Hebrew Bible Final

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Josiah's reform

After finding the book of law, he institutes a series of reforms. He destroyed pagan idols and images and cleansed the temple of other gods and religions. He governed according to the law. In addition to instituting the exclusive worship of YHWH, he upheld other laws such as the Passover.


City in Epic of Gilgamesh - Gilgamesh rules over this city - Gilgamesh is significant because it provides a mirror to reflect on how the Genesis creation story may have been influenced by other ancient texts


Commander of David's forces during Absalom's rebellion in 2 Samuel 18. Absalom was David's son who rallied against David and Israel. David could not bring himself to kill his own son, so Joab's men do instead. Joab scolds David for mourning over his son in 2 Samuel 19. Joab turns his allegiance to David's son Adonijah rather than the promised king, Solomon. On his deathbed, David orders for Solomon to have him killed. Joab flees to the House of Yahweh where he is killed by Benaiah. Significant because this shows the importance of allegiance to the Davidic monarch?


Completes with Solomon for the throne - attempts to say Solomon isn't worthy because of his sexual sin with Bathsheba. Solomon arranges a group of supporters to get the throne even though Adonijah is the oldest. Both are involved in the succession narrative which is the conflict surrounding who will take over the throne after David - 1 Kings - Prophet Nathan and Solomon's mother convince David to name Solomon his successor.


Sounthern kingdom in Israel, exiled in 586 to Babylon. [The name of one of Jacob's sons, the ancestor of the tribe of Judah. This tribe dominated southern Israel and became the southern kingdom of Judah. Later the same region was called Judah.]

Syro-Ephraimite Crisis

The attack on Judah and Jerusalem by the northern kingdom of Israel and Aram in 734 BCE, in an attempt to force the king of Judah, Ahaz, to join an anti-Assyrian alliance.the siege of Jerusalem which was also accompanied by devastation of the kingdom of Judah outside the capital by the northern kingdom of Israel. this was a result of King Ahaz, the Judean king, becoming an Assyrian vassal. This was very controversial because as God's people, they werent supposed to rely on anybody else for protection. They were supposed to be God's vassal.

722 BCE

capital city of Samaria falls to Assyria and N kingdom ceases to exist. The people cease to exist as a people. Deport them and scatter them throughout the empire & import their people. Causes King Ahaz to become a vassal to Assyria.

Four Beasts (Daniel 7)

detailed in a dream that King Belshazzar of Babylon told Daniel, the four winds of heaven summoned four great beasts from the sea; a lion with eagle's wings, bear, leopard with wings, and the fourth, most terrifying beast made of iron with horns and teeth; these were interpreted as four kings to rise out of the Earth, the fourth of which will "devour the whole Earth and trample it down." SIG: This is an example of apocalyptic literature. Represents four kingdoms to come. But one shall be different and put down the other kings. Everlasting Kingdom will be established

Succession Narrative

In modern scholarship, the originally independent source incorporated into the Deuteronomistic History that relates how Solomon eventually succeeded David on the throne. It is found in 2 Samuel 9-20 and 1 Kings 1-2. Also called the "Court History of David."

Royal Ideology

In passages about David's reign, the Deuteronomistic historians address this ideology. In modern scholarship, this is the term for the complex of ideas associated with the Davidic Monarchy/Davidic Covenant. Carries the idea that the kings are chosen by God. The Davidic covenant was a model used to describe the relationship between God and the King: guaranteed that the dynasty became an "everlasting covenant" (2 Sam 23:5).

Maccabean Revolt

168 BC, Jewish revolt against Antiochus IV Epiphanes (Greek ruler) In the second century BCE, during the Hellenistic period, a revolt against the Hellenistic period and Antiochus the fourth. Hanukah originated from this when the oil lasted for eight days. There is two books 1st and 2nd Maccabees in the bible which describe the revolt and the time period.


A word of Greek origin meaning "divine justice," used with reference to literature that deals with the problem of human suffering, especially the suffering of the innocent.the "mainstream" view of wisdom tradition as exemplified in the book of Proverbs and Biblical Literature in general, especially the Deuteronomistic History and the prophets.


A word of Greek origin meaning "gathering together," used of religious assemblies of Jews and the buildings in which such assemblies took place.ouse of prayer. established during the Babylonian exile. because the exiled Israelites did not have the temple to worship in, they created these synagogues as ways to worship YHWH. Shows the way worship changed as the Israelites faced different situations. Think of the article Sinai vs Zion and how the Israelites in exile placed in emphasis on laws (Sinai theology) because they didn't have the temple (Zion theology). These Synagogues helped the Israelites worship in a "zion theological" way in exile.


"the blending of two or more religious beliefs into a new system" I'm going to have to say that this has something to do with the Babylonian exile. The Israelites may have absorbed some of Babylonian culture when the was there/ a major concern for them was maintaining their identity. ie. Daniel is all about maintaining identity in a foreign land aka. avoid syncretism.

Cyrus II of Persia

(AKA Cyrus the Great). The Persian King who conquered the kingdom of Babylon in 539 BCE. He is important because of his unique style of administration, employed to maintain his new vast empire. He exhibited great regard for local legal entities and allowed communities to maintain a considerable degree of autonomy (they could continue to follow their own laws and customs). He did not employ assimilation like Assyria or deportation like Babylon. Quite the contrary, in the case of Judah, he passed the Edict of Cyrus in 538 BCE, which initiated the repatriation of Jewish exiles from Nebuchadnezzar's deportations of 597 and 586. He is also recorded in the Bible to have supported and funded the restoration of the Temple. The interesting quirk about the Biblical record is that Cyrus is perceived as a Messianic anointed agent of Yahweh who actually glorifies the Jewish God in his decrees. While this description is highly unlikely due to his Persian culture (he actually glorifies Marduk on the Cyrus cylinder), it understandably reflects the jovious perception of the exiles and the approving evaluation of the Deuteronomistic Historian, for his decree was truly an act of liberation from the period of exile the people had just emerged from. Also, it reflects their contemporary worldview, for Yahweh was believed to be behind all events of history, directing both the agents of punishment and deliverance.

Esther's Prayer

(Chapter 14 of the Esther with Additions) In the Greek Septuagint, the book of Esther contains more acts for living in exile as a Jew than in the Hebrew version. Esther's Prayer is in the Greek version of the book is a direct prayer from Esther to Yahweh asking for help. SIG: This shows that the Jewish people living in exile how to live in exile. It shows that prayer is an important part of the practice of Judaism that can be practiced anywhere.

Law of the King

(Deut. 17;14-20) God allows Israel to have a king -- as long as he has a hand in it. → RESTRICTIONS (on wives, riches, horses, must be an Israelite). Yahweh is their new Suzerain. Negative/pessimistic view of having a king. *God has an air of resignation (king not really wanted; ambivalent law/compromise). Israel conforms to foreign politics [shift from hierarchical families to monarchy. Foreshadows pitfalls of kingship seen in Judges/ Samuel with king Saul. Israel rejects God as their king.

New Exodus

(Isaiah 40+) To persuade Israelites to return to Judah, Isaiah uses the language of the exodus. He says that the whole world will be amazed and that King Cyrus is YHWH's agent in this exodus. Isaiah 40 also says that they are finally being restored because they have paid for their sins. YHWH is going to deliver his people again.A topic in Ezra/ Nehemiah where they reference the return to Israel from Babylon as the Exodus from Egypt, they view the exile as a mini exodus reaffirming the Sinai Covenant Nehemiah specifically relates it back to the Exodus in Nehemiah Chapters 8-10.


(Judges 6-8) a reluctant judge, who is given signs of divine presence and protection, father of Abimilech, defeats the Midianites, Gideon questions God because he is of the weakest tribe, the least of his family, he dissembles the altar of Baal and sacred pole, leads to Battle with the Canaanites and victory because of YHWH, people approve so much that they want Gideon to rule them, he initially refuses dynastic kingship because he says Yahweh is the only king, no room for a human king; Gideon has a change of heart, melts jewelry, makes ephod/unifying symbol like a king. SIG: This narrative begins the quandary of kingship in Ancient Israel, the temptation of power leading Kings astray from worship of Yahweh and living with his covenant.

Bethel and Dan

1 Kings 12 - locations of illicit shrines set up by Jeroboam in the Northern Kingdom, "to discourage worship by his subjects in Jerusalem, the capital of the rival kingdom" (Cgn 241). This violated YHWH's command that Israel have one shrine in Jerusalem (and is one of the "Sins of Jeroboam" to which Bible attributes the fall of the North in 722). Idea of YHWH as the only suzerain - he is very controlling over Israel - wants their full loyalty (covenant).

Agag the Amalekite

1 Samuel 15 - King of the Amalekites, who were first defeated by King Saul. Saul killed all the people and took all their livestock, but he let Agag live. Samuel saw this as a defiance of God's will who commanded Saul to destroy all of the people and the land when they won a war. So, Samuel killed Agag. This example shows the power that Samuel had during Saul's rule - anytime Samuel did not like what Saul was doing, he took over and made the decisions that he thought were in line with God's will. The relationship between the Amalekites and the line of Saul, the Benjamites, resurfaces in the story of Esther. Haman is an Agaggite while Mordecai is introduced as a Benjamite


730 BCE - King of Southern Kingdom of Israel - He was kind of put between a rock and a hard place in the Syr-ephrimite war. He accepted a deal from TP III to become a vassal instead of joining Israel and Syria. This deal with TP III is a massive violation of Israel's covenant with YHWH - also demonstrates a lack of faith in YHWH by Ahaz (second kings). Also is significant because Isaiah is Ahaz's political advisor. Ahaz is told to not fear attacks from the north and that the Kingdom of Judah will find peace again with the birth of a boy named Immanuel, but he does not heed this advice (see Isaiah 7-8)

Covenant of Grant

A Grant Covenant has 4 major parts: 1.) giver of the covenant makes a commitment to the vassal, 2.) Represents an obligation of the master to his vassal, 3.) Primarily protects the rights of the vassal, 4.) No demands made by the superior party on the vassal.A Hittite charter between a deity and human, where some privilege is conferred to the latter. A warrior (one person, not a group) is granted the covenant to be king as a gift—he just receives it; he doesn't ratify or accept it. It's simply bestowed upon him. Only the deity is bound by an oath in this covenant. Shift from covenant at Siani where the vassals had to obey YHWHs rules - this is a serious shift in the character of YHWH - shows his dedication and love for the Israelites.

