health science chapter 5

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What are privileged communications?

All personal information given to health personnel by a patient; must be kept confidential.

What is abuse?

Any care that results in physical harm or pain, or mental anguish.

What is assault and battery?

Assault includes a threat or attempt to injure, and battery includes the unlawful touching of another person without consent.

Which of the following are examples of patients' rights? a. Health care services provided at a reasonable cost b. Considerate and respectful care c. Medical treatment with minimal side effects d. Enough information to make an informed consent for treatment e. Reasonable continuity of care

B, D, E

What is libel?

False written statement that causes a person ridicule or contempt or causes damage to the person's reputation.

Medical assistants cannot be held legally responsible for actions they are directed to take by their supervising physician

False, All health care workers can be held legally responsible for their own actions regardless of what they are told.

A Durable Power of Attorney is a document that allows an individual to state what measures should or should not be taken to prolong life when facing a terminal condition.

False, living will is a document that allows an individual to state what measures should or should not be taken to prolong life when facing a terminal condition.

The Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA) prevents patients from using measures for assistive suicide.

False, the PSDA ensures that patients are informed of their rights and have the opportunity to determine the care they will receive.

If a patient asks you to perform a procedure you are not trained for, you are permitted to do so as long as there is a physician in the facility.

False, you cannot do procedures that you are not trained for, or legally permitted to do.

If there is an order for a procedure, you are not required to ask the patient for consent.

False, you must always ask the patient consent before doing a procedure.

A patient with a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order tells you he has saved a supply of sleeping pills and intends to commit suicide. What should you do to maintain your legal and ethical responsibilities?

Report this to supervisor

Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1987

Residents in long-term care facilities are guaranteed certain rights

What is false imprisonment?

Restraining an individual or restricting an individual's freedom.

What is invasion of privacy?

Revealing personal information about an individual without his or her consent.

Slander is false information that is written, while libel is false information that is spoken.

Slander is false information that is spoken, while libel is false information that is written.

What is defamation?

Slander or libel; a false statement that causes ridicule or damage to a reputation.

What will happen when you fail to abide by the regulations of scope of practice?

Suspension or loss of license or registration.

What happens if health care workers do not follow Patient's or resident's rights?

They can face job loss, fines and even imprisonment.

Properly identify the patient before performing any procedure.

True, identifying the patient will make sure you do not give someone else, anothers care.

What is scope of practice?

the procedures, actions, and processes that a healthcare practitioner is permitted to undertake in keeping with the terms of their professional license.

What are ethics?

a set of principles relating to what is morally right or wrong.

Health care records are considered public information.

false, must keep confidentiality

It is ok to accept a tip from a patient.

false, you cannot accept bribes or tips from patients.

Once patients have given consent for a physician to provide treatment, they cannot change their mind and request that the treatment be stopped.

false,Patients can withdraw consent for treatment at any time

A health care worker who misuses narcotics is an example of a breach of civil law.

false,The misuse of narcotics by a health care worker is an example of a violation of criminal law.

According to PPACA, what do consumers have the right to?

* easy to understand summary *coverage for emergency care, hospitalization, prescription drugs, maternity care, and newborn care. *preventive care at no cost to consumer *coverage even if pre-existing illness or condition exists *coverage to age 26 under parents health care plan *choose any available care provider as doctor *Receive care for emergency medical conditions at any emergency facility without pre-authorization and higher co-payments for out-of-network services *no annual or lifetime limits on health care benefits *no arbitrary cancellation of insurance *Appeal health plan decision if denies payment *review if insurance denies payment *refund a percentage of their premiums if insurance company does not spend 80-85 percent of premiums paid on health care versus administrative costs such as salaries and marketing

What do patients have under Resident's Bill of Rights

*Free choice regarding doctor, treatment and research *freedom from abuse and restraints *privacy of records *choice regarding activities, schedules and care *voice complaints without fear of retaliation or discrimination *participate in community activities *Info about benefits,records, survey results, deficiencies, and advocacy groups *manage funds and possessions *unlimited access to family *remain in the facility and not be transferred or discharged except for medical reasons, welfare of resident, failure to pay, or if facility either cannot meet the resident's needs or does not operate.

What are some basic professional standards?

*Perform only procedures for which you have been trained and legally permitted to do. *use approved, correct methods while performing any procedure *obtain proper authorization before performing any procedure *obtain patients consent before performing any procedure *observe all safety precautions *keep all info private *Think before you speak and carefully consider everything you say *Treat patients equally *accept no tips or bribes for the care you provide *If an error occurs, report to your supervisor *Behave professionally in dress, language, manners and actions.

What are the basic ethic principles?

*Putting life saved and gain in health above all else. *preserve life and keep patient as comfortable as possible *respect patients choice to die peacefully *Treat all patients equally *Maintain level of skill *stay informed *maintain confidentiality *Do not partake in immoral, unethical and illegal practices report if you see someone partaking in them. *show loyalty and be positive *be sincere, honest and caring

What rights to patients have according to Consumer bill of rights and responsibilities?

