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adjective: characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy The gossamer wings of a butterfly, which allow it to fly, are also a curse, so delicate that they are often damaged.


adjective: expecting unquestioning obedience; characteristic of an absolute ruler The coach was dictatorial in his approach: no players could ever argue or question his approach.


adjective: extremely frugal; miserly Synonyms: penurious Katie is so parsimonious that she only buys a pair of socks if all of her other socks have holes in them.


adjective: favorable, the opposite of sinister Despite an auspicious beginning, Mike's road trip became a series of mishaps, and he was soon stranded and penniless, leaning against his wrecked automobile.


adjective: habitually complaining The querulous old woman was beginning to wear down even the happier members of the staff with her ceaseless complaining.


adjective: harmless and doesn't produce any ill effects Everyone found Nancy's banter innocuous—except for Mike, who felt like she was intentionally picking on him.


noun: a trite or obvious remark The professor argued that many statements regarded as wise in previous times, such as the Golden Rule, are now regarded as mere platitudes. M: (disapproving) a statement that expresses an idea that is not new


verb: to chuckle, laugh merrily, often in a breathy, muffled way Walking into the cafe, I could hear happy, chortling people and smell the rich aroma of roasted coffee beans.


verb: to excite or inspire (someone) to action Synonyms : galvanise, startle At mile 23 of his first marathon, Kyle had all but given up, until he noticed his friends and family holding a banner that read, "Go Kyle"; galvanized, he broke into a gallop, finishing the last three miles in less than 20 minutes.


verb: to give a false representation to; misrepresent


verb: to make less severe; to limit (a statement) Chris qualified his love for San Francisco, adding he didn't like the weather there as much as he liked the weather in Los Angeles. This word has other definitions, but this is the most important one to study


verb: to object or show reluctance Wallace disliked the cold, so he demurred when his friends suggested they go skiing in the Alps.


verb: avoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of Politicians are the masters of eschewing morals; academics are the masters of eschewing clarity.


verb: keep from happening or arising; make impossible The manager specified that all other gates be locked, to preclude the possibility of persons without tickets entering the arena undetected. M: to prevent (someone) from doing something — + from The injury precluded her from having an athletic career.


verb: make something bad better Synonyms : amend , better , improve , meliorate "Three Cups of Tea" tells the story of western man who hopes to ameliorate poverty and the lack of education in Afghanistan.


verb: make unclear On the Smith's drive through the Grand Canyon, Mr. Smith's big head obscured much of Mrs. Robinson's view, so that she only saw momentary patches of red rock. adjective: known by only a few Many of the biggest movie stars were once obscure actors who got only bit roles in long forgotten films. This word has other definitions, but these are the most important ones to study


M: holding your attention completely : extremely interesting, entertaining, etc.


M: not strong or solid; not real : not made of a real substance


M: the time when something begins or arrives : the first appearance of something


M: to annoy or bother (someone) in a repeated way


adj. having or showing the attitude of people who speak and behave in a very formal and serious way because they believe that they are better, smarter, or more important than other people


adj. not shared or returned by someone else


adj. politely pleasant and friendly


adj. poor


adj. refusing to obey something or someone 挑衅的;目中无人


adjective: (of conflict) within a group or organization 两败俱伤的 The guerilla group, which had become so powerful as to own the state police, was finally destroyed by an internecine conflict. M: always used before a noun formal : destructive to both sides in a conflict.


adjective: (of e.g. speech and writing) tending to depart from the main point 散漫的 Many readers find it tough to read Moby Dick since the author is discursive, often cutting the action short to spend 20 pages on the history of a whale.


adjective: (of language) pompous and tedious (语言或风格等)浮夸而晦涩的 The amount of GRE vocabulary he used increased with his years--by the time he was 60, his novels were so turgid that even his diehard fans refused to read them. M: disapproving : very complicated and difficult to understand larger or fuller than normal because of swelling turgid [=swollen] limbs


adjective: (of persons) noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline; unwilling to submit to authority


adjective: Associated with or participating in an activity, especially one of a questionable nature. 串通一气的 While the grand jury cleared the senator of all criminal charges, in the public mind he was still complicit in the corruption.


adjective: Unspoiled, untouched (usu. of nature) The glacial lake was pristine and we filled our canteens to drink deeply. adjective: Immaculately clean and unused Drill sergeants are known for demanding pristine cabinets, uniforms, and beds, and often make new recruits clean and clean and clean until they meet the expected high standards.


adjective: a straightforward and honest look at something Synonyms : blunt , forthright , frank , free-spoken , outspoken , plainspoken , point-blank , straight-from-the-shoulder Even with a perfect stranger, Charles was always candid and would rarely hold anything back.


adjective: agreeable, conducive to comfort Betty is a genial young woman: everyone she meets is put at ease by her elegance and grace. M: cheerful and pleasant


adjective: avoiding or escaping from difficulty or danger or commitment His responses were clearly evasive; he obviously did not want to take on any responsibility or any new work. adjective: deliberately vague or ambiguous Every time I call the bank, I receive the same evasive answers about our mortgage and never get a clear response.


adjective: avoiding waste, efficient Journalists favor an economical style of writing, in which no unnecessary words are used and every sentence is as short as possible.


adjective: being attentive to women like an ideal knight Medieval tales are full of stories of chivalry, in which a young knight must commit deeds of heroism to win the hand of a fair maiden.


adjective: characteristic of a limited perspective; not fashionable or sophisticated Maggie's enthusiasm about her high school teams seemed provincial to her college classmates, all of whom were following a nationally ranked college team.


adjective: characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort The most laborious job I've had was working 20 hours a day as a fisherman in King Salmon, Alaska.


adjective: characterized by extreme care and great effort Because of his scrupulous nature, Mary put him in charge of numbering and cataloging the entire collection of rare stamps. adjective: having a sense of right and wrong; principled Everyone trusted what he said and followed his example because he was scrupulous and honest. M: very careful about doing something correctly


adjective: characterized by hard work and perseverance Pete was an industrious student, completing every assignment thoroughly and on time.


adjective: close in time; about to occur The impending doom of our world has been discussed and debated for 2000 years—maybe even longer.


adjective: creating an unfavorable or neutral first impression World leaders coming to meet Gandhi would expect a towering sage, and often would be surprised by the unprepossessing little man dressed only in a loincloth and shawl.


adjective: defying imitation; matchless 无法仿效的 Mozart's music follows a clear pattern that, anyone could imitate, but his music gives an overall sense of effortlessness that is inimitable. M: impossible to copy or imitate


adjective: defying tradition or convention Jackson Pollack was an iconoclastic artist, totally breaking with tradition by splashing paint on a blank canvas.


adjective: demanding considerable mental effort and skill; testing powers of endurance In order to deal with the arduous cross-country journey, truck drivers often survive on a string of caffeinated drinks, staying awake for up to 30 hours at a time.


adjective: devoid of intelligence, matter, or significance To the journalist's pointed question, the senator gave a vacuous response, mixing a few of his overall campaign slogans with platitudes and completely avoiding the controversial subject of the question.


adjective: difficult to capture or difficult to remember Many first time skydivers say that describing the act of falling from the sky is elusive.


adjective: does not allow fluids to pass through The sand bags placed on the river formed an impermeable barrier, protecting the town from flooding.


adjective: done before someone else can do it Just as Martha was about to take the only cookie left on the table, Noah preemptively swiped it.


adjective: done diligently and carefully An avid numismatist, Harold sedulously amassed a collection of coins from over 100 countries—an endeavor that took over fifteen years across five continents.


adjective: done routinely and with little interest or care 敷衍的 The short film examines modern perfunctory cleaning rituals such as washing dishes, doing laundry and tooth-brushing.


adjective: done with very great haste and without due deliberation Instead of calling his financial advisor, Harold acted precipitously, buying 4,000 shares of the latest "hot" stock, only to find out that the company had a history of inflating its year end numbers. M: done too quickly and without enough thought or planning; happening in a very quick and sudden way


adjective: emaciated; gaunt Some actors take challenging roles in which they have to lose so much weight that they appear cadaverous.


adjective: exceedingly harmful; working or spreading in a hidden and injurious way The most successful viruses are pernicious: an infected person may feel perfectly healthy for several months while incubating and spreading the virus.


adjective: excessively flattering toward someone's life or work Most accounts of Tiger Woods's life were hagiographic, until, that is, his affairs made headlines.


adjective: fallen into a state of ignorance 愚昧的 Far from being a period of utter benightedness, The Medieval Ages produced some great works of theological speculation.


adjective: fearless Synonyms : audacious , brave , dauntless , fearless , hardy , unfearing Captain Ahab was an intrepid captain whose reckless and fearless style ultimate leads to his downfall.


adjective: feeling anger over a perceived injustice When the cyclist swerved into traffic, it forced the driver to brake and elicited an indignant shout of "Hey, punk, watch where you're going!"


adjective: fixed firmly or securely By the time we reach 60-years old, most of our habits are so entrenched that it is difficult for us to change.


adjective: found in the ordinary course of events Synonyms : everyday, mundane, routine, unremarkable, workaday Phil gets so involved thinking about Aristotle's arguments that he totally forgets quotidian concerns, such as exercising and eating regularly.


adjective: fraught with danger Synonyms : parlous , perilous , touch-and-go People smoke to relax and forget their cares, but ironically, in terms of health risks, smoking is far more precarious than either mountain-climbing or skydiving.


adjective: full of high-spirited delight because of triumph or success


adjective: given to haughty disregard of others 傲慢的;满不在乎的 Percy dismissed the issue with a cavalier wave of his hand.


adjective: having clarity in terms of expression 清晰的 Her limpid prose made even the most recondite subjects accessible to all.


adjective: having good judgement and acute insight Steve Jobs is surely one of the most sagacious CEOs, making Apple one of the most recognizable and valuable companies in the world.


adjective: having never been done or known before; novel When America first created its national parks, the idea of setting aside the most beautiful land in a country was unprecedented in the history of mankind.


adjective: having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions The lawyer had an incisive mind, able in a flash to dissect a hopelessly tangled issue and isolate the essential laws at play.


adjective: having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy 傲慢自大的 The haughty manager didn't believe that any of his subordinates could ever have an insight as brilliant as his own.


adjective: having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy 盛气凌人的 Children are imperious with each other before they learn that earning someone's respect is better than demanding.


adjective: having or showing profound knowledge Before the Internet, the library was typically where you would find erudite readers.


adjective: highly complex or intricate Instead of solving the math problem in three simple steps, Kumar used a convoluted solution requiring fifteen steps.


adjective: highly opinionated, not accepting that one's own beliefs may not be correct Bryan is dogmatic in his belief that the earth is flat, claiming that all pictures of a spherical earth are computer generated.


adjective: highly unconventional or unusual (usually describes a person) Mozart was well-known for his eccentricities, often speaking words backward to confuse those around him.


adjective: inappropriate During the executive meeting, the marketing director continued to make infelicitous comments about the CEO's gambling habit.


adjective: incapable of being retracted or revoked Once you enter your plea to the court, it is irrevocable so think carefully about what you will say.


adjective: inducing mental lethargy; sleep inducing Although the professor is brilliant, his bland monotone gives his lectures a soporific effect.


adjective: large enough to be noticed (usu. refers to an amount)


adjective: native; originating where it is found Irish cuisine makes great use of potatoes, but ironically, the potato is not endemic to Ireland.


adjective: overly concerned with details; fussy Whitney is fastidious about her shoes, arranging them on a shelf in a specific order, each pair evenly spaced.


adjective: powerful Over the years of service, and quite to his surprise, he became a puissant advisor to the community.


adjective: requiring secret or mysterious knowledge Most college fraternities are known for arcane rituals that those hoping to join the fraternity must learn. M: secret or mysterious : known or understood by only a few people


adjective: resistant to guidance or discipline; stubbornly persistent Synonyms: stubborn, adamant, unyielding, uncompromising, obdurate The coach suggested improvements Sarah might make on the balance beam, but she remained obstinate, unwilling to modify any of the habits that made her successful in the past.


adjective: showing hovering attentiveness 挂念的 Our neighbors are constantly knocking on our door to make sure we are ok, and I don't know how to ask them to stop being so solicitous about our health. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


adjective: showing inappropriate levity 轻浮的 Although Sam was trying to honor Mark's sense of humor, many found it quite flippant that he wore a comic nose and glasses mask to Mark's funeral. M: lacking proper respect or seriousness


adjective: showing little emotion Arnold is truly noble, remaining reserved until an issue of significance arises, but Walter is simply phlegmatic: he doesn't have the energy or inclination to care about anything. M: not easily upset, excited, or angered


adjective: showing modest reserve; lacking self-confidence As a young girl, she was diffident and reserved, but now as an adult, she is confident and assertive.


adjective: still in existence (usually refers to documents). Despite many bookstores closing, experts predict that some form of book dealing will still be extant generations from now.


adjective: stopping and starting at irregular intervals


adjective: tending to betray Synonyms : perfidious , punic Even though Jesse James was an outlaw, his killer, Robert Ford, is remembered more for his treacherous actions than for eliminating a criminal and murder. adjective: dangerously unstable and unpredictable Synonyms : unreliable The bridge built from twine and vine is treacherous to walk across, and so I think I will stay put right here.


adjective: tending to vanish like vapor 迅速消失的 The storm flashed into existence above us and lasted only a short time—an evanescent turbulence of wind and cloud.


adjective: to be moralizing, usually in a pompous sense 说教的 The old man, casting his nose up in the air at the group of adolescents, intoned sententiously, "Youth is wasted on the young." M: formal + disapproving: having or expressing strong opinions about what people should and should not do a smug and sententious writer


adjective: to be naïve and innocent Synonyms : innocent Two-years in Manhattan had changed Jenna from an ingenuous girl from the suburbs to a jaded urbanite, unlikely to fall for any ruse, regardless of how elaborate.


adjective: unpredictable; strange and unconventional


adjective: unwilling to do something contrary to your custom (usually followed by 'to') 勉强的 I was loath to leave the concert before my favorite band finished playing.


adjective: use to the limit; exhaust The hike to the summit of Mt. Whitney was so taxing that I could barely speak or stand up. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study M: requiring a lot of effort, energy, etc. a taxing job/chore The journey proved to be very taxing.


adjective: very generous Helen is unstinting with her time, often spending hours at the house of a sick friend.


adjective: very thorough; complete Synonyms : exhaustive , thorough As a thoroughgoing bibliophile, one who had turned his house into a veritable library, he shocked his friends when he bought a Kindle.


adverb: in a blunt, direct manner Synonyms : bluffly , bluntly , flat out , roundly Not one for social pleasantries, the Chief of Staff would brusquely ask his subordinates anything he wanted, even coffee.


an extremely poor person




noun: a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual Peggy's numerous idiosyncrasies include wearing mismatched shoes, laughing loudly to herself, and owning a pet aardvark.


noun: a conceited and self-centered person An egotist, Natasha had few friends because of her inability to talk about anything except her dream of becoming the next American Idol.


noun: a deep, long-lasting sadness


noun: a detested person; the source of somebody's hate 令人极其讨厌的事 Hundreds of years ago, Galileo was anathema to the church; today the church is anathema to some on the left side of the political spectrum.


noun: a difficult problem


noun: a lack of something There is a paucity of jobs hiring today that require menial skills, since most such jobs have either been automated or outsourced.


noun: a pause from doing something (as work) Every afternoon, the small company has a respite in which workers play foosball or board games.


noun: a person who dislikes women in particular Many have accused Hemingway of being a quiet misogynist, but recently unearthed letters argue against this belief.


noun: a socially awkward or tactless act 失态 Mother Anna was always on guard against any solecism from her children and scolded them immediately if any of them talked out of place in public. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


noun: a state of chaos, noise and confusion Riots broke out just in front of our apartment building, and the tumult continued late into the night.


noun: a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude


noun: a trite or obvious remark Herbert regarded the minister's remark as a mere banality until Sharon pointed out profound implications to the seemingly obvious words.


noun: a trite or obvious remark 陈词滥调 Instead of sharing his umbrella, the cheeky stranger offered Martha the following bromide: "Looks like it's raining." M: a statement that is intended to make people feel happier or calmer but that is not original or effective


noun: a very intense and uncontrolled fire 大火灾 In the summer months, conflagrations are not uncommon in the southwest, due to the heat and lack of rain.


noun: an absurd presentation of something; a mockery What I expected to be an intelligent, nuanced historical documentary turned out to be a poorly-produced travesty of the form.


noun: an act of making something right 矫正 Barry's redress for forgetting his wife's birthday two years in a row was surprising her with a trip to Tahiti.


noun: an eager willingness to do something The first three weeks at his new job, Mark worked with such alacrity that upper management knew it would be giving him a promotion.


noun: an event resulting in great loss and misfortune The introduction of smallpox was a cataclysm for Native Americans, killing off more than half of their population.


noun: an excessive amount of something There was no such thing as a surfeit of shopping for Nancy--she could stay at the outlet stores from opening to closing time.


noun: an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading 类似 假象 While the banker maintained a semblance of respectability in public, those who knew him well were familiar with his many crimes.


noun: extreme tiredness, either mental or physical Upon finishing a 6-hour standardized exam, Dahlia emerged from the testing center overcome by lassitude.


noun: fearless daring 大胆 No child has the temerity to go in the rundown house at the end of the street and see if it is haunted.


noun: harshness of manner 刻薄 The editor was known for his asperity, often sending severe letters of rejection to amateur writers.


noun: one who professes great sensitivity to the beauty of art and nature A true aesthete, Marty would spend hours at the Guggenheim Museum, staring at the same Picasso.


noun: one who spends money extravagantly Taking weekly trips to Vegas, Megan was a spendthrift whose excesses eventually caught up to her.


noun: someone who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field


noun: the highest point of achievement The new Cessna airplanes will be the acme of comfort, offering reclining seats and ample legroom.


noun: the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others


noun: the state of being first in importance 首位 The primacy of Apple Computers is not guaranteed, as seen in the recent lawsuits and weak growth.


noun: the tendency to be untruthful . I can forgive her for her mendacity but only because she is a child and is seeing what she can get away with.


noun: uneasiness about the fitness of an action While he could articulate no clear reason why Harkner's plan would fail, he nevertheless felt qualms about committing any resources to it. M: a feeling of doubt or uncertainty about whether you are doing the right thing — usually plural — often + about She had/felt some qualms about moving to the big city.


to cause (someone) to feel disgusted


v. to become involved in the activities and concerns of other people when your involvement is not wanted : interfere — usually + in


verb: advertize in strongly positive terms; show off At the conference, the CEO touted the extraordinary success of his company's Research & Development division.


verb: assign great social importance to Students in the U.S. learn to lionize Jefferson, Franklin, and Washington because they are the founding fathers of the nation.


verb: attribute or credit to History ascribes The Odyssey and The Iliad to Homer, but scholars now debate whether he was a historical figure or a fictitious name.


verb: deeply hurt the feelings of; distress 伤害 The teacher was fired for lacerating a student who wrote a poor essay. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: deny or contradict; speak against or oppose I can't gainsay a single piece of evidence James has presented, but I still don't trust his conclusion.


verb: draw from specific cases for more general cases By extrapolating from the data on the past three months, we can predict a 5% increase in traffic to our website.


verb: fuse or cause to grow together Over time, the various tribes coalesced into a single common culture with one universal language.


verb: give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority 命令 The government agency enjoined the chemical company to clean up the hazardous dump it had created over the years.


verb: laugh boisterously Whenever the jester fell to the ground in mock pain, the king guffawed, exposing his yellow, fang-like teeth. m: to laugh loudly


verb: make (one thing) compatible with (another) Synonyms : accommodate , conciliate Peggy was unable to reconcile her kind friend Jane with the cruel and merciless character Jane played on television.


verb: pronounce not guilty of criminal charges The document clearly indicated that Nick was out of the state at the time of the crime, and so served to exonerate him of any charges.


verb: reach a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation After much thought, Ted resolved not to travel abroad this summer because he didn't have much money in his bank account. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: to deceive Many people have been fleeced by Internet scams and never received their money back. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: to make an error He erred in thinking that "indigent" and "indignant" were synonyms.


verb: to pull off a plan or scheme, usually through skill or trickery


verb: to suddenly move in a particular direction All alone in the mansion, Henrietta started when she heard a sound. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: turn away from by persuasion His mother tried to deter him from joining the army, but he was too intoxicated with the idea of war to listen. verb: try to prevent; show opposition to The government's primary job should involve deterring paths to war, not finding ways to start them.




