gov final exam

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necessity of executive energy for effective gov

Hamilton- federalist 70- energy, accountability, unity, decision, secrecy, and dispatch

Which case indicated that the president's power of executive privilege is not absolute?

us v nixon

spending money (strategy)

useful for donating to campaigns and influencing legislation

Powers of the presidency include the power to ______ and the power to ________. The War Powers Resolution of 1973, enacted as the result of a rare veto override by Congress, requires the president to ________ before sending U.S. armed forces into hostile territory.

veto acts passed by congress; act as commander- in- chief of the armed forces; consult with congress

article 3 of the US constitution

Crimes are to be tried by juries in the state in which the crime was committed.

access (wielding power)

Most interest groups have access to experienced lobbyists. Interest groups are able to wield their power by employing lobbyists who have favorable relationships with key members needed to pass legislation

research/ data (strategy)

access to constituent information, district changes, opponent information and possible allies is critical

contract/ consultant lobbying

an individual paid to lobby on behalf of a client; can lobby on behalf of multiple clients

Which section of the Constitution gives the president the power of appointment, and helped lay the foundations of the modern bureaucracy?

article 2

Consequences resulting from this economic policy are often blamed for the Great Stock Market Crash that occurred on October 29, 1929, triggering the Great Depression.


direct lobbying

efforts of professional lobbyists to influence the policy process in washington, dc

James Madison was afraid that small divisive groups called ____ might divide the young nation


This type of government entity provides for-pay public services. (what type of bureaucracy?)

government corporations

Which term refers to a specially empaneled group that decides whether the government has enough evidence to charge the suspect with a crime?

grand jury

lyndon johnson's federal social welfare programs become known as the

great society

Which case blocked the Bush administration from denying habeas corpus privileges to an enemy combatant who was a U.S. citizen?

hamdi v rumsfled

In the first State of the Union message after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, President Bush declared Iran, Iraq, and North Korea to be "an axis of evil."


_____ jobs were once given to loyal political supporters, but as part of the civil service system, jobs are given based on performance or _____

patronage; merit

the 1st amendment states that americans have the right to

peaceably assemble

Common Cause: Common Cause is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization dedicated to restoring the core values of American democracy, reinventing an open, honest and accountable government that serves the public interest, and empowering ordinary people to make their voices heard in the political process.

public interest groups

t/f: The president's plan allows limited use of ground troops.


which of the following statements provides an accurate analysis of the political cartoon?

"big government" might be too heavy for the "free market" to fly freely, leading to a possible crash

Which of the following statements are accurate, according to the video?

- Acutely aware of the responsibilities of his position and the costs of armed conflict, President Obama claimed that the United States was seeking a path in which peace would replace war. - President Obama accepted the Nobel Prize for Peace while acting as commander-in-chief of a military fighting for a nation involved in two wars.

benefits of service

- Harness idealism and energy of our people, provide a shared experience - Help rebuild the fabric of our fraying communities - Connect fellow citizens across divides of race, class, religion, and culture - Reduces isolation: Service as remedy to loneliness - Give poor and working class Americans a real stake in society and new ladders of upward mobility - And for those born of privilege, adventure of larger purpose... "to whom much is given, much is required."

diverging fortunes

- One measure of Inequality: 50% of income goes to top 10% of population - Another measure of divergence - by education (31% of adults have college degree, 69% of adults do not) - Putnam's Scissors Graphs (Diverging fortunes in economics, family, and community on basis of that educational divide)

bipartisan campaign reform act of 2002 (evolution of the lobby)

- Placed limits on campaign spending by interest groups and political parties - It also required the stand by your ad clause

economic issues (types of interest groups)

- Rely on a return of investment for members of the interest group. There is often more money dedicated to economic issue groups because they have a larger base and competing benefits for members or industry. - These are mostly business, trade, or labor associated groups.

historic model and modern potential

- Work in communities side by side with people from different backgrounds, learn work and life skills, expand social horizons. - Inspiration and leaders: Military Veterans

probability of a criminal case going to court

- about 95 percent of defendants plead guilty rather than go to trail - plea farms (overworked public defenders, prior offenses, miniorites, teenagers, lower- income individuals)

third- party neutrals

- act as mediators when the fairest outcome will result from oversight by an independent party - the growing trend is that more judges now require mediation in non- criminal cases

recalibrating foreign policy

- american leadership and protection of our interests depends upon rejuvenation at home - us leadership remains vital - us must accept the limits to our power - us must focus on modest but vital aims

self regulation and oversight (who)

- bar associations - judiciary committees

jury requirements

- basic standards (citizen, 18 year old, competent/able, not indicted/ convicted for felony/ crime of theft)

which of the following tactics are commonly employed by lobbyists when representing interest groups?

- educating members of congress on policy - testifying in congressional hearings - lobbying executive branch officials

perennial tension in the world (forces of order)

- international Rules and Arrangements - Enlightened Leadership - Stable Nations - Healthy polities

hertzkes reform for scaling back judicial review

- judicialization of politics is a problem of american democracy - limit judicial review: focus on protecting democratic participation rights

when court renders the decision: appeal

- panel of judges - appellate courts do not retry the case (appellate courts only look at the record of the original court to usually with great deference; different standards and scope of review for different claims of appeal)

budget as key policy tool

- passing a budget is a principle requirement of all levels of government (federal/ national, state, city) - indicates policy priorities - public policy creates budget obligations (criminal sentencing, entitlement formulas= automatic spending) - national budgets affect economy and society

scholars on presidential success

- personality traits - experience and skills - worldview or philosophy

lobby reform (money)

- re-examine citizens united and limit interest group spending on campaigns - pay legislative staff and aids who bring experience more money to decrease turnover rate - donate or provide information to legislators, but not both - increase transparency to eliminate "dark money"

which of the following are among the goals of the tea party, according to the article?

- reforming the nation's tax system - balancing the budget - taking control of the senate in 2014 - electing a president in 2016

which of the following contribute to the effectiveness of interest groups?

