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Autonomy from Rome

Act in Restraint of Appeals (1533) prevented subjects appealing to Rome in judgements in religious cases, as Henry VIII was now supreme in his own lands.

Court opposition

Act of Supremacy of 1534 removing power from Pope to King, was thought by many (including Pope) to be temporary to assist Henry's divorce. This was when opponents should have acted. Sir Thomas More (Chancellor 1529 to 1532) opposed Henry's divorce (and subsequent marriage) and the Succession Act that made Mary (Catherine's daughter) illegitimate. Arrested by Cromwell for allegedly not accepting Henry as Head of Church (Act of Supremacy) and executed. DESPITE AOS MORE WANTED MORE FOR MARY (H+C ILLEGIT KID) ACTED LATE - SUCKY ACT CONFIRMED SHES NAH LEGIT, MORE KILLED BY ASOS PACKAGE (AOS ) Aragonese factions were sympathetic to Catherine of Aragon's plight. Influential members included Henry Courtenay as member of Privy Council and Henry Guildford Comptroller of King's Household. After divorce, Boleyn faction more powerful, so hoped Mary would be named heir, but Act of Succession (1536) prevented this, forcing Courtenay to support Reginald Pole (Yorkist) which resulted in execution. ARROGANTS LIKED COA , henry 2 courtenay thought he could get it down in guildfurd , she got somne powerful boils that the sucky act fixed but she was forced to learn pole dance in uni of york and die


After giving up all hope to return England to Catholicism, the Pope Paul III in 1538 excommunicated Henry VIII, meaning stopping him receiving sacraments, thus removing him from God and salvation.

Anne's influence

Anne Boleyn drew Henry's attention to work of Tynedale ideas (King to have authority over subjects' bodies and souls), protected heretics including Robert Forman in London, and encouraged Henry to appoint Latimer and Shaxton (previously accused as heretics in 1531) to bishop posts, and Cranmer as Archbishop in 1532. GOING TO GUEST TOILET ANNEKA HOLDING TINS PROTECTS HER HEROINE AND A MAN CALLED ROBERT FORMAN (HES REALLY FORMAN) ENCOURAGED LATIMER (WATTPMAD LMAO) AND SHAXTON (SHAC, PREVIOUSLY ACCUSED OF HEROINE) TO CHESS (BISHOP POST ) tinns covering gues toilet knock them down anneka is everybodys mama protected her heroine robert forman, encourage latimer on wattpad and shac , got them into chess as bishops even cranmer got archbishop

Anti Protestant

As a Cardinal he persuaded Henry to oppose spread of Lutherism, resulting in burning of books in London from 1521. Promoted Henry's anti-Lutherism book, ensuring Pope declared Henry 'Defender of the Faith'. Protestant sympathisers were arrested and punished (but not executed until 1530). CARDI ON THE BALCONY THREW A CAT (called luthor) AT HORRID HENRY AND HE SMACKED IT AND SHE GOES ''SEE THEY SUCK ,'' (convinced henry to oppose luthorism) . they start nostalgically burning books on the balcony of my london apartment now theyre both 21 . *nostalgic music* ''hey ill support your anti cat book u defender of the faith ,'' anyone who prtoests you ill arrest and punish them, dw no executions till im 30 - u know i hate emotional ppl (protestant sympathisers arrested punished not executed till 30) BALCONY CAT THROW, LONDON APT 21, BURNING BOOKS, ANTI-CAT BOOK, DEFENDER OF THE FAITH, SYMPATHISERS ARREST/PUNISH, LETS NOT EXECUTE TILL WE R 30


Auld Alliance renewed in 1538 with James V (Scotland) marrying Mary of Guise (French Francis I's relative). Henry arranged peace talks with James V, but was humiliated when James did not attend. Threatened, Henry sent Duke of Norfolk and defeated Scottish at Solway-Moss in 1542 and James V died of fever, leaving week-old daughter Mary as Queen of Scots. Henry betrothed his son Edward (to become Edward VI) to her, but Scots declined. Further conflicts in 1544-45 led by Earl of Hartford (later to become Edward's Lord Protector Somerset) resulted in incursions, further infuriating the Scots.


Auld-Alliance renewed in 1512 with James IV (Scotland) invading northern England to distract Henry VIII from invading France. Wife Catherine acted as Regent (as Henry was in France) and with Earl of Surrey as Lieutenant of North, repelled the Scots at Flodden in 1513 with the loss of 1,500 English to 10,000 Scots including James IV, nobles, barons and bishops. Scotland now ruled by a committee, James IV's widow Margaret Tudor (Henry VIII's sister) and her baby son James V.

Youthful monarchs

Between 1515 and 1519, Louis XII of France, Ferdinand of Aragon and Maximilian I of the Holy Roman Empire died, leaving youthful kings, like Henry VIII, keen to display their power, evident with new 21 year old Francis I's (France) impressive capture of Milan, which started the personal rivalry between them. Also, 16 year-old Charles V became King of Spain, Holy Roman Emperor and Duke of Netherlands.

