Health Informatics

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Which of these are part of CDS during data-entry tasks?

Order sets, care plans, and protocols

Which methods identify balancing technology and care?

Understanding patient needsUnderstanding a patient's needs and abilities assists in balancing the use of technology in patient care. Correct Supporting self-managementThe aid of technology to assist patients in self-managing chronic illness can assist in patient care. Using behavior modification care delivery models Behavior modification care delivery models assist in balancing technology and patient care.

What impact do health care portals have on patients and patient care?

Understanding specific health-related symptoms,Understanding of medical diagnoses,Improving health outcomes

Your patient is hypertensive, mobile, but 50 pounds overweight. What type of telecommunication technology might you recommend to track activity?

mHealth application

Documentation of the use of CDS suggest an improved rate of recommended screenings and other preventative cardiovascular care. What evidence remains inconclusive?

Blood Pressure Hemoglobin A1C levels

A health care provider is working with an overweight person with diabetes to reduce the patient's blood sugar. Which items describe appropriate technological methods of assisting the patient? Correct

A glucometerA glucometer will allow the patient to monitor their blood sugar. Correct An application to track dietA mobile app may provide an incentive for monitoring diet by journaling and determining calorie intake and burn. An application to track exercise

Which elements best describe a learning health system?

A multi-dimensional approach for discharge instructions Learning health systems use an interdisciplinary approach to merge all elements of health care with science and informatics. By applying a multi-dimensional approach for patient discharge the patient is provided with varying sources of assistance in their transition from hospital to home.

How could you describe clinical decision support systems?

A reservoir of knowledge Established clinical knowledge Updated Patient Information

In which setting would telecommunication technology would not be used?

A specialty coffee shop

Which selection best explains smart technology in individualized care?

Algorithmic programs collect, store, and analyzes individual and aggregated data

Which individual would benefit from the use of individual health care technology?

An individual with diabetes living in remote Appalachia using an exercise application to help self-manage their illness Reliable and valid health care applications assist individuals in self-management of disease.

How do health care portals increase patient satisfaction?

Assist in health care decision makingHealth care portals provide the patient with essential information related to their health and wellness to assist in making health care decisions. Correct Increase patient/provider relationshipsHealth care portals provide a patient-centered interface for patients and providers to interact empowering patients to become an active participant in health care decision-making. Provide rapid access to health information Health care portals help patients monitor their medication usage, test results, and engage in discussions with health care providers for health care options.

#6 How does the HIE help improve the quality of patient care?

Avoids readmissions,Improves diagnoses,Decreases duplicate testing

What are key Internet-based consumer health informatics goals?

Care management across the continuum

How do surveillance systems impact public health?

Collects standardized data Surveillance systems impact public health by identifying and tracking standardized data, such as reportable diseases, prevention, and treatment efficacy, and disease incidence and prevalence

How does the NHANES survey apply to community health informatics in children?

Collects standardized data via interview and physical exam, to monitor geographical health of children The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) assesses the health and nutritional status of adults and children in the US through interview and physical examinations.

What describes how a consumer health informatics approach can be used for caregivers of persons with dementia?

Connecting with blogs to provide information on dementiaBlogs provide individuals, groups, and communities the ability to connect and share information with other users for real time discussions. They provide real-time discussions related to health care issues. Correct Joining social networks associated with others with interest in dementiaSocial networks can connect individuals with other individuals experiencing the same illness or caregivers seeking support or information. Correct Using internet resources to search for dementia-related informationVarious types of internet resources can connect individuals with educational information and methods of connecting with other for support.

How does data aggregation affect health care research?

Correct Creates large amounts of data that can individualize careData aggregation uses data for population health and public health for analysis and interpretation to better individual health outcom

How does encryption safeguard patient data?

Correct Transformation of information so the meaning is hiddenPatient data is protected through the process of encryption, which codes the information to hide the original data.

How does technology assist providers with patient care?

Decision-making Patient management Provider/patient communication

How do surveillance systems affect public health?

Describing complex systems and disease transmission Surveillance systems collect and analyze data related to complex systems and disease transmission. This information provides actionable public health information to the public, health care providers, and policy makers

How does public health informatics improve health?

Disseminates information Through public health surveillance, those who specialize in public health informatics are able to collect, analyze, interpret, and disseminate health information to the public.

For which reasons might a health care provider appropriately use technologic solutions?

Education in specific areas of care Contraindications of a particular drug dherence to clinical practice guidelines for patient care

The patient you've treated with leukemia for the past two years just called from a remote part of Nebraska, while in the waiting room of a lone clinic in the area. The patient had a slip-and-fall while out hiking and is experiencing abnormal symptoms. Which use of technology would be best used in this situation?

Employ store and forward with the care provider he will be seeing.

What does the right information refer to?

Evidence-based Right end-user (clinician, patient, etc.) Based on a national performance measure

#1 How does meaningful use affect patient care?

