Gross Anatomy Exam 2

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Which of the following refer to lobes of the left lung?

Superior Inferior

The jugular notch in a person at rest is generally at the level of the junction of the ________________vertebrae

T2 and T3

typical thoracic vertebrae have costal facets on their

TVP & Bodies

The intercostal spaces

become wider on inspiration, contain neurovascular bundles, are deeper anteriorly than posteriorly

The costal pleura

covers the internal surface of the sternum and the costal cartilages is separated from the costal cartilages and ribs by a layer of endothoracic fascia

The inferior border of the lungs is indicated by a line that

crosses the sixth rib in the midclavicular line crosses the eight rib in the midaxillary line crosses the 10th rib in the midscapular line ends about 2.5 cm lateral to the spinous process of the 10th thoracic vertebra

Atypical pairs of ribs include

first second 11th 12th

The conus arteriosus

gives origin to the pulmonary trunk is also referred to as the infundibulum

Correct statements about the external intercostal muscles include

they run obliquely inferiorly and anteriorly they run from the rib above to the rib below

correct statements concerning the intercostal arteries include

three intercostal arteries supply eace intercostal space the first two posterior intercostal arteries arise from the superior intercostal artery

The thoracic duct

transverse the aortic hiatus in the diaphragm on the right side of the aorta

Which of the following is an incorrect completion? The visceral pleura is A. supplied by the bronchial arteries B. drained by veins which open into the pulmonary veins C. supplied by autonomic nerves which accompany the bronchial vessels D. very sensitive to pain, particularly near the root of the lungs E. drained by lymphatic vessels that enter lymph nodes in the hilum of the lung

very sensitive to pain, particularly near the root of the lungs

The hilum of the lung

where the bronchi and vessels enter and leave the lung near the center of the mediastinal part of the lung

Parts of the thoracic wall include

12 thoracic vertebrae sternum 12 pairs of ribs costal cartilages

Arises anterior to the trachea


Arises from anterior or right aortic sinus


Branch of the arch of the Aorta


Receives blood from various veins of the heart


Supplies branches to the SA and AV nodes


cross over the coronary groove to end directly in the right atrium


Main tributary of the coronary sinus


Passes through the posterior mediastinum


Blood is supplied to the intercostal spaces by the A. musclophrenic arteries B. internal thoracic artery C. costocervical trunk D. descending thoracic aorta E. All of the above

All of the above

During quiet respiration the A. diaphragm contracts B. vertical diameter of the thorax increases C. first and second pairs of ribs remain fixed D. third and fourth pairs of ribs are moved superiorly E. all of the above

All of the above

The pleura cupula A. is also called the cervical plexus B. extends through the superior thoracic aperture C. extends superiorly, but not superior to the neck of the first rib D. is strengthened by a layer of dense fascia called the suprapleural membrane E. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following are muscles of the thorax proper A. Serratus posterior B. Intercostals C. Subcostals D. Levatores costarum E. All of the above

All of the above

Deep to the left fifth intercostal space

Apex of the heart

Crossed by the subclavian artery and vein

Apex of the lung

Do not enter the coronary sinus


Most of the blood in the coronary arteries returns to the chambers of the heart via the

coronary sinus

Formed the atria

Base of the heart

Circumflex branch


Has cervical, thoracic, and abdominal parts


One of the following is an atypical intercostal nerve. Which one is it? A. Second B. Third C. Fourth D. Fifth E. Sixth


First branch of the subclavian artery


Posterior interventricular branch


Encircles most of the superior part of the heart

Coronary groove (sulcus)

Separates the atria and ventricles posteriorly

Coronary groove (sulcus)

Movement of which of the following joints of the thorax is most important to respiration A. Costovertebral B. Costochondral C. Sternocostal D. Manubriosternal E. Xiphisternal


Ascends in the posterior interventricular groove


Crossed by the phrenic nerve as it passes inferiorly to the thorax


Enters the coronary sinus near its opening into the right atrium


Main arterial supply to the pericardium


Passes along the inferior border of the heart toward the apex


The arterial supply of the parietal pleura is from which of the following arteries

Intercostal Internal thoracic Musculophrenic

The atrioventricular bundle

Is a slender strand of specialized conducting muscle fibers arises from the atrioventricular node runs anteriorly to the membranous part of the interventricular septum divides into right and left crura which straddle the muscular part of the interventricular septum

