Health human growth and development vocab

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a doctor who handels the health care of female reproduction system


a doctor who spealizizes in pregnancy and delivering babies.

wet dream

a dream usally at night accompanied by an erection and the ejaculation of semen


a hormone that helps prepare your body for conception and pregnancy and regulates the monthy menstrual cycle


a hormoune that produces secoundary sex charateristics


a hourmone that produces secoyndary sex charateristics and affects menstration


a mixture of sperm and fluids from the semnail vesicles prostate gland and cowpers gland

brest self exam

a monthy check for lumps and changes in the breasts. bse should be performed each month after the menstrual flow has stopped.


a muscular organ that receives ans supports a fertilized ovum during pergancy aka whom


a muscular tube that connects the uterus with the outside of the body it serves as the birth canal and the passageway for the menstral flow


a narrow tube through which urine and semen pass out the body

toxic shock syndrome tss

a severe illness resulting from the bacteria staphylococcus females who use super absorbant tampons are at a increase of having it.


a structure on top of the testes where sperm matures.

menstrual cramps

caused from contractions of the uterus moderate excersize


dead skin and secretions that collect under the foreskin pulling the foreskin back when washing the penis keeps smegma from collecting this cuts own on infection and cancer of the penis


external female reproductive organs including the small erectile organ of the external female genitalia

ova ovum

female reproduction cells. also called eggs


finger like projections at the ends of the fallopian tubes which face the ovaries the fimbria collect relased ova and deliver them into tubes.

labia minora

inner folds of the skin that protects the clitoris and ureathra

testicular self exam

is a check for lumps or tendeness in the testes testicular cancer is one of the most common cancers among males age 15-34


is a sac like pouch that holds the testes and helps regulate their tempature


male sex cell


male sex organ used for reproduction and urination


narrow end of the uterus which opens into the vagina it stretches 10 centimeters to allow a baby to be born.

labia majora

outter folds of the skin that protect the clitoris and ureathra

pms pre menstrual syndrome

pre menstrual syndrome includes physical and emotional changes that may occur a couple days before a girl gets her period caused by hormonal changes.

fallopian tube

two four inch 10 centimeters long tubes through which ova moves from a ovary to the uterus. it also where fertilization takes place


two glands that produce estrogyen into the ova

vas deferns

two long thin tubes that act as a storeage and a passage way for sperm

seminal vesicles

two small glands that secrete a fluid that nourishes the sperm and helps them move

prostate gland

produces a fluid that keeps sperm alive

pap smear

screening test for cancer of the cervix

cowpers gland

secrete a clear fluid into the urearthra


the cessation stoping of the menstrual cycle


the lining of the uterus


the once a month realse of a muture egg from a ovary.


the process in which male sperm leaves the body there are 100-600 million sperm in a teaspone of semen only 2000 ish actually reach the flopian tubes


the removal f the foreskin of the penis usally done as a infant


the time during which the menstrual flow made up of the unfertilized egg or ovum and the lining of the uterus leaves the body often called the period the average length of the munstration cycle is 28 days the average length of the menstral flow is 3-5 days

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