Government Unit 3 United States Government

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The Second Amendment states,"the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Infringed means _____.

guaranteed enforced --violated restricted

To *blank* means to explain the meaning of, or to clarify the definition of.


Once a bill passes the House of Representatives _____.

it becomes law --it goes through the same big process in the Senate it is changed in the Senate, passed and becomes a law passes the Senate then can die on the President's desk if he does nothing about it for 10 days

Amendment Six assures the accused the _____.

lawyer of his choice --right to a speedy trial right to select a jury of his peers humane treatment while imprisoned

Amendment Nine talks about the enumeration of rights, and enumeration means a *blank*.


Which of the following is a primary benefit of entrepreneurial competition?

lower taxes larger markets --faster innovation better-informed consumers

Which of the following policies can the government use to encourage entrepreneurship?

lowering the voting age issuing trade embargoes --issuing tax credits raising taxes

In which economic system does the government have complete control over manufacturing and production?

market economy mixed economy open economy --planned economy

Which of the following is part of the R&D process?

marketing a product --developing a hypothesis designing a logo manufacturing goods

Members of the House of Representatives are elected by the different states on the basis of their population in the *blank*.

most recent U.S. Census

The executive branch is NOT responsible for which of the following?

national security and defense enforcing all laws made by the legislative branch functioning like a CEO of the government --deciding which laws are legal and should be enforced appointing secretaries to oversee several departments of government

The Senate *blank* has senators. The House has *blank* representatives.

one hundred four hundred and thirty-five

The three branches of our government are _____. Select all that apply.

parliament --executive bureaucracy --judicial --legislative

The creation and maintenance of a state reservoir falls under the jurisdiction of *blank*.

public works

Which tool would the government most likely employ during a period of inflation to stabilize the economy?

raise cash rates --lower cash rates raise government spending lower government spending

Which of the following has the potential to cause inflation?

raising interest rates raising taxes --lowering interest rates lowering taxes

Which constitutional amendment gives the states freedoms and control? *blank*.

Tenth Amendment

Check the one thing that is NOT true about the Electoral College.

The College is made up of people selected by the states. Those designated to perform this task are known as the electors. --The state of Pennsylvania oversees the inner workings of the Electoral College. The College makes the decision of electing the president of the United States.

What happens if no candidate receives at least 270 votes from the Electoral College? Conduct research of secondary sources to assist you.

The Constitution states that a new election must be organized and the process start over. The President becomes the candidate with the highest popular vote, as determined by the Founding Fathers. The state legislatures convene to select the President and Vice President. --The House of Representatives elects the President and the Senate elects the Vice President.

Mark the statement that is NOT true.

The president is also known as the chief executive. The executive department is divided into 15 divisions. The executive branch mainly enforces federal laws. The president is also known as the chief of state. --The "Beltway mentality" is a desired goal of every presidential administration.

State licensing is usually required for what reasons? Select all that apply.

--marriages --dental practices --auto registration --real estate brokers senators --lawyers

Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada must honor the Native American reservation treaties drawn up by the *blank* government for the Native American Nations.


According to the Constitution, which of the following powers are reserved for the states? Select all that apply.

--powers not delegated by the Constitution powers not approved by the Constitution --powers not prohibited by the Constitution powers not granted by the Constitution

The U.S. Constitution addresses which of the following issues? Select all that apply.

--presidential elections --extradition of a criminal back to a state for trial qualifications for law enforcement officials state sales tax --making laws

Which of the following roles does the government play in a free enterprise system? Select all that apply.

--protect the consumer limit government spending --encourage private investment increase government ownership of industry

If a committee does not act on a bill, it's the same as if they would have *blank*.

voted it down

The Tenth Amendment gives the rights not expressly delegated to the federal government to the _____.

--states Speaker of the House Supreme Court president

When the nation's leaders met in 1787, these problems needed to be addressed. Select all that apply.

--tax collection irregularities in voting procedures --law enforcement --trade between the states slavery

Which of the following powers does the president have? Select all that apply.

--veto --appointments passing laws --deploy military

At the end of the Constitutional Convention, the Constitution was signed by _____.

all of the delegates only Washington, Hamilton, Franklin and Madison --thirty-nine delegates thirteen delegates

Check the true statement about a state's public safety service.

A library would be included in the public safety service. State elections are performed under this jurisdiction. --A hospital would be included in the public safety service. Treaties are created under the public safety's scrutiny.

Which statement is true?

A sitting bill is a bill that is in the midst of active progress. An override needs a three-fourths vote. A conference committee is formed only for re-election purposes. --A chamber is a legislative meeting hall.

The Second Amendment gives the citizen the right to _____.

face his accuser in court have a jury trial in civil cases --keep and bear arms

Which of the following is NOT from the Bill of Rights?

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press. --"The people are entitled these rights to protect against government, and no just government should refuse, or rest on inference.

This article of the Constitution gives the legislature its powers _____.

--Article I Article IV Article VII Article X

Select the four agencies that are maintained by the legislative branch of the government.

--General Accounting Office Circuit Court --Printing Office --Library of Congress --Congressional Budget Office Federal Penitentiary

Which of the following geographic regions is the wealthiest?

--Northeast South Midwest West

Which type of research would be used if a scientist wanted to know how sugar impacted the growth of cancer cells?

--basic applied practical theoretical

How is the President involved in the process of bills becoming laws? Select all that apply.