*easily understood info, and help in informed decisions *ensure high-quality health care *access emergency health services *fully participate in decisions related to their health *Be represented by family if unable to participate in their health *considerate and respectful care *not be discriminated *fair and efficient process for resolving differences with health care plans

According to PSDA, any health care facilities receiving federal aid must follow what following requirements?

*inform every adult, orally and in writing of their right to make decisions with their medical care and right to refuse treatment *provide info and help preparing advance directives *document any advance directives on patients record * provide written statements to implement patients right in decision making *affirm that theres no discrimination because of advance directives *educate staff on medical and legal issues of advance directives

Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA)

1990,A federal law that mandates that every individual has the right to make decisions regarding medical care, including the right to refuse treatment and the right-to-die.

What is Consumer Bill of Rights and Responsibilities

1998, A list of patient's rights, implemented by the Department of Health and Human Services, that must be recognized and honored by health care providers.

What is legal disability?

A condition in which a person does not have legal capacity and is therefore unable to enter into a legal agreement (for example, as is the case with a minor).

What are implied contracts?

A contract or agreement that creates obligations without verbally expressed terms.

What are expressed contracts?

A contract or an agreement that is stated in distinct and clear language, either orally or in writing.

What benefits does the HIE provide?

A greater degree of patient safety with quick access to medical history and lab tests Better-coordinated care across different health care facilities and across different levels of specialization within those facilities Patient access to the EHR Information for research and public health monitoring Reduction in health care costs due to eliminating repetition of the same tests in different facilities

Advance directives

A legal document designed to indicate a person's wishes regarding care in case of a terminal illness or during the dying process.

Living wills

A legal document stating a person's desires on what measures should or should not be taken to prolong life when his or her condition is terminal.

Designation of Health Care Surrogate

A legal document that permits an individual (principal) to appoint another person to make any decisions regarding health care if the principal becomes unable to make decisions.

What is a tort?

A wrongful or illegal act of civil law not involving a contract.

Which of the following are examples of basic ethical principles? a. Treating patients equally regardless of race, religion, age, or any other personal characteristic b. Preservation of life whenever possible c. Treating others with respect and dignity d. Proper documentation of all care provided e. Maintaining professional competency


What is domestic abuse?

Domestic abuse occurs when an intimate partner uses threats, manipulation, aggression, or violent behavior to maintain power and control over another person.

What are patient's rights

Factors of care that all patients can expect to receive.

What is negligence?

Failure to give care that is normally expected, resulting in injury to another person.

What is HIE?

Health Information Exchange

Who do medical records belong to?

Health care provider

What are some examples of people with legal disability?

Minors,mentally incompetent persons, individuals under the influence of drugs that alter the mental state, and semiconscious or unconscious people

Fill in the blank to complete the following statement. The factors of care that patients can expect to receive are frequently called __________.

Patient's rights

How do you identify a patient?

Patients may have ID bands, state patients name clearly, photo ID and barcodes

What is informed consent?

Permission granted voluntarily by a person who is of sound mind and aware of all factors involved.

What is malpractice?

Providing improper or unprofessional treatment or care that results in injury to another person.

What is a agent?

Someone who has the power or authority to act as the representative of another.

What is slander?

Spoken comment that causes a person ridicule or contempt or damages the person's reputation.

What must be used regarding to contracts with someone who does not speak English?

To comply with legal mandates, an interpreter/translator must be used when a contract is explained to an individual who does not speak English.

What is a contract?

To shorten, decrease in size, or draw together; an agreement between two or more persons.

A Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order indicates that CPR should not be performed if the patient stops breathing.


A health care worker who fails to follow long-term care facility residents' rights can be subject to a fine or even imprisonment.


Patient's rights are factors of care that patients can expect to receive.


What is sexual abuse?

any sexual touching or act, using sexual gestures, and suggesting sexual behavior, even if the patient is willing or tries to initiate it

What are health care records?

considered privileged communications. Such records contain information about the care provided to the patient.

What is the problem with HIE?

coordinating the system so that all facilities use compatible software that can interpret the information. And keeping transferred info secure.

What is PPACA?

guarantees certain rights pertaining to health insurance coverage.

What is physical abuse?

hitting, forcing people against their will, restraining movement, depriving people of food or water, and not providing physical care

what is informational invasion of privacy?

informational invasion of privacy refers to revealing personal information about an individual without that person's consent.

What are the three parts of a contract?

offer, acceptance, consideration

What is verbal abuse?

speaking harshly, swearing or shouting, using inappropriate words to describe a person's race or nationality, and writing threats or abusive statements

What is psychological abuse?

threatening harm; denying rights; belittling, intimidating, or ridiculing the person; and threatening to reveal information about the person

It is your responsibility to learn exactly what you are legally permitted to do, and to familiarize yourself with your exact responsibilities.

true, Adhering to laws, regulations, and standards in the health care industry is everyone's responsibility.

what are some signs to indicate a patient is a victim of abuse?

unexplained bruises, fractures, burns, or injuries signs of neglect such as poor personal hygiene irrational fears or a change in personality aggressive or withdrawn behavior patient statements that indicate abuse or neglect

What is physical invasion of privacy?

unnecessarily exposing an individual,

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