Health 11

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Males: 5 or more drinks in about 2 hours. Females: 4 or more drinks in about 2 hours.

Binge Drinking: How drinks constitutes binge drinking for males and females? (pg.232)

Chronic bronchitis may develop in smokers becuase their inflamed lungs produce more mucus, which they constantly try to expel along with foreign particles. This results in the persistent cough known as "smokers hack." Smokers are also more prone than nonsmokers to respiratory ailments such as influenza, pneumonia, and colds.

Chronic bronchitis (pg.253)

Overtime, cumulative lung damage can lead to chronic obstructie pulmonary disease (COPD).

Chronic pulmonary disease (pg.253)

Excessive use of a drug that may cause serious harm. This contributes to the destruction of families and jobs and to the death of more than 120,000 Americans. The overall rate of drug use in the U.S.A rose to its highest in almost a decade, mostly because of marijuana. Drug abuse costs tax payers more than $467.7 billon annually in preventable health care costs, extra law enforcement, vehicle crashes, crime, and lost productivity.

Drug Abuse (pg.205)

Use of a drug for a purpose for which is was not intended. For example: Taking a friend's high powered prescription painkiller for your headache is? Although drug abuse is usually referred to in connection with illicit psychoactive drugs, many people also abuse and misuse prescription, over-the-counter medications and recreational drugs.

Drug Misuse (pg.205)

People with physiological dependence to a substance, such as an addictive drug, experience tolerance when increased amounts of the drugs are require to achieve the desired effect. Tolerance is a phenomenon in which progressively larger doses of a drug or more intense involvement in a behavior are needed to produce the desired effects.

Drug Tolerance (pg.202)

A white crystalline powder derived from the leaves of the South American coca shrub (not related to cocoa plants), cocaine ("coke") has been described as one of the most powerful naturally occuring STIMULANTS. *both physically and psychollogially addictive. The effects of cocaine are felt rapidly. When snorted, the drug enters the bloodstream through the lungs in less than 1 minute and reaches the brain in less than 3 minutes. Cocaine binds at receptor sites in the central nervous system, producing intese pleasure. The euphoria quickly abates, however, and the desire to regain the pleasurable feelings makes the user want more cocaine. Cocaine is both an anesthetic and a central nervous system stimulant. In tiny doses, it can slow the heart rate. In larger doses, the physical effects are dramatic: increased heart rate and blood pressure, loss of appetite that can lead to dramatic weight loss, convulsions, muscle twitching, irregular heartbeat, and even death resulting from an overdose. Other effects: temporary relief of depression, decreased fatigue, talkativeness, increased alertness, and heightned self-confidence. However as the dose increases, users become irritable and apprehensive, and their behavior may turn paranoid or violent. other effects: excitation, euphoria, insomnia.

Drugs: 1. Cocaine (pg.213)

An increasingly common form of amphetamine, methamphetamine (commonly called simply "meth") is a potent, long-actiing, inexpenise drug that is highly addictive. (STIMULANT). Methamphetamine can be snorted, smoked, injected, or orally injected. When snorted, the effects can be felt in 3 to 5 minutes; if orally ingested, effects occur within 15 to 20 mintutes. The pleasureable effects of methamphetamine are typically an intense rush lasting only a few minutes when snorted; in contrast, smoking the drug can produce a high lasting more than 8 hours. *both physically and psycholoogically addictive. Effects: Long-term: severe weight loss, cardiovascular damage, anxiety, confusion. Short-term: increased physical activity, alertness, euphoria, rapid breathing, increased body temperature, insomnia, tremors, anxiety, confusion, and decreased appetite; however the drug's effects quickly wear off, leaving the user seeking more. Users often experience tolerance after the first use, making methamphetamine a highly addictive drug.

Drugs: 2. Methamphetamine (pg.216)

Marijuana is dervied from either the cannabis sativa or cannabis indica (hemp) plant. Most of the time marijuana is smoked, although it can also be ingested, as in brownies baked with marijuana in them. The effects of smoking marijuana are generally felt within 10 to 30 mintues and usaully wear off within 3 hours. (CANNABIS). *possibly physically addictive, psychologically addictive. The most noticeable effect of THC is the dilation of the eyes' blood vessels, which produces the smoker's characterstic bloodshot eyes. Marijuana smokers also exhibit coughing dry mouth and throat ("cotton mouth"); increased thrist and appetite; lowered blood pressure; and mild muscular weakness, primarily exhibited in drooping eyelids. Users can also experience servere anxiety, panic, paranoia, and psychosis, adn may have intensified reactions to various stimuli ex. colors, sounds, and the speed at which things move may seem altered. High doses of hashish may produce vivid visual hallucinations.

