Graham SS Test #3 Pilgrims, Jamestown colony and Puritans

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Captain John Smith

Helped save the Jamestown colony. He observed that the colonists were not planting enough crops and that people only wanted to search of gold. He set up strict rules that forced colonists to work if they wanted to eat. "No work no eat." He married Pocahontas

English settlers in Jamestown

Hoped to make a profit by finding gold

What was created to decide the matters of the colony?

House of Burgesses is an assembly with Representatives

3 reasons why Jamestown succeeded

Tobacco (popular in Europe) , Representative government, slaves and women arrive to increase population and to work

Monarchs believed that

Uniformity of religious practice was one way to keep people under control


representative assembly in England

established church

the religion chosen by the ruler

Representative Government

voters elect representatives to make laws for them. English Settlers were promised the same rights as any English citizen. this was set up by the Virginia Company

Magna Carta

"the Great Charter"" this document said that the king could not raise taxes without first consulting a great council of nobles and church leaders. Signed by King John.

How many men the Virginia company chose for a council to rule

13 men


Chief of the Wampanoag Indians who helped the Pilgrims survive.

Why is the Lost colony of Roanoke a Mystery?

Clues left at the abandoned settlement and no concrete evidence

Dare Stones

Contain written stories that tell the date of colonists and personal stories from Dare to John White. Often thought to be fake and forgery, but one story may be real


He agreed to supply corn to the English

Settlers of Jamestown hoped to profit from

Finding gold and other riches


A Native American who taught the settlers to catch food, such as eels


A legal document giving certain rights to a person or company.

What type of government was put in place to attract new settlers?

A representative government- democracy and republic

Lost Colony of Roanoke

A small colony founded on an island off the eastern coast of North America. This settlement would have been the first permanent English colony in the new world but the settlers disappeared.

Puritan Church Services

Bible was central to their worship, church services were simple, no organs or instruments, they sang a cappella

3 reasons why Jamestown Struggled

Disease (Malaria), more interested in gold, poor relationship with local Native Americans

House of Burgesses

Elected assembly in colonial Virginia. Together with the governor and his elected council, they made laws for the colony.


English Protestants who believed that the reforms of the Church of England did not go far enough. The liturgy was still too Catholic, bishops lived like princes, Remi GI iud courts were corrupt

In 1607, a charter was granted to

Establish a colony in Jamestown, VA.

Massachusetts Bay Colony

Established by John Winthrop and the Puritans in Boston. In this stern and unforgiving place, the Puritans were free to worship as they chose.

Puritans eventually found that

It was difficult maintain a society in a state of creative uncertainty

Croatoan Island

John White believed that the Roanoke colonists went to Croatoan Island. Now known as Hatteras Island

Who is John Smith?

Leader of Jamestown and said "no work, no food."

John Winthrop

Leader of the Puritans who sailed on the Arbella. He reminded them of their duties and obligations under the covenant. If the puritans honored their obligations to God, they were blessed and if they failed, they were punished

Eleanor Dare

Made stone carvings. Daughter of John White.


Make settlers who were representatives to the government

Bacon's Rebellion

Nathaniel Bacon a young planter organized angry women and men on the frontier where they raided the Native American villages regardless if they had been friendly to the colonists or no. He then led them to Jamestown to burn the capital. This uprising only lasted a short time, and after Bacon fell apart, everything fell apart.

105 people

Number of colonists that landed in VA

Hatteras Island

Occupied by Hatteras Indians and people believe that the missing colonists joined these Indians because of their lack of resources and knowledge about the land

Indentured Servants

People who were pledged to work for a master for a period of time until they paid off the cost of their voyage and expected one day to own their farms .

What two groups came after 1619 to help with the settlement?

Pilgrims and Puritans

Where is Jamestown located?

Present day Virginia


Puritans believed that God had chosen a few people "elect." The rest of humanity was condemned to eternal damnation. Puritans lived in a constant state of spiritual anxiety

Church of England

Puritans did not break with the Church of England and sought to reform it

spiritual anxiety

Puritans had this searching for God's favor or anger


Puritans set sail for America, 10 years after the Pilgrims left.

Croatoan Project

This project found archaeological evidence to back up the theory that the colonists moved to be with Hatteras Indians. However no definite answer to the mystery exists

John White

Roanoke's colony leader who returned to England for more food and tools--when he finally returned to Roanoke the colony had vanished including his wife, child and grandchild- the first English child born in the Americas.

Main reason for settling in Jamestown

Safety from the Spanish

Colonists in the Jamestown colony were guaranteed what

Same rights as English citizens

Reasons for Jamestown's struggles

Swampy climate causes disease like malaria from the mosquitos (many people died), governing the colony was difficult because members of the council fought, starvation because the settlers were more interested in gold than farming, and the settlers had poor relations with local Native Americans

The colonists discovered that Jamestown was located in what type of negative area?

Swampy, filled with mosquitoes, unhealthy water, disease

Where did the government get the idea for trying to limit the power of the monarchy?

The Magna Carta

Where did the pilgrims land?

The Pilgrims were hoping to land in Virginia but the rough voyage sent them off course and they landed in Plymouth Rock

African Americans arrive in Jamestown, VA

The colonists needed laborers to grow tobacco


The first permanent English settlement in North America

Mayflower Compact

The framework for governing the Plymouth Colony (Pilgrims)

What was the problem of the council that was chosen by the Virginia Company?

The men quarreled with one another and didn't plan for the colony's future

The English settlers made enemies with the Native Americans when

The native Americans failed to supply food and the colonists were forced to seize to heir supplies by force.

20 years

The number of years passed before England tried to again to establish a colony in North America


The puritans sought comfort and reassurance in the Bible and imagined themselves re-enacting this story

Missing colonists at Roanoke

The returning crew from England was unable to for search for them because of storm that made him turn around.


The victims of persecution for their beliefs and the founders of Plymouth


The word and letters carved into trees within the colony's borders

What did the House of Burgesses mark?

They marked the beginning of representative government in the English colonies

James River

This is where the settlers settled when they established Jamestown

Faith, not works

Was the key to salvation.

When did Jamestown's economy improve?

When the colonists began growing tobacco


When the colonists landed in Jamestown, VA

Women in Jamestown

Wives could be bought for 150 pounds of tobacco and marriage and children became a part of life in Virginia

Did the colonists suffer during their first winter in North America?

Yes. They did not bring enough corn and did not build enough shelter. Many died of disease

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