Inviolability of Jerusalem

A belief that Jerusalem, the "chosen place of God," will not be destroyed. A sense of eternal security based on Nathan's oracle given to David in 2 Samuel 7:1-17 in which God says, "Your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me; your throne shall be established forever." (v. 16) Nathan delivers the message that Yahweh will guarantee the security of Israel and the house of David unconditionally, even if David's successors act wrongly. This belief is challenged by the prophets Jeremiah and Micah, who write that the city will be destroyed because of its transgressions. Significant because when Jerusalem falls and the temple is overthrown, those who hold this belief are distraught over the loss of God's presence. This sense of loss is answered in the theological solutions of Jeremiah and Ezekiel. ISAIH'S STRONG HOLDINGS TO ZION THEOLOGY


A book concerning the nature of God's justice. Job is a good man whom God identifies as righteous. God boasts about him to the Satan (The Accuser). Yahweh gives the Satan powers to take away from Job in order to prove Job's devotion. Job passes the test (Job 1:21). The book of Job addresses two problems: monotheism and piety. Job exemplifies the separation between deed and reward/punishment. Significant because this book signifies a turn in Israelite religion in which there is no connection between deed and reward/punishment. Yahweh is not bound to act based on human expectations- He is neither just nor unjust, He is just Yahweh.


A genre of literature in which details concerning the end-time are revealed by a heavenly messenger or angel. Includes Daniel. Related to eschatology or the study of end times. Includes parts of Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel - usually presents a bleak current picture, but a hopeful, positive, victorious future.


A language originating in ancient Syria that in the second half of the first millennium BCE became used widely throughout the Near East. Parts of the books of Daniel and Ezra are written in Aramaic. During the Persian period, it would have been a royal language (accurate usage in Ezra), although it gradually replace Hebrew during the Hellenistic period. Was eventually replaced by Greek.


A major prophet who is remembered as being "unrelentlessly" destructive. Credited author of Jeremiah, 1 & 2 Kings, and Lamentations. Deeply involved in politics, expresses complaint about the world by countering political rule. His mission is to pluck up and to pull down, to destroy and to overthrow," but also "to build and to plant" (Jeremiah 1:10). Jeremiah predicts divine judgment, but he also anticipates the defeat of the Babylonians, Jerusalem's restoration, the return of the exiles, and the renewal of the Sinai covenant. He prophesies a new covenant in Jer 31:31-34— a law and a promise of forgiveness that will be written on the hearts of Israel. Jerusalem falls as Jeremiah prophesies. Significant because Jeremiah prophesies judgment through the fall of Jerusalem, but he also provides consolation and guidance for Israel with a new covenant.

Ancient One/ Ancient of Days

A name for God in the Book of Daniel, captures essence of an everlasting god. In the Book of Daniel 7-12, the author depicts the most developed example of apocalyptic literature in the Hebrew Bible. He names God the "Ancient of Days." This is significant because in Ugaritic texts, the Canaanite god, El, is called "the father of years." This shows the influence by which surrounding areas religions had on the formation of Israel.


A priest & judge who acted as a teacher to the prophet Samuel. Samuel thinks Eli is calling him, but really its YHWH. Samuel sees image from god, that he will punish him for his family's wickedness by killing his sons before they achieve old age. Died at 98 from falling out of a chair and breaking his neck. Sees Hannah praying in temple, thinks she is drunk, sees her praying for children - tells her she will have children, her child is Samuel.


According to the Hebrew Bible, the Tribe of Ephraim Modern Efrayim Tiberian; "double fruitfulness" was one of the Tribes of Israel. The Tribe of Manasseh together with Ephraim also formed the House of Joseph. Northern tribe is named for him - splitting of Israel.

Greek Esther

Actually older than the Hebrew text that has survived. The Hebrew work is much more secular and was debated as to whether it counted as cannon. The Greek version includes references to god. Often called the Septuagint.


Administration The king is the apex of authority, with political, military, and religious officials under his direct control Legacy known as the king who extended peace and prosperity that David first started--this was in conjunction with the fact that David's stop to all military attacks continued and things were calm during Solomon's rule increased trade by a lot--enabled him to fund building projects Remembered as a wise king--from the start of his reign, he prays at Gibeon to be a wise leader however, he loved foreign women and worshipped foreign gods in high places/influence of syncretism in kingship according to the DH, wealthy kings do not equal good kings In Psalm 72, one of the only two psalms attributed to Solomon, the prosperity of the nation was linked with the king's rule, not with the conduct of the people in the Ten Commandments Solomon imposed himself between Israel and God

Day of YHWH

Amos does not use this term to predict the hopeful joyous day of deliverance as traditionally employed by prophets. Rather, he speaks of a day Israel should fear—the day that the God they have forsaken will turn against them and bring down the force of his wrathful punishment via his puppet, the Assyrian army. This is characteristic of Amos, for we often see him "reversing expectations" in his ministry, a strategy that boosted the effectiveness of his deliverance of the message he mediated. [A phrase used by the prophets to describe Yahweh's fighting against his enemies. In apocalyptic literature, it is used of the final battle between good and evil.]

Cyrus Cylinder

An artifact that describes a record of Cyrus the Great's reign over the Persian Empire. Significantly, it provides extrabiblical evidence of the Edict of Cyrus and records Judah as a benefactor of it. However, it reveals that this policy was administered universally, applying to all peoples of his empire, not Judah exclusively. Also, it shows that Cyrus was not a "follower of Yahweh", for he glorifies Marduk on the cylinder, as was typical of Persian religion. Ultimately, it helps us to evaluate the historicity of the Deuteronomistic History's account, allowing us to sift the elements of historicity from the theological evaluation/perspective.


An exile of the the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar's conquest of Jerusalem in 586 BC. He was one of the elite youngsters who was selected to serve in the court of the king and to be trained to be useful to the empire. Like Joseph, he was blessed with the gift of dream interpretation, and he also uses this ability to ease the anxiety of the King and to glorify Yahweh. The first half of his book is a narrative and can be read as a historically fictitious Diaspora novella. However it prescribes a different strategy of exile than Esther. According to the example of Daniel, it seems to recommend maintaining personal piety and faithfulness to God in a foreign land as the best path for survival as a people. In the second half of the book, the perspective changes to a 1st person narrative where Daniel experiences visions which he cannot understand. This portion of the book can be described as apocalyptic literature, and they reveal a historical snapshot of the progression of future kingdoms the world would see, finally predicting the "kingdom of God" to be the ultimate kingdom which would be eternal. In the end times, the guardian of Israel, Michael, would rise up and defeat the other evil spirits of the world, ushering in a new age for Israel and the world. Thus, it is hard to classify this book as either a prophecy or a writing; it is a bit of both.

Mesha Stele/Moabite Stone:

An inscribed monument erected by the Mesha (Moabite King) in mid-9th century BCE -- celebrates his victory over the Israelites. Inscribed monument erected by Moabite king Mesha in the mid 19th century celebrating his victory over the Israelites. It specifically mentions a northern Israelite king Omri explaining King of Moab's victory over Omri and his son. Some say it proves the kingdom but not necessarily a United Monarchy. Highlights the issue of Israeli claim to the land and the validity of the bible. Evidence of David, Solomon, and the monarchy is missing from it.


An ornamental part of the dress worn by the Hebrew priests. Young Samuel wore an ephod (1 Samuel 2:18).A piece of clothing made out of linen that is worn by high priests in Israel. One made out of gold by Gideon after his victory over the Canaanites- makes ephod/unifying symbol like a king. This narrative (of Gideon) begins the quandary of kingship in Ancient Israel, the temptation of power leading Kings astray from worship of Yahweh and living with his covenant.

City of David

Another name for Jerusalem, especially the ancient pre-Israelite city that King David captured and made his capital in the early tenth century BCE. In later tradition, it is also used of Bethlehem, David's birthplace. The city of David and the line of David are protected in the Davidic Covenant between David and YHWH. SIG: Jerusalem, referenced as the City of David, is the land promised by god to the Jewish people / Israelites since the exodus from Egypt led by Moses. The people have constantly struggled to obtain this land. It is also where the Temple is built, and therefore it was thought to be the home of God in the human realm. When the Temple was destroyed, it is thought that many people may have lost faith in God. The thought process was that if God's temple had been destroyed, he also had been destroyed. Therefore the City of David has much significance also in that David was seen as an underdog and Israel is also seen / is portrayed as an underdog time and time again in the Hebrew Bible. Therefore, by naming important Jewish cities after a classic and unexpected hero, there is great significance and relation.

587/586 BCE

Babylonian exile of the Judeans - Jerusalem falls, Temple destroyed. King Nebuchadnezzar attacks Jerusalem again and the city and temple are completely destroyed. Second wave of Judeans are taken to Babylonia/ 587- marks both a political/theological crisis. Political: the Davidic monarchy is ended. Theological: sense of belief that Yahweh has lost to the Babylonian God. *The record of history begins. Hebrew Bible comes out of this.

Uriah the Hittite

Bathsheba's husband. killed by David. can tie this in with David and Bathsheba and the consequences that follow not only David taking Bathsheba but David ordering Uriah to be killed. ie. God splitting up David's kingdom. The death of Bathsheba's baby and the insurrection of prince Absalom were punishments for David's adulterous affair and murder.

Amos' Oracles Against Nations

Begins by criticizing neighboring nations, then he turns to Israel with the most harsh and developed criticism. Amos prophesied that that Israel would be conquered by Northern countries in punishment for not following the commandments. On the other hand, he also promises that the Lord will restore Israel. Significance: Reason for why Israel would be conquered. God is in control of the situation not the gods of the oppressors. Exile is inevitable because reform is much needed in Israel.

Mount Moriah

Believed to be the site of the sacrifice of Isaac. Some scholars say that the Temple was built on this same site.

Song of Songs/Song of Solomon

Book found in the Old Testament, specifically the Ketuvim. Its inclusion in the biblical canon has been very controversial. It is only included because of its allegorical interpretation.

