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"those who respond" represented servants who continued to work for one in the afterlife

Saint Basil the Great

(329-379) a great theologian from the eastern part of the Roman Empire whose writings helped to defeat the Arian heresy at the Council at Constantinople in 381. Basil also developed a "rule of life" for monks under which the monks took vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience and followed a daily routine of prayer, work, and service to those in need


Athenian leader noted for advancing democracy in Athens and for ordering the construction of the Parthenon.

Eunuchs were used in the Byzantine Empire

Eunuchs were used in the Byzantine Empire

True or False: A medieval manor had to contain a village in order for it to be considered a manor


What was the diaspora

It was when the Jews were exiled from Rome. Translates to dispersion in Greek

Ora et labora

Latin for "Pray and work"; the motto of Saint Benedict of Nursia

How did the roman republic change into the Roman Empire

The gap between the rich and the poor got bigger because of slaves taking over all the jobs. Any attempts at land reform resulted in civil war. There was also a military breakdown(no loyalty). The first triumvirate, who was Caesar Crassus and Pompey. Julius Caesar crosses over and invades Rome and becomes dictator for life. Then gets assassinated. Then the second triumvarte. Then another civil war breaks out. Then Octavian defeats the other guy and becomes dictator for life and made the Pax Romana


The lords share of the manor

Ahura Mazda

Zoroaster preached, that this was the one true and eternal God, altogether wise, just and good

The stability of the Byzantine government was the product of:

an efficient bureaucracy.


grammar, rhetoric, logic


heavily armed infantry soldiers used in ancient Greece in a phalanx formation.


lived along the upper reaches of the Tigris. the disruptions cause by the sea peoples inspired a radical militarization of these people. developed a reputation for savagery


long, double ended spears that are used in a phalanx

The Egyptian concept of truth, justice, and order was expressed by the Egyptian word


Islamic Empire

the Abbasid era was known as the medieval Islam's Golden Age. With the new capital at Baghdad the caliphs transformed Islam's original Arab culture. Led by the CALIPH, Arab armies spread Islam in the Middle East and beyond.

Sumerian religion

was noted for its pessimism


were successful since they took to the sea and established a network of trading colonies that stretched across the major mediterranean islands and along the coast of Africa

According to Xenophon

women were to have at least some power over the children and slaves of the household in Athens


zoroastrian priests

Icons are on my iPhone/iPad/computer. important for the veneration of holy people in some churches. wooden panels on which holy people are depicted. 2.all of the above

2. all of the above


A group of Germanic peoples that moved southwest, into Roman territory, where they settled down as Roman allies. However, they later revolted, resulting in a crushing Roman defeat.


A group of people who poured into southern Spain and Africa, and then into Italy, sacking Rome. The word vandal is derived from these people

Egypt: Middle Kingdom

A new period of stability lasting from 2055-1650 B.C. Characterized by a new concern on part of the pharaohs for the people.

Peloponnesian War

A war in which Athens and its allies were defeated by the league centered on Sparta

Why were the Germanic tribes invading the Roman Empire

Because they were trying to escape the Huns and since the Roman Military wasn't that good at that point they just kept going.

Why did Roman officials oppose Christians

Because they wouldn't worship the roman gods so they used them as scapegoats and executed them

Greek religion

Connected to every aspect of daily life: Boys prepared to be warriors, girls to be mothers. Temples to worship gods. Twelve chief gods and goddesses. Greeks had great desire to know the will of the gods.

The capital of the Byzantine Empire was


Diocletian's Tetrarchy

Divided the empire into the east and the west and put two rulers in charge of each, an Augustus and a Caesar. The east and west each had 6 dioceses and vicars.

What are the reasons for decline in the Roman Empire

Economic turmoil, invasions from Germanic tribes and the Huns, the loss of loyalty in the military, inflation, and loss of patriotism.

