health promo exam 2

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Fear Appeal

"Fear Appraisal" is the interpretation of health communication messaging. What is the term used to describe threat based health messages?

ecoligical, getting results from two different populations and pulling them together into one single study , using summery values and individual data and uses a single value that represents the group.....working with average not individual data

Be able to define "Aggregated Data

case control-no randomization

Can you determine if a research design is Experimental,if given: "Randomization" and "Manipulation"?

by taking group level data that says something about each person in group,saying everyone is smarter in Mr.Green's class compared to Mr.Yellow's class because Mr.Green average class gpa is 3.5 while Mr.yellows class is 3.2.

Can you fully explain "Ecologic Fallacy" including giving an example to illustrate your explanation

individual,Why choose Case-Control Design? __cost____________ (study groups are relatively small), ________duration______ (short) Why not choose Case-Control Design? Can be difficult to __generalize________________ the study results to the rest of the population ___generalizability______________


framming ham study , follow group overtime....stong data.....but also costly....difficult to follow up..risk disease


Community organizing - the process by which community groups are helped to identify common problems or goals, mobilize resources, and in other ways develop and implement strategies for reaching the goals they have collectively set" (Minlkler & Wallerstein, 2005, p. 26) Community building - "an orientation to a community that is strength-based rather than need based and stresses the identification, nurturing, and celebrating of community assets" (Minkler, 2005a, p. 4) Community advocacy - process in which those in the community become involved in the institutions & decisions that impact their lives

Community Mobilization


Consider "Health Education Strategies", which of the following terms refers to the breadth & depth of material covered?

non-malficense- if anyone disagrees can't go through with it,if theres a group of people that feels its an incovenience then policy will not work beneficense-decide wether or not you wanna put a policy in place thats going to effect the entire community.not everyone will be on board with new policy but if majority will see benefit from policy then its ok to go with policy.

Consider 'Health Policy/Enforcement' - What does 'beneficence' and 'non-maleficence' perspective mean

Nature of Data

Consider the 'Criteria for the Quality and Utility of Epidemologic Data': Which of the following would depend on the source of data and it's effect on types of statistical analyses and inferences that are possible?

Insurance Companies

Consider the Reportable and Notifiable Disease system, which of the following is NOT required to report listed diseases to the Local/Regional/State Public Health Authority?

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Consider the Reportable and Notifiable Disease system: Local/Regional/State Public Health Authorities voluntarily notify which federal agency of listed diseases?

Cross-Sectional study design

Consider the Types of Research Studies; which of the following is a "Single Point in Time" measurement that can uses data to describe magnitude and distribution of a health issue?

Health Education

Consider the Venn Diagram from Phase I of the Precede-Proceed model lecture. In order to move "PUBLIC PERCEIVED NEEDS s," toward the center in an attempt to maximize 'Program Action', you would utilize:

Community Mobilization & Organizational Development

Consider the Venn Diagram from Phase I of the Precede-Proceed model lecture. In order to move "RESOURCES, FEASIBILITY POLICY " toward the center in an attempt to maximize 'Program Action', you would utilize:

Participatory Research

Consider the Venn diagram (3 spheres): In order to 'center' the sphere labeled 'ACTUAL NEEDS ' what do you need to address?


Consider the intervention strategies, if you decided to increase the number of unique activities within a program, you would be increasing

snapchatt of whats happening in that one moment, lots of magnitudes, distrubition , variables ,point in time study design (has to constantly have the research)


feal appeal-scared tactics using message to scare somoene (how you intend message to convey feal appraisal-the taken of message of target audience

Do you know the difference between 'fear appeal' and 'fear appraisal' (Health Communication

higher level states , innerval and ratio (numerical value)

Do you know which data types are suitable for Parametric

group ,Why choose Ecologic Design? ___cost, duration ,(short)Why not choose Ecologic Design? No ___cause-effect___________ relationship, -___ecological fallacy_______________ The ____ecological___ fallacy____- effects shown at an _____aggregate_________ level does not always translate to an ______________ level


Those designed to change structure or types of services, or systems of care to improve delivery of health promotion

Environmental Change

multiplicity - variety, different strategies for program dose- how much exposure to these strategies does a person receive

Given an example can you distinguish if it refers to 'dose' or 'multiplicity'

Curriculum (course of study) - what those in the priority population will be taught Scope - refers to breadth & depth of material covered Sequence - defines the order in which the material is presented

Health Education

Includes executive orders, laws, ordinances, policies. position statements, regulations, formal / informal rules

Health Policy/Enforcemen

HRAs/HHAs Clinical (biometric) screenings- BP, cholesterol, glucose Services, tests, or treatments to improve health- flu shots & other immunizations Check-ups, exams

Health-related Community Service


Height Weight *both of which are based on there being a 'true zero value' What data type would you be collecting?

nominal (no numerical value) ratio - interval ordinal rank order not numerical a) 18-20 b)21-24

Know the 4 data types and their characteristics/examples


If your survey question captured numerical values (such that you could mathematical procedures, such as calculating a mean score; but the data LACK a true zero or null value). What data type would you be collecting?


If your survey question captured responses such as: "Male or Female" "Yes or No" What data type would you be collecting?


If your survey question captured responses such as: Age range (18-22); (23-25); (25-28); (29 or more) What data type would you be collecting?

health belief Perceived Susceptibilityan individual's perception of her or his risk of contracting a health condition Perceived Severityan individual's perception of the seriousness of a health condition if left untreatedNote: the combination of these is the perceived threat of the health condition (emotive response is fear) Constructs of the HBM - cont.Perceived Benefitsthe perceived effectiveness of taking action to improve a health condition Perceived Barriers the perceived impediments to taking action to improve a health condition

Know the constructs and what they represent for: Health Belief Model and Protection Motivation Theory

1) Intrapersonal (ex. Individual level) 2) Interpersonal (ex. Group level) 3) Organizational (ex. newsletters) 4) Mass media (ex. PSAs)

Know the terminology as presented with each 'Intervention Strategy' (Health Communication,

nominal ordinal

Nonparametric statistics

no and no experimental is yes and yes


yes and no


you can only interpret your result to a larger population if your sample resemble that larger population if it doesnt

What does it mean that your study findings have 'generalizability' - be able to fully define this term


What was the condition screening program that led to the development of the Health Belief Model?

best practices uses a demonstrative succesfull program and model best experience work with similar population and tap into experience best processes-build program following validated theory or model

When planning a program can you distinguish between "Best Practices, Best Experiences, or Best Processes"

Perceived Severity

Which Protection Motivation Theory construct is "the weakest component"?


Which of the following means "for the common good" as described in lecture on Health Policy/Enforcement Strategies?


Which of the following research designs STRICTLY uses Group Level data only?

Cohort study design

Which of the following research study types has a problematic issue with keeping track of study participants in order to collect follow-up data?


absolute zero :height or weight


asking someone to select eye color from a list


e following terms (from the Research Study types) means: Appropriateness of the study results to be applied as general rule for the population

Coping efficacy

most important component

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