Minor Prophets

Called minor in reference to the length of the books of the Major Prophets. The twelve shorter prophetic books Hosea thru Malachi. Also known as the "Book of Twelve" and are roughly in chronological order.


Character from 2nd Samuel. She is the daughter of King David and the sister of Absalom. She was raped by her half brother Amnon. This causes a series of events known as divine retribution for David's having taken Uriah's wife Bathsheba and then having Uriah killed.

Latter Prophets

Contains Major and Minor prophets, fifteen books in total. Each book has its own literary and editorial history, and in general contain three types of materials: third person biography about the prophet,first person autobiography about the prophet, oracles/speeches by the prophet. Collections/anthologies of prophecies. 2nd part of Prophets -- includes Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the 12 minor prophets (Hosea - Malachi)


David's oldest brother whose stature and appearance impressed Samuel when he sought a king from among Jesse's sons (1Sam 6:6-7) SIG: 1 Samuel 17:28, Eliab states that he knows the wickedness of David's heart when he leaves the sheep up on the mountain in order to come down and watch the fighting. This incorporates doubt into the mind of the reader, making us wonder if David is actually good or evil and arrogant. It is later incorporated when David gets in trouble for sleeping with Bathsheba and then ordering Uriah to be killed. It shows an abuse of power and a hint of doubt from the beginning.


Day to be kept holy. No work is to be done on this day. Has ties to when YHWH created the world that he rested on the seventh day.


Depicted as the next David by the Deuteronomistic Historian. He leads a reformation after finding a book interpreting the covenant at Sinai during the repair of the Temple. Josiah strips the Temple of idols and enforces the worship of Yahweh alone. He destroys altars of other gods and reunites the north and south. Significant because although Josiah moves against popular religion, his reforms bring about the purging and purification of Judah.


Established as the religious center under the Davidic monarch, the site which Yahweh chose to reside, and in the Deuteronomistic ideology, the only place where Yahweh can be worshiped. The city in which the Temple was built in 1 Kings 5-8 under King Solomon. In royal Judean ideology, God promises to defend the city of Jerusalem (Isa 37:35). Jerusalem falls to Babylonians in 587 BCE, and the Temple is destroyed causing a theological crisis. With the fall of Jerusalem, the religion and theology of Judah is shaken. Judah is purged and purified through religious reform during exile. In 70 AD, Rome took over Jerusalem and Jews were exiled and persecuted for 150 years. Jerusalem remains a holy city for all Abrahamic religious traditions. Dome of the Rock is now located on the place where Isaac was sacrificed. Jews are waiting for Zion to be given back to them because it represents the place where God's presence resides. Significant because it is the holy city of all Abrahamic religious traditions, and its claim for territory has caused an identity crisis for the Jewish tradition.


Esther's cousin who tells her to go before the king when the Jews are in danger, he also saves the king from a plot against his life. Mordecai instructs Esther but Esther eventually takes things into her own hands and starts instructing Mordecai. He is the enemy of Haman because he refuses to bow down before him. Mordecai receives the honors that Haman had deserved and Haman sufferers the punishment that he had planted for Mordecai.


Esther/Hadassah born Hadassah, is the eponymous heroine of the Biblical Book of Esther. According to the Bible, she was a Jewish queen of the Persian king Ahasuerus. Esther told the king of Haman's plan to massacre all Jews in the Persian Empire, and acknowledged her own Jewish ethnicity.In the Hebrew version of the book of Esther, Esther had ethnic identity rather than piety. She participated in exogamy and did not keep dietary habits. The book of Esther also never mentions God (Hebrew Version).

Tiglath-pileser III/Pul

Exacted 1000 talents of silver tribute from King Menahem of Israel and then defeated his successor Pekah. Ahaz, king of Judah at the time, appealed to Pul by promising him Temple Gold in exchange for the destruction of their enemies. Pul seized Damascus and executed the leader Rezin. Alliance was not beneficial to Ahaz. plays a role in the controversial decision of the Judeans becoming an Assyrian vassal and was also significant in the formation of Assyrian inscriptions which are the majority of non-biblical sources.


Father of David and grandson of Ruth and Boaz. Mentioned in both the genealogy of David (1 Chronicles 2) and Jesus Christ (Luke 3:23-38). He was a descendant of Ruth, a foreign woman, and also an ancestor of two of the most influential figures in history, David and Jesus Christ. Significant because during Ezra's reforms enforcing the divorce of foreign women, this genealogy is a biological account, which emphasizes that foreign women who committed sexual indiscretion were responsible for the lives of both David and Jesus.

Isaiah of Jerusalem/First Isaiah

First Isaiah is believed to have developed in the 8th century BCE while Isaiah lived in Jerusalem under the Davidic monarch, Ahaz. First Isaiah, or Isaiah chapters 1-39, is thought to be an anthology because of its overlaps with other biblical books. 1 Isaiah is a book of prophecy with elements of apocalyptic literature in which Isaiah condemns Jerusalem for its lack of faith and predicts an apocalypse. Significant because this text does not fit with chapters 40-66 of Isaiah, and its attachment to second and third Isaiah poses several theological questions: why are these bodies of prophecy attached, and does Isaiah 2/3 add to Isaiah 1 even if that is not what Isaiah of Jerusalem intended?prophet; in call narrative (Isaiah 6) he is in the Temple at a meeting of the divine council and Yahweh asks "whom shall I send?"; Isaiah is not a reluctant prophet like Moses and Jeremiah but volunteers- "Here I am, send me!"; Isaiah's message is highly theological and political because he's close to the royal house/probably a political counselor; concerned with 3 things: kingship of Yahweh dominates world affairs, Yahweh's radical holiness, and Zion traditions; Temple very important to him


First born of David and so he was supposed to be David's successor. After David's affair with Bathsheba, Amnon rapes his half-sister, Tamar. Pretended to be sick and while she was tending to him, he raped her. This seems to be suggesting a "like father, like son" sort of idea. Amnon is killed by his half-brother, Absalom for this and Absalom is, thus, exiled.


From mashiah ("anointed one"); used to refer to past and present kings and priests who had been anointed.


In the epic of Gilgamesh, the wild man created by the gods to distract Gilgamesh from his antisocial activities. Gilgamesh and Enkidu became friends, and Enkidu's death motivated Gilgamesh to seek immortality. Talk about outside influences on the Hebrew Bible

Alexander the Great

Great leader and general - defeated Persian empire established by Cyrus. Book of Daniel predicts separation of empire into 4 states. He was tolerant of the Jews (this is an example of how living in exile effected Jewish life) & allowed them to pay taxes as vassal, like the empires before.

"The Sin of Jeroboam"

He was made King of the North after the ten northern tribes rejected Rehoboam and made his capital Shechem. He set up shrines to worship at so they would no longer travel to the temple in Jerusalem. This was his sin.Helped the enslaved Israelites This phrase is used a lot in 1 and 2 Kings--closely related to the negative assessment of the northern kingdom as they were seen as contaminated by Jeroboam's sins Shows the fact that the DH wrote an ideologically biased history, in which the northern kingdom of Israel is explicitly portrayed negatively and the southern kingdom of Judah positively

Darius I of Persia

He was the Persian king who had to throw Daniel into the lion's den. Also, he is recorded in Daniel as the Persian king who conquered Balteshezar's Babylonian empire (when it was actually Cyrus II who conquered Babylon). Works on rebuilding the temple too - Zion theology?


Hebrew term for the underworld get swallowed up in a chasm (!!!) Job 3:13-19 says that this is where everyone is equal, whether kings or slaves, but where they cannot do anything about it Embracing the view of Ecclesiastes that says that death is irrevocable and life after death is devoid of content Evocative of the theodicies' attempt to reconcile divine goodness with repetitive evil--a part of that Qohelet struggled with the concept of death and said that it is too democratic--too much of a leveler--caused him to bring into question the meaning of anything if we just end up losing it in death

Hezekiah's Tunnel

Hezekiah's Tunnel Underground water conduit, purpose was to divert Jerusalem's main water source source to protect it from enemy (Assyrian) attack or poison. Part of the expanded area beyond the fortified limits of the city of David. [A 1700 ft long tunnel under the city of David, constructed during the reign of King Hezekiah of Judah in the late eighth century BC. Its function was to divert the waters flowing from the Gihon Spring to a location within the city wall. ] supports 2 Chronicles 32:30 which says "This same Hezekiah closed the upper outlet of the waters of Gihon and directed them down to the west side of the city of David"

High Place

High Place A place of idolatrous worship apart from the temple; place of worship of gods, usually dedicated to gods other than YHWH. Many were destroyed by Hezekiah. i.e. Cultic sites of Bethel and Dan were kept by the northern kingdom—this is an act against YHWH. Significant because they show that Israel, even in the promise land, began to adopt local cultic practices and followed other gods besides YHWH; Israel, even in the promise land remained heavily influenced by the culture and religion of their neighbors (Caanaites or somebody) - talk about Zion theology - temple as high place

Solomon's Temple

Holy temple in ancient Jerusalem. Constructed under Solomon circa 10th century BCE. Destroyed by king Nebuchadnezzar II after the siege of Jerusalem in 587 BCE. Temple was dedicated to YHWH and said to have housed the Ark or the Covenant.reflects the Deuteronomistic insistence that there was only one legitimate place for the worship of YHWH. Major symbol in Zion theology.


In 1 Sam 15 we see that God commanded Saul to destroy all of the Amalekites and all of their things. Saul, however, did not destroy all of their spoils and sacrificed to the Lord as opposed to doing what the Lord said. We see here that the role of the king is to do what God says, not what the king thinks is best. This is furthered when Samuel, the prophet, calls him out for this. The king is not who is in charge, it is God.

Covenant Lawsuit

In a rib, a prophet accuses and sentences Israel for covenantal infidelity in their relationship with Yahweh. Usually occurs once the infidelity has reached a crisis point, after much prophetic warning, as in the case of Hosea's message to the Northern Kingdom. The time for repentance has past. Punishment is due and imminent. [A genre used by prophets in which Israel is put on trial by Yahweh for having violated its covenant with him.] This is an interesting way that God enables the prophets "mouthpiece of God". Hosea 4

Major Prophets:

In modern scholarship, the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, so called because of their relative length compared to the shorter books of the Minor Prophets. In Christian tradition, the books of Lamentations and Daniel have often been included under this heading.


