Healthcare Statistics Final Exam Study Tips

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Last year, you purchased equipment in the HIM department for $14,250. You have been told that the equipment you bought has depreciated in value by 20 percent. What is the value of the equipment now?


You currently lease scanning equipment at a cost of $2,750 per quarter and two copy machines at $150 each per month plus $0.01 per page copied. You estimate you will copy a total of 30,000 pages a year per copier. What will you need to budget annually for this leased equipment?


The forms used to query physicians in your coding area cost $50.00 per 250 forms for the first 500 and $40 for every 100 thereafter. If you need to order 850 forms, what is the total cost to be budgeted?


The HIM coding supervisor agrees to pay a new graduate $15.00 per hour. This is a full-time coding position at 2,080 hours per year. The cost for a full-time employee's fringe benefits is 25 percent of the employee's salary. How much must the supervisor budget for the employee's salary and fringe benefits?


The same supervisor in the scenario above agreed to increase the salary of the employee to $16.00 per hour once she passed her RHIT exam. Three months after beginning her employment, the employee passed her RHIT exam. What will the new budget be for salary and fringe benefits?


Using chart A - what is the what is the newborn death rate?


Using chart A - what is the net death rate is _____.


Bonus question - Convert 34% to a decimal.


Using chart A - what is the what is the fetal death rate?


When preparing a report for presentation, which of the following should be included 1. Title of the report 2. Graphs will give more detail than tables 3. Narrative will be helpful if included 4. Content page must be included

1 and 3

The HIM department at Community Hospital will experience a 15 percent increase in the number of discharges coded per day as the result of opening an orthopedic clinic in the facility. The 15 percent increase is projected to be 50 additional records per day. The standard time to code this type of record is 15 minutes. Compute the number of FTEs required to handle this increased volume in coding based on a 7.5 hour productive day. Round to one digit after the decimal.

1.7 FTE

Convert the following fractions to their simplest form: 3/9 4/8 1/5 3/5 124/248

1/3, 1/2, 1/5, 3/5, 1/2

Dr. Anderson wants to follow the guidelines that recommend a 6-month-old infant should weigh 16.5 pounds. What percentile is the 12.1 lbs infant be in?


Using the chart on the bottom of page 201, estimate the hospital charges for the patients listed in the table below based on an average cost of $1,500 per day.

126745 $6,000 853275 $9,000 903629 $3,000 956825 $10,500 957032 $15,000 903412 $12,000 934818 $16,500 563498 $13,500 985476 $7,500 894532 $4,500

Convert 1/6 to a percentage with two decimal places.


In 20XX, a hospital had 175 beds for adults and children from January 1 through June 30. On July 1, the hospital increased its beds to 250 and the number remained at 250 through December 31. During the first six months, 30,875 patient days of service were provided to the hospital's adults and children. During the last six months, 36,982 days of service were provided. Answer the following questions and round the answers to whole numbers. This is a non-leap year. What was the average daily inpatient census for the first six months?


A physician on your staff performed 44 cardiac catheterizations last month. 34 of those treated were male. What is the ratio of male patients to female patients who had cardiac catheterizations? What is the proportion? Round to one decimal place.

17:5, 0.8

In 20XX, a hospital had 175 beds for adults and children from January 1 through June 30. On July 1, the hospital increased its beds to 250 and the number remained at 250 through December 31. During the first six months, 30,875 patient days of service were provided to the hospital's adults and children. During the last six months, 36,982 days of service were provided. Answer the following questions and round the answers to whole numbers. This is a non-leap year. What was the average daily inpatient census for the entire year?


A hospital reported the following statistics for the past year: births, 1,702; deliveries, 1,708; C-sections, 360; and obstetrical discharges, 1,827. The C-section rate for that year is _____.


The number of discharge days for a patient admitted January 23 to February 15 is _____.

23 days

Using chart B - what is the gross autopsy rate?


Using chart B - what is the net autopsy rate?


Using Chart C - what is the C-section rate for September?


Using chart B - what is the adjusted hospital autopsy rate?


A coding supervisor must determine the number of FTEs needed to code 600 discharges per week. If it takes an average of 20 minutes to code each record and each coding professional works 7.5 productive hours per day, how many FTEs will the coding supervisor need? Round to one decimal place.

5.3 FTEs

Last year, Community Hospital had 32,687 discharges. Of these, 1,789 were readmissions. What is the hospital's readmission rate? Round to two decimal places.


Last month, the ROI specialist received 580 requests for information. He was able to answer 307 within the specified time frame of three working days. What is the rate of compliance in answering requests within the specified time frame? Round to two decimal places.


Using chart B - what is the fetal autopsy rate?