Diocletian (284-305)

Emperor during the decline of Rome. Solved the problem of continued economic deterioration by establishing the Edict of Prices, which established a minimum wage, a maximum price, and death to those who didn't comply. Resulted in a strict command economy. Also solved the problem of succession of emperors and deterioration of the west by splitting the empire in halves to save the east when the west collapses. Also solved the problem of political inefficiency due to too many provinces by creating a tetrarchy and dividing the empire into 4 quarters. He also passed the Edict of Persecution.

Egypt: Old Kingdom

Encompassed the 3rd through the 6th dynasties of Egyptian kings, when the largest pyramids of Egypt's history where built.

The neighboring people that most influenced the Romans' politically were

Etruscans and Greeks

Justinian's Code

Greatest civic accomplishment was his codification of the Roman legal system. The Code gathered together centuries of Roman law.

How did Diocletian try to slow the fall of the roman empire

He divided the nation in two halves to make it more manageable and increased the size of Rome's military and set fixed food prices

What made Augustus such an able leader

He know how to control the Romans very well so he was respected. Made people of higher power adjust to losing their power so he eventually took away power from the senate. He was very smart when it came to military. He was really intelligent


Inheritance practices were through male heirs, although, in the absence of one, women could own property and give consent in courts.

What factors most attributed to the wide diffusion(spread) of Christianity

Mostly Jews, poor and slaves were Christians. It appealed to them because it promised an afterlife and a personal relationship with god. Some of the Christian beliefs was the love god, love your neighbors, love your enemies, repent for your sins and have internal life in heaven with god. Also spread because the Roman Empire had good roads and trade.


Movement of philosophers such as Pico della Mirandola to develop human potential, to value the particular and to assert the inherent dignity of each person

New monasticism

New ideas are developed during the Romanesque era: Millennialism, Islam is less popular, so it made Christianity more popular, antisemitism, cult of relics, monasticism.

Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of Sumerian life? nomadic wandering, taking care of flocks irrigated agriculture centralized administration temples with priests and priestesses

Nomadic wandering, taking care of flocks

The earliest stage of human history is called the

Paleolithic Age.


Powerful city in Ancient Greece that was a leader in arts, sciences, philosophy, democracy and architecture. Greece's capitol and largest city.


Powerful city in Ancient Greece that was run like a military state. It competed with Athens for dominance

Macedonian Cavalry

Served to break the opposing line of battle and create disorder in the enemy's ranks. Phalanx was supported by this.

The earliest known civilization of Mesopotamia was


Athenian negotiators made the following arguments in their discussion with Melian negotiators:

The Athenians were a superpower that could dictate terms and that the gods did not much care about political matters.

College of Cardinals

The College of Cardinals is the body of all cardinals of the Catholic Church. IT was created by Pope Nicholas II. A function of the college is to advise the Pope about church matters when he summons them to an ordinary consistory. It also convenes on the death or resignation of a pope as a papal conclave to elect a successor.

The great epic poem of ancient Sumer was

The Epic of Gilgamesh

What major barbarian tribe with Justinian become allies with and what did they do together?

The Franks. They recaptured some of the lands that had been lost. But, the cost was immense. It almost bankrupted the entire Byzantium empire.

Which kingdoms did Justinian's army invade?

The Vandal, Ostrogothic, and Visigothic Kingdoms.

How was the arable land of the manor divided? Was the work done by individuals or as a community?

The arable land was divided between The Lord and the peasantry. The lords share was known as the desmene


The declining power of religious beliefs and institutions and the subsequent decline in religious practice.

Icons and the "Iconoclastic Controversy"

The ensuing struggle between the "iconoclasts" (image breakers) and 'iconophiles," known as the Iconoclastic Controversy, continued for over a century. Supporters of the icon included the empire's sizeable population of monks.

Identify and describe 3 factors that contributed to the growth of the Catholic Church during the period of 900-1100 CE.