M adj. having or showing sexual desires that are considered not normal or acceptable


M (adj.) very willing or too willing to obey someone else — often + to She left her first husband because he wanted a subservient [=submissive] wife. less important than something or someone else — usually + to He believes that rights of individuals should be subservient to the rights of society as a whole.


M (v) to make (someone) angry


M [more holier-than-thou; most holier-than-thou] disapproving: having or showing the annoying attitude of people who believe that they are morally better than other people a holier-than-thou attitude


M adj. having or showing an excessive or disgusting interest in sex


M. (v)to confuse (someone) very much — often used as (be) bewildered


M: allowing a lot of freedom and not punishing bad behavior in a strong way : not harsh, severe, or strict


M: n. unhappiness or pain a very difficult situation in which you do not have enough money, food, etc. v. to worry or upset (someone) The news distressed [=disturbed] her.


M: adj. tending to complain about things : having a bad temper


M: falsely appearing to be good or moral deeply religious : devoted to a particular religion


M: (adj) tending too often to tell people what to do : often trying to control the behavior of others


M: (adj) very weak; not good enough


M: (adj)expressing a lot of emotion


M: (adj.) capable of being defended against attack or criticism 无懈可击的


M: (adj.) correctly stating what will happen in the future of or relating to a prophet or to prophecy


M: (adj.) giving all of your attention and interest to something or someone


M: (adj.) using more words than are needed


M: (adj.) very noisy and active in a lively way


M: (adj.): having a sharply critical and often clever quality biting accusations :unpleasantly cold a biting wind


M: (adj.)not polite


M: (n) a lack of seriousness She would not tolerate any levity [=frivolity] in the classroom. an amusing quality They managed to find some levity in the situation.


M: (n.) courage or bravery


M: (n.)a violent storm — often used figuratively


M: (n.)something that does not have much value or importance


M: (n.)strength of spirit : ability to continue despite difficulties


M: (v) to praise (someone or something) in a very strong and enthusiastic way


M: (v) to yell at (someone) : to criticize (someone) in a loud and angry way


M: (v.) to express beliefs about what is good behavior and what is bad behavior


M: (v.) to give (something, such as power, control, or possession) to another person or group


M: (v.) to trick or cheat someone or something in order to get money


M: a person from usually a low social position who has recently or suddenly become wealthy, powerful, or successful but who is not accepted by other wealthy, powerful, and successful people 暴发户


M: disapproving[count] : a person who has recently become rich and who likes to spend a lot of money


M: having a cheap and ugly appearance; tawdry [=tacky] decorations morally low or bad The scandal was a tawdry affair.


a sad or mournful poem


adj. ridiculous


adj. to get revenge against someone


adj. usually disapproving — used to describe something that is very common or that is spreading very quickly and in a way that is difficult to control 猖獗的


adj. very small or too small in amount not having enough of something (such as money or food) for comfort or happiness


adj. very tight from being pulled or stretched : not loose or slack firm and strong; taut muscles very tense The book is a taut thriller


adjective: (of a circumstance) with little chance of success With only a bottle of water and a sandwich, the hikers faced an unpropitious task: ascending a huge mountain that took most two days to climb.


adjective: (of a person) not doing one's duties 玩忽职守的 The teacher was derelict in her duties because she hadn't graded a single student paper in three weeks. noun: (of a building) abandoned At one time the waterfront factories were busy and productive, but now that the economy has collapsed and the factories are all closed, these derelicts will be torn down.


adjective: (of a person) speaking with ease but without sincerity I have found that the more glib the salesman, the worse the product. M: said or done too easily or carelessly : showing little preparation or thought


adjective: (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable Though Walters writes about physics and time travel, his writing is always lucid, so readers with little scientific training can understand difficult concepts.


adjective: (of movement) slow and laborious Charlie may seem to run at a plodding pace, but he is an ultramarathoner, meaning he runs distances of up to 100 miles, and can run for ten hours at a stretch.


adjective: (of theories etc) incapable of being defended or justified 支持不住的 With the combination of Kepler's brilliant theories and Galileo's telescopic observations, the old geocentric theory became untenable to most of the educated people in Europe.


adjective: (of weather) unpleasant, stormy After a week of inclement weather, we finally are able to go outside and enjoy the sun. adjective: used of persons or behavior; showing no mercy Marcus Aurelius, though a fair man, was inclement to Christians during his reign, persecuting them violently.


adjective: (sometimes followed by "to") causing harm or injury Many know that smoking is detrimental to your health, but processed sugar in large quantities is equally bad.


adjective: (used of conduct or character) deserving or bringing disgrace or shame Since the politician preached ethics and morality, his texting of revealing photographs was ignominious, bringing shame on both himself and his party.


adjective: abusing vocally; expressing contempt or ridicule I was surprised by her derisive tone; usually, she is sweet, soft spoken, and congenial.


adjective: acceptable to the taste or mind 遂心如意的 Mikey didn't partake much in his friends' conversations, but found their presence palatable.


adjective: acutely insightful and wise 有洞察力的 Many modern observers regard Eisenhower as perspicacious, particularly in his accurate prediction of the growth of the military. M: having or showing an ability to notice and understand things that are difficult or not obvious


adjective: admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding; having only one meaning or interpretation and leading to only one conclusion M: very strong and clear: not showing or allowing any doubt: not equivocal


adjective: ancient Most workout gurus are young, fit people, whereas most yoga gurus are hoary men with long white beards.


adjective: appropriate, and matches nicely Her dress was becoming and made her look even more beautiful. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


adjective: arrived at without due care or effort; lacking depth 轻而易举的 肤浅的 Many news shows provide facile explanations to complex politics, so I prefer to read the in-depth reporting of The New York Times.


adjective: arrogant; presumptuous Mark was so convinced of his basketball skills that in his overweening pride he could not fathom that his name was not on the varsity list; he walked up to the basketball coach and told her she had forgotten to add his name.


adjective: artificial; not natural The defendant's story was largely factitious and did not accord with eyewitness testimonies


adjective: as if driven by turbulent or conflicting emotions; highly energetic and wildly changing or fluctuating Chuck and Kathy had always been stable and agreeable people on their own, but when they got involved, it was a tempestuous relationship. M: full of strong emotions (such as anger or excitement); stormy


adjective: attentive in an ingratiating or servile manner; attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery The obsequious waiter did not give the couple a moment's peace all through the meal, constantly returning to their table to refill their water glasses and to tell them what a handsome pair they made.


adjective: available when required or as promised The President announced that the senators were about to reach a compromise, and that he was eager to read the forthcoming details of the bill. M: (not used before a noun) readily available adjective: at ease in talking to others As a husband, Larry was not forthcoming: if Jill didn't demand to know details, Larry would never share them with her. M: (not used before a noun) more forthcoming; most forthcoming] : honest and open


adjective: based on a random, groundless decision One of the arbitrary decrees in place during the emperor's rule is that all citizens pay him weekly homage at his palace. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


adjective: based on pretense; deceptively pleasing Almost every image on TV is specious and not to be trusted. adjective: plausible but false He made a career out of specious arguments and fictional lab results, but lost his job and reputation when his lies were exposed by an article in The New York Times.


adjective: being essentially equal to something Synonyms : equivalent In many situations, remaining silent is tantamount to admitting guilt, so speak to prove your innocence.


adjective: being in the earliest stages of development; being or involving basic facts or principles I would love to be able to present a fully polished proposal to the board, but right now, our plans for the product are still in the most rudimentary stages.


adjective: being of equal extent or scope or duration (事物或看法)几乎一致的 The border of the state is coterminous with geographic limits on travel; the east and north are surrounded by a nearly uncrossable river and the south by a desert.


adjective: being of questionable authenticity The web is notorious for sandwiching apocryphal stories between actual news.


adjective: being on the point of death; declining rapidly losing all momentum in progress 垂死的 Whether you like it or not, jazz as a genre is moribund at best, possibly already dead.


adjective: biting and caustic in thought, manner, or style 尖酸的 While Phil frequently made mordant remarks about company policy overall, he always was considerably gentler in discussing any person in particular. M: expressing harsh criticism especially in a way that is funny a mordant sense of humor


adjective: blissfully happy Often we imagine all monks to wear the beatific smile of the Buddha, but, like any of us, a monk can have a bad day and not look very happy.


adjective: bossy and domineering 专横的 My sister used to peremptorily tell me to do the dishes, a chore I would either do perfunctorily or avoid doing altogether.


adjective: brave; bold; courageous I enjoy films in which a doughty group comes together to battle a force of evil.


adjective: brought low in spirit 垂头丧气的 I asked Maria on a date and she refused without a moment's thought; I was crestfallen.


adjective: calm and peaceful I'd never seen him so serene; usually, he was a knot of stress and anxiety from hours of trading on the stock exchange.


adjective: capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out The clay became malleable and easy to work with after a little water was added. adjective: easily influenced My little brother is so malleable that I can convince him to sneak cookies from the cupboard for me.


adjective: careful in regard to your own interests; providing carefully for the future 有先见之明的;节俭的 In a move that hardly could be described as provident, Bert spent his entire savings on a luxurious cruise, knowing that other bills would come due a couple months later. M: careful about planning for the future and saving money for the future


adjective: careful to protect one's speech or actions in order to avoid offense or draw attention The professor thought that he was discreet, subtly wiping the stain off of his shirt, but as soon as he stepped off the podium a heckler in the audience burst out, "You missed a spot".


adjective: carelessly and hastily put together The office building had been constructed in a slapdash manner, so it did not surprise officials when, during a small earthquake, a large crack emerged on the façade of the building. M: quick and careless


adjective: causing irritation or annoyance Maria found her coworker's cell phone nettlesome, because every few minutes it would buzz to life with another text message.


adjective: cautious, suspiciously reluctant to do something Having received three speeding tickets in the last two months, Jack was chary of driving at all above the speed limit, even on a straight stretch of highway that looked empty for miles ahead.


adjective: characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty 独裁的;专制的; The last true autocratic country is certainly North Korea; nowhere does a leader exercise the absolute control over all aspects of a people the way that Kim Jong-un does. adjective: offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power 独断专行的 The manager was finally fired for his autocratic leadership, which often bordered on rude and offensive.


adjective: characteristic of one eager to fight Tom said that he was arguing the matter purely for philosophical reasons, but his belligerent tone indicated an underlying anger about the issue.


adjective: characterized by care and perseverance in carrying out tasks


adjective: characterized by dignity and propriety 一本正经的 Frank came from a staid environment, so he was shocked that his college roommate sold narcotics.


adjective: characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion 直率的 I did not expect the insurance agent to give us any straight answers, but I was pleasantly surprised by how forthright he was.


adjective: characterized by jokes and good humor Synonyms : jesting , jocose , joking My uncle was always in a jocular mood at family gatherings, messing up people's hair and telling knock-knock jokes to anyone who would listen.


adjective: characterized by lightness and insubstantiality 飘渺的 Because she dances with an ethereal style, ballet critics have called her Madame Butterfly. M: very delicate


adjective: characterized by or characteristic of exceptionally early development or maturity (especially in mental aptitude) Though only seven years old, she was a precocious chess prodigy, able to beat players twice her age.


adjective: characterized by or full of force and vigor; having keenness and forcefulness and penetration in thought, expression, or intellect Jill presented a rather superficial treatment of sales in Asia, but her trenchant analysis of sales in Europe inspired a number of insights into how to proceed in that market. M: very strong, clear, and effective


adjective: characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation 冲动的 Herbert is rarely impetuous, but on the spur of the moment, he spent thousands of dollars on a motorcycle today.


adjective: charming in a childlike or naive way She was winsome by nature, and many people were drawn to this free and playful spirit.


adjective: cheerful; optimistic Synonyms : florid , rubicund , ruddy With the prospect of having to learn 3,000 words during the course of the summer, Paul was anything but sanguine.


adjective: clear and persuasive A cogent argument will change the minds of even the most skeptical audience.


adjective: cleverly amusing in tone Synonyms : bantering , tongue-in-cheek Facetious behavior will not be tolerated during sex education class; it's time for all of you to treat these matters like mature adults. M: used to describe speech that is meant to be funny but that is usually regarded as annoying, silly, or not proper


adjective: clumsy Syn: bumbling, gauche, unskillful As a child she was quite maladroit, but as an adult, she has become an adept dancer. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


adjective: coming across as uninterested or unconcerned; overly casual 不关心的;冷淡的 The twenty-somethings at the coffee shop always irked Sheldon, especially the way in which they acted nonchalantly towards everything, not even caring when Sheldon once spilled his mocha on them.


adjective: communicative, and prone to talking in a sociable manner 健谈的 After a few sips of cognac, the octogenarian shed his irascible demeanor and became expansive, speaking fondly of the "good old days". This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


adjective: complete and wholly (usually modifying a noun with negative connotation) An arrant fool, Lawrence surprised nobody when he lost all his money in a pyramid scheme that was every bit as transparent as it was corrupt.


adjective: completely stocked or furnished with something Only weeks after the hurricane made landfall, the local supermarket shelves were replete with goods, so quick was the disaster relief response.


adjective: complicated, and difficult to comprehend The physics lecture became so involved that the undergraduate's eyes glazed over.


adjective: comprised of a variety of styles Joey was known for his eclectic tastes in music, one moment dancing to disco the next "air conducting" along to Beethoven's 9th symphony.


adjective: comprising many cultures; global in reach and outlook There are few cities in the world as diverse and cosmopolitan as New York.


adjective: concerned with the appreciation of beauty The director, not known for his aesthetic sensibilities, decided not to use costumes at all, and put on the play in everyday clothing. noun: a set of principles underlying and guiding the work of a particular artist or artistic movement. The artist operated according to a peculiar aesthetic, not considering any photograph to be worth publishing unless it contained a marine mammal.


adjective: concise and full of meaning I enjoy reading the Daodejing for its pithy and insightful prose; it always gives me something to think about.


adjective: confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle Map collecting is an esoteric hobby to most, but to geography geeks it is a highly enjoyable pastime.


adjective: confusing or ambiguous The findings of the study were equivocal - the two researchers had different opinions on what the results signified.


adjective: conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry In giving Marcia a particular vociferous response, Paul caused people at every other table in the restaurant to turn around and look at them angrily.


adjective: constituting a separate entity or part Synonyms : distinct What was once known as Czechoslovakia has since split into two discrete, independent nations.


adjective: contented to a fault with oneself or one's actions After the water polo team won their sixth championship, they became complacent and didn't even make it to the playoffs the next year. M: disapproving: satisfied with how things are and not wanting to change them


adjective: contrary to or forbidden by law Though Al Capone was engaged in many illicit activities, he was finally arrested for income tax evasion, a relatively minor offense.


adjective: demanding strict attention to rules and procedures Most of the students disliked the teacher because of his stringent homework policy, but many students would later thank him for demanding so much from them.


adjective: dependable; inured to fatigue or hardships Despite all the criticism directed at the President during this scandal, Lisa has remained his stalwart supporter. M: physically strong; very loyal and dedicated


adjective: describes someone who is brilliant and lively Richard Feynman was renowned for his scintillating lectures—the arcana of quantum physics was made lucid as he wrote animatedly on the chalkboard.


adjective: describing a lively atmosphere The wedding reception was convivial; friends who hadn't seen each other for ages drank and ate together before heading to the dance floor. M: of or relating to social events where people can eat, drink, and talk in a friendly way with others


adjective: describing a statement that is not believable


adjective: describing a victory that comes at such a great cost that the victory is not worthwhile George W. Bush's win in the 2000 election was in many ways a pyrrhic victory: the circumstances of his win alienated half of the U.S. population.


adjective: describing an event or situation that happens at the same time as or in connection with another Concomitant with his desire for nature was a desire for the culture and energy of a big city.


adjective: deserving of esteem and respect 值得尊敬的 After serving thirty years, in which he selflessly served the community, Judge Harper was one of the more estimable people in town.


adjective: deserving of praise but not that amazing Critics agreed the movie was creditable, but few gave it more than three out of five stars.


adjective: determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason Nearly every month our capricious CEO had a new plan to turn the company around, and none of them worked because we never gave them the time they needed to succeed.


adjective: determined by impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason Adults look to kids and envy their whimsical nature at times, wishing that they could act without reason and play without limitation.


adjective: difficult to handle or use especially because of size or weight Synonyms : cumbrous Only ten years ago, being an avid reader and a traveler meant carrying a cumbersome backpack stuffed with books--these days we need only an e-reader.


adjective: difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge I found Ulysses recondite and never finished the book, waiting instead to read it with someone else so we could penetrate its meaning together.


adjective: difficult to understand; incomprehensible Physics textbooks can seem so abstruse to the uninitiated that readers feel as though they are looking at hieroglyphics.


adjective: discontented as toward authority After watching his superior take rations from the soldiers, he quickly became disaffected and rebelled.


adjective: disdainfully or ironically humorous; scornful and mocking A stand-up comedian walks a fine line when making jokes about members of the audience; such fun and joking can quickly become sardonic and cutting.


adjective: dishonorable Synonyms : ungentle , untitled In the 1920s, the World Series was rigged--an ignoble act which baseball took decades to recover from. M: not deserving respect: not noble or honorable


adjective: disinclined to talk, not revealing one's thoughts When asked about her father, Helen lost her outward enthusiasm and became rather reticent.


adjective: dull and lacking excitement Having grown up in a humdrum suburb, Jacob relished life in New York City after moving.


adjective: dull and lacking imagination Unlike the talented artists in his workshop, Paul had no such bent for the visual medium, so when it was time for him to make a stained glass painting, he ended up with a prosaic mosaic.


adjective: dull and uninteresting synonym: humdrum, vapid, The movie director was known for hiring beautiful actors in order to deflect attention away from the insipid scripts he would typically use.


adjective: dull; lacking flavor Although many top chefs have secured culinary foam's popularity in haute cuisine, Waters criticizes it for being jejune and unfilling. adjective: immature; childish Her boss further cemented his reputation for being jejune after throwing a fit when the water cooler wasn't refilled.


adjective: eager to fight or argue; verbally combative synonyms: belligerent, combative, militant, bellicose The comedian told one flat joke after another, and when the audience started booing, he pugnaciously spat back at them, "Hey, you think this is easy - why don't you buffoons give it a shot?"


adjective: easily excused or forgiven; pardonable 可原谅的 His traffic violations ran the gamut from the venial to the egregious—on one occasion he simply did not come to a complete stop; another time he tried to escape across state lines at speeds in excess of 140 mph.


adjective: easily handled or managed; willing to be taught or led or supervised or directed


adjective: easily irritated or annoyed Our office manager is peevish, so the rest of us tip-toe around him, hoping not to set off another one of his fits.


adjective: easily irritated or annoyed Synonyms : cranky , fractious , irritable , nettlesome , peckish , peevish , pettish , scratchy , testy When Ed first met Ruth, he didn't realize she was so petulant, but now that they are three months into their relationship, Ed feels a day doesn't go by in which she isn't whining about some minor issue.


adjective: easily persuaded Even though she did not like the outdoors, Shirley was generally amenable and so her brother was able to persuade her to go camping.


adjective: effusively or insincerely emotional, especially in art, music, and literature I don't like romanticism for the same reason I don't like melodramatic acting and soap operas—overly sentimental.


adjective: emotionally touching Synonyms : affecting , touching After the Montagues and Capulets discover the dead bodies of Romeo and Juliet, in the play's most poignant moment, the two griefstricken familes agree to end their feud once and for all. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


adjective: enhancing each other's qualities (for two things or more). The head waiter was careful to tell the amateur diners that red wine was complementary with beef, each bringing out subtle taste notes in the other.


adjective: enlightening or uplifting so as to encourage intellectual or moral improvement I recently read an article in the Times about whether good literature is edifying or not; specifically, does reading more make a person more moral.


adjective: excessively forward 自以为是的 Many felt that Barney was presumptuous in moving into the large office before the management even made any official announcement of his promotion. M: too confident especially in a way that is rude


adjective: excessively greedy Synonyms : covetous , grabby , grasping , greedy , prehensile Since avaricious desire is similar to gluttony or lust--sins of excess-it was listed as one of the seven deadly sins by the Catholic church.


adjective: excessively mournful At the funeral, lugubrious songs filled the small church.


adjective: exhibiting artistic skill Picasso is generally considered the most artful member of the Cubist movement. adjective: clever in a cunning way Bernie Madoff's artful Ponzi scheme stole billions of dollars from investors and is considered the largest financial fraud in U.S. history.