Which statement about the apex of the lung is false A. it is covered by the pleural cupula B. it projects superiorly to the root of the neck C. it may be injured in wounds of the neck D. Its summit is at the level of the medial third of the clavicle E. it is crossed by the subclavian artery and vein

Its summit is at the level of the medial third of the clavicle

Which of the following abnormalities of the ribs is most common A. Bifid ribs B. Cervical ribs C. Forked ribs D. Lumbar ribs E. Fused ribs

Lumbar ribs

Which of the following contributes most to the thoracic cage


Formed by the right atrium

Right border of the heart

The right coronary generally supplies the

SA node right atrium AV node right ventricle

How many pairs of ribs usually articulate directly with the sternum through their costal cartilages


During a description of the first rib, a student made an incorrect statement. Which one is it? A. It is clinically important because so many structures cross it or attach to it B. it is flat and has a prominent scalene tubercle on its superior surface C. It is the broadest of all ribs D. It is the shortest of the true ribs E. The subclavian vein crosses the first rib posterior to the scalene tubercle

The subclavian vein crosses the first rib posterior to the scalene tubercle

In a description of the subcostal muscles a student makes an error. Which statement is incorrect? A. They are thin muscular slips B. They are variable in shape and size C. They cross one or two intercostal spaces. D. They lie external to the internal intercostal muscles E. They run in the same direction as the internal intercostal muscles

They lie external to the internal intercostal muscles

The superior thoracic aperture is

a relatively small, kidney shaped opening located at the root of the neck bounded by the first thoracic vertebra posteriorly

The distinguishing characteristic of the second rib is

a roughened tuberosity for the attachment of the serratus anterior muscle

Each of the following statements about a pleural cavity is correct except A. it is a large cavity when the lung is deflated B. air moves freely in and out of it during respiration C. if is a potential space between the layers of pleura D. it normally contains a capillary layer of fluid E. the right and left pleural cavities are separate and closed

air moves freely in and out of it during respiration

A good understanding of anatomy of the sternum is clinically important because A. it serves as a site for the aspiration of red bone marrow B. splitting it in the median plane permits access to the anterior mediastinum C. it protects the great vessels and the right side of the heart D. its surface landmarks are utilized in physical examinations E. all of the above

all of the above

A typical intercostal nerve has A. rami communicantes connecting it to a sympathetic trunk B. collateral branches supplying the intercostal muscles C. lateral cutaneous branches supplying the skin of the thoracic wall D. an anterior cutaneous branch that supplies the anterior aspect of the chest E. all of the above

all of the above

The skeleton of the thorax includes the A. ribs B. sternum C. costal cartilages D. thoracic vertebrae E. all of the above

all of the above

The volume of the thorax increases when the A. vertical diameter is increased B. transverse diameter is increased C. anteroposterior diameter is increased D. diaphragm contracts and descends E. all of the above

all of the above

The weakest part of a typical rib is its


Tributaries of the coronary sinus include each of the following except the A. anterior cardiac veins B. oblique vein of the left atrium C. small cardiac vein D. great cardiac vein E. middle cardiac vein

anterior cardiac veins

Correct statements about the surface anatomy of the heart include each of the following except A. apex beat or apical impulse in adults is usually found in the fourth intercostal space B. outline of the heart is variable and depends partly on the physique of the individual C. superior border of the heart corresponds to a line connecting the inferior margin of the second costal cartilage to the superior border of the third costal cartilage D. right border of the heart is formed by the right atrium, a chamber that is not usually identifiable on physical examination E. left border of the heart corresponds to a line connecting the left ends of the lines representing the superior and inferior borders

apex beat or apical impulse in adults is usually found in the fourth intercostal space

In a radiograph of the chest (PA projection), the left border of the heart is formed by the

arch of the aorta pulmonary trunk left auricle left ventricle

The first seven pairs of ribs

are called vertebrosternal ribs increase in length in a crainiocaudal direction articulate with the vertebrae and the sternum

The internal thoracic artery

arises from the first part of the subclavian artery descends into the thorax posterior to the clavicle passes inferiorly posterior to the superior six costal cartilages ends by dividing into the superior epigastric and mustulophrenic arteries