The three factors that contributed to the growth of the Catholic Church during the period of 900-1100 CE was the Cluniac Reform movement, the investiture controversy, and new religious orders. The abbey of Cluny was founded in 910 by Duke William of Aquitaine and started the reform movement of the Catholic Church in France . It was deliberately kept separately from secular control. The new monastery tried to stop abuses in religious communities, it stressed the need for work, replacing manual labor with the copying of manuscripts, and demanding more community worship and less private prayer. As a result of the founding of the abbey of Cluny, new monasteries were founded on the same Cluny ideals. Pope Gregory VII was elected pope in 1073, and believed he was chosen by God to reform the church. He claimed that the pope was God's "vicar on Earth" and that the pope's authority ruled over all the Christendom, which included the right to dispose of emperors if they disobeyed his wishes. Pope Gregory wanted to get rid of lay investiture in order to have no outside influence by nonmembers on the Church. The Investiture controversy began because of a disputed election to the bishopric of Milan in Northern Italy. Control of the bishopric was crucial to King Henry IV because it would allow him to reestablish German power in Northern Italy. Because Milan was only second to Rome, Pope Gregory was keen to have his candidate in place. By excommunicating the king, Pope Gregory freed the kings subjects from their allegiance to him. The king begged Pope Gregory for forgiveness and the Pope lifted the excommunication. As a result the Concordat of Worms was developed, a bishop in Germany would be first elected by church officials and after the election the nominee paid homage to the king. This increased the growth of the Church because with the compromise in the form of Concordat of Worms, the Church was able to decide which bishops they would like to have in place. The Cistercian order was one of the new monastic orders and was founded in 1098 by a group of monks that were unhappy because of the lack of discipline in their monastery. Cistercian monasticism spread rapidly from southern France into the rest of the world. The appeal for many people was the change in lifestyle. Cistercians removed all decoration from monasteries and reduced the amount of time spent at religious services in order to increase the amount of time spent on manual labor and prayer. Members of the new order adopted lives of deliberate poverty, they did so in reaction against the growth in wealth of the High Middle Ages because they believed was harmful to a Christian's soul.

Justinian in Constantinople: builds an empire

Under Justinian the Byzantine Empire attained its first Golden Age. Justinian and his queen worked to re-unite the eastern and western halves of the Roman Empire, and they nearly succeeded. He built a lot but in so doing, he drained the empire's resources, leaving it weak and vulnerable.

List the 5 groups of Germans which settled in the Roman Empire and where they settled.

Visigoths ,Italy; Ostrogoths, Spain; Vandals, Spain; Franks, France; Angles and Saxes, England


Was held hostage in the court of Galarius before escaping and reuniting with his father, Flavius Constantius. After his father died in Britain, Constantine was proclaimed Augustus by his father's troops. He then fought a civil war against Maxentius for control of the Western Roman Empire in the Battle of Milvian Bridge. He also passed the Edict of Milan, granting religious freedom to Christians. He later fought the eastern Augustus to rule over the entire empire. He used Christianity to unite the empire, and was the one who started the tradition of no work on Sundays. Participator in the First Council of Nicea. Baptized on his deathbed to wash away all his sins before he died in 337 CE.

What was the Pax Romana

Was the long period of peacefulness and minimal expansion by the Roman Military


Worked together on their lord's land, they didn't own their own land. They were not slaves but were bound to the land they worked because of social and economic reasons. Had strong family bonds, were very religious, and superstitious, believed in the devil

Leonardo Da Vinci

Writer, Mathematician, Inventor, Artist (1452-1519) Leonardo da Vinci was a leading artist and intellectual of the Italian Renaissance who's known for his enduring works "The Last Supper" and "Mona Lisa." reflected in portriats

Did bishops and abbots often get entangled with the feudal system during the time of invasions? Did some have military responsibilities?

