Govern 2305 - U01

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In general, it was the ____ vision of the United States that triumphed after the nation's founding.


The ____ felt that the Constitution should not specifically enumerate protected civil liberties.


In __________, James Madison expressed concerns about the harmful effects of factions.

Federalist No. 10

Which constitutional amendment guaranteed voting rights for African American men?

Fifteenth Amendment

In the twentieth century, the president who used public appeals most effectively and was most inventive in their use was

Franklin Roosevelt.

First Amendment

Freedom of Press, Religion, Assembly, to make demands upon the government, speech.

Why is grassroots/outside lobbying an effective political tactic?

Grassroots lobbying shapes public opinion, and elected officials are known to respond to public opinion.

How does grassroots/outside lobbying differ from other efforts by interest groups to influence government?

Grassroots/outside lobbying focuses more than other forms of advocacy on influencing public opinion to support groups' goals.

Which of the following cases involved the "right to privacy"?

Griswold v. Connecticut

Free Exercise Clause

Guarantees citizens' rights to believe and practice whatever religion he or she chooses (Sometimes exemptions are granted)

Why was Madison particularly concerned about factions in Federalist No. 10?

He believed that factions pursuing their self-interest would work against the broader public interest.

____ is the formal charge by the House of Representatives that a government official has committed "Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors."


Elements of Second Amendment

"A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

What is a reason that House members are more attuned to the legislative needs of local interest groups than members of the Senate?

House members need to seek re-election more frequently.

De Jure

"Of Right, by right, according to law"

Elements of the Fourth Amendment

"The Right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probably cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Which income group had the lowest percentage of donors

$150,000 and up

Which income group had the lowest percentage of donors?

$150,000 and up

Under current federal rules, individuals may donate a maximum of ____ to any single candidate and up to _____ to a political action committee.

$2,300; $5,000

Which income group had a lower percentage of total voters, when compared to their percentage of the population?


Under federal law, individuals may donate as much as ____ per candidate per election and up to ______ per national party committee per calendar year.

$2600; 32,400

$500,000 is the amount of money you will probably need if you want to run for a seat in the ...

House of Representatives

Congress is a bicameral legislature, which means that its members are divided between the

House of Representatives and Senate.

In 1960, what was the percentage of female members in state legislatures?

0 percent

In 1960, what was the percentage of female members in state legislatures?


Why do small groups have an organizational advantage over large groups in terms of their ability to enroll potential members?

1. Define potential members as individuals who stand to benefit from the activities of an interest group. 2. Note that interest groups must deal with the free rider problem, whereby potential members may fail to join a group because they can get the benefit sought by the group without contributing to the effort. 3. Explain that small organizations have an advantage because any individual's share of the collective good may be great enough to make it rational for him or her to join.

Referring to the examples in Table 15.1, distinguish between public interest groups and economic groups and provide examples of each.

1. Describe public interest groups as groups that seek collective goods or to provide benefits for society as a whole. 2. Describe economic groups as groups that represent the interests of particular firms or businesses within an industry. 3. Provide one or more examples of actual public interest groups. 4. Provide one or more examples of actual economic groups, such as specific corporations or trade associations.

You are the leader of a student organization working to pass federal legislation that would increase financial aid to college students. What specific strategies could you employ to overcome the free rider/collective action problem in order to build your organization and increase your political clout?

1. Describe the free rider problem as a situation in which individuals can benefit from the group effort without having to contribute to it. As a result, individuals have no incentive to join the group. 2. Identify what kinds of individuals would be likely to free ride in this case: college students who receive or are eligible to receive financial aid. 3. Explain one or more tactics that could be used to convince these students to join the organization. To overcome the free rider problem, the group must offer some kind of incentive—material or otherwise—that is given only to group members.

Studies have shown that political action committees (PACs) contribute disproportionately to incumbent candidates. Why do PACs pursue this strategy in their campaign contributions? Are there any potential drawbacks?

1. Explain that PACs are strategic in how they invest their funds; they want to get the most impact out of their contributions. 2. Note that incumbent candidates are more likely to win, so groups that donate to PACs are more likely to gain access to elected officials after the election. 3. Explain one or more drawbacks to this strategy, including the possibility that the challenger will win and groups will not have the same type of access to the newly elected officials.

Discuss the advantages of contributing to a political action committee (PAC) over making an individual contribution to a political candidate.

1. Explain that PACs combine several individual contributions, resulting in a larger total contribution to a candidate than what one individual could do alone. 2. Note that because PAC contributions are larger, they tend to attract more attention from members of Congress.

How do interest groups seek to influence the executive branch, and what goals do they pursue in doing so?

1. Explain that groups can lobby the president, White House staff, and/or specific bureaucratic agencies. 2. Describe the major techniques that groups use, such as issuing reports and offering testimony at administrative hearings. 3. Describe one or more objectives of interest groups in lobbying the executive branch, including either tightening or loosening regulations, influencing statutory interpretations by agencies, and influencing agency budgets.

Discuss the role of political action committees (PACs) in terms of their influence on elections and the extent to which they shape government policy.

1. Note that PACs are a significant component to the election campaigns of most members of Congress. As a result, they are highly influential in elections. 2. Discuss the effects that PAC contributions have on the day-to-day activities of elected officials. PACs are able to gain access, but not necessarily secure favorable votes, in return for their contributions.

What types of organizations engage in grassroots/outside lobbying, and why do they do so? Why is grassroots lobbying effective?

1. Note that all kinds of organizations use this tactic, though public interest groups engage in grassroots lobbying more often. 2. Provide a logical reason to explain why a group might use this tactic, such as when a group is working on a particularly pressing issue or is unable to gain direct access to lawmakers. 3. Explain that grassroots lobbying places pressure on elected officials via public opinion, and elected officials are known to respond to public opinion.

Except on rare occasions, boundaries for congressional and state legislative districts in the United States are redrawn by the states every ____ years.


There are ______ U.S. Court of Appeals judicial districts (circuits).


About ________ percent of political advertising is aimed at Americans between 18 and 34 years of age.


Between 1960 and 2010, what was the increase in percentage of women who were college students?

17 percent

When did national conventions begin in American politics?


The Federal government filed more than 400 antidiscrimination suits in federal courts against hotels, restaurants, taverns, gas stations, and other "public accommodations" as a result of the

1964 Civil Rights Act.

Since 1968, the Consumer Confidence Index was lowest on the eve of the election of


You are a policy analyst in the Department of Energy. You were just offered a job with a renewable energy company. How long must you wait before you can lobby the Department of Energy on behalf of your new employer?

2 years

The United States has approximately ________ television stations and ________ daily newspapers.

2,000; 1,400

What percentage of the U.S. prison population is Hispanic?

21 percent

In 2012, about _____ percent of Americans identified themselves as __________.

23; liberals

Since 1789, more than 11,000 amendments have been formally offered in Congress. Of these, only ____ were finally ratified by the states


Which of the following best describes an American who watches news videos online?

27-year-old, earning $80,000 with a law degree

How many electoral votes are needed to win a presidential election?


Which demographic is the Wall Street Journal most popular with?


At the peak of the civil rights movement, there were about ______ demonstrations in the United States.


At the peak of the civil rights movement, there were about _______ demonstrations in the United States.


How many state governors have a Twitter account?


In the 2012 presidential election, about how many states were considered to be "toss-ups", thus garnering most of the money and effort of the candidates?


In the 2012 election cycle, which age group made up the single largest group of donors as a percentage?


n the 2012 election cycle, which age group made up the single largest group of donors as a percentage?


A nonprofit group that also engages in issue advocacy and is allowed to spend up to half of its revenue for political purposes is called

501c(4) committee

nonprofit groups that also engage in issue advocacy. Under Section 501c(4) of the federal tax code such a group may spend up to half its revenue for political purposes

501c(4) committees

nonprofit independent groups that receive and disburse funds to influence the nomination, election, or defeat of candidates. Named after Section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code, which defines and provides tax-exempt status for nonprofit advocacy groups

527 committees

During the course of American history, incumbent presidents running for re-election typically win about ________ percent of the time.


In a typical congressional session, _____ percent of bills introduced die in committee.


What type of situation in American federalism has often resulted in the act of preemption?

A state action is found to be inconsistent with a federal requirement.

What organization is the major lobby for seniors and actively works for the adoption and enforcement of laws that prohibit age discrimination in employment and public accommodations?


Which of the following statements about adversarial journalism is FALSE?

Adversarial journalism disappeared in the 1970s and 1980s.

Which of the following statements is true about political participation?

African Americans and Latinos are less likely to participate in politics than whites.

One of two states with the highest union membership in the United States is __________.

Alaska or New York

Which of the following was provided for by the supremacy clause?

All laws made by the federal government would be superior to all laws adopted by any state or any other subdivision.

What do the data presented in this figure suggest?