The azygous vein

ascends through the posterior and superior mediastinum is commonly formed by the junction of the right subcostal and right ascending lumbar veins ascends on the right side of the bodies of the inferior eight thoracic vertebrae

The arch of the aorta, the curved continuation of the ascending aorta,

begins posterior to the right half of the sternal angle arches superiorly and posteriorly with an inclination and convexity to the left passes to the left of the trachea and esophagus terminates posterior to the sternal end of the second left costal cartilage

Branches of arch of the aorta includes the

brachiocephalic trunk left common carotid artery left subclavian artery

Autonomic nerve plexuses in the thorax include the

cardiac pulmonary thoracic aortic esophegeal

Notching of the inferior borders of the ribs commonly results from

coarticulation of the aorta enlargement of the intercostal arteries

The transversus thoracis muscle

consists of four to five slips of muscle arises from the inferior part of the sternum becomes continuous with the transversus abdominis muscle passes superiolaterally to the second to six costal cartilages

The left lung is

divided into superior and inferior lobes

"Floating ribs"

do not attach to sternum end amongst the muscles of the posterior abdominal wall

Correct statements about the lungs include each of the following except A. healthy lungs always contain air B. the excised lungs of stillborn infant are firm and sink when placed in water C. during infancy lungs are normally dark and mottled D. the lungs are separated from each other by the heart and other structures in the mediastinum E. the lungs are attached to the heart by their roots and the pulmonary ligaments

during infancy lungs are normally dark and mottled

Each of the following statements about movements of the thoracic wall is correct except A. the transverse diameter of the thorax increases as the inferior ribs move laterally as they are elevated B. when the superior ribs are elevated , the anteroposterior diameter of the thorax is increased C. the vertical diameter of the thorax is greatly increased during forced expiration D. during the "bucket handle" inspiratory movement, the inferior ribs move medially E. elevation of the ribs during inspiration results in an anterosuperior movement of the sternum

during the "bucket handle" inspiratory movement, the inferior ribs move medially

Each of the following statements about bronchopulmonary segments is correct except A. The term bronchopulmonary segment is applied to the largest segments within a lobe B. each bronchopulmonary segment has an anatomical name, but these terms are not used clinically C. bronchopulmonary segments are separated from each other by connective tissue septa D. Each bronchopulmonary segment is pyramidal in shape with its apex pointed toward the root of the lung E. a broncopulmanory segment has its own nerve, artery, and vein

each bronchopulmonary segment has an anatomical name, but these terms are not used clinically

The costal pleural reflection passes obliquely across the.

eight rib in the midclavicular line 10th rib in the midaxillary line 12th rib at its neck or inferior to it

Most of the lymph of the body reaches the venous system via the thoracic duct which

empties into the angle of junction of the left internal jugular and subclavian veins originates at the cisterna chili

When notching of ribs is observed in radiographs it is most likely produced by

enlargement of the intercostal arteries

The apex of the lung

extends into the root of the neck lies in close contact with the pleura cupola is crossed by the subclavian artery and vein

Which completion is inaccurate? The right atrium A. forms the right border of the heart between the superior and inferior venae cavae B. receives blood from the venae cavae and the coronary sinus C. has a smooth walled part called the sinus venosus D. has a rough walled part that developed from the primitive atrium of the embryo E. has a shallow translucent depression in the right side of the interatrial septum

has a smooth walled part called the sinus venosus

The first intercostal nerve

has no anterior cutaneous branch divides into large superior part and a small inferior part

The left atrioventricular valve

has obliquely set anterior and posterior cusps is commonly called the mitral valve because its cusps is located posterior to the sternum at the level of the fourth left costal cartilage

The costal margin

if formed by the seventh to 10th costal cartilages diverges on each side joins the costal margin on the other side to form the costal arch is used to locate the correct hand position for external cardiac compression

Correct statements concerning the pleurae include each of the following except A. the visceral pleural is intimately related to the surface of the lung B. normally the visceral and parietal layers of pleura are in close apposition C. the parietal pleura is segmentally innervated by the intercostal nerves D. in the deflated lung , the parietal pleura is closely applied to the visceral pleura E. the costal pleura, the strongest part of the parietal pleura, covers the ribs and intercostal muscles

in the deflated lung , the parietal pleura is closely applied to the visceral pleura

