According to this greek playwright the greeks were free citizens but the Persians were subjects to a tyrant
He was a Greek Tragedian playwright who wrote a trilogy entitled the Oresteia
Who was the famous king of Mycenae who supposedly sacked Troy in 1250 BC?
This greek philosopher taught that form and matter were inseparable; and encouraged his pupils to analyze and classify things based upon research and investigation
Which Greek philospher believed that the purpose of marriage was to provide mutual comfort between a man and a woman and contribute to the overall happiness of a commnity?
Who was the patron goddess of Athens for whom the Parthenon was dedicated?
The reforms of Cleisthenes laid the foundations of democracy in this city-state
In which battle did the athenians defeat the Persians and gain tremendous confidence in their newly revamped society?
Battle of Marathon
Who drove Hippias out from his reign of terror in Athens?
After the defeat of the Persians, the Athenians provided leadership against the persians by forming a confederation called the
Delian League
Which one of the following civilizations did not have to worry so much about invasion, because it was protected by deserts on three sides?
Which one of the civilizations was nearly impossible to unify, because each city-state was surrounded on all sides by mountains?
This historians work centered on the conflict and struggle between Greek freedom and Persian despotism
Which famous poet gave the greeks a model of heroism, honor, and nobility? He wrote the Illiad
Which country from the north under the leadership of King Phillip II eventually ended the Greek in fighting and unified Greece?
This culture was known for establishing a great sea empire
Minoan Cretans
THis culture were warrior people who prided themselves in their heroic deeds in battle
What was the name given for the Greek festivals in which athletic competitions were held in honor of the Gods and occured every four years?
What great greek building was located on the Acropolis of Athens and exemplified the eternal ideals of reason, moderation, symmetry, balance, and harmony?
Classical Greece was a period of brilliant achievements highlighted by the flowering democracy in Athens under the leadership of what man?
This greek philosopher that the essence of reality was centered in the concept of ideas or ideal forms and to know these forms is to know the truth. He also wrote his ideas on government in book entitled the Republic
Who is our primary source on the person and philosophy of Socrates?
Why should we distrust Plato's accounts of Socrates?
Plato is biased because Socrates was his master, and Socrates writtings about Plato change over the years
He was another great Athenian playwright who wrote a famous play entitled Oepipus the King
In the Peloponnesian War, which greek city state defeated the Athenians?
In this city state boys at the age of 7 were taken from their homes to begin a life of brutal military training
The reforms of Lycrgus reorganized this city- government into an oligarchy
The Greek military formation that involved overlapping shields providing a wall of men and shields
He persauded the Athenains to build a navy and he also led the naval forces in the battle of Artemisium
The name of the Greek historian that wrote about the Peloponnesian War
This historian saw war and politics in rational terms; the examined the long-range an immediate causes of the Peloponnesian war
What things did Solon do that helped Athens solve some of their social problems?
abolish debt slavery, wiped out all debts, ended horos, athenian can't own another anthenain
What change did Solon make in the membership of the Athenian general assembly?
all citizens of the realm could vote
A council of former archons is called a ...
In the warrior aristocratic world of Homer, what Greek word means excellence and describes what is won in a struggle or contest?
An athenains political tactic in which members of the assembly wrote the name of an individual that they disliked on a pottery fragment in order to have that person kicked out of the assembly and exiled for 10 years
One similiarity between the athenian democracy under Pericles and our modern American democracy is?
citizens serving on juries in court
How did the Spartans solve the problem of limited food sources for their growing populations?
conquered and enslaved their neighboring city states
According to Pericles, what characteristics of Athenains politics and society was seen as distasteful to the Spartans?
What did Isagoras do?
drove Cleisthenes out
He was an outstanding Athenian tragedian who is most known for creating more realistic characters and more complex plots than his predecessors
True or False: After his reforms were complete, Solon gave up his power, left the city, and made the Athenians hold to his system for 50 years before making any changes.
True or False: As a historian, Thucydides wrote a lot concerning the effects of god and divine forces upon the people and events of Greece
True or False: In Greek city-states, constitutions were considered to be the works of the gods, not men.
True or False: Pesistratos created the first government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
True or False: Socrates was considered a well-liked, hero by all the important people of Athens.
True or False: Some greeks turned to mystery religions, because the practice of mystery religions were centered upon form and ritual relationships with the gods, as opposed to the emotional experiences that often accompanied the standard form of religious practice
True or False: Sparta flourished, accumulated wealth and power, and emerged as the regions second superpower because of their lively oligarchic form of government
True or False: The Greeks invented the polis
True or False: The Mycenaean kings who dominated the eastern Mediterranean reached and exceeded the level of power exercised by the Babylonian emperors and the Egyptian pharaohs.
True or False: The focus on competition led to further the division among the Greek "poleis".
