Harry Potter Quiz

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How did Hermione accidentally destroy Harry's wand?

A Blasting Curse

What kind of broomstick does Harry get for Christmas in the third book?

A Firebolt

What Charm did Dobby use to smash the Dursley's pudding?

A Hover Charm

What kind of letter does Ron receive from his mother in the beginning of the second book?

A Howler

What is the charm that drives off dementors?

A Patronus Charm

What jinx is put on Lord Voldemort's name so Death Eaters can find whoever says his name?

A Taboo

What had Hermione been using to go to two classes at the same time?

A time-turner

What is Lupin?

A werewolf

What was Dumbledore's brother's name?


After breaking the Caterwauling Charm in Hogsmeade after apparating to Hogmeade, who saves them from the Death Eaters? (first and last name)

Aberforth Dumbledore

Harry and Ginny by 2017 had 3 kids, two of them are boys, what was the younger boy's name? (full name)

Albus Severus Potter

Who sees Harry when he reveals himself to look at the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw with her diadem? (first and last name)

Alecto Carrow

Who did the Bellatrix family and Barty Crouch Jr. curse until insanity?

Alice and Frank Longbottom

What kind of Vow does Severus Snape and Narcissa Black make in the beginning of the sixth book?

An Unbreakable Vow

What is the name of Hagrid's Acromantula friend?


What was Dumbledore's sister's name?


What is Ginny's Pygmy Puff's name?


Who is Molly Weasley's husband's name A.K.A. Ron's dad? (first and last name)

Arthur Weasley

In one of Harry's vision, where does Lord Voldemort say one of the Horcruxes are?

At Hogwarts

What Curse did Lord Voldemort use on Franke Bryce in the beginning of the fourth book?

Avada Kedavra

What curse did Lord Voldemort use to kill Harry?

Avada Kedavra

What is the Unforgivable Curse that kills people called?

Avada Kedavra

What person does Harry disguise as to Fleur and Bill's wedding?

Barny Weasley

Who was using Polyjuice Potion to turn into Mad-Eye Moody?

Barty Crouch Jr.

What does Hermione think was impregnated into Godric Gryffindor's sword?

Basilisk venom

Who kills Dobby? (first name only)


Who does Andromeda Tonk look like to Harry when he first sees her? (first and last name)

Bellatrix Lestrange

What creature does Hagrid teach about in the Care for Magical Creatures in the fourth book?

Blast-Ended Skrewts

In the sixth book, Draco got Death Eaters into Hogwarts through vanishing cabinets, one cabinet was at Hogwarts, where was the other one?

Borgin and Burkes

Where do Hermione,Harry, and Ron follow Draco to in the sixth book?

Borgin and Burkes

What is the name of the hippogriff that Harry rids?


What does Hagrid start teaching in the third book?

Care of the Magical Creatures

Who does Cho Chang go with to the Yule Ball? (first and last name)

Cedric Diggory

Who represented Hogwarts in the TriWizard Tournament? (first names only)

Cedric and Harry

What does Professor Flitwick teach?


During what holiday vacation do Hermione,Ron, and Harry use the Polyjuice Potion in the second book?

Christmas vacation

Does Crabbe, Goyle, or Malfoy die in the FiendFyre in the Room of Requirements in the seventh book?


In the third book, Hermione gets a cat named?


What is the Unforgivable Curse that tortures people called?


Who was Ginny Weasley kissing when Ron and Harry found them behind a tapestry? (First and Last name)

Dean Thomas

Who were the hooded figures at the Quidditch World Cup that were tormenting local Muggles?

Death Eaters

What job at Hogwarts did Lord Voldemort want?

Defense Against the Dark Arts

What teaching job at Hogwarts was jinxed by Lord Voldemort?

Defense Against the Dark Arts

What are Harry and Dudley attacked by in the beginning of the fifth book?


In the Sorcerer's Stone's hideout with its seven chambers, what was in Professor Sprout's chamber?

Devil's Snare

Where do the students of Hogwarts go to buy school supplies?

Diagon Alley

What is the new class Hermione,Ron, and Harry start taking in the third book?


What is the house-elf's name that visits Harry in the second book?


Who tampered with the bludger that broke Harry's arm?


Who did Mundungus Fletcher give the real horcrux locket to as a bribe? (first and last name)

Dolores Umbridge

Who in the Ministry had Mad-Eye Moody's magical eye? (first and last name)

Dolores Umbridge

Who is the New Defense Against the Arts Teacher in the fifth book?

