His 102 Exam 1 (Ch. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21)

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In the 19th century, how did Ireland's population grow despite extreme poverty?

extensive cultivation of the humble potato

In the eighteenth century, railroad construction on the European continent

featured varying degrees of government involvement.

In the eighteenth century, European public health measures

improved water supply and sewage systems.

Oliver Cromwell's Protectorate was ultimately a

military dictatorship

The poetry of William Wordsworth typically expressed what?

mystical appreciation of art; tranquility

Copernicus's theory of the universe

postulated a sun-centered view of the universe

Soft pastels, ornate interiors, and sentimental portraits are all characteristics of the style known as


The concept of the reading revolution refers to the

shift from reading religious texts aloud as a family to reading diverse texts individually

Why did romantics and early nationalists investigate folk songs, folk tales, and proverbs?they sought to find the unique greatness of folk culture

they sought to find the unique greatness of folk culture

Who forced the king and the royal family to abandon Versailles and return to Paris?

Several thousand Parisian women

What was the goal of the Committee of Public Safety

To use dictatorial powers to respond to threats to France from without and within

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen guaranteed all of the following except

equality before the law

The economy as little as possible According to the doctrine of laissez-faire, the government should intervene in

the economy as little as possible

Merchant capitalists complained bitterly about

their inability to supervise and direct the work of rural laborers.

How did the idea of "race" transform Europeans' idea of their superiority over other peoples?

. European superiority was increasingly defined as biologically superior as well as *culturally superior.*

What was the key demand of the Chartist movement?

All men must be given the right to vote.

Who were the Luddites?

British handicraft workers who attacked factories and destroyed machinery they believed were putting them out of work

Karl Marx argued that socialism would be established

By violent revolution

The legal definition of the composition of the prerevolutionary third estate included

Everyone not the clergy or nobility

In 1850, in what occupational area did the largest number of British people work?

Farming and agriculture

France's strong economy was created by the mercantilist policies of

Jean-Baptiste Colbert

In music, the baroque style reached its culmination in the work of

Johann Sebastian Bach

The Quadruple Alliance, the nations that defeated Napoleon, included

Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Great Britain

Which of the following describes the enclosure movement of the eighteenth century?

The land was divided into plots bounded by fences to farm more effectively

In the eighteenth century, what was the focal point of community cohesion?

The parish church

Why did abolition campaigns against slavery become more prominent in the late eighteenth century?

The plight of enslaved people became more well known throughout Europe.

How did older members of the population seek to control the sexuality of working-class youths?

They supported the establishment of sex-segregated employment.

Why did eighteenth-century Britain have a shortage of wood?

Wood had been over-harvested; it was the primary source of heat in all homes and a basic raw material in industry.

The English political philosopher John Locke held that

a tyrannical government can be overthrown by the people.

Catherine the Great of Russia enjoyed the international support of

French philosophes

What was the outcome of the heightened central control established by absolutist and constitutional governments?

Growth in armed forces

In general, what was Voltaire's attitude toward government?

He believed that a good monarch was the best one could hope for in government

How did Cardinal Richelieu increase the power of the centralized French state?

He extended the use of intendants, commissioners for each of France's thirty-two district

How did the problem of food shortages change in the eighteenth century?

Increased road and canal building permitted food to be more easily transported to regions with local crop failure and famine

Why did Pietism, which began in Germany in the late seventeenth century, appeal to people?

It emphasized a warm and emotional religion

In the eighteenth century, what did the strength of popular religion in Catholic countries reflect?

Its importance in community life

How did the Peace of Westphalia mark a turning point in European history?

Large-scale armed conflicts over religious faith came to an end.

In the eighteenth century, the West's largest and richest city was


How did famines affect the European population in the seventeenth century?

Malnutrition made people susceptible to deadly diseases, which reduced the population significantly.

What was one of the social consequences of Peter the Great's bureaucratic system?

People of non-noble origin were able to rise to high positions.

Which of the following characterizes education for children outside the home in the early modern era?

Schools for the children of common people taught basic literacy, religion, and some arithmetic for boys and needlework for girls

What helped to justify the growth of slavery in the eighteenth century?