Pressure on the Clergy and Pope

Between 1529 and 1533 Henry pressurised Clergy to get a divorce by i) PROM 15 charging 15 clergy with Praemunire (support of Pope over King), ii) OATH forcing them to see him as Supreme Head of the Church (but Henry wanted Sole Protector also), iii)SAO Supplication against the Ordinaries led by untitled Cromwell to punish corruption of clergy. Pressurised Pope by i) AOP prevent annates Act of Parliament preventing Annates (clergy tax) to be paid to Pope, ii) CRANMER REPLACE WARHAM replacement of dead traditional Archbishop Warham with reforming and Protestant sympathiser Cranmer, iii) Act in Restraint of Appeals denying subjects right to appeal to the Pope, which greatly affected Catherine of Aragon's appeal when Henry secretly married Anne in 1533. ARR = DENY APPEAL TO POPE AFFECTED COAS APPEAL when he secretly married anne pressure clergy = prom 15, oos, SAO in mamas room - SAU PROMISE TO PROM WITH ME,CLEOR pressure pope= AOP,CRVWR,ARR = AND I OOP , WAR PTSD ARRRR anneka goes and i oop fights a bitch and does her arrr thing at boys

Clergy opposition

Bishop Fisher of Rochester (like More) opposed Henry's treatment of Catherine and refused to swear oath accepting the divorce. Imprisoned, but Pope intervened and made Fisher a Cardinal (even through Fisher had no desire), so Henry tried him for treason and executed him. Nun Elizabeth Barton prophetic visions showed Henry's demise if he divorced Catherine. Links were found between her and imprisoned Thomas More opposing Supremacy Act (Henry as Head of Church), so Cromwell made her publicly renounce her visions and executed her. Carthusian Order monks of London refused to accept divorce, and Act of Supremacy (1534). Government could not permit this defiance, to tried against Treason Act and executed 18 monks. FISH- ROOSTER INSIDE THE CLEANING ROOM MOURNING MORE LMAO , WEARING A CATHY STAN SHIRT AND WONT PROMISE ANYTHING TO ACCEPT HER DIVORCE. HE GETS THROWN IN THE HEN (PRISON GET IT CUZ HES A ROOSTER) baby pope saves him fish rooster in hand and cardi in the other (made fisher a cardinal ) but henry throws a tree snatches fishy rooster and cooks him bro (executed for treason) FISH ROOSTER, CATHY STAN, NO PROMISES, THROWN IN HEN, POPE AND CARDI SAVE, HENRY COOKS HIM IMAGINE A NUN BART SIMPSON PRETENDING TO SEE FUTURE HENRY WILL CHOKE IF HE LEAVES CATHY, BUT LMAO SHE ACTUALLY THINKS SHE CAN GET IT WITH MORE SO ACTUALLY CROMWELL CHOKED HER LMAO NUN BART /RAVEN SIMPSON (nun barton) dont leave youll choke, lmao she thinks she can get it from more so cromwell chokes her .. irony TV IN ROOM WITH CARTOON (carthusian monks ) protesting divorce and that asos package (refuse accept divorse and aos ) we knew those balides were sus , they were killed by a tree at 18 years old but we know the govt did it (18 executed treason)

Reformation stalemate (by 1547)

By last years of Henry's life (died 1547) there was a religious stalemate. Catholic success through: 1. Six Articles (1539) enforcing i) beliefs about Eucharist (transubstantiation), ii) seven sacraments of Catholic Church essential for salvation, iii) priest celibacy (re-imposed in 1540). 2. Execution of Protestant leaning Cromwell (1540) for i) failure to promote Six Articles, ii) failed marriage with Anne of Cleves (1540), iii) desiring further Protestant changes. Protestant success through: 1. Protestants persecuted (1540-47) but not extinguished. 2. Cranmer remained as Archbishop even after being accused of Protestant heresy (1543). 3. Marriage to Protestant Parr who influenced heirs Edward and Elizabeth in Protestant teachings (scholars Coxe and Cheke). 4. Country entirely separate from Pope's control. 5. Bibles (1539 Great Bible) was still available in English and limited reforms against worship of saints, pilgrimages and saints days (reduced to 25).

Bastard heir

Catherine had failed to produce son, so prepared illegitimate son Duke of Richmond (born in 1519) to fill the role. Illegitimacy may be accepted, but others with lesser but legitimate claim may challenge succession.


Catherine of Aragon had been widowed since 1502, so Henry diligently agreed to marry his dead brother's wife, but delayed as permission needed from Henry VII, Isabelle and Ferdinand and the Pope. MARRIED C.O.A CUZ ARTHUR DIED BUT DELAYED CUZ NEEDED PERMISSION

Return to Catholicism

Changes between 1535-38 were too fast for Henry. Also, Henry had to persuade European allies that these were only moderate. Additionally, Cromwell's influence declining shown by Henry's opposition to Cromwell's suggestion of marriage to Protestant Anne of Cleves (but did so in 1540, divorcing same year). Political influence of Catholic Howard family led by Duke of Norfolk was responsible for Parliament accepting the more Catholic Six Articles and his marriage to Catherine Howard in 1540. Protestant reforming bishops including Latimer and Shaxton resigned, whilst Archbishop Cranmer had to exile his wife (as Six Articles required clerical celibacy). elisas in my room calling me a terrorist i have to convince her im a moderate catholic (lol again just memory techniques bravs) she says move fromwell cromwells road its declining and irrelevant like dude henry dont wanna mary not cleve sneeze . HAWA (howard) was becoming more relevant in debate (politics) says elisa, they dont give a **** (lead by duke of norfolk) wrote six more articles that i accept (parliament accept 6 more cath articles cuz howards) and henry marries cathy kidson/hawwa when theyre 40. anna taylor (bishop ) protestant reforming bishops , latimer and shac left whilst cranmer exiled wife cuz clerical celibacy ELISA MOD CATH = EUROPE ALLIES CONVINCE CHANGE MODERATE CROMWELL IRRELAVANT WANTED CLEVE SLEEZE HOWARD/HAWWA FAM,DGAF (LED BY DUKE OF NORFOLK). RESPONSIBLE FOR ME ACCEPTING 6 MORE ARTICLES MARRY CATHY HAWWA IN 40 ANNA TAYLOR DOING REFORMERS (PROTEST BISHOP REFORM) SHE KICKS OUT WATTPAD LATIMER AND SHAC AND STEALS CROMWELLS WIFEY ( CLERICAL CELIBACY)

Protestant allies

Charles V (Holy Roman Empire) was furious with Henry VIII divorcing his aunty Catherine of Aragon, and with Francis I (France) both furious with Henry's split from Rome. The Truce of Nice in 1538 between these enemies made them potential Catholic invaders of England, supported by the Pope. This may have led to Cromwell and Henry's publication of the more Catholic Six Articles in 1539 to appease them, whilst a marriage with Protestant Anne of Cleves in 1540 would give Henry the German brother Duke as an ally.