Drugs: 3. Marijuana (pg.216-217)

Phencyclidine, or PCP, is a synthetic substance that becaome a black-market drug in the early 1970's. PCP was originally developed as a dissociative anesthetic, which means that patients receving this drug could keep their eyes opens and apparently remain conscious but feel no pain during a medical procedure. Afterward, patients would experience amneisa for the time the drug was in their system. Such a drug had obvious advantages as an anesthetic, but its unpredictability and drastic effects (postoperative delirium, confusion, and agitation) made doctors abandon it, and it was withdrawn from the legal market. (HALLUCINOGEN). *possibly physically addictive, highly psychologically addictive. The effects of PCP depend on the dose. A dose as small as 5mg will produce effects similar to those of strong central nervous system depressants-- slurred speech, impaired coordination, reduced sensitivity to pain, adn reduced heart and respiratory rate. Doses between 5 and 10mg cause fever, salivation, nausea, vomiting, and total loss of sensitivity to pain. Doses greater than 10mg result in a drastic drop in blood pressure, coma, muscular rigidity, violent outburst, and possible covulsions and death.

Drugs: 4. PCP (pg.223)

Ecstasy is the most common street name for the drug methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). A synthetic compound with both stimulant and mildy hallucinogenic effects. Ecstasy creates feelings of extreme euphoria, opens and warmth, an increased willingness to communicate, feelings of love and empathy, increased awareness, and heightned appreciation for music. Ecstasy can enhance the sensory experience and distort perceptions, but it does not create visula hallucinations. Effects begin within 20 to 90 minutes and can last for 3 to 5 hours. (STIMULANT AND MILD HALLUCINOGENIC). *moderately physically addictive, and moderately addictive. Effects: extreme jaw clenching, tongue and cheek chewing; short term memory loss or confusion; increased body tempurature as a result of dehydration and heat stroke; increased heart rate and blood pressure. Chronis use apppears to damage the brain's ability to think and to regulate emotion, memory, sleep, and pain. Combined with alcohol, Ecstasy can be extremely dangerous and sometimes fatal. Some studies indicate that the drug may cause long lasting neurotoxic effects by damaging brain cells that produce serotonin.

Drugs: 5. Ecstasy (pg.222)

Anabolic steroids are artificial forms of the male hormone testosterone that promote muslce growth and strength. Steroids are avaible in two formsL injectable solutions and pills. These ergogenic drugs are used primairly by people who believe the drugs will increase their strength, power, bulk (weight), speed, and athelitic performance. (ANABOLIC STEROID). *Unknown if they are physically addictive, unknown and yes in some cases of being psychologically addictive. Effects: Steroids can produce a state of euphoria, and diminshed fatigue, in addition to increased bulk and power in both sexes an addictive quality. When users stop, they can experience psychological withdrawn and sometime severe depression, in some cases leading to suicide attempts. Men and women whoo use steroid experience a variety of adverse effects. These drugs cause mood swings (aggression and violence), sometimes known as "road rage"; acne' liver tumors; elevated cholesterol levels; hypertension; kidney disease; and immune system disturbances.

Drugs: 7. Steroids (pg.224)

Inhalants are chemicals that produce vapors that, when inhaled can cause hallucinations and create intoxicating and euphoric effects. Not commonly recognized as drugs, inhalants are legal to purchase and universally available but dangerous when used incorrectly. Products often misused as inhalants include rubber cement, model glue, paint thinner, lighter fluid, varnish, wax, spot removers, and gasoline. Most of these substance are sniffed or "huffed" by users in search of a quick, cheap high. Amyl nitrite and nitrous oxide ("laughing gas") are also sometimes abused. Because they are inhaled, the volatile chemicals in these products reach the bloodstream within seconds. (INHALANT). *Unknown if physically addictive, can be psychologically addictive. The effects of inhalants usually last fewer than 15 mintutes and resemble those of central nervous system depressants. Users may experiecne dizziness, disorientation, impaired coordination, reduced judgement, and slowed reaction times. Combing inhalants with alcohol produces a synergistics effects and can cause severe liver damage that can be fatal. If users oxygen intake is reduced during the inhaling process, death cna result within 5 minutes.