Correct statements about the thoracic aorta include each of the following except A. the ascending aorta arises from the left ventricle in the middle mediastinum B. the ascending aorta ends at the level of the sternal angle by becoming the arch of the aorta C. the descending thoracic aorta is located in the posterior mediastinum D. in the superior part of its course, the thoracic aorta lies anterior to the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae E. the thoracic aorta traverses the aortic hiatus in the diaphragm and becomes the abdominal aorta

in the superior part of its course, the thoracic aorta lies anterior to the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae

Movements of the thoracic wall are concerned with

increasing the intrathoracic volume decreasing the intrathoracic volume air being drawn into the lungs air being expelled from the lungs

The apex of the fibrous pericardium is pierced by all of the following except A. ascending aorta B. pulmonary trunk C. superior vena cava D. inferior vena cava

inferior vena cava

The sinuatrial node (SA node)

initiates the impulse contraction of the heart is located at the superior end of the crista terminalis

The arteries of the fibrous pericardium are derived from the

internal thoracic arteries descending thoracic aorta

The pericardium

is a double walled fibroserous sac lies posterior to the body of the sternum is composed of two layers

The thoracic mediastinum

is a thick partition of tissue in and on each side of the median plane contains all structures in the thorax except the lungs and pleurae is divided into four parts for descriptive purposes extends superiorly to the root of the neck and the superior thoracic apeture

The pleura cupola

is also called the cervical pleura covers the apex of the lung passes through the superior thoracic aperture

Correct statements concerning the costal pleura reflection include each of the following statements except it A. is where the costal pleura is continuous with the diameterphragmatic pleura B. passes obliquely across the eight rib in the midclavicular line C. is continuous with the cervical pleura superiorly D. crosses the 12th rib at its neck or inferior to it E. crosses the 10th rib in the midaxillary line

is continuous with the cervical pleura superiorly

The diaphragmatic surface of the lung

is its semilunar concave surface is often referred to as the base of the lung rests on the cupolae or domes of the diaphragm

The pulmonary valve

is located at the level of the third costal cartilage consists of three semilunar valve cusps lies at the left side of the sternum

Which incompletion is incorrect? The pericardium A. is a double walled fiberous sac B. encloses the heart and the roots of the great vessels C. is located in the anterior mediastinum D. consists of two layers: the fibrous pericardium and the serous pericardium E. is a conical sac located posterior to the body of the sternum and the second to sixth costal cartilages

is located in the anterior mediastinum

Correct statements about the neurovascular bundle in an intercostal space include each of the following except it A. lies between the middle and internal layers of intercostal muscles B. is located near the middle of the intercostal space C. consists of an intercostal vein, artery, and nerve D. is lodged in the costal groove on the inferior aspect of the rib E. is vulnerable to injury, surgical incision, or drainage of the pleural cavity

is located near the middle of the intercostal space

The visceral layer of serous pericardium

is reflected on the heart forms the epicardium

The base of the heart

is the most superior part formed by the atria its posterior surface opposite the apex of the heart

The xiphoid process

is the thin sword shaped part of the sternum is the smallest and most variable part of the sternum is cartilaginous during infancy and early childhood

Each of the following statements about the subcostal nerve is correct except A. it is the ventral ramus of the 12th thoracic nerve B. it enters the abdomen posterior to the lateral arcuate ligament C. if supplies parts of the transversus, oblique, and rectus muscles of the abdominal wall D. it courses inferomedially, anterior to the quadratus lumborum E. it becomes superficial about halfway between the umbilicalcus and the pubic symphysis

it courses inferomedially, anterior to the quadratus lumborum

Each of the following statements about the superior thoracic aperture is correct except A. it is also known as the thoracic outlet B. through it the thoracic cavity communicates with the neck C. it is bounded posteriorly by the superior margin of the first thoracic vertebrae D. it is bounded anteriorly by the superior border of the manubrium sterni E. it slopes inferiorly and anteriorly

it is also known as the thoracic outlet

Each of the following statements concerning the xiphisternal joint is correct except A. it is a secondary cartilaginous joint B. it is the articulation between the body of the sternum and the xiphoid process C. after the 40th year it is usually obliterated by synostosis D. it is classified as a sychondrosis E. it is usually ossified in middle adult life