Conservative vs Reform faction (later years)

Conservative faction opposed doctrinal changes. Led by Duke of Norfolk (Howard) and Bishop Gardiner of Winchester. Happy with Six Articles Act (1539, enshrined in law), fall of Cromwell (1540, failure to promote Six Articles, too protestant, personal gain from Cleves marriage), Catherine Howard (Henry's fifth wife, 1540, Catholic uncle Norfolk influence over King), heresy plot against Archbishop Cranmer (1543, but failed, allowing Cranmer to investigate opponents), plot against Catherine Parr (1546, but Gardiner failed). Reform faction accepted break with Rome. Led by Edward Seymour (will become Edward VI's Somerset) and Archbishop Cranmer. Happy with foreign policy success in Scotland (1547), fall/execution of Catherine Howard (1542, at 19 attracted courtiers' attention), Catherine Parr (Henry's sixth wife, 1543, Protestant and accused of heresy, but Henry defended), plot against Bishop Gardiner (1544, accused of belief that Pope to be reinstated), arrest of Norfolk (1546, accused with son Earl of Surrey (executed) of desiring throne).

Council Learned in Law

Council Learned Dealt with problems about royal lands and rights Made up of skilled lawyers Enforced bonds & recogniisances Became hated by the end of Henry's reign Financial matters and debts were dealt with here. Worked in cohesion with the court of the star chamber. More efficient than the role of budgeteer (exchequer). Small legal committee dealt with marriages and records, land tenancies up to 80 cases.


Court was the centre of government and politics, as well as projecting Henry VIII's aura of majesty. Henry VII had maintained a lavish court with hospitality to scholars and explorers. Henry VIII's court was for pleasure and refinements with music, sports but the best of Renaissance learning.

Cromwell downfall

Cromwell's marriage arrangement between Henry VIII and Protestant Anne of Cleves designed to secure alliance with German Duke of Cleves against Catholic French-Holy Roman Empire truce (Truce of Nice) in 1538. Cromwell, misinformed about Anne's appearance resulted in marriage failing in several months in 1540. he literally called her ugly broooo Same time, Henry love interest with Catherine Howard (would become fifth wife), who's uncle Duke of Norfolk turned Privy Council (and Henry) against Cromwell. Also, Catholic orientated Henry's Six Articles in 1539 undermined Protestant work of Cromwell. But, in 1540 made commoner Cromwell Earl of Essex, showing Henry's support, but failure to support Six Articles and further Protestant changes, led to execution in 1540.

HENRY VIII (1509-1547)


Effects of dissolution

Dissolution made up 10% of the kingdom's wealth in 1530s, which would finance foreign policy, but inflation made value less. Mass sale of land at market value, with little given to nobility, so Henry could not rely on the rent and taxes they could have generated. Benefitted Protestants as stronghold of Catholicism was beyond repair as buildings ransacked for their wealth. BEN TEN IN KITCHEM DISSOLVING SUGAR CUBES BUT HES 30, YA3NEE JINS AGE ? (10% kings income dissolution by 1530) hes holding bunch of crappy baloons (inflation makes value less) bunch of people playing animal farm and monopoloy en masse in the kitchen (mass sale of land at market value ) but no rich kids (little given to nobility) Henry struggling to pay rent and taxes since baldies gone and no rich kids protesters mobbed/ransacked monastries for their wealth beyond repair good for protest BEN 10 KITCHEN DISSOLUTION WITH JIN AND BALOONS (10% 1530) ANIMAL FARM EN MASSE (MASS SALE OF LAND FOR MARKET VALUE )(DEVALUED BY INFLATION) NO RICH KIDS (NOBILITY LITTLE GIVEN ) HENRY STRUGGLING RENT TAX WITHOUT RICHIES (CANT BENEFIT OVER TAXES AND RENT) MONASTRIES RANSACKED FOR WEALTH , CATH BEYOND REPAIR GOOD FOR PROTESTANTISM

Doctrinal reform

Doctrinal (religious teachings) reform was far greater change than Henry's political reform through his Supremacy Act (1534). Started with Thomas Cromwell's (Vicar General of the Church) Ten Articles of Faith (1536) to 'establish Christian quietness and unity'. Included Lutheran ideas including gaining salvation by faith, but also Catholic views such as wording of the Eucharist. Two injunctions ordered clergy to follow and explain Articles to congregation. Also Bishop's Book of 1537 attacked abuses and superstitions associated with Church and encouraged Protestant reform, and first English (Tyndale) Bible was published, enforced into every church by Cranmer in 1538. English translation and mass accessibility allowed subjects to interpret Bible for themselves. ---- AHMEDS HOSPITAL- 10 ELARBI, CROMWELL ROAD, VICAR GENERAL, CAT LUTHER, CATHY EUCHARIST, TWO INJECTIONS, AHMED RELEASES ARTICLE, BISHOP/CHESS BOOK 37, NO CAT SUPERSTITIONS AND REFORM YEAH, TYNDALE ENGLISH EVERY CHURCH/ROOM 38 CRAMMED IN Imagine ahmeds room as a hospital = doctor -doctrinal no politics sign on the door = doctrinal reform>political like aos34= 10 articles of faith cromwell vicar general, ''establish quietness and unity'' luthor ideas including salvation catholic views eucharist, two injunctions on clergy encourage read and follow articles bishop book superstittion no , reform yes tyndale english translation every church by 38 due to cranmer ten year old ahmed elarbi in there saying he walked down cromwell road , wrote his own article and believes in his quietness and unity as general cat luther strides in everyone praises him as their salvation he steps on them , says call me cathy eucharist dr ahmed injects the cat twice for clear skin and told him to follow and read his articles also throws in a little chess book that called people stupid for being superstitious of cats and told him to do pilates reformers tyns start crashing into the room forcing everyone to speak english not korean and the entire appartment is crammed by 38 thats so great english interpret for themselves

Undermining political opponents

Eltham Ordinances in 1526 was designed to organise Privy Council finance and make Household more efficient. Wolsey used it to reduce his opponents' power in court and increase way he could influence government.