All other things being equal, Hubert Humphrey was expected to prevail in 1968 and Al Gore was expected to prevail in 2000.

What can be deduced by the percentage of Americans who identify themselves as moderates?

Americans tend not to be overly ideological

_____ is/are the amount(s) of money, approved by Congress in statutes, that each unit or agency can spend.


The United States' first written constitution was the

Articles of Confederation.

Which demographic group had the largest wage gap between male and female workers?

Asian American

Which demographic group had the largest wage gap between male and female workers?

Asian Americans

What is the next step in the process after the Supreme Court accepts a case?

Attorneys on both sides prepare briefs.

Why don't candidates visit the bigger states during a campaign?

Bigger states have strong ties to a specific political party

Why don't candidates visit the bigger states during a campaign?

Bigger states have strong ties to a specific political party.

Which of the following statements is true?

Both "In the early 1960's civil rights advocates were focused on public accommodations" and "in the mid-1960's, civil rights advocates were focused on voting" are true.

How is lobbying Congress similar to lobbying the courts?

Both are commonly used strategies of interest groups seeking to influence public policy.

Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions

Called for women's legal and social independence from men and the right to vote.

Why are campaign contributions so important for interest groups seeking to influence government?

Campaign contributions help elect candidates who are friendly to groups' goals.

What is true of public funding available to candidates as established by the Federal Election Campaign Act?

Candidates who accept matching funds may spend no more than $42 million in their presidential primary campaigns.

What body is capable of impeaching and removing the president from power?


What entity chooses or specifies how many justices serve on the Supreme Court?


For the president to accomplish a pocket veto,

Congress must adjourn during the 10-day period that the president has the legislation.

Jim Crow Laws

Criminalized interracial marriage expand segregation of public places discriminate against African Americans

Why has party unity been on the rise in recent years?

Divisions between the parties have deepened on many high-profile issues.

Which agency hears claims of discrimination brought under the Americans with Disabilities Act?


Which agency hears claims of discrimination brought under the Americans with disabilities Act?

EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)

________ is the single most important factor in predicting whether an individual votes.

Education level

Which of the following statements, if true, would confirm the theory of pluralism?

Elected officials seek out the opinions of multiple interest groups when creating policy.

What is the most important core value for liberals?


______ powers are the specific powers granted by the Constitution to Congress and to the president.


T/F: In recent years, political action committees (PACs) have declined as vehicles for campaign contributions.


T/F: Interest groups are prohibited from lobbying the executive branch of the federal government.


Which of the following statements about campaign spending in Senate elections is true? - Incumbents generally spend less money than challengers in Senate campaigns. - Incumbents and challengers generally spend the same amount of money in Senate campaigns. - Incumbents generally spend more money than challengers in Senate campaigns. - Incumbents and challengers in Senate campaigns are legally limited to spending only $2 million. - Incumbents and challengers in Senate campaigns are legally limited to spending only $5 million.

Incumbents generally spend more money than challengers in Senate campaigns.

Which of the following statements, if true, would undermine the theory of pluralism?

Individuals with shared grievances do not always come together to form interest groups.

Fighting Words

Insight someone to violence; you cannot harass others or start screaming at them. This is, or would be known as, disorderly conduct.

__________ are organizations that seek to influence public policy.

Interest groups

Which of the following is an assumption of pluralism?

Interest groups are integral to government decisions.

What level of scrutiny does the Supreme Court typically use in cases related to sex and gender discrimination?

Intermediate scrutiny

Why is post-New Deal federalism sometimes referred to as marble-cake federalism?

It developed into cooperative federalism, a system in which national grants encouraged states to implement national policies, somewhat blurring the lines between national and state governments.

Which of the following is true of the Supreme Court's treatment of student speech?

It has allowed conditional restrictions on student free speech depending on the content of the speech.

How did the 1980's Burger Court treat gender discrimination?

It made it easier for plaintiffs to file and win suits on the basis of gender discrimination.

In what way did the "comity clause" seek to promote national unity?

It prevented states from discriminating against someone from another state or giving special privileges to its own residents.

Why has the controversy over same-sex marriage been so closely linked to the full faith and credit clause?

It raises the issue of whether or not one state will recognize legal same-sex unions made in another state.

What new rule was introduced by 2007 ethics legislation in Congress?

It required lawmakers to identify the earmarks they inserted in legislation.

In what specific way did the Obama administration grant more power to the states than had the administration of George W. Bush?

It reversed the Bush policy of preemption in certain areas by granting states more control in the areas of social policy and the environment.

Which president was considered "bold" at the time for publicly supporting equality for all Americans?


Which demographic group had the smallest wage gap between male and female workers?


Unprotected Speech

Libel and Slander must be true *and* also cause harm

The religiously unaffiliated tend to be politically


Which national monument was the final destination of the March on Washington?

Lincoln Memorial

__________ refers to communicating with government officials to persuade them to support a particular policy decision.


How does lobbying the executive branch differ from lobbying Congress?

Lobbying the executive branch focuses more on rule making, whereas lobbying Congress focuses more on pending legislation.

How does lobbying Congress differ from lobbying the judicial branch?

Lobbyists often meet personally with members of Congress, whereas they cannot meet with judges.

Which states do not distribute electoral votes on a winner-take-all basis?

Maine and Nebraska

Which of the following was a conclusion made by political scientist Milton Lodge and colleagues about individual formation of public opinion?

Many individuals are politically informed but lack memory of some of the facts used to form their opinions.

The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the right of the national government to create a national bank and reaffirmed the notion of "national supremacy" in which landmark case?

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

congressional elections that do not coincide with a presidential election; also called off-year elections

Midterm elections

Thirteenth Amendment

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Which two important colonial groups organized together in opposition to the taxes imposed by the Stamp Act and the Sugar Act?

New England merchants and southern planters

________ is the only state that does not require voter registration.

North Dakota

Which of the following is true regarding the 2012 presidential election? Romney won the popular vote because consumer confidence in the economy was low on the eve of the election. Obama was reelected because consumer confidence in the economy was high on the eve of the election. Obama was reelected despite a low level of consumer confidence in the economy. Consumer confidence has not exceeded 100 on the eve of a presidential election since 1984.

Obama was reelected despite a low level of consumer confidence in the economy.

The death penalty was implemented in 2010 in all the following states except


_____ is/are the effort(s) by Congress to exercise control over the activities of executive agencies through hearings, investigations, and other techniques.


________ occurs when state legislators concentrate the members of one party in as few districts as possible in order to ensure that their opponents will elect as few representatives as possible.


Under the 1965 Voting Rights Act, prior to 2013, what criteria was used for determining which voting jurisdictions needed federal preclearance before changing their voting laws or practices?

Past history of voting discrimination

Which of the following is suggested by the data presented in the figure?

People tend to overstate their voting habits in surveys.

Which of the following, if true, would indicate that grassroots/outside lobbying is an ineffective political tactic?

Policy makers primarily work to satisfy the demands of their wealthiest campaign contributors. As a result, they rarely respond to broader public opinion.

________ is the niche leader inside the Beltway.


Which of the following was established in the Tenth Amendment?

Powers not specifically granted by the Constitution to the federal government were reserved to the states or to the people.

Which of the following is an example of inherent presidential powers?

President Lincoln mobilizing troops at the outbreak of the Civil War

What is the name of the surveillance program that was cited as being effective against terrorism?


____ liberties place restraints on how government is supposed to act, while ____ liberties limit what the government has the power to do.

Procedural; substantive

Which of the following statements best describes the media's role in the Watergate affair?

Relentless investigations by journalists revealed various abuses of power by President Nixon and led to his resignation.

________ occurs when a citizen votes for a candidate because he or she approves of the candidate's past record.

Retrospective voting

Under the Great Compromise, small states were given an advantage in the


Women s exclusion from political participation in the antislavery movement gave birth to the modern women's movement, which first met at

Seneca Falls in 1848.


Something that lacks serious scientific, artistic, educational, or moral value; set by local community standards

Which geographic region has a significantly higher level of incarceration per 100,000 residents?


The leader of the majority party in the House of Representatives is the

Speaker of the House.

Which of the following statements about the evolution of federalism under the Bush Administration is accurate?

The Bush Administration oversaw a massive increase in federal authority over public education.

What is the current status of school desegregation?

The Court has ruled that race cannot be a factor in assigning students to schools to achieve greater racial diversity, so one of the few strategies to promote racial integration has been eliminated.

Where do most 18-29-year-olds get their news?

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

In which of the following ways did the Liberty Party and Free Soil party differ?

The Liberty Party was staunchly abolitionist, and the Free Soil Party was more moderately antislavery.

Which of the following statements about congressional polarization is accurate

The Republican Party has experienced the greatest ideological shift in recent years.

Which of the following is true of the state of voter ID laws in the United States?