Dolores Umbridge

Who sent the dementors to attack Harry and Dudley in the fifth book? (first and last name)

Dolores Umbridge

Who does Bellatrix send to get Griphook from the cellar to see if Godric Gryffindor's Sword is fake or real? (first name only)


Who does Harry meet when he is getting fitted fro his school robes?

Draco Malfoy

Who was to afraid to kill Dumbledore but was told to by Lord Voldemort?

Draco Malfoy

Who's wands, in the end of the fight in Malfoy Manor in the seventh book, did Harry have? (first name only needed)

Draco's, Bellatrix's and Peter's

When Harry "died" in the seventh book, who did he talk to?


Where did the Weasley family go with the money from the Daily Prophet Prize Draw?


What of Sirius's stuff does Harry inherit?


What is Hagrid's dog's name?


What is Dumbledore's phoenix's name?


What potion does Harry use to get the real memory from Professor Slughorn in the sixth book?

Felix Felicis

What potion does Harry win with his first class with Professor Slughorn?

Felix Felicis

What is the name of the werewolf who bit Lupin when he was a kid? (First and last name)

Fenrir Greyback

Who attacked Bill Weasley in the Battle of the Astronomy Tower? (First and last name)

Fenrir Greyback

What spell that Crabbe casted go overboard?


Who is made the new Divination teacher after Dolores Umbrigde fires Professor Trelawney?


Who represented Beauxbatons in the TriWizard Tournament?

Fleur Delacour

How does the Weasley family try to pick up Harry for the Quidditch World Cup?

Floo Powder

In the second book, how do the Weasleys and Harry et to Diagon Alley?

Floo Powder

Who is killed by an explosion in a corridor in the Battle of Hogwarts? (Clue: A Weasley) (first and last name)

Fred Weasley

Who did Harry give his TriWizard Tournment winnings to?

Fred and George Weasley

What Horcrux did Dumbledore destroy that resulted in his injured hand?

Gaunt's ring

In 2017, who does Harry marry? (first name only)


Who does Harry finally date in the sixth book? (first and last name)

Ginny Weasley

Who does Harry kiss after Gryffindor wins the Quidditch Cup? (first and last name)

Ginny Weasley

Who had restarted Dumbledore's Army to resist the Headmaster Severus Snape? (first names only, three people)

Ginny, Luna, and Neville

In the fourth book, what enchanted artifact chooses the most worthy student from the students who submit their names?

Goblet of Fire

Fill in the blank. One of the founders of Hogwarts was ________ Gryffindor


Fill in the Bank: What is the trade in the seventh book, Griphook's help in breaking into Gringotts for ________________________

Godric Gryffindor's Sword

What comes out of the Sorting Hat at the end of the seventh book?

Godric Gryffindor's Sword

What comes out of the Sorting Hat?

Godric Gryffindor's sword

Hermione and Harry visit the place where Bathilda Bagshot lives, where does she live?

Godric's Hallow

What house is Ginny sorted into?


What house is Harry put in?


What house wins the Quidditch Cup in the third book?


What was Percy Weasley made into in his seventh year?

Haad Boy

Who does Lord Voldemort force into carrying Harry's "corpse" on there "victory march"? (last name only)


Who got blamed for opening up the Chamber of Secret the first time it was open? (last name only)


Where is Scabbers found at the ending of the third book?

Hagrid's cabin

On what day does Mrs.Norris get petrified?


On what holiday was James and Lily Potter killed by Lord Voldemort?


Who is the godfather of Ted Lupin? (first name only)


Who was the true master of the Elder Wand?


What happens when the dementors go on the field during the Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff game?

Harry fainted

What did Dumbledore give Harry in his will?

Harry's first Golden Snitch

What did Lord Voldemort kill Severus Snape?

He thought he was the master of the Elder Wand

What animal is killed during the escape from the Death Eaters over Little Whinging?


What is Harry's owl's name?


Fill in the blank. One of the founders of Hogwarts was ________ Hufflepuff


What is the Horcrux that they find in the Lestrange's bank vault?

Helga Hufflepuff's cup

Who did Lord Voldemort take Salazar Slytherin's Locket and Helga Hufflepuff's Cup from?

Hepzibah Smith

What does Professor Sprout teach?


What teaching position at Hogwarts did Neville Longbottom take up?