Failure of Truce of Nice brought France and Holy Roman Empire into conflict. France allied with Ottomans (Turks occupying eastern Europe), so Henry allied with Charles V (Holy Roman Empire) in 1542, with both agreeing to invade France. Both invaded in 1544 (Henry with 48,000 troops) agreeing to sack Paris. Miscommunication saw Henry only conquer Boulogne in north, whilst Francis I (France) and Charles V (Holy Roman Empire) signed Crepy Treaty. Henry now faced French invasion in 1545, but French incompetence, winds and no base on English mainland (unlike Calais), so signed Treaty of Ardres, giving Henry a pension (like Henry VII received). Nevertheless, war had cost £2,000,000 resulting in borrowing, sale of monastic lands and debasement (for decades).


Habsburg was Charles V's (Holy Roman Empire) family name. Charles V's election of Holy Roman Empire whilst controlling Spain and Netherlands encircled France, additionally Charles' ambition for French controlled Milan would lead to a European war. His rivalry with Francis I (France) required Henry VIII to choose a side, as pacifist would ruin his prestige. Obvious to ally with Charles V as Henry's wife Catherine of Aragon was Charles V's aunt and Spanish (controlled by Charles V). Additionally, Henry could benefit from spoils of a French defeat, so declared war in 1522 (against Wolsey's wishes), but hugely costly achieving nothing. Francis I's (France) capture made Henry VIII request France's annexation by England and Spain, but Charles V declined, leaving Henry humiliated. Relations further damaged, as Henry VIII peace-brokered League of Cognac (with France and European nations) as well as requesting divorce with Catherine of Aragon (Charles V's aunt), whilst Charles V imprisoned Pope after occupying Italy, preventing Henry from seeking Pope's marriage annulment. This forced Henry to ally with France in 1528 to declare war on Charles V. The Treaty of Cambrai in 1529 was resultant peace treaty, but Wolsey ensured England was included in negotiations.


Henry VII experienced Lord Deputies (Fitzgeralds family, Earl of Kildare) harbouring fugitives such as Simnel. In 1536, Tenth Earl of Kildare led a rebellion against Henry on behalf of the Pope, but as yet England not adopted Protestant doctrine. Henry VIII heavily suppressed revolt and removed Fitzgeralds as Lord Deputies. Anthony St-Ledger was made first governor with all nobles having to surrender land, but received back if swore loyalty, whilst some invited to Parliament. Henry established royal authority with statute law used (made by Parliament).

Freedom of nobility

Henry VII had oppressed nobility by limiting many government positions and replacing with administrators (such as Empson and Dudley) and tight financial control. Henry VIII encouraged talented advisors and administrators outside nobility. However, Henry VIII regarded nobility as friends and associates.


Henry VII was reluctant to remove enclosures (landowners change of labour intensive arable land to sheep pastures) as needed landowners' support of his vulnerable position. In 1517 Wolsey enquired into scale and effects enclosures were having, but suspended due to landowners in Parliament.

Financial assistance

Henry VIII appeased by abolishing unpopular Council Learned in Law and cancelled 175 outstanding bonds and recognisances.

Royal Council

Henry VIII met regularly with his Royal Council of Advisers that included noblemen, clergy and King's household staff. Under Henry VIII, more professional Privy Council emerged, but smaller (with 20 members) than under Henry VII and contained professionally trained lawyers and bureaucrats, rather than notables from nobility. Reform proposed by Wolsey in 1526 (with chief adviser Thomas Cromwell), but created during troubled 1536-37 (Pilgrimage of Grace rebellion).

Henry as Peacemaker

Henry could not compete with scale of Charles V and others, so Wolsey made him peacemaker between them, evident with Wolsey making Henry VIII founder and chairman of the Treaty of London in 1518. This involved 24 countries agreeing to avoid war with each other so as to prevent Ottoman spread. This enhanced Henry's status as each had to sign treaty with England not collectively (but collapsed due to Charles V and Francis I's war). League of Cognac in 1526 led by Wolsey and Henry VIII as peacemakers (to increase international standing) between Pope, France, Venice and Florence for an anti-Haubsburg (i.e. Charles V) alliance to make Charles V more reasonable.


Henry had 30 of his own residences in and around London, and travelled to others in summer.


Henry told Wolsey of his desire to divorce Catherine of Aragon in 1525, but only became pressing in 1527 when Ann Boleyn refused to be his mistress. Pope Clement VII was under arrest by Charles V (Holy Roman Emperor), Catherine's nephew, so neither would support Henry. WANTS HEIR NEEDS DIVORCE COA AND ALSO LIKES A.B BUT POPE C 7 ARRESTED BY CV , COA'S NEPHEW SO NO SUPPORT


Henry took major decisions himself without influence of powerful ministers. Moved administration of finances into his private court rooms.

Jane Seymour's beliefs

Henry's disillusionment with Anne Boleyn and her failure to produce male heir, did not slow move to Protestantism. Executed for spurious infidelity charges in 1536, his new wife Jane Seymour from a Protestant family. This happy marriage ended when delivering their son Edward in 1537.

Sudden change or gradual change


Personal monarchy to bureaucratic government

Historian Elton (1953) argued that Henry VIII moved government from traditional medieval personal monarchy (King directly involved in decision making through offices in royal court) to bureaucratic government (specialised departments with trained officials managing routine government matters). Historian Starkey opposes this and believes government expanded in 1530s to deal with break from Rome and his need for a divorce.