The Supreme Court struck down an Arizona law requiring that individuals produce proof of U.S. citizenship in order to register to vote.

Protected Speech

The Truth, Political Speech, Symbolic Speech

Why do radio stations repeat the news so often throughout the day?

The audience is constantly changing since most people listen to the radio in their cars.

Smith v. Allwright (1944)

The court deemed Texas's use of "white primary" elections unconstituional

Which of the following is established by the Fifth Amendment?

The courts cannot hold trials for serious offenses without provision for a grand jury.

Which of the following is true about deterrence based on the data presented in this chart?

The murder rate for states that have the death penalty and have conducted at least one execution is higher than in states that do not have the death penalty.

Which of the following would best exemplify a characteristic of a unitary system of government?

The national government selects the textbooks and curriculum for all schools.

Fifteenth Amendment

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Nineteenth Amendment

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

Twenty-sixth Amendment

The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.

Why does the solicitor general have such a strong influence on the Supreme Court?

The solicitor general screens most cases being appealed by agencies of the federal government and only lets some cases advance.

Which of the following is a constitutional requirement for being a Supreme Court Justice?

There are no constitutional requirements for serving on the Supreme Court.

How did the Articles of Confederation specify that its executive be selected?

There was no executive branch under the Articles.

What are expressed powers in the Constitution?

These are the specific powers granted in the Constitution to Congress and to the president.

___________ is credited with coining the phrase "wall of separation between church and state."

Thomas Jefferson

T/F: According to the theory of pluralism, political power is distributed across a wide range of diverse and competing interest groups.


T/F: As described in the "Union Membership" box, union membership is higher among public sector employees than private sector employees.


T/F: Most politically active organizations use lobbying to make their interests known to government officials.


Which of the following statements is true about the Three-Fifths Compromise?

Under this compromise, five slaves would count as three free persons in apportioning seats in the House of Representatives.

Which of the following cases limited Congress' authority to regulate interstate commerce?

United States v. Lopez (1995)

What Supreme Court case first restricted the use of racial quotas in university admissions?

University of California v. Bakke

Which of the following is suggested by the data presented in the chart?

Violent offenders are irrational by definition.

Which of the following statements is FALSE?

Walter Mondale received 80 percent of the evangelical Christian vote in 1984 to 20 percent for Ronald Reagan.

Which of the following is true of the relationship between members of Congress and their constituents?

Well over a quarter of each representative's time is devoted to constituency service.

Which of the following statements is most accurate? - Economic considerations do not affect the decisions that voters make about who to vote for. - When voters are satisfied with their economic prospects, they tend to vote for the party in power. - When voters are dissatisfied with their economic prospects, they tend to vote for the party in power. - When voters are dissatisfied with their economic prospects, they tend to vote for Republican candidates. - When voters are dissatisfied with their economic performance, they tend to vote for Democratic candidates.

When voters are satisfied with their economic prospects, they tend to vote for the party in power.

Which race/ethnicity represents the second-largest group within the U.S. prison population?


Members of the _____ tend to be closer personal and political associates of the president than other appointed officials.

White House staff

The death penalty is not currently legal in


The Establishment Clause

With Government will never establish an official religion (Although this country was founded on JudaChristian Values)

The Seneca Falls declaration addressed civil rights for which group?


Which of the following wars was approved with a formal declaration of war by Congress?

World War II

What did the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007 achieve?

a ban on gifts and honoraria to members of Congress and their staffs

Which of the following is an example of a public interest group?

a consumer rights group

What is a writ of habeas corpus?

a court order that an individual in custody be brought into court and shown the cause for detention.

What is a public interest group?

a group that works to gain benefits for society as a whole

Modern political campaigns do NOT depend on ________.

a large army of volunteers from the party

U.S. circuit court decisions are usually made by

a panel of three judges.

Which of the following is an example of grassroots/outside lobbying?

a petition sent to representatives in Congress

In order to win the presidency, a candidate must receive ____ of Electoral College votes.

a plurality of votes

Primary elections are held to select

a political party's presidential candidate for the general election.

U.S. district court decisions are mostly made by

a single federal judge.

In contrast to a value, an attitude refers to

a specific view about a particular issue, person, or event.

Which of the following types of races is most likely to be decided exclusively by partisan loyalty among the voters?

a state legislative election

Which of the following requires a two-thirds Senate ratification vote?

a treaty

Who engages in grassroots or outside lobbying?

a wide range of interest groups, including public interest groups and business groups

What is an amicus curiae brief?

a written argument submitted to a court in support of one side of a case

Since the 1970s, political action committee (PAC) contributions have __________.

a. become increasingly important in congressional elections

If the Supreme Court grants a case a writ of certiorari, it has

accepted and will hear the case.

In 2013, the Senate voted 52-48 to end the use of the filibuster against

all executive branch and judicial nominees except those to the Supreme Court.

One way that interest groups can influence court cases they are interested in is by filing a(n) __________.

amicus curiae or friend of the court brief

What type of group is a trade association?

an economic interest group

The White House staff is composed mainly of

analysts and advisers.

Expressed powers

are specific powers granted by the U.S. Constitution to the national government.

In general, the chief justice

assigns opinions when voting with the majority.

a proposed law or policy change that is placed on the ballot by citizens or interest groups for a popular vote

ballot initiative

In order to overcome the free rider problem, many interest groups offer material benefits. What are material benefits?

benefits given only to group members

The new Federal Election Commission (FEC) rules, which hold individual members of a campaign personally liable for a filing error, have

benefitted political insiders.

SOPA and PIPA were

bills considered by Congress in 2012 to extend U.S. copyright laws beyond U.S. borders.

Which type of grant provides more control to state and local governments in the distribution of federal grants-in-aid?


The Fairness Doctrine required that

broadcasters who aired controversial issues provide time for opposing viewpoints.

The heads of all the major federal departments collectively make up the


According to Representative Ellison, the fact that a user's message __________ is a positive aspect of using Twitter in politics.

can generate feedback

Before the 1890s, voters on election day almost always had to

cast a straight-ticket vote

a normally closed political party business meeting of citizens or lawmakers to select candidates, elect officers, plan strategy, or make decisions regarding legislative matters


Traditionally, first spouses have served what role?

ceremonial functions

Opinion assignment is an important power of the ____ when he or she is in the majority.

chief justice

Who or what initiates the process that ultimately gets a ballot initiative onto the ballot for a popular vote?


When a voter must be registered with a party prior to voting that party's election, it is called a(n)

closed primary

a primary election in which voters can participate in the nomination of candidates, but only of the party in which they are enrolled for a period of time prior to primary day

closed primary

In Congress, seniority-the length of time one has served in the House or Senate-usually determines

committee chairs.

What is lobbying?

communicating with government officials to persuade them to support a particular policy position

What core issues brought Americans together in Washington over 50 years ago?

concerns over equal pay and equal rights

Justices who agree with the majority decision but disagree with the legal reasoning will likely file a(n)

concurring opinion.

Which two groups had the lowest percentages of Americans who believed there are "strong" or "very strong" conflicts between rich and poor?

conservative republicans

If you prefer smaller government, you are probably a


Which group has had great popularity on radio talk shows?


In what kind of case does the plaintiff charge that it has suffered because of another's violation of a specific agreement between the two?


The two most common types of civil cases involve torts and


In 2010 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission that the government could not restrict independent expenditures by ______ to political campaigns.

corporations and unions

The total boycott of all British goods in the colonies came immediately after which event?

creation of the First Continental Congress

In ____ cases, the government is always the plaintiff.


Political scientists Richard Lau and David Redlawsk argue that most public opinion is formed through

cues from political elites.

Between 1979 and 2012, the wage gap was nearly

cut in half.

Segregation or discriminatory practices that occur even when there is no explicit legal enforcement, such as school segregation in much of the United States today, is called ____ segregation.

de facto

Segregation or discriminatory practices that occur even when there is not explicit legal enforcement, such as school segregation in much of the United States today, is called ______ segregation.

de facto

The case involving the death of the Florida teen Trayvon Martin serves as an example of __________ discrimination in modern America.

de facto

Before the post-World War II era, dark-horse candidates were most likely to arise at a national convention when

deadlocks between major factions developed.

Which of the following is a component of the Lemon test?

determining whether government involvement advances a particular religion

The executive branch as specified by the Articles of Confederation

did not exist; the Articles specified no executive leader.

The process of amending the Constitution is ____, leading to a ____ proportion of proposed amendments succeeding

difficult; very small

Southern Government officials used gerrymandering to

dilute African American voting power through the drawing of district lines

Southern government officials used gerrymandering to

dilute African American voting power through the drawing of district lines.

Most of the Constitution's framers opposed ______ as they established the presidency in Article II of the Constitution.

direct, popular election of the president

Midterm elections are congressional elections that

do not coincide with a presidential election.