In 2017, who does Ron marry? (first name only)


Who of the trio (Harry,Ron, and Hermione) does Bellatrix torture to find out about Godric Gryffindor's sword?


In the second book, the Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff was cancelled because who were petrified?

Hermione Granger

Who are the distorted version of, in the Horcrux locket when Harry open it for Ron to destroy? (first names only)

Hermione and Harry

Who are named prefects in the fifth book? (last names only)

Hermione and Ron

What does Professor Binn teach?

History of Magic

Ron and Hermione by 2017 had 2 kids, one was a girl and one was a boy, what was the boyl's name?


What dragon does Harry face in the first task of the TriWizard Tournament?

Hungarian Horntail

What words did Dolores Umbridge make Harry carve into his skin using a blood quill?

I must not tell lies

What is the Unforgivable Curse that puts people in mind-control called?


What Unforgivable Curse does Harry use to get into Bellatrix's vault?

Imperius Curse

What curse does Bellatrix use on Hermione to try to find out about Godric Gryffindor's Sword?

Imperius Curse

Where does Lord Voldemort find the Elder Wand?

In Dumbledore's tomb

When he says Diagon Alley wrong when he is traveling by Floo Powder in the second book, where does he end up?

In Knockturn Alley

How does Fred,George, and Ron Weasley rescue Harry from the Dursley's in the second book?

In an enchanted Ford Anglia

How does Ron and Harry get to Hogwarts in the second book?

In an enchanted Ford Anglia

Where did the renewed members of Dumbledore's Army in the seventh book, hid?

In the Room of Requirements

What is in the water in Lord Voldemort's Horcrux cave?


What did Harry do to Marge Dursley after she offended him?

Inflated her

In the fourth book, what were the two team in the Quidditch World Cup?

Ireland and Bulgaria

What did Peter Pettigrew's silver hand do to him after he showed weakness when almost strangling Harry Potter?

It strangled him

Harry and Ginny by 2017 had 3 kids, two of them are boys, what was the older boy's name? (full name)

Jame Sirius Potter

Who's spirits did Harry summon to face hid death? (four people, first name only)

James,Lily, Sirius, and Remus

When is Harry Potter's birthday?

July 31

Who is the the headmaster at Durmstrang? (last name only)


What did people think Sirius Black wanted to do with Harry, in the third book?

Kill him

How did Harry's parents die (the real way)

Killing Curse by Lord Voldemort

When Harry "died" in the seventh book, where was he when he talked to Dumbledore

King's Cross Station

At the end of the seventh book, who is made Minister of Magic?

Kingsley Shackbolt

Who had helped Lord Voldemort put the locket horcrux in the horcrux cave in the first place?


Who did Harry send to tail Malfoy in the sixth book?

Kreacher and Dobby

In the seventh book, who runs Potterwatch?

Lee Jordan

Harry and Ginny by 2017 had 3 kids, one of them is a girl, what is her name? (full name)

Lily Luna Potter

Where does the TriWizard Cup Portkey take Cedric and Harry?

Little Hangleton Cemetery

In the second book, who are the leaders of the Dueling Club? (last names only)

Lockhart and Snape

Who is Tom Riddle? (this changed name)

Lord Voldemort

Who killed Mad-Eye Moody?

Lord Voldemort

Who was attached to Professor Quirrell's head?

Lord Voldemort

Fill in the Blank: Harry,Ron,and Hermione got and talk to Xenophilius ___________ about Grindelwald's mark


At the Quidditch World Cup, who does Fred and George bet that Ireland will win? (First and Last name)

Ludo Bagman

After Alecto summons Lord Voldemort, who stuns her? (first and last name)

Luna Lovegood

Who is the new Defense Against the Arts teacher in the fourth book? (nickname)

Mad-Eye Moody

Who is the librarian at Hogwarts?

Madam Pince

Who is the the headmaster at Beauxbatons?

Madame Maxime

In the seventh book, where do the Snatchers take Hermione,Harry,Ron,Dean, and the goblin,Griphook?

Malfoy Manor

Who does Hermione,Ron,and Harry meet in the Room of Requirements when they go in to find Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem? (last names only)

Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle

During the Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw game, who are the four people that dress up like dementors? (Last name only)

Malfoy,Crabbe,Goyle, and Flint

What was going to cure the people who got petrified?


What do Fred and Geirge Weasley give Harry for Christmas in the third book?

