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Art not only in the service of the aristocracy anymore -social change. Which one

Wealthy merchants also cultivated art as a status symbol, and the commissioning and collecting of artworks became less and less the exclusive province of the aristocracy


destruction of religious imagery

A success despite of all obstacles for woman in a society of that time. Which obstacles

difficulties that women faced in a profession dominated by men

A "dynastic pantheon", a mausoleum created in the Italian style. What is mausoleum

A monumental tomb. The name derives from the mid-fourth-century bce tomb of Mausolos at Halikarnassos, one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world

Painted images functioned therapeutically and as warnings. How

The painted images served as warnings, encouraging increased devotion from monks and hospital patients. They also functioned therapeutically by offering some hope to the afflicted. Indeed, Saint Anthony's legend emphasized his dual role as vengeful dispenser of justice (by inflicting disease) and benevolent healer

Amputation scene -find where

ergotism often compelled amputation, and viewers of the Isenheim Altarpiece have noted that the two moveable halves of the altarpiece's predella (fig. 18-2, top), if slid apart, make it appear as if Christ's legs have been amputated. The same observation applies to the two main exterior panels. Due to the off-center placement of the cross, opening the left panel "severs" one arm from the crucified figure

Pilasters and pediment resemble High Renaissance palaces. A large scale of the windows and steeper roofs -Northern European elements. Why? Read more

the pilasters rising from bases and the alternating curved and angular pediments have direct antecedents in several High Renaissance palaces


the process of incising a design in hard material, and it's print

Find out meaning of some scenes in the video. WATCH Video 18.2 The Netherlandish Proverbs

· 100 proverb · Bottom left hitting your head against a wall · Lower right living paycheck to paycheck Fruitless, spilled milk · Tiling one's house with pie, useless use of money

Juan de Herrera and Juan Bautista de Toledo, El Escorial, near Madrid, Spain, 1536-1584. NO

· A "dynastic pantheon", a mausoleum created in the Italian style. What is mausoleum? · It contains a church, a palace, a monastery, etc. · The grandeur of Saint Peter's, but unique in European architecture. · Granite is the construction material for the entire complex!! El Escorial stands as the expression of Spain's spirit

HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE Matthias Grunewald, Isenheim Altarpiece, open, Isenheim, Germany,ca. 1510-1515. Oil on wood, center panel 9'10"x 10'9", chapel of the Hospitalof St. Anthony

· A complex monument reflecting Catholic beliefs. · In a wooden shrine form, on thepredella-a ledge on which an altarpiecerests. Crucifixion in the center, Lamentation in the predella. · Painted images functioned therapeutically and as warnings. How? Amputation scene -find where?


· A different role of visual imagery in Catholic and Protestant view. · Check which side wanted imagery. Protestant churches were relatively bare, and the extensive church pictorial programs found especially in Italy but also in northern Europe were not as prominent in Protestant churches. Iconoclasm -destruction of religious imagery.The demonstration of the power of art on both sides.

THE NETHERLANDS Levina Teerlinc, 1559. Oil on wood,Elizabeth I as a Princess, 3' 6" x 2' 8".

· A division of Netherlands. · Read who controlled which territory and which religions were followed? · Secular subjects in a Protestant province is popular. · High reputation of this female artist. · A great materialization skills. · A success despite of all obstacles for woman in a society of that time. Which obstacles? The unusual fate of the future Queen of England

Albrecht Durer, Self-portrait, 1500. Oil on wood, 2'2" x 1'7", Alte Pinakothek, Munich

· A first non -Italian international celebrity. Known for numerous self-portraits. Artist created his trademark. A rigid frontal posture. Hand as a creative instrument. · Perspective, proportion, and science writings (Published work and readable diary). · Accused to identifies with the image of a deity. Whom? Influence of the Italian Renaissance. WATCH Video 18.1 Albrecht Durer


· A growing dissatisfaction with Catholic Church leadership. Why? perception that the Roman popes concerned themselves more with temporal power and material wealth than with the salvation of their Christian flock · Luther's Ninety-five Theses. · Sale of Indulgences. What is it? especially the sale of indulgences. Indulgences were Church-sanctioned remittances (or reductions) of time Catholics had to spend in Purgatory for confessed sins · The first translation of the Bible in a vernacular language. Bible was written only in Latin by that time. Read more about this movement. The Bible—the sole scriptural authority—was the word of God, which did not exist in the Church's councils, law, and rituals. Luther facilitated the lay public's access to biblical truths by publishing the first translation of the Bible in a vernacular language

Albrecht Altdorfer, Battle of Issus, 1529. Oil on wood,5'2" x 4', Alte Pinakothek, Munich

· A military campaign against the invading Turks as a reason for the commission. · Depiction of Alexander the Great's defeat of Persians in 333 BCE. · Battle between East and West. · Artist's depiction of the landscape from maps. Figures in a 16th century armor


· A realignment in the European geopolitical landscape. Read more. · Art not only in the service of the aristocracy anymore -social change. Which one? · Reformation, Protestantism, and Counter-Reformation. · Art throughout Europe was the major beneficiary of all changes (more art commissions from middle class).

