Health Midterm

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sleep disruptors

_____ are factors that interfere with the ability to fall asleep or stay asleep.


_____ blocks adenosine receptors in the brain.


_____ is a hormone that helps control sleep-and-wake cycles and circadian rhythms.


_____ is a rare neurological disorder characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, sleep paralysis, and sudden loss of muscle control.


_____ is a rare neurological disorder characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, sleep paralysis, and sudden loss of muscle control.


_____ is a sleep problem involving the inability to fall or stay asleep.

sleep apnea

_____ is involuntary, repeated interruption of normal breathing during sleep, often caused by blocked airways or faulty brain signaling.

homeostatic sleep drive

_____ is pressure to sleep that builds the longer one is awake.

circadian rhythm

_____ is the sleep-and-wake pattern of sleep coordinated by the brain's master internal clock.


_____ or deep sleep is the most necessary sleep for feeling well rested upon waking.


_____ sleep consists of three stages, including deep sleep, the most necessary for feeling well rested upon waking.


______ refers to the spontaneous expulsion of an embryo or a fetus from the uterus with no causal intervention.

generalized anxiety disorder.

A condition that causes the sufferer to fear future threats, pushing out all other thoughts, is called

a barrier method.

A contraceptive that physically blocks the sperm from reaching the egg is

a firmly held false belief.

A delusion is

lithium carbonate.

A drug commonly used to prevent mood swings associated with bipolar disorder is


A key neurotransmitter that is important in the treatment of depression is called

erectile dysfunction.

A male attempting to engage in intercourse after excessive alcohol consumption is likely to experience

fetuses with neural tube defects.

A quadruple marker screen (QMS) test can be used to help identify

a miscarriage.

A spontaneous abortion is more commonly known as

tension headaches.

About 90 percent of all headaches are

if the woman's health is in jeopardy.

According to the Supreme Court, a state may not bar abortion

academic demands and time management concerns

According to your text, which of the following are common sources of stress for most college students?

it is a relatively new human adaptation.

All of the following are TRUE regarding the fight-or-flight response, EXCEPT that


All of the following are recommended by your text as time-management strategies, EXCEPT


All of these are considered counterproductive coping strategies EXCEPT

constant and repetitive hand washing.

An example of a compulsion is


An example of a specific phobia is fear of

having difficulty expressing emotions.

An individual with a Type C personality is characterized by


An ovum or a sperm has ______ chromosomes.

refers to artificially induced expulsion of the fetus.

As it is commonly used, the word abortion

during the first week

Back-up contraception should be used for how long when a woman first starts on the pill?

environmental disruptors

Bedroom conditions and too much caffeine are examples of _____.


Biological researchers have found genetic influences on


Brain activity is typically monitored with a(n) _____.


Coffee, Red Bull, Tea, Coke, Mountain Dew, & chocolate are all products that contain _____.

all of the above.

College students can typically find inexpensive mental health care through

cortisol and epinephrine.

During the stress response, the human adrenal glands release

is stress triggered by something pleasant.



Expressing wishes forcefully, but not necessarily hostilely, describes being


For emergency contraception to be most effective, the first dose must be taken within ______ hours of unprotected intercourse.

three years

For how long is Implanon effective?

a stressor persists over a long period of time.

General exhaustion results when

is a state of stability and balance in an individual's functions.



Homeostatic sleep drive is mainly driven by the neurochemical _____.

all of these.

Hormones are produced by

27.5 pounds

How much weight does a woman gain during a healthy pregnancy, on average?

24 hours

If the female egg is not fertilized, it will disintegrate after about

47 years.

If you were born in 1900, your life expectancy was approximately

infectious diseases; chronic diseases

In the past 100 years, the major causes of death have shifted from ______ to ______.

lower; higher

Income and education are closely linked with health status. The ______ the poverty rate and the ______ the education level, the better the health.

has been linked to health problems.

Long-term overexposure to stress hormones

high energy levels.

Manic disorders are characterized by

sleep apnea

Men are more likely to snore or to have _____.


Most clinicians currently consider a fetus viable at ______ weeks of gestation.


Most condoms sold in the U.S. are made of

slows breathing.

Once a stressful situation ends, your parasympathetic nervous system

emotional wellness.

Optimism, trust, and self-confidence are components of


Oral stimulation of the penis is called

contraceptive skin patch

Ortho Evra is the brand name of which type of contraception?

a type of anxiety disorder.

Panic disorder is

scarring from sexually transmitted diseases.

Pelvic inflammatory disease is most often the result of

early twenties.

People usually develop panic disorder in their


Post-traumatic stress disorder is most likely to occur after which of the following?

mental health.

Psychological health is another term for

promotes psychological health for some individuals.

