HBS - Lessons 3.3 and 3.4 Assessment

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53. What is the function of the site of the Glomerulus and Bowman's Capsule?

The function is that the blood is filtered and glomerular filtrate is produced to collect the filtrate and pass it to the next parts of the nephron. It is located within the Bowman's capsule in the kidney.

2. What is the function of a nose?

The nose filters air by trapping dirt and microbes in the mucus and hairs in our nostrils. The nose also warms the air up prior to the air entering our lungs.

15. Tidal Volume

The volume of air breathed in and out without conscious effort.

21. Minute Volume

The volume of air breathed in one minute without conscious effort: MV = TV × (breaths/minute).

19. Residual Volume

The volume of air remaining in the lungs after maximum exhalation (under normal conditions, the lungs are never completely emptied).

8. The walls of the alveoli in the lungs are incredibly thin. Explain how this structure is related to function in the body.

This structure is related to function in the body by helping the function while inhalation occurs because it lets the air to open carrying out a switch in order to make contact with it in a big spot.

37. Urine

Waste material that is secreted by the kidney, is rich in end products (as urea, uric acid, and creatinine) of protein metabolism together with salts and pigments, and forms a clear amber and usually slightly acid fluid.

10. Diaphragm

A sheet of muscle that forms the bottom wall of the thoracic cavity in mammals; active in ventilating the lungs.

62. Glomerular Filtration

The first step in urine formation in which substances in blood pass through the filtration membrane and the filtrate enters the proximal convoluted tubule of the nephron.

44. What is the function of the renal pelvis?

The function is that it acts like a funnel that collects the urine produced in the kidney and leads to a central stem which is the ureter. It is located in the enlarged upper end of the ureter.

50. What is the function of the calyx?

The function is that it collects urine before it flows into the urinary bladder. It is located in the minor calyces surrounding the apex of the renal pyramids.

51. What is the function of the renal capsule?

The function is that it covers each kidney's outer surface. It is located at one end of each nephron in the cortex of the kidney.

49. What is the function of the ureter?

The function is that urine is carried from the kidneys to the bladder by narrow tubes. It is located in the abdomen and the lower half is located in the pelvic area.

93. Explain why diagnostic tests are classified as a type of medical intervention.

Diagnostic tests are classified as a type of medical intervention because they are tests, medications, or some sort of preventive course of action for a patient to help support a person feel better and also lets a doctor intervene with the condition using the right medication.

27. Record notes about the different ways in which drugs are administered.

Different way in which drugs are administered are intravenous (IVI) which goes into a vein, oral that is by mouth, Intramuscular (IM) injection that goes into a muscle, Subcutaneous (SC) injection that goes under the skin, and Intrathecal Therapy that is within the spinal cord.

85. Explain how drinking too much water can throw off the electrolyte balance in your blood. How does this imbalance specifically affect the nervous system and the muscular system?

Drinking too much water can throw off the electrolyte balance in your blood by owing to a physical imbalance between electrolytes, water, any ionizing material, and a disorder called hyponatremia. Also, the plasma membrane for a nervous signal to be communicated with and to ions that are required for muscle contraction occurs from after this. The kidneys aid, among other things, to control water and electrolyte levels in the body in extreme cases of hyponatremia. When it's at rest, the kidneys are a supremely effective filtration device under normal conditions. However, it absorbs water at a quicker rate than the kidneys can absorb it can make the excess pushed by osmosis to regions of the body with elevated electrolyte concentration, starting with the blood and gradually going through the body into the salt rich interiors of the cells.

75. Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)

Hormone produced by the neurosecretory cells in the hypothalamus that stimulates water reabsorption from kidney tubule cells into the blood and vasoconstriction of arterioles.

81. Adrenal glands

Hormone-producing glands located superior to the kidneys; each consists of a medulla and a cortex.