In the Gilgamesh epic, the hero of the story of the Flood. A king and priest of Shurrupak, whose name translates as "He Who Saw Life." By the god Ea's connivance, Utnapishtim survived the great deluge that almost destroyed all life on Earth by building a great boat that carried him, his family, and one of every living creature to safety. The gods granted eternal life to him and his wife. (sparknotes) Again, Gilgamesh is important as a comparison to the biblical creation Epics - specifically this may mirror the Noah story with the ark


In the Old Testament, the most common word for glory is the Hebrew kabod, meaning "heavy in weight." When you glorify someone, you recognize his importance, or the "weight," of some desirable uniqueness he possesses. Beauty, majesty, and splendor are the main ideas the word seeks to convey. Presence of God. Ezekiel "And upward from what had the appearance of his waist I saw as it were gleaming metal, like the appearance of fire enclosed all around. And downward from what had the appearance of his waist I saw as it were the appearance of fire, and there was brightness around him. Like the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud on the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness all around. Such was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. And when I saw it, I fell on my face, and I heard the voice of one speaking."

Second Isaiah/Deutero-Isaiah:

Includes chapters 40-55; dates to sixth century BCE Is a deviation from the original notion that the Book of Isaiah was all written by Isaiah son of Amoz and shows the progression in scholarly analysis of the book Echoes the analyses of the Pentateuch that state that an eighth-century BCE prophet, for example, could not know what was going on during another century The book is part of a lengthy process of formation The Temple is planned to be restored Shows the disagreements that happen over chronology/historical specificities Verbal parallels between "the Isaiah Apocalypse" and chapters 34-35, which comprise an oracle against Edom and an account of the return from exile Concept of a "new exodus": links Yahweh's earlier acts together and makes it seem like newer, better things are coming-- "Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old" (Isa 43:18). uses metaphorical language begins with the completion of judgment; does not deny that sin exists but recognizes that it is over and the Jews will turn over a new leaf Four songs about the "servant of Yahweh" Identifying the servant is hard. The first approach includes mentioning the servant as an individual who is suffering (maybe Moses) "the servant of the Lord" as important individuals such as Abraham, David, Joshua, Moses The second approach sees the servant as a literary figure, a personification of the nation of Israel Israel herself is mentioned multiple times--could be a possible figure Monotheism is clearly stated for one of the first times in the Hebrew Bible ("I am the first and the last, besides me there is no god" 44.6)


Initially selected by God in response to the people's request for a king over Israel. He was selected as a king who would fight for Israel, but ironically, in the David & Goliath story, paid others to fight against Goliath. Saul is a tragic figure because Yahweh set him up for failure-- although doomed early, he rules for 42 years after having lost both Samuel & Yahweh's support. He loses his right to a dynasty by violating Deut. laws: offers a sacrifice by himself, without the presence of a priest. Positive: started an army. Negative: enmity toward David.He was a fulfillment of a prophecy which talked about how the kings would only be painful for the Israelites.

Tel Dan Stele/Inscription

Inscribed stone found around 1993/94 during excavations at Tel Dan in Northern Israel. Writings are in Aramaic, but are mostly accounts of battles. Hazael (the unnamed king) boast of his victories over the king of Israel and his ally the king of the "House of David." The FIRST time David is mentioned outside of the Bible. Is thought to be genuine in reference to the Davidic Dynasty and the Aramaic Kingdom of Damascus.


Israel wanted a king to lead them into battle against this group of people. The Philistines great warrior, champion, was Goliath, a giant. King Saul is scared of the Philistines, so David shows up on the scene bringing food to his brothers. King Saul calls David in and David says the Lord will protect him, refuses armor, and shoots Goliath in the head with a stone. Israel triumphs over the Philistines. But the Philistines are not done, in 1 Samuel 29-31 they reappear and they gathered their forces and killed King Saul, his amour bearer, and three sons all in one day and cut off their heads. David becomes king and his men fight the Philistines.

Jeremiah's Temple Sermon

Jeremiah stands at the temple gates and delivers God's word in Jeremiah 7:1-15. He announces Yahweh's conditions for continued possession of the Promised Land: "Amend your ways and your doings, and then I will dwell with you in this place. Do not trust in these deceptive words: 'This is the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord'" (Jer 7:3-4). Judah relied on divine protection, as promised in 2 Samuel 7, which assured security for Jerusalem. Jeremiah's Temple Sermon is significant in that it rebukes the ideology of the Inviolability of Jerusalem. Jeremiah says that divine protection is conditional—based on Judah's observance of the Sinai covenant.


Jeroboam I was installed as king here Only place explicitly stated in Deuteronomy as a place of worship for Israelites an important tribal center during the premonarchic period and one of the principal cities of the northern kingdom of Israel after the death of Solomon in the late tenth century BCE In general, it is a crucial site for the renewal of the covenant and a continuous evaluation of the logistics of kingship/theology


Jew ("Yehudi") is a name derived from the piece of recovered land in Jerusalem called the territory of Yehud. Originally it applied to all territories of Judah. Yehudi replaces the name Israeilite— it is a statement of nationality, not just a designation tied to geography. Question: How feasible is it to call yourself a Jew if you live outside of the land? Isaiah accredits Jewish identity to those who return to Jerusalem, Esther sees identity as cultural and traditional practice in diaspora. Significant because this label of nationality gives former exiles who remained in diaspora a sense of nationality and connection with their homeland.


Jewish feast celebrated annually on the l4th, and in Shushan, Persia, also on the 15th, of Adar, in commemoration of the deliverance of the Persian Jews from the plot of Haman to exterminate them, as recorded in the Book of Esther. According to that book the feast was instituted as a national one by Mordecai and Esther. In Esther 3.7, Haman cast a lot [in Hebrew=Purim] to wipe out the Jews, and these days of Purim were to be observed as a Jewish holiday. This word is most likely Babylonian in origin, and the festival was most likely incorporated into Jewish tradition during the exile. The holiday is also known as Mordecai's Day.

Deuterocanonical Works

Jewish religious writings of the Hellenistic and Roman periods that are not considered part of the Bible by Jews and Protestants, but are part of the canons of Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches. Includes Judith, Wisdom, Sirach/Ecclesiastics, Maccabees 1+2 - Includes septuigant version of Esther - YHWH interwoven into a text that doesn't originally have him - Includes info from Dead Sea Scrolls - shows how canonization is a human process that varies between religions

Behemoth and Leviathan

Job 40 - possibly "forms of the chaos deity destroyed by the storm-god in the battle that preceded creation...composite mythical creatures with enormous strength, which humans like Job could not hope to control, but both are reduced to the status of divine pets, with rings through their noses and Leviathan on a leash. Example of outside influence on the bible - Job & Isaiah refer to these creatures to use specific and relatable imagery.

Bildad, Eliphaz, Zophar

Job's three friends, who try to convince him that his sufferings must be punishment for some sin, and urge him to confess. They even go as far as to accuse Job of wickedness.

Wisdom Literature

Job, Ecclesiastes, Proverbs - narratives of Joseph and Esther - influenced by near eastern compositions - YHWH is sometimes placed in to make it a religiously framed text. A type of writing whose focus is human existence and often its relationship to the divine. It employs a variety of forms, such as proverbs, dialogues, and fables. Wisdom literature was used widely in the ancient Near East and is found throughout the Bible, especially in the books of Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes, and Sirach, and the Wisdom of Solomon in the Apocrypha.


King Saul's daughter who helps David escape. Marries David to legitimize him as king.She even goes so far as to defy Saul and rescue David from the wilderness. She represents YHWHs rejection of Saul in her devotion to David and his family instead of her father. She is also an example of how women can play important roles in the bible.


King of Israel (Northern Kingdom) - married to a powerful woman, Jezebel. Their marriage is an example of one of the key issues of the israelites: marriage to foreign wives. The DH also use this marriage as an example of the problems of worldly monarchy. Ahab's rule and sin (see episode of Naboth's vineyard in 1 Kings 20) results in the destruction of the dynasty as prophesied by Elijah. Ahab's connection to the prophet Elijah is exemplary of how social justice became a topic of many prophets' preaching (Coogan 253).

Qohelet/ Ecclesiastes

Looks to reconcile divinity and divine goodness with repetitive evil. Wisdom excels folly, however, both the wise man and the fool end up in the same place. Death is the great equalizer. Qohelet acts as a sustained meditation on the complexities of life. It is a part of wisdom literature and is existential with cynical tendencies. Addresses one of the deepest anxieties, that God is not completely just.

Jehoiakim II

King of Judah, second son of Josiah. "He did what was evil in the sight of the Lord, just as all his ancestors had done" (2 Kings 23:37). He raised taxes and eventually stopped paying tribute to Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon. Nebuchadnezzer II invaded Judah and lead siege of Jerusalem. Significance- he screwed Jerusalem over and caused their overthrow by Babylon. EXILE!

Ahaseurus/ Xerxes

King of Persia, in the capital of Susa, and one of the main characters of the Diaspora Novella of Esther. Ahasuerus is depicted as an incredibly wealthy and powerful king but also as a slightly comical figure. Esther ultimately finds favor with the King and plays a pivotal role in saving the Jewish people from mass murder. This points to the idea of how to live as an exiled minority in a foreign land - diaspora. It also shows the role that women played in the Hebrew Bible.

Zion Theology

Levenson - The Temple on Mt. Zion was the capstone of this promise, the place where the Israelites could participate in the transcendent, heavenly realm where YHWH dwells. In fact, according to Psalm 68, there is even a divine version of the earthly Temple: "He built his sanctuary like the heights, like the earth which he founded for all eternity." Its useful to think of the Temple, then, as a building based upon a divine blueprint, as the human expression of a divine ideal that exists beyond the human spectrum but in which the humanity can participate. The Temple is supremely significant because it is a little piece of earth which exists alongside its counterpart in heaven, where YHWH dwells eternally. For this reason, Levenson calls Mt. Zion a "cosmic mountain" or "the navel of the universe." It is the point at which heaven and earth meet, and because of its unique connection to the divine, Levenson describes it as "the epitome of the world, a concentrated form of its essence, a miniature of the cosmos." Even though Solomon himself acknowledges that YHWH cannot be contained in any physical space, the Temple is the place where his essence is most concentrated, and if YHWH is present in the Temple, then he is present everywhere in the world. It is helpful to think of the Temple as the eye of a river. The waters flow out from this center and stretch across the land, but all of the tributaries trace back to the same source, the Temple, which itself points toward heaven.

