GRE Vocab Words

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1 def: approve; tolerate. Miss Manners refused to ___ such rude behavior on their part. 2. def: face. when Jose saw his newborn daughter, a proud smile spread across his ___.


1. def: marshal; draw up in order. His actions were bound to ____ public finest clothes before going out for the evening 2. def: clothe; adorn. She liked to watch her mother ___ herself in her finest clothes before going out for the evening


def: Infallibly My teacher ____ pounced on the one typographical error in my essay


def: abundant; current In the face of the many scandalous rumors ____ at the moment, it is best to remain silent


def: abundant; rich and splendid; fertile Lady Godiva was completely covered by her ___ hair


def: advocate of voting rights (for women). In recognition of her efforts to win the vote for women, Congress authorized coining a silver dollar honoring the ___ Susan B. Anthony


def: aimless follower of the arts; amateur; dabbler. According to Turgenev, without painstaking work, any writer or artist remains a ____. In an age of increasing professionalism, the terms amateur and ___ have taken on negitive connotations they did not originally possess.


def: ambiguous; intentionally misleading. Rejecting the candidate's ___ comments on tax reform, the reporters pressed him to state clearly where he stood on the issue.


def: ambush; lie in wait They agreed to _____ their victum as he passed through the dark alley going home


def: amends; compensation At the peace conferences, the defeated country promised to pay ______s to the victors


def: ancestors Reverence for one's ____s (sometimes referred to as ancestor worship) plays an important part in many Oriental cultures.


def: angelic; innocent-looking. With her cheerful smile and rosy cheeks, she was a particularly ___ child.


def: anger at an injustice She felt ____ at the ill-treatment of the helpless animals


def: angry When John's mother found out that he had over-drawn his checking account for the third month in a row, she was so ___ that she could scarcely speak tohim


def: animal-biting fly; irritating person. Lake a ___, he irritated all the guests at the hotel; within forty-eight hours, everyone regarded him as an annoying busyboy.


def: annoy; chafe. The taunts ___ed him.


def: annoy; distress Please try not to ___ your mother; she is doing the best she can


def: annoy; vex Do not let her ___ you with her sarcastic remarks


def: apparent; professed; pretended Although the ___ purpose of the expedition is to discover new lands, we are really interested in finding new markets for our products


def: appear or take shape (usually in an enlarged or distorted form) The shadow of the gallows ____ed threateningly above the small boy


def: ardent; hot. Modest b nature, Susan felt that the ____ praise was excessive and somewhat undeserved.


def: argumentative; found or arguing. Convinced he knew more than his lawyers, Tony was a ___ client, ready to argue about the best way to conduct the case.


def: arrange in order; examine in order to verify authenticity Ashby Village in Berkeley is _____ing details of organizations that provides services to senior citizens, with the exception of eventually publishing a list.


def: artificial; pretended; assumed in order to impress. His _____ mannerisms- his "Harvard" accent, his air of boredom, his use of obscure foreign words- bugged us: he acted as if he thought he was too good for his old high school friends.


def: artificial; sham Hollywood actresses often create ____ tears by using glycerine.


def: assent; agree passively. Although she appeared to ____ to her employer's suggestion, I could tell she had reservations about the changes he wanted made.


def: assist; usually in doing something wrong encourage. sentence: she was unwilling to ___ in the swindle he had planned.


def: assume something's existence or truth as a bass for further reasoning or discussion Attachment theory ____s that bonds with parents have a significant influence on later adult relationships


def: avaricious; eagerly desirous of. The poor man wants many things; the ___ man, all. During the Civil War, the Confederates cast ___ eyes on California, hoping to seize ports for privateers, as well as gold and silver to replenish the South's sagging treasury.


def: be transferred to another; delegate to another; gradually worsen. Because Humpty Dumpty was too shattered by his fall to clean up his own mess, all the work of picking up the pieces ___ed upon poor Alice.


def: beginning; in an early stage I will go to sleep early for I want to break an ___ cold.


def: being in debt Because he was in ____ with his car payments, the repo men repossessed his Porsche.


def: belief on slight evidence; gullibility; naivete. Con artists take advantage of the ____ of inexperienced investors to swindle them out of their savings.


def: besiege or attack; harass. The babysitter was surrounded by a crowd of unmanageable brats who relentlessly ____ed her.


def: blameless and exemplary Caesar had always admired men of ____ honesty, such as Cicero and Cato, and liked to work with them. Unfortunately men of ____ honesty tended to look askance at some of Caesar's methods.


def: blameless; impeccable Homer's conduct at the office party was ____; even Marge had nothing bad to say about how he behaved.


def: bless or sanctify; proclaim someone dead to be one of the blessed. In 1996, Pope John Paul traveled to Belgium to ____ Joseph De Veuster, who died in 1889.


def: blessed; consecrated Although the dead girl's parents had never been active churchgoers, they insisted that their daughter be buried in ____ ground.


def: blessing The apperance of the sun after the many rainy days was like a _____


def: blessing; benefit. The recent rains that filled our empty reservoirs were a ____ to the whole community.


def: blindly devoted patriot; zealous adherent of a group or cause. A ____ cannot recognize any faults in his country, no matter how flagrant they may be. Likewise, a male ____ cannot recognize how biased he is in favor of his own sex, no matter how flagrant that bias may be.


def: blow in heavy gusts; threaten emptily; bully. "Let the storm winds ___" cried Jack, "we'll set sail tonight." Jill let Jack ___ her.


def: blunt; abrupt. She was offended by his _____ reply.


def: boasted; bragged; highly publicized This much ____ project proved a disappointment when it collapsed.


def: boaster. Modest by nature, she was no ____, preferring to let her accomplishments speak for themselves.


def: boastful; excessively conceited Louis XIV consumed the revenues of the state in warlike enterprises, and a million men were sacrificed to his ___ ambition


def: bodily; material. The doctor had no patience with spiritual matters; his job was to attend to his patients' ____ problems, not to minister to their souls.


def: boredom The monotonous routine of hospital life induced a feeling of ___ that made her moody and irritable. "This vacation is boring!" complained Heather, tired of being stuck riding i the car with no way to relieve her growing ___.


def: celebrity; dignitary A leading light o the American stage, Ethel Barrymore was a theatrical ___ whose name lives on


def: censure; rebuke Though Aunt Bea at times would _____ Opie for inattention in church, she believed he was at heart a God-fearing lad


def: charge in court; indict. After his indictment by the Grand Jury; the accused man was ___ed in the County Criminal Court.


def: charlatan; imposer Do not be misled by the exaggerated claims of this ___: he cannot cure you


def: cheap and gaudy He won a few ____ trinkets at Coney Island


def: cheat She was gullible and trusting, an easy victum for the first ___ who came along


def: check the flow The paramedic used a tourniquet to ___ the bleeding from the slashed artery


def: cheerful; hopeful Let us not be too ___ about the outcome; something could go wrong


def: chief If you want to increase your word power, the ____ rule of vocab building is to read.


def: childish His ____ pranks sometimes offended his more mature friends.


def: crawl or creep on ground; remain prostrate. Even though we have been defeated, we do not have to ____ before our conquerors


def: damp. The walls of the dungeon were __ and slimy.


def: daring; bold. Audiences cheered as Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia made their ____, death-defying leap to freedom and escaped Darth Vader's troops.


def: deep-rooted; habitual She is an ___ smoker and cannot break the habit


def: defamatory statement; act of writing something that smears a person's character If Batman wrote that the Joker was a dirty, rotten, mass-murdering criminal, could the Joker sue Batman for ___?


def: defraud a person of something The lawyer was accused of trying to ___ the boy of his legendary


def: dejected; dispirited. We were surprised at his reaction to the failure of his project: instead of being _____, he was busily engaged in planning new activities.


def: delay; dawdle We can't ___ if we want to get to the airport on time


def: designed to create ill will or envy The Israelis' continuing success after the hour of the cease-fire placed Kissinger in an ___ position, for he had promised the Soviet Union that the Israelis would honor the cease-fire, and they had not


def: destroy completely Spelling matter: to raise a building is to put it up; to ___ a building is to tear it down


def: destruction by fire Citizens of San Francisco remember that the destruction of the city was caused not by the earthquake but by the ____ that followed.


def: destruction of life The film The Killing Fields vividly depicts the ____ wrecked by Pol Pot's followers in Cambodia.


def: determined; natural talent or inclination. ____ on advancing in the business world, the secretory-heroine of Working Girl has a true ____ for high finance.


def: dismay; shock. We were ___ed by the horrifying conditions in the city's jails.


def: eager enthusiasm Wang's ____ was contagious; soon all his fellow students were busily making posters, inspired by his ardent enthusiasm for the cause


def: enigmatic; mysterious The Mona Lisa's ____ expression has puzzled art lovers for centuries


def: environment; atmosphere. she went to the restaurant not for the food but for the _____


def: explanation; especially of biblical passages. The minister based her sermon on her ___ of a difficult passage from the book of job.


def: express strong disapproval of; disparage. The founder of the Children's Defense Fund, Marian Wright Edelman, strongly ____ies the lack of financial and moral support for children in America today.


def: fitful; periodic The ___ coughing in the auditorium annoyed the performers


def: flair; flamboyance Many performers imitated Noel Coward, but few had his ___ and sense of style


def: flattery; admiration the rock star thrived on the ____ of his groupies and yes-men.


def: fleeting; vanishing. For a brief moment, the entire skyline was bathed in an orange-red hue in the ___ rays of the sunset.


def: fleshly. Is the public more interested to ____ pleasures than in spiritual matters? Compare the number of people who read Playboy daily to the number of those who read the Bible every day.


def: flowed together; crowd. They built the city at the ____ of two rivers.


def: glowing ardor; intensity of feeling. At the protest rally, the students cheered the strikers and booed the dean with equal.


def: grouch; spoilsport At breakfast we had all been enjoying our bacon and eggs until that ____ John started talking about how bad animal fats and cholesterol were for our health.


def: grow tiresome The study of word lists can eventually __ and put one to sleep


def: growth; increase. Over the years Bob put on weight; because of this ___ of flesh, he went from size M to XL.


def: gruesome; grisly The city morgue is a ___ spot for the uninitiated


def: habitually silent; talking little The stereotypical cowboy is a ____ soul, answering lengthy questions with a "Yep" or "Nope"


def: hackneyed; commonplace The ____ and predictable situations in many television programs turn off many viewers, who, in turn, turn off their sets


def: half asleep The heavy meal and the overheated room made us all ____ and indifferent to the speaker


def: having to do with predicting the future. In interpreting Pharaoh's ____ dream, Joseph said that the seven fat cows eaten by the seven lean cows represented seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine


def: helpful; contributive. Rest and propwe diet are ____ to good health.


def: imitation Her gift for ___ was so great that her freinds said that she should be in the theater


def: imitation of another's style in musical composition or in writing We cannot even say that her music is a ___ of this or that composer; it is, rather, reminiscent of many musicans


def: implying a cause-and-effect relationship. The psychologist maintained there was a ___ relationship between the nature of one's early childhood experiences and one's adult personality


def: impressive; majestic Visiting the palace at Versailles, she was impressed by the ____ their surroundings in which she found herself.


def: in a spirited manner; with courage Because he had fought ___ against a much superior boxer, the crowd gave him a standing ovation when he left the arena.


def: inform When NASA was ____d of the dangerous weather conditions, the head of the space agency decided to postpone the shuttle launch.


def: insolent. Her ____ contempt for authority angered the officials.


def: insurmountable; unbeatable Though the odds against their survival seemed ____, the Apollo 13 astronauts reached earth safely.


def: lazy Couch potatoes lead an ___ life lying back in the Lazyboy recliners watching TV


def: limited quantity Although his story is based on a ___ of truth, most of the events he describes are fictitious


def: live in a monotonous way I do not understand how you can ____ in this quiet village after the adventurous life you have led.


def: longing; urge She had a ____ to get away and live on her own for a while


def: loosely connected. Though he tried to follow the plot of Gravity's Rainbow, John found the novel too ____.


def: lose animation or strength Left a Miss Minchin's school for girls while her father went off to war, Sarah Crewe refused to ____; instead, she hid her grief and actively befriended her less fortunate classmates.


def: loud, resounding noise. The blacksmith was accustomed to the ___ of hammers on steel.


def: lounge about They ____ed around in their chairs watching television


def: pouring forth; gushing Unmoved by Martha's many compliments on his performance, George dismissed the ___ words to praise as a sentimental outpourings of an emotional fool.


def: subdue; crush; squash The authorities acted quickly to ____ the student rebellion, sending in tanks to cow the demonstrators


def: unfortunate The ___ creature had never known a moment's pleasure


def: weakness Her greatest ___ was lack of willpower.


def: a strict disciplinarian, especially in the armed forces. Miss Minchin was a ___ who insisted that the schoolgirls in her charge observe each regulation to the letter.


def: abandoned; negligent. The ___ craft was a menace to navigation. Whoever abandoned it in the middle of the harbor was ___ in living up to his responsibilities as a boat owner.


def: ability to foretell the future Given the current wave of Japan-bashing, it does not take ____ for me to foresee problems in our future trade relations with Japan


def: able to produce a desired effect; valid. Medical researchers are concerned because of the developed of drug-resistant strains of bacteria; many once-used antibiotics are no longer ____ in curing bacterial infections


def: abnormal; irregular. She was placed in the ____ position of seeming to approve procudures that she despised.


def: abnormality; departure from the norm; mental irregularity or disorder. sentence: It remains the consensus among investors on Wall Street that current high oil prices are a temporary ___ and that we shall soon see a return to cheap oil


def: abolish responding to conservative attacks against an outspoken radical professor, the dean pledged to resist such attempts to ___ the novel.


def: absorbed; enchanted Caught up in a wonder of the storyteller's tale, the ___ listeners sat motionless, hanging on his every word


def: absurd; ridiculous When the candidate tried to downplay his youthful experiments with marijuana by saying he hadn't inhaled, we all thought, "What a ___ excuse!"


def: abundance; completeness Looking in the pantry, we admired the ____ of fruits and pickles we had preserved during the summer


def: abundance; wealth. Foreigners are amazed by the ____ and luxury of the Americans way of life.


def: abyss. They could nto ssee the bottom of the ____.


def: accidental; by chance Though he pretended their encounter was ____, he'd actually been hanging around her usual haunts for the past two weeks, hoping she'd turn up.


def: acquire; take possession of for one's own use. The ranch owners ____d the lands that had originally been set aside for the Indian's use.


def: acquit; exculpate The defense team feverishly sought fresh evidence that might ___ the client.


def: act as judge. She was caled upon to ____ the dispute between the union and he management.


def: act evasively to gain time, avoid committing oneself Ordered by King John to drive Robin Hood out of Sherwood Forest the sheriff _____, hoping to put off any confrontation with the outlaw band


def: acting without dialogue Because he worked in ___, the clown could be understood wherever he appeared


def: active enmity. He incurred the ____ of the ruling class because he advocated limitations of their power


def: actual; being truly so; not false or imaginary At his computer, Pavel is a ___ wizard, creating graphic effects that seem magical to programmers less skilled than he


def: adopt; support. She was always ready to ____ a worthy cause.


def: affected; not natural Attempting to copy the style of his wealthy neighbors, Gatsby adopted a ___ed, artificial way of speech.


def: after death (as of child born after father's death or book published after author's death). The critics ignored his works during his lifetime; it was only after the _____ publication of his last novel that they recognized his great talent


def: agent; messanger. The Secretary of State was sent as the president's special ___ to the conference on disarmament.


def: agitation; commotion. With the breakup of the Soviet Union, much of Eastern Europe was in a state of ___.


def: aid; assist; comfort If you believe that con man has come here to ___ you in your hour of need, you're even a bigger sucker than I thought


def: analyze; evaluate. When they ___ed the ore, they found that they had discovered a very rich vein.


