HIS 121 FINAL-Prof. Wade

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George Washington stated:

" I hope I shall posess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man"

In 1803, Marbury versus Madison

"promised" that the Supreme Court would exercise great authority in shaping the laws of the land, McCulloch v. Maryland fulfilled that promise for the first time. Arguably no other decision has so profoundly defined national power.

John Brown

(1800-1859) anti-slavery advocate who believed that God had called upon him to abolish slavery. May or may not have been mentally unstable. Devoted over 20 years to fighting slavery, due to misunderstanding, in revenge he and his followers (his sons and others) killed five men in the pro slavery settlement of Pottawatomie Creek. Triggered dozens of incidents throughout Kansas some 200 people were killed. Was executed, still debated over whether he is a saint or killer.

Events of Jay's Treaty:

**1793 another war with England was a possibility. **Western and Southern U.S. boundaries were in dispute. **British warships seized American ships carrying French goods or sailing for a French port.


1. Organization of new national government 2.Secure national treasury 3.Recovery of territory from Britain and Spain 4.Stable northwestern frontier 5.Admission of three new states (Vermont: 1791, Kentucky:1792 and Tennessee: 1796).

Treaty of London: **John Jay won three important promises from the British.

1.They would evacuate their SIX northwestern forts by 1796. 2.Reimburse Americans for the seizure of ships and cargo in 1793-1794. 3. Grant American merchants the right to trade with the British West Indies. Jay's Treaty was also known as THE TREATY OF LONDON OF 1794. Jay's Treaty an "infamous act."

Eli Whitney invents the Cotton Gin


Thomas Jefferson outlawed the African slave trade in _______. INTERNATIONAL SLAVE TRADE IS OUTLAWED


The year the Erie Canal opened ______


In the _________, all major cities had telegraph lines. Also, department stores, first advertising agencies and first national brands came about.


Henry Clay ("The Great Compromiser") addresses the U.S. Senate during the debates over the Compromise of __________.


John Jay

1st Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, negotiated with British for Washington, he also helped publish the Federalist Papers and was the American minister ambassador to Spain

As president, George Washington only had ______staff members. He had a larger staff at his Mount Vernon plantation. When they went on vacation. He was forced to write all of his letters by himself.


1820s-1850s railroads grew from 23 miles of track to

30,626 miles

Washington's Farewell Address, 1796

32 page handwritten address, urging Americans to avoid excessive political party spirit and geographical distinctions. In foreign affairs, he warned against long-term alliances with other nations.

"Mad Anthony Wayne" had the following named in his honor:

6 villages 8 townships 32 streets/highways 24 schools/colleges 11 towns 4 forests/parks 15 counties 10 cities (including Waynesboro, Virginia) 2 boroughs Numerous hotels/motels/hospitals, business ventures, etc. FORT WAYNE, INDIANA

XYZ Affair

A 1797 incident in which French officials demanded a bribe from U.S. diplomats. John Adams sent 3 Americans to Paris to negotiate a settlement. When the U.S. diplomats arrived, they were accosted by 3 French officials(they were labeled X, Y, Z by Adams in his report to Congress) who announced that negotiations could begin only if the U.S. paid a bribe of $250,000 and loaned France $12 million. Thus became known this

Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom

A Virginian law, drafted by Thomas Jefferson in 1777 and enacted in 1786, that guarantees freedom of and from religion.

The Federalist Papers

A collection of 85 essays, published widely in newspapers in 1787 and 1788, written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of adopting the proposed U.S. Constitution.

Embargo Act of 1807

A law promoted by President Thomas Jefferson prohibiting American ships from leaving for foreign ports, in order to safeguard them from British and French attacks. This ban on American exports proved disastrous to the U.S. economy.

Spain eventually agreed to transfer to the United States . The resulting ________-_______ ___________ exchanged Florida for $5 million and other territorial concessions elsewhere.

Adams-Onis Treaty

Aaron Burr was "a dangerous man, and one who ought not to be trusted with the reigns of government." Burr challenged him to a duel and killed ______________in Weehawken, New Jersey in July 1804.

Alexander Hamilton

The most famous duel in history was between _____________ ____________ and ___________ __________ on July 11th, 1804. Hamilton was killed.

Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr

The major economic initiatives debated by Congress after the War of 1812— the national bank, federal tariffs, and federally-financed roads, bridges, ports, and canals— were interrelated pieces of a comprehensive economic plan called the _______________________________________

American System.

Congreve rockets

An early solid-fuel rocket designed by Sir William Congreve of England. The British launched these, which were famous in the "Star Spangled Banner", they were aiming the fiery missiles at the outnumbered Americans defending Craney Island.


Another name for revolutionary Patriots.

In the fall on 1793, Revolutionary War hero General "Mad" ____________ __________ led a military expedition into the Northwest Territory's "Indian Country".