- reliability of information - cohesion of members - membership size - financial resources


- representative of interest groups who meet with members of Congress to persuade them of their positions on issues (policy experts, lawyers, etc.) - most lobbyists were active in the political arena before lobbying (former representation, senators, staff)

the jury

- requirements - selection - trier of facts

lobbying strategy

- spending money - killing/ blocking bills - building trust - research/ data - charm

laffer curve

- tax rates drag economy down, reduce business investment - Laffer Curve; Reagan tax cuts worked - 70% marginal rate to 35% - STILL IN EFFECT AT FEDERAL LEVEL - BUT NOT IN MANY STATES - SUPPLY SIDE FORMULA WORKS - FLAT TAX, SIMPLIFICATION

judiciary committees

- the code of conduct for united states judges (federal); applies to personal life

wielding power

- they are powerful due access, litigation, and money - access - litigation - money

results of the impossible presidency

- unrealistic expectations = inevitable disappointment - presidential expectations gap

state judge

- varies by state - either appointed or elected

krugman on trumps policies

- Corporate tax cut did not result in more investment, buy back stock, reward monopoly, Investment decisions about demand versus tax rates - KANSAS STORY - TARIFFS AND TRADE WAR. - REALLY NAÏVE TARIFFS ON STEEL AND YOU HURT SUPPLY TRAINS AUTO MAKERS HURT BY TARIFFS - SOYBEAN FARMERS

spur dynamic economic growth

- Crucial to renewing American dream/ reducing divisions - "Save to Invest" - dependent on putting fiscal house in order - Simplify and modernize tax system (Eliminate loopholes) - Invest in infrastructure, scientific research, technologies, space exploration, education

us leadership remains vital

"The world will not sort itself out absent U.S. leadership... no other country has the capacity, habits, and willingness to take on this responsibility."

must raise revenue

- Federal government spending at 21% of GDP - Federal revenues at 17% of GDP

reform politics

- Necessary to address other challenges - Transparency in campaign finance - Open primaries to moderate politics - Reform districting: leaders should not choose voters - Expand the franchise:-National Vote Holiday, modernize registration, etc.

judicial activism

- Proponents of this judicial theory contend that its use protects minority rights. - Justices of this type use the power of judicial review to make case law.

meeting our challenges

- Put our fiscal house in order - Spur dynamic economic growth - Provide ladders of upward mobility - Reform our politics - Rejuvenate citizenship - Rebuild the civic fabric

Which of the following statements are accurate regarding past and present hiring practices of the federal bureaucracy?

- Reform of the spoils system was prompted in part by the assassination of President James Garfield by Charles Guiteau, who was angry after being denied a federal position he felt that he was due. - The bureaucracy has been overhauled more than once, most recently in 1978.

build ladders of opportunity

- Renew Optimism/ reduce divisions - Rebuild scaffolding of upward mobility - Modernize education/ attract best to teaching - Expand educational choices - Enhance college access/ modernize - Provide Apprenticeships - Reduce mass incarceration/second choices

lobbying disclosure act of 1995 (evolution of the lobby)

- Required interest groups to provide formal reports on their lobbying activities, including all contact with the different branches of government. - Lobbyists were also required to register individually with the House and Senate

put our fiscal house in order (remedy)

- Restrain Entitlement growth -Modernize government -Broaden tax base to raise revenue

which of the following statements accurately describes security powers?

- The Constitution grants the president the power to act as commander-in-chief of the armed forces - the power to raise and support armies is a power delegated to Congress

Which of the following statements are accurate regarding the role of the president in the legislative process?

- The U.S. Constitution grants the president the power to sign or veto legislation passed by Congress. - It is common for presidents to use their State of the Union message to encourage the public to pressure Congress to support the president's policies.

put our fiscal house in order (problem)

- Unsustainable mandatory commitments - Growing debt - Squeezing out investments in our futures

our hope: our response

- Wealth, abundant resources, great research centers, entrepreneurial creativity, patriotic citizens, immigrant energy, love of children. - Heirs of a noble heritage of free institutions and self-government that continues to inspire people around the world - Harness these capacities and unleash the energy of an engaged citizenry.

the world needs American renewal

- World of Disorder - Our faltering system undermines faith in democracy - Turning inward leaves vacuum - Optimistic, confident, engaged people = Better international model and leadership

presidential expectations gap

- gap is the product of unrealistic expectations, system rigidities, and polarization - the gap exists for all modern presidents, but varies - the gap represents a formidable problem for american democracy - negative cycle produces loss of trust in institutions

changes in federal spending

- historically based on annual appropriations, but now tilted toward autopilot spending - increase in mandatory/ automatic spending - growth of structural deficits and debt - redistribution

types of taxed

- individual income - corporate income - payroll taxes

types of direct lobbying

- inhouse lobbying - contract/ consultant lobbying

funding (how to work around cost limitations)

- public defenders - rehabilitation programs

justiciability requirements (legal hurdles)

- standing (actual or immediate threat of injury, can trace cause to source, court can give a remedy) - mootness and ripeness - no political question - no advisory opinions (case and controversy)

current path is unsustainable

- structural deficits = Growing Debt - Unsustainable entitlement commitments

calls for reform (save the legitimacy of the court)

- term limits on supreme court justices: serving longer then before, raising the stakes of confirmation battles, national policy is based on actuarial tables and presidential luck - expand the number of justices - create panel system of rotating justices

which of the following were part of the original federal bureaucracy first created by congress in 1789?

- the treasury department - the state department - the war department

noneconomic issues (types of interest groups)

- these are usually single-issue, ideological, welfare, and public interests, interest groups - They advocate more on causes and beliefs than economic gain - single issue - ideological - public interest

Pursuant to the War Powers Act, the president may send troops into military conflict for no more than _______ days without an official declaration of war or authorization from Congress.


probability of a civil case going to court

95 to 97 percent of pending lawsuits end in a pre- trail settlement

no easy solutions

Cannot just cut "waste, fraud, and abuse"

which case resolved the 2000 presidential election?

Bush v Gore

the presidents proposal targets _____. one senator in the video argued that the plan should include US air support and ______

ISIS; regional ground forces

the commerce clause is at the heart of which major supreme court case?