Federal preemptions allow Congress to impose national priorities upon states through national legislation, a power that is rooted in the Constitution's

doctrine of national supremacy.

The Fifth Amendment protects against

double jeopardy.

Supporters of race-based redistricting contend that

drastic measures are required to overcome traditional Caucasian dominance in Congress.

The core component of the New Jersey Plan was that

each state would be equally represented in the new regime regardless of that state's population.

For what condition is the office of the president consistently blamed or rewarded, but over which in fact it has very little control?

economic performance

In 2012, which of the following was covered the least in local newspapers?


What is the name of the clause that is understood to give Congress the power to pass any law that is necessary to carry out its expressed powers?

elastic clause

the presidential electors from each state who meet after the general election to cast ballots for president and vice president

electoral college

The Obama Administration's "look back" program sought to

eliminate several hundred existing agency rules it deemed obsolete.

Most criminal cases

end with a plea bargain.

The federal courts have established ____ as a critical factor in establishing the boundaries of legislative districts.

equal populations

What is the most important core value for liberals?


Which of the following values or outcomes would likely be opposed by most Americans?

equality of income

The most dramatic restraint imposed on police by the Bill of Rights, which can free those people who are known to have committed the crime of which they have been accused, is the

exclusionary rule.

An interest group seeking to influence the rule-making process would most likely lobby the __________ branch of the federal government.


A treaty requires a two-thirds Senate ratification vote. Presidents often use _____ to avoid this challenge to their foreign policy

executive agreements

The president may use _____ to more effectively manage the executive branch and carry out existing rules and policies

executive orders

What executive tool did President George W. Bush use to limit the use of embryonic stem cells research and to try to restrict the work of international family planning groups that provided abortion counseling services?

executive orders

Specific powers provided to the national government in the U.S. Constitution are called ____ powers.


The power to declare war is an example of which type of power?


The Supreme Court ruled in Lawrence v. Texas that the right to privacy

extends to gay and lesbian citizens.

President Obama has been criticized by liberals for his

extension of Bush-era tax cuts.

According to Madison's Federalist No. 10, a(n) __________ is a group of individuals concerned more with their self-interest than with the rights of individuals outside the group or with the needs of society as a whole.


Which of the following beliefs or characteristics could be attributed to the Federalists?

feared excessive democracy

A system that distributes power between state and national governments is called


Which constitutional amendment guaranteed voting rights for African American men?


When a case that an interest group is interested in, but not actually sponsoring, comes before a court, the group can __________.

file an amicus curiae brief to present the group's analysis of the case

In 2012, which of the following was covered the least in local television news?

foreign affairs

As "head of state", the president is the leading actor in

foreign policy.

The fact that journalists referred to the Obama administration's health care initiative as "reform" instead of as "health care rationing" is an example of the media's power of ________.


positive news and feature coverage initiated by the media themselves.

free media

The __________ problem occurs when people fail to join a group because they can get the benefits the group offers without contributing to the group's efforts.

free rider

When states vie for influence by holding their nominating processes earlier, it is called ________.


Gibbons v. Ogden in 1824 was important because it

gave the national government significant new authority to regulate interstate commerce.

State legislators routinely seek to influence electoral outcomes by manipulating the organization of electoral districts. This strategy is called


The practice of ________ means that district boundaries have been purposefully drawn to unfairly advantage one group or party.


the apportionment of voters in districts in such a way as to give unfair advantage to one racial or ethnic group or political party


The process of redrawing legislative district boundary lines to provide political advantage or disadvantage is known as


New Federalism was generally characterized by

granting state and local governments greater control of nationally funded programs.

An interest group holding a demonstration outside the White House is an example of __________.

grassroots or outside lobbying

African Americans

have linked fate when it comes to political participation.

To win Senate confirmation, judicial nominees usually need to

have support from the senators from the nominee's state.

In 2003, Californians voted out Governor Gray Davis. This election was unusual because

he lost in a rare recall effort.

As the leading actor in U.S. foreign policy, the president is known as

head of state.

Which groups made the lowest level of political contributions as a percentage?

high school diploma or less

When journalists focus on a candidate's relative standing in the polls instead of substantive issues they are demonstrating ________ coverage.

horse race

The media can set the political agenda in the United States by

identifying an issue as a problem that must be solved.

Which of the following conditions, if true, would eliminate the free rider/collective action problem?

if participation in an interest group were mandatory

Which of the following factors was instrumental in bringing about the first national interest groups in the United States?

improvements in communication networks

If the House and Senate pass different versions of a piece of legislation, the differences will be resolved

in a conference committee.

Antifederalists' concerns about the Constitution

included a concern that. the Constitution did not specifically enumerate protected civil liberties

Looking at the entire set of results, one can conclude

income inequality is a concern for most Americans.

Statewide initiatives on the ballot

increase voter turnout in elections.

During military emergencies, executive branch powers tend to


The ____ is a candidate running for re-election to a position that he or she already holds.


a candidate running for re-election to a position that he or she already holds


In most congressional elections, ____ outspend ____.

incumbents, challengers

Powers that are not explicit in the Constitution, but are implied by the overarching responsibilities of the president, are known as _____ powers.


Family provides most people with their ____ to politics.

initial orientation

A(n) __________ refers to an organization that seeks to influence public policy.

interest group

Which of the following is an example of a faction, as conceptualized by Madison in Federalist No. 10?

interest group

The process of logrolling in Congress

is a very simple exchange of support for pieces of legislation.

The Supreme Court ruling in United States v. Lopez is important because

it was the first time since the New Deal that the Supreme Court limited the power of Congress under the commerce clause.

The power of the Christian Coalition in the 1990s was due to

its success in mobilizing a large grassroots base.

Of the following, what is the least prevalent form of political participation in the United States?

joining a protest rally

What power does the Supreme Court possess that is not expressly given to it by the Constitution?

judicial review

The Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison established

judicial review.

What is the term for a court's sphere of power and authority?


The Speaker of the House is the

leader of the majority party.

The president pro tempore in the Senate is ____ the majority and minority leaders.

less powerful than

Stare decisis is a Latin phrase that means

let the decision stand

A majority of newspaper reporters identify themselves as ________.


Which two groups had the highest percentages of Americans who believed there are "strong" or "very strong" conflicts between rich and poor?

liberal democrats

The religiously unaffiliated tend to be politically


Online social networks such as Facebook and Twitter

likely increase the role of peers in shaping public opinion.

Which of the following is a provision of the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007?

lobbying disclosure requirements

An interest group filing an amicus curiae brief is an example of __________.

lobbying the judicial branch

One function of __________ is to provide legislators with information about an interest group's position on a specific bill or issue.


Obama was reelected despite a _________ of consumer confidence in the economy.

low level

Real power in the Senate is in the hands of the

majority and minority leaders.

a type of electoral system in which, to win a seat in the parliament or other representative body, a candidate must receive a majority of all the votes cast in the relevant district

majority system

a gerrymandered voting district that improves the chances of minority candidates by making selected minority groups the majority within the district

majority-minority district

Members of Congress who receive contributions from political action committees (PACs) __________.

make sure that the PACs are granted access to the members and their staff

Women are disadvantaged as candidates for office because

male candidates are more likely to have the advantage of incumbency in office.

Concerns about privacy led Senator Udall to advocate having a national debate on the use of


When a congressional election is held that does not coincide with a presidential election, it is called a(n)

midterm election

The 1982 amendments to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 resulted in

more minority representation in congress

If you consider yourself moderate, you are like

most Americans.

Which government has the authority to declare war?


Which government has the authority to regulate interstate commerce?


What factors have studies indicated likely matters least in generating long-term support for a presidential candidate?

national debate performance

The national government's implied powers are granted through which of the following?

necessary and proper clause

Google News and Real Clear Politics are good examples of ________.

news aggregators

A website devoted entirely to reporting on climate change and other environmental issues is an example of ________ journalism.


In the case of Buckley v Valeo, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that

no limits can be placed on candidates' expenditure of their own funds, since such spending is considered free speech.

Big government is ____ considered a core U.S. value.


Opponents of race-based redistricting contend that

not fair, it has a negative impact on racial minorities, and it has resulted in making many districts uniformly Caucasian and more Republican.

The number of a state's electoral votes is determined by the

number of members it has in both houses of Congress.

What is the primary concern of the majority of private bills introduced in Congress?

obtaining citizenship for foreign nationals

a primary election in which the voter can wait until the day of the primary to choose which party to enroll in to select candidates for the general election

open primary

In contemporary politics, local election campaigns tend to be ________, while statewide elections tend to be ________.

organizationally driven and labor intensive; media driven and capital intensive

The New England-based merchants and southern planters

organized together in opposition to taxes imposed by the Stamp and Sugar Acts.

The Constitution gives the Supreme Court ____ jurisdiction in cases involving foreign ambassadors and issues in which a state is a party.