Marauder's Map

What is Lord Voldemort's grandfather's first and last name

Marvolo Gaunt

What is Lord Voldemort's mother's first and last name

Merope Gaunt

What was Cornelius Fudge's job in the first five books?

Minister of Magic

What office in the Ministry of Magic does the Arthur Weasley work in?

Misuse of Muggle Artifacts

In the sixth book, who does he start crying to about him failing him mission from Lord Voldemort?

Moaning Myrtle

Who was the victim of the the Chamber of Secrets opening up the first time?

Moaning Myrtle

In who's bathroom was the Chamber of Secret's entrance?

Moaning Myrtle's bathroom

Who kills Bellatrix Lestrange? (first and last name)

Molly Weasley

What is Lord Voldemort's uncle's first and last name

Morfin Gaunt

What is Filch's cat's name?


Who made it so Ariana Dumbledore couldn't control her powers?

Muggle boys

What did Ron drink to become poisoned in the sixth book?

Mulled Mead

Who stole the real horcrux locket from 12 Grimmauld Place?

Mundungus Fletcher

What was the snake's name that killed Severus Snape?


Who is Bathilda Bagshot actually?


Who does Lord Voldemort tell to check to see if Harry is dead at the end of the seventh book? (first and last name)

Narcissa Malfoy

Who is the ghost of the Gryffindor house?

Nearly Headless NIck

What does Harry,Ron, and Hermione go to on Halloween in the second book?

Nearly Headless Nick's Deathday Party

Who challenges Lord Voldemort when he says for Hogwarts to surrender to him after he "killed" Harry in the seventh book? (first and last name)

Neville Longbottom

Who misplaced the passwords that let Sirius Black in? (first and last name)

Neville Longbottom

What kind of brooms did Draco's dad get the Slytherin team?

Nimbus 2001

Does the youngest brother die in the Tale of the Three Brothers? Yes or No?


Is Ted Lupin a werewolf like Remus? Yes or No?


What is the dragon's name that Hagrid raises in the first book?


Who are also in the Malfoy Manor's cellar when Harry,Ron, Dean, and Griphook are put in the cellar? (first name only)

Ollivander and Luna

Who does Harry tell Dobby to bring to Shell Cottage first? (first names only)

Ollivander, Dean, and Luna

What did Harry get in Defense Against the Dark Arts for his O.W.L?


How does Harry open the Horcrux locket in the seventh book?


What language opened the Chamber of Secrets?


Who attacked the Muggle boys who made it so Ariana Dumbledore couldn't control her powers? (first and last name)


Who was James and Lily Potter's secret keeper?

Peter Pettigrew

Who was Scabbers?

Peter Pettigrew

What did Ginny name Ron's owl?


What do Hermione,Harry, and Ron brew so that they can see if the heir of Slytherin is Draco?

Polyjuice Potion

What potion is used to help Harry safely get to the Tonk's parent's house?

Polyjuice Potion

What goes Professor Snape teach?


What is Severus Snape's mother's last name?


Who gave Harry his Invisibility Cloak? (that use to be is dad's)

Professor Dumbledore

Who is the Head of Ravenclaw?

Professor Flitwick

Who is the Head of Gryffindor?

Professor McGonagall

Who is the Head of Slytherin?

Professor Snape

Who is the Head of Hufflepuff?

Professor Sprout

Who teaches Divination?

Professor Trelawney

What were the initials in the fake locket?


Who got the owl that Sirius Black sent to Harry?


Who took the real locket from the horcrux cave? (full name)

Regulus Arcturus Black,

Who is the New Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in the third book?

Remus Lupin

Who are the four well known people who died in the Battle of Hogwarts? (first names only except for one)

Remus, Tonks, Colin and Fred

Who does Harry give an interview to in the fifth book?

Rita Skeeter

Who is a journalist that is know for her negative stories?

Rita Skeeter

Fill in the blank. One of the founders of Hogwarts was ________ Ravenclaw.


Who saves Harry from drown after the Horcrux locket keep Harry under the frozen pond in the seventh book? (first and last name)

Ron Weasley

What does Harry do in the Second Task of the TriWizard Tornament? (hint: who does he rescue, first names only)

Ron and Gabrielle

Who does Harry give the remained of this Felix Felicis potion to at the end of the sixth book? (last name only)

Ron and Hermione

What are the centaur's names that Harry meets in the first book?

Ronan and Bane

Ron and Hermione by 2017 had 2 kids, one was a girl and one was a boy, what was the girl's name?


