HCI - Prototyping

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how to collect data for WOO prototypes

Get user feedback, often video tape interaction, debrief users

Who said "Software is the only engineering field that throws together prototypes and then attempts to sell them as delivered goods"?

Constantine and Lockwood

Storyboard pros

Holistic focus (helps emphasize how an interface accomplishes a task), avoids commitment to a particular interface, helps get all stakeholders on the same page in terms of the goal


How does it work? How does the user interact with it? What are the steps, the flow, the feedback, etc.?

Goal of Modeling UI Flow

Identify major UI components & interactions

develop hooks for wizard input

If paper, hooks will be very manual. If done in software, some code will need to be developed.

Serial Refinement

Make a set of decisions that produce one prototype at a time, get feedback & re(evaluate), but the improvements you make are minimal

Content diagram components

Name, Purpose, Functions, Links, Objects, Contraints

How to create a content diagram

Need to Know: primary tasks and objects, use-cases and scenarios, containers and task objects, which tasks go into which container, define links that show navigation flow

What do you put in a video prototype

the whole tasks including motivation and success (shots/narrative), draw on tasks you observe, illustrate important tasks that your system enables, can help scope an MVP, changes what design teams argue about, show success & failure and several use-cases

goal of a wire frame

to meet the purpose of a particular screen, determine what UI elements are needed and how they are organized

Paper Prototyping

using paper to produce a potential interface design

who made the mock-up of the airline cabin

walter teaque with boeing

Minimum work necessary

what is the absolute minimal working prototype with which we can perform our user study - strip out any unnecessary features

wireframes and paper-prototypes v. UI flow

wireframes and paper-prototypes don't show UI flow well

Wireframes v. paper-prototypes

wireframes: more complete, more polished (still lo-fi), often created with computer tools paper-prototypes: done earlier, less polished, used more for evaluating interaction with users

Draw prototyping sets over time graph

x = time in progress; y = # of prototypes; As you develop, you get many prototypes out in the beginning (lo-fi) and then you refine as your process progresses (hi-fi)

Draw the prototyping over time graph

x = time; y = fidelity; Need-Finding -> storyboards -> lo-fi mocks -> hi-fi mocks; user scenarios -> grab some people -> structured critiques -> controlled experiments

draw time spent vs. learned graph

x = work; y = learned, concave downward & levels off; inflection point: where the work you put into the prototype will not gain you any more knowledge

Usability Goals

◦ Effective to use ◦ Efficient to use ◦ Safe to use ◦ Have good utility ◦ Easy to learn ◦ Easy to remember how to use

Usability Criteria

- Time to learn - Speed of performance - Rate of errors by users - Retention over time - Subjective satisfaction

Three prototyping "levels"

1. Conceptual Design 2. Interaction Design 3. Screen Design

Advantages of Wizards

1. Faster/cheaper, so more iterative prototypes 2. creating multiple variations is very easy 3. more "real" than pure paper prototyping or mockups 4. identifies bugs and problems with current design 5. places user at the center of development 6. can envision challenging to build application 7. designers learn by playing wizard

Why do we prototype?

1. Gain insights into user behavior 2. Communicate ideas to other teammates and stakeholders 3. Collect data for arguing the best design choice 4. Encourage reflection (very important in any design activity)

How to make a WOO prototype

1. Map out scenarios and application flow 2. put together interface skeletons 3. develop hooks for wizard input 4. put it all together 5. rehearse a wizard role with a colleage

Lessons from IDEO

1. Prototypes are nearly ALWAYS incomplete 2. Goal is to STIMULATE specific aspects of the design and acquire knowledge regarding these targeted aspects 3. IDEO wanted to know more about the digital aspects of the camera

Prototyping Rules

1. Prototypes should NOT be required to be complete 2. Prototypes should NOT need to be updated. 3. Prototypes should be easy to change. 4. Prototypes should be disposable. Or, at least, you should mentally be prepared to dispose them. 5. In prototyping, the goal is NOT the artifact itself! -- It's what you learn from the feedback you get from building, evaluating, and iterating on them.

level of UI flow modeling

conceptual design and physical design

Prototyping Process

1. What are your goals for the prototype? What do you wish to learn? 2. How can you measure whether or not that goal has been achieved? How can you measure which of multiple prototypes is superior? 3. What is the MINIMUM amount of work necessary to produce, measure, and learn from your prototype?

Disadvantages of wizards

1. can you really hide behind the curtain in a non-distraction way 2. simulations may represent imperfect/impossible tech 3. wizards require training and can be inconsistent 4. playing wizards can be exhausting 5. some features are hard or impossible to simulate 6. may be inappropriate in some venues

Steps to video prototyping

1. outline/storyboard video 2. obtain equipment 3. focus on message, not on the production value 4. film

paper prototype evaluation session

1. user walks through a task 2. one team member plays computer 3. new screens moved in and out 4. team draws on paper, adds things, moves things 5. someone asks questions & elicits comments 6. someone records feedback

Hi-Fi Prototypes

A prototype that mimics the design very closely, but remains functionally incomplete (includes colors, sizing, spacing, fonts, etc.)


A storyboard visually shows a specific sequence of actions with our imagined system (user tasks and flow of user interaction). Storyboards are a good way to communicate the essentials of how a user will get work done with a system. (very lo-fi because they don't focus on specific interface elements or how it looks)

What did we not learn about with Jeff Hawkins' block of wood

Battery life; interface and other digital interactions; sound effects, feedback, etc.