Selection bias occurs when a sample ____ some opinions.

overrepresents or underrepresents

A two-thirds vote in both chambers of Congress is necessary to

override a Presidential veto.

A two-thirds vote in both the House and Senate is required to do which of the following?

override the president's veto

The right of the people "to keep and bear Arms" is based on

participation in state militias.

Which three types of factors influence the decisions of voters at the polls?

partisan loyalty, issues, and the characteristics of candidates

Pork barrel legislation is a form of ____ in which Members of Congress ____.

patronage; secure direct benefits for their districts or states

The "separate but equal" doctrine

permitted a system of segregated social facilities.

The party who brings a case against a defendant in criminal and civil courts is referred to as the


a type of electoral system in which, to win a seat in the parliament or other representative body, a candidate need only receive the most votes in the election, not necessarily a majority of votes cast

plurality system

In the 2006 case of United States v. Grubbs, the Supreme Court ruled that

police could conduct searches using such "anticipatory warrants."

a private group that raises and distributes funds for use in election campaigns

political action committee (PAC)

Political socialization is the process through which

political beliefs and values are formed.

Appropriations made by legislative bodies for local projects that are often not needed but that are created to help local representatives win re-election in their home districts are called

pork-barrel legislation.

Judicial review refers to the

power of the judiciary to examine the constitutionality of state and federal laws.

Concurrent powers are

powers and responsibilities shared by both the national and state government

The vice president exists for two official purposes only: to succeed the president in case of death, resignation, or incapacity; and to

preside over the Senate, casting a tie-breaking vote when necessary.

What are legal precedents?

prior cases whose principles are used by judges as the basis for their decision in a present case

a multiple-member district system that allows each political party representation in proportion to its percentage of the total vote

proportional representation

Modern presidents often use the annual State of the Union Address to

propose new legislation.

voting based on the imagined future performance of a candidate or political party

prospective voting

Which category of criminal offenders make up the smallest segment of the U.S. prison population?

public-order offenders

a procedure to allow voters to remove state officials from office before their terms expire by circulating petitions to call a vote


In courts that have appellate jurisdiction, judges

receive cases after the factual record is established by the trial court.

According to _____, the average American exhibits little knowledge of political institutions, processes, or leaders.

recent studies by political scientists.

Which of the following is a way that interest groups seek to influence elections?

recruiting and training candidates

____ is the process of redrawing election districts and redistributing legislative representatives.


If the president executes a pocket veto, Congress's only recourse is to

reintroduce the bill in the next session

Since the publication of the Pentagon Papers, the national news media have

relentlessly investigated the personal and official wrongdoing of public officials

Since the publication of the Pentagon Papers, the national news media have

relentlessly investigated the personal and official wrongdoing of public officials.

The "full faith and credit" clause

requires that each state's laws be honored by the other states.

Critics of pluralism have noted that __________.

resources and political power are unequally distributed within society

____ voting occurs when voting is based on the past performance of a candidate.


voting based on the past performance of a candidate or political party

retrospective voting

If a radio station aired a personal attack against a candidate but refused to

right of rebuttal

The free exercise clause protects

right to believe in and practice one's religion of choice.

The Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade was based on the

right to privacy.

Polls are ____ instruments for measuring public opinion.


Which of the following groups have had the highest levels of political participation?

senior citizens (65 and over)

Within each committee, hierarchy has usually been based on


Because the Supreme Court has so much influence over American law and politics, virtually all presidents have made an effort to select justices who

share their political philosophies.

"Strict constructionists" tend to argue that the Supreme Court

should narrowly interpret the Constitution.

Presidents often use _____ to announce their interpretations of legislation they sign into law.

signing statements

Which type of representation occurs when representatives have the same racial, ethnic, religious, or educational backgrounds as their constituents?


Money contributed directly to a political party to be used for voter registration or party building is called ________.

soft money

The Constitution gives the power of advice and consent

solely to the Senate.

The member of the justice department who screens all appeals to the Supreme Court for the U.S. government is the

solicitor general.

Brief quotes and short characterizations of the day's events in news coverage are called ________.

sound bites

Historically, the most important arenas of congressional policy making have been

standing committees.

selecting candidates from the same political party for all offices on the ballot

straight-ticket voting

State-level data from 1980-2010 suggests that

stringent voter ID laws have the effect of lowering overall turnout.

Most of the Constitutional amendments ratified since the Bill of Rights in 1791 have been directly or indirectly concerned with

structure or composition of government.

The appointment of ambassadors, ministers, and federal judges by the president is

subject to majority approval by the Senate.

Eminent domain is the power of government to

take private property for public use.

In the mid-eighteenth century, most governments relied on ____ for revenue.

tariffs, duties, and other taxes on commerce

Like most governments of the mid-eighteenth century, the British regime had to rely on what for most of its revenues?

tariffs, duties, and other taxes on commerce

Despite its widespread availability, ________ typically provide(s) the least depth of news coverage.


Swing states like Ohio, Virginia, and Iowa were compared to which cut of meat?


The government bailout of banks in 2008 offers an example of government policy

that contradicts popular public opinion.

In the important 1945 case concerning eminent domain, the Supreme Court essentially ruled that

the "public interest" used to justify eminent domain can mean anything a legislature wants it to mean.

Which of the following is an example of an economic interest group?

the Chamber of Commerce

Civil rights advocates shifted their focus away from public accommodations to voting rights after 1964 because

the Civil Rights Act was passed by Congress.

Which of the following is an example of a trade association?

the National Association of Manufacturers

Which of the following is the most important and largest part of the Executive Office of the President (EOP)?

the Office of Management and Budget

When there is a presidential election and the Consumer Confidence Index has a score of over 100,

the candidate of the party in power is likely to win.

Who is the incumbent?

the current officeholder, running for re-election

Which of the following did the Antifederalists most vigorously disapprove?

the elastic clause

Which of the following has been most important in establishing standards such as "one person, one vote" in the process of drawing the boundaries of House districts?

the federal courts

The cabinet is made up of

the heads of major government departments and agencies.

Prospective voting occurs when voting is based on

the imagined future performance of a candidate.

What body or branch is empowered to settle disputes between the states?

the judiciary

Who holds the "power of recognition" in the Senate?

the majority leader

The implied powers of the necessary and proper clause allow

the national government to interpret its delegated powers expansively.

In the House of Representatives, the Rules Committee determines

the order in which bills come up for a vote on the floor.

The 2010 Citizens United decision declared that advocacy groups can form Super PACs and run unlimited campaign ads for or against candidates, as long as

the organizations are independent of the candidate's campaign.

What was accomplished by the 1947 Mendez v. Westminster case?

the overturning of school segregation in Orange County

What is an example of a concurrent power?

the power of both the national and state governments to charter banks and corporations

In the present day, what determines how a party convention's delegates will vote?

the results of the state party primary or caucus

The Supreme Court case Red Lion Broadcasting Company v. FCC (1969) upheld ________.

the right of rebuttal

The Reagan administration is generally credited with transforming which of the following into a significant tool of presidential direct action?

the signing statement

One key demonstration of the weakness of the Articles of Confederation was

the size and duration of Shays's Rebellion.

A runoff election is likely to occur when

there are more than two candidates running in the election.

The development of media giants with access to a variety of media holdings raises the question of whether

there is enough competition among the media to produce a diverse set of views and opinions.

Political action committees (PACs) are an attractive option for campaign contributions because __________.

they combine many individual contributions, resulting in one large contribution that is greater than what one individual could do alone

Interest groups are important subjects of study in American politics because __________.

they provide a venue for citizens to participate in government

Which types of interest groups have the most influence on members of the House of Representatives that are making voting decisions?

those that have some connection to constituents in a particular members' district

Counting slaves as ____ for the purposes of census did not allow slaves to ____.

three-fifths of a person; vote

Which of the following are executive orders first and foremost designed for?

to manage the executive branch

Why do interest groups typically offer material benefits to their members?

to overcome the free rider/collective action problem

What is the main objective of most labor unions?

to protect jobs and secure favorable wages and benefits for their members

Dr. Jane Doe delivered a baby in a hospital while intoxicated. The baby died during delivery, and the parents sued the doctor. What kind of case is that?

tort case

Over the past decade, polls have revealed that Asian American voters are moving

toward the Democratic Party.

an informal public meeting in which candidates meet with ordinary citizens. Allows candidates to deliver messages without the presence of journalists or commentators

town hall meeting

In 2012, which of the following was covered the most in local television news?

traffic and weather

In general, the Federalists' future vision of the United States

triumphed over the Antifederalist vision.

A presidential veto can be overridden by a

two-thirds vote in both houses of Congress.