Using chart B - what is the newborn autopsy rate?


Using the formula given at the bottom of page 320, determine the 68 percent, 95 percent, and 99.7 percent confidence intervals. Round to two decimal places.

68% 1.33 to 7.33 95% -1.67 to 10.33 99.7% -4.67 to 13.33

Your hospital's cancer registry reported 287 deaths to cancer patients with 3,821 discharges of patients with a primary diagnosis of cancer. What is the cancer death rate?


What is the wait time for a patient who arrives at a physician's office at 8:20 a.m. and is seen by the physician at 9:30 a.m.

70 minutes

All the patients who present to the emergency services department with a suspected acute myocardial infarction (AMI) are expected to receive an electrocardiogram (ECG) within 10 minutes of their arrival. Of the 45 patients who had a suspected AMI during the last quarter, 33 had an ECG within the specified time frame. What was the rate of compliance? Round to two decimal places.


The 15-bed Surgical Intensive Care Unit at Memorial Hospital had 400 inpatient service days during March. What is the percentage of occupancy? Round to one decimal place.


What is the bed occupancy rate for the 15-bassinet Children's Hospital NICU during March if the inpatient service days was 400? Round to one decimal place.


Using chart A - what is the what is the cancer death rate?


During January through June, (non-leap year) a 50-bed hospital had 9,001 inpatient service days. What is the percentage of occupancy? Round to one decimal place.


Give an example of an intrahospital transfer.

A patient transfer from surgical unit to medical unit.

Use the information in the chart on page 240 to compute the ALOS and median LOS and range for Community Nursing Center. The discharge date is June 2, 20XX (a non-leap year). Round the ALOS to one decimal place.

ALOS 77.9 day(s) Median 82 day(s) Range 136

Data can be misinterpreted in which of the following ways:

All of the above

When creating histograms, which is a true statement?

All of the above.

Physicians from the Community Physician's Clinic would like to demonstrate to the Community Hospital Administration that additional exam rooms are needed to accommodate their patients. They ask the HIM manager to construct a graph showing the number of patients seen in the last year by the clinic physicians. The categories they wish to have displayed are primary care, 5,736; medical specialties, 2,473; surgical specialties, 2,022; hospital outpatients, 984. Which type of graph would be appropriate?

Bar graph

Which of the following graphs would be best to use to display the number of discharges by medical service for the past year?

Bar graph

What are generally the two types of research

Basic and applied

Reword the following research hypothesis to a null hypothesis: Regular exercise in older adults decreases blood pressure levels.

Blood pressure levels are NOT lowered when older adults exercise regularly.

One of the pediatricians at Community Physician's Clinic worked with a software vendor to get a display of the patients she currently has in the hospital on her smart phone that lets her know current information, such as lab results, vital signs, and medications given. This is called a _____.


The process of extracting and analyzing large volumes of data from a database for the purpose of identifying hidden and sometimes subtle relationships or patterns and using those relationships to predict behaviors is called _____.

Data mining

Your administrator has asked you to generate a report that gives the number of hypertension patients last year. This is an example of _____.

Descriptive analytics

Explain the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics

Descriptive statistics: Statistics that describe populations Inferential statistics: Statistics that are used to make inferences from a smaller group of data to a large one

What type of numerical data contains only a finite number of results?


The portion of the research in which the researcher explains the significance and findings of the study is called _____.

Drawing conclusions

A method of observation in which the researcher observes and often speaks with the subjects in as free and natural an atmosphere as possible is called _____.


The term that describes the use of most current scientific research to treat patients is referred to as _____.

Evidence-based medicine

Which type of research entails manipulation of a situation in some way in order to test a hypothesis?

Experimental research

A statewide data base is used by your performance improvement department each month to compare other facilities' readmission rates to your facility's rates. This is an example of _____.

External data

The standard error of the mean comes from the standard deviation of many population means.


When two variables are correlated, it means that one is the cause of the other.


Which graph displays vertical bars to depict frequency distributions for continuous data?


A statement of the predicted relationship of what the researcher is studying is called a(n):


Which of the following are used to test hypotheses or make decisions about the population?

Inferential statistics

Differentiate between the terms inpatient census and daily inpatient census.

Inpatient census: Hospital inpatient census taking at any given time Daily inpatient census: Hospital inpatient census taking plus the number of patient that admitted and discharged after the previous census taking time of the day before.

A committee within an organization whose primary responsibility is to protect the rights and welfare of research subjects is referred to as ______.

Institutional Review Board

A tool used by the researcher to collect data is referred to as the _____.


The CDC is the lead agency that _____.

Is responsible for protecting the health of the people of the United States.

