Group Dynamics - EB - Chapter 2 - Stages of Groups, Group Process, and Therapeutic Forces - Powerpoint - 2.6.20

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Valom's Curative Factors, cont'd.

- Develop of socialization techniques - having a chance to belong to something - Imitative behavior - Interpersonal learning group cohesiveness - Catharsis - major emotional insight/emotion - Existential factors - death, freedom, isolation, and meaning

Valom's Curative Factors (Therapist curative factors in every group)

- Instillation of hope - will know more information at the end - Universality - not the only person in the world who feels this way - Imparting of information - want people to learn something relevant and useful - Altruism - sense of being able to do some good for others - Corrective recapitulation of the primary family group - chance to relive things that are like childhood. Strong person in mentoring.

Process & Content

- balance process vs. content. A common mistake is to focus too much on one or the other - What is happening in the room - process here refers to the group dynamics, and therapeutic forces - Content refers to the purpose or task of the group

- Three Stages all groups go through - Group Session (all 3 stages)

1. Beginning Stage: introductions, learning expectations, -- vulnerability 2. Working Stage: working on whatever the task is at hand. Discussion group - more sense of trust , openness 3. Closing Stage: reflect on the work that has been done. Reflect on changes that have happened and referrals.

Other Models of Sequential Stages

1. Corey: formation, orientation, transition, working, consolidation, and follow-up 2. Tuckman: forming, storming (tension in groups), norming, performing (working stage), and adjourning

Group Dynamics of Different Kinds of Groups, cont'd.

5) Support Groups - (given them a sense of praise) * Level of trust, commitment, and caring is essential - help people care about and trust each other * Need for commonality 6) Counseling & Therapy Groups - * Members at different levels of mental health * Members have wide variety of needs 7) Self-Help Groups - (Ex. AA, N.A.) * No identified leader * Dynamics vary depending on membership -- not much consistency (structure)

Group Dynamics of Different Kinds of Groups

A discussion of group dynamics must take into consideration the kind of group and the leadership style 1) Education groups - *Members have different abilities to learn * Members at different comfort levels with the material 2) Discussion groups - * Leader needs to be aware of member trying to dominate * Leader should try to get everyone to participate 3) Task groups - * Members may need conflict-resolution * Be aware of power plays 4) Grown & Experiential Groups - emotional element * Most important is how members feel about each other sine they will be sharing personally (ex. Rapes courses) * Wide variety of needs among members - where people are at in recovering. Learn from each other

Therapeutic Forces

A skilled leader is always paying attention to the therapeutic forces in a group - sense of purpose - What you are getting out of it. - Clarity of Purpose - **Leader needs to be clear ** Members need to be clear - Relevance of Purpose - ** Must fit the purpose of the group - Group size - **Depends on kind of group ** 5-8 members usually best ** Education groups can be larger - Length of Each Session ** Depends on kind of group ** Varies with members ** Discussion, education, 1-2 hours ** School groups - 20-40 minutes ** Support, Counseling Therapy groups - 1 1/2 to 2 hours - how deep they are

Therapeutic Forces, cont'd.

Closed (that's who starts in my group) or Open Groups (can come and go) Open groups are more difficult - New members come - Members leave - Members can't get as close Voluntary (choosing to be there) or Nonvoluntary Membership - It is usually an anti-therapeutic force at the beginning with nonvoluntary members - Members Level of Commitment - Level of Trust - leader is crucial in development of trust in a group - Members Attitudes toward the leader - The Leader's experience in leading Groups - Coleadership Harmony - how does it work when two people are leading

Therapeutic Forces, cont'd.

Frequency of meetings - Depends on setting and purpose ** Daily - residential setting, counseling/therapy ** Weekly -residential or community setting, counseling/therapy, suppor ** Bi-weekly - community, support, psychoeducational Adequacy of the Setting ** Be prepared for inadequate places to conduct groups ** Ideally a private space with the same size chairs Time of Day ** Convenient for leaders & members ** After lunch is often difficult - members are sleepy The Leader's Attitude ** Members definitely pick up the positive or negative attitude of the leader

Group Process:

interaction and energy exchange among members and leaders - Dynamics of Interaction Patterns -- Depends on the group 1) Who talks to whom and how often do members speak? Encourage participation 2) Is the interaction member to member or member to leader?

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