GOVT 200 Workbook Questions

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What is the purpose of civil-government from Biblical perspective?

Civil-government is divinely ordained for order and procedure in a fallen world

Which of the following correctly defines the term "Worldview"?

A worldview is a philosophy of life which attempts to address and answer the grand questions of life to direct man in organizing his relationships, or in the manner he should live and construct all of life

One critical presupposition of the Biblical Christian Worldview is that God is 'sovereign.' Which of the following identifies this? a. Sovereignty relates to God's governance, in that He holds man accountable in his behavior and actions b. Sovereignty relates to God's capacity as Creator, and therefore, He alone has the authority to both rule man and dictate how man should live c. Sovereignty asserts that God exercises absolutions authority to govern man, guide man, and direct man in every area of life d. all of the above


What is meant by the phrase "Holy Commonwealth arrangement,' which the Puritans of Great Britain and North America extensively developed and applied? a. The Reformation articulated a holistic perspective on life referred to as the holy commonwealth, which represents a covenantal approach to life, or the application of God's truth to all human relationships. b. The Scriptures- the Old and New Covenants- indicate that God governs man by way of covenants and loving presentation of truth directed to men's consciences c. the Bible indicates that God initiates covenants with man that incorporate a righteous approach to relationships based upon His character and eternal truths. In this regards holy commonwealth approach to life assumes a vertical arrangement between God and man which includes the institutions of life d. all of the above e. none of the above


All worldview must answer four philosophical dilemmas, each of which addresses a life concern in a final way. What does the Ontological question attempt to address in a final way?

Ontology attempts to provide final answers to questions of origins, or the ground of being and existence

What is meant by the Reformation Doctrine, 'Man is a Prophet under a Sovereign God'?

Simply put, it means that God has revealed true truth or absolute truth to mankind through the Scriptures

What is meant by the Reformation Doctrine, 'Man is Priest under a Sovereign God'?

This means that all people have a direct access to God on the basis of His finished work in Christ. In other words, they do not need a Priest to mediate their salvation

Biblical Christianity produces a covenantal order and procedure. What is meant by 'Personal Covenant'?

This means that every individual is inspired by God to be reconciled to Him on the basis of the atoning sacrifice of Christ

What is meant by the phrase "The Kingdom of God is Spiritual"?

This phrase means that God's 'kingdom' refers to God's 'rule' and by 'spiritual,' it simply means that os's rule includes the totality of life, or 'what is,' and cannot be equated with any one aspect of life

What is meant by the Reformation Doctrine, 'Man is a King under a Sovereign God'?

This phrase means that every person has been authorized by God to take righteous dominion over creation

Biblical Christianity results in a covenantal order and procedure, What is meant by 'Civil-Social Covenant?'

This phrase means that man agrees to follow God's will in all corporate relationships; for example, civil-government, law, marriage, economics, etc.

The Epistemological dilemma deals with what life-question in a final way?

asserts ultimate answers to the question "How can I know what is true?"

The Axiological dilemma deals with what life-question in a final way?

attempts to deal with issues of ultimate value

The Teleological dilemma deals with what life-question in a final way?

attempts to provide final answers to questions of purpose and destiny

When considering the application of worldview, what is meant by the level of Conglomerate?

refers to a most basic representation of the majority of the population, as most people fail to reflect intentionally upon what they believe and why, adopting instead ideas from various perspectives

When considering the application of worldview, what is meant by the level of Selection?

refers to how key intellectual thinkers choose from various worldview to teach from

When considering the application of worldview, what is meant by the level of Abstraction?

refers to that first critical stage of conceptualization where an intellectual begins to pull together and systematize a worldview, or vision for life

Which of the following is not a fundamental characteristics of a worldview?

will attempt to be limited in its application. Rather than attempting to address the larger questions of life, it will focus mainly upon ethics and morals

When considering the application of worldview, what is meant by the level of Sociological Application?

refers to the critical level of application whereby intellectuals expand various presuppositions and worldview concepts to all of life

How are covenants superioir to contracts, if indeed that are? Do they imply the same sort of relationship?

repressors an exalted and dignified approach to relationships that assumes God to be the superior partner in, designer of, and initiator of, the relational transaction. Contracts do not rise to this status

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