100. How do hormones help maintain water balance in the human body?

Hormones help maintain water balance in the human body by the pituitary gland releasing vasopressin which is also known as antidiuretic hormone and it goes into the bloodstream when the body is dehydrated. Vasopressin allows the kidneys to save water and produce less urine.

25. How do you think a drug called a bronchodilator works to combat the symptoms of asthma? Refer to how structure and function differ in normal and asthmatic lungs.

I think a drug called a bronchodilator works to combat the symptoms of asthma by dilating or enlarging by the medication so it is able to be unregulated and less swollen. The structure and function differ in normal and asthmatic lungs when asthma attack happens an individual's lungs are limited and irritated and mucus is collected.

22. Why do you think an experimenter needs to zero the device before data collection and then adjust the baseline after data collection?

I think an experimenter needs to zero the device before data collection and then adjust the baseline after the data collection because he wanted to reset the device so it doesn't give inaccurate information that was related to the previous experiment done.

83. Diuretics are often prescribed to treat high blood pressure. Given the name of the class of drug, how do you think diuretics affect the kidney, the fluid and electrolyte balance in the body, and overall blood pressure?

I think diuretics affect the kidney, the fluid and electrolyte balance in the body, and overall blood pressure by allowing them to absorb more sodium and how diuretics operate on the kidneys. This also allows water from the bloodstream to diffuse through the tubules. This elimination from the bloodstream of excess sodium and water will help to decrease blood pressure. This occurs if the sodium is not extracted, then the pressure will go up again the next time a person drinks water, so the water will disperse into the bloodstream which is the least focused part.

65. What do you think about this value? Do you produce this much urine in one day? What must be happening to some of the fluid that is being filtered by the glomerulus?

I think this value is a lot. I don't produce this much urine in one day. Some of the fluid that is being filtered by the glomerulus must be consistently filtering and working because of the kidneys and also most of the water is reabsorbed so it won't produce that much in a day.

9. Use the principles of diffusion to explain why oxygen molecules in the tissues of the lung go into the blood, and then in other tissues the oxygen molecules leave the blood.

Oxygen molecules in the tissues of the lung go into the blood because the use of active transport is a means of this method. Then, in other tissues oxygen molecules leave the blood because the oxygen in your lungs has a higher absorption than it does in your blood and it naturally travels into the blood supply in the lungs because hemoglobin likes oxygen. Since your blood has more oxygen in it than your cells do, your blood is then returned to the heart and circulated around the body.

96. How can analysis of lung capacity be used to diagnose or treat a patient?

Analysis of lung capacity can be used to diagnose or treat a patient by using the spirometry which is the most powerful and commonly used method for diagnosing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). A pulmonary function test, or PFT, is another name for it. This quick, painless test assesses lung capacity and function. You'll exhale as vigorously as possible into a tube connected to a spirometer, a small computer, to perform this test.

77. Is the ADH feedback loop an example of positive or negative feedback? Explain.

The ADH feedback loop is an example of a negative feedback loop because ADH passes to the kidneys in the bloodstream and a negative feedback mechanism reduces osmoreceptor activity in the hypothalamus as blood osmolarity decreases, and ADH secretion is decreased. Certain substances, including alcohol, which can cause increased urine output and dehydration, can reduce the release of ADH as well.

17. Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV)

The additional volume of air that can be forcibly exhaled after normal exhalation.

16. Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV)

The additional volume of air that can be inhaled with maximum effort after normal inspiration.

66. If the first part of nephron action is called filtration, what name do you think is given to the second part of the process, where precious water is returned back into the blood?

The name I think is given to the second part of the process, where precious water is returned back into the blood is reabsorption.

29. Determine whether the name of the medication is the generic name or a brand name. If it is a brand name, write the generic name of the medication on the prescription.

The name of the medication is the generic name which is Accolate and Albuterol sulfate because it serves the actual purpose of the active ingredients mentioned in the prescription.

26. Pharmacology

The study of drugs, including their actions and effects in living body systems.