Who is the Grey Lady? (Clue: who's child)

Rowena Ravenclaw's daughter

Who is the Minister of Magic in the sixth book?

Rufus Scrimgeour

Fill in the blank. One of the founders of Hogwarts was ________ Slytherin.


After turning back for three hours, what did Hermione and Harry do first?

Saved Buckbeak from execution

After turning back for three hours, what did Hermione and Harry do second?

Saved Sirius Black

What is Ron's rat's name?


What is Draco Malfoy's son's first name?


What does Draco Malfoy play as on the Slytherin Quidditch team?


What position does Harry play on Gryffindor's Quidditch team?


Who is the Half-Blood Prince? (first and last name)

Severus Snape

Who is the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in the sixth book? (first and last name)

Severus Snape

Who kills Dumbledore? (first and last name)

Severus Snape

Where did Harry tell Dobby to bring Ollivander,Dean, and Luna?

Shell Cottage

Who replaced the Fat Lady for a bit in the third book?

Sir Cadogan

In the beginning of the fourth book, who does Harry write to about this scar hurting? (First name only)


In the third book, who broke out of Azkaban? (first and last name)

Sirius Black

Who bought Harry the Firebolt in the third book? (first and last name)

Sirius Black

Who gets killed by Bellatrix Lestrange in the fifth book? (first and last name)

Sirius Black

Who provides Harry with the permission to go to Hogsmeade on weekends in the third book? (first and last name)

Sirius Black

Who was the black dog?

Sirius Black

How did Madam Pomfrey fix Harry's arm?


What did Sirius Black do after he got into the boy's dormitory in the third book?

Slashed ron's bed curtains

Who is the new Potions teacher in the sixth book? (last name only)


What House does Albus Severus Potter fear to be put in tp?


What house does the Sorting Hat think of putting Harry in?


What house is Draco Malfoy put in?


After Harry uses the Sectumsempra curse that he found in the Hal-Blood Prince's book on Draco, who mend Draco's wounds? (only last name needed)


What kind of people come after Harry says Lord Voldemort in the seventh book?


What is on the diary when Harry finds it in Moaning Mytle's flooded bathroom? (name)

T.M. Riddle

What was Tonk's and Lupin's baby's name? (full name)

Ted Remus Lupin

Who is the ghost of the Slytherin house?

The Bloody Baron

After Amycus Carrow spits in Professor McGonagall's face, what curse does Harry use on Amycus until he passes out?

The Cruciatus Curse

What is the wizard newspaper called?

The Daily Prophet

What did Arthur Weasley win in the beginning of the third book?

The Daily Prophet Prize Draw

What does the spell Mosmordre put in the sky?

The Dark Mark

What is Grindelwald's mark really a symbol of?

The Deathly Hallows

What gift does the oldest brother get from Death in the Tale of the Three Brothers?

The Elder Wand

What does Lord Voldemort want to make after getting the Sorcerer's Stone?

The Elixir of Life

Where does Dumbledore say not to go to in the first book? (other than the third floor corridor)

The Forbidden Forest

What is Harry trying to catch as Seeker?

The Golden Snitch

Who is the ghost of the Ravenclaw house?

The Grey Lady

What gift does the youngest brother get from Death in the Tale of the Three Brothers?

The Invisibility Cloak

Who's vault does Harry think Lord Voldemort put one of his Horcrux?

The Lestrange's

Who were Dobby's masters in the second book?

The Malfoys

In the fifth book, in what magazine does Rita Skeeter publish her interview with Harry?

The Quibbler

Where did Ron invite Harry to come to in the very end of the third book?

The Quidditch World Cup

What gift does the middle brother get from Death in the Tale of the Three Brothers?

The Resurrection Stone

What was in Harry Potter's first Golden Snitch?

The Resurrection Stone

What place is Draco Malfoy keep using that makes him vanish of the Maurader's Map in the sixth book?

The Room of Requirements

Where does the Dumbldore's Army meetings take place?

The Room of Requirements

What is the secret place under the Whomping Willow?

The Shrieking Shack

When Harry summons Fawkes, what does Fawkes bring with him?

The Sorting Hat

What did Dumbledore give Hermione in his will?

The Tales of Beedle the Bard

In the fourth book, what special event happens at Hogwarts?

The TriWizard Tournament

Who does Harry Potter meet while trying to get to Platform 9 and 3/4?