Drugs: 6. Inhalants (pg.223-224)

Emphysema is a chronic disease in which the alveoli (the tiny air sacs in the lungs) are destroyed, impairing the lungs' ability to obtain oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. As a result, breathing becomes difficult. Wheres healthy people expend only about 5% of their energy in breathing, people with advanced emphysema expend nearly 80%. Because the heart has to work harder to do even the simplest tasks, it maye become enlarged and death from heart damage may result. There is no known cure for emphysema, adn the damage is irreversible. Approximately 80% of all cases are related to cigarette smoking.

Emphysema (pg.253)

Although fewer than 30% of American smoke, air pollution from smoking in public place continues to be a problem. ETS is smoke from tobacco products including secondhand and mainstream smoke. Mainstream refers to smoke drawn though tobacco while inhaling; side stream smoke (secondhand smoke) refers to smoke from the burning end of a cigarete or smoke exhaled by a smoker. People who breathe smoke from someone else's smoking product are said to be involunary or passive smokers. Secondhand smoke has about 2 times more tar and nicotine, 5 time more carbon monoxide and 50 times more ammonia than mainstream smoke. Every year ETS is estimated to be responsible for 3,400 lung cancer deaths in nonsmoking adults, 46,000 cornary heart disease in nonsmoking adults who live with smokers, and higher risk of death in newborns from sudden infant death syndrome.

Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) (pg.254)

Over-the-counter medications are drugs that do not require a prescription and can simply be bought in drug stores or supermarkets. They come in many different forms including pills, liquids, nasal sprays, and topical creams. Although many people assume no harm can come from drugs that are not illegal and for which a prescription is not needed. OTC medication can be abused, wtih resultant health complications and potential addiction. Depending on the medication, which high doses of OTC drugs are taken hallucinations, bizarre sleep patterns, and mood changes can occur. Ex.(Sleep aids, Cold medicines, and Diet pills can be abused).

Over-the-counter Drugs Where and how do you get them? (pg.208)

The primary STIMULANT chemical in tobacco products; nicotine is highly addictive. It is the major psychoactive substance in all tobacco products. In its natural form, nicotine is a colorless liquid that turns brown upon exposure to air. Nicotine is a powerful CNS stimulant that produces a variety of physiological effects. In the cerebral cortex, it produces an aroused, alert, mental state. Nicotine stimulates the adrenal glands, which increases the produciton of adrenaline. It also increases heart and respiratory rates, constricts blood vessels, and, in turn, increases blood pressure because the heart msut work harder to pump blood through the narrowed vessels. Nicotine is absorbed through the mucous membranes in the mouth.

Nicotine (pg.248

1.Genetics and family history: Gentics and family history play a significant role in the risk for developing an addiction. 2.Substance use in high school: Two thirds of college students who use illicit drugs began doing so in high school. 3.Positive expectations: The most common reason students give to explain why the use drugs is to reduce stress. Students also report using drugs such as Adderall and Ritalin as study aids, because they believe drugs will allow them to concentrate better and make them more alert. 4.Mental health problems: Students who report being diagnosed with depression are more likely to have abused prescription drugs, to have used marijuana or other illicit drugs, and to be current or frequent smokers. 5. Sorority and fraternity membership: Being a member of a sorority or fraternity increases the likelihood of using alcohol, marijuana, or cocaine and makes one twice as likely to abuse prescription drugs.

What are the things that will increase a college students risk for substance abuse? (pg.210-212**)

A hangover is often experienced the morning after a drinking spree. Congeners, forms of alcohol that are metabolized more slowly than ethanol and are more toxic, are thought to play a role in the development of a hangover. The body metabolizes the congeners after the ethanol is gone from the system, and their toxic by-products may contribute to the hangover. Alcohol also upsets the water balance in the body, which results in excess urination, dehydration, and thirst the next day. Increased production of hydrochloric acid can irritate the stomach lining and cause nausea. It usally take 12 hours to recover from a hangover.