95. How do the systems of the human body work together to facilitate gas exchange?

The systems of the human body work together to facilitate gas exchange by the circulatory system's primary function being gas exchange where it's between tissues and blood. Blood absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide in the lungs of humans. As a result, the circulatory and respiratory systems, which are responsible for receiving oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide, operate together.

20. Total Lung Capacity (TLC)

Total volume of the lungs is the sum of the vital capacity and the residual volume: TLC = VC + RV.

97. How can an individual improve or damage their lung function?

An individual can improve or damage their lung function by nearly 5 percent to even 15 percent with frequent workouts or exercise. Several experts "recommend some form of physical exercise at least three times a week". A few doctor may even prescribe pulmonary rehabilitation, which is combines or adds support, education, and exercise.

14. Spirometer

An instrument for measuring the air entering and leaving the lungs.

18. Vital Capacity

The total volume of air that can be exhaled after maximal inhalation: VC = TV + IRV + ERV.

63. Calculate the GFR per day. Express your answer in liters (L) per day.

- 125 mL per minute - 125 x 60 = 7,500 mL per hour - 125 x 24 = 180,000 mL per day - 180,000 mL / day = 180 L per day - 180 L per day

64. About how many 2 L soda bottles would you fill per day?

- 180 L / 2 L = 90 soda bottles per day - 90 soda bottles per day

38. With your partner, research the structure and function of organs in the human urinary system. Use the websites and diagrams that follow and other reliable internet sources or reference books to begin your search.

- Kidneys: Remove wastes and additional fluid from the body. - Renal pelvis: The urine produced in the kidney collects and leads to a central stem which is the ureter. - Ureters: Urine is carried from the kidneys to the bladder by narrow tubes. - Bladder: Stores urine that allows for unusual and controlled urination. - Urethra: The tube allows the passage of urine outside the body.

52. Glomerulus

A ball of capillaries surrounded by Bowman's capsule in the nephron and serving as the site of filtration in the vertebrate kidney.

32. Résumé

A brief written account of personal, educational, and professional qualifications and experience, as that prepared by an applicant for a job.

48. Ureter

A duct leading from the kidney to the urinary bladder.

89. In your career journal, document the education required, the typical salary range, and the possible duties of this biomedical professional.

A medical technologist's education requires a bachelor's degree. The typical salary range is $70,278 if you are in the 50th percentile, $76,461 if you are in the 75th percentile, and $82,091 if you are in the 90th percentile. The possible duties of this medical technologist is that they do a chemical examination of blood, urine, spinal fluids, and gastric juices identifying the natural and abnormal components of body fluids and also by counting and marking cells, and they use microscopic techniques and procedures to analyze blood cells.

79. Aldosterone

A mineralocorticoid produced by the adrenal cortex that promotes sodium and water reabsorption by the kidneys and potassium excretion in urine.

86. Explain how a shortage of water affects the health of your cells. Make sure to use words such as osmosis, hypertonic solution, hypotonic solution, or isotonic solution in your answer.

A shortage of water affects the health of your cells by the size of cells responds to tonicity. The passive motion of water through a cell membrane is osmosis. The net motion of water is zero when body cells are in isotonic solutions, producing a balanced, stable cell. This indicates that the amount of water that comes into the cell equals that of the amount of water that moves out of the cell. The net flow of water is out of the cell, allowing it to swell and shrink while body cells are in hypertonic solutions. This is poor because there will not be enough water in the internal components of the cell to function properly. This can be reversed and is usually not as dangerous as solutions which means they are hypotonic solutions. The net flow of water is through the cell while body cells are in hypotonic solutions, allowing them to expand. If it occurs to swell so big that it bursts, then it means that it may be fatal.

5. What is the function of a pharynx and trachea?

Air moves from the nose into the pharynx and down the trachea towards the lungs. The pharynx and trachea both passageways through which air travels.