Anthony Wayne

Those who opposed the centralized but wanted a decentralized government were called


The Civil War Battle: Battle of Shiloh

April 6-7, 1862, only lasted 2 day, was the costliest battle in American history up to that time.

Andrew Jackson (1767-1837) As a major general in the Tennessee militia, he had a number of military successes.

As president, he worked to enable the "common man" to play a greater role in the political arena. He vetoed the rechartering of the Second National Bank and reduced federal spending. When South Carolina nullified the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832, Jackson requested that Congress pass a "force bill" that would authorize him to use the army to compel the state to comply with the tariffs. He forced eastern Indians to move west of the Mississippi River so their lands could be used by white settlers.

In 1816, U.S. soldiers clashed with escaped slaves who had taken over a ____________ __________ on the Apalachicola River in West Florida.

British fort

President Andrew Jackson kills ________________ _____________________ in a duel and why?

Charles Dickinson , because Dickinson accused him of cheating on a horse race bet and then insulted his wife, Rachel. (he called Rachel Jackson a bigamist; Rachel had married Jackson not knowing her first husband had failed to finalize their divorce.)

In 1842, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court issues the _____________ _______ __________ _____________.

Commonwealth versus Hunt decision. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled that the forming of a trade union was not in itself illegal. The court ruled that workers could strike if the company hired non-union members.

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

Created the Northwest Territory (area north of the Ohio River and west of Pennsylvania), established conditions for self-government and statehood, included a Bill of Rights, and permanently prohibited slavery

Who were the Red Sticks? or Red Stick Warriors

Creek Indian Warriors

What happened to President Andrew Jackson during the his duel with Charles Dickinson?

Dickinson fired the first bullet hitting Jackson in the chest 2 inches away from his heart. Jackson put his hand over the wound to staunch the flow of blood and stayed standing long enough to fire his gun. Dickinson's seconds claimed Jackson's first shot misfired, which would have meant the duel was over, but, in a breach of etiquette, Jackson re-cocked the gun and shot again, this time killing his opponent. Although Jackson recovered, he suffered chronic pain from the wound for the remainder of his life. Jackson was not prosecuted for murder, and the duel had very little effect on his successful campaign for the presidency in 1829.

Francis Scott Key (1779-1843)

During the War of 1812, he watched British forces bombard Fort McHenry, but fail to take it. Seeing the American flag still flying over the fort at dawn inspired him to write "The Star-Spangled Banner," which became the American national anthem. (page 357)

In 1846, ________ _______ invents the sewing machine.

Elias Howe

When was the Second Bank of the United States (B.U.S.) established and what did it do?

Established in 1816 after the first national bank's charter expired; it stabilized the economy by creating a sound national currency, by making loans to farmers, small manufacturers, and entrepreneurs, and by regulating the ability of state banks to issue their own paper currency

Advocates for the new Constitution were called the


The Civil War Battle:Fort Sumter

First battle of the Civil War, in which the federal fort in Charleston (South Carolina) Harbor was captured by the Confederates on April 14, 1861, after two days of shelling...the start of the American Civil War


First used during the early nineteenth century to describe supporters of a strict interpretation of the Constitution, which they believed would safeguard individual freedoms and states' rights from the threats posed by a strong central government. The idealist Republican vision of sustaining an agrarian-oriented union was developed largely by Thomas Jefferson.

Declaration of Independence

Formal statement, principally drafted by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by the Second Continental Congress on July 4th , 1776, that official announced the thirteen colonies' break with Great Britain.

Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)

Four measures passed during the undeclared war with France that limited the freedoms of speech and press and restricted the liberty of noncitizens.

_____________ ________________noted that slaveholders assumed that allowing slaves to learn to read and write "would spoil the best n%**#r in the world."

Frederick Douglass

In 1848, the California _________ _________ begins.

Gold Rush

On April 9th, 1865, Appomattox Courthouse, Lee surrendered to _____________.


Henry Clay was from what county and state?

Hanover County, Virginia

Eli Whitney (1765-1825)

He invented the cotton gin which could separate cotton from its seeds. One machine operator could separate fifty times more cotton than worker could by hand, which led to an increase in cotton production and prices. These increases gave planters a new profitable use for slavery and a lucrative slave trade emerged from the coastal South to the Southwest. (page 381)

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

He was a plantation owner, author, the drafter of the Declaration Independence, ambassador to France, leader of the Republican party, secretary of state, and the third president of the United States. As president, he purchased the Louisiana territory from France, withheld appointments made by President Adams leading to Marybury v. Madison, outlawed foreign slave trade, and was committed to a "wise and frugal" government. (page 192)

Andrew Jackson facts:

He was the 7th president of the United States Served in American Revolutionary War Major general in the War of 1812 First Senator from Tennessee First Governor of Florida Helped found the Democratic Party First Democratic President Only president censured by the Senate First target of presidential assassination attempt Paid off national debt while in office

__________ _________, a Virginian transplanted to Kentucky, was responsible for the "American System."

Henry Clay

What John Brown's plan for the raid on Harper's Ferry?