In 1500 (Henry VII) there were 825 religious houses, 500 of which monasteries. By 1540, all had closed for 4 reasons. 1. Huge wealth was identified in Cromwell's 1535 Value of the Church survey (could double King's annual income). 2. Would provide Crown with extensive lands able to distribute to nobles for support. 3. Although forced to swear oath to King (rather than Pope), monasteries could become centres of opposition. 4. Need for monks to pray for souls was against Protestant teachings of individual faith in God. 5- Cromwell's extra survey of 1535 encouraged inspectors to embellish charges of corruption and immorality as an excuse to close them. By 1539, the Act for the Dissolution of Larger Monasteries closed the remaining of the monasteries. 82F FRESH , 5 BALD MEMBERS, FLOPPED BY 2040, MINTED TWO KINGS IN BACK SEAT WHILST DRIVING TO VOCS DOWN CROM ROAD, PLAYING ANIMAL FARM, BALDIES LOOKING KINDA SUS, THIS PLAYING/PRAYING WEIRD AF, AND THEY EXTRA CORRUPT BRO,IMMORAL AND FAT so lets dissolve larger monastries 825 SO FRESH CANCELLED FOR COPYRIGHT LMA0 5 MEMBERS WERE BALD (MONASTRIES), BY 2040 THEY FLOPPED BECAUSE THEY WAS MINTED , IMAGINE THEM DRIVING DOWN CROMWELL ROAD WITH TWO KINGS INT HEIR BACK CAR DRIVING TO VOCS CINEMAS (cromwell value of the church survey they could double kings income ) THE TWO KINGS IN BACK PLAYING ANIMAL FARM WITH NOBLES (could extend kings landto distribute to nobles for support) The bald members in the car start getting a little sus , looks like they wanna kick kings out the car ( monastries despite aos could be centers of rebellion )IM NOT P(R)AYING FOR YOU (monks praying for souls against protestant teachings)

National survey of wealth

In 1522, Wolsey organised a national survey to assess who and how much tax could be paid. Largest survey since Doomsday Book, it raised £200,000 in forced loans.

Amicable Grant

In 1525 Wolsey proposed the 'Amicable Grant' to finance French campaign. It was to tax Church clergy 1/3 of the value of their goods and the laity (i.e. non clergy) between 1/6 and 1/10, allowing only 10 weeks to pay. Immediate resistance, so Wolsey made allowances, resulting regions requesting their exemption and a rebellion, resulting in Henry having to intervene to withdraw tax.

Economic downturn

In 1527 worst harvests in a generation, worsening inflation and rises in unemployment made price rises unmanageable for many. In 1526, Wolsey undertook re-coinage that increased number in use, but reduced their silver content. This increased exports (English goods cheaper to Europe) but made coins people own seem worthless. This economic depression led to rebellions in southern England in 1528. French war in 1545 cost £2,000,000 resulting in Henry borrowing, selling monastic lands (rather than renting), debasement of coinage (1545 silver content was 50%, 1546 content was 33%, under Edward VI, 25%) causing inflation that lasted decades.

Condition of the Church

In Henry's early reign, most people fully accepted Christian beliefs, loyal to the Church and with considerable religious devotion, evident with massive ecclesiastical architecture projects. ya3qut outside our appartment because condition of church strong massive ecclesiastical architecture projects


John Wycliffe (and subsequent Lollards) in late 14th century stated scripture more important than Pope and too much focus on saints over piety. In Germany Luther's 95 Theses in 1517 suggested the Bible rather than Catholic practices were more important. By 1520, William Tyndale adopting Luther's ideas and printed an English Bible. why lol = john wycliffe +lollards imagine johnny from nct saying laugh out loud from the piano salon but weirdly hes 14 he checks his script and whilst doing so kicks over that baby exra pope ( scripture>pope) and calls kim ks kid saint an attention ***** who doesnt even bring pie (too much focus on saints over piety). Lara Geeirhause is obvi writing her 95 page thesis at 17 saint is like no way shes like bible , i dont even do a practice/draft thats stupid (germany 95 thesis, bible>catholic practice) . saint unfortunately throws a massive tin at her and weirdly kidnaps and adopts lara and forces her to speak english (tyndale adopts luthors ideas prints english bible )

Conservative Faction


reform faction

LEAD ED SEY (LATER BECOMES EDDY's SOMERSET) HAPPY W/: 1- FP SUCCESS IN SCOT 1547 2-EXECUTE CATH HOW (1542, at 19 attracted courtiers' attention), 3-CATH PARR Henry's sixth wife, 1543, Protestant and accused of heresy, but Henry defended) 4-ARREST OF NORFOLK (1546, accused with son Earl of Surrey (executed) of desiring throne).

Financial management

Like Henry VII, Henry VIII managed national finances through Privy Chamber from their private rooms (introduced by Edward IV) rather than through slow workings of the Exchequer and Treasury. This gave Henry VIII considerable control over all aspects of income and expenditure. Cromwell as Chancellor of Exchequer introduced new departments (caused by break with Rome) including 1. Court of Augmentations that controlled land and money formally controlled by Catholic Church. 2. Court of General Surveyors that initially handled ex-monastic land but amalgamated with Court of Augmentations. 3. Court of First Fruits and Tenths that collected tax from clergy that had been sent to Rome. 4. Court of Wards that was the King's right to collect money from the estate of a minor (under 21).

Justice of the Peace

Like Henry VII, they were used to control local government rather than rely on nobles.