31 Describe how Accolate helps control asthma. Refer to relevant respiratory anatomy as well as the changes that occur in the airways of an asthmatic.

Accolate helps control asthma by opening up the airways for six hours so it can relax the airway muscles Relevant respiratory anatomy as well as the changes that occur in the airways of an asthmatic is that it prevents natural substances such as leukotrienes to prevent it from passing through the airways because this is what makes it harder for patients with asthma to breath due to it get more bad from the blockage of airways.

30. Describe how albuterol provides relief to asthma patients. Refer to relevant respiratory anatomy as well as the changes that occur in the airways of an asthmatic.

Albuterol provides relief to asthma patients by being used to stop things like the spasms of bronchial muscles. The changes that occur in the airways of an asthmatic is that it opens up the airways for six hours so it can relax the airway muscles and prevent natural substances such as leukotrienes to prevent it from passing through the airways because this is what makes it harder for patients with asthma to breath due to it get more bad from the blockage of airways.

33. Research all aspects of the training and day-to-day duties of a respiratory therapist. Begin compiling information you can use to compose a resume for a fictional respiratory therapist. Record notes in your career journal.

All aspects of the training and day-to-day duties of a respiratory therapist are investigating like doing exams and interviewing patients, consulting doctors to determine plans for treatment, conducting diagnostic tests, such as lung capacity measurements, using a variety of methods to treat patients like aerosol medications and chest physiotherapy, obtaining and analyze specimens of blood and sputum, using ventilators to aid the respiration of patients, monitoring and record the progress made by patients, and teaching patients how to use machinery and take the drugs.

74. Explain how both the digestive system and the urinary system work to conserve water in the human body.

Both the digestive system and the urinary system work to conserve water in the human body by the reabsorption of water. In the digestive system, water gets reabsorbed back into the blood of the large intestine. In the urinary system water is needed because in the blood, water is a necessity and that's why it reabsorbs it back again.

41. Note that the bladder is made up of a tissue called transitional epithelium. Research how the structure of this tissue type is perfect for the function of the bladder. Describe how cell shape differs when the bladder is full and when the bladder is empty.

Cell shape differs when the bladder is full and when the bladder is empty due to transitional epithelium being ideal for the urinary bladder. Depending on if it's empty or filled up it can stretch and alter form so the bladder enlarges and also reduces. The cells are in the shape of a cuboidal when it's empty and when it fills up, it turns into a squamous cell that is flat.

87. Urinalysis

Chemical analysis of urine.

28. Describe why is it important that a pharmacist knows each medication that a person is taking before they provide a new drug.

It is important that a pharmacist knows each medication that a person is taking before they provide a new drug because they need to know which drugs are safe to be combined and which drugs are not because there are times where drugs can combine with each other and can have a possibly fatal or very bad reaction.

4. What is the function of a alveoli?

In the lungs, thin-walled air sacs, extend from the bronchioles and are wrapped in capillaries. Oxygen from the lungs enters the blood stream through the alveoli and capillaries. Carbon dioxide leaves the blood stream and enters the lungs through the same capillaries and alveoli.

13. Intercostal muscle

Muscle located between the ribs.

34. Compare your resume to that of another student in the class. Discuss the format and overall effectiveness of each resume.

My resume compared to another student in the class shows that they are quite similar but they have some differences in their own ways. For example, our format was quite similar, however the responses we had to explain about respiratory therapists was kind of different. The student had quite similar things like the overall concept and required things we were asked for which makes our resumes somewhat different to each other but also kind of similar since we both were talking about respiratory therapists. The format and overall effectiveness of each resume shows that it was very similar to mine since we used the same source or internet tutorial to format a resume.