True or False: only women and men who were 20 years older could be citizens of Athens in the new democracy
True or false: human nature teaches us that when people are given temporary power they often return those powers when their time to use their powers comes to an end
What major factor contributed to the Dark Ages of early Greece?
What new military word describes the heavily armed infantrymen who wore bronze or leather helmet, breastplate, and greaves and carried a long thrusting spear?
A stone pillar erected on a debtor's field is called a ______________.
According to Pericles, "we are free and tolerant in our private lives; but in public affairs, we keep the ___________. This is because it commands our deep respect
According to Pericles, what is one of the central features of a democracy which offers equality to all?
Which one of the following civilizations helped its leader unify the city-states of the region because of the uninterrupted plains?
For most of history, humans have been primarily ruled by which two forms of government?
oligarchy and monarchy
What Greek word literally means love of wisdom?
Which two things did Solon do to solve the economic woes of Athens?
planting olive oil and forbading trading of other food stuff
What words come from polis
police, politics, polite
The largest political unit in Ancient greece was called a city state, which in greek is called?
What was the Greek name for the community of citizens in which all political, economic, social, and cultural, and religious activities were focused?
This greek believed that the essence of the universe could be found in music and number
How were naval battles fought during the Persian Wars?
ramming each other
What reforms did Cleisthenes enact in Athens?
set up tribes, ostrascim, general assembly in hands of state
Persian courier says to a Spartan warrior "We will blot out the sun with our arrows" In which the Spartan warrior replies, "Then we will fight in the _______________"
This Greek philosopher believed that all real knowledge was found within a person; he also came up with a question and answer technique that lead his pupils to discover things for themselves, using their own reason
Who is the father of Philosophy?
Despite the geographic barriers to unity, what are some things that the Greek "polis" shared in common?
the same language, the same gods, the same myths, the same holy places,
This group of philosophical teachers stressed the importance of using rhetoric in wining debates however, they did not believe in absolute rights or wrongs.
the sophists
In which areas would the Greeks compete? (choose all that apply)
theater production, donations, athletics
The standard naval ship used by the Greeks during the Persian War
True of False: We know very little about Socrates, because he never wrote a thing.
True or False: According to the french philosopher Voltaire, the Athenian Age of Pericles was one of the happiest eras of Greek history, because the arts were brought to perfection and the human mind reached greatness.
True or False: Classical Greek sculptors tried to achieve a standard of ideal beauty, not realism in their structures
True or False: Compared to Egypt and Mesopotamia, Greece was effectively impossible to invade because of it's terrain
True or False: Every Greek "polis" had a constitution.
True or False: For those Greek city-states that still held onto a King after the Bronze Age collapse, the King's power was now derived from their constitution and not from divine right.
True or False: Greek colonies placed in strategic positions would allow some city-states to control trade routes and expand their influence.
True or False: King darius wanted to attack the mainland of Persia because of their aid against him during the Ionian Revolts
True or False: Ostracism was a policy in which the Athenian people could exile a single citizen for a year they thought was becoming dangerously too powerful.
True or False: Sappho is considered one of the greek's greatest lyric poets because she not only wrote with great emotion, but also because she was an independent woman in a world dominated by the males of her time
True or False: Solon changed the Athenian qualifications for political power from lineage to wealth.
True or False: The Greek historians were important because they elevated the importance of culture
True or False: The greek philosopher Aristotle believed that a good citizen and ruler have the capacity to rule and be ruled
True or False: The greek philosopher Aristotle believed that citizens preserve the city but subjects preserve the ruler
True or False: The mountainous geography of Greece prevented the consolidation of a unified Greek kingdom and maintained the independence of the Greek "polis".
True or False: The people of Athens revolted and executed their leaders and called Ceisthenes back from exile to alllow him to complete his political reforms.
True or False: The purpose of Greek plays was to entertain and to educate the citizens of the state.
True or False: The spirit of equality within each "polis" was restricted to citizens and did not extend to outsiders
True or False: the reason the greek polis did not behave like other city states of the period is because of it's geography?
True or false: From the evidence we have of Socrates, scholars believe that Socrates' contribution to philosophy was the way he asked questions, questions which his successors tried to answer.
True or false: King Leonidas of Sparta along with 300 of his brave soldiers held off the Persian army at Thermopylae for two days during the Persian wars
True or false: under the leadership of King Xerxes the persians crossed the Hellespont by forming a bridge of ships that gave them eventual access to the mainland of Greece
true or false: Sparta went to war against athens because they felt that their freedom was being threatened by the growing naval empires of athens.
Most Greek constitutions made room for a ______________ a position of temporary and absolute rule.
What word in early Greece describes a ruler who seized power by force and maintained his power by obtaining a large group of mercenary soldiers?