adjective: expressed as worthless or in negative terms Never before have we seen a debate between two political candidates that was so derogative and filthy.


adjective: expressing disapproval (usu. refers to a term) Most psychologists object to the pejorative term "shrink", believing that they expand the human mind, not limit it. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study M: insulting to someone or something: expressing criticism


adjective: expressing praise or approval Although it might not be her best work, Hunter's new novel has received generally approbatory reviews.


adjective: expressing sorrow Few can listen to the elegiac opening bars of the Moonlight sonata without feeling the urge to cry.


adjective: expressive of contempt; derogatory or mocking in an indirect way The chairman interpreted Taylor's question about promotions as a snide remark, but in all innocence Taylor was trying to figure out the company's process.


adjective: extremely bad Coach Ramsey took his newest player off the field after watching a few painful minutes of her abysmal performance.


adjective: extremely controversial, incendiary It only takes one person to leave an inflammatory comment on an Internet thread for that thread to blow up into pages upon pages of reader indignation.


adjective: extremely hungry; devouring or craving food in great quantities


adjective: extremely optimistic Even in the midst of a lousy sales quarter, Debbie remained Pollyannaish, never losing her shrill voice and wide smile, even when prospective customers hung up on her.


adjective: extremely painful After the boulder rolled a couple of feet, pinning my friend's arm, he experienced excruciating pain.


adjective: fair to all parties as dictated by reason and conscience 公平的 The equitable distribution of ice cream to a group of 5 year olds will ensure little to no fighting—at least until the ice cream is gone


adjective: feeling or showing profound respect or veneration The professor could speak objectively about the other composers, but he always lectured about Brahms with a particularly reverent air, unable to offer a single criticism of his compositions.


adjective: felt or undergone as if one were taking part in the experience or feelings of another M: experienced or felt by watching, hearing about, or reading about someone else rather than by doing something yourself a vicarious experience 有同感的


adjective: filled with courage or valor For its raid on the Bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Seal Team Six has become, for many Americans, the embodiment of mettle.


adjective: filled with or evoking sadness No event is more doleful than the passing of my mother; she was a shining star in my life, and it brings me great sadness to think that she is now gone.


adjective: firm and dependable especially in loyalty No longer a staunch supporter of the movement, Todd now will openly question whether its goals are worthwhile.


adjective: free from undue bias or preconceived opinions The judge was not impartial since he had been bribed by the witness's family.


adjective: free of deceit At first I thought my niece was guileless, but I then found myself buying her ice cream every time we passed a shop.


adjective: free of guilt; not subject to blame; beyond doubt or reproach 无懈可击的;无可指责的 After his long and unimpeachable service to the company, Sharat felt that a gold watch was a slap in the face rather than an honor.


adjective: friendly Synonyms : affable , cordial , genial Amy's name was very apt: she was so amiable that she was twice voted class president.


adjective: full of or showing high-spirited merriment, i.e. happiness Synonyms : gay , jocund , jolly , merry , mirthful The political candidate and his supporters were jovial once it was clear that she had won.


adjective: full of trivial conversation Synonyms : chatty , gabby , loquacious , talkative , talky Lynne was garrulous: once, she had a fifteen minute conversation with a stranger before she realized the woman didn't speak English.


adjective: given to or marked by the open expression of emotion 易流露感情的 When Sally told James that she wanted to break up with him, she expected he would react demonstratively, but he quietly nodded his head and left without saying a word.


adjective: glaringly obvious 明显的 Since the book had been through no fewer than six proof runs, the staff was shocked to see such a patent spelling mistake remaining, right in the middle of the front cover! This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


adjective: greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation 过分的 Shelley made one exorbitant purchase after another, buying new clothes and taking vacations even though she earned a limited salary.


adjective: guided by practical experience and observation rather than theory


adjective: habitual Synonyms : chronic He is an inveterate smoker and has told his family and friends that there is no way he will ever quit.


adjective: habitually reserved and uncommunicative While the CEO enthusiastically shares his plans and agenda with all who will listen, the CFO is far more taciturn, rarely revealing his perspective. M: tending to be quiet : not speaking frequently


adjective: happening by chance or unexpectedly or unintentionally M: not intended or planned : accidental


adjective: harmful to living things Synonyms : hurtful , injurious The BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was deleterious to the fishing industry in the southern states.


adjective: harsh in tone Synonyms : acrid , bitter , blistering , caustic , virulent , vitriolic Most movie critics are acerbic towards summer blockbusters, often referring to them as garbage.


adjective: harsh or corrosive in tone 刻薄的 While the teacher was more moderate in her criticism of the other student's papers, she was vitriolic toward Peter's paper, casting every flaw in the harshest light.


adjective: hasty or rash Instead of conducting a thorough investigation after the city hall break-in, the governor acted precipitately, accusing his staff of aiding and abetting the criminals. verb: to cause to happen The government's mishandling of the hurricane's aftermath precipitated a widespread outbreak of looting and other criminal activity. This word has other definitions, but these are the most important ones to study


adjective: haughty and disdainful; looking down on others synonym: disdainful, patronizing, haughty, arrogant. pompous Nelly felt the Quiz Bowl director acted superciliously towards the underclassmen; really, she fumed, must he act so preternaturally omniscient each time he intones some obscure fact—as though everybody knows that Mt. Aconcagua is the highest peak in South America.


adjective: having a depressing or gloomy outlook Unremitting overcast skies tend to lead people to create bleak literature and lugubrious music — compare England's band Radiohead to any band from Southern California.


adjective: having a fierce, savage nature Standing in line for six hours, she became progressively truculent, yelling at DMV employees and elbowing other people waiting in line. M: easily annoyed or angered and likely to argue


adjective: having a sophisticated charm 温文尔雅的 James Bond is known for his good looks, high tech gadgets, and debonair manner. M: dressing and acting in an appealing and sophisticated way: fashionable, attractive, and confident


adjective: having an agreeably pungent taste The chef, with a mere flick of the salt shaker, turned the bland tomato soup into a piquant meal. M: interesting and exciting; having a pleasant, spicy taste


adjective: having an extremely bad smell Each August, when the winds moved in a south easterly direction, the garbage dump would spread noisome vapors through the small town.


adjective: having an unpleasant smell Some thermally active fountains spew sulfur fumes--the air around them is sometimes so malodorous that many have to plug their noses.


adjective: having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited Elephants may appear stolid to casual observers, but they actually have passionate emotional lives. M: showing little or no emotion : not easily excited or upset


adjective: having or revealing supreme mastery or skill Tyler was the consummate musician: he was able to play the guitar, harmonica, and the drum at the same time. verb: to make perfect and complete in every respect The restoration of the ancient church was only consummated after a twenty years of labor. This word has other definitions, but these are the most important ones to study


adjective: having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand While the salaries of the players might draw attention in the media, such monetary figures are not pertinent to the question of who plays the best on the field. M: relating to the thing that is being thought about or discussed : relevant


adjective: highly or widely praised or boasted about 吹牛的 For years, they had heard of New York City's vaunted skyline, and when they finally saw it, the spectacular cityscape did not disappoint them in the least. Wiki: praised or boasted about, especially in an excessive way.


adjective: highly perceptive 洞察力强的 Even the most percipient editor will make an occasional error when proofreading.


adjective: hostile (usually describes conditions or environments) Venus, with a surface temperature that would turn rubber to liquid, is inimical to any form of life.


adjective: humorously vulgar 开下流玩笑的 The speaker was famous for his ribald humor, but the high school principal asked him to keep the talk G-rated when he spoke to the student body. M: referring to sex in a rude but amusing way


adjective: idyllically calm and peaceful; suggesting happy tranquillity; marked by peace and prosperity 宁静的 The first decade after WWI was a halcyon period in America with new-found wealth and rapidly improving technology.


adjective: ill-mannered and coarse or contemptible in behavior or appearance 乡巴佬的 粗鲁的 Bukowski was known for being a boorish drunk and alienating close friends and family. M: a rude and rough person


adjective: ill-tempered and not inclined to talk; gloomy After Stanley found out he was no longer able to go on vacation with his friends, he sat in his room morosely.


adjective: illusive; unreal Those suffering from malaria fall into a feverish sleep, their world a whirligig of phantasmagoria; if they recover, they are unsure of what actually took place and what was simply a product of their febrile imaginations.


adjective: immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with As a child, Amy would build pillow castles and pretend they were impregnable fortresses.


adjective: immune to attack; without flaws Professor Williams is so self-assured as to seem arrogant, presenting each and every opinion as an unassailable fact.


adjective: impervious to correction by punishment Tom Sawyer seems like an incorrigible youth until Huck Finn enters the novel; even Sawyer can't match his fierce individual spirit. M: not bothered or affected by something — usually + to


adjective: impossible to avoid or evade For those who smoke cigarettes for years, a major health crisis brought on by smoking is ineluctable.


adjective: impossible to deny or disprove Scientists are searching for irrefutable evidence that some form of life existed on mars at some point in its history.


adjective: impossible to estimate or figure out According to many lawmakers, the huge variety of factors affecting society make devising an efficient healthcare system an imponderable task.


adjective: impossible to stop or prevent The rise of the computer was an inexorable shift in technology and culture.


adjective: improperly forward or bold 鲁莽的 没礼貌的 In an impudent move, the defendant spoke out of order to say terribly insulting things to the judge.


adjective: in abundant supply Synonyms : ample , plenteous , plentiful , rich, voluminous In midsummer, there are copious popiscle stands at the beach; in the winter, there are none.


adjective: in an early stage of development The Board of Directors is hoping to launch a new product soon, but planning for the Z7 is in an embryonic stages. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


adjective: in opposition to an established system or institution. The ruling political party has begun a campaign to shut down subversive websites that it deems as a threat to "national safety." M: secretly trying to ruin or destroy a government, political system, etc. The government blamed a subversive organization for the riots. criticizing something in a clever and indirect way in order to make it weaker or less effective I enjoy her subversive sense of humor.


adjective: in terrible condition 残破 The main house has been restored but the gazebo is still dilapidated and unusable.


adjective: incapable of making less angry or hostile Win or lose, the coach was always implacable, never giving the athletes an easy practice or a break.


adjective: inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace Every morning, Bhavin was a surly, unhappy person, but once he ate breakfast, he became loving, laughing, and a joy to be around. M: rude and unfriendly


adjective: inspiring fear or awe 可怕的 可敬畏的 On television basketball players don't look that tall, but when you stand in front of a seven-foot tall NBA player, he is truly redoubtable.


adjective: instructive (especially excessively) Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Ilyich is a didactic novel, instructing the reader on how to live a good life.


adjective: intellectually productive Synonyms : fecund , fertile Schubert was the most prolific composer, producing hundreds of hours of music before he died at the age of 31.


adjective: intellectually productive The artist had entered a fecund period, producing three masterpieces in the span of two months. M: fertile


adjective: intended to attract notice and impress others; tawdry or vulgar Matt wanted to buy stone lions for front of the house, but Cynthia convinced him that such a display would be too ostentatious for a modest house in an unassuming neighborhood.


adjective: intolerable, difficult to endure Chester always tried to find some area in which he excelled above others; unsurprisingly, his co-workers found him insufferable and chose to exclude him from daily luncheons out.


adjective: intricate and complex 错综复杂的 Getting a driver's license is not simply a matter of taking a test; the regulations and procedures are so byzantine that many have found themselves at the mercy of the Department of Motor Vehicles.


adjective: intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner 多管闲事的 The professor had trouble concentrating on her new theorem, because her officious secretary would barge in frequently reminding her of some trivial detail involving departmental paperwork.


adjective: involving ignoble actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt; foul and run-down and repulsive The nightly news simply announced that the senator had had an affair, but the tabloid published all the sordid details of the interaction. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study M: very bad or dishonest; very dirty


adjective: involving intelligence rather than emotions or instinct 理智的


adjective: irritable and is likely to cause disruption We rarely invite my fractious Uncle over for dinner; he always complains about the food, and usually launches into a tirade on some touchy subject.


adjective: irritable; always angry Rex was bilious all morning, and his face would only take on a look of contentedness when he'd had his morning cup of coffee.


adjective: joyously unrestrained 兴高采烈的 Can you blame him for his ebullient mood? He just graduated from medical school.


adjective: kind I remember my grandfather's face was wrinkled, benign, and calm. adjective: (medicine) not dangerous to health; not recurrent or progressive The tumor located in your ear lobe seems to be benign and should not cause you any trouble.


adjective: lacking Synonyms: deficient , lacking She did not think her vocabulary was wanting, yet there were so many words that inevitably she found a few she didn't know.


adjective: lacking energy Nothing can make a person more lethargic than a big turkey dinner.


adjective: lacking energy and vigor After three straight shows, the lead actress gave an anemic performance the fourth night, barely speaking loudly enough for those in the back rows to hear.


adjective: lacking foresight or imagination Synonyms : shortsighted , unforesightful The company ultimately went out of business because the myopic managers couldn't predict the changes in their industry. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


adjective: lacking imagination Synonyms : earthbound , prosaic , prosy While Nan was always engaged in philosophical speculation, her brother was occupied with far more pedestrian concerns: how to earn a salary and run a household. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


adjective: lacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness The vast economic inequality of modern society is incongruous with America's ideals. M: strange because of not agreeing with what is usual or expected The style of the porch is incongruous with [=does not match] the style of the house overall. The modern sculpture seems incongruous [=out of place] among all the antiques.


adjective: lacking manners or refinement 举止粗俗的 The manager was unnecessarily churlish to his subordinates, rarely deigning to say hello, but always quick with a sartorial jab if someone happened to be wearing anything even slightly mismatching.


adjective: lacking money; poor Truly penurious, Mary had nothing more than a jar full of pennies. adjective: miserly Warren Buffett, famous multi-billionaire, still drives a cheap sedan, not because he is penurious, but because luxury cars are gaudy and impractical. synonym: indigent, impecunious


adjective: lacking physical movement skills, especially with the hands Within a week of starting, the bumbling new waiter was unceremoniously fired.


adjective: lacking significance through having been overused Cheryl rolled her eyes when she heard the lecturer's hackneyed advice to "be true to yourself."


adjective: lacking social polish Synonyms : graceless , unpolished Sylvester says the most gauche things, such as telling a girl he liked that she was much prettier when she wore makeup. M: having or showing a lack of awareness about the proper way to behave : socially awkward


adjective: lasting a very short time Synonyms : ephemeral , fugacious , passing , short-lived , transient If we lived forever and life was not transitory, do you think we would appreciate life less or more?


adjective: lasting a very short time Synonyms : fugacious , passing , short-lived , transient , transitory The lifespan of a mayfly is ephemeral, lasting from a few hours to a couple of days.


adjective: lasting a very short time The unpredictable and transient nature of deja vu makes it a very difficult phenomenon to study properly.


adjective: lasting an indefinitely long time; eternal; everlasting Even at the old-timers games, Stan Musial would get the loudest cheer: he was a perennial favorite of the fans there. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


adjective: lazy and irresponsible Two years after graduation, Charlie still lived with his parents and had no job, becoming more feckless with each passing day.


adjective: lecherous; sexually perverted Lolita is a challenging novel for many, not necessarily because of the elevated prose style but because of the depravity of the main character, Humbert Humbert, who, as an old, lascivious man, lusts after a girl.


adjective: liable to sudden unpredictable change, esp. in affections or attachments She was so fickle in her politics, it was hard to pinpoint her beliefs; one week she would embrace a side, and the next week she would denounce it. M: disapproving : changing opinions often


adjective: like a meteor in speed or brilliance or transience The early spectacular successes propelled the pitcher to meteoric stardom, but a terrible injury tragically cut short his career. M: very sudden or fast a meteoric rise to fame


adjective: likeable; easy to talk to For all his surface affability, Marco was remarkably glum when he wasn't around other people.


adjective: likely to argue Since old grandpa Harry became very contentious during the summer when only reruns were on T.V., the grandkids learned to hide from him at every opportunity.


adjective: likely to cause resentment 惹人反感的 At a time when many others in the office were about to be laid off, many considered Cheryl's fine clothes that day an invidious display. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


adjective: likely to lean towards a controversial view 有偏见的 Because political mudslinging has become a staple of the 24-hour media cycle, most of us, despite protestations to the contrary, are tendentious on many of today's pressing issues.


adjective: ludicrously odd The clown's antic act was too extreme for the youngest children, who left the room in tears. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


adjective: made less hopeful or enthusiastic Synonyms : demoralized , discouraged After the visiting team scored nine times, the home team's fans were disheartened, some leaving the game early.


adjective: made more subtle or refined 考究的 Jack's vulgar jokes were not so successful in the rarefied environment of college professors. M: often disapproving : understood by only a small group of people :


adjective: making a show of being pious; holier-than-thou Even during the quiet sanctity of evening prayer, she held her chin high, a sanctimonious sneer forming on her face as she eyed those who were attending church for the first time. M:pretending to be morally better than other people


adjective: making a situation or outcome more likely to happen Studying in a quiet room is conducive to learning; studying in a noisy environment makes learning more difficult. M: not used before a noun [more conducive; most conducive] formal: making it easy, possible, or likely for something to happen or exist — + to The school tries to create an atmosphere (that is) conducive to learning. [=an atmosphere that makes learning easier]


adjective: making less guilty or more forgivable The jury was hardly moved by the man's plea that his loneliness was an extenuating factor in his crime of dognapping a prized pooch.


adjective: marked by a carefree unconventionality or disreputableness 放荡的;轻快的;潇洒的 synonym: raffish As soon as he arrived in the city, the rakish young man bought some drugs and headed straight for the seedy parts of town. M: having an unusual quality that is attractive and stylish


adjective: marked by a carefree unconventionality or disreputableness(in an attractive manner) synonym: rakish The men found him raffish, but the women adored his smart clothes and casual attitude. M: not completely acceptable or respectable but interesting and attractive


adjective: marked by a lack of interest Mr. Thompson was so talented at teaching math that even normally apathetic students took interest.


adjective: marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects Professor Thompson was regarded as an expert in his field, but his lectures were utterly pedantic, focused on rigorous details of the most trivial conventions in the field. M: Pedants a person who annoys other people by correcting small errors and giving too much attention to minor details


adjective: marked by active interest and enthusiasm Martin is an avid birdwatcher, often taking long hikes into remote mountains to see some rare eagle.


adjective: marked by complexity and richness of detail Thomas, on returning from Morocco, replaced his dirty gray carpet with an elaborate one he'd brought back with him. verb: explain in more detail Most high school physics teachers find themselves elaborating the same point over and over again, since many concepts confuse students.


adjective: marked by courage and determination 勇敢的 Some scouts initially doubted Pedroia because of his short stature, but he is a plucky player, surprising everyone with his boundless energy and fierce determination.


adjective: marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences 鲁莽的;有勇无谋的 The police regularly face dangerous situations, so for a police officer not to wear his bullet-proof vest is foolhardy. M: foolishly doing things that are too dangerous or risky


adjective: marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences; imprudently incurring risk 鲁莽的;轻率的 synonyms: reckless, impetuous, imprudent, impulsive M: done or made quickly and without thought about what will happen as a result


adjective: marked by disreputable or unfortunate happenings One by one, the presidential candidates dropped out of the race, their respective checkered pasts— from embezzlement to infidelity—sabotaging their campaigns. M: The senator has a checkered past. [=he has done bad things or been in trouble in the past]


adjective: marked by elaborate rhetoric and elaborated with decorative details The ornate Victorian and Edwardian homes spread throughout San Francisco are my favorite part of the city. M: covered with decorations : covered with fancy patterns and shapes using many fancy words


adjective: marked by excessive complacency or self-satisfaction When Phil was dating the model, he had a smug attitude that annoyed his buddies. M: having or showing the annoying quality of people who feel very pleased or satisfied with their abilities, achievements, etc. 自鸣得意的


adjective: marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions While the other employees responded to the bad news in a measured way, Andrew responded in a vehement manner, tipping over his desk and shouting at the top of his lungs.


adjective: marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable A good captain needs to be steadfast, continuing to hold the wheel and stay the course even during the most violent storm.


adjective: marked by great carelessness; dependent upon or characterized by chance Many golf courses are designed with great care, but the greens on the county golf course seem entirely haphazard M:having no plan, order, or direction


adjective: marked by high spirits or excitement 欢腾的;兴奋的 After the sales result, the manager was in an effervescent mood, letting several employees leave work early that day. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


adjective: marked by or showing hopelessness After her third pet dog died, Marcia was simply forlorn: this time even the possibility of buying a new dog no longer held any joy.