What type of tyranny did the Federalists fear the most?

tyranny of the majority

As a tool for achieving political goals, presidents have found party members to be


What is the most prevalent form of political participation in the United States?

voting in a general election

Which aspect of the Fourth Amendment has made government surveillance programs controversial?

warrantless searches

Which ethnic group had a higher percentage of total voters, when compared to their percentage of the population?


Conference committees serve to

work out a compromise on House and Senate versions of a piece of legislation.

The study conducted by Jeff Milyo, a professor of economics and a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, revealed that educated citizens completing campaign registration forms

would likely violate the law.

Politicians target __________ voters using social media.


Which of the following statements is true?

Both "in the early 1960s, civil rights advocates were focused on public accommodations" and "in the mid-1960s, civil rights advocates were focused on voting" are true.

How is lobbying the executive branch similar to lobbying the courts?

Both can involve lobbying related to the implementation of an existing policy.

In ____, the Supreme Court ruled that there could be no limits placed on candidates' expenditure of their own funds, since such spending is considered free speech.

Buckley v. Valeo

A push poll might include a question with which of the following?

Do you think it was appropriate for President Bush to lie to start a war with Iraq?

________ glanced at his watch during a presidential debate, which undoubtedly hurt his presidential campaign.

George H. W. Bush

Which presidential incumbents was reelected when the Consumer Confidence Index was less than 100 on the eve of the election?

George W. Bush

Which of the following presidential incumbents was reelected when the Consumer Confidence Index was less than 100 on the eve of the election?

George W. Bush (2004)

All other things being equal, ___________ was expected to prevail in 1968 and ____________ was expected to prevail in 2000.

Herbert Humphrey; Al Gore

Which first spouse had considerable policy influence while her husband was in office?

Hillary Clinton

Eighth Amendment

No excessive bail shall be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

You are the leader of an environmental organization working to address the problem of climate change. Given the free rider problem, what would be the most effective way to get others to join your cause?

Offer an incentive, such as a t-shirt, to those who join the campaign.

You are the leader of a consumer rights group that has been unable to get a meeting with your elected representative in Congress. How could you get the attention of your legislator on the issues your group cares about?

Organize a demonstration in the representative's district and invite the media.

Why do small interest groups have an easier time enrolling potential members than large interest groups?

In a small group, any individual's share of the collective good may be great enough to make it rational for him or her to join.

Which of the following statements about the Declaration of Independence is accurate?

It specifically identified and focused on grievances, aspirations, and principles that might unify the various colonial groups.

How does lobbying the executive branch differ from lobbying the judicial branch?

Lobbying the executive branch may involve grassroots/outside lobbying, whereas lobbying the courts typically does not.

What is an impact of increasing polarization between the parties in the United States?

Party endorsements have a larger impact on public opinion formation.

World War I was an important factor in advancing the cause of women's suffrage because

President Woodrow Wilson and members of Congress believed that women would support the war effort if they were granted the right to vote.

Which of the following is an example of delegated powers?

The Environmental Protection Agency interprets and enforces the air pollution laws enacted by Congress.

Which of the following was an original Constitutional means of selecting one of the three major branches of government, but that has since changed?

The Senate was chosen by state legislatures.

Which of the following structural aspects was established for the legislature by the Constitution?

The Senate was given the power to approve presidential appointments.

Which of the following statements about the death penalty is accurate?

The United States is the only Western nation that still executes criminals.

Which of the following statements about congressional redistricting is accurate?

The federal government has generally supported the creation of majority-minority districts.

The First Continental Congress met in 1774. Which of the following actions did the delegates at the Congress take?

They called for a total boycott of British goods.

Which of the following is true of leadership PACs?

They have been more aggressively used by conservative candidates.

Which of the following describes the philosophy of many of the founders of the American republic?

They were influenced by their experience in Europe and understood that religious persecution drove many settlers to America.

T/F: Pluralism has been challenged on the basis of the fact that political resources and power are unequally distributed within society.


T/F: The Clayton Act of 1914 allowed unions to organize free from prosecution and also guaranteed their members' right to strike.


Which of the following statements is true? - Federal law since 2002 requires that all states use the same type of voting equipment. - The Supreme Court justices have mandated that all voting machines provide a paper ballot. - Voting equipment varies from county to county throughout the United States. - Since 2000, all voting equipment has been required to use a butterfly ballot. - The Supreme Court has ruled that elections using electronic voting machines are unconstitutional.

Voting equipment varies from county to county throughout the United States.

President Nixon vetoed the ____, but Congress overrode the veto. Subsequent presidents have tended to ignore this law.

War Powers Resolution

Jurisdiction refers to

a court's area of authority.

An unfunded mandate is

a federal law that requires the states to do certain things but does not provide state governments with the funding to implement these policies.

A unitary system is

a government in which the national government holds the ultimate authority.

What is a signing statement?

a presidential announcement made at the time of signing legislation that notes how the new law will be interpreted

Which type of organization would find it easiest to overcome the free rider/collective action problem?

a trade association representing a small number of firms

To override a presidential veto, what is required?

a two-thirds vote in both the House and Senate

What percentage of Americans earning more than $75,000 said there are "strong" or "very strong" conflicts between rich and poor?

67 percent

Before the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform law went into effect, what was the percentage of congressional incumbents reelected?

98 percent

Which of the following is true about political participation in the United States?

Both "attempting to persuade others to vote for or against a candidate or party is the second most common form of political participation" and "voting is the most common form of political participation" are true.

Which type of principle of representation exists when constituents have the power to hire and fire their representatives?


Appropriations are the

amounts of money, approved by Congress in statutes, that each unit or agency can spend.

What is a closed primary?

an election in which voters can participate in the nomination of candidates, but only of the party in which they are enrolled for a period of time prior to the Election Day

Which of the following is an example of the free rider (or collective action) problem?

an environmental group struggling to raise funds for a "clean air" campaign

What is a trade association?

an organization that represents businesses within a specific industry

What is a political action committee (PAC)?

an organization that solicits campaign contributions and distributes them to political candidates

The Bill of Rights mollified some Antifederalist concerns about

an overly powerful central government.

Members of the House of Representatives that are making voting decisions are most likely to listen to the interest groups that

are connected to the constituents in the member's district.

All other things being equal,

conservatives have an advantage in presidential elections and moderates determine the outcome of presidential elections.

The president may deploy troops in a state or city without a specific request from the state legislature or governor if the president

considers it necessary to enforce a federal judicial order.

Selective incorporation

considers the provisions of the Bill of Rights one by one and selectively applies them as limits on the states through the Fourteenth Amendment.

In Grutter v. Bollinger (2003), the Supreme Court ruled that the University of Michigan Law School's affirmative action policy was

constitutional, since race was used only as a plus factor and not a quota.

Shays's Rebellion was politically significant to the American founding in that it

demonstrated the weakness of government under the Articles of Confederation.

Fighting words fall outside constitutional protection because they

directly incite violence.

Justices who disagree with the majority decision of the Court may choose to publicize the character of their disagreement in the form of a

dissenting opinion

The idea of the separation of church and state is most closely associated with the

establishment clause.

When using a simple random sample,

every individual in a population has an equal probability of being selected as a respondent.

when using a simple random sample,

every individual in a population has an equal probability of being selected as a respondent.

As discussed in Madison's Federalist No. 10, a(n) __________ is a group of individuals concerned more with their self-interest than with the rights of individuals outside the group or with the needs of society as a whole.


In Federalist No. 10, James Madison described how a government could be designed to control the effects of __________.


An environmental group works to pass legislation that would decrease air pollution. But an individual would probably not contribute to that group, especially if he/she could enjoy the benefits of breathing clean air without participating in the group's campaign. This is an example of the __________ problem.

free rider or collective action

The __________ problem occurs when people fail to join a group because they can receive the benefits the group offers without contributing to the group's efforts.

free rider or collective action

a regularly scheduled election involving most districts in the nation or state, in which voters select officeholders; in the United States, general elections for national office and most state and local offices are held on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November in even-numbered years (every four years for presidential elections)

general election

Which of the following types of federal grants is most completely suited to the goal of devolution in New Federalism?

general revenue sharing grants

Which of the following is NOT a key factor affecting one's level of participation?

geographic region

Grassroots lobbying is best defined as __________.

getting the media to cover an issue

The elastic clause

gives Congress the ability to pass laws necessary to carry out its expressed powers.

political campaigns that operate at a local level, often using face-to-face communication to generate interest and momentum by citizens

grassroots politics

Known as "the Great Writ," ____ is guaranteed by the Constitution and can be suspended only in cases of rebellion or invasion.

habeas corpus

The concept of the "mixed regime," so called by theorists such as Montesquieu and incorporated into the Constitution, meant that each branch of government

had a distinct constituency.

Changing the structure or composition of the federal government

has been the motivating factor behind most of the post-Bill of Rights amendments.

In recent years, the use of the filibuster and cloture in the U.S. Senate

has increased to record levels

In recent years, the use of the filibuster and cloture in the U.S. Senate

has increased to record levels.