Gibbons v Ogden

anti- federalist fear

Hamilton implied that if you fear this the only alternative is to have "no judges at all distinct from the legislature"

After the Court struck down several pieces of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal legislation, how did he strike back?

He proposed a court-packing plan that would have allowed him to appoint a new justice for every justice over age 70 who failed to resign.

Which president created the Senior Executive Service?

Jimmy Carter

magna carta

Juries are to be composed of "honest men of the neighborhood."

various state laws

Jury service is required of citizens who are selected from lists of residents, registered voters, or recipients of drivers licenses or state identification.

honest leadership and open government act of 2007 (evolution of the lobby)

Lobbying reform banning gifts to members of Congress and their staffs, toughening disclosure requirements, and increasing time limits on moving from the federal government to the private sector.

The League of Nations was a provision of a treaty that ended


Which of the following statements accurately describes the relationship portrayed in the graph?

While the number of retired workers, disabled workers, and dependents receiving Social Security has increased over time, the number of survivors has remained relatively flat or has decreased.

In which case did the Supreme Court rule that the president could not seize domestic property when the U.S. was at war abroad?

Youngstown sheet and tube co. v sawyer

interest groups can submit ____ briefs as a "friend of the court"

amicus curiae

Who was the first president to have impeachment charges brought against him?

andrew johnson

writer/ communicator

judges make numerous decisions based on legal briefs, not just in- court proceedings

Which power, held by the federal judiciary, involves constitutional interpretation?

judicial review

Which Supreme Court case declared that corporations and unions had the same First Amendment rights as U.S. citizens?

citizens united v federal election commission

______, the president directs all war efforts and military conflict.

commander in chief

as _______, the president makes the decision to engage in military action.

commander in chief

public interest (noneconomic)

concerned about public goods that can benefit everyone regardless of membership status

nations pastor

consoler in chief

all of the following departments share jurisdiction over immigration policy except the

department of health and human services

the primary purpose of the affordable care act was to

extend health insurance coverage to uninsured americans

What type of policy encourages trade between countries with the requirement of working conditions and wages that are comparable between the two countries?

fair trade

The Framers wanted to make sure that the president followed the intent of Congress, but they gave him wide discretion in how he carried out the laws. In Article II, Section 3, they gave him the power to "take Care that the Laws be _______

faithfully executed

t/f: Arizona placed strict limits on police powers to check immigration status


t/f: Arizona's population is more than 50% Hispanic.


t/f: Congress is unable to make changes to the president's plan.


t/f: Most immigration regulations have been sponsored by Democrats and opposed by Republicans.


t/f: The president's plan allows only air support.


What term is used to describe government use of taxing and spending as a method of intervening in the economy?

fiscal policy

single issue (noneconomic)

focus on one single cause that defines their interest group

when court renders the decision: nothing

follow through with the court's order

modern grand bargain

for every year of national service, the federal government will provide voucher for two years of vocational training, college tuition at a public institution, apprenticeship in a trade, or a small business start-up.

building trust (strategy)

forming relationships with members and staff is a key component to ensure votes for bills

reactive group

forms to protect the interests of members in response to a perceived threat from another group, to fight a government policy that the members believe will adversely affect them, or to respond to an unexpected external event

The president's tenure was limited to two terms following what president's election to a fourth term?

franklin roosevelt

Which president's program, known as the New Deal, was designed to address problems associated with the Great Depression?

franklin roosevelt

if a group lobbies for public goods or collective benefits that are so widespread that members and nonmembers alike receive them, incentives to join the group disappear. This collective action dilemma is called the

free rider problem

in 1966, the _____ established a procedure by which ordinary citizens could directly request nonclassified reports from the federal government for a nominal fee.

freedom of information act

economic leader

guides the domestic and international economy

President Bill Clinton argued that it was a "moral imperative" for the United States to become involved in ending the "ethnic cleansing" that occurred in former Yugoslavia.


President Carter argued for a foreign policy "rooted in moral values . . . designed to serve mankind."


When people share the same belief about a specific issue, and form a group based on that common belief, they are members of a(n)

ideological interest groups

Which of the following best describes whistleblowers?

individuals who report mismanagement, corruption, or illegal activity within their agencies

Robert Michels coined the phrase ________, a theory that leaders in any organization eventually behave in their own self-interest.

iron law of oligarchy

The process by which policy ideas and programs initiated by one state spread to other states is known as

policy diffusion

presidents use the executive power to issue ________ that give specific instructions on a federal policy and do not require congressional approval.

presidentail directives

interest groups that form in response to a perceived threat are described as


The Department of the Interior was established for which of the following reasons?

regulating the sale and development of federal lands

In 2014, the Supreme Court, in McCutcheon et al. v. Federal Election Commission,

removed limits on the amount of money one individual could contribute to all federal elections

must cut growth of entitlement spending

requires policy/ formula changes

trying to persuade or influence elected officials to adopt or reject a specific policy change is referred to as


inhouse lobbying

lobbyists that work for a specific company

government seeks public policy that

maximized benefits and minimizes costs

_____ was created to provide health care coverage for low-income individuals.


_______ provides health insurance for people over the age of 65 and the disabled.


each agency has a _______ that defines its role and responsibilities within the federal bureaucracy.


Which of the following has final authority over the federal budget?

office of management and budget

debt vs deficits

one is $20 trillion and the other is $1 trillion

discretionary vs mandatory (or automatic) spending

one is crowding out the other

What were the first three departments created by Congress in 1789?

state, treasury, and war

What program provides low-income individuals with a subsidy for food that is funded through general taxation?

supplemental nutrition assistance program

head of state

symbolic role as a leader of the nation

Ronald Reagan is referred to as ________ because he came across very well on television.

the "great communicator"

What program was meant to help children who entered the country illegally with their parents gain citizenship if they met certain requirements?

the DREAM act

what determines the amount of social security retired workers receive?

the amount of time they worked while paying into the program

Which of the following organizations is NOT part of the Executive Office of the President?

the bureau of land management

during _____, nations were forced to align themselves either with democracy or communism.

the cold war

Which piece of legislation was created in response to the mistrust of the federal government that grew out of the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal?

the government in the sunshine act

What was the main point of President Eisenhower's farewell address excerpted above?

to protect freedom and democracy, it is important to be aware of the possibility of improper influence by private defense industries

a _______ focuses on a particular business or industry, and consists of individuals who share similar jobs like doctors or lawyers.

trade association

t/f: A researcher noted that within the next 15 years Arizona will be majority-Hispanic.