it is classified as a sychondrosis

Each of the following statements about the azygous system of veins is correct except A. it consists of veins on each side of the vertebral column B. it drains the back and walls of the thorax and abdomen C. it is constant in its origin, course, tributaries, anastomoses, and termination D. the semiazygos vein receive the three inferior posterior Intercostal veins E. sometimes the accessory hemiazygos vein and opens with it into the azygous vein

it is constant in its origin, course, tributaries, anastomoses, and termination

Correct statements about the left atrioventricular valve include each of the following except A. it is also referred to as the mitral valve B. it is guarded by three more or less triangular cusps C. it is located posterior to the sternum at the level of the fourth left costal space D. its has cusps which are shaped like a bishop's miter E. it is also called the bicuspid valve

it is guarded by three more or less triangular cusps

Correct statements about the brachiocephalic trunk include

it is the first and largest brach of the arch of the aorta it passes superolaterally to reach the right side of the trachea

Correct statements concerning the right brachiocephalic vein include each of the following except A. it arises posterior to the right sternoclavicular joint B. it descends vertically in the superior mediastinum C. it lies medial to the arterial brachiocephalic trunk D. if joins the left brachiocephalic vein to form the superior vena cava E. it receives the right lymphatic duct

it lies medial to the arterial brachiocephalic trunk

Correct statements about typical intercostal nerve includes each of the following except A. near the angle of a rib it enters and is sheltered by the costal groove B. it enters the intercostal space between the parietal pleura and the intercostal membrane C. it is connected to a ganglion of sympathetic trunk by rami communicantes D. the gray ramus communicans carries postganglionic sympathetic fibers to the intercostal nerve E. it lies superior to the intercostal artery in the neurovascular bundle

it lies superior to the intercostal artery in the neurovascular bundle

Each of the following statements about the xiphoid process of the sternum is correct except A. it is the smallest and most variable part of the sternum B. it is often perforated owing to incomplete ossification C. it is always cartilaginous at birth D. it usually begins to ossify during the third year E. forceful displacement of the bony xiphoid process may lacerate the liver

it usually begins to ossify during the third year

Each of the following statements about the thorax is accurate except A. its anteroposterior diameter in adults is greater than its transverse diameter B. a transverse section of an infant's thorax is nearly circular C. the right side of the thorax, especially in males, is often larger D. the thorax provides attachment for some muscles that move the arm E. the heart and lungs are the most important viserca in the thorax

its anteroposterior diameter in adults is greater than its transverse diameter

Correct statements concerning the thoracic cavity include each of the following except A. It communicates with the anterior aspect of the neck via the superior thoracic aperture B. if is divided into three major divisions: two pleural cavities and the mediastinum C. it is divided by the mediastinum, the region between the lungs, which extends from the posterior aspect of the sternum to the vertebral column D. it communicates with the abdomen via the inferior thoracic aperture E. its capacity corresponds with the bony thoracic cage

its capacity corresponds with the bony thoracic cage

Each of the following statements concerning the left lung is correct except A. it is wider and lighter than the right lung B. it usually has only superior and inferior lobes C. it has a long deep oblique fissure D. its superior lobe has a side cardiac notch E. its lobes are separated by a horizontal fissure

its lobes are separated by a horizontal fissure

Which of the following completions is inaccurate? The base of the heart A. its posterior surface B. formed by the atria, mainly the left one C. located opposite the middle four thoracic vertebrae D. its most inferior part on which the heart rests E. separated from the diaphragmatic surface of the heart by the posterior part of the coronary groove

its most inferior part on which the heart rests

The lungs are

normally light, soft, and spongy very elastic and shrink to about one-third their size when the thoracic cavity is open often dark and mottled in appearance during later life separated from each other by the heart and other structures in the mediastinum

Each of the following statements about the first rib is correct except A. it is broad and flat and lies at the superior limit of the thorax B. it is most curved and usually the shortest of all the ribs C. its superior surface is marked by two shallow grooves, separated by a slight bony ridge D. its small rounded head has a single articular facet by which it articulates with the manubrium of the sternum E. the posterior groove on its superior surface transmits the subclavian artery and the inferior trunk of the brachial plexus

its small rounded head has a single articular facet by which it articulates with the manubrium of the sternum