Yes, they had military responsibility and were considered feudal lords, giving them authority over knights and peasants

Early monotheism included

a contract between humans and the divine whose terms BOTH humans and the divine had to fulfill.


a dispute over whether icons were appropriate in Christian worship in Byzantium


a form of government where God or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler, the God's or deity's laws being interpreted by the ecclesiastical authorities

Dicoletian's policies created the

a four-part division of the Roman Empire.


a government in which power is in the hands of a hereditary ruling class or nobility

The guild system

a guild was a artisanal and commercial trade associations that set prices, quality standards, methods and volume of production, and wages paid to workers. Guilds also assigned market shares to individual artisans or merchants. The system of Feudalism during the Middle Ages allowed the lords and owners of the land to tax the towns people and their trades. As trade increased during the Middle Ages the taxes became excessive. In Medieval England which was run to the feudal system it was impossible for just one man to make objections to the rate and amount of tax that the lord demanded. The idea of forming a Guild was born.


a landed estate granted to a vassal in exchange for military services


a large hill in ancient Greece where city residents sought shelter and safety in times of war and met to discuss community affairs

The Spartan soldier was

a native Spartan on both parental sides who dedicated his adult life to military service.


a nomadic people who conquered and ruled ancient Egypt between the 13th and 18th dynasties; believed to have been a Semitic people that originally migrated into Egypt from Asia


a political system governed by a few people


a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them


a portion of one's harvest or income, paid by medieval peasants to the village church

Haram is a

a protected religious place where wise elders adjudicate differences in the Arabian peninsula. (a forbidden fruit it means this but the statement above is what is important for the class)


a rectangular formation of tightly massed infantry soldiers.

The Roman Republic established in 509 B.C.E. was

a regime run by the patricians accompanied by sustained efforts to prevent the plebeians from attaining a large measure of participation in it.

Medina was

a rival city of Mecca which became for a time a stronghold of Mohammed.


a self-sufficient landed estate, or fief, that was under the control of a lord who enjoyed a variety of rights over it and the peasants attached to it by means of serfdom. The manorial system was the most convenient device for organizing the estates of the aristocracy and the clergy in the European Middle Ages, and it made feudalism possible. Under other names the manorial system was found not only in France, England, Germany, Italy, and Spain but also in varying degrees, in the Byzantine Empire, Russia, Japan, and elsewhere. The manorial system's importance as an institution varied in different parts of Europe at different times. In western Europe it was flourishing by the 8th century and had begun to decline by the 13th century, while in eastern Europe it achieved its greatest strength after the 15th century.

greater west

a world that bridged Europe and Asia

Which one of the following is NOT among the Five Pillars of Islam? [Please note: you are given combinations of pillars, so read them carefully]a. a.Fasting during daylight on specific days each week and eating only after sunset. b. Fasting once a year for a given period of time and doing charity. c. Proclaiming Muhammad the prophet and praying five times a day. d. Proclaiming that there is only one god and going on pilgrimage to Mecca.

a. Fasting during daylight on specific days each week and eating only after sunset.

The most important development of the Neolithic Age was


In comparison to the Spartan political system, the Roman republican political system

allowed for more participation of the lower classes, but certainly no equality.


an ancient Greek city-state encompassing both an urban area and its surrounding countryside a small but autonomous political unit where all major political and social activities were carried out in a central location.

Foreign observers of Athenian life

an observer in Athens would not be able to distinguish master from slave.


ancient god of the sun


arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music

Local lords and chieftains often granted monasteries special privileges:

because monasteries often played a key role in economic development and prosperity in a region.

The philosopher Plato

believed that Athens was badly governed precisely because of its democratic political system.