Using the chart on page 212 and, calculate the case-mix index for each month in the first quarter at Community Hospital. Round to four decimal places.

January 2.2550 February 3.0370 March 2.8157

List the days in each month for a non-leap year.

January 31 days February 28 days March 31 days April 30 days May 31 days June 30 days July 31 days August 31 days September 30 days October 31 days November 30 days December 31 days

In which type of sample does the researcher rely on his or her opinion to select the subjects?

Judgment sample

Using Chart D - calculate the rate of admissions approved for each month and for the quarter. Round to two decimal places.

July 97.26% August 99.55% September 99.46% Quarter 98.77%

The Family Practice Department at University Medical School offered the following information to its Advisory Board about placement of Family Practice graduates in your state for the past five years: Year 1 = 55 positions offered and 46 positions filled; Year 2 = 50 positions offered and 46 positions filled; Year 3 = 52 positions offered and 40 positions filled; Year 4 = 61 positions offered and 58 positions filled; Year 5 = 64 positions offered and 62 positions filled. What type of graph would be most appropriate?

Line graph

Which of the following graphs would be best for the cancer registrar to use to display the five-year survival rates of lung cancer patients in the years 20XX to 20XX at your hospital?

Line graph

Based on the results listed in the chart on the bottom of page 319, how would you describe the relationship between heart attack patients being treated with aspirin and whether or not they lived?

Males with heart attack got treated with Aspirin are more likely to lived than male with attack did not get treat with Aspirin.

Dr. Anderson, a new pediatrician at Community Physician's Clinic, wants to study his new patients' growth charts to determine if they are within the guidelines for weight for age. His last ten 6-month old male infants showed weights of 13.2, 14.6, 15.8, 16.5, 18.5, 12.1, 15.4, 16.1, 18.0, 13.2. What is the mean, median, and range of infant weights he is seeing? Round to one decimal place.

Mean 15.3 pound(s) Median 15.6 pound(s) Range 6.4

Last month, 10 patients between the ages of 11 and 13 were seen in their pediatrician's clinic. Their heights were recorded as 51, 57, 60, 51, 52, 49, 53, 57, 61, and 50 inches. Determine the mean, median, and mode. Round to one decimal place.

Mean - 54.1 inch(es) Median - 52.5 Mode - 51 and 57

What is one of the simplest types of categorical data in which the values fall into unordered categories?


Which of the following types of data does not have a natural order?


A graph with a bell-shaped curve is referred to as having a _____.

Normal distribution

What do the wedges or divisions in a pie graph represent?


The administration at Community Physician's Hospital are interested in determining if they need to increase the number of physicians in order to see patients in a timely manner. The administrator asks the HIM manager to construct a graph that will show the following percentages about appointments in the following categories: patients who waited two to four weeks to see the physician, patients who waited one to two weeks to see a physician, patients who waited one week or less, and patients who were able to have an appointment on the day they called. Which would be the best graph to show this information?

Pie chart

Which of the following graphs would be best to use to display the percentages of diagnoses seen at your mental health center?

Pie graph

When a distribution is skewed to the right, this means there is a ________.

Positive skew

The business office at Community Hospital is looking at software that can help them with decreasing their fraud and abuse cases. The software claims to be able to flag those patients that would most likely be involved in fraud by examining many databases at the same time and finding those patients with demographic discrepancies. This is an example of _____.

Predictive analytics

The medical director has asked for a report that will tell him the probability of one of his patients with hypertension will result in a cerebrovascular accident. This is an example of _____.

Predictive analytics

A managed care organization is using a system that examines the past healthcare behaviors of their patients to determine their future costs for their healthcare. This is an example of _____.

Predictive modeling

Reword the following research hypothesis to a null hypothesis: Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of a child being born prematurely.

Premature births are NOT caused by smoking during pregnancy.

The medical director would also like to know if he should try a new medication to treat one of his hypertensive patient from having a CVA. This is an example of _____.

Prescriptive analytics

Your facility is looking at new software that will improve the outcomes of patients by giving recommendations on how to treat the patient in various disease categories. This is an example of _________.

Prescriptive analytics

A coding supervisor recorded the following salaries for the seven coding professionals in her HIM department section as $15.25, $16.72, $17.23, $15.34, $15.93, $17.05, and $16.21. Find the first and third quartile (Q1 and Q3).

Q1 = $16.21 Q3 = $15.34

The type of research describing events, persons, and so on without the use of numerical data is called:

Qualitative research

One of the questions on the patient satisfaction survey that is sent to the patient after discharge asks for the number of times the nurses checked the patient's vital signs in a day. This is an examples of which type of data?


The type of research that uses methods or numbers, including comparisons of the population and statistical analysis, to describe results is called _____.