Each statement about the sternal angle is correct except it A. indicates where the manubrium articulates with the body of the sternum B. is an important bony landmark that is a reference point for counting ribs C. is usually located about 5cm inferior to the jugular notch D. lies at the level of the intervertebral disc between T3 and T4 vertebrae E. indicates the level of the second costal cartilages

lies at the level of the intervertebral disc between T3 and T4 vertebrae

The mediastinum contains each of the following except the A. heart B. lungs C. pericardium D. thymus E. trachea


The superior vena cava returns blood to the heart from each of the following structures except the


The sternal angle (angle of Louis) is located between the

manubrium and the body of the sternum

The manubriosternal joint

moves slightly during respiration in young people

One completion is incorrect. Which one is it? The root of the right lung contains A. one pulmonary artery B. two pulmonary veins C. a bronchus D. a bronchial artery and bronchial veins E. a pulmonary plexus of nerves

one pulmonary artery

The coronary sinus

opens into the right atrium is a derivative of the embryonic sinus

The principal or main bronchi

passes inferolaterally from the termination of the trachea enters the hila of the lungs subdivide within the lung to form the bronchi tree are maintained in a patent condition by rings of cartilage

The arch of the aorta

passes to the left of the trachea and esophagus

The apex of the adult heart

points inferiorly, anteriorly, and to the left is located where the heart beat can be felt

The endthoracic fascia

provides a natural cleavage plane for the surgical separation of the costal pleura from the thoracic wall

The portion of mediastinal pleura that extends as a double layer inferior to the root of the lung is called the

pulmonary ligament

Branches of a typical intercostal nerve include

rami communicantes lateral cutaneous nerves muscular branches to the subcostal muscles

The visceral pleura

receives no nerves of general sensation is insensitive to pain

The contents of the middle mediastinum include the

roots of the great vessels pericardiumdial cavity and heart

The muscles of the thorax proper include the

serratus posterior intercostals subcostals

The sternal angle is

situated at the level of the second costal cartilage cartilage indicated by a horizontal ridge on the sternum located at the level of the junction of fourth and fifth thoracic vertebrae

Once completion is inaccurate. Which one is it? The heart is A. a hollow muscular organ B. normally slightly larger than a clenched fist C. placed obliquely in the thorax D. situated so that most of its anterior surface consists of the left ventricle E. visible in routine radiographs of the chest and stands out in contrast to the clearer areas occupied by the air filled lungs

situated so that most of its anterior surface consists of the left ventricle

Correct the concerning cardiac innervation include

stimulation through the sympathetic nerves increases the heart rate the vagus nerves are the cardiac parasympathetic nerves stimulation through the parasympathetic nerves reduces the force of the heart beat

The internal thoracic artery usually arises from the

subclavian artery

When inserting a hypodermic needle through an intercostal space, its best to insert it

superior to the rib

Each of the following statements about the impulse conducting system of the heart is correct except A. it gives the heart its auto rhythmic beat B. the sinuatrial node initiates the impulse for contraction C. it consists of specialized cardiac muscle fibers D. the sinuatrial node was absorbed into the right atrium with the sinus venosus during embryonic development E. the atrioventricular node lies in the posteroinferior part of the interventricular septum

the atrioventricular node lies in the posteroinferior part of the interventricular septum

Each of the following statements about the ribs is correct except A. the eighth to 12th pairs of ribs are called false ribs B. the first seven pairs of ribs are called vertebrocostal ribs C. the 11th and 12th pairs of ribs are called "floating ribs" D. the first to seventh pairs of ribs are referred to as true ribs E. lumbar ribs are more common than cervical ribs

the first seven pairs of ribs are called vertebrocostal ribs

Correct statements concerning the internal intercostal muscles include each of the following except A. they comprise the middle layer of intercostal muscles B. they run deep to and at right angles to the external intercostal muscles C. the inferior internal intercostal muscles are continuous with the transversus abdominis muscle D. they are supplied by corresponding intercostal or thoracoabdominal nerves E. they arise from the bodies (shafts) of ribs and their costal cartilages

the inferior internal intercostal muscles are continuous with the transversus abdominis muscle