Deuteronomistic History

Literary entity that spans Joshua to kings (minus Ruth). It traces Israel's history from the end of the Pentateuch until the exile and return of the 6th century. Its name is derived from the fact that it takes the Deuteronomic Code as its "thesis statement." Essentially, it is a narrative form of a constitution document for the nation of Israel and focuses on how the Israelites should conduct themselves in the Promised Land. It tells the people's history based on these laws/worldview (worship Yahweh alone, centralize worship, covenant, law of the king, etc). [According to modern scholars, the books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings, which form a narrative history of Israel in the Promised Land. It was produced in several editions from the late eighth to the sixth centuries BCE by the Deuteronomistic Historians, who were informed by the principles of the book of Deuteronomy.]

Allegorical interpretation

Looking at a text and interpreting the literal meaning as a metaphor for something else. A big example of this is the Song of Songs. Here we see a secular love song in the Bible. This is significant because even though this book was not written with the intent of describing the relationship between Israel and God, it was still put in the Bible because that is what it was interpreted as over time. Daniel's interpretation of visions is another example of this.

Minimalists vs. Maximalists:

Minimalist --Conservative, DON'T use Bible as main source - no external collaborations united monarchy is fiction Maximalist --believe that the united monarchy DID existCAN use Bible as main source - its presented history IS reliable *show debate on how to read the Bible (primary or secondary source) Two different ways of approaching historicity of the bible; minimalists use very minimal evidence from the bible to support their claims while maximalists start with the biblical text first and then begin to corroborate historicity. In the David story minimalists claim Deuteronomistic history rewrote it to give Israel more history. There is not much evidence archaeologically, but more physical evidence was found when they found the "House of David" Steale, which was the earliest non-biblical David reference.


Nehemiah is governor over Judah, who helps with the rebuilding of Judah after the exile and rebuilds the walls in Jerusalem. The Israelites are having a sort of an 'identity crises' after their return from exile so he tries to tighten rules such as no foreign wives, and forces foreigners to leave Jerusalem. He also focuses on keeping the Sabbath and maintaining Jewish festivals.

Egyptian Love Poetry

Often seen in parallel to the Song of Songs. Debate on its allegorical meaning versus pure love poetry. Weirdly uses brother/sister as lovers.

Davidic Covenant

Only Yahweh is bound by an oath here. David just receives it; he doesn't ratify or accept it. It's simply bestowed upon him. While the king's covenant guarantees the eternality of his dynasty, it doesn't invalidate or supercede the Sinai covenant. Israel will still face the curses and blessings that are the stipulated consequences of its adherence to the previous covenant. This covenant resembles a covenant of grant because it is between God and David, and it is unconditional (for only the perfectly faithful Yahweh has any oath to uphold). At the time of the covenant, David has apparently already fulfilled his side of the pact (earning his worthiness). Thus, his heirs are merely an afterthought. They will benefit from this promise, but the covenant is between God and David—his descendants haven't yet earned God's favor in any way, nor are they expected/required to. [The covenant between Yahweh and David, which guaranteed the divine protection of the dynasty that David founded and of Jerusalem, its capital city.]

539 BCE

Persia makes an edict of Cyrus allowing people to return home to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple


Prophesied in Israel around 750 BCE. Prophet of reversals. Southern prophet in the Northern Kingdom. Prophesied during rule of Jeraboam II. His call narrative does not come until Chapter 7. It is unique because he says that he is not a prophet or a prophet's son and that he is merely a shepherd, showing his humbleness. Furthermore, God tells Amos that he shall marry and harlot and that Israel will be seized and he will die in an unclean land. He critiqued the social, political, and religious establishments. He goes into much details about how these institutions have gone against God's will. Israel needed reform and so God promised to send them into exile.

Ahijah the prophet

Prophesies the splitting of the northern and southern kingdoms in 928 BCE under the Reign of Jeroboam (Solomon's successor) - Ahijah asserts that Solomon does not walk in the ways of God like David did, so only the southern tribes will remain because Solomon had foreign wives with foreign Gods. This shows selective recall of the historians in the HB - David's faults are ignored and his piety is elevated to make him look like the perfect king.


Prophet - Nathan was sent by God to David to tell him YHWH will have steadfast love and he shall build YHWH a house. After David slept with Bathsheba and killed her husband on the front lines, God sent Nathan to him to tell David of a story of a rich and poor man and condemn David for Uriah (Bathsheba's husband) and says his son shall die. The child dies but David lay with Bathsheba again and she bears Solomon.

Antiochus IV/Antiochus Epiphanes

Ruled Jews 175 to 164 BCE, seen as villain and persecutor associated with Hanukkah from book of Maccabees


Samuel's mother; was barren but then given a child, which is a motif throughout the HB; also it indicates the motif that the son was divinely designated for an important role; she is independent/a developed literary character because she took the initiative to pray to God for fertility - Eli sees her in temple and tells her she will have a child


Saul's son who shares an intimate friendship with David. Their relationship is somewhat one sided- Jonathan loves David "as his own soul" (1 Samuel 18:1). Jonathan views David as his superior. They make a covenant in 1 Samuel 18:3 in which David receives Jonathan's loyalty. David is the only one who stands between Jonathan and the throne, yet he gives the throne to David. Jonathan helps David when Saul is trying to kill him. Jonathan is killed with his father Saul and his brothers on Mount Gilboa in 1 Samuel 31. David laments over the death of Jonathan in 2 Samuel 1. Significant because through the friendship (bromance) and covenant of Jonathan and David, Jonathan hands over his inheritance to David to become King of Israel. Also, the relationship between Jonathan and David is similar to the relationship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu. (Influence?)


She is identified as the wife or consort of the Sumerian Anu or Ugaritic El, the oldest deities of their pantheons. The Book of Jeremiah written circa 628 BC possibly refers to Asherah when it uses the title "Queen of Heaven" in Jer 7:18 and Jer 44:17-19, 25. Some biblical scholars believe that Asherah at one time was worshiped as the consort of Yahweh, the national god of Israel. There are references to the worship of numerous gods throughout Kings, Solomon builds temples to many gods during his reign and Josiah is reported as cutting down the statues of Asherah in the temple Solomon built for Yahweh.


Shows the ideology of the Davidic covenant and its manifestation--contractual metaphor that shows God's commitment to the Davidic dynasty Mentioned only nine times outside the Pentateuch A breach in the Sinai covenant resulted in a "covenant lawsuit" which involves Yahweh suing Israel for a breach of contract (swearing, adultery, making foreign alliances, etc. were all considered breaches)

597 BCE

Siege of Jerusalem by King Neb - all Judah witnesses King giving into Neb, beginning of the babylonian exile - Judah stopped paying their money to him because they thought he was weak from Egyptian issues


Small part of Judah that remained after exile - Cyrus allowed Judeans who returned to establish cult of Yehud - this was a time of turmoil as some people chose to turn & other chose to live out their lives in exile - there was also a fair amount of chaos surrounding the rebuilding of the temple - become the Jews


Son of Jerubbaal and Gideon the judge, who murders his brothers in order to establish himself as King of Israel in Shechem (location in Joshua 24 where the 12 tribes of Israel reaffirmed their covenant). Judges 9:2 "'Which is better for you, that all seventy of the sons of Jerubbaal rule over you, or that one rule over you?' Remember also that I am your bone and your flesh." (questions of how to integrate kingship into the social structure of Israel when a system of enslavement and violence ensues?)


Solomon's mother, with whom David had an illicit affair after arranging her husband Uriah's murder. This affair is a turning point in David's reign; as a result of his actions, David loses control of his house and is ousted by his son Absalom. Bathsheba is "an active participant in the machinations that lead to Solomon's coronation" (Cgn 214). 2 Samuel 11 - YHWH sends Nathan prophet to David to make it clear that kings can't just do what they want - David breaks law of the King in Deuteronomy by adultery & murder (basically has her husband killed) - Nathan's parable condemns David's actions - the little ewe lamb sounds like second syllable of Bathsheba's name.


Solomon's son and successor, King of Judah, proved to be an unfit king (928-911 BCE). Rehoboam sought counsel from his advisers when the people of the North asked for a three-day grace period. Rehoboam's older counselors advised moderation, the younger, retaliation. Rehoboam went with the latter advice, returned to the people with an answer that was to lead to the disintegration of the united monarchy that had lasted for only about a century under three kings: "My father made your yoke heavy, but I will add to your yoke; my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions."


Son of david - His sister, Tamar, flees to him when she is raped by her brother Amnom. It is up to him to bring justice to his brother, since David does not do anything. He is exile for fratricide, but eventually could return. Absalom attempts to seize the throne from David, but dies in rebellion.

Assyrian Empire

Strongest empire of its day, 934 to 609 BCE. Had Israel in relationship of Vassal. Destroyed Northern Kingdom in 722 after Pekah allied against King Ahaz of Judah, who then allied with Assyria (Exile 732, gone 722). This brings up covenant issues with Israel and YHWH.

Kinsman Redeemer

The Avenger of Blood, the Vindicator, is the goel. In Biblical Law the next of kin who is obligated to avenge or to assume the duties of a person, usually someone who has just died. In Job 19: 25-26, Job seems to be saying that he is confident that after he has died the truth of his case will be demonstrated by his goel, but he'd like it done in his lifetime. [In Hebrew the goel, the closest male relative who is legally responsible for his kin, usually in matters related to death and property. Often translated as redeemeer.

70 years

The amount of time prophesied that the Israelites would be in exile in Babylon--prophesied by Jeremiah


The Canaanite storm-god, who in Ugaritic myth defeats Sea and Death. In the Bible, worship of Baal is condemned. Especially in creation, Yahweh behaves like a storm god, an influence of Canaanite religion on the Hebrew Bible.