Henry's opposition to reform

Movement in 1520s to reform religious leadership, with Royal power to control Church in England, but Henry opposed in his book 'Defence of the Seven Sacraments' that supported Pope and declared Henry as 'Defender of the Faith'. Issues divorcing Anne Boleyn made Henry change, with Tyndale's illegal book 'Obedience of the Christian Man' promoting idea of king having authority over subject's body and souls, which Anne brought from France to Henry. Additionally Thomas Cromwell's travel through Europe had brought to Henry new ideas away from Pope. IN REAL SALON HENRY STARTS OFF WITH A typical american movie rewind situation '' YOU MIGHT BE ASKING HOW I GOT IN THIS SITUATION..ITS A LONG STORY ,'' because u know later he fights the pope but rn we exploring his support. SWING ALMOST HITS HIM IN FRONT OF THE DOOR , ON THE SWING PROTESTOR IS A MONARCHY STAN ( push for royal leadership of church in england,'' HENRY THROWS HIS BOOK AT HIM AND ALEXI ALSO THROWS HER BOOK '' seven sacraments'' THEY HOLD UP BABY POPE WHO APPOINTS HENRY AS HIS DEFENDER .

New beginnings

On his accession in 1509, immediately arrested his late-father's hated financial enforcers of Empson and Dudley and abolished the detested Council Learned in Law.

Opposition to Church

Opposition apparent and with printing, awareness of Church's misappropriation of taxes, extravagant Pope, issues with clergy (pluralism, indulgences). Cardinal Wolsey didn't address, rather worsened with two illegitimate children and a mistress until 1519. Additionally Wolsey claimed massive income when Bishop of Durham and Winchester as well as Abbott of St Albans, proving pluralism and absenteeism. JOHANNES GUTENBURG LMAOOO TAX MISAPROPIATION EXTRA POPES CLERGY ISSUES (PLURALISM, INDULGENCES) WOLSEY DIDNT ADRESS THE ISSUES - WORSEND IT WITH 2 ILLEGIT CHILDREN AND A MISTRESS UNTILL 19 WOLSEY MASS INCOME BOD WINCH,ABBSA= PLURALISM ABSEENTEEISM PP TM EP CI=P/I ILLEGIT KID MISTRESS 19 PLURALISM +ABSENTEEISM Inside the entrance i trip over a printer (printing press) in the floor , when i fall- skirt flies a tiny taxi man goes ''thats so innapropiate'' (tax misapropiation), baby pope struts in the room ( extra pope) slaps me so hard i get clear skin (clergy issues). when i get up im seeing double like mary kate and ashley are there (pluralism) and theyre is going on about how he indulged in some illegit kids and a mistress when he was 19 (listen ew im just doing it to remember but illegit kid and mistress untill 1519) . wolsey himself has a twin but one is always absent they tell mary kate and ashley

Political representation

Parliament contained broad cross-section in 1530s, with Lords containing 51 peers, 21 bishops and 29 abbots (representing nobility and Church), while Commons had 310 members with 74 representing counties and 236 the towns and boroughs (representing lesser nobility) while borough members included merchants and royal administrators. This ensured changes enacted would be smooth, whilst Parliament resistance would predict opposition if act implemented to the nation. After dissolution, abbots disappeared, bishops increased (as 4 new cathedrals) and peers increased by 55, making clergy a minority.

Passing a Bill

Parliament with 1529 divorce crisis remained for 7 years (uncommon under Henry VII as raised finance without parliament) that created skilled MPs and new practices such as a law being passed after three readings in Commons and Lords. Also, Cromwell's King-in-Parliament saw creation of statute law by Henry AND Parliament for all aspects of society, and reversal, would need King AND Parliament to agree once again. Cromwell's increased status of Parliament to add status to statute law that was needed to make religious changes.

Inconsistent governance of England

Parts of England held liberties that gave them semi-independent status, such as Durham governed by a bishop semi-independent Palatinate, but Cromwell's 1536 Act Against Liberties and Franchises removed powers from the Bishop of Durham. Also, Wales, no longer independent, nor having adopted English government system, so the 1536 Act of Union with Wales reorganised local government in Wales and march borderlands.

Country opposition

Pilgrimage of Grace in 1536 started when townspeople of Lough in Lincolnshire feared that Cromwell was to strip their church and monastery whilst increasing taxes. The rebellion amassed 40,000 protestors (known as pilgrims) led by Robert Aske and requested i) removal of Cromwell and ii) repeal of Statute of Uses (inheritance tax). Henry VIII decided to grant a pardon and consider demands. New rebellions in 1537 gave Henry excuse to execute rebel leaders. HANNAH MONTANNA (COUNTRY OPPOSITION) IN SHOE CLOSET NEXT TO MAMAS ROOM SINCE SHE GOT EVERY SHOE EVERY COLOUR imagine her laughing at lincoln because cromwell road stripping in church whilst taxing her (cromwell stripping church whilst increasing taxes in lough lincolnshire) slam dunk unnie leading the prtoesters (40k pilgrims) and asking for removal of cromwell (rober aske demand ) no more tax whilst kicking a statue (repeal of statute of uses inheritence tax ) henry kinda pussies out and pardons everyones massive sneeze (pardons them but later kills rebel leader )


Pope Clement VII's imprisonment by Charles V (Holy Roman Emperor) and control over Italy, made Wolsey's ally with France to evict Charles V and access Pope to persuade of divorce, but France failed. - Wolsey needed to ally w/ france to free pc from cv (hre) but france failed lmao

King's law making ability

Proclamations were laws made by King, either in emergency, or when Parliament not in session, but less in significance to Statute Law (laws by Parliament with royal consent) that were highest law in England. The 1539 Proclamations Act gave Kings proclamation decrees equal importance to statute law.


Reliance on powerful advisors did cause the problem of factionalism. Evident with Duke of Buckingham (only duke to survive from Henry VII) being a rival to Cardinal Wolsey. In 1520 Wolsey arrested him for alleged opinion of Henry VIII's downfall, then beheaded him. sheesh Factionalism evident after Cromwell's execution in 1540, as nobles vied to be chief minister (like Wolsey and Cromwell). Catholic Conservative faction in later years (1540) led by Duke of Norfolk got power through undermining Cromwell with Six Articles and in Privy Council (and execution), allying with Henry through marriage of Catherine Howard, but collapsed when Catherine (19 years) believed unfaithful by Henry (49 years).