What causes a hangover? (pg.240)

To be addictive, a substance or behavior must have the potential to produce positive mood changes, such as euphoria, anxiety, or pain reduction. The danger comes when people become dependent on these substances or behaviors to feel normal or to function on a daily basis.

What does something have to be to be addictive? (pg.202)

An estimated half of Americans consume alcoholic beverages regulary. 50% of Americans. 25% of Americans abstain from drinking altogether. Among those who drink, consumption patterns vary. More men are regular drinkers, and men typically drink more than women. White drinkers are more likely to drink daily or nearly daily than are nonwhites. As age increases, the number of people who consume alcohol regualrly decrease.

What is the percentage of Americans that drink on a regualr basis? (pg.232

Marijuana use presents clear hazards for driver of motor vehicles and others on the road with them. The drug substantially reduces a driver's ability to react and make quick decisions. In a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a moderate dose of marijuana combined with alcohol were markedly greater than for either drug alone. Studies show that approximately 6 to 11 percent of fatally injured drivers in motor vehicle accidents test positive for THC. In many of these cases, alcohol is detected as well. Perceptual and other performance deficits resulting from marijuana use may persist for some time after the high subsides. Users who attempt to drive, fly, or operate heavy machinery often fail to recongnize their impairment.

Why is it dangerous to drive after smoking Marijuana? (pg.217)

Signs of alcohol poisoning include: 1. Inability to be roused 2. A weak, rapid pulse 3. Unusual or irregular breathing pattern 4. Cool (possibly damp), pale, or bluish skin

What are the characteristics of alcohol poisoning? (pg.240)

The main reasons students gave for their smoking was to relax or to reduce stress (38%). Other key reasons provided by students were to fit in/social pressure (16%) and because they cannot stop/are addicted (12%). Fear of weight gain is another common reason for smoking relaspe among those who quit. Students diagnosed or treated for depression are 7.5 times more likely to use tobacco compared to student who were not diagnosed or treated for depression. Many smoke for social reasons.

What are the main reasons college students give for why they smoke? (pg.247-248)

Alcohol molecules are sufficiently small and fat soluable to be abosorbed throughout the entire gastrointestinal system. A negligible amount of alcohol is absorbed through the lining of the mouth. Approximately 20% of ingested alcohol diffues through the stomach lining into the bloodstream, and nearly 80% passes through the lining of the upper third of the small intestine. Several factors influence how quickly your body will absorb alcohol: the alcohol concentration in your drink, the amount of alcohol you consume, the amount of food in your stomach, pylorospasm (spasm of the pyloric valve in the digestive system), your metabolism, weight and body mass index, and your mood. The hihger the concentration of alcohol in your drink, the more rapidly it will be absorbed. As a rule, wine and beer are absorbed more slowley than distilled beverages. "Fizzy" alcoholic berages-- such as champagne and carbonated wines-- are absorbed more rapidly than those containing no sparkling additives. Carbonated beverages and drinks served with mixers cayse pyloric valve-- the opening from the stomach into the small intestine-- to relax, thereby emptying the contents of the stomach more rapidly into the small intestine. Because the small intestine is the site of the greatest absortion of alcohol, carbonated beverages increase the rate of absorption. The more alcohol you consume, the longer absorption take. Alcohol can irritate the digestive system, which causes pylorospasm, When the pyloric valve is closed, nothing can move from the stomach to the upper third of the small intestine, which slows aborption. If irritation continues it can cause vomiting. Alcohol takes longer to absorb if theres food in your stomach. Emotions affect absorbtion. Alcohol is asbored faster when people are tense then when they are relaxed.

