govt federalism test :(

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function of the 15th amendment

Allow African American citizens to vote

who created the second bank of the united states


How was the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) different than No Child Left Behind?

it devolved more power to the state in setting educational standards

What is the overall significance of US v Lopez

it reversed the trend of expanding national power

julia is part of the ________ government, which gives her the authority to coin money, declare war, and make treaties


purpose of the 13th amendment

outlaw slavery

The following are 4 hypothetical congressional actions. Which does the Constitution allow under implied powers? Which does it not allow? 1. in order to maintain military strength, Congress passes a law which allows the US to draft men into militia services 2. congress believes that all citizens must have military training and passes a law requiring all ministers, priests, and rabbis in the country to give sermons supporting military training 3. with the us govt experiencing financial trouble, Congress passes a law allowing the Pres to appoint citizens "Lords and Ladies of the US." In return, these lords and ladies agree to donate large sums of money to the US Treasury 4. A back log of cases clog the federal court system. In order to reduce the buildup, Congress creates a series of special courts to hear certain kinds of cases

allows 1 & 4; doesn't allow 2 & 3

what is the function of the necessary and proper clause?

allows national govt to make any laws necessary to carry out enumerated powers

when the govt asks states to implement a policy, but does not provide funds to assist in doing so, it's called ____

an unfunded mandate

the commerce clause within the constitution gives congress which power?

authority to regulate interstate business and any commercial activity

The Controlled Substances Act is an example of Congress exercising which constitutional power?

authority to regulate interstate commerce

How would one classify the authority to create an air force?

implied power

how is a categorical grant an example of expanding national power?

states depend on the money to maintain a policy that was implemented with categorical grant

the full faith and credit clause in the constitution requires _________

states to recognize public acts and records from other states

Why did the appeals court rule in favor of Raich and Monson?

the appeals court believed that DEA raids restricted rights given to them by the state

A unitary system of govt is one in which ___

the central govt has power over all subnational govts

"Lochner era," used by legal scholars, refers to a time in American history when _____

the government tried regulating working conditions

under the Obama administration, how did the justice department handle enforcing the Controlled Substances Act?

the justice department was to focus on drug trafficking

historically, the marshall court rules in favor of:

the national government

how did the necessary and proper clause relate to the issue in this case?

the national govt claimed congress had authority under the necessary and proper clause to create a bank even though the Const did not mention such a bank

Why did the supreme court rule against Raich and Monson even though their marijuana usage was for personal reasons?

there is a market for marijuana that substantially impacts interstate commerce

what was the main purpose of Lyndon Johnson's the Great Society?

to create programs that would ensure funds given to states would not discriminate against minorities

upon his nomination for the republican party in 1980, Reagan promised _____

to devolve power back to the states

one dissenting opinion on the decision in plessy v ferguson which stated that _______

when is comes to civil rights, all citizens are created equal

cooperative federalism is ______

when the states and the national govt work together to shape public policy

In the case of Angel Raich and Diane Monson, the question was ____

whether or not state law superseded federal law

Once the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case, what was the responsibility of the US?

prove that the Gun Free School Zone Act regulated an activity that was related to interstate commerce

powers retained for the people and the states, which are not given to the national govt are ______

reserved powers

When the federal government provides states with tax money and no provisions on how that money should be spent, it is known as ______

revenue sharing

process by which liberties in the bill of rights are applied to states on a case-by-case basis is known as:

selective incorporation

What was the argument Edith Windsor used when she sued the federal govt?

she stated that her marriage should be recognized at the federal level based on due process laws

Which two constitutional principles did the courts decision establish

1. implied powers doctrine 2. national supremacy

concept that anyone who is born in the US is a US citizen is a part of _______

14th amendment

which is a fact of the McCulloch v. Maryland case? 1. the state of Maryland was the only state that wanted to tax the 2nd Bank of the US 2. It centered on the question if Congress could charter national banks 3. bank officials paid the tax but thought it was too high and challenged it 4. charter for the bank was still ongoing and was cut short