adjective: marked by precise accordance with details 一丝不苟的 The colonel was so punctilious about enforcing regulations that men feel compelled to polish even the soles of their shoes.


adjective: marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed While at work, George and his boss Regina felt the need to be as furtive as possible about their romantic relationship.


adjective: marked by refinement in taste and manners A live string quartet would provide a more genteel air to the wedding than would a folk singer.


adjective: marked by repeated turns and bends; not straightforward Because the logic behind McMahon's side of the debate was so tortuous, his audience came out either completely confused or, worse, feeling they'd been tricked.


adjective: markedly different from an accepted norm


adjective: mixed or conflicting emotions about something Sam was ambivalent about studying for the exam because doing so ate up a lot of his time, yet he was able to improve his analytical skills.


adjective: moderated in effect The wide-eyed optimism of her youth was now tempered after she had worked many years in the criminal justice system.


adjective: morose or gloomy Deprived of sunlight, humans become saturnine; that's why in very northerly territories people are encouraged to sit under an extremely powerful lamp, lest they become morose.


adjective: must be kept sacred While the literary critic subjected most of the classics to the harshest reviews, he regarded Cervantes as inviolate, and had nothing but praise for him. M: not harmed or changed


adjective: mysterious or vague, usually intentionally Since Sarah did not want her husband to guess the Christmas present she had bought him, she only answered cryptically when he would ask her questions about it.


adjective: narrowly restricted in scope or outlook Jasmine was sad to admit it, but her fledgling relationship with Jacob did not work out because his culinary tastes were simply too parochial; "After all," she quipped on her blog, "he considered Chef Boyardee ethnic food." This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


adjective: necessarily or demonstrably true; impossible to deny or disprove 不容置疑的 Unless you can provide incontrovertible evidence, I will remain skeptical.


adjective: necessary (for someone) as a duty or responsibility 负有义务的 Middle managers at times make important decisions, but real responsibility for the financial well-being of the corporation is ultimately incumbent on the CEO. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


adjective: never to be broken, infringed, or dishonored To many the grass at Wimbledon is inviolable and only greater tennis players are able to enjoy a game there.


adjective: noble and generous in spirit, especially towards a rival or someone less powerful He was a great sportsman: in defeat he was complimentary and in victory he was magnanimous.


adjective: noisily and stubbornly defiant; willfully difficult to control 喧嚣的;难管束的 When the teacher asked the obstreperous student simply to bus his tray, the student threw the entire tray on the floor, shouted an epithet, and walked out.


adjective: not able to be changed Synonyms : changeless Taxes are one of the immutable laws of the land, so there is no use arguing about paying them.


adjective: not able to work, survive, or succeed (also spelled inviable). 不能独立生存的 The plan was obviously unviable considering that it lead to complete environmental destruction in the river valley.


adjective: not admitting of passage or capable of being affected 不为所动的 I am not impervious to your insults; they cause me great pain. M: not bothered or affected by something — usually + to


adjective: not clearly understood or expressed Synonyms : unintelligible The meaning of the professor's new research was opaque to most people, so no one asked any questions. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


adjective: not confined or limited The whole notion of living untrammeled inspired the American Revolution and was enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.


adjective: not easily irritated Doug is normally placid, so we were all shocked to see him yelling at the television when the Mets lost the game.


adjective: not easily perturbed or excited or upset; marked by extreme calm and composure 泰然的 The house shook and the ground quaked, but my dad was unflappable and comforted the family. M: not easily upset : unusually calm in difficult situations


adjective: not easily understood; unfathomable Synonyms : cryptic , cryptical , deep , mysterious , mystifying His speech was so dense and confusing that many in the audience found it inscrutable.


adjective: not given careful consideration 没远见的 Marty was improvident, never putting money aside for the future but spending it on decorating the interior of his home.


adjective: not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society Eating with elbows on the table is considered indecorous in refined circles.


adjective: not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society He acted in an unseemly manner, insulting the hostess and then speaking ill of her deceased husband. M: not proper or appropriate for the situation : not seemly


adjective: not inclined towards physical exertion or effort; slow and relaxed


adjective: not making concessions Synonyms : inflexible , sturdy The relationship between Bart and Hilda ultimately failed because they were both so uncompromising, never wanting to change their opinions.


adjective: not normal According to those who do not believe in climate change, the extreme weather over the last five years is simply anomalous - daily temperatures should return to their old averages, they believe.


adjective: not original but drawing strongly on something already in existence, especially in reference to a creative product (e.g. music, writing, poetry etc.). Because the movies were utterly derivative of other popular movies, they did well at the box office.


adjective: not real or genuine; phony The car dealer's ersatz laughter was immediately followed by a price quote, one that Shelley found highly inflated.


adjective: not relevant The judge found the defendant's comments immaterial to the trial, and summarily dismissed him from the witness stand.


adjective: not serious in content or attitude or behavior Compared to Juliet's passionate concern for human rights, Jake's non-stop concern about football seems somewhat frivolous.


adjective: not straightforward; giving a false appearance of frankness Many adults think that they can lie to children, but kids are smart and know when people are disingenuous.


adjective: not straightforward; indirect Herbert never explicitly revealed anything negative about Tom's past, but at times he would obliquely suggest that Tom was not as innocent as he seemed. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


adjective: not wise 轻率的 不谨慎的 Hitler, like Napoleon, made the imprudent move of invading Russia in winter, suffering even more casualties than Napoleon had.


adjective: occurring by happy chance; having no cause or apparent cause Though Maria's neighbor Ernie "bumped into" her at the Farmer's Market, the encounter wasn't nearly as fortuitous as Maria was led to believe: Ernie desperately wanted to ask Maria out on a date and had been following her about town.


adjective: of a belief that is based on faulty reasoning The widespread belief that Eskimos have forty different words for snow is fallacious, based on one false report.


adjective: of broad scope; universal Jonah's friends said that Jonah's taste in music was eclectic; Jonah was quick to point out that not only was his taste eclectic but it was also catholic: he enjoyed music from countries as far-flung as Mali and Mongolia.


adjective: of or characteristic of a child; displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity <贬>幼稚的 Helen enjoyed blowing soap bubbles, but Jim regarded this as puerile, totally unworthy of a woman with a Ph.D. M: silly or childish especially in a way that shows a lack of seriousness or good judgment


adjective: of primary importance; fundamental Most cultures consider gambling a cardinal sin and thus have outlawed its practice. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study M: always used before a noun formal: basic or most important the cardinal principles of news reporting My cardinal rule is to always be honest. The cardinal points [=the four main directions] on a compass are North, South, East, and West.


adjective: offensively self-assured or given to exercising unwarranted power 专横的 Though she was only a third grade teacher, Ms. Martinet was magisterial in dealing with her class, lording over them like a queen. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study M: 1. showing impressive knowledge about a subject 2. having the confident quality of someone who expects to be obeyed by other people


adjective: old-fashioned; belonging to an earlier period in time Aunt Betty had antiquated notions about marriage, believing that a man should court a woman for at least a year before receiving a kiss.


adjective: ominously prophetic 不吉的 When the captain and more than half the officers were sick on the very first night of the voyage, many of the passengers felt this was portentous, but the rest of the voyage continued without any problems. M: giving a sign or warning that something usually bad or unpleasant is going to happen trying to seem important, serious, or impressive: pompous


adjective: only partly in existence; imperfectly formed 不完全的 Inchoate ideas about the relation of humans to other animals had been discussed since the Middle Ages but the modern theory really began with Darwin.


adjective: open and honest Synonyms : straightforward The mayor, despite his avuncular face plastered about the city, was hardly aboveboard - some concluded that it was his ingratiating smile that allowed him to engage in corrupt behavior and get away with it.


adjective: open to argument or debate; undecidable in a meaningless or irrelevant way Since the Board just terminated Steve as the CEO, what the finance committee might have thought of his proposed marketing plan for next year is now a moot point. M: (v)to introduce (an idea, subject, etc.) for discussion — usually used as (be) mooted (adj) not certain : argued about but not possible for people to prove He says that they should have foreseen the accident, but that point is moot. [=debatable] not worth talking about : no longer important or worth discussing The court ruled that the issue is now moot because the people involved in the dispute have died.


adjective: openly distrustful and unwilling to confide 有戒心的 Without checking his references and talking to previous employers, I am leery of hiring the candidate. M: feeling or showing a lack of trust in someone or something


adjective: originating in a certain area Synonyms : autochthonal , autochthonic , autochthonous , endemic The plants and animals indigenous to Australia are notably different from those indigenous to the U.S - one look at a duckbill platypus and you know you're not dealing with an opossum.


adjective: overly emotional and sad Just as those who were alive during the 70's are mortified that they once cavorted about in bellbottoms, many who lived during the 80's are now aghast at the maudlin pop songs they used to enjoy—really, just what exactly is a total eclipse of the heart?


adjective: overly sentimental to the point that it is disgusting The film was incredibly mawkish, introducing highly likable characters only to have them succumb to a devastating illness by the end of the movie.


adjective: pathetically cowardly Though the man could have at least alerted the police, he crouched cravenly in the corner as the old woman was mugged. M: having or showing a complete lack of courage


adjective: plausible but false When listening to a politician speak, it is hard to distinguish the spurious claims from the authentic ones.


adjective: plentiful; pouring out in abundance Synonyms : exuberant , lush , luxuriant , riotous During mile 20 of the Hawaii Marathon, Dwayne was sweating so profusely that he stopped to take off his shirt, and ran the remaining six miles wearing nothing more than skimpy shorts.


adjective: poor enough to need help from others Jean Valjean, is at first destitute, but through the grace of a priest, he makes something of his life. adjective: completely wanting or lacking (usually "destitute of") Now that the mine is closed, the town is destitute of any economic activity.


adjective: poor; having very little In the so-called Third World, many are indigent and only a privileged few have the resources to enjoy material luxuries. noun: a poor or needy person The indigents, huddled under the overpass, tried to start a small bonfire in the hope of staying warm. synonyms: penurious, impecunious, impoverished


adjective: practicing self-denial His lifestyle of revelry and luxurious excess could hardly be called austere. adjective: unadorned in style or appearance Late Soviet architecture, although remaining largely austere, moved into experimental territory that employed previously unused shapes and structures. adjective: harsh in manner of temperament The principal of my elementary school was a cold, austere woman; I could never understand why she chose to work with children.


adjective: practicing self-denial Synonyms : ascetical , austere , spartan His ascetic life is the main reason he inspired so many followers, especially since he gave up wealth and power to live in poverty. noun: one who practices great self-denial Synonyms : abstainer Historically, ascetics like Ghandi are often considered wise men partially because of their restraint.


adjective: presenting favorable circumstances; likely to result in or show signs of success The child's heartbeat is still weak, but I am seeing many propitious signs and I think that she may be healing.


adjective: produced by, or characterized by internal dissension 内讧的 The controversial bill proved factious, as dissension even within parties resulted


adjective: producing no result or effect; unproductive of success I thought I could repair the car myself, but after two days of work with no success, I have to admit that my efforts were futile.


adjective: producing the intended result Synonyms : effective , effectual Since Maggie's cough syrup, which had expired five years back, was no longer efficacious, she coughed through the night.


adjective: prone to outbursts of temper; easily angered 易怒的 While a brilliant lecturer, Mr. Dawson came across as choleric and unapproachable—very rarely did students come to his office hours.


adjective: puffed up with vanity 辞藻浮华的 The dictator was known for his grandiloquent speeches, puffing his chest out and using big, important-sounding words. M: using words that are intended to sound very impressive and important


adjective: quickly aroused to anger If Arthur's dog is not fed adequately, he becomes highly irascible, even growling at his own shadow.


adjective: rashly or wastefully extravagant Synonyms : extravagant , profligate , spendthrift Successful professional athletes who do not fall prey to prodigality seem to be the exception - most live decadent lives.


adjective: readily reacting to suggestions and influences; easily managed (controlled or taught or molded) Compared to middle school students, who have an untamed wildness about them, high school students are somewhat more tractable.


adjective: readily taking on different roles; versatile 千变万化的 Peter Sellers was truly a protean actor—in Doctor Strangelove he played three very different roles: a jingoist general, a sedate President and a deranged scientist.


adjective: recurring in scattered and irregular or unpredictable instances


adjective: refusing to change one's mind Synonyms : adamantine , inexorable , intransigent Civil rights icon Rosa Parks will forever be remembered for adamantly refusing to give up her seat on a public bus--even after the bus driver insisted, she remained rooted in place.


adjective: related to fashion or clothes 衣品的 Monte was astute at navigating the world of finance; sartorially, however, he was found wanting—he typically would attempt to complement his beige tie with a gray suit and white pants.


adjective: relating to or involving money The defendant was found guilty and had to serve a period of community service as well as pay pecuniary damages to the client.


adjective: relating to the countryside in a pleasant sense


adjective: relevant and appropriate The professor wanted to tell the jury in detail about his new book, but the lawyer said it wasn't germane to the charges in the cases.


adjective: reluctant to draw attention to yourself 不出风头的 The most admirable teachers and respected leaders are those who are self-effacing, directing attention and praise to their students and workers.


adjective: remarkably appropriate 适当的 For a writer with such quick wit, Jonathan Swift has a rather apposite name.


adjective: repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse


adjective: repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse The professor used such banal expression that many students in the class either fell asleep from boredom or stayed awake to complete his sentences and humor friends.


adjective: repetitive and boring; not spiritual Nancy found doing dishes a thorougly mundane task, although Peter found a kind of Zen pleasure in the chore. adjective: relating to the ordinary world Though we think of the pope as someone always dealing in holy matters, he is also concerned with mundane events, such as deciding when to set his alarm each morning.


adjective: requiring and demanding accuracy Synonyms : exigent,stern , strict Though his childhood piano teacher was so exacting, Max is thankful now, as a professional pianist.


adjective: restless The crowd grew restive as the comedian's opening jokes fell flat.


adjective: revealing The many telltale signs of chronic smoking include yellow teeth, and a persistent, hacking cough.


adjective: rising again as to new life and vigor Synonyms : renascent The team sank to fourth place in June, but is now resurgent and about to win the division.


adjective: rude and arrogant Lilian could not help herself from being insolent, commenting that the Queen's shoes were showing too much toe.


adjective: scornful, looking down at others with a sneering attitude Always on the forefront of fashion, Vanessa looked contemptuously at anyone wearing dated clothing.


adjective: serving no useful purpose How can we hope to stay open if we don't eliminate all superfluous spending, like catered meetings and free acupuncture Tuesday? adjective: more than is needed, desired, or required The third paragraph in your essay is superfluous and can be deleted.


adjective: serving to warn; expressing reproof or reproach especially as a corrective At the assembly, the high school vice-principal gave the students an admonitory speech, warning them of the many risks and dangers of prom night.


adjective: shapeless His study plan for the GRE was at best amorphous; he would do questions from random pages in any one of seven test prep books.


adjective: sharply contrasted in character or purpose His deep emotional involvement with these ideas is, in fact, antithetical to the detachment Buddhism preaches.


adjective: showing a brooding ill humor Synonyms : dark , dour , glowering , glum , moody , morose , saturnine , sour Herbert took board games too seriously, often appearing sullen after losing.


adjective: showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others 乐于助人的 Even after all his success, I found him to be accommodating and obliging, sharing with me his "secret tips" on how to gain wealth and make friends.


adjective: showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others 顺从的 On her first day at the job, Annie was complaisant, fulfilling every request of her new employer and anticipating future requests.


adjective: showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience Because of his service as an intelligence officer and his refined tastes, W. Somerset Maugham became the inspiration for the urbane and sophisticate spy James Bond. M: polite and confident; fashionable and somewhat formal


adjective: showing sorrow Chopin's ballades are filled with sharp changes in moods--a dolorous melody can give way to a lighthearted tempo.


adjective: showing sorrow Lachrymose and depressed, Alexei Alexandrovich walked two miles home in the rain after learning that his wife was having an affair.


adjective: showing understanding and ready comprehension of other peoples' states and emotions Most discrimination and hatred is based on a lack of empathetic awareness of people that have the same aspirations and fears.


adjective: significant and revealing of another factor Her unbecoming dress was very telling when it came to her sense of fashion. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


adjective: similar in some respects but otherwise different In many ways, the Internet's transformative effect on society has been analogous to that of the printing press.


adjective: slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity; lacking in insight or discernment 愚钝的 Jackson was the most obtuse member of the team: the manager's subtle ironies were always lost on him. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


adjective: smooth and sweet-sounding 甜美的 Chelsea's grandmother thought Franz Schubert's music to be the most mellifluous ever written; Chelsea demurred, and to her grandmother's chagrin, would blast Rihanna on the home stereo speakers.


adjective: smug and ignorant towards artistic and cultural values Jane considered Al completely philistine, because he talked almost exclusively about video games; she was entirely unaware of how well read he really was. M:(n) a person who does not understand or care about art or culture


adjective: so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe After the relatively small homerun totals in the "dead ball" era, Babe Ruth's homerun totals were truly prodigious: every year, he set a new all-time record. M: amazing or wonderful: very impressive; very big.


adjective: so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe Few appreciate the colossal scale of the sun: if hollow, it could contain a million Earths.


adjective: so old as to appear to belong to a different period Hoping to sound intelligent, Mary spoke in archaic English that was right out of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice--needless to say, she didn't have many friends.


adjective: softened, subdued Helen preferred muted earth colors, such as green and brown, to the bright pinks and red her sister liked. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study M: not done or expressed in a strong, forceful, or excited way The government chose a more muted response to the threat.


adjective: something that is concise and instructive of a general truth or principle Sometimes I can't stand Nathan because he tries to impress everyone by being aphoristic, but he just states the obvious. M:(aphorism) a short phrase that expresses a true or wise idea


adjective: spending money wisely He was economical, spending his money thriftily and on items considered essential.


adjective: spending resources recklessly or wastefully The composer Wagner, while living on a limited salary, was so profligate as to line all the walls of his apartment with pure silk. noun: someone who spends resources recklessly or wastefully Most lottery winners go from being conservative, frugal types to outright profligates who blow millions on fast cars, lavish homes, and giant yachts.


adjective: standing above others in quality or position


adjective: standing out in a negative way; shockingly bad


adjective: stealthy, taking pains not to be caught or detected 鬼鬼祟祟的 Since his mom was a light sleeper, Timmy had to tiptoe surreptitiously through the entire house, careful to not make the floors creak, until he at last was able to enjoy his plunder: a box of chocolate chip cookies. M: done in a secret way


adjective: strongly affectionate towards 沉迷的 Even though her father did not approve, Juliet became besotted with the young Romeo. adjective: very drunk Never before have I seen my mom so besotted, and honestly, I hope it's the last time she drinks so much. M: loving someone or something so much that you cannot think clearly


adjective: strongly attracted to or in love with. She is completely enamored with Justin Bieber, and goes to all his concerts on the East coast.


adjective: stubbornly resistant to authority or control Used to studious high school students, Martha was unprepared for the refractory Kindergarteners who neither sat still nor listened to a single word she said.


adjective: stubbornly unyielding Synonyms : dogged , dour , persistent , pertinacious , unyielding Even the most tenacious advocates for gun ownership must admit some of the dangers that firearms present.


adjective: sturdy and strong in form, constitution, or construction Chris preferred bland and mild beers, but Bhavin preferred a beer with more robust flavor.


adjective: suggesting the horror of death and decay; gruesome Edgar Allen Poe was considered the master of the macabre; his stories vividly describe the moment leading up to—and often those moments after—a grisly death. M: involving death or violence in a way that is strange, frightening, or unpleasant


adjective: suggesting the operation of supernatural influences; surpassing the ordinary or normal Reggie has an uncanny ability to connect with animals: feral cats will readily approach him, and sometimes even wild birds will land on his finger. M: strange or unusual in a way that is surprising or difficult to understand


adjective: suggesting war or military life Americans tend to remember Abraham Lincoln as kindly and wise, not at all martial, despite the fact that he was involved in the fiercest war America has even fought.


adjective: supplying added support 附属的 In hiking Mt. Everest, sherpas are appurtenant, helping climbers both carry gear and navigate treacherous paths.


adjective: terribly evil For fans of the Harry Potter series, the fell Lord Voldemort, who terrorized poor Harry for seven lengthy installments, has finally been vanquished by the forces of good—unless, that is, JK Rowling decides to come out of retirement. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


adjective: the lowest, without any moral principles She was not so base as to begrudge the beggar the unwanted crumbs from her dinner plate.