Congress can override a presidential veto with a _______ vote in each chamber.


Of the following arguments, which most closely aligns with the views of the Tax Foundation, as expressed in the video?

The system of static scoring currently used by the U.S. government provides an overly simplistic and thus inaccurate estimation of the impact of tax reforms.

What evidence supports the statement that the nominations of Justice Clarence Thomas and Justice Samuel Alito were contentious?

- A substantial number of members of the party opposing the nominating president voted against their nomination - Each justice received at least one "no" vote from members of the nominating president's party

perennial tension in the world (forces of disorder)

- Actors who reject Rules and Arrangements - State Breakdown/ failed states - Leadership Failures - Assaults on democracy - Tribalism

foundations of US power are eroding

- Burgeoning deficit and debt, crumbling infrastructure, second- class schools, an outdated immigrated system, loss of upward mobility, crisis of working class (deaths by despair) - areas for forces: deficit and debt, education, infrastructure, immigration, economic growth, political renewal- rejuvenated civics education, heal the frayed civic fabric

laffer on trump


challenges of our country

- Citizens believe country is on the wrong track - Trust in our institutions is at record lows - Dysfunctional politics, polarization, fear each other - Coarsening of our civic life - Growing inequality and Shrinking middle class-Work insecurity - Diverging fortunes by education -High school versus college -Crisis of working class Americans - economic and cultural -Social isolation and deaths by despair

In 2010, which state passed a law allowing police officers to inquire about immigration status when individuals were stopped for another police inquiry?


Which amendment set the eligibility requirements for vice president?


Which of the following statements accurately describes the information presented in the table?

From the presidency of Ronald Reagan to the presidency of Donald Trump, even successful nominations to the Supreme Court have generally grown more contentious.

credited with electing a republican- controlled _______ in 2010, the Tea Party suffered politically from messy budget battles and its role in the government shutdown. Lately, however, the group has witnessed a political resurgence as a consequence of _____ and the initial difficulties with obamacare

House of reps; targeting the IRS

money (wielding power)

Interest groups have money to donate to campaigns and develop PACs for politicians who favor their causes

litigation (wielding power)

Interest groups have often been able to sue opposing groups. This completely skips the legislative process and speeds up any effort for a favorable outcome

historic model- homestead act and GI bill

Provided opportunity, lifted people into the middle class, gave people a stake in society, and in turn cultivated a sense of gratitude, generosity, sacrifice, and solidarity

According to the text, which of the following is true regarding ideology and its relationship to judicial restraint and activism?

The vast majority of judges are restrained toward laws that they agree with ideologically, but are willing to overturn laws that they are distant from ideologically.

Why would members of Congress question the tactics used by the NSA?

This NSA program involved the collection of Internet and phone data of Americans without their knowledge and, as a consequence, is considered by many to be an invasion of privacy.

What nation is the largest shareholder in the World Bank?


Which Supreme Court case argued that Congress could not use the 14th Amendment's due process clause to give them authority over individuals, only states?

US v Cruikshank


effort to inform and persuade public officials on legislation

One way interest groups attract and keep members is by providing benefits exclusive to members, such as discounted travel or monthly magazines. This is otherwise known as

selective benefits

legislative leader

sets the legislative agenda

What determines the presidential order of succession?

the constituions

In response to intelligence failures associated with the terrorist attacks of 9/11, ______ was created

the department of homeland security

Who is responsible for formulating foreign policy using nonmilitary methods?

the department of state

Which agency has the authority to preserve the quality of the air, water, and land in the United States?

the environmental protection agency

The federal bureaucracy is most associated with which branch of government?

the executive

Where are the official records of all executive branch rules, regulations, and orders found?

the federal register

Which scandal led to the resignation of Richard Nixon?


proactive group

when an enterprising individual sees an opening or opportunity to create the group for social, political, or economic purposes

charm (strategy)

while it may seen trivial, being likable is a very key component in influencing legislation

Which term refers to a request for review of a case directed to the U.S. Supreme Court?

writ of certiorari

taxes as a public policy

you can raise revenue by broadening the base(eliminating loopholes) rather than raising tax rates

tax rates vs revenue raised

you can raise revenue without raising tax rates

______ exercises power of the purse to keep the bureaucracy accountable and responsive.


t/f: Support for a female president has decreased over the past decade.


t/f: The U.S. Constitution requires those seeking the presidency to have prior experience in elective office.


t/f: The liberal justices were skeptical of the Obama administration's argument.


t/f: The policy originated in the House of Representatives.


t/f: The reporter indicated that the Supreme Court was relatively unified in its interpretation of the policy.


t/f: A researcher claimed that 85% of Arizona residents support stricter enforcement on illegal immigration


t/f: Approximately 4 million people were potentially subject to the executive order.


t/f: Arizona's Chamber of Commerce notes that further state action on immigration may ultimately hurt businesses.


t/f: Formal eligibility requirements for the presidency of the United States include qualifications based on age, citizenship, and residency status.


t/f: Republican lawmakers are concerned that the plan does not go far enough.


t/f: The Obama administration argued that Texas and other states did not have standing to file the case.


t/f: The Twenty-Second Amendment establishes presidential term limits.


t/f: The conservative wing of the Supreme Court was supportive of Texas's argument during the session.


national service

- Embodies idea of shared sacrifice and reciprocal obligations - Provides ladders of opportunities/skill building - Reduces cultural divides•Revives citizenship - Undercuts social isolation•Grand Bargain: perform national service and in return grateful nation funds higher education, job training, apprenticeships

Which of the following statements are true regarding Social Security?