def: ancestor The Roth Family, whose ___s emigrated from Germany early in the 19th century, settled in Peru, Illinois


def: appearance of truth; likelihood Critics praised her for the ___ of her performance of Lady Macbeth. She was completely believable


def: arrival Most Americans were unaware of the ___ of the Nuclear Age until the news of Hiroshima reached them


def: arrogance; excessive self-conceit Filled with ___, Lear refused to heed his friends' warnings.


def: arrogant; condescending; patronizing The ______ headwater sneered at customers who he thought did not fit the image of a restaurant catering to an ultrafashionable crowd


def: aspect; feature; side. With so many different ___s to the job, a proposal writer must often be a Jack of all trades, able to manage the project, motivate the proposal team, perform needed research, and, of course, write.


def: assault He was ____ed with questions after his lecture


def: assumed; counterfeit; hypothetical Perkin Warbeck, the _____ heir to the British throne, eventually confessed that he was a pretender


def: attach When you ___ a bibliography to a text, you have created an appendix.


def: attack with abusive language; Vilify Though most of his contemporaries _____ed Captain Kidd as a notorious, bloody-handed pirate, some of his fellow merchant-captains believed him innocent of his alleged crimes.


def: attribute; ascribe If I wished to ____ blame to the officers in charge of the program, I would say so definitely and immediately.


def: authoritative; imperious The learned doctor laid down the law to his patient in a ___ tone of voice


def: avoid (responsibility, work, etc); malinger Brian has a strong sense of duty; he would never ___ any responsibility


def: avoid. Hoping to present himself to his girlfriend as a totally reformed character, he tried to __ all the vices, especially chewing tobacco and drinking bathtub.


def: banish to an inferior position; delegate; assign After Ralph dropped his second tray of drinks that week, the manager swiftly ____ed him to a minor post cleaning up behind the bar.


def: bankrupt; lacking money to pay When rumors thhat he was ___ reached his creditors, they began to press him for payment of the money due them


def: be necessary or proper for; be incumbent upon. Because the interest of the ruler and the ruled are imcompatible, it ___s the ruler to trust no one, to be suspicious of sycophants, to permit no one to gain undue power or influence.


def: be thankful for; increase in worth; be thoroughly conscious of. Little Orphan Annie truly ____ed the stocks Daddy Warbucks gave her, whose value ____d considerably over the years.


def: bear one's self; behave. He comported himself with great dignity.


def: beat; trash verbally or physically It was painful to watch the champion ___ his opponent, tearing into him mercilessly


def: beauty; comeliness I do not envy the judges who have to select this year's Miss America from this collection of female _____.


def: become popular with He tried to ____ himself into her parents' good graces


def: beg persistently Democratic and Republican phone solicitors ____ed her for contributions so frequently that she decided to give nothing to either party.


def: beg; mooch; panhandle. While his car was in the shop, Bob had to ____ a ride to work each day. Unwilling to be a complete moocher, however, he offered to pay for the gas.


def: beg; plead with The workaholic's executive's wife ____ed him to spend more time with their son.


def: beginner; novice The young lawyer, a ___ less than a year out of law school, had never tried a capital case; he was not incompetent, merely too inexperienced to represent his clients carefully


def: belief. It is unlikely that Richard III killed his queen, but his evident alarm at the thought that such a story might gain ____ even among his faithful followers clearly shows how fragile he felt his reputation to be.


def: beyond that which is normal in nature John's mother's total ability to tell when he was lying stuck him as almost _____.


def: bitter or sour in nature; sharp and cutting. Noted for her ___ wit and gossiping, Alice Roosevelt Longworth had a pillow in her home embroidered with the legend "if you can't sat something good about someone, sit right here by me".


def: bitter words or manner. the canidate attacked his opponent in highly ____ terms.


def: bitterness; hatred 30 years after the war, she could not let go of the past but he was still consumed with ____ against the foe


def: blame; criticize. The senator was ____ed for behavior inappropriate to a member of Congress.


def: bloody The battle of Iwo Jima was unexpectedly ___, with many casualties


def: boastful, pompous In their stories of the trail, the reporters ridiculed the ____ speeches of the defense attorney


def: boisterous mirth With superb timing they did a knock about comedy act that provoked ____from the audience


def: boisterous; noisy What do you do when an ___ horse of drunken policeman carouses through your hotel, crashing into potted plants and singing vulgar songs


def: boldness; rashness Do you have the __ to argue with me?


def: book for religious instruction; instruction by question and answer. He taught by engaging his pupils in a ____ until the gave him the correct answer.


def: book of itinerary selections by various authors. This ____ of science fiction was compiled by the late Isaac Asimov.


def: boorish; rude. Dismayed by his ____ manners at the party, the girls vowed never to invite him again.


def: bored with pleasure or dissipation. Although Beth was as thrilled with a with the idea of a trip to Paris as her classmates were, she tried to act supercool and ____, as if she'd been abroad hundreds of times.


def: boredom; weariness We hope this new Game Boy will help you overcome the __ of your stay in the hospital


def: brawl; melee. The military police stopped the ___ in the bar and arrested the belligerents.


def: brief and to the point Many of the characters portrayed by Clint Eastwood are ____ types; strong men of few words.


def: brief; terse; compact Don't bore your audience with excess verbiage


def: bring to a halt by confusion; perplex Jack's uncharacteristic rudeness ___ Jill, leaving her uncertain how to react


def: broasting. Hip hop is a culture built on _____, arrogance, and confidence in one's own abilities and appearance.


def: bully; intimidate. Billy resisted Ted's attempts to ___ him into handing over his lunch money.


def: burden; responsibility The emperor was spared the ___ of signing the surrender papers; instead, he relegated the assignment to his generals


def: cajole; coax; deceive by flattery She knows she can ______ almost anything she wants from her farther


def: call together. To the surprise of Vatican observers, the new Pope John XXIII announced his intention to ___ an ecumenical council.


def: calm; impartial. Known in the company for his cool judgement, Bill could impartially examine the causes of a problem, giving a ____ analysis of what had gone wrong, and go on to suggest to correct the mess.


def: calm; pacify. The crew tried to ___ the fears of the passengers by announcing that the fire had been controlled.


def: cancel; revoke. The general ____ed the orders issued in his absence.


def: capable of being bribed The _____ policeman accepted the bribe offered him by the motorists whom he had stopped for speeding


def: caprice; whim Without income from Social Security to depend on, senior citizens will be even more vulnerable to the ___ of the stock market than they are today


def: casual; hastily done. Because a ____ examination of the ruins indicates the possibility of arson, we believe the insurance agency should undertake a more extensive investigation of the fire's cause.


def: catch sight of. In the distances, we could barely ___ the enemy vessels.


def: causal and offhand; arrogant. Sensitive about having her ideas taken lightly, Marcia felt insulted by Mark's ____ dismissal of her suggestions.


def: cause to appear or become stupids or inconsistent; frustrate or hinder His long hours in the blacking factory left young Dickens numb and incurious, as if the mental labor had _____ed his mind


def: causing plague; baneful People were afraid to explore the ____ swamp


def: causing sorrow or pain; very severe A pedestrian who suffered ____ injuries after being struck by a city bus last year will receive a $575,000 settlement from the transit agency.


def: cautious; sparing or restrained about giving. A prudent, thrifty New Englander, DeWitt was a ___ of investing money in junk bonds as he was _____ of praying people unnecessary compliments.


def: central or vital part; whole seed (as of corn). "Watson, buried within this tissue of lies there is a ___ of truth; when I find it, the mystery will be solved."


def: change of fortune Humbled by life's ____s, the last emperor of China worked as a lowly gardener in the palace over which he had once ruled


def: change; convert to something different He was unable to ___ his dreams into actualities


def: changeable; faithless As soon as Romeo saw Juliet, he forgot all about his crush on Rosaline.


def: charge The district attorney didn't want to ___ the suspect until she was sure she had a strong enough case to convince a jury


def: children; offspring He was proud of his ___ in general, but regarded George as the most promising of all his children.


def: chuckle with delight. When she heard that her rival had just been jailed for embezzlement, she ____ed with joy. She was not a nice lady.


def: clamorous; noisy The crowd grew ____ in its anger and threatened to take the law into his own hands.


def: clean; remove offensive parts of a book. The editors felt that certain passages in the book had to be ___ed before it could be used in the classroom.


def: clearness of expression; freedom from ambiguity. One of the outstanding features of his book is the ____ of its author; her meaning is always clear


def: clever reply He was famous for his witty ____ and his sarcasm


def: clever trick; deceptive scheme What a gem of a _____! Watson, I have the perfect plan to trick Moriarty into revealing himself.


def: clever; astute A___ investor, she took clever advantage of the fluctuations of the stock market


def: climb by crawling. She ___ over the wall.


def: cloyingly sweet She tried to ingratiate herself, speaking sweetly and smiling a ___ smile.


def: clumsy; bugling, "Oh! My stupid tongue!" exclaimed Jane, embarrassed at having said anything so ___.


def: clumsy; coarse and uncouth. Compared to the sophisticated young ladies in their elegant gowns, tomboyish Jo felt ___ and out of place.


def: coax; wheedle. Cher tried to ___ her father into letting her drive the family car.


def: collect. The miser's aim is to ___ and hoard as much gold as possible


def: collection; heap. It took weeks to assort the ___ of miscellaneous items she had collected on her tip.


def: combative; bellicose Although at this time he was advocating a policy of neutrality, one could usually find him adopting a more ___ attitude.


def: combativeness; disposition to fight "Put up your dukes!" he cried, making a fist to show his ___.


def: combination (of two business cooperations). When the firm's president married the director of financial planning, the office joke was that it wasn't marriage


def: combine; fuse. The brooks ____ into one large river. When minor political parties ____, their ___ may create a major coalition.


def: command; authorization Although the bill abolished the allowances and privileges of the former princes was rejected by the upper house, it was put into effect by presidential


def: command; order; forbid. The owners of the company asked the court to ___ the union from picketing the plant.


def: commonplace; trite. When the reviewer criticized the movie for its ____ plot, we agreed; we had seen similar stories hundreds of times before.


def: commotion; riot; noise She could not make herself heard over the ___ of the mob


def: compensating; rewarding I find my new job so ___ that I may not return to my previous position.


def: complain; fuss Students traditionally ____ about the abysmal quality of "mystery meat" and similar dormitory food.


def: complete agreement We were surprised by the ____ with which our proposals were accepted by the different factions


def: complete; consummate; make perfect. The waiter recommender a glass of port to ____ the cheese.


def: complete; full The union leader was given ____ power to negotiate a new contract with the employers


def: complicated situation; painful or complex misunderstanding; entanglement; confused mass (as of papers) The humor of Shakespearean comedies often depends on cases of mistaken identity that involve the perplexed protagonists in one comic ____ after another


def: concerning trade The knowledge that sea traders like Mexico Polo brought to Venice increased commercial activity there, transforming the city into one of the great ____ powers of Europe


def: concise summing up of main points Before making her presentation at the conference, Ellen wrote a neat ____ of the major elements she would cover


def: concise; abrupt; pithy There is a fine line between speech that is ____ and to the point and speech that is too abrupt


def: concise; meaningful; substantial; meaty While other girls might have gone on and on about how uncool Elton was, Cher summed it up in one ___ remark: "He's bogus!"


def: conciseness. ____ is essential when you send a telegram; you are charged for every word.


def: condescend; stoop. The celebrated fashion designer would not ___ to speak to a mere seamstress; is overburdened assistant had to convey the master's wishes to the lowly workers assembling his great designs.


def: confirm; support. Though Huck was quite willing to ____ Tom's story, Aunt Polly knew better than to believe either of them.


def: confuse thoroughly. His attempts to clarify the situation succeeded only in ___ing her further.


def: confuse; muddle; cause confusion; make needlessly complex. Was the president's spokesman trying to clarify the Whitewater mystery or was he trying to ___ the issue so the voters would never figure out what went on?


def: confuse; puzzle No mystery could ____ Sherlock Holmes for long


def: confused uproar The marketplace was a scene of ___ and excitement; in all the noise, we could not distinguish particular voices.


def: confused; lost in thought; preoccupied. Jill studied the garbled instructions with a ___ look on her face.


def: conscientious; extremely thorough Though Alfred is ___ in fulfilling his duties at work, he is less_____ about his obligations to his family and friends


def: consequence; accompaniment. Brotherly love is a complex emotion, with sibling rivalry its natural ____.


def: conspicuously wicked; blatant; outrageous The governor's appointment of his brother-in-law to the state Supreme Court was a ____ violation of the state laws against nepotism.


def: continued loud noise. The ___ of the jackhammers outside the classroom window drowned out the lecturer's voice.


def: controlling influence. President Marcos failed to maintain his _____ over the Philippines.


def: conventions; moral standards; customs In America, Benazir Bhutto dressed as Western women did; in Pakistan, however, she followed the ___ of her people, dressing in traditional veil and robes.


def: copy Many museums sell ___s of the words of art on display


def: core or marrow; essence; substance In preparing a pineapple for the table, first slice it in half and remove the woody central ___.


def: correct by punishment or scolding; restrain; rebuke. No matter how much a child deserves to _____ for doing wrong, the maxim "Spare the rod and spoil the child" never justifies physical abuse.


def: correction of errors; improvement. Please initial all the ____s it seemed to make no sense.


def: corrosive; sarcastic Such _____ criticism is uncalled for.


def: corrupt; seduce from virtue. Did Socrates' teachings lead the young men of Athens to be virtuous citizens, or did they ____ the young men, causing them to question the customs of their fathers? Clearly, Socrates' philosophical talks were nothing like the wild ___ery of the toga parties in Animal House.


def: courteous regard for another's wish. In ____ to the minister's request, please do not take photographs during the wedding service.


def: courtesy; civility. A spirit of ____ should exist among nations.


def: cowardly; fainthearted In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy's friend the Cowardly Lion wishes he were brave and not _____


def: cower; lose heart He was afraid that he would ____ in the face of danger


def: crafty; double-dealing I do not think he will be a god ambassador because he is not accustomed to the ___ maneuverings of foreign diplomats


def: crazy; comic I can watch the Marx brothers' ____ antics for hours


def: creed. Just two months before his death, as he talked about life with some friends, the writer Jack London proclaimed his ___."The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time".


def: crisis; joining point At this critical ___, let us think carefully before determining the course we shall follow.


def: critical comments; sever and adverse criticism. His ____s on the author's style are prejudiced and unwarranted


def: critical. ____ people delight in casting blame.


def: critique harshly Hoping for a rave review of his new show, the playwright was miserable when the critics ___ed it unanimously.


def: crowd _____ of shoppers jammed the aisles


def: cunning; artful She is as ____ as a fox in avoiding trouble


def: cure-all; remedy for all diseases There is not easy ___ that will solve our complicated international solution


def: curse; express abhorrence for. The world ____ed the memory of Hitler and hoped that genocide would never again be the policy of any nation.


def: cut away; cut out. When you ___ the dead and dying limbs of a tree, you not only improve its appearance but also enhance its chances of bearing fruit.


def: cut down; economize If they were to be able to send their to college, they would have to ___.


def: cut off the top off The top of the cone that has been ___ed in a plane parallel to to its base is a circle


def: cut; separate Dr. Guillotin invited a machine that could neatly ___ an aristocratic head from its equally aristocratic body. Unfortunetly, he couldn't collect any ____ pay.


def: cutting; sharp Her ___ remarks made us see the fallacy in our plans.


def: damnation; complete ruin Praying for salvation, young Daedalus feared he was damned to eternal _____.


def: dazzling; glorious; brillant While all the adults were commenting how glorious the emperor looked in his _____ new clothes, one little boy was heard to say, :But he's naked!"


def: dead; no longer in use or existence. The lawyers sought to examine the books of the ___ corporation.