--by drafting legislation and getting a Representative to submit it, just like you can by sitting on the subcommittee to mark up a bill --by letting it sit on his/her desk for ten days and doing nothing --by vetoing legislation that s/he may have drafted by helping the two chambers work make amendments to any legislation

Which of the following are congressional powers? Select all that apply.

--coining money commanding the armed forces --overriding a presidential veto --making laws

A Senator and House Representative do NOT _____.

--debate each other regarding bills that have made it to the floor sit on sub-committees to determine the final wording and content of a bill can amend any bill that goes to committee can propose legislation then vote against it due to amendments that the sub-committee have attached to it

Legislation that is under the voting process in the House of Representatives is called a(n)_____.

--house bill brief article reported bill

The assembly called for a "Bill of Rights" that would list U.S. citizens' _____.

--immunities and freedoms privileges and responsibilities goals and objectives assets and liabilities

The president may serve a maximum of *blank* terms in office.


How many amendments have been made to the Constitution since its ratification?

23 25 --27 29

Which statement is true?

A bill moves from the House to the White House. --H.R. signifies a House bill and S signifies a Senate bill. The president pro tempore gives the final vote on a bill. A standing bill is one that has been passed as a law.

Select all the boxes that do NOT apply to the Fourth Amendment.

Soldiers may not be improperly quartered in a citizen's home. The people should not be subjected to unreasonable search and seizures. School shall not be mandatory for children under the age of fifteen. Warrants are only issued upon probable cause.

Which statement is NOT true?

Either the House or Senate can introduce a bill. A bill that becomes a law is called legislation. A sponsor is a member of Congress who is willing to introduce and back the legislation. --Ordering a bill reported: A subcommittee reads its recommendation to both houses of Congress.

Which of the following amendments grants power to the states?

Fifth Amendment Eighth Amendment Second Amendment --Tenth Amendment

Which of the following allowed citizens to elect senators to Congress?

First Amendment Nineteenth Amendment --Seventeenth Amendment Tenth Amendment

_____ was a Virginia delegate and one of the most powerful influences on the writing of the Bill of Rights.

Franklin Washington Lincoln --Mason

_____ is a political scientist and author of Two Treatises on Civil Government who believed that government could exist without the consent of the governed and that the primary purpose of the state was to protect the rights of the citizen.

Hobbes --Locke Blackstone Montesquieu

_____ is the political scientist and author of Democracy in America. He believed that the delegation of government to the states was one of the strong points of the American system.

Mills Locke --de Tocqueville Montesquieu

Which of the following are offices under the jurisdiction of the executive office? Select all that apply.

National House of State Representatives --National Security Council --Office of Policy Development --Office of Management and Budget --Council of Economic Advisors --White House Office

The first ten amendments to the Constitution are called the _____.

Preamble --Bill of Rights Prologue Declaration of Independence

Which of the following might the government invest in to promote infrastructure growth?

R & D education health care --physical capital

Which of the following is a key factor in the government's ability to financially invest in science and technology?

Republicans in Congress Democrats in Congress trade agreements --taxation

A diplomat who resides in the country where the diplomat is in communication is a(n) _____.

Senator --ambassador justice parliamentarian

A brief, "first-step" presentation of a work to be completed is called a _____.

bill --draft mark up amendment

Which of the following is a source of revenue for the federal government?

campaign funds corporate donations property taxes --income taxes

The president is responsible for the communication and ongoing relationship between America and other nations of the world. This is known as _____.

checks and balances --diplomatic relations fiscal responsibility accountability

Which of the following compromises did the Federalists and Anti-Federalists make?

creation of Bill of Rights establishment of presidency --separation of powers clause addition of the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution

A *blank* is when one party controls the House and a

divided government

Which tool might be used to limit imports from Cuba but maintain exports to Cuba?

embargo NAFTA --sanctions restricted trade routes

The _____ branch of government can create, alter, or repeal laws.

executive --legislative judicial

According to your understanding of the lesson, the president is responsible for which of the following? Select all that apply.

setting policy that ignores the will of the American people interpreting the Constitutional rights for the people --acting as commander in chief of the armed forces --acting as the executive for departments overseeing the United States Postal Service, the CIA and the Social Security Administration --acting as executive of the office in charge of setting scientific research standards

Which of the following is the guiding economic philosophy of the free enterprise system?

socialism communism Marxism --capitalism

The power of making laws and enforcing them is called _____.

sovereignty legislation --jurisdiction licensing

Lawyers must pass a *blank*.

state bar exam

Whenever one house of Congress significantly alters a bill _____.

the bill is nullified the chief justice determines the constitutionality of the changes the president vetoes the bill --a conference committee is formed to reconcile the different versions of the bill

Who is the presiding officer of the Senate whenever the vice president is not present?

the president speaker of the House --president pro tempore ambassador to the U.N.

It's a bad sign for your bill if *blank*.

the subcommittee lets it sit

The actual number of amendments that the leaders first proposed was *blank* but two were not ratified at the time.


If you wanted to see a law making it mandatory for all 10th grade students to receive a computer from the government for educational purposes, ____.

you would have to convince your local state senator that it was a good idea you could meet with your House of Representative and ask him to buy all 10th graders computers --you could draft a piece of legislation then meet with the Representative or her staff and convince them to submit the legislation you would introduce the legislation on the Senate floor and hope your State's National Senator likes it and votes for it

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