Bronze age

bronze was significantly stronger than its counterparts,and its use in weaponry and farm implements spread throughout the near east quickly-inaugurating the _____ (400-1500 BC)

The Mycenaean civilization was

centered around palaces and warrior kings. was depicted many years later in the Homeric epics. was an ancestor of later Greek civilization.


characteristic of the ancient Greek and Roman cultures


condition in medieval Europe in which a tenant farmer was bound to a hereditary plot of land and to the will of his landlord. The vast majority of serfs in medieval Europe obtained their subsistence by cultivating a plot of land that was owned by a lord. This was the essential feature differentiating serfs from slaves, who were bought and sold without reference to a plot of land. The serf provided his own food and clothing from his own productive efforts. A substantial proportion of the grain the serf grew on his holding had to be given to his lord. The lord could also compel the serf to cultivate that portion of the lord's land that was not held by other tenants (called demesne land). The serf also had to use his lord's grain mills and no others.


convoys of camels moving goods and people across the desert in Arabia

The emperor Constantine affected the future of Christianity by: a.ending the persecutions. b.bringing about tolerance of Christianity. c.attempting unity among Christians and pagans. d. All of the above

d. all of the above

The main teachings of Jesus and Muhammad included: a. charity, expansion of the faith through war, and submission to the will of god. b. charity, peaceful missionary activity and resistance to the will of god. c. charity, equality of all religions and submission to the will of god. d. none of the answers is correct.

d. none of the answers in correct

Hammurabi's legislation regarding water management tried to

delegate responsibility for maintenance of canals to individual field owners/cultivators

The defining elements of civilization in the Neolithic period

developed agriculture. permanent settlements. domesticated animals.

In Hellenistic medicine

diet and lifestyle were considered part of a healthy regimen.


doctrine that knowledge is acquired by reason without resort to experience


each city observed the formal recognition of a particular patron God, for whom they erected vast terraced pyramid-like mounds atop which stood lavishly decorated temples that served as the earthly home of the god or goddess


early teaching of the church that was heretical by saying that Jesus was not God but created by God

Underlying the Carolingian Renaissance was the basic conviction that:

education was necessary for Christian salvation.


goddess of wisdom and useful arts and prudent warfare

The Minoan civilization

had artists who often painted frescoes (murals) featuring sports/games involving bulls.

During the Paleolithic Age, the basic lifestyle of human beings was primarily

hunting and gathering


in egypt, the first organized states emerged as regional groupings called _____, along the settlements of the river

three-field system

in medieval agriculture, the practice of dividing the arable land into three fields so one could lie fallow while the others were planted in winter grains and spring crops

The Athenian democracy differed from the Roman republic

in that the Athenian democracy allowed a lot more power to the assemblies of all citizens than the Roman republic allowed to the assemblies of the plebeians.


initially settled in north central Anatolia in a sprawl of small states, but by 1700 BCE they had united into a single kingdom

The early Byzantine religion was known for its:

intense interest in matters of doctrine and orthodoxy.

The Sumerian system of writing

is called cuneiform

Water management was instrumental for the appearance of civilization because

it required concerted and extensive efforts at water allocation and maintance infrastructure for its distribution in Mesopotamia.

Justinian's efforts to re-conquer the western Mediterranean

led to the reconquest of North Africa and a temporary reconquest of Italy.


literally "rebirth", an era tremendous cultural achievements as artists, scholars, and philosophers rediscovered the works of classical Greece and Rome and applied those ideas and aesthetics to contemporary arts, humanism and modern statecraft.

Charlemagne was able to contain Umayyad power in Europe by:

maintaining diplomatic and trade relations with its rival the Abbasid Caliphate.


military action was most efficiently directed by a single commander to whom everyone owed obedience- the king

The stylites were

monks who lived on top of pillars and acquired (in some cases) large followings.

Saint Basil the Great developed a "rule of life" for

monks, calling them to a life dedicated to serving God in other people, especially those who were poor.


most famous of the early Babylonian rulers, had a code that was distributed throughout the empire. he was the first great lawgiver of western history- addressing issues such as property rights, water rights, marriage, crime and wage regulations but neglects to mention the economy and marketplace

Sea peoples

named this by the Egyptians, this new group attacked swiftly throughout the Aegean and eastern Mediterranean seas, setting of shockwaves of dispossessed war refugees much farther inland than the sea peoples them-selves ever advances

Hellenistic philosophy was very focused

on the ways in which the subjects of imperial states could survive the loss of civic independence of their city-states.