Religious belief


Repetitive, hard-to-resist actions associated with obsessions are


Reproductive maturation of boys lags behind that of girls by about ______ year(s).

increased physical strength

Schizophrenic disorders are characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT

all of the above

Signs of sleep debt include which of the following:


Situations that trigger physical and emotional reactions are termed

physical sleep disruptors

Sleep apnea, reflux, nasal congestion/coughs, the need to urinate, anxiety/stress, and pain are all examples of _____.

meaning and purpose in one's life.

Spiritual wellness is best described as having

chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus.

Spontaneous abortions are most commonly caused by

include re-experiencing the trauma in dreams and intrusive memories.

Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder

one month

The NuvaRing offers pregnancy protection for how long?

Roe v. Wade.

The Supreme Court case that legalized abortion was

nearly doubled.

The average life span in the twentieth century

target behavior

The behavior one identifies for change is called

target behavior.

The behavior one identifies for change is called


The belief in one's ability to be successful in the performance of a given task is termed


The cessation of menstruation around age 50 is called


The complete set of genetic material in an individual's cells is referred to as his or her


The division of the autonomic nervous system that slows down the body as it recovers from exposure to a stressor is the ______ nervous system.

ovaries and uterus.

The fallopian tubes link the

family history

The health determinant over which we have least control is

family history.

The health determinant over which we have least control is

high degree of effectiveness in preventing pregnancy.

The most important advantage of oral contraceptives is the

monitor behavior, analyze data, set goals, devise a plan of action, make a contract.

The order in which a behavior change strategy is implemented is


The period during which both the male and the female reproductive system matures is called

Type B.

The personality type associated with relaxation and contemplation is

health promotion.

The process of enabling people to increase control over their health and improve their health is

are interrelated.

The seven dimensions of wellness


The sperm-storing structure on the surface of the testicles is the

endocrine system.

The system of glands, tissues, and cells that helps control body functions by releasing hormones is the

decreases slightly just before ovulation.

The temperature method of birth control is based on the knowledge that a woman's body temperature

erectile dysfunction.

The term impotence is also called

situations that can trigger physical and emotional reactions.

The term stress refers to

their actions.

Those with an internal locus of control believe that events turn out as they do based on

women; men

Though ______ attempt suicide more often, ______ succeed more often.


Tubal sterilization or tubal ligation entails the severing or blocking of the

genetic disorders

Ultrasonography is NOT useful in determining ______ of a fetus.

used alcohol during pregnancy.

Unusual facial features, a small head, and heart defects are characteristic of babies born to mothers who

heart disease, cancer, lower respiratory diseases

What are the top 3 causes of death in order from 1 to 3:


Which mental health professional is involved when a person requires medication?

all of these

Which of the following are factors that influence wellness?

estrogens and progestins

Which of the following are female sex hormones?

perpetual energy

Which of the following attributes best characterizes manic behavior?

Your heart rate increases.

Which of the following body reactions is characteristic of the stress response?

all of the above

Which of the following can be affected by lack of sleep:

all of the above

Which of the following can be caused by lack of sleep?

a high anxiety level

Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for suicide?

They are as effective as oral contraceptives at preventing unwanted pregnancy.

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of condoms?

tubal sterilization

Which of the following is NOT considered a "natural" form of contraception?

fear of embarrassment

Which of the following is a social phobia?

heart disease

Which of the following is currently America's number-one cause of death?

Breastfeeding is a reliable form of birth control.

Which of the following is not a benefit associated with breastfeeding?

clear, slippery mucus with elastic threads

Which of the following is often characteristic of cervical secretions during ovulation?

They provide no protection against STDs.

Which of the following is probably the most serious disadvantage of oral contraceptives for most women?

painful menstruation

Which of the following is the most accurate definition of dysmenorrhea?


Which of the following mental health professionals is a licensed physician?

all of the above

Which of the following plays a major part in psychological disorders?


Which of the following professionals requires the most formal education?

It is a useful daily tool to cope with life.

Which of the following statements about fear is false?

Exercise reduces energy levels.

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding exercise and its ability to help manage stress?

It is linked with physical wellness.

Which of the following statements is NOT true of a high allostatic load?

Psychological health and physical health are intertwined.

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

hatha yoga

Which of the following stress management techniques emphasizes the use of breathing, stretching, and balance?

All of these choices are correct.

Which one of the following has been linked to a high allostatic load?

bad grade

Which one of the following is a stressor?

Continue a moderate exercise program.

Which one of the following is the most customary recommendation regarding exercise during pregnancy?

eating well and exercising

Which one of the following qualities contributes most to one's physical wellness?


Women generally report more problems with _____.

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