The Weasley Family

What do Ron and Harry crash into with the Ford Anglia when they get to Hogwarts?

The Whomping Willow

What does Borgin and Burkes sell?

Things of the Dark Arts

Who opened the Chamber of Secrets both times?

Tom Riddle

What Horcrux did Harry destroy without knowing?

Tom Riddle's Diary

What Horcrux was destroyed first?

Tom Riddle's diary

Why does Remus Lupin go to Shell Cottage in the seventh book?

Tonk had her baby

What does Professor McGonagall teach?


Who does Hermione go with to the Yule Ball? (first and last name)

Victor Krum

Who represented Beauxbatons in the TriWizard Tournament?

Victor Krum

What is Fred and George's joke shop called?

Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes

What is the name of the house-elf Hermione, Ron, and Harry meet at the Quidditch World Cup?


Who kills Cedric Diggory? (nickname)


Can Harry speak Parseltongue? Yes or No?


Did Harry use the Resurrsction Stine to summon anyone's spirit? Yes or No?


Did Harry's parents leave him money at Gringotts? (Yes or No answer)


Does Hermione drop Divination class in the third book? Yes or No?


Does Xenophilius Lovegood try to betray Harry to the Ministry? Yes or No?


Does the middle brother die in the Tale of the Three Brothers? Yes or No?


Does the oldest brother die in the Tale of the Three Brothers? Yes or No?


In the second book, is Hagrid sent to Azkaban? Yes or No?


Is Harry made Gryffindor's Quidditch Captain in the sixth book? Yes or No?


Is Ted Lupin a Metamorphmagus like Tonks? Yes or No?


What Remus Lupin one of the writers of the Maraduer's Map? Yes or No?


What was Igor Karkaroff before he was Durmstrang's headmaster?

a Death Eater

What did Dumbledore give Ron in his will?

a Deluminator

What kind of letter does Petunia get in the beginning of the fifth book?

a Howler

What did Snape, in one of his memories, call Lily Evans?

a Mudblood

How does the Weasley family and Harry get to the Quidditch World Cup?

a Portkey

What was the monster in the Chamber of Secrets?

a basilisk

What did of animagus is Rita Skeeter?

a beetle

What does Harry Potter see in his tea leaves in the third book?

a black dog

What does Harry see in the beginning of the second book before the Knight Bus comes?

a black dog

What did Dobby drop on Bellatrix at Malfoy MAnor in the seventh book?

a chandelier

On the back of what creature do Harry, Hermione, and Ron escape Gringotts in the seventh book?

a dragon

What does Mad-Eye Moody turn Draco Malfoy into in the fourth book?

a ferret

What is Kingley Shackbolt's Patronus?

a lynx

How did Draco Malfoy get Death Eaters into Hogwarts in the sixth book?

a pair of vanishing cabinets

What is inside Harry's wand?

a phoenix feather

What did Neville think Harry's return to Hogwarts mean?

a revolt

What shaped Patronus appears on the edge of the Forest of Dean in the seventh book?

a silver doe

Was the the Patronus's shape that scared way the dementors in the third book right before Hermione, Harry, and Ron got the Dementor's Kiss?

a stag

What could James Potter turn into as an animagus?

a stag

How long did Lord Voldemort says he would wait for Harry to meet him in the Forbidden Forest in the seventh book?

an hour

What is a Horcrux?

an object that conceals part of someone's soul

What is Katie Bell cursed with in the sixth book?

an opal necklace

Who do goblins think goblin made objects show go after the person who purchased the sword dies?

back to the goblins

Why did the Elder Wand kill Harry when Lord Voldemort sent the Killing Curse at Harry?

because Harry was its master

Why did Harry Potter become the master of the Elder Wand?

because he disarmed Draco Malfoy

Why did Draco Malfoy become the master of the Elder Wand?

because he disarmed Dumbledore

Why does Remus Lupin want to go back to Tonks?

because she's pregnant

What does the snack that HArry dreams being do to Mr.Weasley?

bites him

What color eye does Harry see in the fragment of mirror that he has in the cellar with him in the seventh book?


Was Tonk's and Lupin's baby a girl or a boy?