Which of the following groups made the lowest level of political contributions as a percentage?

high school diploma or less

How can a bill become a law without the signature of the president?

if the House and Senate override the president's veto through a two-thirds majority

Given that members of Congress often lack technical expertise in particular policy areas, they depend on lobbyists to supply them with __________.


What level of scrutiny does the Supreme Court typically use in cases related to sex and gender discrimination?

intermediate scrutiny

The commerce clause of Article I, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitution affords Congress broad regulatory power over what?

interstate commerce

Which of the following is the main type of organization that lobbies on behalf of workers?

labor union

During the 2012 Republican presidential nominating process, candidate Ron Paul spoke for what faction of the party?


Civil liberties are

limitations on government action.

Antifederalists bitterly attacked the elastic clause of the Constitution because they believed it to be a violation of the principle of

limited government.

What prompted the South's general move form the Democratic to the Republican camp during the 1960's?

opposition to the Democratic Party's racial integration policies

What prompted the South's general move from the Democratic to the Republican camp during the 1960s?

opposition to the Democratic Party's racial integration policies

As a tool for achieving political goals, presidents have found _____ to be mostly unreliable

party members

a party document, written at a national convention, that contains party philosophy, principles, and positions policy

party platform

Under the 1965 Voting Rights Act, prior to 2013, what criteria was used for determining which voting jurisdictions needed federal preclearance before changing their voting laws or practices?

past history of voting discrimination

A negotiated agreement in a criminal case in which a defendant agrees to tell the court that he or she is guilty in return for the state's agreement to reduce the severity of the criminal charge or prison sentence the defendant is facing is known as a

plea bargain

According to the theory of __________, political power is distributed across a wide range of diverse and competing interest groups.


Which of the following raise money from individuals and then distribute it in the form of contributions to political candidates?

political action committees

____ are organizations established by corporations, labor unions, or interest groups to channel the contributions of their members into political campaigns.

political action committees

Generally, presidents can expand their power in two ways: through administration and

popular mobilization.

The Electoral College is

presidential electors from each state who cast ballots for president and vice president.

What do Sections two and three of Article II of the Constitution establish?

presidential powers and duties

Political parties in most states hold ____ to choose a presidential nominee who will face the nominees from other parties during the general election.


Which of the following widely used systems was introduced in hopes of diminishing the power of American party leaders?

primary elections

elections held to select a party's candidate for the general election

primary elections

For the presidential primaries, most but not all state parties use what type of election?

proportional representation

Political scientists call voters' choices that focus on future behavior ________ voting, while those based on past performances are called ________ voting.

prospective; retrospective

Which of the following is an activity that lobbyists regularly engage in?

providing elected officials with information about an interest group's position on a bill or issue

Common Cause, an organization that pushes for openness and fairness in government, is an example of a(n) __________ group.

public interest

the process of redrawing election districts and redistributing legislative representatives. This happens every 10 years to reflect shifts in population or in response to legal challenges in existing districts


Which is the best example of direct democracy in practice in the United States today?


the practice of referring a proposed law passed by a legislature to the vote of the electorate for approval or rejection


Laws passed in the 1970's make it more difficult for banks to engage in redlining, which is the practice of

refusing to lend money for housing mortgages for entire neighborhoods.

Laws passed in the 1970s make it more difficult for banks to engage in redlining, which is the practice of

refusing to lend money for housing mortgages for entire neighborhoods.

a "second round" election in which voters choose between the top two candidates from the first round

runoff election

Speech that is accompanied by conduct and that can be regulated by the government to preserve public order is called

speech plus.

Being able to __________ is a major concern for politicians regarding a news cycle that is now second by second.

spin a story into a positive perception

a 15-, 30-, or 60-second television campaign commercial that permits a candidate's message to be delivered to a target audience

spot (advertisement)

Which types of committees are the most important arenas of congressional policy making, remaining in existence from one session of Congress to the next?

standing committee

Most of the rules and regulations Americans face in their daily lives are set by

state and local governments.

During the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the criteria for determining one's eligibility to vote were established by ________.

state governments

The judicial test that places the burden of proof on government to show that a race-based policy serves a compelling government interest and is narrowly tailored to address identifiable past discrimination is called

strict scrutiny.

The fact that more Americans identify themselves as conservatives than as liberals

suggests that moderates play an important role in deciding the outcome of federal elections.

Which of the following is regulated by the federal government?


The government bailout of banks in 2008 offers an example of governmental policy

that contradicts popular public opinion.

McCulloch v. Maryland is an important case because

the Court interpreted the delegated powers of Congress broadly, creating the potential for increased national powers.

Which of the following is part of the Executive Office of the President (EOP)?

the National Security Council

Evangelical Protestants are more likely to be associated with ________.

the Republican Party

What would be the closest Senate counterpart to the House Ways and Means Committee?

the Senate Finance Committee

Presidential power to make treaties and to appoint top executive officers, ambassadors, and federal judges is subject to

the Senate's advice and consent power.

The supremacy clause of Article VI of the Constitution implies that

the Supreme Court may review the constitutionality of state laws.

The Court's legal power to review acts of Congress has not been seriously questioned since 1803 in part because

the Supreme Court tries to give acts of Congress an interpretation that will make them constitutional.

Under the traditional system of dual federalism, the national government's primary functional role was

the assistance of the nation's commerce.

Who or what is in charge of the redistricting process that occurs in the states every 10 years?

the majority party in the state legislature

The Tenth Amendment states that

the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

In the 2008 case of Boumediene v. Bush, the Supreme Court ruled that Guantanamo prisoners had

the right to habeas corpus.

"King Caucus" refers to

the use of each party's congressional caucus to nominate presidential candidates during the early nineteenth century.

What has been the defining characteristic of post-New Deal cooperative federalism?

the use of grants-in-aid to encourage states to pursue nationally defined goals

What aspect of the institutional presidency did President Clinton particularly rely on to oversee his National Performance Review?

the vice presidency

A block grant consists of federal aid to state or local governments that is

to be spent within a specified policy area, though without the narrow regulations of categorical grants.

What is the purpose of select committees?

to highlight or investigate a particular issue

For a president, the main value of a vice president as a political resource is

to increase his electoral strength.

What is the purpose of the Tenth Amendment?

to limit the powers of the central government by establishing reserved powers for states and individuals

What was the original purpose of voter registration?

to reduce corruption by making it more difficult to vote

Regulations or new conditions for receiving grants that impose costs on state and local governments for which they are not reimbursed by the national government is the definition of

unfunded mandates.

In Engel v. Vitale (1962), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that

voluntary, nondenominational school prayer is unconstitutional.

During the nineteenth century, national political campaigns relied heavily on


While Abraham Lincoln's 1860 presidential campaign spent $100,000, it also relied heavily on


Under the Great Compromise, the Senate

was an arena where large and small states would compete on equal footing.

The 2012 presidential election was decided more by _____ than by any other factors.

demographic realities

Consequences of Brown

*(A)* Began a slow process of school desegregation that was often met with resistance from state & local government. *(B)* Sparked greater resolve for a growing civil rights movement that would use social protest to press for political change. *(C)* It led to important ongressional actions, particularly the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

The case involving the death of the Florida teen Trayvon Martin serves as an example of ________ discrimination in modern America.

*de facto*. (Unwritten, non-legislated)

Explain the difference between grassroots/outside lobbying and lobbying members of Congress directly.

1. Describe grassroots/outside lobbying as a technique that places pressure on elected officials using group members and/or general public opinion. 2. Provide at least one example of grassroots/outside lobbying: petitions, letter-writing campaigns, protests and demonstrations, and/or use of the mass media. 3. Explain the main difference between grassroots and direct lobbying, which is that grassroots lobbying relies on public/external pressure and does not require inside access, whereas direct lobbying of members of Congress depends on building personal relationships with congressional members and does require groups to gain inside access.

Does pluralism or transactions theory provide a more accurate representation of the interest group system today?

1. Describe pluralism as a theory that assumes that political power is distributed among a wide range of diverse and competing interests. 2. Describe the major assumption of transactions theory, which is that public policies are the result of narrowly defined exchanges among political actors. 3. Explain how transactions theory contrasts with pluralism: given that those individuals with more time and money have lower transaction costs, they are more likely to be politically active, thus creating bias in the interest group system. 4. Argue which theory is a more accurate representation of interest group politics today, providing one or more examples of actual interest groups as support.

Describe the evolution of the interest group system in American politics since the beginning of the twentieth century.

1. Discuss the growth and increasing importance of interest groups in American politics. 2. Point to trends in the evolution of specific types of groups, including the rise of labor unions in the early twentieth century and the explosion of public interest groups since the 1960s. 3. Discuss the increasing importance of interest group involvement in campaigns through political action committees. 4. Note that despite the huge growth in all types of interest groups, business interests continue to outnumber other types of groups in terms of their lobbying presence in Washington, D.C.