Each of the following statements about the sinuses of the pericardium is correct except A. they develop during the folding of the embryonic heart B. they result from reflections of the pericardium C. the transverse pericardial sinus connects the two sides of the pericardial cavity D. the oblique pericardial sinus may be entered superiorly E. when the pericardial sac is opened anteriorly, a finger can be inserted into the transverse pericardial sinus

the oblique pericardial sinus may be entered superiorly

Correct statements concerning the concerning the coronary circulation include

the right coronary artery courses in the coronary groove the left coronary artery passes between the left auricle and the pulmonary trunk

Correct statements about the bronchial arteries include each of the following except A. they supply the substance of the lung tissue B. they are small and pass along the posterior aspects of the bronchi C. they supply the bronchi as far distally as the respiratory bronchioles D. the two left bronchial arteries arise from the thoracic artery E. the single right bronchial artery usually arises from the aorta

the single right bronchial artery usually arises from the aorta

Each of the following statements about the sternum is correct except A. the manubrium and the body of the sternum lie in slightly different planes B. the superior surface of the manubrium is indented by a sternal notch C. the body of the sternum is usually significantly shorter in females than in males D. by the age of 25 years, all the sternebrae have fused to form the body of the sternum E. the opening in the body of the sternum, called the sternal foramen, is no clinical significance

the superior surface of the manubrium is indented by a sternal notch

Each of the following statements about the costal cartilages is correct except A. they are flattened bars of hyaline cartilage B. they contribute significantly to the elasticity of the ribs C. they represent unossified parts of the embryonic cartilaginous ribs D. the two most inferior costal cartilages occasionally articulate with the xiphoid process E. their periochondrium blends with the periosteum of the ribs associated with them

the two most inferior costal cartilages occasionally articulate with the xiphoid process

Each of the following statements about the radiographic anatomy of the heart is correct except A. the heart and great vessels and the blood within them are of the same order of density B. a frontal chest film shows the contour of the heart and great vessels, called the cardiovascular silhouette C. the radiographic appearance of the heart varies in different people because the outline of the heart is variable D. there are four main types of cardiovascular silhouette or cardiac shadow E. the cardiovascular silhouette becomes longer and narrower during inspiration

there are four main types of cardiovascular silhouette or cardiac shadow

Correct statements about the coronary arteries include each of the following except A. they are called "coronary" because they circle the base of the ventricles like a crown B. they supply the four chambers of the heart C. they arise from the right and left aortic sinuses D. there is a sharp line of demarcation between the ventricular distribution of the coronary arteries E. on leaving the aorta they pass anteriorly, one on each side of the root of the pulmonary trunk

there is a sharp line of demarcation between the ventricular distribution of the coronary arteries

Each of the statements concerning the dermatomes is correct except A. they are areas of skin supplied by dorsal roots of spinal nerves B. there is little overlapping of contiguous dermatomes C. typically the dermatomes extend round the body from the posterior median line to the anterior median line D. they refer to the cutaneous distribution of spinal nerves E. incomplete anesthesia results unless two or more connective dorsal roots are sectioned

there is little overlapping of contiguous dermatomes

Correct statements about the pleural cavities include

they are almost completely filled by the lungs they contain a capillary layer of pleural fluid

Each of the following statements concerning the external intercostal muscles is correct except A. there are eleven pairs of external intercostal muscles B. they are attached to the superior margins of each of the first 11 pairs of ribs C. they run obliquely inferiorly and anteriorly D. they run from the rib above to the rib below E. between the costal cartilages, the external intercostal muscles are replaced by the external intercostal muscles

they are attached to the superior margins of each of the first 11 pairs of ribs

Each of the following statements about the intercostal spaces is correct except A. each space contains three muscles B. they are deeper posteriorly that anteriorly C. they are deeper between the superior than the inferior ribs D. they become wider during inspiration E. each space contains a neurovascular bundle

they are deeper posteriorly that anteriorly

Each of the following statements concerning the costdiaphradmatic recesses is correct except A. they are filled with lung tissue during quiet respiration B. during expiration the layers of pleurae forming these recesses are separated by only a capillary layer of fluid C. they become alternately smaller and larger during respiration D. during full inspiration they are filled with lung tissue E. they are slit-like intervals between the costal and diaphragmatic pleaurae on each side

they are filled with lung tissue during quiet respiration

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