Quantitative research

Community Hospital is using a system that will help them detect when intracranial pressure becomes high in patients with a recent CVA that will quickly send an alert to the physician. This is an example of _____.

Real-time analytics

The physicians and pharmacy at Community Hospital have access to controlled substance history information immediately at the patient's bedside which now allows the physician to make better decisions about prescribing medications for the patient. This is an example of _____.

Real-time analytics

Which of the following is the repeatability of scientific observations?


This type of sample consists of individuals from the population chosen in such a way that every individual has an equal chance of being selected.

Simple random sample

Define inferential statistics.

Statistics that are used to make inferences from a smaller group of data to a large one

Which data-collection method gathers data from a relatively large number of cases at a particular time?


Given the following null hypothesis, give an example of a Type II error. H0: There is no difference in the level of understanding of this chapter between students who have previously taken a statistics course and students who have not previously taken a statistics course.

The null hypothesis is not rejected, yet it is false. It is determined that there is no difference between the in the level of understanding of this chapter between students who have previously taken a statistics course and students who have not previously taken a statistics course, but in fact there is a difference between the students who have previously taken a statistics course understanding this chapter better than the students who have not previously taken a statistics course.

Given the following null hypothesis, give an example of a Type I error. H0: There is no difference between the number of males or females who go to their primary care physician for an annual exam.

The null hypothesis is rejected, but it is true. It is determined that there is a difference between the number of males or females who go to their primary care physician for an annual exam, but in fact there is no difference between their number of males or females who actually go to their primary care physician for an annual exam.

There is no difference between emergency room shifts on medication errors. What are the differences between emergency room shifts on medication errors?

There is no difference between emergency room shifts on medication errors.

Create a null hypothesis for the following research question: On a clinical trial of a new drug, what will be the effects over a currently used drug?

There is no difference between the two drugs.

The degree to which scientific observations actually measure or record what they purport to measure is referred to as _____.


Identify which choices would be considered descriptive statistics and which would be considered inferential statistics. For grading purposes only answers with either descriptive or inferential. Of 500 randomly selected people in New York City, 210 people had O+ blood.

a. "42 percent of the people in New York City have O+ blood." Is the statement descriptive statistics or inferential statistics? Descriptive b. "58 percent of the people of New York City do not have type O+ blood." Is the statement descriptive statistics or inferential statistics? Descriptive c. "42 percent of all people living in New York State have type O+ blood." Is the statement descriptive statistics or inferential statistics? Inferential

Identify which choices would be considered descriptive statistics and which would be considered inferential statistics. For grading purposes, please answer with the word descriptive or inferential. On the last three Friday evenings, City Hospital diagnosed a number of heroin overdoses. There were four on January 14, 20XX, two on January 21, 20XX, and six on January 28, 20XX.

a. "City Hospital averaged four heroin overdoses in their ER for the last three Friday evenings." Descriptive b. "City Hospital never has more than six heroin overdose on Friday evenings." Inferential c. "Friday nights are the busiest time for heroin overdoses at City Hospital." Inferential

Your medical terminology instructor listed the following grades for the class out of a 75-point test: 34, 36, 41, 43, 44, 49, 50, 55, 57, 60, 64, 66, 67, 67, 67, 68, 68, 69, 70, 73

a. Find the 90th percentile. 69 b. Your score was 64; what is your percentile? 55 percentile

The following table shows the LOS for a sample of 11 discharged patients. Using the data in the table, calculate the mean, range, variance, and standard deviation, and then answer questions e and f. Round the variance and standard deviation to one decimal place.

a. Mean 5 b. Range 28 c. Variance 64.8 d. Standard deviation 7.7 e. What value is affecting the mean and standard deviation of this distribution? 29 f. Does the mean adequately represent this distribution? If not, what would be a better measure of central tendency for this data set? The mean does not adequately represent this distribution. The median (3) is a better measure of central tendency for this data set.

In September, the hospital had three coding professionals who coded 1,500 inpatient records, and 22 of the records failed the quality screens.

a. What is the average number of records coded by each coding professional? 500 b. What was the average number of records coded each working day (Monday through Friday at 21 workdays) in September? Round to two decimal places. 71.43 c. What percentage of records passed the quality screens? Round to two decimal places. 98.53%

Given the following p values, which would be considered more significant?

b. p ≤ 0.02

From the chart on the bottom of page 239, use the list of discharges each day in September, compute the mean, median, mode, and range. Round the mean and median to one decimal point.

mean 48.7 median 50.5 mode 43 and 62 range 49

Round 13.26375489 to:

two decimal places 13.26 a whole number 13 three decimal places 13.264

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