In Federalist No. 10, Madison expressed concerns about what he called "factions." What are some examples of modern-day factions, and is it true that these factions pursue their self-interest at the expense of the broader public interest, as Madison assumed?

1. Explain Madison's views about factions, which he defined as groups pursuing their self-interest at the expense of the broader public good. 2. Provide multiple of examples of modern-day groups that would be considered factions, such as specific interest groups, political action committees (PACs), or even political parties. 3. Explain what goals each "faction" pursues and evaluate whether the group's activities work against the public good.

Why has the government attempted to regulate lobbyist activity? Discuss some recent reform efforts and identify some of the gaps that remain in disclosure of lobbying activity.

1. Explain how the government attempted to regulate lobbyist activity because Americans believed the Congressional votes could be bought. 2. Describe the Lobbying Disclosure Act and the Honest Leadership, Open Government Act of 2007, and Ethics in Government Act. 3. Explain how Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007 only applied to private lobbyists. 4. Explain how there are not many regulations on interest group participation before the Supreme Court.

Discuss Madison's views on factions, as expressed in Federalist No. 10, and how he would respond to the tremendous growth in the number of interest groups actively lobbying in Washington, D.C., over the past several decades.

1. Explain that Madison was distrustful of factions, defined as groups pursuing their own interest at the expense of the broader public good. 2. Explain that Madison believed that factions must be allowed, but that government could be designed so that no single faction becomes too dominant. 3. Provide a logical position that Madison might take in light of the preceding points. For instance, he would likely be disheartened by the proliferation of groups, but still adamant that they should be able to exist.

Discuss the role of interest groups in elections.

1. Explain that influencing elections is important to many interest groups as a way to get candidates elected who are friendly to their policy positions. 2. Describe one or more specific ways that interest groups influence elections, such as by endorsing candidates, by providing volunteers, or through campaign contributions.

Discuss the relationship between lobbyists and members of Congress in terms of what each offers the other.

1. Explain that lobbyists seek to gain access to and the support of members of Congress on key legislation. 2. Explain that members of Congress grant access to lobbyists because lobbyists provide them with campaign contributions and can offer them technical expertise and information on issues they may be unfamiliar with.

According to the theory of pluralism, what role do interest groups play in shaping government policy? Does the theory assume that one set of interests dominates over others in this process?

1. Explain that pluralism is based on the notion that government is heavily influenced by the demands of interest groups. 2. Discuss the process by which groups compete with each other. Given that the political system is open, groups are able to form and compete with one another, and government decisions reflect the balance of competing interests. 3. Note that the theory does not assume that one set of interests is always dominant; the political system is presumed to be open to all kinds of interests.

What is the free rider/collective action problem? Describe one way that an interest group can overcome this problem.

1. Explain that the free rider/collective action problem occurs when individuals can receive the benefits of collective action without having to contribute to the effort. As a result, they have no incentive to participate. 2. Describe one way that an interest group can overcome this problem, such as by providing material benefits or other incentives to members. These benefits can be reserved to those who contribute, thus creating an incentive for individuals to join the group.

What was the difference in percentage of Americans earning less than $20,000 and those earning more than $75,000 who said there are "strong" or "very strong" conflicts between rich and poor?

3 percent

In recent years, political action committee (PAC) contributions have become increasingly important in federal elections. In light of the influence of PAC money on elections and policy making, is this trend a sign of a healthy democracy, or is it a troubling development?

1. Explain what a PAC is: an organization that collects contributions from multiple individuals and distributes them to political candidates. 2. Discuss the rise of PACs since the 1970s and provide examples of specific PACs. 3. Explain and evaluate some of the implications of PACs for elections, including the fact that most congressional candidates depend on PAC money to get elected and the fact that PACs contribute disproportionately to incumbents. 4. Discuss and evaluate the influence of PACs on policy making, including the fact that PACs gain access to elected officials but are not guaranteed influence. 5. Articulate a position regarding whether PACs are good or bad for democratic governance, based on the influence of PACs on elections and policy making.

The theory of pluralism assumes that government policy reflects the balance of competing interest groups. What are the strengths and weaknesses of this theory?

1. Identify one or more strengths of pluralism, such as the fact that the theory highlights the importance of interest groups in policy making and explains the dynamics of interest group competition. 2. Identify one or more weaknesses of pluralism, including the fact that groups do not always form in response to grievances and that wealthy interests tend to predominate.

More demonstrations occurred in __________ than any other year during this time period.

1965 (The year the Voting Rights Act was passed by congress)

More demonstrations occurred in ______ than any other year during this time period.

1965 (the year the Voting Rights Act was passed by Congress)

Fourteenth Amendment

All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. No persons shall be a Senator, Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. The united states will not pay for your slaves.

On average, more women vote for ________ candidates and more men vote for ________ candidates.

Democratic; Republican

T/F: A pluralist would view the presence and activities of lobbyists in Washington, D.C., as harmful to the functioning of our political system.


T/F: As part of the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act, interest groups are now barred from sponsoring and paying judges to attend "informational conferences."


T/F: If James Madison were alive today, he would most likely view the rapid growth of interest groups over the past several decades as a positive development.


T/F: Lobbying the judicial branch is more heavily regulated than lobbying Congress.


T/F: Membership in labor unions has increased over the last several decades.


T/F: Once a bill becomes law, lobbyists typically leave the implementation up to the executive branch.


T/F: Public interest groups engage primarily in grassroots lobbying, whereas business groups focus mainly on direct lobbying of government officials.


T/F: The National Rifle Association is an example of a trade association.


As described in the box entitled "The Living Constitution," freedom of association is guaranteed in the __________ Amendment to the Constitution.


What was decided by the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission?

It allowed outside groups and individuals to spend unlimited amounts of money on elections.

How did the Legal Defense Fund of the NAACP change its strategy in 1948?

It bean to attack the "separate but equal" rule directly.

How did the Legal Defense Fund of the NAACP change its strategy in 1948?

It began to attack the "separate but equal" rule directly.

How did the Great Depression affect the nature of federalism in the United States?

It brought a dramatic increase in the growth and power of the national government over commerce, though for the most part state power was not directly curtailed.

Most of the framers of the Constitution opposed choosing the president by way of a direct, popular election. Why did they oppose this method of presidential selection?

It could potentially make the presidency too powerful.

What was the Supreme Court's response to the Civil Rights Act of 1875?

It declared the act unconstitutional because the Constitution protects only against acts of private discrimination, not state discrimination.

Elements of the Fifth Amendment

Right to an attorney, prevention of double jeopardy ; eminent domain, cannot be forced to be a witness against themselves; *No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime*, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger.

What is the name for the practice whereby the president, before formally nominating a person for a federal judgeship, seeks the indication that senators from the candidate's own state support the nomination?

Sentorial courtesy

Brown v. Board of Education

Separate but equal is inherently unequal. withdraw constitutional authority for states to use race as a criterion of exclusion in law, provided the national government with the power to intervene by exercising strict regulatory policies against discriminatory actions.

Which was the most important pre-1954 case because it addressed racial discrimination in housing and property ownership?

Shelley v. Kraemer

Shelley v. Kraemer (1948)

The Court ruled against the race-based "restrictive covenants" in housing

In a federal system, power is distributed

between state and national governments

Congress is a _____ legislature with _____ members.

bicameral; 535

How did Madison propose to overcome the problem of factions in Federalist No. 10?

by adopting a system of representative government

How do interest groups lobby the executive branch?

by appearing at administrative hearings to offer information

How do interest groups lobby the courts?

by bringing lawsuits to the courts on behalf of classes of citizens

Political Action Committees (PACs) are organizations established

by corporations, labor unions, or interest groups to channel the contributions of their members into political campaigns.

How might pluralism serve to enhance democracy?

by ensuring that no single interest becomes dominant

How do lobbyists typically seek to influence members of Congress?

by providing technical expertise on policy issues

How can the solicitor general enter a Supreme Court case even when the federal government is not a direct litigant?

by writing an amicus curiae brief

In what way did the federal government attempt to combat state opposition to national policies particularly during the 1960s?

bypassing states altogether by making federal grants directly to local governments

an effort by political candidates and their supporters to win the backing of donors, political activists, and voters in their quest for political office


To which of the following might political action committees (PACs) invest their contributions in order to maximize their political influence?

campaigns of incumbents

In 2012, which of the following was covered the most in local newspapers?


Which of the following occurs during the "conference" phase of a Supreme Court case?

decision by majority vote

a representative who votes according to the preferences of his constituency


Constitutional powers that are assigned to one governmental agency, but are exercised by another agency with the express permission of the first, are known as ______ powers.


Party activists who are elected to vote at a party's national convention


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