Map out scenarios and application flow

Enumerate ALL scenarios if possible, and If not, provide guidelines in as specific a format as possible.

Two roles of collecting data for WOO prototypes

Facilitator and Wizard

Types of Prototypes

Feel, Implementation, Role

Is wizard of oz prototyping hi-fi or lo-fi

It can be either - you can control interactions with a paper prototype while users use it, but the more realistic, the more realistic user reactions will be

First handheld device

Jeff Hawkins' block of wood (Palm Pilot)

What should storyboards convey

SETTING (people involved, environments, task being accomplished), SEQUENCE (steps involves, what leads to someone using the app or system, tasks being illustrated), SATISFACTION (what motivates people to use the system, what does it enable people to accomplish, what need does the system fill)

Why is parallel prototyping better than serial refinement

Separates ego from artifact (criticism of one design is NOT a criticism towards the designer); supports the TRANSFER of positive attributes across designs

Lo-fi prototyping strategies

Storyboarding, video prototypes, paper prototypes

When would you use a wizard of oz prototype

There is an advanced technology in your system that you don't have time to build / incorporate into prototype (Speech recognition, artificial intelligence, etc); you haven't determined how to best implement a feature and want to test it first

Prototyping Goals

These should be represented by your usability goals and your usability requirements, so select the requirements that we wish to test with a given prototype

Types of user feedback

Think aloud, retrospective, heuristic evaluation

Screen Design Prototyping

This is done before development, defines and refines screens which become blue-prints for the final physical design, user evaluation in both achieving tasks, navigation, and usability criteria, and representations are close to the final representation but often without interaction (just form/layout)

Conceptual Design Prototyping

This is done early in development, explores high-level issues (different conceptual models, interaction styles, user needs and characteristics, and usability goals), and is a high-level representation that is far from the final code or GUIs

Interaction Design Prototyping

This is done later in development, focuses on user work-flows (tasks and scenarios you've identified), might focus at the screen (or page) level [identify screens, pages, activities; organize into groups; define flows or transitions between them], and involves users in evaluation

Measuring Prototyping Goals

We can think about the falsifiability of usability requirements - if the requirements are truly falsifiable, then we should be able to design user studies that prove that our prototype is sufficient


What does it look and feel like? What's the form?


What is the experience like for the users? When will they use it? In what context?

Functional Fixation

When you do serial refinement you tend to stick with the same essential design approach which could ruin the chances of making serious improvements

Put it all together

Where and how will the wizard provide input? How will the wizard receive input from the user?

Wire frame

a lo-fi representation of a single page or screen

When to use wireframes

after user analysis and understanding requirements and as a step towards designing the final interface

What a wire frame should include

all content or features needed and relative sizes and locations of these


an abstract representation of some part of user's work activity and includes functions required to do that activity

wizard of oz prototypes

an interactive prototype that only works by having someone behind-the-scenes who is pulling the levers and flipping the switches but allows for feedback from real users. The wizard of oz technique in user testing has a user interacting with an interface without knowing that the responses are being generated by a human, not a computer, where the front end interface is coded.

unknown unknowns

aspects of a design that you don't know are open issues

known unknowns

aspects of a design that you know you don't understand and wish to learn

fidelity of video prototyping

can be any level of fidelity

Video Prototyping pros

cheap and fast, great communication tools (common ground, portable and self-explanatory), 'spec' for developers, ties interface designs to tasks (aligns and orients interface choices, ensures complete interface)

what a wire frame should not include

colors, fonts, etc.


discuss tasks afterwards

storyboard tips

don't spend too much time on the storyboard; storyboard what you want to lean and common tasks

heuristic evaluation

experts are watching interaction unfold

pros of paper prototyping

fast, cheap, easy to change and adapt, can support interaction in an evaluation session with users, not focused on fit-and-finish, allows focus on desired evaluation goals (flow, conceptual model, visibility), no demo fail because it is easy to change on the fly during an evaluation session, users can get involved and quickly alter/update the interface (show you what they prefer)

What did we learn about with Jeff Hawkins' block of wood

form factor; living with a device 24/7

goal of a UI flow diagram

get high level overview and trace through use-cases or scenarios


how the user will navigate in the UI between these functional areas

Cost of Change overtime

it is 100 times cheaper to make a change before any code has been written than it is to wait until after the implementation is complete; the biggest improvements in user experience come from gathering usability data as early as possible in a design project

Overarching types of prototypes

lo-fi and hi-fi

Content Diagram

lo-fi prototype that shows organization and structure of the UI

Parallel prototyping

making prototypes in parallel

When does a prototype become hi-fi

more time for more detail, closer to final design, includes fit & finish, when the goal is more about refinement about a design you've chosen and less about exploring alternatives

single link

next container becomes primary fous


one manifestation of a design that allows stakeholders to interact with it and to explore its suitability; it will usually emphasize one set of product characteristics and de-emphasize others; The rapid creation of an approximation to a design idea for the purpose of retrieving feedback and knowledge.


operates the interface


provides tasks and takes notes

components of UI flow diagram

represent major UI elements with a title and ID

UI flow diagrams

roadmap of all menus & screens and pages & how you navigate through them

why would you use wizard of oz prototyping

saves time and resources of actually creating the functionality before you refine it through testing; This allows testing of some difficult interface concepts before a system is fully working

double link

second container requires context of first container

think aloud

speak freely as performing tasks

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