King as the Head of Church

Royal Supremacy Act in 1534 used the word 'acknowledged' suggesting King always held right to be Head of Church, but was now using it. Supported with Treason Act (1534) that made denial of royal supremacy punishable by death. Cromwell led this political reform through new post of Vicar General, but not a massive change to Church as more powerful European rulers had been controlling their kingdoms on behalf of the Pope (in return for taxation levies) and rarely were court appeals sent to Rome. Not until changes to doctrines (religious writings) in 1536 would Henry's supremacy be hugely significant. AOR ACKNOWLEDGE KING ALWAYS RIGHT TO HOC NOW USING IT TREASON ACT 1534 PUNISHABLE BY DEATH treaseon cromwell vicar general not massive change more powerful europeans control kingdoms on churchs behalf (in return for tax levies ) not untill doctrines was his supremacy significant AOS ACKNOWLEDGE HOC AND USE+ AOT 36 PUNISHMENT CROMWELL VICAR GENERAL NOT HUGE EUROPEAN POWERS ALREADY ON BEHALF FOR TAX LEVIES WAIT UNTILL THE DOCTRINES YALL

More as Chancellor

Sir Thomas More replaced Wolsey as Chancellor (1529-32), and unlike predecessor, was less rigidly enforced in religion. A 'humanist' and critical of some aspects of the Catholic Church, but believed in steady reform rather than drastic action and opposed Lutherism. Also sympathetic to the plight of Catherine of Aragon's on-going divorce.

Succession Act

Succession Act approved by Parliament in 1544 named youngest Edward (Protestant mother Jane Seymour), with Mary (Catholic mother Catherine of Aragon) then Elizabeth (Protestant mother Anne Boleyn) in line if Edward did not have children. 1- PRO MOM ED , JS 2-CATH MOM MA,COA 3-LIZ, ANNEBO

Empson and Dudley

The two bureaucrats who were most dominant in the Council Learned after the death of Reginald Bray and whose financial policy was very controversial.

Privy Chamber

This became even more important and became King's household, but with own separate existence. When dining in Privy Chamber, only most intimate advisors and courtiers could join, showing who was favoured. Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber (containing 20 men) had access to the King, gave advice on matters of state and travelled with King. In early reign, Cardinal Wolsey, then More as Chancellor, and in later years Sir Paget as Comptroller of King's Household took charge of meetings and sought advice or approval of King. Between 1532 and 1540 Cromwell gained leading role.


Unlike Henry VII who heavily involved in the unglamorous functions of government, Henry VIII delegated far greater power to advisers, most notably Cardinal Wolsey (1515-29) and Cromwell (1532-40), preferring the image of the medieval 'good lord' with the Renaissance 'universal man'. -less day to day : wolsey then cromwell

New men

Unlike Henry VII's use of nobility, Henry VIII's use of Wolsey and Cromwell, both from humble backgrounds made them, unlike rich nobles, were dependent on King for promotions, thus becoming fiercely loyal civil servants.

Cromwell's roles

Unlike Wolsey's clerical posts, Cromwell amassed governmental roles including Master of the Kings Jewels in 1532 (to access King's private rooms), Chancellor of the Exchequer and Master of the Rolls in 1533 (leading role in legal system), Vicar General in 1535 (created by Henry to instigate Church reform), Lord Privy Seal and Principal Secretary in 1536 (control over Royal Council).


Unlike his father (Henry VII) who had to fight for the Crown, Henry VIII had grown up privileged, but insecurities regarding accession with Henry VII's opponents, the death of Arthur, heir and brother in 1502. Popular as he represented union of Lancaster and Yorkist, showing future harmony in England. - NOT LIKE DAD, NERVOUS OF NOBILITY CUZ PRIVELEGED AND INHERITED THRONE -BUT INSECURE OF H7 RIVALS -HIS BRO ARTHUR DIED 1502, SO NOW HES KING -POPULAR UNION OF YORK +LANC


Unlike his father, who saw foreign policy as a way to ensure the security of his Crown, Henry VIII was keen to establish his presence in international affairs, demonstrate his strength to his subjects and win glorious victories.

Existing forms of finance

Unlike prudent Henry VII, Henry VIII lifestyle and foreign policy was costly. Wolsey realised that finance used by Henry VII could not be exploited any further, such as Parliamentary Grants based on property taxes called fifteenths and tenths were now at a fixed price, worsened by inflation making these less than under Henry VII.


Way to promote kingly strength was to rekindle disputes with France. Persuaded advisors and with international alliance against Louis XII of France, Henry launched costly invasion in 1512, but with sick demoralised troops, achieved nothing and returned humiliated. But in 1513, Wolsey launched successful cavalry invasion called 'Battle of the Spurs' and captured Tournai leading to Treaty of St Germaine-en-Laye securing English control of the city and an annual payment for Henry (but had to give up claim to French throne). Henry VIII met with Francis I at the 'Cloth of Gold' in 1520 to discuss a potential war between France and Charles V (Holy Roman Emperor), but achieved little with Henry choosing to support Charles V due to Catherine of Aragon's being Spanish and Charles' aunt, and opportunities to capitalise on French defeat. Resultant war saw French Francis I captured, but Charles V (Holy Roman Empire) failure to support Henry led to Henry supporting France from 1528 to punish powerful Charles V, but his victory resulted in peace Treaty of Cambrai in 1529.

Wolsey's autonomy

Wolsey accused of ruling without Parliament as only two were called (1515 and 1523). The 1515 Parliament was to investigate the Hunne Case, where a London merchant refused to pay son's mortuary (death) fee, so imprisoned in Bishop's prison. Later found murdered, and Wolsey as most senior Church cleric had to seek forgiveness. The 1523 Parliament was to agree to tax rise to finance Henry's French war.