The emergence of scientific racism

Why were the young, generally unmarried women who worked for wages outside the home confined to certain "women's jobs"?

The sexual division of labor replicated a long-standing pattern of gender segregation and inequality.

Why did sugar and tea become commonly consumed products by all social classes in the eighteenth century?

There was a steady drop in prices owing to the expanded use of colonial slave labor.

Why did member of the National Convention turn against Robespierre on the Ninth of Thermidor?

They believed that Robespierre might soon have them arrested and executed

Why did members of the National Convention turn against Robespierre on the Ninth of Thermidor?

They believed that Robespierre might soon have them arrested and executed

What place did prostitutes generally hold among the common people in towns?

They were accepted members of the community of the laboring poor.

Which of the following characterizes the condition of peasants in Western Europe in the eighteenth century?

They were generally free from serfdom and owned land that they could pass on to their children.

Why did Protestant countries take the lead in expanding education to all children?

They were inspired by the Protestant idea that every believer should be able to read the Bible

What was the primary goal of Galileo Galilei's experimental method?

To discover what actually occurred in nature rather than to speculate on what should occur

In addition to supervising labor and birth, what was a typical task of the midwife?

Treating female medical difficulties

The British victory in the Seven Years' War was ratified by the

Treaty of Paris

The romantic movement was characterized by

a belief in emotional exuberance and unrestrained imagination; intellectual diversity

The primary cause of the English Glorious Revolution was

a fear of the establishment of Catholic absolutism by James II.

Europeans believed grain and bread should be available at

a just price—one that was fair to both consumers and producers.

What was Newton's law that all objects are attracted to one another and that the force of attraction is proportional to the objects' quantity of matter?

law of universal gravitation

The spinning of thread for the loom

required the work of several spinners for each loom, which led merchants to employ the wives and daughters of agricultural workers at terribly low wages.

In the summer of 1789, the National Assembly was driven toward more radical action by

revolutionary actions of French peasants and the common people of Paris

The most influential aspect of René Descartes' theories of nature was that

the universe functioned in a mechanistic fashion.

Which of the following characterizes the regions to which slaves were carried from Africa to the Americas?

About 90 percent of slaves were transported to Brazil or the Caribbean, with only 3 percent brought to North America

In the seventeenth century, why did rulers hesitate to crush rebellions?

Armies were expensive to deploy, and rulers feared creating martyrs.

What was Descartes's view that all of reality could ultimately be reduced to mind and matter?

Cartesian dualism

The Baroque style flourished in the context of the

Catholic Reformation

What was the greatest achievement of eighteenth-century medical science?

Conquest of smallpox

How did cotton transform the textile industry?

Cotton could be spun mechanically with much greater efficiency than wool or flax, helping to solve the shortage of thread for textile production.

People of Spanish ancestry born in the Americas were referred to as


How did railroads affect the nature of production

Markets become broader, encouraging manufacturers to create larger factories with more sophisticated machines

What happened during the 'Hundred Days' in France?

Napoleon returned from exile to rule France briefly

The proletarianization of peasants in the eighteenth century forced them to

become landless rural wage earners

The National Assembly that ruled France from 1789-1791 passed laws that

broadened women's rights to seek divorce and inherit property

In the nineteenth century, what did Eugène Delacroix's work typically feature?

dramatic, colorful scenes

During a young man's period of apprenticeship, he would

earn little money and work hard

Mercantilist theory postulated that

economic activity should be regulated by and for the state

Eighteenth-century blood sports such as bullbaiting and cockfighting were

popular with the European masses

Rousseau's concept of the general will asserts that

the general will is not necessarily the will of the majority.

In the 1780s, over 50 percent of France's annual budget was expended on

the military

In the eighteenth century, the diet of the poorer classes consisted largely of bread and


How did Victor Hugo exemplify the Romantic Movement in his novels?

with fantastic characters, exotic historical settings, and human emotions

In the "separate spheres" pattern of gender relationships,

women generally stopped working outside of the home after the first child was born.

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