Great Commission

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The Curb/Curve- Purpose is to better yourself should not be main motivation (Guard Dog) Stop people from hurting others

1st Law

1) Inspire enthusiasm on evangelism 2) Help God's people develop skills to carry out Great commission

2 Reasons why Church Growth Movement was developed?

The Mirror- Shows us our sins and faults (Vicious dog) Most people do not like the law, however helps us understand what God Saved us from.

2nd law

1) Historical event (past tense-Jesus died on cross) 2) Salvation on going, we are saved we live in constant state of grace and love (present tense) 3) Salvation when in heaven(future tense)

3 fold manner of Salvation is?

The Guide- shows us how to thank God or instructive use of the law (Guide Dog)

3rd Law

1) the days of Messianic Fulfillment has arrived 2) ministry, death and resurrection 3) Jesus sits at the right hand of God 4) The power of Holy Spirit is proclaimed 5) Jesus will return 6) Repent and receive forgiveness of sins

6 elements of Proclamation

Philip's daughters all preachers

Acts 21- the evangelist daughters?

Everyone is created in the Image of God

Amago Deo means?

The human role in evangelism.

Ambassadors for Christ

Sacraments and Gospel/Word

CTCR doctrine states evangelism mush have something to do with?


Consummate Evangelist in the new Testament is?

Small group is good, do not need to or want to expand(try to avoid it)

Definition of "Glorification of Littleness?"

Cut off from God Because of sin

Definition of Darkness?

Person does not deliver himself, the Holy Spirit does

Definition of Deliverance?

Undeserved love

Definition of Grace

First group of the lost, do not know they are stumbling, no desire to get to know God, does not matter to them

Definition of Indifferent/ Independent?

What God has done through Jesus. Little we can do to earn Salvation

Definition of Justification?

Holy by Holy Spirit, able to do Holy (good) works

Definition of Sanctification

Change from Dark to light, children of wrath to child of God

Definition of Transference

Belief that everyone goes to heaven

Definition of Universalism

God works through Human collaborators to bring lost into contact by means of Grace

Definition of evangelism

fourth group of the lost, they are Ignorant and biblically illiterate

Definition of the Ignostic?

second group of the lost, christian because of family, what they are supposed to be (nominalism)

Definition of the Inoculated?

third group of the lost very religious but different from following Christ. Nothing about God. Not Christian Religion

Definition of the Invested?

Some healing and proclamation. Demonstration but not without proclamation

Demonstration of Spirit's truth

Working with the Ethiopian Unit and also experiencing different cultures from his own

Evangelist demonstrated his cross-cultural capabilities by?

He preached out about the messiah to the masses and also one on one

Evangelist leader and proclamation

The sender. Came up with the plan of salvation and sent his son

Father is known as?

Present the law and gospel of his work

God uses children as mask to.....


God wears his children as.......... as he works through the word and go about our lives

spiritually lost into contact with the means of Grace

God works through human collaborators to bring......

Luther did not mention Evangelism and there was not a need back then and also people already baptized, so why do we need it

Great Omission is?

The Applier. He is the enabler. Does the follow up work after Jesus is Gone

Holly Spirit is known as?

1)The believer is righteousness before god- HS work through them by means of Grace to reveal the Cross to unbelievers 2) Of Christ's victory over sin, death, and the devil

Holy Spirit convinces a person that?

Do not combine different cultures worship services

Homogenous unit principle says about Sunday morning worship?

Humanizing evangelism, going out and serving on a human level but not bringing God into it.

Horizontal Dimension Reductionism

Do not give him enough credit, faith becomes matter of intellectualism (saved through knowledge)

How has the Holy Spirit been ignored over the years?

He will do all the work, Vertical Dimension Reductionism

How has the Holy Spirit been over-emphasized over the years

God revealed himself to humanity through his creations, Is seeking God,Gives us growth and allow us to participate, We are never alone with him (he is always there for us), and God is responsible for the whole conversion process

How is God an Evangelist?

make up laws and rules, condemning people, abuse the law, or making it into your own or make it seem evil

How is the law of God abused in evangelism Today?

Specialize in Evangelism, go around talking about evangelism

Itinerant Evangelists

Worked to make us at one with God. Erase barrier of sin.

Jesus' work of Atonement

What you believe affects how you worship. Do not want to offend anyone so many people are afraid to be relevant

Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi

Exaggerated what the bible said (stories) Is it true Mary was a virgin to cover up premarital sex. Does it matter Jesus rose?