def: declaration; statement of policy The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels proclaimed the principals of modern communism


def: declare openly. Lana ____ed that she never meant to steal Debbie's boyfriend, but no one believed her ____al of innocence.


def: dedicate; sanctify. In 1804, Napoleon forced Pope Pius VII to come to Paris to ____ him as emperor, only to humiliate Pius at the last minute by taking the crown from the Pope's hands and crowning himself.


def: deep disgrace; shame or dishonor To lose the Ping-Pong match to a trained chimpanzee! How could Rollo endure the ____ of which they now accused him.


def: deliver officially; entrust; set apart. The court ___ the child to her paternal grandmother's care.


def: deluge; upheaval A ____ such as the French Revolution on this holiday weekend was high.


def: demanding and leaving no choice From Jack's peremptory knock on the door, Jill could tell he would not give up until she let him in


def: demanding much work or care; tedious It putting together his dictionary of the English language, Doctor Johnson undertook a ____ task.


def: denounce thunderously; explode. Known for his "fire and brimstone" sermons, the preacher ___ed against sinners and backsliders, consigning them to the flames of hell.


def: denounce; utter censure or invective He ____ed against the demagoguery of the previous speaker and urged that the audience reject his philosophy as dangerous.


def: deny; go back on He ____ed on paying off his debt


def: depart secretly and hide. the teller who ____ed with the bonds went uncaptured until someone recognized him from his photograph on America's Most Wanted.


def: depravity A visitor may be denied admittance to this country if she has been guilty of moral _____.


def: depressed; gloomy. To the distress of his parents William became seriously ____ after he broke up with Jan


def: descendants; future generations We hope to leave a better world to _____.


def: desecrating; profane His stealing of the altar cloth was a very ____ act.


def: deserter or traitor Because he had abandoned his post and joined forced with the Indians, his fellow officers considered the hero of Dances with Wolves a _____


def: desertion. The children , who had made him an idol, were hurt most by his ____ from our cause.


def: deserving high respect We do not mean to disrespectful when he refuse to follow the advice of our ____ leader.


def: destructive; causing ruin or death. Anointment seems intended to apply the power of natural and supernatural forces to the sick and thus to ward off the ___ influences of diseases and of demons.


def: determined; stubborn. Les Miserales tells of Inspector Javert's long, ____ pursuit of the criminal Jean Valijean.


def: detest; hate. sentence: she ___ed all forms of bigotry.


def: detestation; hatefulness; disrepute Prince Charming could not express the ___ he felt toward Cinderella's stepsisters because of their mistreatment of poor Cinderella


def: dethrone; remove from office. The army attempted to ___ the king and set up a military government.


def: dexterity The magician amazed the audience with his ___ of hand.


def: difficult to impossible to measure or assess. Fears of a possible Gulf war have driven down airline bookings for February and March; the effects of an actual war on the airlines industry would be ____.


def: difficult to please; squeamish. Bobby was such a ____ eater he would eat a sandwich only if his mother first cut off every scrap of crust.


def: digressing; rambling. As the lecturer wandered from topic to topic, we wondered what if any point there was to his ____ remarks.


def: dilemma When both Harvard and Stanford accepted Laura, she was in ____ as to which school she should attend


def: diligent Students who have not been particularly ____ and diligent in keeping up with their coursework may find themsevles in difficulties at midterm time


def: diligent attention. Pleased with how well Tom had whitewashed the fence. Aunt Polly praised hm for his _____.


def: diminish; undermine The element kryptonite had an unhealthy effect on Superman: it ___ed his strength


def: disaster; miser. Cher tried to ___ her father into letting her drive the family car.


def: disconcert; dismay. No crisis could ____ the resourceful hotel manager.


def: discuss lightly or glibly; exchange (words) heatedly While the president was happy to ____ patriotic generalizations with anyone who would listen to him, he refused to ___ words with unfriendly reporters at the press conference.


def: disdainful; sarcastic; cynical The ____ humor of nightclub comedians who satirize or ridicule patrons in the audience strikes some people are amusing and others as rude


def: disgustingly excessive Disgusted by her fans' ____ admiration, the movie star retreated from the public, crying "I want to be alone"


def: disheartened; sad. Cheerful and optimistic by nature, Beth was never __ despite the difficulties she faced.


def: dishonest behavior The investigation into municipal corruption turned up new instances of ____ daily


def: disloyal. Once the most loyal of Bradley's supporters, Senator Moynihan found herself becoming increasingly ____


def: dismay; sudden alarm. To her ___, when she arrived at the airport, she discovered that she had left her passport at pass.


def: disobedience; rebelliousness At the slightest hint of ____ from the sailors on the Bounty, Captain Bligh had them flogged; finally, they mutinied


def: disobedient; resisting authority. The ____ mob shouted defiantly at the police.


def: disown; disavow On separating from Tony, Tina announced that she would _____ all debts incurred by her soon-to-be-ex-husband


def: disown; renounce claim to. Maintaining the injury had occurred during an afterschool program run by outside contractors, the school ____ed any responsibility for Santiago's injured wrist.


def: displaying foresight; thrifty; preparing for emergencies. In his usual ____ manner, he had insured himself against this type of loss


def: displaying ostentatious or hypocritical devoutness You do not have to be so ___ to prove that you are devout


def: disposition to be lenient; mildness, as of the weather. Why did the defense lawyer look pleased when his case was sent to Judge Bland's chambers? Bland was noted for her __ to first offenders.


def: dispute or contradict (often in an insulting way); challenge; gainsay Our treasurer was furious when the finance committee's report ___ed the accuracy of his financial records and recommended that he take bonehead math.


def: dissenting; rebellious. In the purge that followed from many of our universities, a candidate is frequently required to prepare a ___ on some scholarly subject.


def: dissproval; condemnation. The conservative father viewed his daughter's radical boyfriend with ____.


def: distasteful (because excessive); excessively sweet or sentimental. Disliking the ____ sweetness of standard wedding cakes, Jody and Tom chose a homemade carrot cake for the reception.


def: distorted; crooked. He held his head ___, giving the impression that he had caught cold in his neck during the night.


def: distribute; spread; scatter (like seeds). By their use of the Internet, propagandists have been able to ___ their pet doctrines to new audiences around the globe.


def: divide into branches or subdivisions When the plant begins to ____, it is advisable to nip off most of the new branches


def: division; split The movement or ordain women threatened to create a ___ in the Church, pitting modernizers against traditionalists


def: doctrine; dogma The agnostic did not accept the ____ of their faith


def: dominance; especially of one nation over others. As one Eastern European nation after nation declared its independence, commentators marveled at the sudden breakdown of the once monolithic Soviet ____.


def: doubts Hamlet described his ___s to Horatio but decided to fence with Laertes despite his foreboding of evil


def: draw; outline; describe Paradoxically, the more realistic the details this artist chooses, the better able she is to ___ her fantastic, other-worldly landscapes


def: drive or force onward. A strong feeling of urgency ___ed her; if she failed to finish the project right then, she knew that she would never get it done.


def: drive or hunt out of hiding. She ____ed out their secret.


def: dull and unimaginative; insipid and flavorless "Boring!" said Cher, as she suffered through yet another _____ lecture about Dead White Male Poets


def: dull and unimaginative; matter-of-fact; factual Though the ad writers had come up with a highly creative campaign to publicize the company's newest product the head office rejected it for a more ____, down-to-earth approach.


def: dying Hearst took a ___, failing weekly newspaper and transformed it into one of the liveliest, most profitable daily papers around..


def: earnestly advising; didactic; preachy. Film acting schooled Reagan in the ____ oratory of movie dialogue- speeches crafted to sell an ideal or an emotion, and still sound like plain-spoken common sense- techniques he used so dynamically in politics.


def: earthwork or other strong defense; person who defends. The navy is our principal ____ against invasion.


def: ease pain; make less sever or offensive If we cannot cure the disease at present, we can, at least, try to ___ the symptoms


def: easily accomplished; ready to fluent; superficial Words came easily to Jonathon: he was a ___ speaker and prided himself on being ready to make a speech at a moment's notice.


def: easily approachable; warmly friendly. Accustomed to cold, aloof supervisors, Nicolas was amazed at how appealed to Alice's ____ sense.


def: easily understood; clear; intelligible Lexy makes an excellent teacher; her explanations of technical points are ____ enough for a child to grasp.


def: effusively sentimental Whenever a particularly ____ tearjerker was playing at the movies, Marvin would embarrass himself by weeping copiously


def: empty; lacking in ideas; stupid The candidates _____ remarks annoyed the audience, who hoped to hear more than empty platitudes


def: endless Although his speech lasted for only 20 minutes, it seemed ____ to his bored audience.


def: enrage; infuriate Cruelty to defenseless animals ____ed the idea of kit: which is an idea to defend the animls.


def: entangle; stick in swampy ground Their rear wheels became ___ed in mud


def: enthusiasm; liveliness Hamilton maintains that the comic characters of Aristophanes and Shakespeare share a fundamental resemblance, for they possess "the same tremendous energy and _____ and vitality; the same swinging, swashbuckling spirit; the same exuberant, effervescing flow of language; the same rollicking, uproarious fun


def: enthusiastic applause When Placido Domingo came up on stage in the first act of La Boheme, he was greeted by a tremendous ____.


def: enthusiastic approval; round of applause The theatrical company reprinted the ____s of the critics in its advertisements


def: entire range In a classical put-down of actress Katharine Hepburn, the critic Dorthy Parker wrote that the actress ran the ___ of emotions from A to B.


def: environment; means of expression Surrounded by smooth preppies and arty bohemians, the country boy from Smalltown, USA, felt out of his ____.


def: equality; close resemblance The striking Greyhound bus drivers are demanding pay ___ with their counterparts in the public transportation system


def: equipment; odds and ends Her desk was cluttered with paper, pen, ink, dictionary and other ___ of the writing craft


def: equivalent in effect or value Because so few Southern blacks could afford to pay the poll tax, the imposition of this tax on prospective voters was ___ to disenfranchisement for black voters


def: error The criminal's fatal ___ led to his capture.


def: error; misunderstanding To avoid ____, I am going to ask all of you to repeat the instructions I have given


def: essential or main point. Will the Turkish people as a whole embrace Islamism, or will they adopt European values and standards? This is the ___ of the matter; the answer will determine Europe's future for decades to come.


def: evasive; baffling; hard to grasp. No matter how hard Tom tried to lure the trout into taking the bait, the fish was too ____ for him to catch.


def: every two years. Seeing no need to meet more frequently, the group held ___ meetings instead of annual ones.


def: evil schemes or plots Fortunately, Batman saw through the wily ___ of the Riddler and saved Gotham City from destruction by the forces of evil


def: evildoer; criminal Mighty Mouse will save the day, haunting down ____s and rescuing innocent mice from ___.


def: exalted; noble and uplifting; utter Lucy was in awe of Desi's ____ musicianship, while he was in awe of her ___ naivete


def: excessive zeal; extreme devotion to a belief or cause. When Islamic fundamentalists demanded the death of Salman Rushdie because his novel questioned their faith, world opiion condemned them for their ____.


def: excessive; overabundant; unnecessary Please try not to include so many _____ details in your report; just give me the bare facts


def: excessively frugal person; miser Jill called Jack a ____ because he never picked up the check


def: excessively grasping; plundering. Hawks and other ____ birds prey on variety of small animals


def: exile; someone who has withdrawn from his native land. Henry James was an American ____ who settled in England.


def: expand. in the dark, the pupils of your eyes.


def: expedient; prudent; well devised Even though he was dissapointed, he did not think it ___ to refuse this offer


def: expert she was ___ at the fine art of irritating people.


def: explain or go over excessively or to a ridiculous degree; assail verbally. The debate coach warned her student not to bore the audience by _____ing his point


def: explain; enlightened He was called upon to ___ the disputed points in his article.


def: explanatory; serving to explain. The manual that came with my blueray player was no masterpiece of ____ prose: its explanations were so garbled that I couldn't even figure out how to play the disc.


def: expose or slander His opponents tried to ____ the candidates's reputation by spreading rumors about his past


def: express disapproval or disappointment He never could do anything wrong without imagining how the look on his mother's face would ____ him afterwards


def: extinguish; put down; quiet Miss MInchin's demeanor was so stern and forbidding tht she could quell any unrest among her students with one intimidating glance.


def: extreme corruption; wickedness. The ____ of Caligula's behavior eventually sickened even those who had willingly participated in his earlier, comparatively innocent orgies.


def: extreme wealth; luxuriousness; abundance The glitter and ___ of the ballroom took Cinderella's breath away


def: extremely agitated; hysterical When Kate heard the news of the sudden tragedy, she became too ____ to work and had to leave the office early.


def: extremely demanding. Cleaning the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel was an ____ task, one that demanded extremely meticulous care on the part of the restorers


def: extremely hungry The ____ dog upset several garbage pails in its search for food


def: extremely poisonous; hostile; bitter Laid up with a ___ case of measles, Vera blamed her doctors because her recovery took so long. In fact, she became quite ____ on the subject of the quality of modern medical care.


def: extremely poor Because they had no health insurance, the father's costly illness left the family ___.


def: extremely severe. When the principal canceled the senior rpom because some seniors have been late to school that week, we thought the ___ punishment was far too harsh for such a minor violation of the rules.


def: fahter; produce; give rise to. One good turn may deserve another; it does not necessarily ___ another.


def: fallen fruit; expected lucky event This huge tax refund is quiet a _____.


def: false testimony while under oath Rather than lie under oath and perhaps be indicated for ___, the witness chose to take the 5th amendment, refusing to answer any questions on the grounds that he might incriminate himself


def: false; counterfeit; forged; illogical The hero of Jonathan Gash's mystery novels is an antique dealer who gives the readers advice on how to tell ____ antiques from the real thing


def: false; misleading Paradoxically, ___ reasoning does not always yield erroneous results; even though your logic may be faulty, the answer you get may be correct.


def: fantastic; violently contrasting. The plot of the novel was too ____ to be believed.


def: fantastically improbable; highly unrealistic; imaginative. As everyone expected, Ted's ____ scheme to make a fortune by raising ermines in his backyard proved a dismal failure.


def: fashionable She always discarded all garments that were no longer ____.


def: faultfinding His criticism were always ___ and frivolous, never offering constructive suggestions.


def: favorable; fortunate; advantageous Chloe consulted her horoscope to see whether Tuesday would be a ____ day to dump her boyfriend


def: favoring success. With favorable weather conditions, it was an ____ moemnet to set sail. Thomas, however, had doubts about sailing; a paranoid, he became suspicious whenever conditions seemed ___.


def: fearful; demonstrating fear Shy when encountering strangers, she was too _____ to meet anyone's gaze


def: fearless For her ____ conduct nursing the wounded during the war, Florence Nightingale was honored by Queen Victoria


def: feeble and ineffective; carless and irresponsible Richard II proved such a ___ ruler that Bolingbroke easily convinced Parliament to elect him king in Richard's place.


def: feeling something will happen; anticipatory fear; premonition Saying goodbye at the airport, Jack had a sudden _____ that this was the last time he would see Jill


def: feign (stimulate, fake) She _____ insanity in order to avoid punishment for crime


def: felt in one's inner organs She disliked the ____ sensations she had whenever she rode the roller coaster


def: fertility; fruitfulness. The ___ of her mind is illustrated by te many vivid images of her poems.


def: festive; gay; characterized by joviality. The ____ celebrators of the victory sang their college songs.


def: file of documents on a subject. Ordered by J. Edgar Hoover to investigate the senator, the FBI compiled a complete. ___ on him.


def: filled to the brim or to the point of being stuffed; abundantly supplied The movie star's memoir was ___ with juicy details about the love life of half of Hollywood


def: find out for certain Please ____ her present address.


def: fit for growing crops. The first settlers wrote home glowing reports of the New World, praising its vast acres of ____ land ready for the plow.