2. It centered on the question if Congress could charter national banks

which group assisted Edith Windsor in filing suit against the federal govt? 1. ACLU 2. LGBT Community Center of NY 3. NY state govt 4. Canadian govt

2. LGBT Community Center of NY

Robert has been unemployed for a couple of months now due to the Great Depression, but has gotten a job though the Works Progress Administration. Which job is Robert likely to have now? 1. teaching math at a local public school 2. building a new pub school 3. assisting local govt officials 4. clerical work

2. building a new pub school

which statement best summarizes the effect of the great depression on American freedom? 1. states grew stronger and balance of federalism shifted towards state power 2. national govt grew stronger since states couldn't cope w the crisis 3. American fed as a whole grew stronger 4. the govts were able to work together to develop pub policy to get out of Depression

2. national govt grew stronger since states couldn't cope w the crisis

which statement best describes Justice Kennedy's opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges? 1. Const allows for the right of marriage including same sex marriage 2. right to marry is a fundamental right 3. the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional as a whole 4. states must recognize and honor all types of marriages

2. right to marry is a fundamental right

Which is an example of a result of the victory in US v Windsor? 1. a same-sex couple whose marriage will be recognized by both their state of residence and the federal govt 2. a same sex couple whose marriage will be recognized and honored by all states 3. a same sex couple whose marriage will be recognized by all states but not at the federal level 4. a same sex couple whose marriage will be treated the same as an opposite sex marraige

1. a same-sex couple whose marriage will be recognized by both their state of residence and the federal govt

Which amendment has recently become an important tool in asserting state authority? 1. 10th 2. 12th 3. 13th 4. 14th

1. 10th

which statement BEST summarizes the case of US v. Lopez? 1. Congress had violated commerce clause when creating Gun-Free School Zones Act (GFSZA) 2. Congress had violated Second Amendment when creating GFSZA 3. Congress had violated full faith and credit clause when creating GFSZA 4. the GFSZA was in conflict w Texas state law

1. Congress had violated commerce clause when creating Gun-Free School Zones Act (GFSZA)

Which statement BEST explains the precedent Chief Justice John Marshall set regarding the Constitution? 1. Congress has certain implied powers not listed in the Const. 2. Congress is the only body that can levy taxes 3. creating a bank should be a power given to president 4. any powers not explicitly give to Congress in the Const. go to states

1. Congress has certain implied powers not listed in the Const.

The arguments against federal control over education can be best summarized with which statement? 1. Education has traditionally been a state issue and the federal govt has overstepped its boundaries 2. federal govt is too large to have clear idea of concerns within educational system 3. state govts do better job of ensuring equal educational opportunities than federal govt could ever do 4. without overhead of federal govt, states can save money to put back into education system

1. Education has traditionally been a state issue and the federal govt has overstepped its boundaries

which state has legalized the use of marijuana for recreational purposes? 1. Oregon 2. South Dakota 3. Iowa 4. Oklahoma

1. Oregon

which statement best summarizes the system of dual federalism? 1. the state and national govt operate within their own areas of public policy 2. state govts form public policy to have national govt enforce 3. state and national govts work together to form public policy 4. national govt forms public policy for states to enforce

1. the state and national govt operate within their own areas of public policy

Which statement BEST summarizes the relationships between basic rights and the privileges and immunities clause? 1. Criminals don't retain rights after fulfilling their sentences or after a set number of yrs 2.the more fundamental the right, the better it is protected un the priv. and immunities clause 3. if a right isn't listed within the Bill of Rights, it's not protected under the privileges and immunities clause 4. rights that aren't basic aren't protected by the privileges and immunities clause

2. the more fundamental the right, the better it is protected un the priv. and immunities clause

which statement BEST describes marshall's argument against the literal interpretation of the constitution? 1. He knew that founders did not make it an all-encompassing document 2. he did not think that Const. should be taken seriously 3. He didn't believe the Const. could contain all necessary legal codes/responsibilities 4. He worried that a literal interpretation would give states too much power and weaken the govt.