adjective: threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments Movies often use storms or rain clouds as a baleful omen of evil events that will soon befall the main character. M: harmful or deadly


adjective: timid by nature or revealing fear and nervousness Since this was her first time debating on stage and before an audience, Di's voice was timorous and quiet for the first 10 minutes.


adjective: to be biased against due to envy or prejudice 有偏见的 Shelly was jaundiced towards Olivia; though the two had once been best friends, Olivia had become class president, prom queen, and, to make matters worse, the girlfriend of the one boy Shelly liked.


adjective: to be deliberately teasing 调皮的 The baroness was arch, making playful asides to the townspeople; yet because they couldn't pick up on her dry humor, they thought her supercilious. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


adjective: to be extremely wicked like the devil Synonyms : demonic , diabolic , fiendish , hellish , infernal , satanic , unholy,devilish , diabolic , mephistophelean , mephistophelian The conspirators, willing to dispatch anyone who stood in their way, hatched a diabolical plan to take over the city.


adjective: to be in abundance The exam's passage is flush with difficult words, words that you may have learned only yesterday. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


adjective: to be in proportion or corresponding in degree or amount M: equal or similar to something in size, amount, or degree commensurate with...


adjective: to be likely to socialize with others Often we think that great leaders are those who are gregarious, always in the middle of a large group of people; yet, as Mahatma Gandhi and many others have shown us, leaders can also be introverted.


adjective: to be modest and shy Synonyms : coy , overmodest The portrait of her in a simple white blouse was sweet and demure.


adjective: to be negligent in one's duty M: not showing enough care and attention It would be remiss (of me) if I forgot to mention them in my lecture. I was remiss in paying my bills. [=I neglected to pay my bills]


adjective: to be overly theatrical 做作的 戏剧的 Though she received a B- on the test, she had such a histrionic outburst that one would have thought that she'd been handed a death sentence.


adjective: to be remorseful Though he stole his little sister's licorice stick with malevolent glee, Chucky soon became contrite when his sister wouldn't stop crying.


adjective: to be shy, and to be inclined to retract from company Nelson was always the first to leave soirees—rather than mill about with "fashionable" folk, he was retiring, and preferred the solitude of his garret. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


adjective: to be wandering; not sticking to a circumscribed path Unlike his peers, who spent their hours studying in the library, Matthew preferred errant walks through the university campus.


adjective: to have a limited outlook or understanding 心胸狭隘的 In gambling, the blinkered addict is easily influenced by past successes and/or past failures, forgetting that the outcome of any one game is independent of the games that preceded it.


adjective: to have a very strong desire for revenge Though the other girl had only lightly poked fun of Vanessa's choice in attire, Vanessa was so vindictive that she waited for an entire semester to get the perfect revenge.


adjective: too sacred to be uttered; defying expression or description While art critics can occasionally pinpoint a work's greatness, much of why a piece captures our imaginations is completely ineffable. M: too great, powerful, beautiful, etc., to be described or expressed 无法形容的


adjective: transparently clear; easily understandable 清晰的 简单明了的 The professor had a remarkable ability to make even the most difficult concepts seem pellucid. M: very clear


adjective: traveling by foot Jim always preferred a peripatetic approach to discovering a city: he felt that he could see so many more details while walking.


adjective: traveling from place to place to work Doctors used to be itinerant, traveling between patients' homes.


adjective: trifling or petty (a person) English teachers are notorious for being picayune; however, the English language is so nuanced and sophisticated that often such teachers are not being contrary but are only adhering to the rules. M: not very valuable or important


adjective: troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances synonym: pester, badger With a team of new hires to train, Martha was constantly harried with little questions and could not focus on her projects. M: bothered by many problems or worries: very worried or anxious


adjective: truthful Synonyms: right While we elect our leaders in the hope that every word they speak will be veracious, history has shown that such a hope is naive.


adjective: truthfully, without a doubt Frank is a veritable life-saver -- last year, on two different occasions, he revived people using CPR.


adjective: two things are fundamentally different With the advent of machines capable of looking inside the brain, fields as disparate as religion and biology have been brought together by scientists trying to understand what happens in the brain when people have a religious experience.


adjective: unable to be persuaded or moved emotionally; stubborn; unyielding.


adjective: unable to pay one's bills; bankrupt With credit card bills skyrocketing, a shockingly large number of Americans are truly insolvent.


adjective: unaffected by strong emotion or prejudice A good scientist should be dispassionate, focusing purely on what the evidence says, without personal attachment.


adjective: unbiased; neutral The potential juror knew the defendant, and therefore could not serve on the jury, which must consist only of disinterested members.


adjective: uncertain how to act or proceed He stood irresolute at the split in the trail, not sure which route would lead back to the camp.


adjective: uncooperative, not willing to give up information The teacher demanded to know who broke the window while he was out of the room, but the students understandably were unforthcoming.


adjective: under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon Until the corporate office hands down a definitive decision on use of the extra offices, we will share their use in a provisional arrangement. M: existing or accepted for the present time but likely to be changed : temporary


adjective: unfavorable; inconvenient Some professors find teaching untoward as having to prepare for lectures and conduct office hours prevents them from focusing on their research.


adjective: unhappy in love; suffering from unrequited love After 64 years of marriage, William was bereft after the death of his wife. adjective: sorrowful through loss or deprivation "You are not bereft if you haven't played on your Xbox in the past week," his mother said.


adjective: uninteresting, lacking vitality Few novelists over 80 are able to produce anything more than desiccated works--boring shadows of former books. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


adjective: uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing I don't mind small children in brief doses, but I think the incessant exposure that their parents have to them would quickly wear me down.


adjective: unreasonable; unscrupulous; excessive Synonyms : exorbitant , extortionate , outrageous , steep , usurious The lawyer's demands were so unconscionable that rather than pay an exorbitant sum or submit himself to any other inconveniences, the defendant decided to find a new lawyer.


adjective: unrestrained by convention or propriety Their large "donations" to the local police department gave the drug cartel the brazen confidence to do their business out in the open.\\ M:acting or done in a very open and shocking way without shame or embarrassment


adjective: unsparing and uncompromising in discipline or judgment; practicing great self-denial 纪律性强的 After losing everything in a fire, Tim decided to live in spartan conditions, sleeping on the floor and owning as little furniture as a possible.


adjective: unsure how to act or respond Shirley was totally nonplussed when the angry motorist cut her off and then stuck his finger out the window.


adjective: unwilling to change one's beliefs or course of action Despite many calls for mercy, the judge remained intransigent, citing strict legal precedence.


adjective: very generous Synonyms : lavish , overgenerous, unsparing , unstinted , unstinting Uncle Charley was known for his munificence, giving all seven of his nephews lavish Christmas presents each year.


adjective: very hungry; approaching an activity with gusto


adjective: very irritable Ever since the car accident, Frank has been unable to walk without a cane, and so he has become splenetic and unpleasant to be around.


adjective: warlike; inclined to quarrel synonym: pugnacious, querulous Known for their bellicose ways, the Spartans were once the most feared people from Peloponnesus to Persia.


adjective: wasting time Synonyms : laggard , pokey , poky Lawyers use dilatory tactics so that it takes years before the case is actually decided.


adjective: wealthy The center of the city had sadly become a pit of penury, while, only five miles away, multi-million dollar homes spoke of affluence.


adjective: weighed-down; moving slowly Laden with 20 kilograms of college text books, the freshman moved ponderously across the campus. M: very boring or dull slow or awkward because of weight and size


adjective: well integrated, forming a united whole


adjective: widely known and esteemed; having or conferring glory 卓越的 著名的 Einstein was possibly the most illustrious scientist in recent history.


adjective: wildly idealistic; impractical For every thousand startups with quixotic plans to be the next big name in e-commerce, only a handful ever become profitable.


adjective: willing to be bold in social situations or to take risks As all of the other campers cowered in their tents, Bill, armed only with a flashlight, audaciously tracked down the bear that had raided their food.


adjective: wishing or appearing to wish evil to others; arising from intense ill will or hatred Villains are known for their malevolent nature, oftentimes inflicting cruelty on others just for enjoyment.


adjective: without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious


adjective: without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious American basketball players are always conspicuous when they go abroad--not only are they American, but some are over seven feet tall.


adjective: without check or limitation; showing no moral restraints to one's anger, desire, or appetites 无节制的 Due to wanton behavior and crude language, the drunk man was thrown out of the bar and asked to never return. M: showing no thought or care for the rights, feelings, or safety of others


adjective: without cunning or deceit Despite the president's seemingly artless speeches, he was a skilled and ruthless negotiator.


adjective: without fault or error He was impeccably dressed in the latest fashion without a single crease or stain.


adjective: without or deprived of the use of speech or words Although a brilliant economist, Professor Black was completely inarticulate, a terrible lecture


adjective: without partiality Teachers often have trouble being evenhanded to all of their varied students.


adjective: without scruples or principles In the courtroom, the lawyer was unscrupulous, using every manner of deceit and manipulation to secure a victory for himself. M: not honest or fair : doing things that are wrong, dishonest, or illegal


adjective: working in a subtle but destructive way Plaque is insidious: we cannot see it, but each day it eats away at our enamel, causing cavities and other dental problems.


adjective: worthy of high praise Synonyms : applaudable , commendable , praiseworthy To say that Gandhi's actions were laudable is the greatest understatement; he overthrew an empire without violence.


adjective: worthy of high praise The efforts of the firefighters running into the burning building were commendable.


adjective: young and inexperienced synonym: fledgling Both Los Angeles and New York are known for callow out-of-towners hoping to make it big.


adjective: young and inexperienced noun: any new participant in some activity Murray has years of experience in family practice, but he is just a fledgling in surgery.


adverb: Acting independently; self-governing (of a country)


adverb: in a frenzied or uncontrolled state Wherever the bowl haircut teen-idol went, his legions of screaming fans ran through the streets amok, hoping for a glance at his boyish face. M: in a wild or uncontrolled manner — used in the phrase run amok


adverb: more than is adequate The boat was amply supplied for its year at sea—no man would go hungry or thirsty.


adverb: with a look of suspicion or disapproval The old couple looked askance on the teenagers seated next to them, whispering to each other, "They've got rings through their noses and purple hair!"


adverb: with care and persistence The top college football program recruits new talent assiduously, only choosing those who were the top in their county.


djective: seemingly contradictory but nonetheless possibly true That light could be both a particle and a wave seems paradoxical, but nonetheless, it is true.


n. bad or immoral behavior that involves sex, drugs, alcohol, etc.


n. something said or done to cause laughter : joke


noun: a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual 小缺点 When their new roommate sat staring at an oak tree for an hour, Marcia thought it indicated a mental problem, but Jeff assured her it was a harmless foible. M: a minor fault in someone's character or behavior — usually plural


noun: a citizen who is represented in a government by officials for whom he or she votes The mayor's constituents are no longer happy with her performance and plan to vote for another candidate in the upcoming election. noun: an abstract part of something The constituents of the metal alloy are nickel, copper, and tin.


noun: a clever plan to turn a situation to one's advantage Dennis arranged an elaborate ploy, involving 14 different people lying for him in different situations, so that it could appear that he was meeting Mary completely by chance at the wedding reception.


noun: a confusing and potentially embarrassing situation The chef cook-off featured one gourmand who had the unfortunate distinction of mixing the wrong broths, creating an imbroglio that diners would not soon forget.


noun: a confusing mixture or jumble Those in attendance represented a hodgepodge of the city's denizens: chimney sweepers could be seen sitting elbow to elbow with stockbrokers.


noun: a cruel and oppressive dictator 暴君 The Emperor Claudius was regarded as a fair-minded leader; his successor, Nero, was an absolute despot.


noun: a deliberately misleading fabrication 谣言 The public will always be fooled by the media's canards.


noun: a desirable state Modern technology has been a boon to the travel industry. adjective: very close and convivial He was a boon companion to many, and will be sadly missed.


noun: a disease or sickness Synonyms : illness , sickness , unwellness The town was struck by a malady throughout the winter that left most people sick in bed for two weeks.


noun: a feeling of anger caused by being offended 不快 Since he was so in love with her, he took umbrage at her comments, even though she had only meant to gently tease him.


noun: a feeling of evil to come On the night that Lincoln would be fatally shot, his wife had a presentiment about going to Ford's Theater, but Lincoln persuaded her that everything would be fine.


noun: a feeling of excessive concern 关心 antonyms: nonchalant, insouciance I walked to his house in the rain to make sure he had enough to eat while he was sick, but he seemed not to appreciate my solicitude.


noun: a feeling of great (usually exaggerated) elation The euphoria of winning her first gold medal in the 100 meter dash overwhelmed Shelly-Ann Fraser and she wept tears of immense joy.


noun: a flamboyant deceiver; one who attracts customers with tricks or jokes 冒充内行者 You may call him a "motivational speaker," but I call him a charlatan--he doesn't have any idea what he's really talking about. M: a person who falsely pretends to know or be something in order to deceive people


noun: a force that cannot be stopped 摧毁一切的强大力量 Napoleon was considered a juggernaut until he decided to invade Russia in winter; after which, his once indomitable army was decimated by cold and famine.


noun: a formal expression of praise 赞辞 Dave asked Andrew to do just a simple toast, but Andrew launched into a full panegyric, enumerating a complete list of Dave's achievements and admirable qualities.


noun: a gathering of persons representative of some larger group A small contingent of those loyal to the king have gathered around the castle to defend it. adjective: dependent on (usually used with upon) Whether the former world champions can win again this year is contingent upon none of its star players getting injured.


noun: a grouchy, surly person 乖戾的人 Since Uncle Mike was the family curmudgeon, each Thanksgiving he was plied with copious amounts of wine, in the hope that he would become less grouchy.


noun: a hater of mankind Kevin is such a misanthrope that he refused to attend the Christmas party, claiming that everyone's happiness was "fake" and "annoying."


noun: a lack or shortage Synonyms : famine , shortage, paucity I am surprised by the dearth of fast food chains; this is America and I assumed they were on every street.


noun: a large indefinite number There are a myriad of internet sites hawking pills that claim to boost energy for hours on end.


noun: a large number of something Despite a raft of city ordinances passed by an overzealous council, noise pollution continued unabated in the megalopolis. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


noun: a living full of debauchery and indulgence in sensual pleasure Many Roman emperors were known for their dissolution, indulging in unspeakable desires of the flesh.


noun: a maneuver or risk in a game or conversation, designed to secure an advantage 为取得优势的策略或行动 Randy played a gambit, telling his boss that he would leave at the end of the week if he didn't get a raise.


noun: a pauper who lives by begging 乞丐 Tolstoy was an aristocrat, but he strove to understand the Christianity of the Russian peasants by wandering among them as a mendicant.


noun: a perceptive understanding Although a great CEO, he did not have the political savvy to win the election. verb: get the meaning of something The student savvies the meaning of astrophysics with little effort. adjective: well-informed or perceptive With his savvy business partner, the company was able to turn a profit within a year.


noun: a person skilled in telling anecdotes 善于讲故事的人 Jude is entertaining, but he is no raconteur: beyond the handful of amusing stories he has memorized, he has absolutely no spontaneous story-telling ability.


noun: a person who believes in the superiority of their group The chauvinist lives on both sides of the political spectrum, outright shunning anybody whose ideas are not consistent with his own.


noun: a person who breaks the law "Come back you miscreant!" yelled the woman who just had her purse stolen.


noun: a person who doesn't like to spend money (because they are greedy) Monte was no miser, but was simply frugal, wisely spending the little that he earned.


noun: a person who has abandoned a religious faith or cause An apostate of the Republican Party, Sheldon has yet to become affiliated with any party and dubs himself an independent.


noun: a person who has recently reached a position of power; a social climber 暴发户 The city center was aflutter with arrivistes who tried to outdo one another with their ostentatious sports cars and chic evening dress. synonym: parvenu, upstart, nouveau-riche Wiki: an ambitious or ruthlessly self-seeking person, especially one who has recently acquired wealth or social status.


noun: a person who holds unorthodox opinions in any field (not merely religion) Though everybody at the gym told Mikey to do cardio before weights, Mikey was a heretic and always did the reverse.


noun: a person who indulges in luxury 沉于奢侈逸乐者 Despite the fact that he'd maxed out fifteen credit cards, Max was still a sybarite at heart: when the police found him, he was at a $1,000 an hour spa in Manhattan, getting a facial treatment.


noun: a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea Ironically, the leading proponent of Flat-Earth Theory flies all over the world in an effort to win more adherents. M: a person who argues for or supports something : advocate


noun: a person who thinks their country is always right and who is in favor of aggressive acts against other countries [盲目的]爱国主义者 In the days leading up to war, a nation typically breaks up into the two opposing camps: doves, who do their best to avoid war, and jingoists, who are only too eager to wave national flags from their vehicles and vehemently denounce those who do not do the same.


noun: a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage


noun: a person without morals who is disapproved of Mr. Smith's two boys couldn't be more different; one was a hard-working and principled, the other was the town reprobate, always having run-ins with the law. M: a person who behaves in a morally wrong way


noun: a practical consequence that follows naturally 推论 A corollary of Hurricane Sandy, which ravaged the east coast of the U.S., is a push to build higher sea walls to protect against future hurricanes. M: something that naturally follows or results from another thing


noun: a reappearance of an earlier characteristic; throwback 返租现象 Much of the modern art movement was an atavism to a style of art found only in small villages through Africa and South America.


noun: a regular allowance (of money) He was hoping for a monthly allowance loan from the government, but after no such stipend was forthcoming he realized he would have to seek other means of paying for his college tuition.


noun: a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture) 模拟物 The Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center showcases a simulacrum of all the present and approved buildings in the city of Shanghai. noun: a bad imitation The early days of computer graphics made real people into a simulacrum that now seems comical.


noun: a retaliatory action against an enemy in wartime 报复 The Old Testament doctrine of "an eye for an eye" would seem to justify an immediate physical reprisal for any injury, but that interpretation neglects the many passages that value mercy and loving-kindness over revenge.


noun: a right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right) 福利 Even as the dishwasher at the French restaurant, Josh quickly learned that he had the perquisite of being able to eat terrific food for half the price diners would pay.


noun: a short instructive saying about a general truth Nietzsche was known for using aphorisms, sometimes encapsulating a complex philosophical thought in a mere sentence.


noun: a short saying expressing a general truth Synonyms : axiom, adage, aphorism Johnson initially suggests that the secret to business can be summarized in a single maxim but then requires a 300-page book to explain exactly what he means.


noun: a short, pithy instructive saying Winston Churchill is famous for many apothegms, but this might be his most famous: "It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried."


noun: a slight or superficial understanding of a subject; a small amount of something I know only a smattering of German, but Helen is able to read German newspapers and converse with natives.


noun: a slight suggestion or vague understanding Lynne speaks four Romance languages, but she doesn't have an inkling about how East Asian languages are structured.


noun: a small amount (of money) Vinny's uncle beamed smugly about how he'd offered his nephew fifty dollars for his Harvard tuition; even twice the amount would have been a mere pittance.


noun: a small or moderate or token amount If my sister had even a modicum of sense, she wouldn't be engaged to that barbarian.


noun: a socially awkward or tactless act 失态 In a famous gaffe, Vice President Quayle attempted to correct the spelling of a grade school student, only to find that the child was correct.


noun: a state of deep-seated ill-will 敌意;憎恨 The rude remark Charles made toward Sarah yesterday was due to his illness, not due to any real enmity toward Sarah. M: a very deep unfriendly feeling


noun: a state of guilt Since John had left his banana peel at the top of the stairwell, he accepted culpability for Martha's broken leg.


noun: a state of uncertainty about what should be done (usually following some important event) Ever since Elvira resigned as the head of marketing, everything about our sales strategy has been in a state of flux. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


noun: a statement made about the future 预言 When the Senator was asked about where the negotiations would lead, he said that any guess he could make would be an unreliable prognostication.


noun: a strict disciplinarian 严格执行纪律的人 The job seemed perfect to Rebecca, until she found out that her boss was a total martinet; after each project the boss would come by to scrutinize—and inevitably criticize—every little detail of the work Rebecca had done.


noun: a strong liking Monte had a predilection for the fine things in life: Cuban cigars, 200 dollar bottles of wine, and trips to the French Riviera.


noun: a strong verbal attack synonym: diatribe, tirade Political broadsides are usually strongest in the weeks leading up to a national election.