Facilitates care coordinationMeaningful use assures that certified EHR technology has a proven ability to improve care coordination, using the health information exchange (HIE) to provide the right information to the right person at the right time. Correct Improves patient safetyPatient safety is a core element in meaningful use. Digitizing and sharing data with designated health providers reduces medication errors and provides current and accurate data related to a patient's condition. Correct Improves population healthDigitization of health care information and sharing that data across systems encourages health care issue trending that can affect population health.

#4 What is the main function of the health information exchange (HIE)?

Facilitating health information access and retrieving data

What is the relationship between the use of telehealth and patient satisfaction?

Few empirical studies have demonstrated greater quality of care and improved outcomes, but some have reported higher level of patient satisfaction.

#3 Which are components of the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program?

Funds provided by CMS,The program is state run,Provides $63,750 in funding

Which topics are appropriate on social media?

General pre-and-post surgical information General pre-and -post surgical information may be shared via social media. Since this is general information, it is educational and does not identify any specific patient.

A patient is undergoing da Vinci surgery for prostate cancer. Which of these statements indicate the need for additional education?

I need to alert my insurance company that I will be hospitalized for the full week." Procedures conducted with da Vinci decrease the length of hospitalization. Prostate cancer surgery with this method will not require a full week as an in-patient.

How does data knowledge impact population health?

Identifying trends in patient temperatures in the ICU Identifying temperature trends in the ICU would have an impact on the specific facility's ICU population.

Which are examples of invasive patient care technologies?

Implantable insulin sensor and pump Renal denervation for blood pressure intervention Implantable artificial pancreas for diabetes

What is the primary goal of the Patient Bill of Rights/Patient Care Partnership?

Improvement of patient care delivery The American Hospital Association (AHA) developed, published, and revised the Patient Bill of Rights/Patient Care Partnership for the primary goal of improving patient care deliver

What important element was added to the Patient Bill of Rights in its revision to the Patient Care Partnership?

Individual and provider partnership

What is the appropriate order for the effects of data aggregation?

Individual health/population health/public health Individual health begins the process by providing data at the smallest level, then proceeding to population health within specific populations, and then public health to inform trends and analytics to inform the health of all.

Which items explain a patient's technology knowledge base? Correct

Internet knowledgeKnowing the level of a patient's understanding of the internet helps provide a basis for technology knowledge. Correct Use of patient portalsKnowing the patient's use or lack of use of patient portals. Family and friend's support Knowing the support a patient may have from family and friends regarding technology may provide information adding to their knowledge base.

How do EHRs affect population and public health?

Maximizes meaningful use EHRs maximize meaningful use for the achievement of quality, safety and efficiency of health care through interoperability and data sharing within and across systems.

Which action describes the primary focus of technology and patient care?

Maximizing technology to support patient needs Maximizing patient needs and quality of care is the focus of technology

#2 Which meaningful use tasks are included in Stage 3?

Medication reconciliation,Assuring data are safe and securely accessible,Creation of a patient summary of care record

A patient has been admitted for chemotherapy following a cancer diagnosis. Which of these assessments derived from technology should be available prior to medication administration?

Pharmacogenetic results

Which trends does the EHR identify that affects public health?

Pneumonia vaccine administration Determination regarding the frequency of pneumonia vaccine could have implications on public health by the association with pneumonia cases and pneumonia vaccine trends.

Which is a health care responsibility when new technology is being implemented?

Provide input on need for the technology

How does the data aggregation increase the efficiency of information?

Provides real time analytics for decision making Data aggregation increases the efficiency of information, allowing the ability to use the data for research and educational purposes.

#5 Which actions facilitate meaningful consent?

Providing patient education on impact of consent choices The Office of the National Coordinator works with providers and other health IT implementers to assure patients are provided with information for appropriate care choices. Providing technology that allows a patient to control access to their health information HIE technology assures the patient's ability to restrict who has access to health care information and what information is available.

Which action best describes how a nurse in a provider clinic can increase the satisfaction of an adolescent with asthma and their family?

Providing the parents/family with written information specifically designed for asthma Providing written information can act as an adjunct to a health informatics approach to disease prevention and health promotion but, alone, are not an informatics approach.

Which area does "US overweight and obesity increases the potential for hypertension and diabetes" most closely align?

Public health Public health is the science of protecting and improving the health of entire populations, which is what the statement most closely aligns.

Which selection(s) best describes the purpose(s) of patient remote monitoring?

Reduce the likelihood of readmissionReadmission is reduced when patients have health care support after being discharged from institutionalized care. Correct Provide patient support and prevent complicationsHealth care support post discharge in the form of patient remote monitoring may prevent complications.

The Center for Connected Health Policy states that methods that allow patients to remain in their homes can result in what outcome?

Reduced costs, preventable repeat hospitalizations, and decreased lengths of stay

Integration of screening for specific diseases or illnesses could potentially lead to which outcome?