Hans Holbein the Younger, Henry VIII,1540. Oil on wood

· A religious civil war in Europe. Read more. · Artist painted numerous portraits of Henry VIII, King of England. · Flemish art tradition of close realism. · Who was another artist from this region known for meticulous attention to details? Monumentality and sculpturesque form from the Italian Renaissance

Who was another artist from this region known for meticulous attention to details?


SPAIN Portal, Colegio de San Gregorio, Valladolid, Spain, ca. 1498

· By the end of the 16th century, Spain was a dominant European power. · Plateresque style-Platero (silversmith). A delicately executed ornamentation resembling metalwork. · Lacelike tracery. · Ogival arches with a Moorish motif. · In a typical Plateresque fashion, a thousand intertwined motifs unify the whole design

Accused to identifies with the image of a deity. Whom

· Christ Artists therefore were "saturnine"—eccentric and capable both of inspired artistic frenzy and melancholic depression

What is Book of Hours

· Christian religious book for private devotion containing prayers to be read at specified times of the day

Read who controlled which territory and which religions were followed

· England, protestant

Albrecht Durer Melancolia I, 1514. Engraving, 10"x7 ½". Fall of Man (Adam and Eve), 1504. Engraving, 10"x 8

· Engraving -the process of incising a design in hard material, and it's print. · A masterful example of a wide range of tonal values and textures. · Durer's fame comes more from his printmaking than painting achievements

A realignment in the European geopolitical landscape. Read more

· France and the Holy Roman Empire absorbed the former Burgundian territories and increased their power. But by the end of the century, through calculated marriages, military exploits, and ambitious territorial expansion, Spain was the dominant European state. Throughout the Continent, monarchs increasingly used art and architecture to glorify their reigns and to promote a stronger sense of cultural and political unity among their subjects, thereby laying the foundation for today's European nations.

The greatest Spanish painter of the era not a Spaniard. Where artist is from

· Greece

A blend of the Byzantine and Mannerist elements. What are the principles of these movements and where it shows

· His elongated figures existing in undefined spaces, bathed in a cool light of uncertain origin, explain El Greco's usual classification as a Mannerist, El Greco's art is a strong personal blending of Byzantine and Mannerist elements. The intense emotionalism of his paintings, which naturally appealed to Spanish piety, and a great reliance on and mastery of color bound him to 16th-century Venetian art and to Mannerism

FRANCE Chateau de Chambord, Chambord, France, begun 1519

· King Francis I and the Church are the primary patrons of art in France. · Chateaux (castles) served as country houses, surrounded with moats. · Plan includes central square block in the shape of a cross. · The Italian Renaissance palazzo served as the model. The top of the structure comes from the Gothic tradition

EARTHLY DELIGHTS IN THE NETHERLANDS Hieronymus Bosch, Garden of Earthly Delights, 1505-1510. Oil on wood, center panel 7'3" x 6'5", Prado, Madrid

· One of the most fascinating and puzzling artists in history. · Painting was a secular commission, possibly to commemorate a wedding. · Garden of Eden -left panel, Paradise-center, Hell-right panel. · A painted world without a close parallel, until the Surrealism some 400 years later. No interpretation has ever been officially accepted

Pierre Lescot, west wing of the Court Carre of the Louvre, Paris, begun 1546

· Originally a medieval palace and fortress, influenced by Italian ideas for redesign. · Façade in a complete order, cornices-horizontal elements. · Ancient Roman use of arches(ground story). Pilasters and pediment resemble High Renaissance palaces.A large scale of the windows and steeper roofs -Northern European elements. Why? Read more

Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Netherlandish Proverbs, 1559. Oil on wood, 3'10" x 5' 4

· The greatest Netherlandish painter of the mid-16th century. · Human activities are the dominant theme of his paintings, with no classical elem. · Illustration of more than a hundred proverbs from a bird's-eye view. Bruegel's satirical approach with anecdotal details. Find out meaning of some scenes in the video.WATCH Video 18.2 The Netherlandish Proverbs.

El Greco, Burial of Count Orgaz, 1586. Oil on canvas, 16'x12', Santo Tome Church, Toledo

· The greatest Spanish painter of the era not a Spaniard. Where artist is from? · Titian's student, Tintoretto's influence. · A blend of the Byzantine and Mannerist elements. What are the principles of these movements and where it shows? · The rich color palette of the Venetian school. · A deliberate change in a style in between two realms (upper and lower sections). Abstraction, distortion, and expressiveness of artist's later style

Painting created in the particularly severe winter of 1565. (Mini Ice Age, read more)

· The painting, which must represent December/January, shows human figures and landscape locked in winter cold, reflecting the particularly severe winter of 1565

Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Hunters in the Snow, 1565. Oil on wood, Viena, Austria

· This is one of a series of six paintings (possibly twelve), illustrating seasonal changes in the Book of Hours' fashion. What is Book of Hours? · Painting created in the particularly severe winter of 1565. (Mini Ice Age, read more). · Artist draws the viewer diagonally into its depths. · One of the great landscape paintings in Western art. WATCH Video 18.3 Hunters in the Snow

A religious civil war in Europe. Read more

· the growing tension between secular and religious authorities

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