def: fit or attack of pain: laughter; rage When he heard of his son's misdeeds, he was seized by a ___ of rage.


def: fluent; facile; slick Keeping up a steady patter to entertain his customers, the kitchen gadget salesman was a ___ speaker, never at a loss for a word.


def: fluent; glib; talkative An excessively _____ speaker suffers from logorrhea: he continually runs off at the mouth!


def: forbiddingly stern; severely simple and unornamented The headmaster's ___ demeanor tended to scare off the more timid students, who never visited his study willingly. The room reflected the man, ___ and bare, like a monk's cell, with no touches of luxury to moderate its ___ity.


def: forceful and vigorous; cutting With his ___ wit, reviewer Frank Rich cut straight to the heart of the matter, panning a truly dreadful play


def: forceful; intensely emotional; with marked vigor Alfred became so ___ in describing what was wrong with the Internal Revenue Service that he began jumping up and down and gesticulating wildly


def: foreshadow; portend. The gloomy skies and the sulfurous odors from the mineral springs seemed to ___ evil to those who settled in the area.


def: foretell The vultures flying overhead ___ed the presence of something dead


def: foretell; presage The king did not know what these omens might ___ and asked his soothsayers to interpret them


def: forgiving; trivial When Jean Valijean stole a loaf of bread to feed his starving sister, he committed a _____ offense


def: formal systematic inquiry; an explanation of the results of a formal inquiry. In his ___ he outlined the steps he had taken in reaching his conclusions.


def: formless; lacking shape or definition. As soon as we have decided on our itinerary, we shall send you a copy; right now, our plans are still ____.


def: fortress. The ___ overlooked the city like a protecting angel.


def: foul-smelling; unwholesome The ___ atmosphere downwind of the oil refinery not only stank but also damaged the lungs of everyone living in the area


def: free The company offered to give one package ____ to every purchaser of one of their products.


def: free; disentangle Icebreakers were needed to ___ the trapped whales from the icy floes that closed them in.


def: freedom from narrow limitations I think you have permitted your son too much ___ in this matter


def: freedom from punishment or harm A 98-pound weakling can't attack a beachfront bully with ___: the poor, puny guy is sure to get mashed


def: frenzy; great excitement The story of her embezzlement of the funds created a ___ on the shock exchange.


def: fret about; hesitate for ethical reasons Fearing that her husband had become involved in an affair, she did not ___ to read his diary.


def: fretful; whining Even the most agreeable toddlers can begin to act ___ if they miss their nap


def: full-bosomed; plump; jolly. High-fashioned models usually are slender rather than ____.


def: furnisher of foodstuffs; career As ____ of rave wines and viands, he traveled through France and Italy every year in search of new products to sell


def: further behind The coward could always be found in the hindmost lines whenever a battle was being waged


def: gallop slowly As the horses ____ed along, we had an opportunity to admire the ver-changing scenery


def: gather leavings After the crops had been harvested by the machines, the peasants were permitted to ___ the wheat left in the fields.


def: generous gift Lady Bountiful distributed ____ to the poor.


def: generous; openhanded; liberal The philanthropist was noted for his ____ support of the arts


def: genuine; real She turned so pale that I am sure her surprise was _____.


def: germinal; influencing future developments; related to seed or semen Although Freud has generally been regarded as a ___ thinker who shaped the course of psychology, his psychoanalytical methods have come under attack recently


def: ghost; phantom On the castle battlements, as ____ materialized and spoke to Hamlet, warning him of his uncles treachery. In Ghostbusters, hordes of ____s wielded by Bill Murray.


def: ghostly We were frightened by the ___ glow that filled the room.


def: give an imitation that ridicules. In Galaxy Quest, Alan Rickman _____s Mr. Spock of Start Trek, outrageously parodying Spock's unemotional manner.


def: give in When her stern father would not ____ and allow her to marry Robert Browning, Elizabeth Barrett eloped with her suitor


def: gradual decrease in numbers; reduction in the work force without firing employees; wearing away of opposition by means of harassment. In the 1960s urban churches suffered from ____ as members moved from the cities to the suburbs. Rather than fire staff members, church leaders followed a policy of ____, allowing elderly workers to retire without replacing them.


def: grant condescendingly; guarantee Maintaining that power was only ____ed to the man who dared to stoop and pick it up, Raskolnikov attempted to justify his murder of the pawnbroker


def: grave; serious; coy. She was ___ and reserved, a nice modest girl whom any young man would be proud to take home to his mother.


def: great fire. In the ____ that followed the 1906 earthquake, much of San Francisco was destroyed.


def: great influence (especially political or social). Gatsby wondered whether he had enough ___ to be admitted to the exclusive club.


def: greed. The defeated people could not satisfy the ____ of the conquerors, who demanded excessive tribute.


def: greediness for wealth. Montaigne is correct in maintaining that it is not poverty, but rather abundance, that breeds ___, the more shoes Imelda Marcos had, the more she craved.


def: greedy; eager for He was ___ for learning and read everything he could get.


def: guardianship; training Under the ___ of such masters of the instrument, she mad rapid progress in playing the violin


def: hang about; wait nearby The police helicopter ____ed above the accident


def: hang around; linger The policeman told him not to ___ in the alley


def: haphazard; careless; sloppy From the number of typos and misspelling I've found it, it's clear that Mario proofread the report in a remarkably ___ fashion.


def: happiness; appropriateness (of a remark, choice, etc). She wrote a note to the newlyweds wishing them great ___ in their wedded life.


def: harass or trouble; hem in. Many vexing problems ___ the American public school system.


def: harass; annoy; torment; raid The guerrilla band ____ied the enemy nightly.


def: hard to understand; known only to the chosen few. New Yorker short stories often include ___ allusions to obscure people and events. The implications is, if you are in the in-crowd, you'll get the reference; if you come from Cleveland, you won't.


def: hard; inflexible. in the movie Bronson played the part of a revenge-driven man, ____ in his determination to punish the criminals who destroyed his family


def: hardship; want In his youth, he knew hunger and ____.


def: harmful Smoking cigarettes can be ___ to your health


def: harmony. Watching Tweedledum and Tweedledee battle, Alic wondered why the brothers could not manage to live in ____.


def: harmony; agreement. Her agitation seemed out of ____ with her usual calm. The 1815 so-called "Holy Alliance" of the emperors of Russia and Austria and the King of Prussia accomplished nothing, since it was merely a vague agreement that the sovereigns would conduct themselves in ___ with Christian principals.


def: harsh and shrill; disorderly and boisterous The ____ crowd of New Year's Eve revelers grew progressively noisier as midnight drew near


def: hasty; rash The slave seized the unexpected chance to make a _____ dash across the border to freedom.


def: hateful; vile Cinderella's ugly stepsisters had the ___ habit of popping their zits in public


def: having a common center The target was made of ____ circles


def: having foresight; fortuneteller. Cassandra's ___ warning was not heeded by the Trojans


def: having insight; penetrating; astute The brilliant lawyer was known for his ___ deductions


def: having no equal; incomparable The reining operatic tenor of his generation, to his admirers Luciano Pavarotti was ____: no one could compare with him


def: having the title of an office without the obligations. Although he was the ___ head of the company, the real decisions were made by his general manager


def: having to aim; biased; designed to further a cause The intensive and ____ coverage makes it clear that some news channels are pursuing agendas of their own


def: heat; passion; zeal Katya's ardor was contagious, soon all her fellow demonstrators were busily making posters and handing out flyers, inspired by her ____ enthusiasm for the cause.


def: high; lofty. After her appointment to hs ___ position, she seldom had time for her former friends.


def: highly ornate. Accustomed to the severe, angular lines of modern skyscrapers, they found the flamboyance of ___ architecture amusing.


def: hint She ____ed rather than stated her preference


def: home Although his legal ___ was in NYC, hiw work kept him away from home for many years.


def: hostile feeling or intent. The ___ of the speaker became obvious to all when he began to indulge in sarcastic and insulting remarks.


def: hot tempered. His flushed, angry face indicated a ____ nature.


def: hothead; troublemaker The police tried to keep track of all the local ____s when the president came to town.


def: idealistic but impractical Constantly coming up with ____, unworkable schemes to save the world, Simon has his heart in the right place, but his head is somewhere off in the clouds


def: ill will; hatred. At Camp David President Carter labored to bring an end to the ___ that prevented Egypt and Israel from living in peace.


def: ill-humored; irritable. Constantly complaining about his treatment and refusing to cooperate with the hospital staff; he was a _____ patient.


def: illness A mysterious ___ swept the country, filling doctors' offices with feverish, purple-spotted patients


def: imaginary Although the book purports to be a biography of George Washington , many of the incidents are ___.


def: immature; half-baked; like a sophomore Even if you're only a freshman, it's no compliment to be told your humor is ____.


def: impenetrable; not readily understood; mysterious Experienced poker players try to keep their expressions ____, hiding their reactions to the cards behind a so-called poker face


def: imperceptible; intangible The ash is so fine that it is ____ to the touch but it can be seen as a fine layer covering the window ledge.


def: impermanent; fleeting Fame is ___: today's rising star is all too soon tomorrow's washed-up has-been.


def: impertinence; insolence Kissed on the cheek by a perfect stranger, Lady Catherine exclaimed, "Of all the nerve" Young man, I should have you horse-whipped for you ____"


def: impertinent; forward I think your ___ and imprudent remarks call for an apology


def: improperness; unsuitableness Because of the ____ of the punk rocker's slashed Tshirt and jeans, the management refused to admit him to the hotel's very formal dining room.


def: impudent disrespect; haughtiness How dare you treat me so rudely! The manager will hear of your ____.


def: in a coma; extremely sleepy. The long-winded orator soon had his audience in a ___ state.


def: incipient; coming into being If we could identify these revolutionary movements in their ____ state, we would be able to eliminate serious trouble in later years


def: inclination; natural tendency Watching the two year old voluntarily put away his toys, I was amazed by his ____ for neatness


def: inclined to form factions; causing dissension. The pollsters' practice of dividing up the map of America into Red and Blue states reinforces ____ feelings among Americans, who increasingly define themselves as members of one of the two major political parties.


def: include; encompass Does the general theory of relatively contradict Newtonian physics, or is Newton's law of gravity ____ into Einstein's larger scheme


def: inconspicuous; not blatant Reluctant to attract notice, the governess took a chair in a far corner of the room and tried to be as ____ as possible


def: increase or intensify; raise in power; wealth; rank; of honor. The history of the past quarter century illustrates how a President may _____ his power to act aggressively in internal affairs without considering the wishes of Congress


def: incriminate; show to be involved Here's the deal: if you agree to take the witness stand and ___ your partners in crime, the prosecution will recommend that the judge go easy in sentencing


def: incurable; uncorrectable The error she made was ____; she could see no way to rectify it


def: indecent; obscene. Jack took offense at Jill's ____ remarks. What kind of young man did she think he was?


def: indefensible; not able to be maintained Wayne is so contrary that, the more ___ a position is, the harder he'll try to defend it


def: indirect in speech; hypocritical; evasive Rather than tell Jill directly what he disliked, Jack made a few ____ comments and tried to change the subject


def: indirect reference. When Amanda said to the ticket scalper. "One hundred bucks? What do you want, a pound of fresh?" she was making an ____ to Shakespear's Merchant of Venice


def: indisputable: not open to question Unless you find the evidence against my client absolutely ____, you must declare her not guilty of this charge.


def: induce someone to convert to a religion or belief In these interfaith meetings, there must be no attempt to ___; we must respect all points of view.


def: infer on the basis of insufficient data; surmise; guess. In the absence of any eyewitness reports, we can only ____ what happened in the locked room on the night of the 13th.


def: infinite The notion of ____ or limitless power is alien to our Constitution, for it was designed to guard against abuses of such unlimited power.


def: inflict "The Category 5 storm ____ed havoc, doing more than $20 billion in damage and making it by far the costliest hurricane ever in United States history."


def: infringe; touch; collide with How could they be married without ____ing on one another's freedom


def: inhabitant or resident; regular visitor. In The Untouchables, Elliot Ness fights Al Capone and the other ____ of Chicago's underworld. Ness's fight against corruption was the talk of all the ___s of local bars.


def: insert between She talked so much that I could not ____ a single remark.


def: insert improperly; palm off Susan had no desire to have her late aunt's ancient Boston terrier ___ed on her, but someone had to look after the poor beast.


def: insignificant; petty; trifling One hundred dollars for a genuine imitation Rolex watch! Lady, this is a ___ sum to pay for such a high-class piece of jewelry.


def: insincere expressions of piety; jargon of thieves. Shocked by news of minister's unfaithfulness to his marriage, the worshippers dismissed his talk about the sacredness of marriage as mere ____.


def: instruct; correct morally. Although his purpose was to ___ and not to entertain his audiences, may of his listeners were amused and not enlightened.


def: insult one's dignity; snub Hypersensitive and ready to take offense at any discourtesy, Bertha was always on the lookout for real or imaginary ___.


def: insult; offense; intentional act of disrespect. When Mrs. Proudie was not seated beside the Archdeacon at the head table, she took it as a personal ___ and refused to speak to her hosts for a week.


def: insultingly offensive; obscene; indecent The candidate maintained that there was no trace of evidence to support the irresponsible, ___ accusations his opponents had made.


def: intellectuals; members of the educated elite (often used derogatorily) She preferred discussions about sports and politics to the literary conversations of the ____.


def: intention; meaning If the ___ of your speech was to arouse the rabble, you succeeded admirably


def: interferring He felt his marriage was suffering because of his ____ mother-in-law


def: interjection; profane oath. Fred was so foul-mouthed that, if you deleted all the ___s from the comments, very little woud have been left.


def: introduce; open up. Jack did not even try to ___ the subject of religion with his in-laws because it was a touchy subject.


def: introductory The chairman made a few ____ remarks beforehe called on the first speaker


def: irreverence; lack of respect for God. When members of the youth group draped the church in toilet paper on Halloween, the minister reprimanded them for their ___.


def: irreverent The congregation was offered by her ___ remarks


def: irritate; fester The memory of having been jilted ____ed him for years


def: join together; unite I don't wish to be ____ed to him in marriage, as if we were cattle pulling a plow


def: journey Auntie Mame was a world traveler whose ____s took her from Tijuana to Timbuktu


def: knowledge During the election campaign, the two candidates were kept in full ____ of the international situation.


def: lack of proper respect Some people in the audience were amused by the ____ of the comedian's jokes about the pope; others felt offended by his lack of respect for their faith.


def: lacking a material body; insubstantial Although, Casper the friendly ghost is an ____ being, he and his fellow ghosts make quite an impact on the physical world.


def: lacking in favor; dull Flat prose and flat ginger ale are equally ____: both lack sparkle


def: lacking proper seriousness When Mark told Mona he love her, she dismissed his earnest declaration was a ____ "Oh, you say that to all the girls"


def: lacking purpose or zest; halfhearted; languid Because Gatsby had his mind more on his love life than on his finances, he did a very ____ job of managing his money.


def: lacking substance; insignificant The ____ of the Islanders manifested itself in their supicion of anything foreign.


def: lacking vigor; worn out; sterile Is the Democratic Party still a vital political force, or is it an ____, powerless faction, wedded to outmoded liberal policies.


def: lacking. You ma think Cher's mind is a total void, but she's usually not ___ of intelligence. She just sounds like an airhead.


def: lament; express disapproval of. The widow ____ed the death of her beloved husband.


def: landless agricultural worker; bond servant The land reformers sought to liberate the ___s and establish them as independent farmers


def: languish; decline; long for; yearn Though she tried to be happy living with Clara in the city, Heidi ____ed for the mountains and for her gruff but loving grandfather


def: large volume She spent much time in the archives poring over ancient ____s.


def: lassitude; depression His friends' tried to overcome the ____ into which he had fallen by taking him to parties and to the theater.


