Health Definitions: Chapter 1 and 2

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Incidence refers to the number of new and old cases of a disease during specified period of time (usually a twelve month period)

Define emotional development

Increased ability to understand feeling and control responses to what is around them. Examples are what people think of themselves (self-concept).

Define Mental health and 2 examples

Mental health refers to the state of wellbeing in which the individual realises their own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to their community. Examples relating to mental health include managing day-to-day activities with low levels of stress, being able to lead an independent life, being resilient in the event of misfortune and having positive self-esteem.

Motor skills

Motor skills refer to the control of the muscles

Define Physical health and 2 examples

Physical health relates to the efficient functioning of the body and its systems. and the physical capacity to perform tasks and physical fitness. Examples relating to physical health include physical fitness, height and weight measurements, blood cholesterol levels, blood pressure levels, the absence or presence of illness, energy levels, functioning of the body's systems and feelings of physical wellbeing.


Prevalence refers to the number or proportion of cases of a particular disease or condition present in a population at a given time (new and old cases)

Define morbidity

Refers to ill health in an individual and the levels of ill death within a population or group

Define mortality

Refers to the number of deaths within a population.

Health adjusted life expectancy

A measure of burden of disease based on life expectancy at birth, but including an adjusting for time spent in poor health. It is the number of years in full health that a person can expect to live, based on current rates of ill health mortality.


A measure of how many 'healthy' years of life are lost due to illness, injury or disability.


A measure of how many years of healthy life are lost due to premature death.

Define burden of disease (YLL+YLD)

A measure of the impact if diseases and injuries; specifically measures the gap between current health status and ideal health status where every one lives to an old age free of disease and disability. Burden of disease is measured in a unit called DALY.

Define Trends

A trend is a general movement in a particular direction.

Define DALY, and what it stands for

Disability adjusted life years. A measure of burden of disease. one DALY equals to one year of healthy life list due to premature death A indication of a populations overall health taking into account various aspects such as life epectancy and level of disease risk. DALY is measured by premature mortality (YLL). DALY's allow for the comparison of conditions that cause mortality.

Physical development

Relates to the efficient functioning of the body and its systems and includes the physical capacity to perform tasks and physical fitness. Examples of physical development are change in body size (height or weight), change in bodily structure and skeletal growth.

Under-five mortality rate

The huber of deaths of children under five years of age per 1000 live births

Define intellectual development

The increased ability to think and reason. Examples of intellectual development is learning how to write and learning a new language.

Define social development

The increasing complexity of behaviour patterns used in interactions with other people. Examples of social development is learning to communicate with different people and learning hoe to behave in an acceptable way.

Health indicators

Health indicators are standard statistics that are used to measure and compare health status. Eg. life expectancy and morbidity rates.

Define Health

Health is a complete state of physical, metal and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Health status

Health status refers to an individual's or population's overall health, taking into account various aspects such as life expectancy, amount of disability and levels of disease risk factors.

Know the hormones associated with the onset of puberty.

Chemicals released from bands. These are locate within the brain.

Limitations of the WHO definitions of health

Complete; this is as achieving 'complete' health is difficult and therefore not everyone has the opportunity to be considered healthy.

Define Social health and 2 examples

Social health relates to being able to interact with others and participate in the community in both an independent and cooperative way. Examples relating to social health include a network of friends, a supportive and understanding family and having social needs met.

Define socialisation

Socialisation is the process of acquiring values, attitudes and behaviours through interacting with others.

Describe the interrelationship between all four developments. Use and example to demonstrate this.

The three dimensions of health are all interrelate; that is they all affect each other. Although they will not all be affected in the same way or in the same degree, a change in one will usually have some effect on the other two. Consider a youth who has broken his leg. Whilst in the hospital recovering he could be affected in numerous ways. His physical health will be affected as his broken leg will restrict him from being able to exercise reducing his fitness level, this could result in weight gan and change in bodily structure due to lack of physical health. However whilst in hospital he many make new friends and form new relationships with nurses and doctors which he would never have been able to do in his everyday life. However, he will not be able to socialise with his friends outside of the hospital at school and during leisure time. This may result in sadness missing out on seeing his friends and joining in activities and socialisations and could experience feelings of loneliness, which relates to mental health.

What is the interrelationship between health and development?

health is " " whereas development is the process of this from life to death which is orderly, inevitable and predictable. Although these stages may occur at different times for each individual. Development and health compliment each other, if health is optimal development also is ect.

Define Life expectancy

life expectancy is an approximation of the total numbers of years that a person is expected it live from birth.

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