3. He didn't believe the Const. could contain all necessary legal codes/responsibilities

which of these statements about the supreme courts decision is correct? 1. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18, US Const gives Congress power to do more than Const permits it to do 2. Additional powers, beyond those listed, are called reserved powers 3. a state govt's action may not limit the national govt's action 4. a state such a Maryland is the final judge over what takes place within its borders

3. a state govt's action may not limit the national govt's action

Maria is a political scientist who believes that the national govt and state govt should work independently of one another to create public policy. Which would Maria be in favor of? 1. cooperative fed 2. confederalism 3. dual fed 4. unitarianism

3. dual fed

Which statement BEST summarizes the effect Raich and Monson's legal challenge had on the question of authority under the American fed system? 1. paved the way for the legalization of Schedule I drugs such as marijuana 2. set precedent for others to use marijuana for approved med purposes 3. raised questions about boundaries between powers of fed and state govts 4. set precedent that fed laws should overrule state laws

3. raised questions about boundaries between powers of fed and state govts

Which statements best summarizes how the national govt and state govt conflicted in the case of Angel Raich and Diane Monson? 1. use of marijuana for medical treatment was illegal under state law but legal under fed law 2. national govt did not think state law should be in conflict w fed law 3. use of marijuana for medical treatment was legal under state law but illegal under fed law 4. state govt did not think the federal govt had a right to restrict rights of citizens

3. use of marijuana for medical treatment was legal under state law but illegal under fed law

Which key figure has lessened the possibility for relaxed laws on marijuana? 1. Pres Obama 2. Pres Trump 3. Attorney General Gonzales 4. Attorney General Sessions

4. Attorney General Sessions

Which statement BEST describes the trend of federal authority in the second half of the twentieth century? 1. Fed authority decreased because of the Great D 2. Fed authority decreased after Roosevelt's presidency 3. Fed Authority increased and expanded into public education 4. Fed authority increased and expanded into econ

4. Fed authority increased and expanded into econ

Which state spends more per-pupil? 1. Cali 2. Iowa 3. South Dakota 4. NY

4. NY

Which is a function of block grants? 1. Ensuring states are spending funds in accordance with the provisions 2. funds are to be used for purpose of improving health care systems in that state 3. states must use funds to support low-income and minority families 4. funds are provided in a way that increases state and local authority on how funds are spent

4. funds are provided in a way that increases state and local authority on how funds are spent

which statement best describes the concept of fiscal federalism? 1. national govt using grants-in-aid to influence votes in states 2. the national govt using grants-in-aid to assist states in debt 3. national govt using grants-in-aid to achieve fed policy goals 4. national govt using grants-in-aid to influence state policies

4. national govt using grants-in-aid to influence state policies

which president was responsible for passing the defense of marriage act? 1. Ronald Reagan 2. Richard Nixon 3. Bill Clinton 4. Barack Obama

Bill Clinton

who is considered one of the most important figures in shaping the American fed system of government?

John Marshall

what was the significance of the gibbons v ogden case

Marshall court used case to weigh in on powers of Congress under the commerce clause

which side won the decision


why did the state of Maryland sue McCulloch

McCulloch refused to pay the tax

Roosevelt established a series of programs that would provide financial aid and insurance to Americans known as _____

The New Deal

Federalism can be defined as _______

a system of govt that divides power between the state and national govts

what is an example of a concurrent power

ability to create a court system

katie is studying the reserved powers under the American fed system for an upcoming exam. which authority should katie include in her studying?

conducting elections

the constitution includes a supremacy clause which states that ______

constitution and laws of the fed govt are highest laws of the land

the new deal is an example of _____ federalism


powers only the national govt has are known as ________

exclusive powers

powers specifically granted to the national govt in the Constitution are known as _______

expressed (enumerated) powers

Money from the national govt given to states for the purpose of carrying out public policy that the national govt has deemed important is known as ___


implied powers can be defined as _______

powers necessary to carry out enumerated powers, but not specifically listed in the Constitution

a confederal system of govt is one in which _____

subnational govts have most of the power

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