def: laughably foolish or unreasonable Batman may be a serious crime fighter, but why does he wear such a ___ costume


def: lavish; rich I cannot recall when I have had such a ___ Thanksgiving feast


def: lead-colored; black and blue; ashen; enraged His face was so ____ with rage that we were afraid that eh might ahve an attack of apoplexy


def: legal delay of payment If we declare a ____ and delay collection of debts for six months. I am sure the farmers will be able to meet their bills


def: lessening; reduction in size. Old Jack was a sharp at eighty as he had been at fifty; increasing age led to no ____ of his mental acuity.


def: liable to err. Although I am ___, I feel confident that I am right this time.


def: liberated; freed from chains What can a weakened university system do to preserve the spirit of open and _____ academic inquiry? This is the problem confronting academia today


def: like an uncle ____ pride did not prevent him from noticing his nephew's shortcomings.


def: limit narrowly; confine or restrict; define. The great lords of state tried to ___ the queen's power by having her accept a set of conditions that left the decisive voice in all important matters to the privy council.


def: load; harsh roar or screech; dazzling blaze of light. I don't know which is worse: the steady ____ of a boom bo deafening your ears.


def: loiter; waste time. We have to meet a deadline. Don't ___er, just get down to work.


def: loud and harsh; insistent We could barely hear the speaker over the ___ cries of the hecklers


def: lower; degrade; humiliate sentence: Anna expected to have to curtsey to the King, when told to cast herself down on the ground before him, however, she refused to ____ herself


def: lowest point Although few people realized it, the Dow- Jones averages had reached their __ and would soon begin an upward surge.


def: loyalty. Iago wickedly manipulates Othello, arousing his jealousy and causing him to question his wife's ___.


def: magnificent He proudly showed us through his ___ home


def: make a harsh noise; have an unpleasant effect; shred The screams of the quarreling children ____ed on her nerves.


def: make amends for (a sin). Jean Valijean tried to ____ his crimes by preforming acts of charity.


def: make an attempt at; test. In an effort to enrich the contemporary operatic repertoire, the Santa Fe Opera commissioned three new operas by American composers who had not previously ____ed the form.


def: make frivolous objections. I respect your sensible criticisms, but I dislike the way you ____ about unimportant details.


def: make impossible; eliminate The fact that the band was already booked to play in Hollywood on New Year's Eve ____ed their accepting the offer of a New Year's Eve gig in London


def: make insane, disarrange. Hamlet's cruel rejection ___ed poor Ohelia; in her madness, she drowned herself.


def: make secure against lose; compensate for loss The city will ____ all home owners whose property is spoiled by this project.


def: make someone feel uneasy; disconcert; thwart. In Coppola's film The Conversation, as mine Robert Shields follows people around while mimicking their gestures and gait, he ____s a dour-looking man, who loos distinctly uncomfortable when Shields starts trailing him.


def: malicious misrepresentation; slander. He could endure his financial failure, but he could not bear the ___ that his foes heaped upon him.


def: malleable; flexible; pliable. Copper is an extremely ___ material; you can stretch it into the thinnest of wires, end it, even wind it into loops.


def: mania for doing grandiose things Developers who spend millions truing to build the world's tallest skyscraper suffer from ____.


def: marked by changes in fortune. During his ____ career he had lived in palatial mansions and in dreary boarding-houses.


def: marked by commotion; extremely funny; very noisy The ____ comedy hit Ace Ventura: Pet Detective starred Jim Carrey, whose comic mugging provoked gales of ___ laughter from audiences coast to coast


def: marvelous; enormous Watching the champion weight lifter have the weighty barbell to shoulder height and then boost it overhead, we marveled at his ____ strength


def: matchless; not able to be imitated We admire Auden for his ____ use of language; he is one of a kind


def: meager; insufficient Thinking his helping of food was ___, Oliver Twist asked for more


def: means; effort. By ___ of much hard work, the volunteers were able to control the raging forest fire.


def: measure; distribute He tried to be impartial in his efforts to ___ out justice


def: meeting place The two fleets met at the ___ at the appointed time


def: meld or fuse; confuse; combine into one. In his painting White Crucifixion, which depicts German Jews terrorized by a Nazi mob, Chagall ___ Jewish and Christian symbols, portraying the Christ wrapped in a tallith, a Jewish prayer shawl.


def: member of the working class; blue collar guy "Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!" is addressed to ____s, not preppies


def: menacing; threatening Jabbing a ____ forefinger as Dorthy, the Wicked Witch cried, "I'll get you, and your little dog too!"


def: menial work. Cinderella's fairy godmother rescued her from a life of ____.


def: mental disorder marked by confusion. In his ___, the drunkard saw pink panthers and talking pigs.


def: mental keenness. Her business ___ helped her to succeed where others had failed.


def: mental or bodily powers; teaching staff. As he grew old, Professor Twiggly feared he might lose his ____ies and become unfit to teach.


def: merriment; laughter sober Malvolio found Sir Taylor's ___, improper


def: middle class; selfishly materialist; dully conventional. Technically, anyone who belongs to the middle class is _____ but, given the word's connotations, most people resent if you call them that.


def: minor eccentricity; slight weakness or flaw. Eating oysters for desserts is just one of David's little ____.


def: minor objection or complaint Aside from a few hundred teensy-weensy ____s about the set,the script the actors, the director, the costumes, the lighting, and the props, the hypercritical critic loved the play


def: mislead or delude; cheat; pass time. With flattery and big talk of easy money, the con men ____ed Kyle into betting his allowance on the shell game.


def: mismanage; blunder. Don't botch this assignment because if if you ____ the job, you're fired.


def: mistaken; wrong. I thought my answer was correct, but it was ____.


def: mixed up; jumbled; distorted A favorite party game involves passing a whispered message from one person to another; by the time it reaches the last player, the message has become totally ____ed.


def: mixture of writings on various subjects This is an interesting ____ of 19th century prose and poetry


def: mock As you ___ at their superstitions beliefs, do you realize that you, too, are guilty of similarity foolish thoughts?


def: moment of calm Not wanting to get wet, they waited under the awning for a ___ in the rain.


def: monarch; sovereign The ___ spent more time at Monte Carlo than he did at home on his throne.


def: money Preferring ___ to undying fame, he wrote stories of popular appeal


def: most favorable If you wait for the ____ moment to act, you may never begin your project


def: most sacred; inviolable The brash insurance salesman invaded the ____ privacy of the office of the president of the company


def: motion; gesture Operatic performers are trained to make are trained to make exaggerate ___s because of the large auditoriums in which they appear.


def: motivated solely by money or gain "I'm not in this war because I get my kids waving flags", said the ___ soldier. "I'm in it for the dough."


def: mournful The ____ howling of the dogs added to our sadness


def: mournful; causing sadness. Eeyore, the lugubrious donkey. immortalized by A.A Milne, looked at his cheerful friend Tigger and sighed a ___ sigh


def: moved by sexual love, loving. "Love them and leave them" was the motto of the ___ Don Juan


def: moving force; incentive; stimulus A new federal highway program would create jobs and give added ____ to our economic recovery


def: multicolored; mixed The jester wore a ___ tunic, red and green and blue and gold all patched together haphazardly. Captain Ahab had gathered a ___ crew to sail the vessel; old sea dogs and runaway boys, pillars of the church and drunkards, even a tattooed islander who terrified the rest of the crew.


def: mutually agreed on; done together All the girl scouts made a ___ effort to raise funds for their annual outing.


def: mutually destructive The rising death toll on both sides indicates the ____ nature of this conflict


def: mysterious; secret; supernatural The ____ rites of the organization were revealed only to members


def: naive and trusting; young; unsophisticated The woodsman did not realize how ____ Little Red Riding Hood was until he heard that she had gone off for a walk in the woods with the Big Bad Wolf.


def: narrow in outlook; provincial; related to parishes Although Jane Austen writes novels set in small rural communities, her concerns are universal


def: narrow-minded person, uncultured and possibly only interested in material gain "Call me a ____, but I have small patience for Samuel Beckett, can tolerate only small doses of serial atonality, and am bored numb by recitative."


def: nearsighted; lacking foresight Stumbling into doors despite the coke-bottle lenses on his glasses, the nearsighted Mr. Magoo is markedly ___.


def: needlessly repetitious In the sentence "It was visible to the eye," the phrase "to the eye" is ____


def: negative in connotation; having a belittling effect Instead of criticizing Clinton's policies, the Republicans made ____ remarks could compare with him


def: negligent When the prisoner escaped, the guard was accused of being ____ in his duty


def: new or newly coined word or phrase As we invent new techniques and professions, we must also invent___ such as "microcomputer" and "astronaut" to describe them


def: no longer stylish; old-fashioned Unconcerned about keeping in style, Lenore was perfectly happy to wear ______ clothes as long as they were clean and unfrayed


def: noise. The ___ of the children at play outside made it impossible for her to take a nap.


def: nonentity; worthless person or thing. She claimed her ex-husband was a total ____ and wondered why she had ever married him.


def: nonsense; foolishness. Why do I have to spend my days listening to such idiotic __?


def: not able to be erased The ___ link left a permanent mark on my shirt. Young Bill Clinton's meeting with President Kennedy make an indelible impression on the youth.


def: not easily satisfied; unquenchable; greedy The young writer's thirst for knowledge was ___, she was always in the library


def: not effective; weak Because the candidate failed to get across her message to the public, her cannot be described


def: not harmonious; conflicting. Nothing is quite so ___ as the sound of a junior high school orchestra tuning up.


def: not noticing; disregarding. She drove on, heedless of the warnings that the road was dangerous.


def: not planned; impromptu. Because her ____ remarks were misinterpreted, she decided to write all her speeches in advance.


def: not reciprocated Suffering the pangs of ____ love, Olivia rebukes Ceasario for his hardheartedness


def: not repentant Because King John remained obstinate and ____, the Pope placed England under an interdict prohibiting the performances of church services in the kingdom until John would repent.


def: not subject to question; not open to attack Penelope's vertue was ___, while she waited for her husband to come back from the war, no other guy had a chance


def: not wise I think it is ___ to raise this issue at the present time because the public is too angry


def: noticeable; targeted for vengeance He waked with a ___ed limp, a souvenir of an old IRA attack. As British ambassador he knew he was a ____ed man.


def: notorious; conspicuously; bad or shocking. She was an ___ liar; we all knew better than to believe a word she said. Ed's housekeeping was ___: he let his dirty dishes pile up so long that they were stuck together with last week's food.


def: numerous; varied I cannot begin to tell you how much I appreciate your ___ kindness


def: obscure; profound; difficult to understand. baffled by the ___ philosophical texts assigned in class because he didn't understand it.


def: obsolete; outdated. Accustomed to editing his papers on word processors, Phillip thought typewriters were too ___ for him to use.


def: obtaining The company has a large budget for the ____ of office supplies


def: offensive or insulting treatment Although he seemed to accept cheerfully the ___ heaped upon him, he was inwardly very angry.


def: offer; extend Although no formal charges had been made against him, in the wake of the recent scandal the mayor felt he should ____ his resignation


def: offering or providing help; additional or subsidiary To prepare for the emergency, they built an ____ power station.


def: official As his case was transferred from one ___ to another, he began to despair of ever reaching a settlement.


def: official periodical publication. He read the ___s regularly for the announcements of his promotion


def: old age; feeblemindedness of old age Most of the decisions are being made by the junior members of the company because of the ___ of the president


def: old-fashioned; past the prime Her style is ___ and reminiscent of the Victorian era


def: one who considers traditional beliefs to be groundless and existence meaningless; absolute skeptic; revolutionary terrorist In the final days, Hitler revealed himself a power-mad ___, ready to annihilate all of Western Europe, even to destroy Germany itself, in order that his will might prevail


def: one who writes in defense of a cause or institution. Rather than act as an ____ for the regime in Beijing and defend it brutal actions, the young diplomat decided to defect to the West.


def: open for the public to read; obvious It was ____ to everyone that the witness spoke the truth


def: open to view; done openly; not hidden Vietnamese culture considers "face" an individual's public image, extremely important. Any ___ public criticism or disparaged remarks can result in a loss of face and cause and extreme embarrassment.


def: open widely The huge pit ___ed before him; if he stumbled, he would fall in. Slack-jawed in wonder, Huck ___ed at the huge stalactites hanging from the ceiling of the limestone cavern.


def: opening in chess in which a piece is sacrificed. The player was afraid to accept his opponent's ___ because he feared a trap that as yet he could not see.


def: opinionated; arbitrary; doctrinal We tried to discourage Doug from being so ____, but never could convince hm that his opinions might be wrong.


def: oppose with arguments; attempt to refuse; contradict. The witness's testimony was so clear and her reputation for honesty so well established that the defense attorney decided it was wiser to make no attempt to ____ what she said.


def: ordinary; unimaginable Unintentionally boring,he wrote page after page compare with him


def: origin or source of something Fellciano's book Lost Museum: The Nazi Conspiracy to Steal the World's Greatest Works of Art, traced the ____ of stolen, post-war art and led to thousands of works of art being restored to museum collections

hue and cry

def: outcry when her purse was snatched, she raised such a ____ that the thief was captured


def: outlandish; clumsy; boorish Most biographers portray Lincoln as an___ and ungainly young man


def: outstanding; superior The king traveled to Boston because he wanted to ___ surgeon in the field to perform the operations


def: outward appearance; guise Although this book has a ____ of wisdom and scholarship, a careful examination will reveal many errors and omissions.


def: outward decorations; ornaments He loved the ____s of success: the limousines, the stock options, the company jet


def: outwit; battle. In order to ___ the enemy, we will make two preliminary attacks in other sections before starting our major campaign.


def: overabundance; lavish expenditure; excess Freddy was so overwhelmed by the ____ of choices on the menu that he knocked over his wine glass and soaked his host.


def: overstock; fill to excess. the many manufacturers ____ed the market and could not find purchasers for the many articles they had produced.


def: painful physical or mental labor; drudgery; torment Like every other recent law school graduate she knew, Shelby hated the seemingly endless ____ of cramming for the bar exam


def: pardon. When his first child was born, the kind granted ____ to all in prison.


def: partiality; preference Although the artist used various media from time to time, she had a ____ for watercolors.


def: passionate; hot or scorching The novels published by Harleguin Romances feature ___ love affairs, some set in ___ climates


def: patience be patient with John. Treat him with ____ he is still weak from his illness.


def: peak; pinnacle; highest point. Welles's success in Citizen Kane marked the ____ of his career as an actor; never again did he achieve such popular acclaim


def: perceptive; shrewd; having insight My father was a ____ judge of character: he could spot a phony a mile away.


def: perceptiveness; ingenuity; delicacy Never obvious, she expressed herself with such ___ that her remarks were right over the heads of most of her audience


def: period of time. The glacial ___ lasted for thousands of years.


def: permanent The ___ bonds of marriage are all too often being dissolved.


def: permonition of evil suspecting no conspiracies against him, Caesar gently ridiculed his wife's ____s about the Ides of March.


def: person celebrated for wisdom Hearing tales of a mysterious Mater of All Knowledge who lived in the hills of Tibet, Sandy was possessed with a burning desire to consult the legendary ____.


def: person dissatisfied with existing state of affairs He was one of the few _____s in Congress; he constantly voiced his objections to the presidential program


def: person of no importance; nonexistence Because the two older princes dismissed their youngest brother as a ____, they did not realize that he was quietly plotting to seize the throne


def: person of prominence or influence Growing up in Pittsburgh, Annie Dillard was surrounded by the mansions of the great steel and coal ___s who set their mark on that city


def: person receiving protection and support from a patron. Born with an independent spirit, Cyrano de Bergerac refused to be a ____ of Cardinal Richelieu


def: person with power to decide a matter in dispute; judge. As an _____ in labor disputes, she has won the confidence of the workers and the employers


def: persuade to act unlawfully (especially to commit perjury) In The Godfather, the mobsters used bribery and threats to ____ the witnesses against Don Michael Corleone


def: persuade; wheedle ; coax Using her popularity and ability to speak convincingly, she ____ed several of her friends into volunteering to work at the soup kitchen


def: pertaining so speculative philosophy. The modern poets have gone back to the fanciful poems of the ____ poets of the 17th century for many of their images


def: pertaining to a bishop or pope; pompous or pretentious From the very beginning of his ministry it was clear from his ___ pronouncement that John was destined for a high ___ office.