The civil wars in the first century BC in the Roman Empire

one of the ways in which unscrupulous generals exploited social and economic problems in order to recruit private armies.

The great pyramids of Egypt were

part of the Egyptian belief in the afterlife.

Hippocrates, considered the father of modern Western medicine, taught that

physical observation could provide clues as to the causes of disease.

Epic of Gilgamesh

relates to the adventures of a powerful but egotistical king whose arrogance leads him to offend the Gods.

Benedictine Rule

rules drawn up in 530 by Benedict, a monk, regulation monastic life. The rule emphasizes obedience, poverty and chastity and divides the day into periods of worship, work and study


settled in the territory just south of Phoenicia. they are best known as the villains in the Hebrew conquest of the promised land, the barbarous people whose champion was the giant Goliath

Alexander the Great followed policies that

sought to unite disparate elements of various cultures (including Greek) in order to create new kinds of cultural identities.

St. Benedict of Nursia

strengthened the early monastic movement by providing discipline and purpose. In 529 he prepared a set of regulations known as Benedict's Rule.

Pericles argued that

that Athens was the envy of all Greek cities because it stood out for its democratic and cultural values.

The chief rivers of ancient Mesopotamia were

the Tigris and the Euphrates.

After the death of Julius Caesar,

the civil wars continued until the time of Augustus when the principate was created.

Emperor Justinian sought to have

the empire expanded back into its erstwhile extent in the Western Mediterranean.


the first transnational western religion. a man named Zoroaster began to preach the supremacy of a single God and the requirement of an ethical basis of life as the proper way of worshiping him


the granting of a fief, or landed estate, in exchange for providing military services to the lord and fulfilling certain certain other obligations such as appearing at the lord's court when summoned and making a payment on the knighting of the lord's court when summoned and making a payment on the knighting of the lord's eldest son


the holy book of the Zoroastrians

Among the Hebrew beliefs that have had an important impact on Western Civilization was

the image of god as a potentially benevolent helper for humans. the concept of ethical monotheism. that god cared for the well-being of those who believed in him

The equestrians were

the new social class that complicated the Roman social and political system as a result of imperial expansion.

The Gracchi brothers attempted to redistribute land because

the old Roman ideal of "wealth=land=citizenship" was still very much a principle that the Romans adhered to in theory, if not always in practice.

Book of the Dead

the only full-length text of any sort that Egypt contributed Western literature until the 19th century

Dhimmi were

the protected people (people of the Book).

The Christological controversies centered on

the relation between the human and divine natures of Jesus.

As a result of the Iconoclast Controversy:

the religious and political differences between the Greek East and the Latin West became more pronounced.


the script the mesopotamians created, the indention made into the clay by a reed stylus. the markings represented ideograms and groupings of letters rather than individual letters

Hyksos ascendancy

the second intermediate period in Egypt


the supreme god of ancient Greek mythology


the supreme virtue of Egyptian culture, a recognition of the world's ordering and a commitment not to upset it

In western civilization, cities first appeared in

the valleys of the Tigris and the Euphrates

Khadija was

the wife of Mohammed (Muhammad).

Byzantine monasteries were deeply involved in the Iconoclast Controversy because:

they were major producers of icons.

fertile crescent

through this region Sumerian grain traveled northward, while textiles, metalwork, and animal products of the northern portions moved south


was an Italian sculptor, painter, architect, poet, and engineer of the High Renaissance who exerted an unparalleled influence on the development of Western art.

The Byzantine Empire

was an eastern continuation of the Roman Empire

Following Alexander's death, his empire

was divided into three successor kingdoms that fought one another.

The Minoan script called Linear A was

was one of three scripts that Minoans used.

Athenian women

were denied any participation in political affairs, but only elite women were confined to their homes and households.

The barbarian invasions

were one of the contributing factors for the decline of the Roman Empire

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