Wolsey argued that Old Testament's Leviticus supported that Henry's marriage was never valid, as Catherine of Aragon had consummated (sex) her marriage with Arthur, but never informed Henry. However, Deuteronomy in Bible promoted marriage to dead brother's widow. WOLSEY OLD TEST LEVIT H MARRIAGE NEVER EVEN VALID COA HAD SEX W/ ARTHUR BUT NEVER INFORMED H7 BUUUUUUUT DEUTRONOMY PROMOTED HIM MARRY COA

Legal reforms

Wolsey as Lord Chancellor responsible for legal system, but not legally trained. Wanted to promote civil law (based on natural justice and evidence) over common law (based on legal precedent). Star Chamber was used infrequently (12 times per year), so Wolsey used it more and encouraged poor commoners to prosecute nobles and local officials who abused power (120 times per year). Used Court of Requests in Westminster to hear cases from the poor and championed laws to allow poor to use common land for sheep).

Legal efforts

Wolsey as Papal Legate (ability to represent Pope) held a divorce hearing in England and Pope Clement VII not wanting to offend Charles V sent delegation of Cardinal Campeggio to delay the hearing so that a divorce decision should never be reached. Campeggio very fastidious that made Wolsey and Henry impatient. When it did meet in 1529, Catherine of Aragon appealed to the Pope to hold it in Italy, so court was disbanded. Wolsey's use to Henry was ending. WOLSEY ABLE TO CALL HEARING AS PAPAL LEGATE DIVORCE HEARING FIRST DELAYED BY CAMPEGGIO MET IN 1529 COA APPEALED FOR IT TO BE IN ITALY WOLSEY BECOMING USELESS LMAO


Wolsey as Papal Legate tried some attempts at reform (but did see it as vital), such as making bishops investigate monasteries which resulted in closure and confiscation of goods of 24 religious houses. Persuaded Pope for emphasis on greater religious learning of clergy. Financed this through the closure of monasteries (later adopted by Cromwell) with less than six monks and removed 8 Abbotts (heads of monasteries). Cardi b = wolsey cardi b doing some pilates reformers (non-vital reform) next to the couch in piano room at same time playing chess with her bishop and sherlocke investigating her mom (bishop investigate monasteries ), her mama says AQES IMEEM and she closes her mouth and all her goodies confiscated for 24 hrs ( closure, confiscation goods of 24 religious houses). baby pope starts teaching her some jesus for clear skin (persuaded Pope for emphasis on greater religious learning of clergy) . baby pope does this by cancelling her mama (closure monasteries) for not having more than 6 kids or an 8 pack abs (8 abbots ) REFORMERS, BISHOP INVESTIGATE MON, CLOSURE CONFISCATION 24, TEACH RELIGIOUS LEARNING FOR CLEAR SKIN), CANCEL MAMA FOR LESS THAN 6 KIDS AND NO 8 PACK = CLOSE MONS LESS THAN 6 MONKS AND 8 ABBOTS


Wolsey became Dean of York, Bishop of Tournai (after Battle of Spurs) and Cardinal within two years (1513-15). Henry supported him, persuading Pope Leo X to make him Cardinal and then Papal Legate (to act on behalf of Pope in England) which enabled him to stop reform of Church in England. 1) DOY 2) BOT 3- CARDI WITHIN 2 YEARS (13-15) 4- H SUPPORT, PERSUADE POPE LEO X MAKE HIM CARDI AND THEN PAPAL LEGATE ( ACT ON BEHALF OF ROME ) ENABLED HIM TO STOP REFORM OF COE IMAGINE BEHIND THE WALL(WOLSEY) basically behind our door a card i ( cardi ) bot toy (doy) in a barrister wig (papal legate) with a cross necklace ( prevent reform of coe)

Wolsey as Chancellor

Wolsey became Lord Chancellor (chief minister) in Henry's government (after William Warham's resignation) and ran government day-to-day, but remembered he couldn't ignore King. Wolsey detested Henry's favour of 'minions' (nobles his own age) who could access King's private rooms influencing Henry.

New taxes

Wolsey's 'subsidy' tax, approved by House of Commons in 1523, taxed income rather than property. Additionally a tax levied on the Church.

Trade embargo

Wolsey's alliance with France against Spain revealed England without sufficient money to fight. Trade embargo against Spain, but as Spain controlled Netherlands as part of Burgundy, hugely affected England's trade of cloth to the Netherlands, their biggest market.

Wolsey's demise

Wolsey's demise was due to i) his failure to convince Pope Clement VII (and Cardinal Campeggio) to annul Henry's marriage and ii) Wolsey's inability to prevent Charles V Haubsburg's domination over Europe from 1525, iii) opposition by Boleyn family, iv) reputation and personal ambitions. Henry initially encouraged Wolsey's promotion as Papal Legate (act on Pope's behalf), but used this against him with 'praemunire' with Wolsey accused of favouring the Pope's interests over the King's. This accusation led by Boleyn's family was borne of frustration to the failure to annul marriage and a means to remove Wolsey from Royal Council. Stripped of Lord Chancellor, Cardinal and Bishop and exiled to York. Henry recalled to London (possibly for treason) but he died on the way.


Yorkist opposition was less in 1509 than for Henry VII. Yorkist Edmund de la Pole ('White Rose' party) was in the Tower (imprisoned by Henry VII, but promised Maximilian won't execute). In 1513 Henry VIII executed him for treason. Younger Richard de la Pole wasn't protected by French king proclaiming him Richard IV, but never invaded.


important religious ceremonies

Dry stamp

n 1546 with Henry's health poor, Sir Anthony Denny made King's Gentleman of King's Privy Chamber with close access to King. Used Henry's dry stamp to legalise documents too trivial for King, but used to amend Henry's will (still promoting Edward from Succession Act of 1544) with increased power of a Regency Council.







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