noun: a strong verbal attack against a person or institution Steve's mom launched into a diatribe during the PTA meeting, contending that the school was little more than a daycare in which students stare at the wall and teachers stare at the chalkboard.


noun: a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something. The professor launched into a polemic, claiming that Freudian theory was a pack of lies that absolutely destroyed European literary theory. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


noun: a sudden revelation or moment of insight 顿悟 Gary one day had an epiphany that he was a people person; he promptly quit his factory job and began working as a salesman.


noun: a summary (think of recap) Every point of the professors lesson was so clear that the students felt his concluding recapitulation was not necessary.


noun: a traitor Synonyms : collaborationist , collaborator History looks unfavorably upon quislings; indeed they are accorded about the same fondness as Nero—he who watched his city burn down while playing the violin.


noun: a wild, confusing fight or struggle Synonyms : battle royal , scrimmage After enduring daily taunts about my name, I became enraged and pummeled the schoolyard bully and his sycophantic friends in a brutal melee.


noun: a witty saying Synonyms : quip My favorite epigram from Mark Twain is "A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn no other way."


noun: a witty saying or remark In one of the most famous quips about classical music, Mark Twain said: "Wagner's music is better than it sounds." verb: to make a witty remark, to say in jest 说俏皮话 When an old English teacher criticized Churchill for ending a sentence with a preposition, he quipped, "This is the kind of criticism up with which we will not put!"


noun: abusive or denunciatory language 恶言的 The Internet has unleashed the invectives in many of us; many people post stinging criticism on the comments section underneath newspaper articles or YouTube videos.


noun: abusive or venomous language used to express blame or bitter deep-seated ill will 刻薄 His vitriol spewed forth from a deep-seated racism that consumed his whole life.


noun: aggressive boldness in social situations Mike was upset at the man who not only cut in front of him at the ticket counter but also had the audacity to cut in front of him at the bathroom line.


noun: agreement on a secret plot Many have argued that Lee Harvey Oswald, JFK's assassin, was in collusion with other criminals; others maintain that Oswald was a lone gunman.


noun: an absence of emotion or enthusiasm Synonyms: indifference, numbness, spiritlessness Widespread apathy among voters led to a very small turnout on election day.


noun: an abundant supply of something good The International Food Expo was a cornucopia of culinary delights: gourmet foods from every continent were under one roof.


noun: an abusive rant (often tedious) Joey had difficulty hanging out with his former best friend Perry, who, during his entire cup of coffee, enumerated all of the government's deficiencies--only to break ranks and launch into some screed against big business.


noun: an act of deliberate betrayal; a breach of a trust Sure, he was the best salesman in the company; but Michael had abused the trust of the firm, sharing product secrets with a competitor, and for such perfidy he was terminated.


noun: an act of extreme wickedness 极恶 The enormity of Pol Pot's regime is hard to capture in words--within months hundreds of thousands of Cambodians lost their lives. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


noun: an act that debases or corrupts The movie World War Z is a complete bastardization of the book with little more in common than zombies and a title.


noun: an aggressive takeover by a group (usually military); the group that executes such a takeover As dangerous of a threat as North Korea is, some analysts believe that were a junta suddenly to gain power, it could be even more unpredictable and bellicose than the current leadership M: a military group controlling a government after taking control of it by force


noun: an amateur who engages in an activity without serious intentions and who pretends to have knowledge Fred has no formal medical training; while he likes to claim authority on medical issues, he is little more than a dilettante.


noun: an angry dispute 吵闹 The Prime Minister looked very foolish after his row with the foreign dignitary was caught on video and posted on youtube. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


noun: an angry speech Synonyms : broadside , philippic In terms of political change, a tirade oftentimes does little more than make the person speaking red in the face.


noun: an assumption that is taken for granted When Mr. Baker found out the family car was gone, he acted under the presumption that his rebellious son had taken the car, calling his son's phone and yelling at him; only later did Mr. Baker realize that Mrs. Baker had simply gone out to get her nails done. noun: audacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to The new neighbor quickly gained a reputation for her presumption; she had invited herself to several neighbors' homes, often stopping over at inopportune times and asking for a drink.


noun: an award or praise granted as a special honor Jean Paul-Sartre was not a fan of accolades, and as such, he refused to accept the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1964.


noun: an example that is used to justify similar occurrences at a later time The principal explained that even though one student had done modelling work outside of school, the outfits that student wore in those photographs in no way established a precedent for what could be worn at school dances M: a similar action or event that happened at an earlier time


noun: an excessive supply The Internet offers such a glut of news related stories that many find it difficult to know which story to read first. verb: supply with an excess of In the middle of economic crises, hiring managers find their inboxes glutted with resumes.


noun: an exemption from a rule or obligation 豁免 Since her father is a billionaire, she is given dispensation from many of the school's policies. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


noun: an ill-tempered or violent woman Poor Billy was the victim of the virago's invective - she railed at him for a good 30-minutes about how he is the scum of the earth for speaking loudly on his cellphone in public.


noun: an indirect suggestion At first the hostess tried intimation, praising the benefits of cutlery; when Cecil continued eating with his hands, the hostess told him to use a fork at dinner.


noun: an intense feeling of dislike or aversion Maria had an antipathy for tour groups, often bolting to the other side of the museum as soon as she saw a chaperone leading a group of wide-eyed tourists.


noun: an office that involves minimal duties 挂名职务 The position of Research Director is a sinecure: the job entails almost no responsibilities, nor does the person in that position have to answer to anyone.


noun: an outcast The once eminent scientist, upon being found guilty of faking his data, has become a pariah in the research community. M: a person who is hated and rejected by other people


noun: an unstated doubt that prevents you from accepting something wholeheartedly I was initially excited by the idea of a trip to Washington, D.C. but now that I have read about the high crime statistics there, I have some reservations. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


noun: any long and tedious account of something 冗长的陈述 Mr. Rogers spoke to a Senate committee and did not give a litany of reasons to keep funding the program, but instead, appealed to the basic human decency of all present.


noun: any method that derives knowledge from experience, used in experimental science as a way to gain insight and knowledge 经验主义 Empiricism does not always lead to knowledge; an experience or experiment may raise more questions than it answers.


noun: audacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to 厚颜无耻 The skateboarders acted with effrontery, skating through the church grounds and spray-painting signs warning trespassers.


noun: belief in something He placed no credence in psychics, claiming that they offered no special powers beyond the ability to make people part with their money.


noun: bitterness and ill will Synonyms: acerbity, bitterness, jaundice, tartness, thorniness The acrimonious dispute between the president and vice-president sent a clear signal to voters: the health of the current administration was imperiled.


noun: boring verbosity 啰嗦 I loved my grandfather dearly, but his prolixity would put me to sleep, regardless of the topic.


noun: calmness or poise in difficult situations 镇静;泰然 The hostage negotiator exhibited a sangfroid that oftentimes was more menacing than the sword at his throat, or the gun at his head.


noun: change in one's circumstances, usually for the worse Even great rulers have their vicissitudes—massive kingdoms have diminished overnight, and once beloved kings have faced the scorn of angry masses.


noun: compulsory force or threat The witness said he signed the contract under duress and argued that the court should cancel the agreement.


noun: consideration in dealing with others and avoiding giving offense In a tremendous display of tact, Shelly was able to maintain a strong friendship with Marcia, even though Marcia's husband, Frank, confessed to finding Shelley more attractive than Marcia. M: the ability to do or say things without offending or upsetting other people


noun: corruption, usually through bribery In countries with rampant graft, getting a driver's license can require no more than paying an official. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


noun: covering consisting of a thin superficial layer that hides the underlying substance Mark Twain referred to the Victorian Period in America as the "Gilded Age", implying the ample moral corruption that lay beneath a mere veneer of respectability. M: a way of behaving or appearing that gives other people a false idea of your true feelings or situation — usually + of She dropped her veneer of sophistication.


noun: critical explanation or analysis, especially of a text 诠释 The Bible is fertile ground for exegesis—over the past five centuries there have been as many interpretations as there are pages in the Old Testament.


noun: cunning tricks used to deceive others 诡计 The mayoral candidates both spent much of the campaign accusing each other of artifices designed to mislead the voting public.


noun: deceitfulness, pretending to want one thing but interested in something else 口是心非 A life of espionage is one of duplicity: an agent must pretend to be a totally different person than who she or he actually is.


noun: defiant aggressiveness 凶猛;粗暴 When the boss confronted Aaron about his earlier remarks, Aaron responded with utter truculence, simply throwing a glass of water in the boss' face and walking away.


noun: depravity; a depraved act During his reign, Caligula indulged in unspeakable sexual practices, so it is not surprising that he will forever be remembered for his turpitude. M: a very evil quality or way of behaving


noun: destroying or killing a large part of the population The decimation after atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki is incomprehensible.


noun: distinctive and showy elegance Jim, with his typical panache, came to the wedding reception with a top hat and cane.


noun: dominance over a certain area Until the Spanish Armada was defeated in 1587, Spain had hegemony over the seas, controlling waters stretching as far as the Americas.


noun: exaltation to divine status; the highest point of development 尊为神 顶峰 As difficult as it is to imagine, the apotheosis of Mark Zuckerberg's career, many believe, is yet to come.


noun: extreme generosity and giving Synonyms : magnanimity , munificence , openhandedness Uncle Frank was known for his largess, so his nephew was sad when he did not receive a present for his birthday.


noun: fanatical patriotism Synonyms : chauvinism , superpatriotism , ultranationalism North Korea maintains intense control over its population through a combination of jingoism and cult of personality.


noun: fanatical patriotism; belief that one's group/cause is superior to all other groups/causes 盲目的爱国心 Vegetarians argue that man is chauvinistic in his belief that animals do not consciously feel the pain we humans do. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


noun: fearful expectation Test day can be one of pure apprehension, as many students worry about their test scores.


noun: great coolness and composure under strain 沉着 Nancy acted with aplomb during dangerous situations--she once calmly climbed up an oak tree to save a cat.


noun: greed (one of the seven deadly sins) Synonyms : covetousness, greed , rapacity, avariciousness , covetousness , cupidity The Spanish conquistadors were known for their avarice, plundering Incan land and stealing Incan gold.


noun: greed for money synonyms: avarice, greed Some people believe that amassing as much wealth as possible is the meaning to life—yet they often realize that cupidity brings anything but happiness.


noun: hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; a universal solution 灵丹妙药 While the company credit card has made most large purchases easier, it is no panacea: some smaller basic transactions still must be conducted in cash.


noun: inactivity resulting from lethargy and lack of vigor or energy After work, I was expecting my colleagues to be enthusiastic about the outing, but I found them in a state of complete torpor.


noun: injustice by virtue of not conforming with rules or standards 不公平 After decades of racial inequity, the "separate but equal" doctrine was successfully overturned.


noun: integrity, strong moral principles 廉洁;正直 The ideal politician would have the probity to lead, but reality gravely falls short of the ideal of morally upright leaders.


noun: intense hostility The governor's animosity toward his rival was only inflamed when the latter spread false lies regarding the governor's first term.


noun: joy from watching the suffering of others 幸灾乐祸 From his warm apartment window, Stanley reveled in schadenfreude as he laughed at the figures below, huddled together in the arctic chill.


noun: lack of agreement or harmony Despite all their talented players, the team was filled with discord--some players refused to talk to others--and lost most of their games.


noun: lack of concern 漠不关心 Surprisingly, Hank had become a high-powered CEO; his high school friends remembered him as "Hanky Panky", who shrugged off each failed class with insouciance.


noun: leniency and compassion shown toward offenders by a person or agency charged with administering justice 仁慈 In the final moments of the trial, during his closing speech, Phillips was nearly begging the judge for clemency.


noun: light teasing 善意的嘲弄 The new recruit was not bothered by the raillery, finding most of it light-hearted and good-natured.


noun: making of a false statement meant to injure a person's reputation With the presidential primaries well under way, the air is thick with calumny, and the mud already waist-high.


noun: misconduct or wrongdoing (especially by a public official) 渎职 Not even the mayor's trademark pearly-toothed grin could save him from charges of malfeasance: while in power, he'd been running an illegal gambling rink in the room behind his office.


noun: model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal 模范 Even with the rise of Kobe Bryant, many still believe that Michael Jordon is the paragon for basketball players. noun: an ideal instance; a perfect embodiment of a concept 完美的人或物 Some say that Athens was the paragon of democracy, but these people often forget that slaves and women were still not allowed to vote.


noun: overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors 傲慢 As soon as she won the lottery, Alice began displaying a hauteur to her friends, calling them dirty-clothed peasants behind their backs. Wiki: haughtiness of manner; disdainful pride.


noun: overbearing pride or presumption 骄傲 Bill Clinton was criticized for his hubris, since he believed he could get away with anything once in the White House. M: a great or foolish amount of pride or confidence


noun: persistently petty and unjustified criticism 找岔子 吹毛求疵 What seemed like incessant nagging and carping about my behavior from my mother turned out to be wise and useful advice that has served me well. M: (v-carp) to complain in an annoying way


noun: propriety in manners and conduct Synonyms : decorousness "You will obey the rules of decorum for this courtroom or spend the night in a jail cell," said the judge to the prosecutor.


noun: resourcefulness and determination 进取心 Wallace Stegner lamented the lack of gumption in the U.S. during the sixties, claiming that no young person knew the value of work.


noun: significant and important value Despite the initial hullabaloo, the play was of no great moment in Hampton's writing career, and within a few years the public quickly forgot his foray into theater arts. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


noun: somebody who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions Lady Gaga, in challenging what it means to be clothed, is an iconoclast for wearing a "meat dress" to a prominent awards show.


noun: someone new to a field or activity 新手 All great writers, athletes, and artists were tyros at one time—unknown, clumsy, and unskilled with much to learn.


noun: someone shirking their duty by pretending to be sick or incapacitated 装病以逃避职责的人 At one time, our country was full of hardworking respectful people, but now it seems that everyone is a malingerer with little inclination to work.


noun: someone who deliberately creates trouble 煽动者 Freddie is a firebrand: every time he walks into the office, he winds up at the center of heated argument.


noun: someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action Officer Kelly was a maverick, rarely following police protocols or adopting the conventions for speech common among his fellow officers.


noun: something desired as a necessity 迫切需要之物 The desideratum of the environmental group is that motorists should rely on carpooling.


noun: something desired or wished for but is only an illusion and impossible to achieve 妄想 Many believe that a world free of war is a chimera—a dream that ignores humanity's violent tendencies.


noun: something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity 托辞 诡计 Finally deciding to abandon all subterfuge, Arthur revealed to Cindy everything about his secret affair over the past two years. M: the use of tricks especially to hide, avoid, or get something


noun: something that has been changed numerous times but on which traces of former iterations can still be seen The downtown was a palimpsest of the city's checkered past: a new Starbucks had opened up next to an abandoned, shuttered building, and a freshly asphalted road was inches away from a pothole large enough to swallow a small dog. M: something that has changed over time and shows evidence of that change a very old document on which the original writing has been erased and replaced with new writing


noun: something that is inappropriate for the given time period (usually something old). 不合潮流的人(物) Dressed in 15th century clothing each day, Edward was a walking anachronism.


noun: something that is not normal, standard, or expected After finding an anomaly in the data, she knew that she would have to conduct her experiment again.


noun: something that limits or restricts We don't have many resources, so we'll have to work with some very tight constraints.


noun: something that soothes or relieves pain Muzak, which is played in department stores, is intended to be an anodyne, but is often so cheesy and over-the-top that customers become irritated. adjective: inoffensive Wilbur enjoyed a spicy Mexican breakfast, but Jill preferred a far more anodyne meal in the mornings.


noun: something that speeds up an event Rosa Parks's refusal to give up her bus seat acted as a catalyst for the Civil Rights Movement, setting into motion historic changes for African-Americans.


noun: something to be imitated 模范 Lena's homework is on the wall because it is an exemplar of clean, neat, and thoughtful work.


noun: something, especially an event, that causes difficulty and suffering 苦难 As of 2013, nearly 1.5 million Syrians have fled their country hoping to escape the tribulations of a civil war tearing their country to pieces.


noun: speed, rapidity We aim to respond to customers' questions with celerity and accuracy, with no longer than a 24 hour wait time.


noun: spirit of the times 时代精神 Each decade has its own zeitgeist—the 1990's was a prosperous time in which the promise of the American Dream never seemed more palpable.


noun: state of uncertainty or perplexity especially as requiring a choice between equally unfavorable options Steve certainly is in a quandary: if he doesn't call Elaine, she will blame him for everything, but if he does call her, the evidence of where he currently is could cost him his job. M: a situation in which you are confused about what to do


noun: strong feelings of embarrassment 懊恼 Much to the timid writer's chagrin, the audience chanted his name until he came back on the stage. verb: cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of She never cared what others said about her appearance but was chagrined by the smallest comment from her mother.


noun: tendency to believe readily 轻信;易信 Virginia's wide-eyed credulity as a five-year old was replaced by suspicion after she learned that Santa Claus didn't really exist.


noun: the acceptance of something unpleasant that can't be avoided 屈从 Since Jack could not think of a convincing reason why he had to miss the seminar, he attended it with a sense of resignation. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


noun: the appearance of truth 逼真 All bad novels are bad for numerous reasons; all good novels are good for their verisimilitude of reality, placing the readers in a world that resembles the one they know.


noun: the condition of being susceptible to bribes or corruption Even some of the most sacred sporting events are not immune to venality, as many of the officials have received substantial bribes to make biased calls.


noun: the confusion of a word with another word that sounds similar Whenever I looked glum, my mother would offer to share "an amusing antidote" with me—an endearing malapropism of "anecdote" that never failed to cheer me up.


noun: the feeling of remorse or guilt that comes from doing something bad Those who show contrition during their prison terms--especially when under review by a parole board--often get shortened sentences.


noun: the final resolution of the many strands of a literary or dramatic work; the outcome of a complex sequence of events (小说、戏剧等的)结尾;结局 At the denouement of the movie, all questions were answered, and the true identity of the robber was revealed. M: the final part of something (such as a book, a play, or a series of events)


noun: the highest point Synonyms : acme , elevation , height , meridian , peak , summit , superlative , tiptop , top At its pinnacle, the Roman Empire extended across most of the landmass of Eurasia, a feat not paralleled to the rise of the British Empire in the 18th and 19th century.


noun: the highest point Synonyms : acme , peak , vertex The Ivy League is considered the apex of the secondary education system.


noun: the highest point The apogee of the Viennese style of music, Mozart's music continues to mesmerize audiences well into the 21st century.


noun: the highest point; culmination At the zenith of his artistic career, Elvis was outselling any other artist on the charts.


noun: the instance in which an accidental, fortunate discovery is made By pure serendipity, Sarah discovered, at a flea market in Peoria, a matching earring to replace the one that fell down the storm drain back home.


noun: the lowest point For many pop music fans, the rap- and alternative-rock-dominated 90s were the nadir of musical expression.


noun: the most essential part of something When Cynthia hears a speaker presenting a complex argument, she is always able to discard the irrelevant details and extract the pith of what the speaker is trying to convey. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


noun: the name derived from a person (real or imaginary); the person for whom something is named 名字被用于命名地方的人 Alexandria, Egypt is an eponym because it is named after Alexander the Great.


noun: the peak or highest point After hiking for seven days, the climbers finally reached the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. noun: a meeting of high-level leaders Since climate change policy has been mired in congressional fighting, this summit should help set the goals for president's next term.


noun: the pinnacle or top of a time period or career During the heyday of Prohibition, bootlegging had become such a lucrative business that many who had been opposed to the 18th Amendment began to fear it would be repealed.


noun: the power of creative imagination Synonyms : cleverness , ingeniousness , inventiveness Daedalus was famous for his ingenuity; he was able to fashion his son Icarus with a pair of wings, using wax to hold them together. M: skill or cleverness that allows someone to solve problems, invent things, etc.


noun: the power to foresee the future Baxter's warnings about investing in technology stocks seemed like an act of prescience after the whole market declined significantly.


noun: the property of being extremely abundant When Maria reported that she had been visited by Jesus Christ and had proof, a profusion of reporters and journalists descended on the town.


noun: the property of being prompt and efficient She finished her thesis with dispatch, amazing her advisors who couldn't believe she had written 60 scholarly pages so quickly. verb: dispose of rapidly and without delay and efficiently 处死 迅速完成 As soon as the angry peasants stormed the castle, they caught the king and swiftly dispatched him. This word has other definitions, but these are the most important ones to study M: with dispatch formal: in a quick and efficient way


noun: the quality of being different The cynic quipped, "There is not much variance in politicians; they all seem to lie".