Alcohol Absorption: How alcohol absorb into your system? (pg.236-237)

The tobacco industry spends an estimated $35 millon per day on advertising and promotional material. Campaigns are directed at all age, social, and ethnic groups, but because children and teenagers constitute 90% of all new smokers, much of the advertising has been directed toward them. Evidence of product recognition amoung underage smokers is clear 86% or underage smokers prefer one of the three most heavily advertised brands--Marlboro, Newport, or Camel. (They primarly target young people). Advertisements in women's magazines imply that smoking is the key to fincial success, thins, independence, and social acceptance. Men are depicted in locker rooms, charging over rugged terrain in off-road vehicles, or riding stallions into the sunset in blantant appeals to a need to feel and appear masculine. Minorities are also often targeted. Recent studies ahve shown a higher concentration of tobacco advertising in magazines aimed at African Americans, such as Jet and Ebony, than in similar magazines aimed at broader audiences, such as Time and People. Billboards and posters aiming the cigarette message at Latinos have dotted the landscape and store windows in Latino communities for many years, especially low-income areas. Recent innovation by tobacco companies have included sponsership of community-based events such as festivals and annual fairs.

How do marketing companys advertise tobbaco products to different groups? (pg.246-247)

Almost all psychoactive drugs (those that change the way the brain works) do so by affecting chemical neurotransmission, either enhancing it, suppressing it, or interfering with it. Some drugs, such as heroin and LSD, mimic the effects of a natural neurotransmitter. Others, such as PCP, block receptors and thereby prevent neuronal messsages from getting through. Still others, such as cocaine block the reuptake of neurotransmitters by neurons, thus producing an increased concentration of the neurotransmitters in the synaptic gap, the space between individual neurons. Finally, some drugs, such as methamphetamine, act by causing neurotransmitters to be released in greater amounts than is normal.

How do psychoactive drugs affect neuro transmission? (pg.205-206*)

Over a third of all tobacco-related deaths occur from heart disease. Smokers have a 70% hihger death rate from heart disease than nonsmokers do, and heavy smokers have a 200% percent higher death rate than moderate smokers do. Smoking cigrattes poses a great risk for developing heart disease as high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels do. Daily cigar smoking, especially for peopel who inhale, also increases the risk of heart disease (cigar smokers double their risk of heart attack and stroke). Smoking contributes to heart disease by adding the equivalent of 10 years of aging to teh arteries. Smoking and exposure to environmental tobacco smoke encourage and accelerate the buildup of fatty deposits (plaque) in the heart and major blood vessels (atherosclerosis). Smokers can experience a 50% increase in plaque accumalation in the arteries, compared with ex-smokers, and a 20% increase in plaque buildup for people who reularly exposed to ETS. For unknown reasons, smoking decreases blood levels of HDLs, the "good cholesterol" the helps protect against heart attacks.

How does smoking contribute to heart disease? (pg.252)

The breakdown of alcohol occurs at a fairly constant rate of 0.5 ounce per hour (approximately equivalent to one standard drink).

How long does it take to metabolize one beer? (pg.237)

THE MOST COMMON METHOD is by swallowing a tablet, capsule, or liquid. Drugs taken in this manner don't reach the bloodstream as quickly as drugs introduced to the body by other means . A drug taken orally may not reach the bloodstream for as long as 30 minutes.

Routes of Drug Administration: 1. Oral ingestion (pg.207)

Drugs can also enter the body through the respiratory tract via sniffing, snorting, smoking, or inhaling. Inhaling cigarettes, marijuana, gases, and aerosol sprays are a few examples of ways drugs reach the brain very quickly. Drugs that are inhaled and absorbed by the lungs travel THE MOST RAPIDLY of all the routes of drug administration.

Routes of Drug Administration: 2. Inhalation (pg.207)

A rapid form of drug administration is by _________ into the muscles, bloodstream, or just under the skin. Intravenous injection, which invovles inserting a hypodermic needles directly into a vein, is the most common method of injection for drug users, owing to the rapid speed (within seconds in most cases) in which a drug's effect is felt. IT IS ALSO THE MOST DANGEROUS METHOD of administration because of the risk of damaging blood vessels and contracting HIV and hepatitis B.

Routes of Drug Administration: 3. Injection (pg.207)

Drugs can also be absorbed by __________ (Through the skin or tissue linings) route. The nicotine patch is a common example of a drug that is administerted this way.

Routes of Drug Administration: 4. Transdermal (pg.207)

Drugs can enter the body through the vagina or anus in the form of ____________. These are typically mixed with a waxy medium that melts at body temperature so the drug can be released into the bloodstream. However the drug enters the system, most drugs remain active in the body for several hours.

Routes of Drug Administration: 5. Suppositories (pg.207)

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