Herm- Figurative Language

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Attributing human qualities to God


Fulfillment of the OT Type


A figure of illusion that substitutes a harsh word with a less harsh word


Any non literal use of language often used to express abstract ideas

Figurative Language

Two similar things used interchangeably

Figures of Association

Two things compared which are unlike except for one point of similarity

Figures of Comparison

If considered literal it would be untrue

Figures of Illusion

Human attributes attached to inhuman things


Examples of other figures

Idioms, riddles, play on words, etc

Examples of figures of illusion

Irony, hyperbole, and euphemism


Like, as

Comparison of dissimilar things without like or as


A figure of association that substitutes one thing for another


Examples of humanization

Personification, zoomorphism, anthropomorphism


Rejected all types


Saw types everywhere

Examples of Figures of Comparison

Simile, parables, metaphor, allegory, indirect analogy, symbol, type

McQuilken's thoughts on types

Some are innate and others are only illustrations with no authority

Anything used to represent something else


Examples of figures of association

Syndecdoche, Metonymy

A figure of association that substitutes a whole for a part and vice Versa


moderate approach

There are two levels of types, innate and inferred

A kind of prophetic symbol


Attributing nonhuman characteristics to God


Story with a hidden meaning


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