noun: the quality of being honest and straightforward in attitude and speech


noun: the quality of being meager 微小 After two months at sea, the exiguity of the ship's supplies forced them to search for fresh water and food.


noun: the quality of innocence I, personally, found the artlessness of her speech charming.


noun: the quality of talking or writing easily and continuously The professor's volubility knows no bounds; he could talk through a hurricane and elaborate a point from one St. Patrick's Day to the next.


noun: the reestablishing of cordial relations (友好关系)和解 Although Ann hoped that her mother and her aunt would have a rapprochement, each one's bitter accusations against the other made any reconciliation unlikely. M: the development of friendlier relations between countries or groups of people who have been enemies


noun: the state that exists when one person or group has power over another The ascendancy of the Carlsbad water polo team is clear—they have a decade of championships behind them. M: a position of power in which someone can control or influence other people


noun: the trait of avoiding excesses Synonyms : moderation,sobriety Welles wasn't known for his temperance--he usually ate enough for two and drank enough for three.


noun: the trait of being rude and impertinent The speeding car had the gall to switch five lanes at once, run through a red light, and then cut off a police car before finally coming to a stop in front of a sea of flashing red lights. noun: feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will In an act of gall, Leah sent compromising photos of her ex-boyfriend to all his co-workers and professional contacts.


noun: to indicate smallness He prefers to be called a diminutive of his name: "Bill" instead of "John William." adjective: very small When he put on his father's suit and shoes, his appearance was that of a diminutive youth.


noun: total lack of meaning or ideas 空虚 Bill's poem was nothing more than a list of impressive sounding words, so there was no point in trying to take meaning from the inanity.


noun: use of physical or mental energy; hard work; agony or anguish While they experienced nothing but travails in refinishing the kitchen, they completed the master bedroom in less than a weekend.


noun: wealth as evidenced by sumptuous living Russian oligarchs are famous for their opulence, living in fancy homes and dining on expensive caviar.


oun: mutual accusations The two brothers sat and cried, pointing fingers and making elaborate recriminations of the other's guilt


tending to offend or upset people


v. to charge (a public official) with a crime done while in office to cause doubts about the truthfulness of (a witness, testimony, etc.)


v. to limit or restrict (something or someone) unfairly 束缚


v. to pretend to be sick or injured in order to avoid doing work


verb: To erroneously attribute; to falsely ascribe; used especially of authorship. 张冠李戴 I made a mistake; I misattributed "Crime and Punishment" to Leo Tolstoy when it was actually written by Fyodor Dostoyevsky.


verb: To live off meager resources, to scrape by 勉强维持 Stranded in a cabin over the winter, Terry was able to eke out an existence on canned food. M: eke out (something) also eke (something) out : to get or achieve (a living, a victory, etc.) with great difficulty to increase (something) by a small amount to make (a limited amount of something) last by using it carefully in small amounts


verb: To undergo dramatic change in a seamless and barely noticeable fashion. The earnestness of the daytime talk shows of the 1970's has morphed into something far more sensational and vulgar: today guests actually stand up and threaten to take swings at one another.


verb: a contrary command cancelling or reversing a previous command 撤回 By the time the colonel countermanded his soldiers not to land in enemy territory, a few helicopters had already touched down amid heavy gunfire.


verb: achieve something by means of trickery or devious methods Steven was able to finagle one of the last seats on the train by convincing the conductor that his torn stub was actually a valid ticket.


verb: acknowledge defeat I concede. You win! verb: admit (to a wrongdoing) After a long, stern lecture from her father, Olivia conceded to having broken the window. verb: give over; surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another The Spanish were forced to concede much of the territory they had previously conquered.


verb: add details or explanation; clarify the meaning; state in depth The CEO refused to expound on the decision to merge our department with another one, and so I quit.


verb: assign to a lower position When Dexter was unable to fulfill his basic duties, instead of firing him, the boss relegated him to kitchen cleanup.


verb: assume as fact Initially, Einstein posited a repulsive force to balance Gravity, but then rejected that idea as a blunder.


verb: assume something is true (usu. followed by "the question", meaning that you ask a question in which you assume something that hasn't been proven true) 假定...为正确 By assuming that Charlie was headed to college—which he was not—Maggie begged the question when she asked him to which school he was headed in the Fall. e.g. " I think he is stupid because he is dumb"


verb: attack as false or wrong 指责 Though many initially tried to impugn Darwin's theory, in scientific circles today, the idea is taken as truth.


verb: attack in speech or writing In the weekly paper, the editor assailed the governor for wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars in public projects that quickly failed.


verb: attraction or feeling of love Synonyms : becharm , beguile , bewitch , captivate , capture , catch , charm , enamour , enchant , entrance , fascinate , trance She is completely enamored with Justin Bieber, and goes to all his concerts on the East coast.


verb: attribute (responsibility or fault) to something 归罪于 He imputed his subpar performance on the test to a combination of stress and poor sleep.


verb: be a distinctive feature, attribute, or trait (sometimes in positive sense) Mozart's long melodic lines differentiate his compositions from other works of late 18th century music. verb: evolve so as to lead to a new species or develop in a way most suited to the environment Animals on Madagascar differentiated from other similar animal species due to many years of isolation on the island.


verb: be a hindrance or obstacle to Since the police sergeant had to train the pair of new hires, progress in his own case was impeded.


verb: be a mystery or bewildering to 使迷惑 Mary's behavior completely flummoxes me: I never have any idea what her motivations might be.


verb: be a sign or indication of; have as a meaning Even if the text is not visible, the red octagon denotes "stop" to all motorists in America.


verb: be bossy towards; discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner 威吓 During the interrogation, the suspect was browbeaten into signing a false confession.


verb: be characteristic of Lincoln exemplified the best of not only America, but also the potential greatness that exists within each person. verb: clarify by giving an example of Please present some case studies that exemplify the results that you claim in your paper.


verb: be undecided about something; waver between conflicting positions or courses of action Some students vacillate between schools when deciding which to attend, while others focus only on one school. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: be valid, applicable, or true 通用 The custom of waiting your turn in line does not obtain in some countries, in which many people try to rush to front of the line at the same time.


verb: be widespread in a particular area at a particular time; be current: 盛行 During the labor negotiations, an air of hostility prevailed in the office. verb: prove superior 占上风 Before the cricket match, Australia was heavily favored, but India prevailed.


verb: become feeble Stranded in the wilderness for four days, the hiker languished, eating protein bars and nuts.


verb: beg persistently and urgently 强求 After weeks of importuning the star to meet for a five-minute interview, the journalist finally got what she wanted. M: to ask (someone) for something or to do something in a repeated or annoying way


verb: behave awkwardly; have difficulties Sylvia has excelled at advanced calculus, but ironically, when she has to deal with taxes, she flounders.


verb: call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses) Just smiling--even if you are depressed--can elicit feelings of pleasure and happiness.


verb: cancel officially Synonyms : annul , countermand , lift , overturn , repeal , reverse , revoke , vacate The man's driver's license was rescinded after his tenth car accident, which meant he would never be allowed to legally drive again.


verb: cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations 惹恼 Dan is usually calm and balanced, but it takes only one intense glare from Sabrina to rile him.


verb: cause one, through routine, to lose energy and enthusiasm 使厌倦 As an undergraduate Mark felt stultified by classes outside his area of study; only in grad school, in which he could focus solely on literary analysis, did he regain his scholarly edge. M: to cause (someone or something) to become dull, slow, etc.


verb: cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of I was able to placate the angry mob of students by promising to bring cookies on Monday. M: to cause (someone) to feel less angry about something


verb: cause to become widely known Before the effects of the anesthesia were disseminated, patients had to experience the full pain of surgery.


verb: cause to continue If you do not let him do things for himself, you are merely perpetuating bad habits that will be even harder to break in the future. M: to cause (something that should be stopped, such as a mistaken idea or a bad situation) to continue


verb: cause to take on a definite and clear shape (使)具体化 Only after fifteen minutes of brainstorming did Samantha's ideas for the essay crystallize. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: change or alter in form, appearance, or nature 使 ... 变形 One of the goals of alchemy was to find the substance or process that would transmute lead into gold.


verb: charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone Count Rumford denigrated the new theory of heat, demonstrating that it was wholly inadequate to explain the observations. M: to say very critical and often unfair things about (someone)


verb: choose not to consume or take part in (particularly something enjoyable) Considered a health nut, Jessica abstained from anything containing sugar--even chocolate.


verb: cleverly find a way out of one's duties or obligations One way of circumventing the GRE is to apply to a grad school that does not require GRE scores.


verb: collect information bit by bit Herb has given us no formal statement about his background, but from various hints, I have gleaned that he grew up in difficult circumstances.


verb: come from; be connected by a relationship of blood, for example Many words in the English language are derived from Latin, including the word "derive." verb: reason by deduction; establish by deduction From the multiple set of footprints in the living room, the investigator derived an important clue: Sheila was not alone in the room at the time of the murder.


verb: come out better in a competition, race, or conflict For years, Argentina would dominate in World Cup qualifying matches, only to be vanquished by one of the European countries during the late stages of the tournament. M: to defeat (someone) completely in a war, battle, etc.


verb: command against 禁止 My doctor proscribed my habit of eating donuts with chocolate sauce and hamburger patties for breakfast. M: to not allow (something)


verb: compete for something Synonyms : compete , contend While the other teams in the division actively vie for the championship, this team seems content simply to go through the motions of playing.


verb: conceal one's true motives, usually through deceit 掩饰 To get close to the senator, the assassin dissembled his intentions, convincing many people that he was a reporter for a well-known newspaper.


verb: contain or include The rogue wave quickly subsumed the pier and boardwalk, destroying everything in its path. verb: consider (an instance of something) as part of a general rule or principle Synonyms : colligate Don Quixote of La Mancha subsumes all other modern novels, demonstrating modern literary devices and predating even the idea of a postmodern, metanarrative.


verb: convert (someone) to another religion, philosophy, or perspective 劝诱改宗 Lisa loves her Mac but says little about it; by contrast, Jake will proselytize, interrogating anyone with an Android about why she didn't purchase an iPhone.


verb: convey a meaning; imply By saying that some of the guests were uncomfortable, the manager implicated to the hotel staff that it needed to be more diligent. verb: to indicate in wrongdoing, usually a crime The crime boss was implicated for a long list of crimes, ranging from murder to disturbing the peace.


verb: criticize severely or angrily Synonyms : bawl out , berate, call down, call on the carpet, chew out, chew up , chide , dress down, have words , jaw , lambaste, lecture , rag , rebuke , remonstrate , reprimand , reproof , scold , take to task , trounce Showing no patience, the manager utterly lambasted the sales team that lost the big account.


verb: criticize severely or angrily; censure The police chief rebuked the two officers whose irresponsible decisions almost led to the deaths of seven innocent by-standers.


verb: damage the good name and reputation of someone 玷污,毁人名声 The prince's distasteful choice of words besmirched not only his own name but also the reputation of the entire royal family.


verb: deprive of voting rights The U.S. Constitution disenfranchised women until 1920 when they were given the right to vote.


verb: describe in detail After a brief summary of proper swimming technique, the coach delineated the specifics of each stroke, spending 30 minutes alone on the backstroke.


verb: determine the number or amount of The survey enumerates the number of happy workers and the number of unhappy workers. verb: specify individually, one by one I sat and listened as she enumerated all of the things she did not like about the past three months.


verb: disturb in mind or cause to be worried or alarmed Now that Henry is recovering from a major illness, he no longer lets the little trivialities, such as late mail, perturb him.


verb: do something that one considers to be below one's dignity 屈尊 The master of the house never deigned to answer questions from the servants.


verb: draw back, as with fear or pain 畏缩 Craig always claimed to be a fearless outdoorsman, but when the thunderstorm engulfed the valley, he quailed at the thought of leaving the safety of his cabin. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness; become less intense 减退;枯萎 After the three crushing defeats in the last three games, the team's enthusiasm began to flag. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate To receive an R rating, the entire movie was bowdlerized because it contained so much violence and grotesque subject matter. M: to change (a book, play, movie, etc.) by removing parts that could offend people


verb: engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear together 密谋 The rebels met at night in an abandoned barn to machinate.


verb: enlarge or increase; improve Ideally, the restaurant's augmented menu will expand its clientele and increase its profits.


verb: enthusiastically acclaim or celebrate something 喝彩 Many college superstar athletes are hailed as the next big thing, but then flop at the professional level. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: escape understanding While some physics concepts might elude newbies, with a little grit and a good teacher, almost anyone can develop a deep understanding of the subject. M: to fail to be understood or remembered by (someone)


verb: exclude from a community or group Synonyms : ban , banish , blackball , cast out , ostracise , shun Later in his life, Leo Tolstoy was ostracized from the Russian Orthodox Church for his writings that contradicted church doctrine.


verb: expel from a community, residence, or location; drive away The most difficult part of the fast was banishing thoughts of food. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: expose as false ideas and claims, especially while ridiculing Richard Dawkins tries to debunk religious belief, but his ridicule tends to push people away from his points rather than convince them. M: to show that something (such as a belief or theory) is not true


verb: express discontent or a strong regret While the CFO carefully explained all the reasons for the cuts in benefits, after the meeting employees bemoaned the cuts as further evidence that management was against them.


verb: express strong disapproval of The entire audience erupted in shouts and curses, decrying the penalty card issued by the referee.


verb: express strong disapproval of synonym: decry, chastise, castigate, excoriate The manager spent an hour objurgating the employee in the hopes that he would not make these mistakes again.


verb: fail to fulfill a promise or obligation We will no longer work with that vendor since it has reneged on nearly every agreement. M: to refuse to do something that you promised or agreed to do — usually + on They reneged on their promise to pay her tuition.


verb: fit together tightly, as if by means of an interlocking joint (使) 吻合 Although Darwin's evolution and Mendel's genetics were developed in isolation from one another, they dovetail very well.


verb: formally reject or give up (as a belief) 公开放弃 While the church believed that Galileo abjured the heliocentric theory under threat of torture, he later wrote a book clearly supporting the theory.


verb: gain favor with somebody by deliberate efforts Even though Tom didn't like his new boss, he decided to ingratiate himself to her in order to advance his career.


verb: get someone to do something through (often false or exaggerated) promises Harold enticed his wife, Maude, to go on a vacation to Hawaii, with promises of luaus on the beach and all-you-can-eat seafood buffets.


verb: give an assignment to (a person) Since the senior manager had to go on many international business trips, she was forced to delegate many of her responsibilities to two lower-level managers. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: give authority or permission to The authorities have sanctioned the use of the wilderness reserve for public use; many expect to see hikers and campers enjoying the park in the coming months. noun: a legal penalty for a forbidden action International sanctions have been placed on certain shipping lanes that were thought to be involved in human trafficking.


verb: give extra weight to (a communication) Synonyms : emphasise , emphasize , underline While the hiking instructor agreed that carrying a first aid kit could be a good idea under certain circumstances, he underscored the importance of carrying enough water.


verb: give rise to The restrictions of the Treaty of Versailles were so severe that they engendered deep hatred and resentment in the German people. M: to be the source or cause of (something) The issue has engendered a considerable amount of debate


verb: gnaw into; make resentful or angry Synonyms : eat into , fret , grate His constant whistling would rankle her, sometimes causing her to leave in a huff.


verb: grow and flourish China's housing market is burgeoning, but some predict that the growth is merely a bubble and will burst much like the U.S. real estate bubble of 2008.


verb: harass, as with questions or requests; cause to feel distressed or worried After discovering a priceless artifact in her backyard, Jane was besieged by phone calls, emails, and reporters all trying to buy, hold or see the rare piece of history. M: to overwhelm (someone) with too many questions or requests for things — usually used as (be) besieged Every day, her office is besieged [=bombarded] with letters/questions/complaints about the problem.


verb: hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of I thought I would finish writing the paper by lunchtime, but a number of urgent interruptions served to frustrate my plan. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of I wanted to spend a week in New York this autumn, but the high costs of travel and lodging thwarted my plans.


verb: hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of synonym: block, thwart, hinder, impede, frustrate, The engineers found their plans stymied at every turn and were ultimately able to make almost no progress on the project.


verb: hold back 阻碍 The costume encumbered all my movements and caused me to sweat profusely. M: to cause problems or difficulties for (someone or something)


verb: hold spellbound She was so enthralled by the movie that she never heard people screaming, "Fire! Fire!" in the neighboring theater. M: to hold the attention of (someone) by being very exciting, interesting, or beautiful The movie has enthralled [=charmed, captivated] audiences across the country. — often used as (be) enthralled


verb: interpret in the wrong way Synonyms : misapprehend , misconceive , misinterpret , misunderstand The politician never trusted journalists because he though that they misconstrue his words and misrepresent his positions.


verb: interpreted in a particular way Synonyms : interpret , see The author's inability to take a side on the issue was construed by both his opponents and supporters as a sign of weakness. M: — usually + as He construed my actions as hostile. — often used as (be) construed Her frustration was construed [=perceived, interpreted] as anger


verb: involved in argument or contention These days we are never short of a D.C. politician embroiled in scandal—a welcome phenomenon for those who, having barely finished feasting on the sordid details of one imbroglio, can sink their teeth into a fresh one.


verb: irritate or vex My little sister has a way of irking and annoying me like no other person.


verb: lessen the importance, dignity, or reputation of synonym: disparage, depreciate, debase, demean, derogate


verb: made ineffective or powerless The FBI has made so many restrictions on the local police that they are absolutely hamstrung, unable to accomplish anything.


verb: make clearer and easier to understand Youtube is great place to learn just about anything-an expert elucidates finer points so that even a complete novice can learn.


verb: make dirty or spotty, as by exposure to air; also used metaphorically Pete Rose was one of the best baseball players of his generation, but his involvement with gambling on baseball games has tarnished his image in the eyes of many. M: to damage or ruin the good quality of (something, such as a person's reputation, image, etc.)


verb: make furious When Herb bought football tickets for a game on the day of their wedding anniversary, Jill was incensed. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: make less severe or harsh I can only spend so much time mitigating your disagreements with your wife, and at certain point, you need to do it on your own. verb: lessen the severity of an offense If it weren't for the mitigating circumstances, he would have certainly lost his job.


verb: make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.; make more beautiful McCartney would write relatively straightforward lyrics, and Lennon would embellish them with puns and poetic images.


verb: make more intense, stronger, or more marked Her headache was compounded by the construction crew outside, which had six jackhammers going at the same time. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study M: to make (something, such as an error or problem) worse : to add to (something bad) He compounded [=exacerbated] his mistake by announcing it to the whole table.


verb: make rigid and set into a conventional pattern Even as a young man, Bob had some bias against poor people, but during his years in social services, his bad opinions ossified into unshiftable views. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study M: formal + disapproving : to become or to cause something to become unable to change Her opinions have ossified.


verb: make something intense less severe Her fear that the new college would be filled with unknown faces was assuaged when she recognized her childhood friend standing in line.


verb: make stronger or defensible China's economy has been buttressed by a global demand for the electronic parts the country manufactures.


verb: mix together different elements or concepts 合并 In her recent book, the author conflates several genres--the detective story, the teen thriller, and the vampire romance--to create a memorable read.


verb: offer up something formally The government was loath to tender more money in the fear that it might set off inflation. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: pacify by acceding to the demands of Neville Chamberlain, the British prime minister during WWII, tried to appease Hitler and in doing so sent a clear message: you can walk all over us.


verb: pass on or delegate to another The company was full of managers known for devolving tasks to lower management, but never doing much work themselves. verb: grow worse (usually "devolve into") The dialogue between the two academics devolved into a downright bitter argument.


verb: place side by side for contrast The appeal of her paintings comes from a classical style which is juxtaposed with modern themes.


verb: praise or glorify Synonyms : extol , glorify , laud , proclaim The teenagers exalted the rock star, covering their bedrooms with posters of him.


verb: precede in time Harry was so unknowledgable that he was unaware the Egyptian pharaohs antedated the American Revolution.


verb: prevent the progress or free movement of As the rain water began to collect in pools on the highway, it began to hamper the flow of traffic. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: prove to be false or incorrect Synonyms : controvert , rebut No one could refute his theories or propositions, and that is why he was esteemed by all his colleagues in the philosophy department.