def: pertaining to a gem; creative Such an idea is ___; I am certain that it will influence thinkers and philosophers for many generations


def: pertaining to a province; limited in outlook; unsophisticated As ___ governor, Sir Henry administered the Queen's law in his remote corner of Canada. caught up in local problem, out of touch London news, he became sadly ___.


def: pertaining to farewell I found the ___ address too long; leave-taking should be brief


def: pertaining to money Seldom earning enough to cover their expenses, folk-dance teachers work because they love dancing, not because they expect any ___ reward


def: pertaining to the Pharisees, who paid scrupulous attention to tradition; self-righteous; hypocritical Walter Lippermann has pointed out that moralists who do not attempt to explain the moral code they advocate are often regarded as ____ and ignored


def: pertaining to the church. The minister donned his ___ garb and walked to the pulpit.


def: pertaining to the psychical sense;operating through the senses Stimulated by the sights, sounds and smells of her, she enjoyed her ___ experiences


def: petition humbly; pray to grant a favor We ____ Your Majesty to grant him amnesty


def: petty criticism; fault-finding Welcoming constructive criticism, Lexi appreciated her editor's comments, finding them free of _____.


def: petty details She would have liked to ignore the ___ of daily living


def: pick out; reject. Every month the farmer ____s the nonlaying hens from his flock and sells them to the local butcher.


def: plain; obvious My answer to you proposal is an ___ and absolute, "No"


def: plainly expression Her ____ comments eliminated all possibility of misinterpretation


def: plead; asl earnestly. She ___ed her father to let her stay out till midnight.


def: pleasantly tart-tasting; stimulating The ___ sauce adeed to our enjoyment of the meal


def: please intensely. The audience was ___ed by the freshness of the voice and the excellent orchestration.


def: plundering After the ____s of the invaders, the people were penniless.


def: point of origin; array of numbers or algebraic symbols; mold or die Some historians claim the Nile Valley was the ___ of Western civilization


def: poise, assurance Gwen's aplomb in handling potentially embarrassing moments was legendary around the office; when one of her clients broke a piece of her best crystal, she coolly picked up her own goblet and hurled it into the fireplace.


def: pompous; self-important. Convinced of his own importance, the actor strutted about the dressing room with a _____ air.


def: poor; destitute Someone who is truly indigent can't even afford to buy a pack of cigarettes


def: powerful person The oil ___s made great profits when the prices of gasoline rose


def: practical rule guiding conduct "Love thy neighbor as thyself" is a worthwhile ___.


def: praise The NFL ____ed Boomer Esiason's efforts to raise money to combat cystic fibrosis


def: praise; glorify. The president ____ed the astronauts, calling them the pioneers of the Space Age.


def: prayer for help; calling upon as a reference or support The service of Morning Prayer opens with an ____ during which was ask God to hear our prayers


def: preachy and moralizing pithy Constantly quoting maxims ("Neither a borrower nor a lender be"), Polonius is depicted as a ______, garrulous old man


def: predicament from which there is no escape. In this ___, all turned to prayer as their last hope.


def: predict Although some economists ____ed the imminent failure of the Social Security system. Senator Sanders maintained the system was nowhere near going broke.


def: prepare by combining; make up in concert. How did the inventive chief ever ____ such a strange dish?


def: present an obstacle; stump The detective was _____ed by the contradictory evidence in the robbery investigation


def: presumptuous; arrogant We are using our children as symbols of leisure-class standing without building in safeguarding against an ____ sense of entitlement- a sense of entitlement that may incline some young people more toward the good life than toward the hard work that, for most of us, makes the good life possible


def: pretend Although she claimed that the car accident had left her with a bad case of whiplash, when he was her gyrating at her jazzercise class, we realized she was only ___ing injury.


def: pretend; conceal by feigning Although the governor tired to ___ his feelings about the opposing candidate, we all knew he despised his rival.


def: pretending to be virtuous; deceiving Because he believed Eddie to be interested only in his own advancement, Greg resented Eddie's ___ protestations of friendship.


def: pretense; evasion As soon as we realized that you had won our support by a ___, we withdrew our endorsement of your candidacy


def: pride; arrogance When she realized that Darcy believed himself too good to dance with his inferiors, Elizabeth took great offense at his ____.


def: privilege; unquestionable right The President cannot levy taxes; that i sthe ___ of the legislative branch of government


def: probable or likely; having the appearance of truth Something ____ is very similar to the truth, or at least seems to be


def: process of being made sensitive or acutely responsive to an external agent or substance. The paint fumes triggered a bad allergic response in Vicky; even now, her extreme ___ to these chemicals causes her to faint whenever she is around wet paint


def: procession; parade. As described by Chaucer, the ___ of Canterbury pilgrims was a motley group.


def: proclaim a doctrine or law; make known by official publication. When Moses came down from the mountaintop prepared to ___ God's commandments, he was appalled to discover his followers worshipping a golden calf


def: prohibit; forbid Civilized nations must _____ the use of nuclear weapons if we expect our society to live


def: prolong Seeking to delay the union members' vote, the management team tried to ___ the negotiations endlessly, but the union representatives saw through their strategy


def: prominent One of the ___ features of that newspaper is its execellent editorial page


def: propriety, orderliness and good taste in manners. Even the best-mannered students have trouble behaving with ___ on the last day of schoo.


def: protective; pertaining to a guardianship Each village, no matter how small, boasts dozens of shrines to the local ____ or guardian spirits


def: protest; objection The authorities were deaf to the pastor's ______s about the lack of police protection in the area.


def: protest; remonstrance. Despite the teacher's scoldings and ____s, the class remained unruly.


def: proverb; a truth pithily stated Aesop's fables illustrate moral ___.


def: provide for the payment of. Her employer offered to ___ the costs of her postgraduate education.


def: prudent; cautious. Investigating before acting, she tried always to be ___.


def: pull away; take by violence With only 10 seconds left to play, our team ____ed from the grasp


def: pull; strain; twist She ____ed free of her attacker and landed a powerful kick to his kneecap


def: punishing He asked for ___ measures against the offender


def: purest and highest embodiment Showcasing historical masterpieces that were once part of the decor of the Imperial palace, the exhibition Treasures of the Imperial Collections embodies the _____ of modern Japanese art.


def: purging or cleansing of any passage of the body. Aristotle maintained that tragedy created a _____ by purging the soul of base concepts.


def: push (oneself or one's ideas) forward to intrude; butt in; stick out or extrude Because Fanny was reluctant to ____ her opinions about child-raising upon her daughter-in-law, she kept a close watch on her tongue


def: put forth for analysis In the early 20th century, Albert Einstein ___ed the general theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics.


def: put in order At a debate tournament, extemporaneous speakers have only a minute or tow to marshal their thoughts before addressing their audience


def: quack; pretender to knowledge. When they realized that the Wizard didn't know how to get them back to Kansas, Dorothy and her friends were sure they'd been duped by a _____.


def: quality of being deeply moving; keenness of emotion Watching the tearful reunion of the long-separated mother and child, the social worker was touched by the ____ of the scene


def: quality of being true; lasting truth or principle Do you question the _____ of Kato Kaelin's testimony about what he heard the night Nicole Brown Simpson was slain? To the skeptic, everything was relative: there were not eternal ____s in which one could believe


def: quality of being unsophisticated; simplicity; artlessness; gullibility Touched by the ____ of sweet, convent-trained Cosette, Marius pledges himself to protect her innocence


def: queer and amusing. He was a popular guest because his ___ anecdotes were always entertaining.


def: quench; sate When we reached the oasis, we were able to ___ our thirst


def: questioner (especially harsh); investigator Feeling being grilled ruthlessly by the secret police, Marsha faced her ___ was trepidation


def: quickly perceptive; keen; brief and severe. The ___ young doctor realized immediately that the gradual deterioration of her patient's once-_____ hearing was due to a chronic illness, not an ___ one.


def: raging mad; insnae Though Mr. Rochester had locked his mad wife in the attic, he could still hear her ____ laughter echoing throughout the house


def: raid The company staged a midnight ___ against the enemy outpost


def: raise in rank or dignity; praise. The actor Sean Connery was ____ed to the rank of knighthood by the Queen; he now is known as Sir Sean Connery.


def: range of knowledge I cannot answer your question since this matter is beyond my ___.


def: rapture; joy; any overpowering emotion. When Allison received her long-hoped-for letter of acceptance from Harvard, she was in ___.


def: rash Don't be ____. Get the advice of experienced people before undertaking his venture.


def: ravenous The wolf is a ____ animal, its hunger never satisfied


def: readily managed or willing to be led; answerable or accountable legally. Although the ambassador was usually ____ to friendly suggestions, he balked when we hinted he should pay his parking tickets. As a foreign diplomat, he claimed he was not ____ to minor local laws.


def: real being As soon as the charter was adopted, the United Nations became an ___ and had to be considered a a factor in world diplomacy.


def: reasoning; act of drawing conclusions from premises While Watson was a man of energy intelligence, Holmes was a genius, whose gift for _____ made him a superb detective


def: rebellion; uprising In retrospect, given how badly the British treated the American colonists, the eventural ____ seems inevitable


def: rebellious Because the _____ forces had occupied the capital and had gained control of the railway lines, several of the war correspondents covering the uprising predicted a rebel victory


def: rebuke; deserts. After his earlier rudeness, we were delighted to see him get his ____.


def: reconciling; soothing. She was still angry despite his ____ words.


def: reconstruct (a sentence, story, etc); fashion again Let me ____ this sentence in terms your feeble brain can grasp: in words of one syllable, you are a fool.


def: region; climate. His doctor advised him to move to a milder ___.


def: reject; scorn The heroine ____ed the villain's advances.


def: rejoice. We ____ed when our team won the victory.


def: rejoicing There was great ____ when the armistice was announced


def: related linguistically; allied by blood; similar or akin in nature. The English word "mother" is ___ to the latin word "mater", whose influence in the words "maternal" and "maternity.


def: related to a school; not practical or directly useful. The dean's talk about reforming _____ policies was only an _____ discussion: we knew little, if anything, would change.


def: related to marriage Reluctant to be married in a traditional setting, they decided to hold their ____ ceremony at the carousel in Golden Gate Park


def: related to monks or monasteries; removed from worldly concerns Withdrawing from the world, Thomas Merton joined a contemplative religious order and adopted the ___ life.


def: relentless; unyielding; implacable After listening to the pleas for clemency, the judge was ____ and gave the convicted man the maximum punishment allowed by law


def: reluctant; disinclined Romeo and Juliet were both ____ for him to go


def: reluctant; disinclined The reporter was ___ to revealing the sources of his information


def: remedy to counteract a poison or disease. When Marge's child accidentally swallowed some cleaning fluid, the local poison control hotline instructed Marge how to administer the ____.


def: remedy; compensation Do you mean to tell me that I can get no ____ for my injuries


def: remorse. The judge was especially severe in is sentencing because he felt that the criminal had shown no ____ for his heinous crime.


def: renounce upon oath; disavow. sentence: pressure from university authorities caused the young scholar to ____ his heretical opinions


def: renounce; abandon The captured knight could escape death only if he agreed to ___ Christianity and embrace Islam as the one true faith.


def: reparation; indemnification If you make full ____ for the damage you have caused, we are willing to let bygones be bygones


def: repay or reward; repayment or compensation There is no way in which our community can adequately _____ the members of the volunteer fire department for the hours of dedicated service they provide


def: repay; revenge The wretch ____ed his benefactors by betraying them


def: repentant When he realized the enormity of his crime, he became remorseful and ___.


def: repetition He recited the passage by ____ and gave no indication he understood what he was saying


def: replace; usurp Did the other woman actually ___ Princess Diana in Prince Charles's affections, or did Charles never love Diana at all? Bolingbroke, later to be known as King Henry IV fought to _____ his cousin, Richard III, as Kind of England


def: representing (a crime or effense) as less serious than it seems, mitigating. Unless extraordinarily strong _____ circumstances exist, someone convicted of murder can expect to be condemned to serve a lengthy sentence.


def: reserved; uncommunicative; inclined to silence Fearing his competitors, might get advance word about his plans from talkative staff member, Hughes preferred ____ employees to loquacious reticence


def: resistance to authority; insubordination Her words, though not treasonous in themselves, were calculated to arouse thoughts of ___.


def: restlessly impatient; obstinately resisting control Waiting impatiently in line to see Santa Claus, even the best-behaved children grow ___ and start to fidget


def: retort; comeback; reply When someone has been rude to me, I find it particularly satisfying to come up with a quick ____.


def: ridicule This article ____s the pretensions of some movie moguls


def: ridicule; make un of. The critics ___ed his pretentious dialogue and refused to consider his play seriously. Despite the critics' ___sion, however, audiences were moved by the play, cheering its unabashedly sentimental conclusion.


def: root up. The Salem witch trials were a misguided attempt to ____ superstition and heresy.


def: rough-mannered Although he was blunt and ____ with most people, he was always gentle with children.


def: roundabout. Because of the traffic congestion on the main highways, she took a ___ route.


def: rubbing away; tending to grind down. sentence: just as ___ cleaning powders can wear away a shiny finish.


def: ruined because of neglect. The ___ old building needed far more work than just a new coat of paint.


def: sad The death of his wife left him___.


def: sad; solemn Sympathetic with Queen Victoria's loss, the British people shared her grief, enduring without protest the ____ atmosphere that shadowed her court.


def: said or done in jest. Although Bill knew the boss hated jokes, he couldn't resist making one ____ remark; his ____ily cost him the job


def: satiate; stuff; indulge to excess in anything Every Thanksgiving we are ____ed with an overabundance of holiday treats


def: scanty; inadequate Still hungry after his ___ serving of porridge, Oliver Twist asked for a second helping


def: scarcity. The ___ of skilled labor compelled the employers to open trade schools.


def: scholar who overemphasizes book learning or technicalities. I believe that language is a living thing, so I generally laugh at the grammar ______s who have fits about every intrusive comma or use of slang


def: scholarly work treating a subject systematically and thoroughly The Ed School professors study pedagogical theories and write ___s and argue, as scholars will, but none of them can teach a class or middle schoolers to save his life


def: scold with biting harshness; strip the ski off. Seeing the rips in Bill's new pants, his mother furiously ___ed him for ruining his good clothes.


def: scold. Grandma began to ___ Steven for his lying.


def: scold; rant You may ____ at him all you want; you will never change him.


def: secondary and minor occupation. His hobby proved to be so fascinating and profitable adn gradually he abandoned his regular occupation and concentrated on his avocation.


def: secret recess or vault usually used for burial. Until recently only bodies of rulers and leading statesmen were interred in his ____.


def: secret; furtive; sneaky; hidden Hoping to discover where his mom had hidden the Christmas presents, Timmy took a ___ peek into the master bedroom closet


def: secret; mysterious; known only to the initiated. Secret brotherhoods surround themselves with ____ rituals and trappings to mystify outsiders.


def: sediment; worthless residue. David poured the wine carefully, to avoid stirring up the ___.


def: seemingly plausible for fallacious reasoning Instead of advancing valid arguments, he tried to overwhelm his audience with a flood of _____.