The Greek retelling of HB--has an altered and expanded version of the traditional Hebrew text of the Book of Esther aimed to make a secular book more religious adds repeated references to God guiding events and includes prayers from Mordecai and Esther, which makes the two seem more pious than they do in the Hebrew version Additions to the Book of Daniel relatively self-contained; not as elaborate as Esther's changes Beginning of the third century BCE shows the effects of different translations and the malleability of the Hebrew Bible

Dietary Laws

The Israelites were given a set of Dietary Laws at Mount Sinai. These were recorded by Moses and are found in Leviticus chapter 11 and Deuteronomy chapter 14. God told Moses certain animals were "clean" to eat — those with cloven hoofs which chewed the cud such as cattle, goats, sheep, deer, and so forth. All fish with fins and scales, and insects of the locust family were also "clean." The pig and the camel, however, were "unclean" and were not to be eaten. All carnivorous birds, sea creatures without fins and scales, most insects, rodents, reptiles, and so forth were "unclean." - reading on collab - Mary Douglas in that these laws had reason and thought put behind them and were not simply laws given out that the people followed with no reason - Deals with clean/unclean with regard to holiness. Douglas argues for the symbolic value of cleanliness as Leviticus 11 relates to the creation story in Genesis.Significance: both stories come from the P source. Maybe the same things that made them describe creation the way they did are present in Lev 11.Leviticus 11, 19. In Leviticus God, through Moses, presents what is clean and unclean for the Israelite people, mainly in regards to what they can and cannot eat. The terms clean/unclean are seen in contrast to the term "holy." We never get any clear idea of why certain things are clean or unclean. Theories include: 1) Douglas's theory on the idea of completion, 2) health reasons, 3) distinction, 4) setting apart from Canaanite practices, 5) codifying practices, 6) arbitrary rules for obedience... However we do get Leviticus 19:2 which states, "you shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy."

New Covenant

The Jewish view of the mere wording "new covenant" is no more than a renewed national commitment to abide by God's laws. In this view, the word new does not refer to commitment that replaces a previous one, but rather to an additional and greater level of commitment. Because Jews view the Mosaic covenant as applying only to Jews and any New Covenant merely a strengthening of the already existing one, Jews do not see this phrase as relevant in any way to non-Jews. For non-Jews, Judaism advocates the pre-Sinaitic Seven Laws of Noah. "Unlike Christianity, Judaism does not deny salvation to those outside of its fold, for, according to Jewish law, all non-Jews who observe the Noahide laws will participate in salvation and in the rewards of the world to come"A topic in Ezra/Nehemiah about renewing the covenant after the exile with a focus on endogamy, resuming sacrifices immediately, and keeping the bloodline pure (not simply accepting if they are circumcised such as with Dinah)

Babylonian Empire

The Neo-Babylonian, or Chaldean, Empire (626-539 BC) was a dominant cultural force in the Ancient Near East. Their capture of Jerusalem in 586 looms large in Israel's collective memory and throughout the Biblical text. Force the exile of the Israelites - diaspora & the theme of the little brother. Kings: Nabopolassar, Nebuchadnezzar II, and Nabonidus. Gave way to the Persians under Cyrus the Great in 539.

End of Days

The apocalypse. In Judaism, the main textual source for the belief in the end of days and accompanying events is the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible. The Five Books of Moses describe a time when the Jewish people will not be able to keep the Laws of Moses in the Land of Israel, and will be exiled but ultimately redeemed. The main sources are the book of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. The books of the Hebrew Prophets also elaborate and prophesy about the end of days.the final battle between God and evil at the end of time SIG: This significance of the End of Days is that YHWH will triumph over all other powers, and intern Israel will triumph over all other enemies. However, it is pointed out by Amos that the End of Days does not mean the people of Israel will triumph, but that God will punish them for their infidelity.

Jotham's parable

The Parable of Jotham (chapter 9 of the Book of Judges) is an important treatise on the characteristics of leadership and human nature. Therefore, it stands as a core text in any course dealing with leadership in the Bible. Outlines what it means to be a good ruler. "And when they told it to Jotham, he went and stood in the top of mount Gerizim, and lifted up his voice, and cried, and said unto them, Hearken unto me, ye men of Shechem, that God may hearken unto you. The trees went forth on a time to anoint a king over them; and they said unto the olive tree, Reign thou over us. But the olive tree said unto them, Should I leave my fatness, wherewith by me they honour God and man, and go to be promoted over the trees? And the trees said to the fig tree, Come thou, and reign over us. But the fig tree said unto them, Should I forsake my sweetness, and my good fruit, and go to be promoted over the trees? Then said the trees unto the vine, Come thou, and reign over us. And the vine said unto them, Should I leave my wine, which cheereth God and man, and go to be promoted over the trees? Then said all the trees unto the bramble, Come thou, and reign over us. And the bramble said unto the trees, If in truth ye anoint me king over you, then come and put your trust in my shadow: and if not, let fire come out of the bramble, and devour the cedars of Lebanon."—Judges 9:7-15

Second Temple Period

The Second Temple survived from 515 BCE - 70 CE, during the Persian, Hellenistic, & part of the Roman Period. Prophets: Haggai & Zechariah. Also, Nehemiah governed during this period. The stories of Esther and Daniel also took place during this period.


The body of text considered to be authoritative Scripture by a certain group. The Hebrew, Protestant, and Catholic canons are all somewhat different. Significantly influenced by exile - talk about where the Torah should end - does it make sense to end at the edge of the promised land?


The ceremonial removal of the foreskin of the penis. SIG: According to Genesis 17.9-14, it is the sign of the covenant between God and Abraham and is said to be performed on all of Abraham's male descendants on the eighth day after birth. This ties into the larger theme of identity and what it means to be a Jew or one of God's people. Also arises in the rape of Dinah - her brothers tell Schechem and Hamor that their people need to be circumsized to join the Israelites, then they end up killing them - endogamy is important for the fragile identity of Israel

Ketuvim/ketubim/The Writings

The final division of the Hebrew Bible. It includes the writings (historical narrative and historical fiction) and wisdom literature (such as Job/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes), as well as poetry such as Psalms and Lamentations. The diversity indicates that decisions in the canonization process took place over many centuries by many leaders. [In Jewish tradition, the third of three parts of the Hebrew Bible, comprising of Psalms, proverbs, Job, Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehimiah, Chronicles] - Talk about canonization - prophesy age & wisdom literature

Jeroboam I

The first king of Northern Israel after the schism. He encounters the prophet Ahijah who tells him that he will inherit the kingdom because Solomon worshiped other gods. Jeroboam establishes new centers of worship at Bethel and Dan when worship should be centered at the Temple in Jerusalem. He appoints non-levitical priests and makes his own sacrifices. He makes calves (perhaps as thrones for an unrepresentable deity?). His sin becomes a stain for northern kings, a paradigm for what happened in the north— It explains the fall and exile in 722 BCE. Jeroboam is significant because he sets up the nation of Northern Israel for failure from the start.

Ruth the Moabite

The grandmother of David. Willing to become a follower of YHWH, acts on her own behalf, not as a type-scene. Portrayed positively. She is used in her story to justify David's moabite blood. Willing to marry into the religion in order to continue the family's lineage. But is she the real protagonist? Her mother was pulling the strings in trying to get her hitched. Partially explains lineage of David.


The idea of the Jews adopting the nation they live in as their homeland, as opposed to considering the Holy Land as home. Books that deal with exile often have to deal with Assimilation. Esther is a Jew that is Queen of Persian empire, when the jews are threatened they don't think to flee, but rather to stay and hope to be saved. The return to the Holy Land is never considered. Daniel also deals with exile in the Persian empire and the Jews position in foreign society. Diaspora theme - The Israelites are constantly faced with this idea when they are exiled. Jeremiah (29:5) tells them to plant their gardens, etc., but how do you maintain Jewish identity.

Nathan's Parable

The parable about how the rich man took the sheep away from the poor man. Nathan delivered this parable to David after he had committed adultery with Bathsheba and had Uriah, her husband, killed. The parable helped David realize what he had done. Because of David's sin, he loses 4 sons; Amnon, Tamar, Absalom, and Adonijah. Prophet as mouthpiece of God


The part of theology concerned with death, judgment, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind. Daniel talks about the end of days - could be judgement for Israel (Amos)

Ark of the Covenant

The religious symbol of the pre-monarchic confederation of the twelve tribes of Israel, later installed in the Temple in Jerusalem by Solomon in the tenth century BCE. It formed the footstool for the cherubim throne on which Yahweh was thought to be invisibly seated. When it settles in the temple, it points to Zion theology, this idea that Israel is no longer on the move, but now settling into a permanent spot. Also seems appropriate that the ark of the covenant, which is the Israelites connection to God, is installed in the temple, which is the meeting place of the Israelites to YWH.


The second king of Israel, idealized by the Deuteronomistic Historian as the paramount king with whom all successors would be compared. He received God's anointing and covenant (see Davidic covenant) after Saul failed. Essentially, the dynasty and monarchical rule of Saul were transferred (God's spirit literally departs from Saul and fills David) to David even as Saul was still on the throne. David is depicted as the capable king—pious and courageous—that Saul never was, illuminated most poignantly in his defeat of Goliath. The Deuteronomistic Historian shows some determination to defend David as innocent of some unspoken charge; he is persistently presented as a humble individual who is advanced by the will of Yahweh rather than his own efforts. After he receives the Davidic covenant, his portrayal becomes a bit more complex. We see him commit several errors that compromise his claim to piety and wisdom. However, his dynasty remains eternal, and he continues to be remembered as Israel's greatest king and a symbol of power and faith. His greatest political achievements were the unification of the kingdom of Israel, extensive expansion of the empire's borders, and achieving peace from their adversaries. However, his desire to build God a temple would be denied and instead passed on to his heir, Solomon, perhaps due to his infraction with Bathsheba or maybe because of his "war-stained" reign

515 BCE

The second temple is rebuilt after the first one is destroyed - building it by direction of Cyrus, who claims he is told by the Lord to rebuild, but they aren't told directly. Takes a while to rebuild the temple because there are factions about how to rebuild. They won't let foreigners help rebuild the temple.