After catching Scabbers, what does the black dog do?

brings him to a secret place under the Whomping Willow

When Bellatrix sees one of the Snatchers with Godric Gryffindor's sword, what does she think Hermione,Harry, and Ron did?

broke into her vault

How does Harry dig Dobby's grave?

by hand

How does a basilisk kill people?

by looking at them

What do the teacher of Hogwarts do to keep Voldemort out of Hogwarts for a bit?

cast protection spells

What did Bellatrix threaten to do to Hermione in Malfoy Manor in the seventh book?

cut her throat

Does Narcissa tell Lord Voldemort that Harry is dead or alive?


During the Battle over Little Whinging in the seventh book, what does Harry's wand do to Lucius Malfoy's wand?

destroys it

What was part of the first task in the TriWizard Tournament?


What does the Horcrux locket try to do to HArry when he was trying to get Godric Gryffindor's Sword out of the frozen pond?

drown him

What is the club called that is being secretly taught defense against the dark arts by harry?

dumbledore's army

What color is the Drink of Despair that Dumbledore drinks in the Horcrux cave?

emerald green

What had the Ministry of Magic decided to go with Buchbeak for attacking Draco?

execute him

What does Dolores Umbridge call the centaurs in the Forbidden Forest in the fifth book?

filthy half-breeds

What does Harry do with the Elder Wand to his own wand?

fixes it

What are Hagrid's departing words before he dragged off to Azkaban?

follow the spiders

What did people think Sirius Black was imprisoned for?

for murder

What does Harry eat to breath underwater in the Second Task of the TriWizard Tornament?


What does the dementor do to Barty Crouch Jr.?

give him the Dementor's Kiss

What is Tom Riddle/Lord Voldemort? Half-blood or Pure-blood?


What "half-breed" is Hagrid?


What does Harry do when the dementor gets on the train?

he faints

What happened to Ron when disapparating from 12 Grimmauld Place after disapparating from the Ministry of Magic?

he gets splinched

How does Neville use Godric Gryffindor's Sword?

he kills Nagini

What does Lord Voldemort do to the Sorting Hat, at the end of the seventh book, to torture Neville?

he sets it on fire

What can phoenix's tears do?

heal wounds

What was the only relic of Rowena Ravenclaw?

her diadem

What is the first thing Hagrid teaches about in the third book?


What part of George Weasley was slashed off by Severus Snape?

his ear

What was Sirius Black to Harry?

his godfather

After killing his father and grandparents, what did Lord Voldemort take from his uncle Morfin?

his grandfather's ring

Before dying, what does Snape give to Harry?

his memories

Where was the younger Voldemort raised?

in an orphanage

What happens to Harry's Nimbus 2000 in the third book?

it gets destroyed by the Whomping Willow

What is wrong with the barrier between Platform 9 and 10 in the second book?

it got sealed

When Hermione,Harry,Ron,or Griphook touch anything in the Lestrange's vault what happens to the objext they touched?

it multiplies itself

What can unicorn blood do?

keep you alive

What did one of Ariana's outburst do to Kendra Dumbledore?

killed her

Fill in the Blank: Snape had a lifelong ____ for Lily Evans.


Fill in the Blank:When Malfoy finds out that Harry was spying on him in the Sltherin compartment of the Hogwarts Express, he stamps on his ______ and covers him with his Invisibility Cloak?


On the wall where Mrs.Norris is petrified, what was written on the wall? ( Fill in the Blank, THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS HAS BEEN OPENED. ENEMIES_______________, BEWARE.

of the heir

What was the whimping,naked baby under the bench at King's Cross Station in Harry's death state?

part of Lord Voldemort's soul

What does Harry do with the basilisk's fang?

plunged it into the diary

What did the Fat Lady do when Sirius slashed her painting in the second book?

ran away to another painting

What color hair does the Weasley family have?


What are Boggarts?

shape-shifters of your biggest fear

How did Bellatrix kill Dobby?

she threw a knife through his sword

In Aberforth and Albus Dumbledore's and Gellert Grindelwald's duel, what happened to Ariana Dumbledore?

she was killed

What does Buckbeak do to Draco Malfoy after Draco insulted him?

slashed him with his talcon

What does Dolores Umbridge not do during Defense Against the Dark Arts classes?

teach defense against the dark arts

In the third book, what does Marge Dursley say about James Potter that got Harry so mad?

that he was a drunk

What did Dumbledore believe in one of Snape's memories about Harry being a Horcrux?

that he was one

What does Harry find out about Mrs.Figg in the beginning of the fifth book?

that she is a Squib

What curse did Lord Voldemort use on Harry's "corpse" over and over?

the Cruciatus

What is above the astronomy tower at Hogwarts when Harry and Dumbledore come back from the Horcrux cave?

the Dark Mark

What is Sirius Black sentenced to in the end of the third book

the Dementor's Kiss

In the sixth book, who's used Potion book does Harry get?

the Half-Blood Prince

What happens when Harry says Lord Voldemort in the seventh book after listening to Potterwatch?

the Taboo is broken

Is the Godric Gryffindor's sword, that is in the Lestrange's vault, the real one or the fake?

the fake

What is Parseltongue

the language of snakes

What do they rid to get to the Ministry of Magic in the fifth book form the Forbidden Forest?