67. Record observations about the structure and function of the nephron.

Observations about the structure and function of the nephron is that it looks like The structure shows the basic structural and functional unit of the kidneys, by filtering the blood, reabsorbing what is necessary, and excreting the rest as urine, regulates water and soluble substances in the blood. The function shows the vitals for blood volume, blood pressure, and plasma osmolarity homeostasis. Also in order to extract waste and excess fluid from the body, the kidneys filter blood, ensuring a proper balance of water and salt in the blood.

92. Urinalysis is an important diagnostic tool for the determination of medical disorders. However, urinalysis has many other uses. Describe one other reason a person may have his/her urine tested.

One other reason a person may have his/her urine tested is because Urinalysis is used to assess if there are substances that circulate in the body. In order to make sure that an employee has not taken any illegal or unlawful substances, some workplaces require urine testing such as a drug test. Also, urine may also be used to assess if someone is pregnant or not.

88. With your partners, brainstorm one substance or molecule that should NOT be found in urine. How do you think the presence of this substance relates to the body's overall health?

One substance or molecule that should not be found in urine is glucose because all of the filtered glucose goes into the bloodstream and is reabsorbed in the kidneys, but glucose does not go into the urine. I think the presence of this substance relates to the body's overall health by sugar being present in the body, it absorbs glucose from the food that we consume and sugar is an essential energy source and provides the organs, muscles and nervous system of the body with nutrients.

78. What is happening to his body since he is producing so much urine?

Since he is producing so much urine, his body leaves excessive urine output and can sometimes signal health problems and this can involve urinary incontinence, bladder infection, and diabetes.

84. Would blood ADH levels be higher or lower than normal in a person who just completed a three-mile run without drinking any water? Explain.

The blood ADH levels would be higher than normal in a person who just completed a three-mile run without drinking any water because of the loss of body water in sweat, the blood level of ADH will be higher than usual after a run for three miles, and also since ADH is anti-diuretic and the person is trying to save as much water as possible.

12. Thoracic cavity

The body cavity in mammals that houses the lungs and heart. It is surrounded in part by ribs and separated from the lower abdominal cavity by the diaphragm.

11. Abdominal cavity

The body cavity in mammals that primarily houses parts of the digestive, excretory, and reproductive systems. It is separated from the thoracic cavity by the diaphragm.

6. What is the function of a bronchi?

The bronchi brings the air from the trachea into the lungs. The bronchi branch into smaller tubes is called bronchioles.

99. How can the composition of urine provide clues about problems in human body systems?

The composition of urine provides clues about problems in human body systems by the substances containing urine where the body excretes it. It's the leftover proteins and other substances that the body doesn't need or desire. Urine will disclose details about drug use, consumed foods and beverages, and even certain body traumas.

7. What is the function of a diaphragm?

The diaphragm is a muscle. When it contracts (moves down), the lungs expand pulling air into the lungs. When it relaxes (moves up), air is pushed out.

72. In what direction are substances moving during the process of secretion? Explain what these substances are and why they are excreted from the body.

The direction substances are moving during the process of secretion is collecting ducts. This occurs in order to remove any unwanted ions from the body. These substances are ions which are NH4+, H+, K+, urea, creatinine, a few hormones, and a few drugs. They are excreted from the body because the tubules in the direction of the blood stream, which is in the reverse reabsorption direction. Later on, they are secreted because if excessive amounts are kept inside the body, they can pose as a natural toxin for us.

35. Add notes about how the duties of the career may link to diseases such as asthma.

The duties of the career may link to diseases such as asthma by therapists assisting doctors in determining the patient's proper diagnosis and treatment. Therapists can demonstrate the correct use of medical devices such as peak-flow meters, help patients identify their asthma triggers and reduce exposure, and provide instruction and guidance for asthma.

94. Explain the effect of one of the conditions described in the case studies on the overall power of the human machine. Make sure to think about how the disease may relate to water, oxygen, or food.