- Instituted in 1936, Social Security provides an income safety net for the elderly and disabled. - As an entitlement program, Social Security cannot be denied to eligible recipients.

components of american power

- Largest economy - Abundant natural resources - Scientific research -- universities - Powerful military - Extensive use of sophisticated technology and tools Spends more than the next 14 nations combined - Strategic alliances and diplomacy - Values and Example: Soft Power

social isolation and despair

- Loneliness as public health and mental health crisis (We see this among our students today) - Social isolation, derangement, and violence - Breakdown of family and community and secure work - Life Expectancy declines ("Rising morbidity and mortality among white Americans in the 21st Century" (Case Deaton), Concentrated among non-college educated) - Deaths by Despair (72,000 opioid overdose deaths; 42,000 suicide deaths; Premature deaths from abuse, obesity)

forces of disorder today

- Power Diffusion - Failed States - Massive refugee flows - Religious Civil Wars - Retreat of Democracy - Anti-Global Populism (globalization as disrupter) - Transnational Disruptions- Terror, Crime, Viruses (biological and Cyber), Environmental disasters (climate change!) - US foreign policy blunders and miscalculations - War of Necessity, War of Choice

which of the following is an accurate statement about judicial power or judicial restraint?

- The case of Plessy v. Ferguson exemplifies judicial restraint because it finds that it is up to the discretion of the legislature of the state of Louisiana to regulate in such a way as to preserve public peace and good order. - The case of Brown v. Board of Education exemplifies judicial activism because the Court uses the power of judicial review to overturn its own decision in Plessy v. Ferguson and laws in the South to find racial segregation to be an unconstitutional violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

which of the following is true of the federal courts

- There are 12 regional circuits; each has a U.S. Court of Appeals that operates with three-judge panels to hear appeals cases. - The federal judiciary is structured with three layers including, from bottom to top: district courts, U.S. Courts of Appeals, the U.S. Supreme Court. - Appeals made from the U.S. Courts of Appeals to the U.S. Supreme Court are often rejected.

judicial restraint

- These judicial theorists are hesitant to overturn laws out of respect for established lawmaking practices. - Proponents of this judicial theory contend that the Court should leave lawmaking to those who were elected by the people the laws will govern.

Which of the following statements are true of the DREAM Act?

- Under the DREAM Act, graduates of U.S. high schools who entered the country illegally as minors would be eligible for permanent residency without fear of deportation. - The act focused on minor "aliens," who would be granted a fast track to citizenship and would no longer face deportation as a result

rejuvenate citizenship

- Underlies all other remedies - Massive revival of civics education - Teach civic virtues - Service learning•Challenge young people to civic engagement - Modernize Immigration: DACA - Emphasize civic nationalism (Rights AND Civic duties, Resist ethno- nationalism, tribalism, divisions)

Which of the following statements are true of the federal bureaucracy?

- Unelected bureaucrats working in executive branch departments often shape public policies. - Federal bureaucrats often have the expertise necessary to guide the process of creating and enacting needed regulations.

us must accept the limits to our power

- cannot remake middle eastern nations - cannot use military power to make democracy - cannot solve all crises

two contradictory dynamics

- checks from a strong congress and courts - openness of broad and undefined presidential power

constitutionally- rooted roles of the president

- chief executive - commander in chief - head of state - chief diplomat

education (how to work around cost limitations)

- citizens should know the law and their rights - law enforcement (fourth, fifth, and sixth amendment) - lawmakers

when court renders the decision: post- trail

- civil (judgement notwithstanding the verdict (JNOV), remittitur) - criminal (judges can throw out guilty verdicts)

growth of the public presidency

- commands national audience - increased international audience

growth of congressional delegation

- congress yields power to the president - broad policy delegation to executive branch: "legicide" enables executive orders

jurisdiction (legal hurdles)

- court with authority to hear the case (personal jurisdiction, subject matter jurisdiction) - forum shopping (examples: Delaware for corporate issues, Texas for oil and gas disputes)

growing problem (hardening of ideological blocks in the court)

- courts huge policy making role, acting as a legislative body - strong partisan division on the court = voting blocs - numerous 5-4 decisions - politicized nomination process - looming crisis of legitimacy: kavanaugh confirmation and his partisan defense - contrary to hamiltons idea

manager of the courtroom

- determines the dockets deadline - monitors the flow of proceedings/ conduct in courtroom

process takes time (practical issues of brining a case to court)

- dockets (court schedule) - juries and schedules of lawyers and clients

racist activism

- dred scott v sanford (1857); people of african descent, whether slave or free, were not citizens, and could not be citizens, according to the constitution; inflamed the nation, spurred the civil war - civil rights cases (1883); struck down congressional civil rights laws

arthur laffer

- economic growth is the aim and remedy to many problems - public policy must create the environment for economic growth and innovation (tax policy and regulatory policy) - if you tax something you get less; if you subsidize something you get more (we tax work, investment, saving and innovation while we subsidize disability, retirement, etc) - Keynesian fiscal policy is exhausted - government is broke so there is no cushion (fed. gov. is fiscally exhausted) - Krugman ignores unsustainable patterns/ taxed on rich cant solve - market economy of US is great engine of growth and innovation (iphone, etc) - cutting government spending stimulates the economy (Obama should have been more like Clinton)

responding to disorder

- equipping ourselves for a messier world - expansion of global knowledge - strategic thinking (us power magnifies the impact of our mistakes)

response to expanding role: the plural presidency

- expanding staff and white house bureaucracy - challenge for presidential management- officials with their own agendas

suspicion of presidential power

- fear of executive tyranny - fear of monarchy - taming the prince

evolution of the lobby

- first amendment - lobbying disclosure act of 1995 - bipartisan campaign reform act of 2002 - honest leadership and open government act of 2007 - citizens united and FEC

american leadership promoted

- global stability - economic trade as foreign policy - expansion of democracy/ opposition to communist bloc

personality traits (character and temperament)

- good: positive, adaptive, flexible, energetic - bad: paranoid, compulsive, impulsive, rigid, passive, lazy, authoritarian

response to the presidential challenge: going it alone

- growth of executive orders - which makes the presidential legacy vulnerable (Obama to trump) - can be checked by congress and the courts (trumps frustration)

expansion of presidential power

- growth of federal government - growth of US global route - growth of the public presidency - growth of congressional delegation

growth of US global role

- growth of national security apparatus - war- making power vs constitution

the president should be:

- honest yet astute - leader but responsive to majority will - inspirational but a good listener - common man but give uncommon performance - party leader but national unifier - powerful but not too powerful

Challenge of Inequality

- income inequality highest since the great depression (1930s) - wealth inequality even greater - puzzle over inequality- debate over origins and solutions - Robert Putnam: real divide- college educated (31%) and others (69%) - invest in the future (i.e. education, job training, scientific

increase in mandatory/ automatic spending

- increase in entitlement spending - based on formulas in law: something to which you are entitled - mandatory spending is often transfer payments

the vision of the judiciary (vital but constrained- Alexander Hamilton; Federalist 78)

- independent judiciary is necessary to enforce constitutional limits on the legislature - the court has the power to declare legislative acts contrary to the constitution as void (the constitution "must be regarded by the judges as fundamental law"

the "imperial judiciary": act like platos philosopher kings

- insulated from democratic control and accountability - usurps the democratic policy making function: by diktat/ deus ex machina - short circuits political process - politics is judicialized (litigation is substituted for political mobilization, debate, and legislative compromises) - criticism of judicial activism depends entirely on who is winning (bipartisan- because everyone does it)

conservative activism

- laissez faire court (1890-1930); struck down economic regulation and laws on child labor and working hours - Bush v Gore (2000) ended flordia recount and gave the presidency to George W Bush - US v Morrison (2000) court struck down federal violence against women act - citizens united v federal election commission (2010) opened flood gates of super PACs and billionaire spending on campaigns - shelby county v holder (2013) struck down voting rights enforcement; nearly a thousand precincts closed in mostly african american communities/ purging of voter rolls

costs to litigate and try cases (practical issues of brining a case to court)

- lawyer fees (contingent fees v billable hours) - filing fees - costs associated with discovery - experts

transactional lawyers

- lawyers who do not present cases in court (may serve as witnesses) - consult/ advise clients and draft documents: wills, trusts, contracts, decrees, certificates of incorporation

pro bono work (how to work around cost limitations)

- legal aid - check with bar associations to verify legitimacy of the organization

assumed or acquired roles of the president

- legislative leader - economic leader - nations pastor - global leader

the vision of the judiciary (response to the anti-federalists- Hamilton; federalist 78)

- life time tenure (during good behavior) is necessary to: ensure their independence, that they will check "ill humors," the stability of the law - the judiciary is the "least dangerous" branch because: the court has "no influence over either the sword or the purse," has "neither force nor will but merely judgement," it is bound by strict rules and precedents that will define the duty justices

lobbyists/ policy makers

- lobby firms use lawyers to draft legislation and negotiate with legislators - many legislators are lawyers by trade and use their expertise to create new legislation and policy (legislative committees have a minority and majority legal counsel to work out the legal language)

bar association

- model rules of professional conduct - mandatory continued legal education (MCLE)

trier of facts

- normally juries decide issues of facts (unless it is a bench trail)

which of the following means were used by Rock the Vote to engage young people in the political process, according to the excerpt?

- online voter registration - telephone voter registration

Which of the following statements are accurate, according to the video?

- pay for US troops is ip 42% since the begging of wars in Afghanistan and Iraq - forty percent of the pentagon budget is spent on overhead

who might find jury duty fun?

- people employed by gov or corporations that continue to pay salary during jury service - individuals who are free to put work on hold while on jury duty

change the laws (how to work around cost limitations)

- petition lawmakers to change the law (discriminatory practices, procedures, and requirements) - work through the judicial process (new court decisions)

the revolving door

- politicians who become lobbyists get a 1,400% pay raise - 42% of US reps and 50% of senators become lobbyists after they leave congress

creation of a protean presidency

- power expands in crisis and contracts in normal times - natural checks of midterm election cycles

the supreme court

- powerful: unique in the world - exercises huge policy influence - politicized, polarized (Kavanaugh confirmation) - does not conform to intentions of the framers - it undermines the democratic process

us must focus on modest but vital aims

- promoting international trade - cooperate with confronting global challenges - smart strategic choices

tax expenditures

- provisions in the tax code that reduce taxes for individuals or corporations - estimated $1.5 trillion dollars lost through these tax provisions

jury selection

- random - voir dire (process to reduce jury pool, three "free" strikes)

lobby reform (administration)

- re- examine honest leadership and open government act to increase revolving door time - increase transparency via FEC so that date and times of meetings between interest groups and politicians are public information

self regulation and oversight (how)

- revocation or suspension of license - impeachment/ removal of judges - fines


- rich to poor (some) - young to retired (lots)

liberal activism

- roe v wade (1973) struck down 50 state laws on abortion, complicated trimester formula, criticized by justices o'connor and ginsberg, justice white: exercise in raw judicial power, roiled politics for a generation - obergefell v hodges (2015) gay marriage case

experience and skills

- selling: "power to persuade" - managing: set priorities, appoint good staff, run bureaucracy

Which of the following policies will be instituted to deal with the identified problem, according to the video?

- simplification of mortgage paperwork - creation of an agency for consumer financial protection to monitor big banks - clarification of language regarding credit card fees, overdraft fees, and student loans

foreign policy begins at home

- spent entire career on foreign policy - now argue for domestic renewal - a taboo and heresy - argue for less international overreach and greater emphasis on domestic policy and reform - american influence abroad depends on rejuvenation at home

Paul Krugman

- supporter of John Maynard Keynes (keynesian) - balance the economy, not the budget - in recession or depression, the problem is insufficient demand (fiscal expansion is the remedy, no need to worry about monetary inflation) - criticize trickle down economics/ trump policies (need bottom up, middle class supporting policies) - concerned about wealth inequality - favor progressive taxed and government investment (R&D, infrastructure, bottom up) - austerity is self- defeating so hire more teachers, college grants, infrastructure, job training, social safety net spending - monetary policy, don't worry about inflation - Clinton boom (raised taxes/ tech boom, productivity - tax policy: want tax fairness, progressive tax structure (debunk language of death tax)

Which of the following statements are accurate regarding taxes in the United States?