When Hermione,Harry,Ron,or Griphook touch anything in the Lestrange's vault what happens to the person who touched the object?

they get burned

What happened when Fred and George Weasley crossed the Age Line around the Goblet of Fire?

they grew beards

In the seventh book, after Dudley thanks Harry, what do they do?

they shake hands

How many people did people think Sirius Black murder?


How many hours do Harry and Hermione travel back in time?

three hours

Why do Hermione and Ron go down to the Chamber of Secrets?

to get basilisk fangs

What are the dementor's jobs?

to guard Azkaban

What did Harry tell Neville to do at all costs?

to kill Nagini

What did Dumbledore ask Snape to do after the Gaunt's Horcrux Ring cursed him?

to kill him

How does Harry use the Marauder's Map?

to sneak into Hogmeade

When Lupin was a student at Hogwarts, what did he use the Shrieking Shack for?

to turn into a werewolf

How tall is the troll that becomes lose in the school in the first book?

twelve feet

What are third-years allowed to do?

visit Hogsmeade

To get to Platform 9 and 3/4, you have to run through the ______ in between PLatform 9 and 10.


When did Sirius see that Petter Pettigrew was alive?

when he saw a picture of thw weasley in egypt

What color is Dumbledore's tomb?


How do you make a Horcrux?

you kill

Where is the Order of the Phoenix's headquarters?

12 Grimmauld PLace

What is the Dursley's address? (number and street name only)

4 Privet Drive

In the Sorcerer's Stone's hideout with its seven chambers, what was in Professor McGonagall's chamber?

A Giant Wizard Chess Set

Who is Arthur Weasley's wife's name A.K.A Ron's mom? (first and last name)

Molly Weasley

What founder created the Chamber of Secrets?

Salazar Slytherin

What kind of broom is Harry's first broom?

a Nimbus 2000

In the Sorcerer's Stone's hideout with its seven chambers, what was in Professor Snape's chamber?

a Potion riddle

Professor McGonagall is a animagus, what can she turn into?

a cat

What is in vault #713 that Hagrid picks up in the first book?

a dirty little package

What creature does Hagrid raise in the first book?

a dragon

How did Hagrid transport Harry from his old house in Godroc's Hallow to the Dursleys?

a flying motorcycle

In the Sorcerer's Stone's hideout with its seven chambers, what was in Professor Quirrell's chamber?

a troll

What color was the Sorcerer's Stone?


What kind of snake does Harry talk to at the zoo on Dudley's birthday?

boa constrictor

What did the rogue bludger in the second book do to Harry?

broke his arm

How do first-years get to Hogwarts after getting off the train?

by boat

How did Harry's parents die (what the Dursleys said)

car crash

At Vernon Dursley's firm, what is made?


In the Sorcerer's Stone's hideout with its seven chambers, what was in Professor Flitwick's chamber?

flying keys

What does Madam Hooch teach?

flying lessons

What did Hagrid do to Dudley on Harry's 12th birthday?

gave him a pig's tail

After the rogue bludger in the second book breaks Harry's arm, what does Gilderoy Lockhart do to Harry?

got rid of all the bones in his arm

What happened when Professor Quirrell touch Harry?

he got burned

What did Dumbledore say he would see in the Mirror of Erised?

himself holding a pair of wooly socks

What does Professor McGonagall do after she sees Harry catching Neville's Remembrall?

shows him to Oliver Wood

In my part of the Dursley's house is Harry living in when he is 11 year old?

the cupboard under the stairs

What does Hagrid do to the gun that Vernon Dursley threatens him with in the first book?

ties it in a knot

What was the three-head dog's name that guarded the Sorcerer's Stone hiding spot?


Who is the Defense of the Arts Teacher in the second book?

Gilderoy Lockhart

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