Greenhouse Effect and Climate Change Quiz

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Sun's Radiation → absorbed by Earth → some re-radiated to space as heat → some trapped by the atmosphere

Due to the presence of carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor, the atmosphere retains the sun's radiation and warms up the planet. By increasing the abundance of these gases in the atmosphere, humankind is increasing the overall warming of the Earth's surface and lower atmosphere, a process called "global warming."

Main source of Methane

natural, anaerobic bacterial decomposition of organic matter produces methane, a colorless and odorless gas. Other natural sources include wetlands, oceans, and termites. Some human activities that produce methane include growing rice, raising cattle, and mining coal. Melting permafrost due to global warming can also be a source of methane into the atmosphere. Methane is 20 to 30 times stronger than CO2 at absorbing heat, and is stable in the atmosphere for 9 years.

What is the role of the atmosphere?

where the heat is being trapped, "space" above Earth

What is infrared radiation?

- Just past red portion of visible light on spectrum - Most infrared radiation is absorbed by CO2 and water vapor in the atmosphere -Energy that reaches Earth can be reradiated and retained by the atmosphere in the form of infrared radiation

What are the 8 effects of climate change?

- sea level rise drought extreme precipitation retreating glaciers melting permafrost ocean acidification coral bleaching shifting seasons

How many greenhouse gases are there?


What is Ultraviolet Light?

Has highest energy Most is absorbed by the atmosphere and ozone layer If all ultraviolet radiation reached Earth all life would perish 3 types UV-A: lowest energy UV-B: more energy, sunburns and skin cancer UV-C: used in sterilization

Main source of Nitrous oxide

Main sources include oceans and tropical soils. Human activities include use of agricultural fertilizer, burning of organic waste, and the use and production of nylon. Human activities make up 40% of all total nitrous oxide sources.

What 3 out of the 6 trace gases are greenhouse gases?

Methane CO2 Nitrous Oxide

What are the 6 gases that make up Trace Gases?

Methane(CH4)- .442% Helium(He)- 1.299% Neon(Ne)- 4.675% Carbon Dioxide(CO2)- 93.497% Ozone(O3)- .010% Nitrous oxide(N2O)- .078%

Main Source of Water Vapor

Most abundant naturally occurring greenhouse gas in earth's atmosphere. The concentration of water vapor in the atmosphere is variable and short-lived compared to other greenhouse gases.

Name the 4 sections of gases that make up our atmosphere and their percent.

Nitrogen(N)- 78% Argon (AR)- .9% Oxygen (O)- 21% Trace Gases- .1%

What is Visible Light?

On a clear day more than 90% reaches Earth's surface Interaction of visible light with electrons in chlorophyll is responsible for photosynthesis

Retreating Glaciers

Summary of Data: Glacier melting has increased. In 1850, 1,875 acres were covered by glaciers. In 1927, 1,158 acres were covered by glaciers. In 2005, 441 acres were covered by glaciers. Impact on Humans: Flooding, food shortage, lack of hydroelectricity. Impact on other species: Birds/Bats, polar bears, fish, coral.

Ocean Acidification

Summary of Data: CO2 is released in the air which is taken up by the ocean, increasing ocean acidification. An estimated 30-40% of the CO2 from human activity released into the atmosphere dissolves in ocean, rivers, lakes. Ocean acidity has increased 30%. Impact on Humans: dying sea creatures humans eat Impact on other species: coral bleaching, species with shells unable to properly form them

Which of these four sections contain some of the greenhouse gases ?

Trace Gases

What is the greenhouse effect?

Trapping and returning of infrared radiation by carbon dioxide, water, and other atmospheric substances is the greenhouse effect Substances that absorb the energy are called greenhouse gases Without greenhouse gases Earth would have an average temp of 0 degree F

What are the 3 types of radiation from the sun?

UV (9%) Visible (46%) Infrared (45%)

What is the 4th greenhouse gas that is very difficult to measure?

Water Vapor

What is the role of the sun?

puts off the heat/ radiation

What is the role of the earth?

surface that is absorbing the heat in the sun then re-radiates it

What is the role of the greenhouse gases?

traps the heat

Main Source of Carbon dioxide

Second most abundant greenhouse gas. Natural Sources include volcanic eruptions, decay of organic matter, forest fires, oceanic evaporation, and respiration. Human activities include the burning of fossil fuels.

Coral Bleaching

Summary of Data: Carbon Dioxide causes the ocean to warm up and acidify which causes Zooxanthellae algae to die, Coral relies on the algae to survive which causes it to lose it's color and die. Impact on Humans: Bleached coral carries diseases that could transfer to humans and also human societies that rely on coral will suffer. Impact on other species: Damselfish, and Zooxanthellae algae will die.

Extreme Precipitation

Summary of Data: Higher CO2 = More Low Precipitation Supercells. US average rainfall has increased by 7% over the past century. Greenhouse Gases cause a higher El Niño base temp., which causes weather patterns to be more extreme. Impact on Humans: Localized urban and widespread flooding and degradation of water quality. Impact on other species: Iowa Wood Turtle's habitat being flooded, making it impossible to lay eggs.

Shifting Seasons

Summary of Data: Observed changes in the timing of seasons. Spring is arriving 2.3-5.2 days earlier. Impact on Humans:Alaskan Natives depend on hunting, but Moose are staying longer at their feeding grounds due to an increase in temperature. So during hunting season the Alaskans must hunt illegally at the moose feeding ground. Impact on other species: Many migratory bird species are showing up earlier, and many flower species are blooming earlier. phenology-the study of the timing of seasonal, life-cycle events, such as the first flowering of a particular plant, or when a species of bird first lays its eggs in spring.

Melting Permafrost

Summary of Data: Permafrost is permanently frozen soil, and occurs mostly in high latitudes. Permafrost comprises 24% of the land in the Northern Hemisphere, and stores massive amounts of carbon. Permafrost is at risk of melting, releasing the stored carbon in the form of carbon dioxide and methane, these GHG increase climate change. Impact on Humans: Sinkholes can be created, along with cracks and heaves in roads. These impacts may occur due to the fact that humans are above permafrost areas. Impact on other species: The Arctic Char and Arctic Seal are two species affected by melting permafrost, breaking off into their habitats.

Seal Level Rise

Summary of Data: Sea level rise is now at .14 inches per year. The rate of Sea Level rise has increased as time goes on. The sea level has rises about 8 inches since 1880, but it is rising at an increased rate now. Impact on Humans: Urban Flooding, coastal erosion, more severe storms Impact on other species: Habitat loss: example: Florida Key Deer and Hawaii Monk Seal


Summary of Data: The number of droughts increased exponentially over the past 15 years. Impact on Humans: Agricultural production decreased in areas with a high number of droughts resulting in a price increase on local food produce. Impact on other species: The Sand-hill Crane habitat is getting destroyed in California because of the increased amount of droughts in the area.

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