The status of existence experienced by Judah after the exiles of 597 and 586 BCE. This period presented many new difficulties, for they were now living as minorities within a foreign kingdom. Such dangers were threats of religious and cultural assimilation, being taken advantage of, and being inexplicably hated. A genre of fictional writing called Diaspora Novellas served to advise these exiles on how to endure and even prosper in their new places of residence. Also, many prophets, such as Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Second Isaiah wrote to the exiles in order to direct them in the will of God and to remind them of their covenantal identity and obligations. [Literally, scattering or dispersion, used to refer to exiles from Judah to Babylonia in the early sixth century BCE, and subsequently for any Jews living outside of Israel.]

Masoretic Text:

The traditional medieval text of the Hebrew Bible. the standard Jewish canon the significance is that there were a lot of Hellenistic writings and only select pieces were chosen for the canon. There are ups and downs and choosing the canon was a process as different forms of the Septuagint (Greek version) and bible were read in different communities.


They are the people who sat in the king's court and wrote down wisdom that they learned from the kings. authors of the wisdom literature. Also important in that they signified the beginning of the writing of the texts rather than just oral tradition

Psalm 137

This psalm asks the question that many of the Israelites asked while they were in exile. "How do we worship YHWH if we are not in the promised land?" The people were so tied to the idea that YHWH was physically manifested in Judah that they struggled to envision a life not there. This was the point where the theology of a mobile god came into play. YHWH was in control even when the people were not in his promised land. He would continue to take care of them outside of the land.

Diaspora Novella

Type of literature that developed during the Persian and Hellenistic periods, typically involving one Jewish hero. Ultimately modeled after Joseph story in Genesis. Each have a historical setting, although it may be inaccurate; women are often protagonists. Often there is a threat on the protagonist because they are Jewish. Includes: Jonah, Esther, Daniel - An example of this is Daniel in that he is put in the cave with the lions and they do not eat him. When the Foreign king sees that he is alive he recognizes that Daniel must have God on his side and allows Daniel to be a prominent member in his court even though he is a Jew. This shows the overarching theme of foreign influence in Biblical events and how even in diaspora, God is with his people. It also fits into the theme of Israelites playing by the rules of the foreign court and laying under the radar in order to practice their Jewish rules, such as with Daniel continuing to worship God even after it has been outlawed by the foreign court.

Persian Empire

Under Cyrus's reign the Persian Empire invaded Babylon and conquered Babylon in 539 BCE. The conquered people (the Jews) could finally return home to Israel and have their things back and have their own province. They were restored to their homeland. Ezra Chapter 1 says return to land, there was a split in the Israelite community some wanted to stay in Babylon (had established a good life and family) not everyone returns.


Was a prophetess of God and of Israelites, located in book of Judges, chapters 4 and 5. SIG: The Song of Deborah may date to 12th BCE which would be the earliest piece of Hebrew poetry; oldest passage that portrays fighting women of Jael, the wife of Heber, killing Sisera by driving a tent pole though his head as he slept after she had given him milk and tucked him into bed. This is important because it shows the role that woman have in the bible and also that Deborah, a non Israelite, was willing to sacrifice herself and the anger of her husband / tribe in order to protect the Israelites and God.

Gomer bet-Diblaim

Wife of Hosea through divine appointment, referred to as a promiscuous woman. Relationship of Hosea and Gomer often seen as a parallel as the relationship between God and Israel. She runs away and sleeps with another yet Hosea still loves her, just as god does for Israel.


Wife/widow of Elimelech, who moved to Moab with her family (husband and 2 sons- Mahlon and Chilion) when a famine struck Judah. Elimelech and her 2 sons end up dying and she is left with her two daughters-in-law: Orpah and Ruth. She wants encourages them to go back to their mothers homes and go on continuing their lives to their full potential, but Ruth will not leave Naomi, and shows hesed, or real deep loyal love to her. Naomi means pleasant but after the deaths of her family she wishes to be called Mara meaning bitter. She plays a very active role in the story, helping move along the relationship between Boaz and Ruth (she drives the action), she starts the story and also ends the story and in the she has Obed (son) and considers it better than having 7 sons! Yay happiness! She is back to being Naomi- pleasant. Sig: Explains the lineage of David


Worship of one God, this began officially when they returned from exile, but it was still struggled with as they used to believe in Baals existence as the God of fertility as well as other gods. In contrast with monolatry (existence of multiple gods but the worship of only 1). Abraham is considered the first monotheist. Belief that there is one god, YHWH. Israelites theology seems to change to monotheism in Isaiah 40. Also seen, in the book of Job, which explains how bad things can happen in a monotheistic world. Some Israelites believed that evil came from lesser gods, but Job tries to explain that there are no other gods and that YHWH is not bound by conception of good and evil.


Zion - potentially a mountain at zion in Jerusalem- important for zion theology - location of the temple

Former Prophets

[In Jewish tradition, the first division of the Prophets, comprising the books of Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, and 1 and 2 Kings.] includes Deuteronomistic History; chronicles the history of Israel and Judah as they captured the Promise Land and lived there until the fall of Jerusalem, critical of Israel's chronic sins. SIG: Deuteronomistic Historians have shaped various sources into coherent chronological narratives informed by their perspective, that Israel's prosperity and survival in the Promise Land is dependent on their observance of Moses' law in Deuteronomy and exclusive worship of Yahweh.

Golden Calves

[The golden calf that the Israelites worshiped at Mount Sinai according to Exodus 32, and also similar statues at the shrines of BEthel and Dan in the northern kingdom of Israel.] Likely not idol worship, but instead a seat/stool for God to come down on - DH criticize aaron for this, but this is likely their own perspective intruding on the cannon.

Merkevah/Divine Chariot:

a 4 wheeled chariot of God driven by 4 heavenly beings (part lion, man, ox, eagle) -- part of Ezekiel's vision.Ezekiel witnessed YHWH in the divine chariot as he left the temple. This shows that YHWH is movable and not stuck in the temple. It gives the people of Judah a way to worship their God when they thought they couldn't since they thought YHWH was still with the temple in Jerusalem. This allowed them to worship YHWH in a foreign land.


a Hebrew proverb -- many were borrowed from other countries (esp. Egypt). *Designed to teach the young how to get ahead in life: optimism of acquisition of wisdom. (along the lines of Wisdom Literature; hand of the diligent makes rich; invokes morals)

Epic of Gilgamesh

an epic poem from Mesopotamia, is amongst the earliest surviving works of literature. The story centers on a friendship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu. Enkidu is a wild man created by the gods as Gilgamesh's equal to distract him from oppressing the people of Uruk. Together, they journey to the Cedar Mountain to defeat Humbaba, its monstrous guardian. Later they kill the Bull of Heaven, which the goddess Ishtar sends to punish Gilgamesh for spurning her advances. As a punishment for these actions, the gods sentence Enkidu to death. Creation epic that shows how Babylonian culture may have influenced writers of the Hebrew Bible - creation story is important - gives an origin.

(The Book of) Proverbs

belonging to the group of "Ḥokmah," or "Wisdom" books. The following divisions of the book are indicated in the text: (1) A group of discourses on the conduct of life (i.-ix.), comprising the praise of wisdom as the guide of life (i.-iv.); warnings against unchaste women (v.-vii.; with three misplaced paragraphs, vi. 1-19, against certain social faults); the description of wisdom as the controller of life and as Yhwh's companion in the creation of the world (viii.); and a contrast between wisdom and folly (ix.; with a misplaced collection of aphorisms, ix. 7-12). (2) A collection, or book, of aphoristic couplets (x. 1-xxii. 16). (3) Two small groups of aphoristic quatrains (xxii. 17-xxiv. 22 and xxiv. 23-34). (4) A second collection of couplets (xxv.-xxix). (5) A miscellaneous group of discourses and numerical aphorisms (xxx.-xxxi.), mostly in tetrads: reverent agnosticism (xxx. 1-4); certainty of God's word (5-6); a prayer (7-9); against slandering a servant (10); against certain vices and errors (11-33); a code for a king (xxxi. 1-9); a picture of a model housewife (10-31). These divisions, various in form and content, suggest that the book was formed by the combination of a number of booklets. Wisdom literature, often attributed to Solomon 'the Wise.' The proverbs describe wisdom as being able to be attained. As if there is a finite amount of it, those who have the wisdom are most successful. Plays off of belief that good action + good action = reward, while bad action + bad action = punishment. - result of covenant lifestyle

Sennacherib Prism

corroborated by the A-source-->straight up, factual telling of events discovered in the ruins of Ninevah--literally a hexagonal prism of 500 lines of cuneiform Is the most direct form of the story that exists Shows the ability to compare what happened to what was recorded and the way in which the account is retold elsewhere in the HB

United Monarchy

during the tenth century BC, the ten northern tribes of Israel and the southern tribe of Judah were united under the rule of David and his son Solomon. When Solomon dies, the kingdom was split into the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. During David's reign, the UM represents God's covenant with David. During Solomon's reign, the splitting of the UM shows God's punishment for David.


educated in the scriptures. Became the dominant religious figure as the prophets were declining. A mix of scribe and prophet. Also wrote wisdom literature. important as how YHWH communicated to the people

Haman the Agagite

in Esther, is second in command under king Ahasuerus; plots to kill Mordecai and all the Jews for not obeying his edicts but ends up being executed while Jews get different edicts that protect them; tells Jews how to understand foreign power and is a model for behavior for how to live in dispora/that they can successfully live in diaspora - shows the powerful role of a woman in the bible

The satan

in the Hebrew it means 'the accuser.' Did not have the same connotation that early Christianity took it to mean. Was simply one of the many 'holy ones' and had a position just like any other. The satan was the opposition to YHWH in Job. Used to illustrate that not all bad things that happened to a person were a punishment, but could be seen as a test. This destroyed the idea that good + good = reward and bad+ bad= punishment.


is a giant Philistine warrior defeated by the young David, the future king of Israel, in bible's Books of Samuel (1 Samuel 17). The original purpose of the story was to show David's identity as the true king of Israel. Post-Classical Jewish traditions stressed Goliath's status as the representative of paganism, in contrast to David, the champion of the God of Israel. Goliath led to the rise of David's popularity and devotion of the Israelites, leading to Saul's attempt to murder him, and David's leadership of the Israelites in conquering the Promise Land.