- the US constitution requires tax bills to be introduced in the US House of Reps - static scoring is currently used by the US gov to estimate tax revenue


- the size of the total economy in a given year - provides a meaningful way to measure the relative size of federal spending, taxed, deficits, and debt

gay marriage example

- vigorous national debate about the meaning of marriage - legislative deliberation produces compromises and legitimacy - judicial intervention

Order the following stages of the policymaking process by selecting the appropriate number for each stage.

1) problem ID 2) policy formulation 3) policy adoption 4) policy implementation 5) policy evaluation

what is the minimum age required to attain the office of U.S. president?



Because trial courts sometimes make mistakes about questions of law, the American legal system has followed the British practice by allowing

Which Supreme Court decision, which upheld limits on donations to congressional campaigns, resulted in the expansion of PACs?

Buckley v Valeo

President ______ proposed the creation of the Department of Homeland Security in response to the September 11 terrorist attacks. At the time of the attacks, responsibility for homeland security involved more than one hundred different federal agencies. The new Department of Homeland Security unifies the roles of those agencies under an organization with the primary mission of _________ . The creation of this agency resulted in the largest transformation of the federal bureaucracy in fifty years. As a result, there are now _______ Cabinet-level departments serving the varied needs of the American people.

Bush; protecting the homeland; 15

first amendment (evolution of the lobby)

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances

which supreme court case ruled that blacks could not be citizens?

Dred Scott v Sandford

the sixth amendment

Due process protections guaranteed to those accused of crimes include the right to a speedy and public trial and the right to be confronted with witnesses.

What authority or role does the president have regarding the judicial system?

The president nominates judges in the federal judicial system, including Supreme Court justices.

All of the following provide proper jurisdiction to have a case heard in federal court EXCEPT

a dispute over state law

supreme court justices who disagree with the result reached by the majority can write ____ explaining why they believe the courts decision was in error

a dissenting opinion


a seemingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true. An assertion that is essentially self- contradictory, although based on a valid deduction from acceptable premises

grassroots lobbying

activity of members and the general public writing, calling, or visiting public officials to influence policy

citizens united v FEC (evolution of the lobby)

allowed for super PACs and deemed that corporations are protected under the First Amendment

outside interests can file ______ briefs, stating their concerns in a court case

amicus curiae

federal judge

appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate (federalist paper no. 78)

Which article of the Constitution establishes the judicial branch of government?

article 3

Congress can hold the bureaucracy accountable through its powers to ______, giving Congress a chance to evaluate federal agencies and to withhold funds if there are dissatisfactions.

authorize and appropriate

what is the term for an opinion that agrees with the majority opinion, but has a separate rationale for doing so?

concurring opinion

the _____ is made up of the president's key advisers who are responsible for the areas under their jurisdiction.


There are fifteen of these institutions operating within the federal government, each responsible for a specific policy area. (what type of bureaucracy?)

cabinet departments

Referred to as 501(c)(3) organizations, these groups are forbidden from

campaigning for a particular candidate or party

Which countries are active participants in the North American Free Trade Agreement?

canada, Mexico, and the US

This economic policy is consistent with the founders' views regarding limited government, freedom, and equality of opportunity.


Which Supreme Court justice's ethics were questioned following sexual harassment accusations during the nomination process?

clarence thomas

AARP is a powerful political lobby that also maintains a lucrative business that provides health and life insurance to its members. This demonstrates how _______ helps an interest group create financial stability.

creating a not- for- profit business

The fourth component of a bureaucracy is its ______, a persistent, patterned way of thinking about the central tasks of and human relationships within an organization.


trail of law

decides all issues regarding the law

growth of structural deficits and debt

deficit is the annual increase to debt

which president appointed the first chief of staff?

dwight d eisenhower

AFL-CIO: We are the umbrella federation for U.S. unions, with 56 unions representing 12.5 million working men and women. We work to ensure that all people who work receive the rewards of their work—decent paychecks and benefits, safe jobs, respect and fair treatment. We work to make the voices of working people heard in the White House, on Capitol Hill, in state capitals across the country and in corporate boardrooms. We provide an independent voice for working families and ways for working people to be actively engaged in politics and legislation. We also hold corporations accountable for their treatment of employees and ensure the voice of working people is heard in the financial system. We also work with federations of unions in other countries toward global social and economic fairness.

economic interest group

U.S. Chamber of Commerce: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world's largest business organization representing the interests of more than 3 million businesses of all sizes, sectors, and regions. Our members range from mom-and-pop shops and local chambers to leading industry associations and large corporations. They all share one thing in common—they count on the Chamber to be their voice in Washington, D.C.

economic interest group

a groups formed to advance the financial status of its members is called a(n)

economic interest group

Which first lady showed her support for civil rights by arranging for the first African American opera singer to perform on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial?

elanor Roosevelt

what was created to implement the 1970 clean air act?

environment protection agency (EPA)

Which of the following groups would be most active in lobbying regarding the issue of fracking?

environmental and energy- related groups

chief executive

executes the laws of the US

______ are a type of economic interest group that aims to protect workers through safer working conditions and better wages.


