serve a temporary expedient or to satisfy the whims of a transient majority that is here today and gone tomorrow What is a good constitution supposed to accomplish besides protecting liberty order and justice

fifth, a good constitution ought to incorporate detailed regulations to cover every contingency

The manner in which one answers the four primary questions presented by a worldview determines the institutional structure and procedure within the Biblical Christian worldview we find a Biblical supernatural ontology what is the most fundamental question does this attempt to address

how and by whom do all things exist

One basic presupposition of the Biblical Christian Worldview is that all men, are given the gift of revelation under God this refers to which presupposition

man is prophet under god

What is meant by the phrase "There is no institution interposition between God and Man

no institution can interpose itself between you and God claiming to save you make you good or render you righteous- your salvation can only be meditated through the atoning sacrifice of Christ as you exhibit repentance and saving faith

Madison stated that man "has a property very dear to him in the safety and liberty of his . . . "


Which covenant within the Holy Commonwealth arrangement suggest that God propositions every person to obey his way and will?

personal covenant

Within the realm of economics, the Biblical Christian worldview adheres to and practices freedom of enterprise which requires the protection of

private property of the individual family and business

read the following excerpt of the English Bill of Rights and determine which of the following represents that religion James II of the house Stuart attempted to extirpate or exterminate and completely destroy. whereas the late King James II by the assistance of divers evil counselors judges and ministers employed by him did endeavor to subvert and extirpate the what religion and the laws and liberties of this kingdom


Within the epistemological question, it can be assumed that we ultimately know something - but only on the basis of revelation, intuition, or ?


The institutional arrangement in the post Christian west is represented by an unnatural contrast or unnatural decision identified as the sacred versus the


Another and Actually more fundamental difference between the English and American Constitutions concerns the question of


Which of the following represents the distilled essence of the biblical Christian world view

supernatural Ontology, Revelational Epistemology, Theistic Axiology, Kingdom of God Teleology

in considering final answers in the area of Teleology there are few options from which to consider which below identifies these options

teleology responds with a kingdom of earth solution or a kingdom of god approach

what does a humanistic axiology assert

that man and particularly the awesome potential of his intellect is the ultimate value.

what does a kingdom of earth teleology assert

that some yet-to-be discovered non-supranational force is in ultimate control and determinative of direction of time

the second primary question which inquires into the nature of the origin of man is often times referred to as

the anthropological question

In order to answer the first two primary questions, we must address four simple, subsidiary "philosophical" questions. What is the third of these subsidiary questions?

the axiological questions

What is the life-orientation of the biblical Christian Worldview in contrast to a rationalistic worldview or rationalism

the biblical Christian worldview structures all of life vertically orienting man to god god is the ultimate point of reference from which to organize all of life

Which of the following is constitutional law or located in the U.S. constitution

the congress should have power to lay and collect taxes duties imposts and excises to pay the debt and provide for the common Defense and general welfare of the united states but all duties imposts and excises shall be uniform through out the united states

the English bill of Rights does not only declare the rights and liberties of the subject but settles the succession of what

the crown

In order to answer the first two primary questions, we must address four simple, subsidiary "philosophical" questions. What is the second of these subsidiary questions?

the epistemological questions

What is meant by the phrase institutional structure and procedure of life

the institutional structure and procedure of life is the total societal and relational expression of answers to all basic questions in life which all worldviews must address

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