The effect of one of the conditions described in the case studies on the overall power of the human machine is that if glucose is in the urine and the patient has diabetes, it means that the energy they consume in the diet is excreted rather than consumed by the cells for energy. Disease may relate to water, oxygen, or food by toxins generated by growing bacteria which can cause toxins produced by harmful species of algae or contamination of food and even water by certain bacteria, viruses or parasites may cause disease. When someone consumes food that has harmful bacteria in it, several cases of food poisoning occur. The bacteria or the toxins that they create will then make the person sick. Bacteria may even get into the supply of water and make someone sick.

76. Research the effects of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) on water balance in the blood. Use the website found below or other reliable sources you may find.

The effects of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) on water balance in the blood by regulating the amount of water and thus the concentration of urine excreted by the kidney, the antidiuretic hormone serves to regulate blood pressure, blood volume and tissue water content.

46. What is the function of the renal cortex?

The function is that it provides space for the renal artery and vein arterioles and venules, as well as the glomerular capillaries, to perfuse the kidney's nephrons. It is located in the outer region of the kidney between the renal capsule and the renal medulla.

45. What is the function of the renal medulla?

The function is that it regulates the urine concentration and the urine flows into the renal calyx and pelvis from the collecting ducts. It is located in the outer region of the kidney between the renal capsule and the renal medulla.

47. What is the function of the medulla pyramid?

The function is that the tubules transport urine to the calyces, or cup shaped cavities in which urine collects before it passes through the ureter to the bladder from the cortical or outer part of the kidney where urine is produced. It is located at the length of the medulla oblongata and is bordered medially by the anterior median fissure.

54. What is the function of the site of Collecting Ducts and Loop of Henle?

The function is that the twisting tube collects urine that filters blood and forms urine from the nephrons or cellular structures in the kidney that move it into the renal pelvis and ureters. It is located in medulla and medullary rays.

68. Explore and explain the function of the nephron.

The function of the nephron is that it is approximately a million filtering units that make up each of your kidneys. A filter also known as glomerulus and a tubule are included in every nephron. The nephrons operate in a two-step process: the blood is filtered by the glomerulus, and the tubule returns the necessary substances to the blood and removes waste. The glomerulus is the location in the nephron where a glomerular filtrate is filtered from the blood to form fluid and solutes. The proximal and distal tubules, the loop of Henle, and the collecting ducts are sites for water and ion reabsorption. The basic unit of structure in the kidney is a nephron. A nephron is used separately from the blood for water, ions and tiny molecules, filters out waste and contaminants, and returns the required molecules to the blood. The nephron works by ultrafiltration. Therefore, the function of a nephron is that it turns blood into urine and it uses the nephron into four mechanisms that process all these functions of the nephron which simply are filtration, reabsorption, secretion, and excretion.

91. Next to each urine test name, summarize the goal of the test and describe how the test provides clues to problems in specific human body systems.

The goal of the blood test is that blood will help doctors scan for some disorders and diseases and the blood test provides clues to problems in specific body systems because they help to validate the function of your organs and to explain how well therapies work. The goal of the urine test is that it shows a large variety of diseases, such as urinary tract infections, kidney disease and diabetes, are diagnosed and treated and the urine test provides clues to problems in specific human body systems by the appearance, concentration and content of urine are tested by urinalysis. Abnormal outcomes of urinalysis may point to a disease or illness. The goal of the sputum test is that it detects and diagnoses bacterial lower respiratory tract infections, such as bacterial pneumonia or bronchitis which uses a bacterial sputum culture and the sputum test provides clues to problems in specific human body systems by ultimately it being done with a stain to distinguish the bacteria causing the infection of a human.

82. The kidneys themselves also serve as an endocrine gland. What hormones are produced by the kidney and what function do they serve? What other human body system do these hormones regulate?

The hormones that are produced by the kidney are renin, calcitriol, and erythropoietin. The function they serve is renin forms a critical part of the renin system which is a complex system of hormones and enzymes that are induced by hypotension and increase blood pressure. Calcitriol is important for the homeostasis of calcium which regulates the skeletal system and acts to increase plasma calcium levels. Erythropoietin is a critical hormone for red blood cell development that regulates the cardiovascular system. Other human body systems these hormones regulate are the cardiovascular system and the excretory system.