Screening protocols

Which steps should be taken to integrate a new electronic blood pressure system into a facility? Correct

Select key stakeholders Identifying key stakeholders from all areas affected by the new BP system is essential for its implementation. Include a patient representative in the stakeholders Having a patient representative in the stakeholder group provides an end user perspective. Hold an information meeting to determine interest in the system Informational meetings to determine interest in the technology is essential for successful implementation.

Which considerations are necessary for implementation of a new technology in a health care unit?

Showing need and benefit Showing the end users the need and benefit of the technology helps in their understanding and acceptance of its use. Holding education sessions Holding educational sessions provides a venue to explain the intricacies of the technology. dentifying technology champions Identifying technology champions or persons with high interest has the ability to increase interest in the technology and facilitate its acceptance.

Which example is most likely to be used for epidemiology?

Social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.

What does public health informatics analytics include?

Statistical and visual applications The analytic component of public health informatics: identifies appropriate statistical and visualization applications; generates algorithms and predictive models to manage and avoid health events; and leverages data science through high-performance computational resources for large data sets (big data) or complex analyses.

What describes a nursing and health informatics approach to care for a patient with dementia?

The health care team discusses, with the patient and caregivers, an analysis of aggregated evidentiary data of dementia management and treatment Evidence-based practice uses informatics to aggregate and analyze information to provide care that is based on science. The nurse, as a member of the health care team, may provide or orchestrate the provision of evidence-based care instructions.

Your patient is curious about their sensor technology that is going to impact diabetes. Which is the best explanation of this technology?

The sensor can detect when your blood glucose decreases to unsafe levels."

A patient brings the results of a genetic test for breast cancer risk. She had it done at the last mammogram appointment 3 months ago and now brings the results to you for assistance. Which answer aligns with the expectations of nurses?

There is genetic specialist next door. Would you like a referral?" "It's great that you completed this. Do you know that there are commercially available tests for other diseases?" "I can't help interpret the results but we could ask the nurse here who works with genetics."

How do clinical decision making support systems enhance care?

Through rule-based decisions and recommendations in addition to clinical expertise and knowledge

Which technology-assisted suggestions could the nurse provide when discharging a patient who lives in a remote area?

Use of telehealth Use of ePrescriptions Health-related applications for her cell phone

Which describes the first step to familiarizing oneself with consumer health informatics?

Using LinkedIn to find others interested in consumer health informatics Using LinkedIn to locate others interested in consumer health informatics is a good idea, but not the first step in the process.

How does public health demonstrate impact on community health?

Using the YRBSS to determine substance use prevalenceThe Youth Risk Behavioral Surveillance System [YRBSS] tracks 6 leading causes of death among adolescents and adults including substance use. Correct Using public alerts for disease outbreaks in the communityAn output of public health responsibilities is the use of public health alerts that affect the country and populations. Correct Working with state and local health departments to determine health and wellness needsState and local health departments are key stakeholders in public health.

What describes health informatics methods for caring for a person with chronic upper airway disease to increase patient care satisfaction?

Using the patient specific dashboard to understand the patient/family needs for home care A patient-specific dashboard rapidly identifies patient information that will assist in assisting the patient and their family manage upper respiratory disease. Providing the patient/family with internet links related to environmental effects on chronic upper respiratory diseaseProviding patients and their families with internet links related to environmental effects on chronic upper respiratory disease gives the patient and family valuable information that can related to disease management and possible exacerbation. Providing the patient/family with links to sites that can assist with additional information related to upper respiratory diseaseProviding patients and their families with internet links related to environmental effects on upper respiratory disease gives the patient and family can provide education related to prevention of upper airway disease.

Which method may be used by insurance companies in exchange for lowered costs of premiums?

Wearable mHealth applications

Who is the major user of the Internet for health information?

Women Women between ages 25 to 64, use the internet most often to determine. The National Health Interview Survey suggests that use of the Internet for health information is predominant in women.

How does a community health nurse impact population health using health informatics? Correct

Working with the specific community to identify a health-related problem Maximum effectiveness is achieved by allowing the community/specific population define the problem and be active members of an intervention development. Developing and educational tools to help community members self-manage the issue Maximum effectiveness is achieved by allowing the community/specific population determine how to approach the problem so the intervention is specific and applicable to that population. dentifying stakeholders to determine methods of measuring the severity of the problem Maximum effectiveness is achieved by including community/specific population members in developing the measures that are specific and applicable to that population.

Your patient has not been compliant in the home environment and asks you why they may want to engage in their health care through technology. Which of these statements is the best response.

You may feel better sooner and may be able to go to your granddaughter's wedding."

What acute care nursing task uses health informatics to improve care quality?

onsider all providers notes and patient medications to determine a patient's fall risk Interdisciplinary data aggregation provides a holistic view of the patient's risk. Using the EHR to gather data from all provider notes allows a nurse to determine the fall risk of a patient for care quality.

Which action describes health informatics associated guides for a 55-year-old to help diabetes self-management?

roviding appropriate social network and internet links based on internet capabilities The greatest effect for guidance is understanding the patients understanding and abilities.

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