On January 21, 2009, President Obama's first full day in the White House, he signed an executive order that restricts lobbying of the _____ branch. as a result of this action, former _______ are forbidden from working on certain matters or with certain agencies, and a ban on _____ was put into effect. Additionally, members of the Obama administration who return to private life are prohibited from lobbying administration officials for the duration of Obama's presidency.

executive; lobbyists; gifts

under what circumstances can congress simply overturn a court's decision?

if the court's decision is based on the meaning of a statue

Civil rights leaders, including Martin Luther King Jr. advocated for removing _______ based on race in the areas of education, employment, and accommodation. Ascending to the presidency following the assassination of President Kennedy, President Johnson was able to pass civil rights legislation over the objections of ______ members of Congress. Signing the act into law in ______ , Johnson urged the nation to eliminate ________.

impediments; southern; 1964; injustice

These organizations make and enforce rules to protect the public. (what type of bureaucracy?)

independent regulatory agencies

the ______ of lobbying keeps policy requests narrowly tailored to the group's needs and tries to influence legislators directly

inside strategy

An _______ is a group of citizens with common interests who try to influence public policy to benefit its members.

interest group

which statement is the most accurate about interest groups?

interest groups work to either increase, maintain, or reduce the role of government in areas of concern to their members.

interest group

is a group of citizens who share a common interest—whether a political opinion, religious affiliation, ideological belief, social goal, or economic objective—and try to influence public policy to benefit its members

the _______ view put forward in the farewell speech of President _________ provided the basis of U.S. foreign policy until ______. At that point, the United States began to involve itself more in the affairs of the world in order to promote human rights, stop the spread of communism, and prevent the use of weapons of mass destruction. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, resulted in a new foreign policy emphasis on _______ . As evidenced by recent political debates between presidential candidates, remarkable ______ exists as to how to best apply U.S. foreign policy in the current international environment.

isolationist; George Washington; WW2; national security; consensus

Interest group scholar Hugh Heclo used the term _______ to describe the fluid and open relationship between interest groups and government.

issue networks

What is the primary disadvantage to the hierarchical decision-making process that exists within the federal bureaucracy?

it can present an obstacle to speedy decision making

Franklin Roosevelt put in place this form of economic policy as a means of recovering from the Great Depression.


Increased taxation and government spending are hallmarks of this economic policy.


killing/ blocking bills (strategy)

knowing the rules to kill and block bills that are detrimental to the interest group

because a president in his second term cannot seek reelection, he is commonly referred to as a

lame duck


lawyers educate judges in developments of the law

trial lawyers

lawyers who present cases in court

growth of federal government

national economic management

chief diplomat

negotiates treaties and agreements

_____ are not affiliated with any government and work hard to preserve their neutrality so that they can operate in as many parts of the world as possible.

nongovernmental organizations

While numbers dipped during the years 2005 and 2013, on average, more than ______ million people obtain legal permanent residence in the United States each year. The largest percentage of these new residents are from _______, followed by new residents from _________, which is a category that includes both Mexico and Canada.

one; asia; north america

The president has the power to ________, which is the ability to fully forgive an individual's federal prison sentence.


What was the first reform that helped slowly change the federal bureaucracy from a corrupt, partisan insider organization to a neutral, policy-based organization?

pendleton act

Which term refers to the method used to resolve MOST federal criminal cases?

plea bargain

Robert Dahl argued that in a _______ society, the battles over public policy by the varied interest groups that emerge to represent their members will produce a consensus that serves the public's common interest.


What are federal employees who are appointed specifically to carry out the president's political agenda called?

political appointees

The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act of 1883 creates a merit system of hiring based on _____. According to the act, federal employees are to be arranged according to grade, and federal jobs in Washington, D.C., are to be allocated on the basis of results of the most recent _____.

practical examinations; census

In 1972, President Nixon looked beyond his anticommunist beliefs and traveled to China to meet with Mao Zedung, leading to improved relations between the two nations.


Which term refers to a judge's decision to adhere to the previous decisions of other judges?



prepare cases for trail

The author of the excerpt, Frederick Lynch, claims that even though AARP has been successful in blocking efforts to ________ in the past, it currently faces tough challenges since key allies are gone and opponents have mobilized to advance proposals for cutting or restructuring ______

private social security; entitlements

An interest group that is created in response to an opening or opportunity for social, political, or economic changes is considered a ____ group


The first step in the policy process, where there is recognition that something might warrant government action, is known as

problem ID

ideological (noneconomic)

promote the ideals of a particular faith or religious values, or focused on common welfare of a group

U.S. PIRG: U.S. PIRG is a consumer group that stands up to powerful interests whenever they threaten our health and safety, our financial security, or our right to fully participate in our democratic society. For decades, we've stood up for consumers, countering the influence of big banks, insurers, chemical manufacturers and other powerful special interests.

public interest groups

What is the term for a set of laws that regulate political and social life in order to meet a need or accomplish a goal?

public policy

global leader

responsible for global security and stability

commander in chief

responsible for national defenses

When Senator James DeMint resigned from office to become head of a conservative think tank, it demonstrated the concept of a(n)

revolving door

what problem was ID'd in the video?

risky banking practices by big banks

Who was the only Supreme Court justice impeached by the House of Representatives?

samuel chase

Who was the first woman appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court?

sandra day o'connor

President Eisenhower appointed a layer of federal employees to oversee civil service employees; they were called the

schedule C appointees

Who is ultimately responsible for the policy decisions that come out of a federal department?


______ are written remarks that reflect the president's interpretation of the law that are not required or authorized by the Constitution

signing statements

NARAL: We are made up of pro-choice women and men across the United States. Together, we protect a woman's right to choose.

single issue interest groups

National Rifle Association: The National Rifle Association is America's longest-standing civil rights organization. We're proud defenders of history's patriots and diligent protectors of the Second Amendment.

single issues interest groups

who was the first hispanic to serve on the US supreme court?

sonia sotomayor

why were stake and burke sentenced to time in a federal prison?

stake and burke plead guilty and were sentenced by a federal court

what was NSA director General Alexander's main defense of the program?

the implementation of Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act has allowed the government to connect the dots between terrorists abroad and in United States and, as a result, has helped to thwart more than fifty attacks since its inception.

which major controversy married the presidency of ronald reagan?

the iran- contra scandal

The bureaucratic failure relating to the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010 began in which office?

the minerals management service

In 1970, what was created to discourage the development of nuclear weapons technology

the nuclear non- proliferation treaty

The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 led to the creation of which agency?

the office of personal management

What is the Federal Register?

the official record of government regulates

Which U.S.-government funded organization, established in 1961, sends individuals to foreign nations for peacekeeping, educational and cultural purposes?

the peace corps

Who nominates the board of governors that lead the Federal Reserve System?

the president

which rule is used to decide if the supreme court will grant cert?

the rule of 4

who is responsible for confirming supreme court nominees?

the senate

who was the first african american supreme court justice?

thurgood marshall

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