70. If you had to provide a recipe for making blood and for making urine, what would the ingredient lists look like? Be as specific as possible. Are there items in the blood that should not show up in urine? Record your findings.

The ingredients list would look like water, electrolytes for the urine and plasma and erythrocytes for blood because they all need a specific amount of each and without these ingredients, there would be no process or function built. For urine, 95% of it should be water and the rest of it which are the electrolytes should be 5%. For blood, 55% should be plasma and the rest of the 45% are divided between different types of proteins. There are items in the blood that should not show up in the urine and they are the ingredients of the urine in the blood because both of these can be opposites ingredients or mixed up and the blood cells as well as proteins of it won't filter without glomerulus and urine can be combined with it.

40. Which kidney is slightly superior to the other? Why do you think this might be?

The kidney that is slightly superior to the other is the left kidney. I think this might be because of the bigger liver size on the right side of the body.

3. What is the function of a larynx?

The larynx, or voice box, sits on top of the trachea. It is also known as the Adam's apple.

23. Why might the lung volume of an athlete, singer, or wind instrument musician be different from someone who does not participate in any of these activities?

The lung volume of an athlete, singer, or wind instrument musician might be different from someone who does not participate in any of these activities because the muscles regulate the lungs and basically the muscles get stronger by singing, playing an instrument, or breathing hard like an athlete and stronger muscles mean that there is a larger capacity of the lungs.

58. In which main regions of the kidney are the glomerulus and the Bowman's capsule located?

The main regions of the kidney that are the glomerulus and the Bowman's capsule located in the renal cortex.

59. In which main regions of the kidney are the collecting ducts and the loop of Henle located?

The main regions of the kidney that the collecting ducts and the loop of Henle are located in the renal medulla.

98. How does the nephron function to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the human body?

The nephron functions to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the human body by the amount of water excreted in the urine is one way that the kidneys can directly regulate the volume of bodily fluids. The kidneys can either preserve water by producing urine that is concentrated in comparison to plasma, or they can remove excess water from the body by producing urine that is dilute in comparison to plasma.

42. What organs or structures in the body (other than the urinary system) help you maintain a water balance?

The organs or structures in the body that help you maintain a water balance are the sweat glands and the large intestines. The sweat glands secretes vasopressin which is a pituitary gland that promotes the retention of water by increasing the blood pressure into the blood stream so it can balance the water. The large intestines reabsorbs the water before waste is eliminated so it is able to preserve and maintain water equilibrium in the body.

60. How will other body systems be affected if the kidneys begin to shut down? Explain your answer.

The other body systems will be affected if the kidneys begin to shut down by controlling your blood pressure so the kidneys stay while it works with your heart. Whenever your blood pressure drops, the kidneys release into your blood the enzyme renin. The renin tells your liver to make angiotensin which is a hormone that tells blood vessels to increase blood pressure. Your heart and your kidneys are acting on the renin angiotensin system. An excessively active process can lead to problems with the kidneys. Furthermore, the cells can grow too quickly or too slowly which causes blood clots, inflammation, and even the artery to harden up. In order to control blood pressure, the kidneys work with the heart and your blood pressure becomes unregulated if the kidneys shut down.

71. What is the purpose of reabsorption in the nephron?

The purpose of reabsorption in the nephron is that tubular reabsorption lets the body take back materials that were needed to filter out before and after from the kidneys glomerular filtration. Glomerular filtration is the procedure by which the kidneys filter the blood, remove excess waste and fluids, and is a calculation that determines how well the kidneys filter the blood, one way to measure the remaining function of the kidney.

39. Why is the right kidney shown on the left side of the above image?

The right kidney is shown on the left side of the above image because we are looking at the image in the opposite direction meaning that whatever we look at, it's the opposite side of that.