Liberal Theology

Wearing the cross, glorifying his death.

Many eastern religions look at Christianity as?

Evaluate church growth principle

One purpose of documentation is to help LCMS Lutherans to?


Pure theological facts with no application is?

People believe they will become angels, go to heaven by good works, predestination, hope the person is good enough to go

Salvation with heaven has been messed up because?

People have forgotten that there is a hell, because no one wants to talk about something bad, we can not be judge of who goes to hell

Salvation with hell is messed up because?

Learning facts understanding concepts verse emotion (combination of both is best)

Scholasticism vs Experience?

Witness with actions not by words

Silent Witness

The one who was sent. He was the example, he carried out god's plan by dying and resurrecting on the cross

Son is known as?

People say Jesus did not die on the cross, he just passed out was still alive and revived in the tomb, sneak out during the earthquake did not have the power to ascend

Swoon Theory

Use more than one person to help bring others to God

Tag-Team Evangelism

Women went to wrong tomb other than the one Jesus was in.

The Mistaken Tomb Theory

Centered on God

Theocentric means?

1) Son's Incarnational Approach to Evangelism 2) The Son as a Substitute 3) The Resurrected Evangelist

Three concepts about the son?

Extentensilism (experience)

To much emotion with no Theological content is?

The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Triune God?

God will save them, I do not need to do anything. Excuse to not get involved with evangelism

Vertical Dimension Reductionism

Speaking tongues, healing people, sometimes dangerous if too much emphasis is on the gifts

What are some Charismatic gifts?

Putting faith into words to proclaim our faith to others

What are some examples of witnessing through words?

Proclamation interpersonal conversation interaction and example

What are the 3 forms of the Word?

Seekers, ones that questions

What are the Investigators?

Salvation- goal of God's grace

What does Soteria mean?

Means it has become human centered

What does it mean that evangelism has become Anthrocentric?

Amago Deo- everyone is created in the image of god. Gives us the right to witness to others

What gives Christians permission to cross-cultural

Doing good works to get to heaven, we make first move to God. Make decisions for him.

What is Pelagianism?

How receptive are people to the Gospel. Work with people in order to have them be more receptive to listen to what the person witnessing has to say

What is Resistance-Receptivity Acts?

First move to God at same time.

What is Semi-Pelagianism?

God makes first move, put we still play a role in conversion

What is Synergism?

Getting others involved so that there is follow-up

What is a good way to mentor leadership?

Elderly die, no one to fill their spots. some what either a traditional or contemporary church, universalism in modern theology

What is a reason why membership has declined over the years?

Need to be able to relate to others, be among them, understand their culture and were the person is coming from. Jesus was true God True Jew.

What is the Incarnational Approach to witness?

God uses humans as collaborators to reach out to others, but only the Holy spirit can take credit

What is the conversion process?

Gave apostles that to show authority which we do not need because we already have the word, gospel and the Holy Spirit

What is the difference between the grace which God has given us today and the special signs/wonders he gave the apostles?

Jesus sacrifice was accepted by the Father, shows victory over death, proves he was not a liar (did what he spoke about)

What is the importance of Resurrected Evangelist?

Hiding behind theology can do nothing to save others

What is the lazy Lutheran Syndrome?

Jesus took our place under the law, not as an example of suffering or for glorification but to save us

What is the son as a substitute?

The mirror

Which use of the Law is most important but is neglected?


Who preached about resurrection of Jesus on Pentecost Sunday?

Crossing Culture Barriers, may be misunderstandings, Got messy for Jesus will also get messy for us

Why can the Incarnational Approach get messy?

Everything that God has done and continues to do for us, also everything we do (reflection of God) how we act as a Christian Witness

what are some examples of witnessing through actions?

1) make Disciples 2)Bible is Go's inspired and inerrant word 3)Total depravity of entire human race- man is bad helpless until conversion 4)God's eternal plan of salvation through faith in Christ 5) church has been instituted by God 6)Conversion is solely the work of Holy Spirit 7) Necessity of means of Grace (word and Sacrament) 8) Distinction between priesthood of believers and office of pastor 9) God gives Christians the grace to serve him in various callings

what are some missions of the church?

Means Proclamation-has the power of salvation witnessing through actions and words

what does Kerygma mean?

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