Hesi practice (fundamentals in nursing and nursing science)

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Which of the following statements about a case manager is correct?

"A case manager has the ability to establish an appropriate care plan based on the assessment of clients and families." A case manager has the ability to establish an appropriate care plan based on the assessment of clients and families. A change agent helps identify and implement new and more effective approaches to problems. A counselor helps clients identify and clarify health problems and choose appropriate courses of action. A caregiver applies a critical thinking approach to ensure appropriate, individualized nursing care for clients and their families. .

antiemomblism socks

"You will need to apply them in the morning before you lower your legs from the bed to the floor."

Which age is considered the phallic stage according to Sigmund Freud's developmental theory?

3 to 6 years old According to Sigmund Freud's developmental theory, 3 to 6 years of age is considered the phallic stage. Birth to 18 months of age is considered the oral stage a. Six to 12 years of age is the latent stage. Eighteen months to 3 years of age is the anal stage.

What is a stressor?

A stressor is any stimuli that can produce tension and cause instability within the system. A stressor is any stimuli that can produce tension and cause instability within the system. Internal factors exist within the client system, like the physiological and behavioral responses to illnesses. External factors exist outside the client system; these stressors include changes in healthcare policies or increased crime rates. A phenomenon is a term, description, or label given to describe an idea or responses about an event, a situation, a process, a group of events, or a group of situations.

Which statement is true for attachment in the newborn?

Attachment is the interaction between parent and child. Attachment is the interaction between the parent and child. The nurse promotes the parents' and newborn's need for physical contact by encouraging breast feeding. Attachment is a process that evolves over the first 24 months. The newborn is awake and alert for the first half-hour after birth, during which parent-child interaction begins. Molding is the overlapping of the soft skull bones commonly seen in newborns that had vaginal births. Molding allows the fetal head to adjust to the various diameters of the maternal pelvis during birth.

A nurse applies a cold pack to treat an acute musculoskeletal injury. Cold therapy decreases pain by doing what?

Causing local vasoconstriction, preventing edema and muscle spasms

A hospital needs to hire a nursing staff for the intensive care of cancer clients. Which of these positions is most likely to be filled by the nurse?

Clinical nurse specialist The hospital will most likely hire a clinical nurse specialist. A clinical nurse specialist is an expert in a specific area of practice and in a particular setting such as an intensive care unit. A nurse practitioner has expertise in taking care of clients in an outpatient, ambulatory care, or community care setting. A nurse administrator looks after the management of the care provided to clients within a health-care agency. A certified nurse-midwife provides care to women during their pregnancy, labor or delivery.

A child is being treated with oral ampicillin for otitis media. What should be included in the discharge instructions that the nurse provides to the parents of the client?

Complete the entire course of antibiotic therapy. Once antibiotic therapy is initiated, the antibiotics start to destroy specific bacterial infections that the healthcare provider is trying to treat. Antibiotic therapy takes a specific dose and number of days to completely eliminate the bacteria. If the caregivers start a dose and stop it before the course is complete, the remaining bacteria have a chance to grow again, become resistant to antibiotic treatment, and multiply. The nurse should not discourage use of herbal fever remedies; however, the herbal treatment should be reviewed to see if it is contraindicated. Ampicillin should be taken 1 to 2 hours after meals. Antibiotic therapy should be completed as prescribed.

A client is admitted to the hospital with a tentative diagnosis of infectious pulmonary tuberculosis. What infection control measures should the nurse take

Don an N95 respirator mask before entering the room A N95 respirator mask is unique to airborne precautions and for clients with a diagnosis such as tuberculosis, varicella, or measles. The gown needs to be nonpermeable to be protective. Airborne precautions are required, not contact precautions. When finished with care, gloves should be removed first because they are the most contaminated.

Which of these programs is least likely to focus on medication delivery process modification?

Experimental research Experimental research is least likely to focus on medication delivery process modification. Quality improvement, evaluation research, and performance improvement are all likely to focus on medication delivery process modification in order to make the process better for the client.

A client tells the nurse, "I am so worried about the results of the biopsy they took today." The nurse overhears the nursing assistant reply, "Don't worry. I'm sure everything will come out all right." What does the nurse conclude about the nursing assistant's answer?

False reassurance person cannot know the results of the biopsy until it is examined under a microscope. The response does not allow the client to voice concerns, shuts off communication, and provides reassurance that may not be accurate. This answer does not empathize with the client; it minimizes the client's concerns. This response is not a form of distraction; it minimizes the client's concern and shuts off communication. This response does not contain any value statements.

Which nursing intervention can be classified under complex physiologic domain according to the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) taxonomy? Select all that apply.

Interventions to provide care before, during, and immediately after surgery nterventions to restore tissue integrity Interventions to optimize neurologic function

Which theories are most relevant to development in adults? Select all that apply.

Stage-Crisis theory Life Span approach The Stage-Crisis theory and the Life Span approach are theories related to adult development. Piaget's theory is associated with children's cognitive development. Erikson's theory is associated with the psychoanalytical/psychosocial development. Kohlberg's theory is related to moral development.

The nurse at the well baby clinic is assessing the gross motor skills of a five-month-old infant. Which finding is a cause for concern?

The baby has a head lag when pulled to sit. A normal five-month-old infant should be able to sit up without a head lag. This finding should cause the nurse to conduct a further assessment. A baby should be able to turn from the side to the back by four months of age. At five months of age, the baby should be able to turn from the abdomen to the back. The baby should be able to support much of his own weight when pulled to stand by the age of five to six months.