verb: provide with an opportunity The summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro affords a panoramic view that encompasses both Tanzania and Kenya. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: pull inward or towards a center; formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure Email is wonderfully efficient, but once something awkward or damaging has been sent, there is no way to retract it. M: formal : to take back (something, such as an offer or promise)


verb: put up with something or somebody unpleasant (常用于否定句或疑问句)容忍;忍受 While she was at the chalkboard, the teacher did not brook any form of talking--even a tiny peep resulted in afternoon detention. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: reach the highest or most decisive point Beethoven's musical genius culminated in the 9th Symphony, which many consider his greatest work.


verb: react in an offended or angry manner 生气 As we discussed the painting, I noticed the artist's wife bristling at our criticisms, ready to defend her husband's work.


verb: recognize or perceive the difference Sarah couldn't discriminate between a good wine and a bad wine, so she avoided wine tastings. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: reduce in worth or character, usually verbally Jesse had mockingly pointed out all of Nancy's faults in front of their friends, publicly degrading the poor girl.


verb: reduce the length of something The soccer game was truncated when the monsoon rain began to fall.


verb: reduce the quality or value of something Synonyms : adulterate , dilute , load , stretch The third-rate script so debased the film that not even the flawless acting could save it from being a flop.


verb: refuse to acknowledge; reject outright and bluntly Wheeler was completely qualified for the committee, but the board snubbed him, choosing an obviously lesser qualified candidate instead. M: to ignore (someone) in a deliberate and insulting way She snubbed me in the hallway. to not accept or attend (something) as a way to show disapproval


verb: refuse to comply The students were willing to clean up the broken glass, but when the teacher asked them to mop the entire floor, they balked, citing reasons why they needed to leave.


verb: reject as untrue or unfounded Many in the public believed the rumors of a UFO crash outside town, so the chief of police did everything he could to repudiate the rumors.


verb: reject with contempt She spurned all his flattery and proposals, and so he walked off embarrassed and sad.


verb: relinquish possession Eventually, all parents must cede control of their growing childrens' educations and allow their offspring some autonomy.


verb: resist Synonyms : go against The profits at our firm bucked the general downturn that affected the real estate industry.


verb: restrict or confine Their tour of South America was circumscribed so that they saw only popular destinations and avoided the dangerous parts of cities. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: revoke or relinquish formally; do away with 废除;取消 As part of the agreement between the labor union and the company, the workers abrogated their right to strike for four years in exchange for better health insurance.


verb: ridicule or expose to public scorn 示众;嘲弄 After the candidate confessed, the press of the opposing party took the opportunity to pillory him, printing editorials with the most blatantly exaggerated accusations. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: ridicule with satire 嘲讽 Mark Twain understood that lampooning a bad idea with humor was the most effective criticism.


verb: seize and control without authority 冒称 Arriving at the small town, the outlaw arrogated the privileges of a lord, asking the frightened citizens to provide food, drink, and entertainment.


verb: show submission or fear Every time Susan comes to the office, Frank grovels as if she were about to fire him. M: to treat someone with too much respect or fear in a way that shows weakness in order to be forgiven or to gain approval or favor


verb: speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly 空谈 During the rain delay, many who had come to see the game palavered, probably hoping that idle chatter would make the time go by faster. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: speak, plead, or argue in favor of While the senator privately approved of gay marriage, he was unwilling to advocate for the cause in a public venue. noun: a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea Martin Luther King Jr. was a tireless advocate for the rights of African-Americans in the United States. This word has other definitions, but these are the most important ones to study


verb: spend thoughtlessly; waste time, money, or an opportunity Fearing his money would be squandered by his family, he gave all of it to charity when he died.


verb: spread negative information about Synonyms : rail , revile , vituperate Todd was noble after the divorce, choosing to say only complimentary things about Barbara, but Barbara did not hesitate to vilify Todd.


verb: squander or spend money frivolously 挥霍 The recent graduates dissipated their earnings on trips to Las Vegas and cruises in Mexico. verb: to disperse or scatter 消散 Kathleen's perfume was overwhelming in the cramped apartment, but once we stepped outside the smell dissipated and we could breathe once again.


verb: state or announce Synonyms : exclaim , proclaim The President wanted to promulgate the success of the treaty negotiations, but he had to wait until Congress formally approved the agreement.


verb: strive to equal or match, especially by imitating; compete with successfully


verb: support and strengthen The case for the suspect's innocence was bolstered considerably by the fact that neither fingerprints nor DNA were found at the scene. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: suppress or crush completely After the dictator consolidated his power, he took steps to squelch all criticism, often arresting any journalist who said anything that could be interpreted as negative about his regime.


verb: take the place of or have precedence over A governmental warning about an imminent terrorist attack would preempt ordinary network programming on television.


verb: take the place or move into the position of Synonyms : replace , supercede , supersede , supervene upon For many, a cell phone has supplanted a traditional phone; in fact, most 20-somethings don't even have a traditional phone anymore.


verb: taking part in immoral and unethical plots With the help of the prince, the queen connived to overthrow the king.


verb: talk in a dogmatic and pompous manner 武断地或自封为权威地谈论某事物 The vice-president would often pontificate about economic theory, as if no one else in the room were qualified to speak on the topic. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess 控制(感情等) New curfew laws have bridled people's tendency to go out at night. verb: to react with anger or to take offense 动怒 The hostess bridled at the tactless dinner guests who insisted on eating before everybody had gotten their food.


verb: think about carefully; weigh the pros and cons of an issue Emergency situations such as this call for immediate action and leave no room to deliberate over options. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: to adopt or support an idea or cause Synonyms : adopt , embrace , sweep up As a college student, Charlie espoused Marxism, growing his beard out and railing against the evils of the free-market.


verb: to be one's duty or obligation 理应 The teacher looked down at the student and said, "It would behoove you to be in class on time and complete your homework, so that you don't repeat freshman English for a third straight year."


verb: to bow or act in a subservient manner Paul kowtowed to his boss so often the boss herself became nauseated by his sycophancy.


verb: to break out or happen again 复发 After years of gamblers anonymous, Tony thought he'd broken his compulsive slot machine playing, but it took only one trip to the Atlantic City for a full recrudescence--he lost $5k on the one armed bandit.


verb: to bully or intimidate 威吓 The boss's hectoring manner put off many employees, some of whom quit as soon as they found new jobs.


verb: to cause confusion Though Harry loved numbers, calculus confounded him. verb: mistake one thing for another Americans often confound sweet potatoes with yams, and refer to both vegetables by the same name.


verb: to celebrate a person Synonyms : celebrate After World War II, war heroes were feted at first but quickly forgotten. M: to honor (a person) or celebrate (something) with a large party or public celebration


verb: to clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting arguments or proof


verb: to completely destroy Synonyms : exterminate , extirpate , root out , uproot, annihilate , carry off , decimate , eliminate , extinguish , wipe out I tried eradicating the mosquitos in my apartment with a rolled up newspaper, but there were too many of them.


verb: to confirm or lend support to (usually an idea or claim) Her claim that frog populations were falling precipitously in Central America was corroborated by locals, who reported that many species of frogs had seemingly vanished overnight. M: to support or help prove (a statement, theory, etc.) by providing information or evidence


verb: to criticize harshly; to berate 痛斥 Jason had dealt with disciplinarians before, but nothing prepared him for the first week of boot camp, as drill sergeants vituperated him for petty oversights such as forgetting to double knot the laces on his boots.


verb: to criticize very harshly Entrusted with the prototype to his company's latest smartphone, Larry, during a late night karaoke bout, let the prototype slip into the hands of a rival company—the next day Larry was excoriated, and then fired.


verb: to curse and hiss at 咒骂 Though the new sitcom did decently in the ratings, Nelson railed against the show, saying that it was nothing more than an execrable pastiche of tired clichés and canned laughter. M: to dislike and criticize (someone or something) very strongly


verb: to deceive or trick someone Someone tried to hoodwink Marty with an email telling him that his uncle had just passed away, and to collect the inheritance he should send his credit card information.


verb: to defraud or swindle 诈取 The so-called magical diet cure simply ended up mulcting Maria out of hundreds of dollars, but did nothing for her weight


verb: to drink or absorb as if drinking Plato imbibed Socrates' teachings to such an extent that he was able to write volumes of work that he directly attributed, sometimes word for word, to Socrates.


verb: to eliminate completely When I turned 18, all of the shoplifting and jaywalking charges were expunged from my criminal record.


verb: to enclose, usually in walls 禁闭 The modern supermarket experience makes many feel claustrophobic, as they are immured in walls upon walls of products.


verb: to envy someone for possessing or enjoying something 嫉妒 Sitting all alone in his room, Harvey begrudged the happiness of the other children playing outside his window. verb: to give reluctantly 吝啬 We never begrudge money spent on ourselves.


verb: to examine and remove objectionable material Every fall, high school English teachers are inundated by requests to censor their curriculum by removing The Catcher in the Rye and Scarlet Letter from their reading lists. noun: an official who censors material The censor insisted that every reference to drugs should be removed from the manuscript.


verb: to express criticism towards At first, Sarah was going to yell at the boy, but she didn't want to reproach him for telling the truth about the situation.


verb: to express strong disapproval Synonyms: animadversion After being caught in bed with a mistress, the mayor was quickly censured by the city council.


verb: to fight for a cause Martin Luther King Jr. championed civil rights fiercely throughout his short life. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: to formally charge or accuse of wrong-doing The bankrobber was indicted on several major charges, including possession of a firearm.


verb: to give or take something by force The government appropriated land that was occupied by squatters, sending them scurrying for another place to live. verb: to allocate The committe appropriated the funds to its various members. This word has other definitions, but these are the most important ones to study


verb: to gradually increase in size or intensity Her enthusiasm for the diva's new album only waxed with each song; by the end of the album, it was her favorite CD yet. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: to help pay the cost of, either in part or full In order for Sean to attend the prestigious college, his generous uncle helped defray the excessive tuition with a monthly donation.


verb: to hold back or limit the flow or growth of something To stem the tide of applications, the prestigious Ivy requires that each applicant score at least 330 on the Revised GRE. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: to hold back the progress of something 蹒跚 Bad weather has hobbled rescue efforts, making it difficult for crews to find bodies in the wreckage. M: to slow the movement, progress, or action of (someone or something)


verb: to insult; to cause someone to lose dignity or respect At first the soccer players bantered back and forth, but as soon as one of the players became demeaning, calling the other's mother a water buffalo, the ref whipped out a red card.


verb: to intimidate 恐吓 Do not be cowed by a 3,000-word vocabulary list: turn that list into a deck of flashcards! This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: to irritate intensely As a child, I exasperated my mother with strings of never-ending questions.


verb: to limit (usually modifying the growth of something) Deserted for six months, the property began to look more like a jungle and less like a residence—weeds grew unchecked in the front yard noun: the condition of being held back or limited When government abuses are not kept in check, that government is likely to become autocratic. This word has other definitions, but these are the most important ones to study


verb: to limit or qualify a statement; to avoid making a direct statement 推诿 When asked why he had decided to buy millions of shares at the very moment the tech company's stock soared, the CEO hedged, mentioning something vague about gut instinct.


verb: to make accustomed to something unpleasant 使习惯于(令人不快的事) Three years of Manhattan living has inured her to the sound of wailing sirens; she could probably sleep through the apocalypse. M: to cause (someone) to be less sensitive to something unpleasant — + to


verb: to make holy or set apart for a high purpose At the church of Notre Dame in France, the new High Altar was consecrated in 1182.


verb: to make nervous or upset At one time unnerved by math problems, she began avidly "Magoosh-ing", and soon became adept at even combinations and permutations questions.


verb: to make objections while pleading 抗议 The mothers of the kidnapped victims remonstrated to the rogue government to release their children, claiming that the detention violated human rights.


verb: to make peace with His opponents believed his gesture to be conciliatory, yet as soon as they put down their weapons, he unsheathed a hidden sword.


verb: to make someone angry less angry; placate Synonyms : season , temper In the morning, Harriat was unable to mollify Harry, if he happened to become angry, unless he had his cup of coffee.


verb: to manipulate voting districts in order to favor a particular political party 为己党利益擅改选区 Years ago, savvy politicians had gerrymandered the city center to ensure their re-election.


verb: to persuade somebody that his/her belief is not valid As a child, I was quickly disabused of the notion that Santa Claus was a rotund benefactor of infinite largess—one night I saw my mother diligently wrapping presents and storing them under our Christmas tree. M: to show or convince (someone) that a belief is incorrect — + of


verb: to pester synonym: pester, harried Badgered by his parents to find a job, the 30-year-old loafer instead joined a gang of itinerant musicians. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study M: to bother or annoy (someone) with many comments or questions


verb: to placate or appease synonyms: appease, placate, pacify, mollify, conciliate The two sons, plying their angry father with cheesy neckties for Christmas, were hardly able to propitiate him - the father already had a drawer full of ones he had never worn before or ever planned to.


verb: to pursue relentlessly Synonyms : hunt , trace An implacable foe of corruption, Eliot Ness hounded out graft in all forms - he even helped nab Al Capone. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: to pursue relentlessly; to hound Throughout his life, he was dogged by insecurities that inhibited personal growth. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: to read very carefully Instead of perusing important documents, people all too often rush to the bottom of the page and plaster their signatures at the bottom.


verb: to remove objectionable material The censor expurgated every reference to sex and drugs, converting the rapper's raunchy flow into a series of bleeps.


verb: to reprimand harshly Synonyms: castigate, chasten, correct, objurgate Though chastised for eating the snacks for the party, Lawrence shrugged off his mother's harsh words, and continued to plow through jars of cookies and boxes of donuts.


verb: to reproach; to scold Bob took a risk walking into the "Students Barbershop" - in the end, he had to upbraid the apparently drunk barber for giving him an uneven bowl cut.


verb: to respect deeply Synonyms: fear, revere, reverence The professor, despite his sleep-inducing lectures, was venerated amongst his colleagues, publishing more papers yearly than all of his peers combined.


verb: to sap energy from Synonyms: faze, unnerve, unsettle John preferred to avoid equatorial countries; the intense sun would always leave him enervated after he'd spent the day sightseeing.


verb: to search for something persistently synonym: hound, dog Ever the resourceful lexicographer, Fenton was able to ferret out the word origin of highly obscure words. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: to serve as a judge in a competition; to arrive at a judgment or conclusion 判决 Only those with the most refined palates were able to adjudicate during the barbeque competition.


verb: to speak in an evasive way M: to avoid telling the truth by not directly answering a question The cynic quipped, "There is not much variance in politicians; they all seem to prevaricate".


verb: to speak vaguely, usually with the intention to mislead or deceive After Sharon brought the car home an hour after her curfew, she equivocated when her parents pointedly asked her where she had been.


verb: to spellbind or enthrall Synonyms : bewitch , magnetise , magnetize , mesmerise The plot and the characters were so well developed that many viewers were mesmerized, unable to move their eyes from the screen for even a single second. M: to hold the attention of (someone) entirely : to interest or amaze (someone) so much that nothing else is seen or noticed — usually used as (be) mesmerized


verb: to strongly urge on; encourage Nelson's parents exhorted him to study medicine, urging him to choose a respectable profession; intransigent, Nelson left home to become a graffiti artist.


verb: to suggest something subtly Synonyms : adumbrate , insinuate At first Manfred's teachers intimated to his parents that he was not suited to skip a grade; when his parents protested, teachers explicitly told them that, notwithstanding the boy's precocity, he was simply too immature to jump to the 6th grade. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: to support financially The latest symphony broadcast was made possible with underwriting from the Carnegie Endowment.


verb: to surrender (usually under agreed conditions) 有条件投降 Paul, losing 19-0 in a ping-pong match against his nimble friend, basically capitulated when he played the last two points with his eyes closed.


verb: to trick or swindle Once again a get-rich-fast Internet scheme had duped Harold into submitting a $5,000 check to a sham operation. noun: a person who is easily tricked or swindled The charlatan mistook the crowd for a bunch of dupes, but the crowd was quickly on to him and decried his bald-faced attempt to bilk them.


verb: to wander aimlessly A casual observer might have thought that Peter was meandering through the city, but that day he was actually seeking out those places where he and his long lost love had once visited.


verb: to warn strongly, even to the point of reprimanding Before the concert began, security personnel admonished the crowd not to come up on stage during the performance.


verb: to weaken (in terms of intensity); to taper off/become thinner. Her animosity towards Bob attenuated over the years, and she even went so far as to invite him to her party.


verb: to weaken (usually paired with an abstract term) The student undermined the teacher's authority by questioning the teacher's judgment on numerous occasions.


verb: to willfully violate or destroy a sacred place After desecrating the pharaoh's tomb, the archaeologist soon fell victim to a horrible illness.


verb: to yearn for Standing forlornly by the window, she pined for her lost love. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study M: to become thin and weak because of sadness or loss — usually + away Since his wife left him, he spends his days alone, pining away. pine after (someone or something) US: to want or desire (someone or something) very much teenage girls pining after rock stars pine for (someone or something): to feel very sad because you want (something) or because you are not with (someone) She was pining for the old days.


verb: treat condescendingly She says she genuinely wanted to help me, but instead she patronized me, constantly pointing out how I was inferior to her. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: treat or speak of with contempt The nun derided the students for trying to sneak insects and worms into the classroom.


verb: treat with excessive indulgence 溺爱 宠爱 The king and queen cosseted the young prince, giving him a prized miniature pony for his fifth birthday.


verb: try to gain favor by extreme flattery 极其奉承 The media fawned over the handsome new CEO, praising his impeccable sense of style instead of asking more pointed questions. This word has other definitions but this is the most important one to study


verb: try to stir up public opinion After having his pay cut, Phil spread vicious rumors about his boss, hoping to foment a general feeling of discontent.


verb: turn away Afraid to see the aftermath of the car crash, I averted my eyes as we drove by. verb: ward off or prevent The struggling video game company put all of its finances into one final, desperate project to avert bankruptcy.


verb: urge on with unpleasant comments 煽动 Doug did not want to enter the race, but Jim, through a steady stream of taunts, goaded him into signing up for it. M: to urge or force (someone) to do something


verb: wander aimlessly Max liked to maunder down by the seaside and pick up whatever sea shells he would stumble upon. verb: speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly After drinking two espressos each, the animated couple would maunder loudly, annoying the other patrons in the coffee shop.


adjective: showing respect If you ever have the chance to meet the president, stand up straight and be deferential.


M: of or relating to the country or country life : pastoral


adjective: characterized by good taste in manners and conduct Sally's parties are decorous affairs, and instead of the usual beer and music, there is tea and intellectual conversation.


adjective: (describes a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words


adjective: (of a person) prone to unexpected and unpredictable changes in mood The fact that Ella's moods were as mercurial as the weather was problematic for her relationships—it didn't help that she lived in Chicago.


adjective: being disrespectful; improperly forward or bold


adjective: characteristic of rural life; awkwardly simple and provincial The vacation cabin had no electricity and no indoor plumbing, but despite these inconveniences, Nigel adored its rustic charm.


noun: a deviation from what is normal or expected Aberrations in climate have become the norm: rarely a week goes by without some meteorological phenomenon making headlines.


noun: a long pompous speech; a tirade Synonyms : rant, ranting Dinner at Billy's was more a punishment than a reward, since anyone who sat at the dinner table would have to listen to Billy's father's interminable harangues against the government. verb: to deliver a long pompous speech or tirade Tired of his parents haranguing him about his laziness and lack of initiative, Tyler finally moved out of home at the age of thirty-five.


noun: a mixture of multiple things


n. something that exists only in a person's mind


M: great enjoyment, energy, and enthusiasm — usually used in the phrase with gusto


M: an idea or quality that is suggested without being said directly Their words carried an overtone [=hint, suggestion] of menace.


M: disapproving : a person who has recently begun an activity, become successful, etc., and who does not show proper respect for older and more experienced people


M: to cause (someone or something) to receive or take in a large amount of things at the same time — often + with The salesman inundated [=overwhelmed] them with information. — often used as (be) inundated The office was inundated with calls/letters. She was inundated [=swamped] with requests.


M: to take money or property from (someone) by using lies or tricks : cheat — usually + out of


M: v. to get control of (a violent or dangerous person or group) by using force, punishment, etc. The troops were finally able to subdue the rebel forces after many days of fighting


V (n.)a person who deceives others by pretending to be someone else


Wiki: change (something) in such a way as to lower its quality or value, typically by adding new elements. 使...堕落


m: (v) to give (something, such as special treatment or status) to someone or something accord with [phrasal verb] accord with (something) : to be in agreement with (something) His interpretation of the data did not accord with the facts.


n. a dangerous or possibly harmful person or thing — usually singular

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