def: seize another's power or rank The revolution ended when the victorious rebel general succeeded in his attempt to _____ the throne


def: self-evident truth requiring no proof. The Declaration of Independence records certain self-evident truths or ____s, the first of which is "All men are created equal." To Sherlock Holmes, it was ___matic that the little things were infinitely the most important; he based his theory of detection on this obvious truth.


def: self-important behavior; acting like a stuffed shirt although the commencement speaker had some good things to say we had to laugh at his ____ and general air of parading his own dignity


def: self-imposed punishment for sin The Ancient Mariner said, " I have ____ done and ___ more will do," to atone for the sin of killing the albatross.


def: senility. In his ___, the old man bored us with long ales of events in his childhood.


def: sentry; lookout Through camped in enemy territory, Bledsoe ignored the elementary precaution of posting ____ around the encampment


def: seriousness; gravity The minister was concerned that nothing should disturb the ___ of the marraige service


def: servile flattering; bootlicker; yes man Fed up with the toadies and brownnosers who made up his entourage, the star cried, "Get out, all of you! I'm sick of _____!"


def: serving as an aid or accessory; auxiliary. In an ____ capacity Doctor Watson was helpful; however, Holmes could not trust the good doctor to solve a perplexing case on his own.


def: severely scold; reprimand Not only did Miss Minchin ____ Ermengarde for his disobedience, but also she hung her up by her braids from a coatrack in the classroom


def: sham; not genuine; inferior You will never get the public to buy such ___ material.


def: shameless; bold; unconcealed. Shocked by Huck Finn's ___ lies, Miss Watson prayed the good Lord would give him a sense of his unregenerate wickedness.


def: sharp; bitterly pungent. The ___ odor of burnt gunpowder filled the room after the pistol had been fired.


def: sharpen; stimulate The odors from the kitchen are ____ing my appetite; I will be ravenous by the time the meal is served


def: sharpness in time his youthful ___ of vision failed him, and he needed glasses.


def: short-lived; fleeting. The mayfly is an _____ creature: its adult life lasts little more than a day.


def: short; simple story teaching a moral Let us apply to our own conduct the lesson that this ___ teaches.


def: showing or producing joy; blissful. When Johnny first saw the new puppy, a ____ smile spread across his face. In his novel, Waugh praises Limbo, not Heaven: "Limbo is the place. In Limbo one has natural happiness without the ___ vision; no harps; no communal order; but wine and conversation and imperfect, various, humanity.


def: shred; least bit You have not produced a ____ of evidence to support your argument


def: shrewd; thrifty. The ____ Scotsman was more than match for the swindlers.


def: shrink back; flinch The creech of the chalk on the blackboard made her ____.


def: sign; omen; forewarning He regarded the black cloud as a ___ of evil


def: significance Scientific American has covered Einstein's theories-and the refinements and reactions to them- ever since scientists began to grasp the ____ of his landmark 1905 papers.


def: signify; indicate. The well-equipped docks, tail piles of cargo containers, and numerous vessels being loaded all ____ Oakland's importance as a port.


def: silly; senseless There's no point in what you're saying. Why are you bothering to make such ____ remarks


def: situated beyond; unstated and often questionable You must be an ___ motive for your behavior, since there is no obvious reason for it


def: skillful The magician was so ___ that we could not follow his movements as he preformed his tricks.


def: skillful. Her ___ handling of the dedicate situation please her employers


def: slandering; aspersion. Because Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton dared to fight for women's rights, their motives, manners, dress, personal appearance, and character were held up to ridicule and ____.


def: slavish; cringing Constantly fawning on his employer, humble Uriah Heep was a ___ creature


def: sleep-causing; marked by sleepiness Professor Pringle's lectures were so ___ that even he fell asleep in class


def: slight knowledge I didn't know whether it is better to be ignorant of a subject or to have a mere ___ of information about it


def: slovenly; untidy. She tried to change her ___ image by buying a fashionable new wardrobe.


def: slow; sluggish The sailor had been taught not to be ___ in carrying out orders


def: small group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests. Some conspiracy theorists contend that a shadowy ___ of powerful tycoons secretly rules the world.


def: small speck The tiniest ___ in the eye is very painful


def: smear (as with paint). From the way he ___ed his paint on the canvas, I could tell he knew nothing of oils.


def: snub; beat back She _____ed his invitation his invitation so smoothly that he did not realize he had been snubbed


def: sober; sedate Junior partners in the traditionally ___ and respectable law firm were startled to learn that the senior partner had taken on a gangsta rapper as a client


def: sociable Typically, party-throwers are ___; hermits are not


def: social blunder According to Miss Manners, to call you husband by your lover's name is worse than a mere___; it is a tactical mistake.


def: social outcast If everyone ostracized singer Mariah Carey, would she then be Mariah the ___?


def: society ruled by the wealthy From the way the government caters to the rich, you might think our society is a ___ rather than a democracy


def: soil; defile. The chancellor declared, "Our Campus police officers would never do anything that might _____ the reputation of the Uni"


def: solemn curse; someone or something regarded as a curse. The Ayatolla Khomeini heaped ____ upon "The Great Satan," that is, the United States.


def: solidly uniform; unyielding Knowing the importance of appearing resolute, the patriots sought to present a ____ front.


def: someone who wastes money Easy access to credit encourages people to turn into ____s who shop til they drop


def: something taken for granted; the taking over or taking possession of. The young princess made the foolish ____ that regent would not object to her ____ of power.


def: something that relieves pain. Friendship is the finest ____ for the pangs of disappointed love.


def: soothing or mild; agreeable. Jill tried a ____ ointment for her sunburn. However, when Jack absentmindedly patted her on the sunburn, she couldn't maintain her _____ persona.


def: sound in judgement; wise At a key moment in his life, he made a ___ investment that was the foundation of his later wealth.


def: spacious and comfortable. After sleeping in small roadside cabins, they found their hotel suite ____.


def: spacious. In the ____ areas of the railroad terminal, thousands of travelers lingered while waiting for their trains.


def: sparkle; flash I enjoy her dinner parties because the food is excellent and the conversation ____.


def: spasmodic; intermittent on the airplane, Sharon finally managed to doze off, but it was a ___, restless sleep, interrupted by announcements from the pilot and wails from the baby in the next row.


def: speak equivocally about an issue When asked directly about the governor's involvement in the savings and loan scandal, the press secretary ____ed, talking all around the issue.


def: speak evil of; bad-mouthed; defame Putting her hands over her ears, Rose refused to listen to Betty ___ her friend Susan.


def: speed; rapidity. Hamlet resented his mothers' ___ in remarrying within a month after his father's death.


def: spit or sever; cling to; remain faithful to With her heavy ___, Julia Child could ___ a whole roast duck in two. Soaked through, the solider tugged at the uniform that ___ annoyingly to his body. He would ___ tohis post, come rain or shine.


def: spoil the effect of; make inoperative The state's interest in effective crime-fighting should never ___ the citizens' Bill of Rights


def: stamp out; thwart; hinder Heather tried to ___ the rumor that she had stolen her best friend's fiance.


def: stampede; drive out The reinforcements were able to ___ the enemy


def: startling twist; caprice By a ___ of fate, he found himself working for the man whom he had discharged years before


def: state as a political entity; form of government of nation or state In spite of the facade of the modern state, power in most African ___ies progresses informally between patron and client among lines of reciprocity


def: stealthy; sneaky Noticing the ___ glance the customer gave her diamond bracelet on the counter, the jeweler wondered whether he had a potential shoplifter on his hands.


def: stiff and unnatural Feeling awkward at the unexpected meeting, Dave made ____ conversation with his ex-girlfriend and her parents


def: stimulate by shock; stir up; revitalize News that the prince was almost at their door ____ed the ugly stepsisters into a frenzy of combing and primping


def: stingy person; miser Scrooge was an ungenerous old ____ until he reformed his ways and became a notable philanthropist


def: stingy; mean Transformed by his vision on Christmas Eve, mean old Scrooge ceased being ____ and became a generous kind old man


def: stipulation. I am ready to accept your proposal with the ____ that you meet your obligations within the next two weeks.


def: stoppage. The airline's employees threatened a ___ all work if management failed to meet their demands.


def: storehouse Libraries are ____s of the world's best thought


def: stormy; impassioned; violent Racket-throwing tennis star John McEnroe was famed for his displays of ____ temperament


def: stormy; unkind In ____ weather, I like to curl up on the sofa with a good book and listen to the storm blowing outside.


def: stray; random He tried to study, he could not collect his ___ thoughts.


def: stressing niceties of conduct or form; minutely attentive (perhaps too much so) to fine points. Percy is ____ about observing miles of etiquette whenver Miss Manners invites him to stay


def: stretch out full on ground. He ____ed himself before the idol


def: strip of valuables; rob. Seeking plunder, the raiders ___ed the village, carrying off any valuables they found.


def: strong emotions Margo was a creature of extremes, at one moment in _____s of joy over a vivid sunset, at another moment in _____s of grief over a dying bird.


def: stronghold; something seen as a source of protection. The villagers fortified the town hall, hoping this improvised ____ could protect them from the guerrilla raids.


def: stubborn; hard to control or treat. We tried to persuade him to give up smoking, but he was ___ and refused to change


def: stubborn; persistent She is bound to succeed because her _____ nature will not permit her to quit


def: stubbornly wrongheaded; wicked and unacceptable When Jack was in a ____ mood, he would do the opposite of whatever Jill asked him.


def: study industriously; ponder; scrutinize Determined to become a physician, Beth spends hours ___ing over her anatomy text


def: study of word parts A knowledge of ____ can help you on many English tests; if you know what the roots and prefixes mean, you can determine the meanings of unfamiliar words.


def: stuffy; boringly conservative For a young person, Winston seems remarkably ____; you'd expect someone his age to have a little more life


def: suave; refined; elegant The courtier was___ and sophisticated


def: suffering from a disease; destroyed. The extent of the ____ areas could be seen only when viewed from the air.


def: suggest a meaning not expressed; signify When Aunt Millie said, "My! That's a big piece of pie, young man!" was she ____ing that Bobby was being a glutton in helping himself to such a huge piece?


def: suitable for servants; lowly; mean Her wicked stepmother forced Cinderella to do ___ tasks around the house while her ugly stepsisters lolled aroud painting their toenails


def: sullen; severe; gloomy. The Protestant missionaries who settled on Tahiti in the early 19th century were followers of a ___ and cheerless creed, who routinely dressed in black and never let themselves forget for a moment the awful burden of the sins of the world.


def: summarize Let us ____ what has been said thus far before going ahead


def: superfluous; more than needed or demanded We have more than enough witnesses to corroborate your statement; to present any more would be ______.


def: superiority of power, quantity, etc The rebels sought to overcome the ___ of strength of the government forces by engaging in guerrilla tactic


def: support; prop up. Just as architects ____ the walls of cathedrals with pictures, debaters ____ their arguments with facts.


def: supposed Issac Newton is ____ed to have said, "I can calculate the motions of heavenly bodies but not the madness of people."


def: supposed; reputed Although there are some doubts the ___ author of this work is ____.


def: suppress; extinguish; inhibit Halfway through the boring lecture, Laura gave up trying to _____ her yawns


def: surpass; outdo Jesse Owens easily ____ed his competitors to win the gold medal at the Olympic Games


def: surrender. Once the allied forces converged on Berlin, the end was near and the Berlin garrison commander ____ed.


def: survey of enemy of soldiers; reconnoitering If you encounter any enemy soldiers during not ______, capture them for questioning


def: sweet sound Noted for its ___ even when it is spoken, the Italian language is particularly pleasing to the ear when sung


def: swift; momentarily brillant We all wondered at his ___ rise to fame


def: system of religious or ethical belief. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its __: "we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal."


def: take possession of. He questioned the government's right to ___ his land to create a wildlife preserve.


def: taking on oneself The ____ is a device used by the dramatist to reveal a character's innermost thoughts and emotions


def: taking up again; recommencement During the summer break, Don had not realized how much he missed university life: at the _____ of classes, however, he felt marked excitement and pleasure.


def: talent She has an uncanny ___ for discovering new artists before the public has become aware of their existence.


def: taunt You are unpopular because you are too free with your ____S and sarcastic comments


def: teach In an effort to ___ religious devotion, the officials ordered that the school day begin with the singing of a hymn


def: teacher He could never be a stuff ___; his classes were always lively and filled with humor


def: teaching; art of education Though Maria Montessori gained fame for her innovations is a living thing, so I generally laugh at the grammar _____s who have fits about every intrusive comma or use of slang


def: teaching; instructional. Pope's lengthy poem An Essay on Man is too ___ for my taste: I dislike it when poets turn preachy and moralize.


def: tease; torture with disappointment Tom loved to ___ his younger brother with candy; he knew the boy was forbidden to have it


def: tedious wordiness; verbosity A writer who suffers from _____ tells his readers everything they never wanted to know about the subject


def: temporary invasion The nightly ____s and hit and run raids of our neighbors across the border tried the patience of the country to the point where we decided to retaliate in force.


def: temporary rebuke; formal reproof; scolding Every time Ermengarde made a mistake in class, she was terrified that she would receive a harsh ______ from Miss Minchin


def: tend with care After the conflagration that burned down her house, Joan closely ____ed her home insurance policy to discover exactly what benefits her coverage provided


def: tending to call up (emotions, memories). Scent can be remarkably ___. The aroma of pipe tobacco ___s the memory of my father.


def: tending to delay; intentionally delaying. If you are ___ in paying your bills, your credit rating may suffer.


def: tending to improve; beneficial; wholesome The punishment had a ____ effect on the boy, who became a model student


def: tending to overthrow; destructive At first glance, the notion that styrofoam cups may actually be more ecologically sound that paper cups strikes most environmentalists as ____.


def: tentative Kim's acceptance as an American Express cardholder was ____: before issuing her a card, American Express wanted to check her employment record and credit history.


def: territory enclosed within an alien land The Vatican is an independent ___ in Italy.


def: terrorize; intimidate. The little boy was so ___ed by the hulking bully that he gave up his lunch money without a word of protest.


def: that which accompanies. A decrease of gastric juice secretion may be a congenital abnormality or a ____ of advanced age.


def: the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes Torn between loving her parents one minute and hating them the next, she was confused by the ____ of her feelings.


def: theatrical. Proud of his ___ ability, Lawrence wanted to play the role of Hamlet.


def: theft Because of the prisoner's record, the district attorney refused to reduce the charge from grand ___ to petty ___.


def: theme This simple ___ runs throughout the score


def: think over. ___ on his problem; the solution will come.


def: thought. "The mystic leans towards celebration; the mathematician to ____."


def: throb; flutter As she became excited, her heart began to ___ more and more erratically.


def: throw headlong; hasten The removal of American political support appeared to have ______ed the downfall of the Marcos regime


def: throw into confusion; involve strife; entangle He became ___ed in the heated discussion when he tried to arbitrate the dispute.


def: throw overboard. In order to enable the ship to ride safely through the storm, the captain had to ____ much of his cargo.


def: tight; ready The captain maintained that he ran a ___ ship


def: tilt; lean over The flagpole should be absolutely vertical; instead, it ___s to one side


def: tireless Although the effort of taking out the garbage exhausted Wayne for the entire morning, when it came to partying, he was ____.


def: to agree, accept. It gives me great pleasure to ___to your request.


def: to draft for military purposes; to take for public use. The policeman ____ed the first car that approached and ordered the driver to go to the nearest hospital.


def: to speak or write in an exaggeratedly enthusiastic manner She greatly enjoyed her Hawaiian vacation and _____ed about it for weeks


def: tone down to intensity; regulate; change from one key to another Always singing at the top of her lungs, the budding Brunhide never learned to ___ her voice.


def: touchy; peevish If you'd had hardly any sleep for three nights and people kept phoning and waking you up, you'd sound ____, too


def: trace; remains We discovered ____s of early Indian life in the cave


def: traded. The ___ exchanged trinkets for the natives' furs.