A nurse is teaching a parent about the different temperaments that a child may display. What characteristics does a slow-to-warm up child display? Select all that apply.

The child adapts slowly with frequent communication. The child reacts with mild but passive resistance to novelty. The child reacts negatively and with mild intensity to new stimuli. A slow-to-warm up child adapts slowly with frequent communication and reacts to novelty with mild but passive resistance. A slow-to-warm up child also reacts negatively and with mild intensity to new stimuli. An easy child is regular and predictable in his or her habits. A difficult child is highly active, irritable, and irregular in his or her habits.

What are the goals of care when working with families according to the family health system? Select all that apply

To improve family health or well-being To assist in family management of illness conditions To achieve health outcomes related to the family's areas of concern When working with families, the goals of care are to improve family health or well-being, assist the family in managing the illness conditions, and achieve health outcomes related to the family's areas of concern. In the developmental stage, the nurse should help the family prepare for later transitions and promote positive family behavior to achieve essential tasks.

Which intervention reflects the nurse's approach of "family as a context"?

Trying to meet the client's comfort In the "family as context" approach, the focus is on the client. The nursing care aims at meeting the client's comfort, hygiene, and nutritional needs. The "family as a client" approach focuses on the family's needs as a whole to determine their coping skills. This approach also includes assessment of the family's energy level to determine if the family would b be able to meet the client's needs. In addition, the approach "family as a client" involves assessment of the family's nutritional needs.

. A client admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of malabsorption syndrome exhibits signs of tetany. The nurse concludes that the tetany was precipitated by the inadequate absorption of which electrolyte?


Which interview technique is the nurse using when asking a client to score the pain on a scale from 0 to 10?

close-ended questioning Asking a client to score pain on a scale of 0 to 10 is a type of closed-ended question. These types of questions specify the cause of the problem or the client's experience of the illness. Asking whether anything else is bothering the client is an example of probing. A response by the nurse such as "All right," or "Go on," when a client says something is called back channeling. This interview technique encourages a client to provide more details. The nurse asks open-ended, nonspecific questions such as "What brought you to the hospital today?" to elicit the client's side of story. Such questions are related to the client's health history and can strengthen the nurse-client relationship.

A client is ambivalent about making a change in health behavior. Which stage of health behavior does the nurse suspect

contemplation The nurse suspects that the client is in the stage of contemplation. This stage of health behavior is characterized by the client's attitude toward a change, and the client is most likely to accept that change over the next 6 months. In the preparation stage, the client believes that a change in behavior will be advantageous. The client may need assistance to bring about the change in behavior. During the maintenance stage, changes need to be implemented in the client's lifestyle. In the precontemplation stage, the client is not willing to receive any information about changes in behavior and may become defensive and confrontational.

A client with an abdominal wound infected with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is scheduled for a computed tomography (CT) scan of the abdomen. To ensure client and visitor safety during transport, the nurse should implement which precaution?

cover the infected site with a dressing

A client who is dying jokes about the situation even though the client is becoming sicker and weaker. Which is the most therapeutic response by the nurse?

does it help with coping with your illness?

Which physiologic changes may occur during the first trimester of pregnancy? Select all that apply.`

fatigue, morning sickness, breast enlargement

What principal components are associated with a nurse's time management skill? Select all that apply.

goal setting, interruption control and priority setting Goal setting, priority setting, and interruption control forms the principal components of time management. Autonomy is an important component in the decision-making process. Right communication is considered one of the rights of delegation.

An injured client with an open wound is brought to the hospital. The doctor asks the nurse to administer a tetanus toxoid injection. Which step of the nursing process does the nurse follow next

implementation The nurse will administer the tetanus as per the doctor's regime. The American Nurses Association identifies this standard of nursing practice as implementation. Diagnosis refers to analysis of the client's biological and psychosocial data to find out the relevant issues and problems. Evaluation is the procedure of assessing the desired outcomes of treatment. Assessment is done at the very beginning when the nurse collects the data about the client to make an accurate diagnosis.

Which skill in critical thinking requires to be orderly in data collection


Which nursing theory focuses on the client's self-care needs?

orem's theory Orem's self-care deficit theory focuses on the client's self-care needs. According to Roy's theory, the goal of nursing is to help a person adapt to changes in physiological needs, self-concept, role function, and interdependent relations during health and illness. Watson's theory of transpersonal caring defines the outcome of nursing activity with regards to the humanistic aspects of life. The major concept of Leininger's theory is cultural diversity, with the goal of nursing care being to provide the client with culturally specific nursing care.

progress to reach a problem

recognize, analyze, evaluate and make conclusion

Which component of decision-making refers to the duties and activities an individual is employed to perform


Which therapeutic communication technique involves using a coping strategy to help the nurse and client adjust to stress?

sharing humor Sharing humor is a therapeutic communication technique that involves using a coping strategy that adds perspective and helps the nurse and client adjust to stress. Nurses should recognize that hope is essential for healing and communicate a sense of possibility. Sharing empathy is the ability to understand and accept another person's reality, accurately perceive feelings, and communicate this understanding to the other. Sharing observations often helps a client to communicate without the need for extensive questioning, focusing, or clarification.

A client has Clostridium difficile. The nurse is providing discharge instructions related to decreasing the risk of transmission to family members. What would be appropriate to include in the client's teaching

wash hands with soap and water

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