land near Israel, the people were not of the same faith system. Often viewed as enemies of the Hebrews.


made king of Babylon in 604 BCE. Besieged Jerusalem in 597 BCE and deported the king and some from the ruling class. In 586 he returned and had Jerusalem and the Temple destroyed. The attack brought an end to the dynasty of David and much of the population was exiled to Babylon. Begins Zion theology crisis.


means "God is with us"; Isaiah prophesied that this child's birth and early life would be sign to King Ahaz during Syro-Ephraimite War of peace; Ahaz rejects this divine assurance, so Isaiah comes back with second prophecy that Immanuel would send them into the hands of the Assyrians; motif of symbolic name; probably the child of Isaiah but Christians believe this is a prophecy about Jesus

Woman Wisdom

personified, tangible version of wisdom - you can reach out and call on her - goddess - companion of YHWH


political authority in Ezra - governor - top official in the province in the Persian imperial system - descendant of Jehoiachin - shared leadership with the religious authority - together they rebuilt the second temple- significant because this is an interesting way that the israelites coped after the exile with political and religious authority - the rebuilding of the second temple is also important for zion theology


primarily knowledge - mastering of a body of knowledge - Solomon prays for Wisdom - personified as a woman in the Qohelet - there is a sense of optimism that wisdom can be acquired and God wants to communicate wisdom to humanity - Sages generally specialized in wisdom - basic rules that govern the natural world, shrewdness, technical skills and knowledge. Wisdom is based upon knowledge. Often, in fact, wisdom and knowledge are mentioned together (see Jeremiah 10:12; 51:15; Luke 1:17(AV); Romans 11:33; 1 Corinthians 1:24; 2:5; Colossians 2:3; Revelation 5:12; 7:12). Wisdom cannot exist without a knowledge of all the facts pertinent to any purpose or plan. The God who is all-wise is also the God who is all-knowing. God knows everything. Theologians use the term "omniscient" when speaking of God's infinite knowledge. God knows everything about everything. He knows what men are thinking (see Ezekiel 11:5; Luke 5:21-22). He knows everything that is going to happen. He even knows everything that could happen, under any set of circumstances (see, for example, 1 Samuel 23:10-12; 2 Kings 8:10). God cannot devise a bad plan or fail to bring His purposes and promises to their conclusion because He knows everything. His omniscience undergirds His wisdom.


prophet from northern kingdom, best known for using the marriage metaphor to describe the relationship between Yahweh and Israel; in his call narrative, Hosea is told to marry Gomer- Gomer is like Israel personified and Hosea is like Yahweh- so, marriage to Gomer is like marriage to Sinai covenant and Gomer is being faithless which shows Hosea thinks Israel was being faithless to covenant; (people in north often worshipped other gods, like Baal; Hosea's message is that Yahweh, not Baal, should be their "husband") Hosea is the only purely northern prophet, so gives us unique insight into northern prophecy - calls out the N Kingdoms issues with idolatry


prophet that god used to anoint Saul, and then later David after Saul fell from God's graces. His mother Hannah was barren and pledged to god if He have her a child, she would dedicate him to God. So Samuel was raised in Eli's care.Call narrative, Eli tells him to respond "Speak lord for your servant is listening." Prophet associated both with Saul and David. "intentionally" was not at the place where Saul offered his sacrifice. Cried out to YHWH in pain because of how Saul acted as a king. We aren't sure whether this was because he felt that Saul was cheated, or purely in response to Saul's actions as king.

House of David

refers to 2 Samuel 7 where YHWH promises David to "build a house for my name." This is not a place but a lineage, the perpetual dynasty of David is promised through the Davidic Covenant that is a gift from YHWH (not modeled after Suzerainty treaties, but rather a covenant of grant) This establishment of the Davidic dynasty is a way to deal with the ongoing legacy of Saul and Saul's death. Example of a Covenant of Grant, this is different than the covenant at Sinai. At Sinai, it is a covenant of history and morals, blessings and curses. In this Davidic covenant, the weight is off David and is all on God: God makes a commitment outside of time and space. This covenant not only establishes a kingship and legacy, it is an eternal throne. There is an element of the everlasting very prevalent here.


reigned 705-681 BCE; King Sargon II's successor besieged Jerusalem in 701 BCE during King Hezekiah's reign The matter-of-fact "A" source (what a jerk) tells events in 2 Kings 18:13-15 The more theologically-based "B" source is 2 Kings 18:17-25 Both detail Sennacherib's distraction with Babylon and the fact that he took care of it and then turned his attention to the coast He then moved inward, devastating the Judean countryside before starting in on Jerusalem The B source, Isaiah, (or izzy) and Chronicles leave out Hezekiah's wrongdoings and payment of the tribute to create a smooth narrative that makes it seem like Hezekiah fully obeyed the Davidic covenant This takes away from Hezekiah and puts a spotlight on Yahweh and on His initiative We don't have to assume that all of it is all completely factual


returned to Jerusalem from the Babylonian exile; a scribe; he led a large amount of exiles back to Jerusalem; he then learned the people had been marrying foreigners, so he tore his clothes and confessed the sins of israel to God; once Nehemiah rebuilt the walls, Ezra and Nehemiah read the book of Moses to the people. (Book of Ezra = three main themes 1) rebuilding the temple 2) purifying the Jewish people 3) Sealing the community behind the walls - in the book of Nehemiah.) - how to unify Jews after Diaspora


son of a priest; one of 3000 Jews exiled from Judah by the Babylonians; called by God, who rode upon a chariot; he prophesied about the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple; later, he had visions of a new temple.The book of Ezekiel attributes him as an unusual prophet (eating of scroll). SIG: The book of Ezekiel shifts collective blame for the sins of all to blame for individuals who sinned.

Shechem Assembly

splits off two major areas in Shechem judged by Ahijah; sanctioned by "Thus says the Lord" (evocative of the continuity within calls and commands


story of Gilgamesh, a powerful king ruling Uruk, who abuses kingly power, sleeps with brides before their wedding, the people cry out to gods, who send down Enkidu, a wild man, to dampen Gilgamesh's power, Enkidu is civilized by sex and becomes friends with Gilgamesh after they fight. Ishtar, a goddess, wants to marry Gilgamesh, who is part-god, but he refuses. She convinces the gods to send down the bull of heaven, Humbaba, which ENkidu and Gilgamesh kill, so Envil, one of the Sumerian god's that decides life span, decides to kill Enkidu, Gilgamesh mourns his death. Gilgamesh then decides to seek Udnapishti, who is immortal and tells Gilgamesh it is not smart to chase immortality. THEMES/SIG: death, friendship (Gilgamesh & Enkidu), sex (as a mark of civilization), divine/human relationship. Parallels the Genesis creation epic in some ways

Book of the Twelve

the 12 short prophetic books from Hosea to Malachi, which follow the major prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel). Last book of Nevi'im - talk about canonization

Babylonian Exile

the Babylonian Empire destroyed Judah's capital city, Jerusalem in 586 BCE including the Temple of Solomon (talk about end to Zion theology), a large portion of the Judean population was deported to Babylon (Talk about diaspora). There is speculation that the religion of the Israelites was influenced by the religion of the Babylonians during their time of exile in the region of Babylon (6th century), additional speculation that the book of Genesis which is dated to the 6th c. BCE is inspired (influenced) by the Babylonian epic of creation, the Enuma Elish, also refer to Ps. 137 which illustrates the Israelites struggle to be true to their religion and God while in exile.

Second Temple

the Temple completed in 515 BCE to replace the Temple of Solomon, which had been destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 continued Jersalem's status as the place of worship for all Israelites Specifications are derived from the Solomonistic Temple Understanding of the temple as an earthly fascimile of the divine home on the cosmic mountain set on a high mountain and there is a fertile river that flows from the base of the Temple when the river reaches the Dead Sea, it will widen and render barren bodies of water fresh so that fish can thrive This is all a part of the Judeo-Christian apocalyptic (0000h scary) literature Once the Temple was rebuilt, old Israelites as well as people who were with them came along to worship


the act of marrying outside of one's ethnic group. SIG: In Ezra and Nehemiah, exogamy is disbanded (In Ezra they separate husbands and wives in exogamy) because exogamy is viewed as an act that could disunify the jewish people and cause the worship of other gods. The Jews did not approve of exogamy, because it weakens a group's identity. They were afraid that those who married outside the Jewish community would let other cultural and religious views pollute the pure and true worship of Yahweh.


the custom of marrying within one's ethnic or religious group - talk about Dinah- identity fragile after exile so endogamy is really emphasized Women were created to produce children of the Jewish faith for God. Basically, a woman's womb belonged to YHWH and the Jewish faith. This whole thought process led to the killing of the village, even after Simeon and Levi said if they were circumcised they would allow Hamor to marry Dinah.

Call Narrative

the story of a prophet's divine calling to the vocation of prophecy, which lends legitimacy to the prophet's words. Often involves reluctance/humility on the part of the prophet - talk about the theme of the little brother or the unqualified - God's gratuitous decisions - he chooses the unlikely.


the wealthy relative of Naomi whom Ruth, a Moabite and foreign woman, pursues and marries, and by whom Ruth becomes the great-grandmother of King David.


where priests rule in the name of God. took place from Moses until the election of Saul. This was how scholars believe God intended the relationship between God and Israel was supposed to be. God was supposed to be their king. But the people decided the wanted a human king like the people around them when they elected Saul.


wife of Heber the Kenite; Deborah prophesies that Sisera (commander of Canaanite army) would fall "into the hand of a woman" and this woman turns out to be Jael. Sisera flees battle and comes to Heber's tent, looking for peace, but Jael sedates him and kills him with tent peg; Jael is foreign and Hebrew Bible warns of foreign women but here she is seen as a hero; praised in the Song of Deborah- one of the earliest poems in the Hebrew Bible; theme of the underdog


wife of Xerxes, then Esther replaces her- Esther is historical fiction, diaspora novella - tells Jews how to live in exile - controversy of whether or not Esther belongs in the canon since there is no mention of YHWH in the Masoretic text, but YWHW interwoven in septuagint

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