def: traitor The British considers Benedict Arnold a loyalist; the Americans considered him a _____.


def: tranquil; steady; uniform. After the hot summers and cold winter of New England, she found the climate of the West Indies ____ and pleasant.


def: tranquility An oasis of ___, the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden sits serenely in the midst of the tumult of downtown Vancouver


def: traveling about; moving from place to place To scrape together a living, many musicians lead a _____ life style, always on the road, traveling from one one-night stand to the next


def: treacherous; stealthy; sly The 5th column is ____ because it works secretly within our territory for our defeat.


def: treat as a celebrity She enjoyed being ____ed and adored by the public


def: trespass; enter as an uninvited person She hesitated to ____ on their conservation


def: trick; shift; sham blow Fooled by his opponents ___, the boxer dropped his guard.


def: trick; stratagem You will not be able to fool your friends with such an obvious ___.


def: truthfulness Trying to prove Hill a lair, Senator Spector repeatedly questioned her ____


def: turn aside; divert; sidetrack If the switchman failed to ___ the Silver Streak onto a side track, the train would plow right into Union Street.


def: twist in coils; contort in pain In Dances With Snakes, the snake dancer wriggled sinuously as her boa constrictor ____ed around her torso


def: twisted; with a humorous twist We enjoy Dorothy Parker's verse for its ___ wit


def: typical; standard; kept regularly in supply Victorian melodramas portrayed ___ characters- the rich but wicked villain, the sweet young ingenue, the poor but honest young man- in exaggerated situations. Although the stationery store kept only ____ sizes of paper on hand, the staff would special-order any times not regularly in ____>


def: tyrant; harsh; authoritarian ruler. How could a benevolent king turn overnight to a ___?


def: unable to be doubted; unquestionable Auditioning for the chorus line, Molly was an ___ hit: the director fired the leading lady and hired Molly in her place!


def: unable to be restrained or held bacl My friend Kitty's curiosity was ___: she poked her nose into everybody's business and just laughed when I warned her that curiosity killed the cat.


def: unaccustomed He hesitated to assume the ___ role of master of ceremonies at the dinner


def: unalterable; irreversible As Sue dropped the "Dear John" letter into the mailbox, she suddenly had second thoughts and wanted to take it back, but she could not: her action was ____.


def: unattractive During adolescence many attractive young people somehow acquire the false notion that their appearance is _____.


def: unbecoming; indecent; in poor taste When Seymour put whoopee cushions on all seats in the funeral parlor, his conduct was most _____.


def: unconquerable; unyielding Focusing on her game despite all her personal problems, tennis champion Sheffi Graf displayed an ____ will to win


def: undeveloped; rudimentary. The CEO reminisced about the good old days when he computer industry was still in its ____ stage and start up companies were being founded in the family garage.


def: uneasiness; anxiety. When Holmes had been gone for a day, Watson felt only a slight sense of ____, but after a week with no word. Watson's uneasiness about his missing friend had grown into a deep fear for Holmes's safety.


def: unfriendly; hostile; harmful; detrimental I've always been friendly to Martha. Why is she so ___ to me?


def: ungrateful person The ____ Bob sneered at the tie I gave him


def: unification; process of becoming firmer or stronger. The recent ____ of several small airlines into one major company has left observers of the industry wondering whether room still exists for the "little guy" in aviation.


def: unintentional; not knowing She was the ____ tool of the swindlers


def: universal; wide-ranging liberal. He was extremely ___ in his taste and read everything he could find the library.


def: unnecessarily wordy and indirect speech; evasive language. Don't beat about the bush, but just say what you want to say: I'm fed up with listening to you ____.


def: unnoticeable; undetectable Fortunately, the stain on the blouse was ___ after the garment had gone through the wash.


def: unpredictable; fickle. The storm was _____ because it changed course constantly. Jill was ____ because she changed boyfriends as much as she changed clothes.


def: unreasonable or capricious; tyrannical. The coach claimed the team lost because the umpire made some ____ calls.


def: unrefined; coarse His ___ remarks often embarrassed the woman in his audiences.


def: unrelieved or immoderate; absolute After four das of _____ heat, I was ready to collapse from heat prostration. The congresswoman's husband was an _____ jerk; ot only did he abandon her, but also he took her campaign funds!


def: unrestrained; excessive She had an _____ fondness of candy, eating two or three boxes in a single day


def: unrestrained; willfully malicious; unchaste Pointing to the stack of bills, Sheldon criticized Sarah for her _____ expenditures. In response, Sarah accused Sheldon of making an unfounded


def: unruly; disobedient; irritable Bucking and kicking, the ____ horse unseated its rider.


def: unsatisfied; not soothed Tensions grew as the protesters, ____ by the dean's promise to investigate campus police mistreatment of minority students, surrounded the administration building


def: unscrupulous; excessive She found the loan shark's demands ____ and impossible to meet.


def: untidy or slovenly; shabby As a master craftsman, the carpenter prided himself on never doing ____ work


def: untidy; careless in work habits Unshaven, sitting around in his bathrobe all afternoon, Gus didn't care about the slovenly appearance he presented


def: untimely; poorly chosen A rock concert is an ____ setting for a quiet conversation


def: untrustworthy person; rogue; scoundrel Any politician nicknamed Tricky Dick clearly hs the reputation of a ___.


def: unutterable; cannot be expressed in speech Such ___ joy must be experienced; it cannot be described


def: unwholesome; not healthful The mosquito-ridden swamp was an ____ place, a breeding ground for malarial contagion


def: unworthy; not noble A true knight, Sir Galahad never stooped to preform an ____ deed.


def: uprightness; moral virtue; correctness of judgement The Eagle Scout was a model of _____; smugness was the only flaw he needed to correct


def: upset; unsettle; confuse. Noise, crowds and sudden changes from routine are likely to ____ autistic children and cause a possible meltdown.


def: urge on; prod; incite laura was furious with herself for having lost her temper, and even more furious with Jo for having ___ed her into losing it.


def: urging; demanding He tried to hide from his ___ creditors until his allowance arrived


def: use sparingly; conserve; save Marathon runners must ____ their energy so that they can keep going for the entire distance.


def: used to prevent disease Despite all ____ measures introduced by the authorities, the epidemic raged until cool weather set it.


def: vague; hazy; cloudy Phil and Dave tried to come up with a clear, intelligible business plan, not some hazy, ___ proposal


def: varied; greatly diversified A career woman and mother, she was constantly busy with the ___ activities of her daily life


def: various; several The economist took dry facts, occasional anecdotes, and a wealth of data from ___ sources, and wove them together into a narrative at once both interesting and informative


def: versatile; able to make on many forms A remarkably ____ actor, Alec Guiness could take on any role.


def: very bad. The anecdote was in such ___ taste that the audience hissed and booed.


def: very carefully To separate egg whites, first crack the egg ____.


def: very destructive The Athenians argued that Socrates's teachings had a _____ effect on young and susceptible minds; therefore, they condemned him to death


def: very generous Shamelessly fawning over a particularly generous donor, the dean kept referring to her as "our ____ benefactor."


def: very poor person Though Widow Brown was living on a reduced income, she was by no means a ___.


def: very small In the 20th century, physicians made great discoveries about the characteristics of ____ object like the atom of its parts


def: vex; irritate; muddy Red had a hair-trigger temper: he was an easy man to ___.


def: vexation (caused by humiliation or injured pride); disappointment. Embarrassed by his parents' shabby, working-class appearance, Doug felt their visit to his school would bring him nothing but ____.


def: vey wicked The villain's crimes, though various were one and all ____.


def: violent anguish The _____ of despair can be as devastating as the spasms accompanying physical pain


def: violent; hasty; rash "Leap before you look" was the motto suggested by one particularly ____ young man.


def: violent; rough;noisy. The unruly crowd became even more ____ when he tried to quiet them.


def: warlike The sound of ___ music inspired the young cadet with dreams of military glory.


def: warlike; pugnacious; naturally inclined to fight. Someone who is spoiling for a fight is by definition ____.


def: warn; reprove. When her courtier questioned her religious beliefs, Mary Stuart _____ed them, declaring that she would worship as she pleased


def: wasting away. Polio victims need physiotherapy to prevent the ___ of affected limbs.


def: waver; fluctuate Uncertain which suitor she ought to marry, the princess _____ed, saying now one, now the other.


def: weary; sluggish; listless Her siege of illness left her ____ and pallid


def: weighty; unwieldy His humor lacked the light touch; his jokes were always ____.


def: wet thoroughly. We were so ____ed by the severe storm that we had to change into dry clothing.


def: wicked; immoral; unrighteous Whether or not King Richard III was responsible for the murder of the two young princes in the Tower.


def: wiggle out; fake She tried to ___ and invitation to the party.


def: wild tumult When the ships collided in the harbor, _____ broke out among the passengers


def: withholding belief; skeptical When Jack claimed he hadn't eaten the jelly doughnut, Jill took an ____ look at his smeared face and laughed.


def: without deceit. He is naive, simple and ____; he cannot be guilty of fraud.


def: without exceptions; unqualified; absolute. Though the captain claimed he was never, never sick at sea, at finally qualified his _____ denial: he was "hardly ever" sick at sea.


def: without guile; open and honest. Red Riding Hood's ____ comment, "Grandma, what big eyes you have!" Indicates the child's innocent surprise at her "grandmother's" changed appearance


def: without money Though Scrooge claimed he was too _____ to give ams, he easily could have afforded to be charitable


def: witty thought or saying; usually short. Poor Richard's ____s made Benjamin Franklin famous.


def: wooden; impassive. Silent films comedian Buster Keaton earned the nickname "The Great Stone Face" for the invariably stoic, ___ expression he maintained throughout his slapstick escapades.


def: word or phrase characteristically used to describe a person or thing. So many kings of France were named Charles that modern students need ____s to tell them apart: Charles the Wise, for example, was someone far different from Charles the Fat.


def: work Although many critics hailed is 5th Symphony, he did not regard it as his major ___.


def: work against Your record of lateness and absence will ____ against your chances of promotion


def: worn through till the threats show; shabby and poor The poorly paid adjunct professor hi the ___ spots on his jacket by sewing leather patches on his sleeves


def: worthy of esteem; admirable. Tennis star Andre Agassi survived a near loss in the semifinals to win the seventh Grand Slam tournament title of his uneven yet ____ career.


def: wreck; mess After the hurricane, the Carolina coast was a ___. After the New Year's Eve party, the host's apartment was a ____.


def: wretch; villain In Colonial America, an offender would be put into the stocks so that the villagers could jeer and toss offal at the ___.


def: written command issued by a court The hero of Leonard's novel is a process server who invents unorthodox ways of serving ____s on reluctant parties


def: written or verbal attack; disputations Lexy was a master of ___ rhetoric; she should have worn a T-shirt with the slogan "Born to Debate."


def: wrongdoing The authorities did not discover the campaign manager's ____ until after he had forcing her to do menial tasks.


def: youthful; immature; inexperienced. As a freshman, Jack was sure he was a man of the world; as a sophomore, he made fun of freshman as ____ youths.


def:daily; commonplace; customary To Phillip, each new day of his internship was filled with excitement; he could not dismiss his rounds as merely ___ routine.


def:prejudiced (envious, hostile, or resentful); yellowed Because Sue disliked Carolyn, she looked at Carolyn's pantings with a ____ed eyed, calling them formless smears.


def:pretense of ignorance of something wrong; assistance; permission to offend. With the ____ of his friends, he plotted to embarrass the teacher.


def:well-paid position with little responsibility My job is no _____; I work long hours and have much responsibilities


def:witty saying; wisecrack I don't mean any criticism, but your last supposed ____ really hurt my feeling


def; thriftless He was constantly being warned to mend his ___ ways and begin to "save for a rainy day"


defL not to be taken away; nontransferable The Declaration of Independence mentions the ____ rights that all of us possess.


1 def: associated with. We frequently judge people by the company with whom they ____. 2. hustband or wife. The search for a ___ for the young Queen Victoria ended happily.


1 def: delay til later; exempt temporarily. 2. def: give in respectfully; submit. When it comes to making decisions about purchasing software, we must ___ to Michael, our computer guru; he has the final word. Michael, however, can ___ these questions to no one; only he can decide.


1 def: dependent on; conditional. Cher's father informed her that any increase in her allowance was ____ on the quality of her final grades. 2 def: group that makes up part of a gathering. The New York ____ of delegates at the DNC was a boisterous sometimes rowdy lot.


1 def: determination; firmness of purpose How dare you question my ______ to take up sky-diving! Of course I haven't changed my mind! 2. def: decide; settle; solve Holmes ____ed to travel to Bohemia to ____ the fispute between Irene Adler and the King


1 def: examine critically in order to understand; measure depth (by sounding). Try as he would, Watson could never fully ___ the depth of Holmes' s thought processes 2 def: vertical Before hanging wallpaper it is advisable to drop a ___ line from the ceiling as a guide


1 def: express disapproval of; protest against; belittle. A firm believer in old-fashioned courtesy, Miss Post ___ed the modern tendency to address new acquaintances by their first names.


1 def: fall completely; sink After hitting the submerged iceberg, the Titantic started taking in water rapidly and soon ____ed.


1 def: irritation; resentment She showed her ___ at her loss by refusing to appear with the other contestants at the end of the competition 2 def: provoke; arouse; annoy "I know something, you don't know," said Lucy, trying to _____ Ethel's interest.


1 def: not influenced by emotions; fair Even though he was her son, she tried to be ____ about his behavior 2 def: goal; aim A degree in medicine was her ultimate ____


1 def: object; protest. Michelangelo regularly denied that Leonardo Da Vinci had influenced him, and critics have usually accepted his statements without ___. 2. def: object (because of doubts, scruples); hesitate. When offered a post on the BOD, David ___ed; he had scruples taking on the job because he was unsure he could handle it in addition to his other responsibilities.


1 def: sealed by fusion so as to be airtight After you sterilize the bandages, place them in a container and seal it with a ____ seal to protect them from contamination by airborne bacteria. 2. def: obscure and mysterious; occult. It is strange to consider that modern chemistry originated in the hermetic teachings of the ancient alchemists.


1 def: stop short; as if faced with an obstacle and refused to continue. The chief of police ____ed at sending his officers into the riottorn area. 2. def: foil When the warden learned that several inmates were planning to escape, he took steps to ___ their attempt.


1 def: talk at length Robert Marlock, the University Orator, welcomed the Queen with a Latin oration in which he (at some length) ____ed on the wonders of Elizabeth's scholarship and on the indebtedness of the University to her.


1 def: turmoil; bewildering; jumble The existing _____ of overlapping federal and state claims cries out for immediate reform 2. def: wallow At the height of the battle, the victims _____ed in their blood while waiting for medical attention


1 def: victim; object of a hunt The police closed in on their ___. 2. def: dig into; question They _____ed blocks of marble out of the hillside


1. Def: collection or authoritative list of books. Scholars hotly debated whether the newly discovered sonnet should be accepted as part of the shakespearean ____. 2. def: rule or principal; frequently religious. "One catastrophe, one locality, one day"- these are Aristotle rules for tragedy, and classic French plays strictly follow them; Shakespeare, however, disregards all of these ____.


1. Def: pretense (of strength); deception; high cliff. Claire thought Lord Byron's boast that he would swim the Hellespont was just a ___ and she was astounded when he dove from the high ___to the waters below. 2. def: rough but good natured Jack had a ___ and hearty manner that belied his actual sensitivity.


1. def: tear out In that fight, all the rules were forgotten; the adversaries bit, kicked, and tried to ___ each other's eyes out. 2. overchange During the World Series, ticket scalpers tried to ____ the public, asking astronomical prices even for bleacher seats.


Def: decay. The moral ____ of the people was reflected in the lewd literature of the period.


Def: flood; rush. When we advertised the position we recieved a ___ of applications.

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