73. Explain the role of the digestive system, the respiratory system and the urinary system in the removal of waste. How do these waste products relate to the three core resources?

The role of the digestive system, the respiratory system, and the urinary system are quite similar. The digestive system removes wastes like foods that are solids. The respiratory system removes wastes of air like carbon dioxide or CO2 which is breathed out. The urinary system removes wastes that involve liquids like from the blood, it gets rid of excess ions of water or unnecessary liquids in the body. These waste products relate to the three core resources because the digestive system removes food, the respiratory removes gaseous wastes by the lungs, and the urinary system removes liquids. Basically, they all remove some sort of waste in order to maintain and balance the body.

69. Research the role these ions or salts play in the body.

The role these ions or salts play in the body are that it controls the quantity of dissolved substances, especially electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and calcium ions, as the kidneys process blood. An electrolyte imbalance can influence the flow of water in and out of cells, as well as affect the function of other processes of the body that depend on these ions. Furthermore, body fluid includes electrolytes, which are chemicals that create charged ions as they dissolve in water. These ions cause electric signals to flow through the body. In the body, electrolytes play an important role in controlling the osmotic pressure in the cells and help preserve muscle and nerve cell function.

56. What section of the kidney collects the urine?

The section of the kidney where it collects the urine is the renal pelvis.

55. In which sections or section of the kidney is the urine formed?

The sections or section of the kidney where the urine is formed is the renal medulla.

24. Exposure to environmental hazards such as coal dust, silica dust, and asbestos may lead to pulmonary fibrosis or scarring of the lung tissue. With this condition, the lungs become stiff and have less elasticity. What would happen to the total lung capacity and vital capacity under these conditions? Explain your reasoning for your response.

The total lung capacity and vital capacity under these conditions the lungs would be less able to expand with oxygen since the overall lung capacity would shrink, so there would be less oxygen. The reasoning of my response is that the lungs expand to retain oxygen while inhaling oxygen.

43. Nephron

The tubular excretory unit of the vertebrate kidney.

57. How does the urine move from the kidney out of the body?

The urine moves from the kidney out of the body by the kidney, renal pelvis, ureter, bladder, and urethra.

80. Research the way in which aldosterone affects the nephron. Make sure to reference the effect of aldosterone on electrolytes and note the gland that is responsible for the release of the hormone.

The way in which aldosterone affects the nephron is by excretion going into the urine, aldosterone affects the final part of the electrolyte and water absorption within the nephron. As a result, aldosterone influences only a very small proportion of the overall absorption of water and is used in the improvement of absorption. The effect of aldosterone on electrolytes and the gland that is responsible for the release hormone is aldosterone allows salt and water reabsorption to increase from the kidney into the bloodstream, thereby increasing the volume of blood, restoring salt levels and blood pressure.

61. If you stretched the nephrons in a kidney from end to end, they would be over 40 miles long! Explain how this structure directly relates to the function of the kidney.

This structure directly relates to the function of the kidney by the nephron being a functional unit of the kidney where the blood filters waste products and produces urine as well.

90. Other than urinalysis, list at least three tests or analyses that a medical technologist may run.

Three tests or analyses that a medical technologist may run is blood, urine, and sputum.

36. Describe two other situations where a person might work with a respiratory therapist.

Two other situations where a person might work with a respiratory therapist is when someone has a heart attack or has a disease of breathing. A therapist can work with these patients to keep them on track and provide support if appropriate if a person has had a trauma and has now developed a respiratory condition or even if they have had a heart attack and now may not have sufficient oxygen in the blood.

1. How can you confirm the diagnosis and begin to treat your patient?

You can confirm the diagnosis by looking at the symptoms and see the patient's past medical history and you can begin to treat your patient by doing some tests from now and see what exactly is going to find a way on how to treat the patient once it's found.

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