His plan was to instigate a major slave rebellion in the South. He would seize the arms and ammunition in the federal arsenal, arm slaves in the area and move south along the Appalachian Mountains, attracting slaves to his cause. He had no rations. He had no escape route. (www.ushistory.org/us/32c.asp)

What was the main cause of the Red Stick War in 1813?

In one instance in February 1813, a small war party of Red Sticks, led by Little Warrior, were returning from Detroit when they killed two families of settlers along the Ohio River. ... The Battle of Burnt Corn, as the exchange became known, broadened the Creek Civil War to include American forces.

Jay's Treaty (1794)

It was signed in the hopes of settling the growing conflicts between the U.S. and Britain. It dealt with the Northwest posts and trade on the Mississippi River. It was unpopular with most Americans because it did not punish Britain for the attacks on neutral American ships. It was particularly unpopular with France, because the U.S. also accepted the British restrictions on the rights of neutrals.

Senator ___________ ___________ of Illinois proposed a compromise, Maine would be a free state and Missouri a slave state.

Jesse Thomas

In 1837, _______ ______ invents the steel plow.

John Deere

George Washington selected _______ _______ as the first chief justice of the Supreme Court.

John Jay

On this day in 1865 _________________ _____________ ______________ an actor and Confederate sympathizer, fatally shoots President Abraham Lincoln at a play at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C. ( The play was "Our American Cousin"). The attack came only five days after Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered his massive army at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, effectively ending the American Civil War.

John Wilkes Booth

___________ ___________ was the first rider out of St. Joseph, Missouri

Johnny Fry

Thomas Jefferson and John Quincy Adams died on the same day ________ ______ , ___________.

July 4th, 1826.

In _______, Jackson captured Pensacola, the Spanish capital until Florida's future was decided.


Lewis and Clark: In 1803, Thomas Jefferson asked Congress to fund an expedition to the far Northwest. He was interested in the flora, fauna, geography and the prospect of trade and agriculture. **Jefferson assigned two former army officers, _________ ________ and ___________ __________.

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark

In 1822, Boston Associates developed water powered mill along the _________________ ______________ and named the town ___________________________.

Merrimack River; Lowell

Andrew Jackson was called from _______________to lead the fight during the First Seminole War.


In 1834, the _________ _________ _________ was organized.

National Trades' Union.

Barbary Pirates

North Africans who waged war (1801-1805) on the United States after Jefferson refused to pay tribute (a bribe) to protect American ships.

The Civil War Battle: Battle of Antietam

On September 17, 1862, McClellan's and Lee's forces collided at this battle near the Town of Sharpsburg, Maryland. This battle was the first major battle of the Civil War to occur on Union soil. It remains the bloodiest single day in American history with over 20,000 soldiers killed, wounded, or missing in just 12 hours.

Why did the US declare war on Britain in 1812?

One reason given for Americans declaring war against Great Britain was because the British were harassing American ships. The British were also seizing American sailors at sea and forcing them to serve in the British Navy. This was called Impressment.

What happened when Andrew Jackson refused to clean the British officer's boots?

Orphaned by the American Revolution, Andrew Jackson became a prisoner of war at the age of 13. When he refused to clean a British officer's boots, the soldier slashed him across the forehead with his sword, scarring him for life.

XYZ Affair: In 1797 Adams sent Pinckney, John Marshall (VA Federalist) and Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts (Republican) to ________________.


The Anti-Federalist:

Patrick Henry, George Mason, Richard Henry Lee, James Monroe, George Clinton, Sam Adams, Elbridge Gerry, Samuel chase, and Luther martin of Maryland, were all known Patriots.

In 1794, the __________ - _________ _________is completed.

Philadelphia-Lancaster Turnpike

Jeffersonian Republicans

Political party founded by Thomas Jefferson in opposition to the Federalist Party led by Alexander Hamilton and John Adams; also known as the Democratic-Republican Party.

Jeffersonian Republicans (Democratic Republicans Party)

Political party funded by Thomas Jefferson in opposition to the Federalist Party.

Eventually, the __________ _____________ had more than 100 stations, 80 riders, and between 400 and 500 horses. The express route was extremely hazardous, but only one mail delivery was ever lost. The service lasted only 19 months until October 24, 1861, when the completion of the Pacific Telegraph line ended the need for its existence.

Pony Express

Louisiana Purchase (1803)

President Thomas Jefferson's purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France for $15 million, doubling the size of U.S. territory.

Election of 1800

Presidential election between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams; resulted in the first Democratic-Republican victory after the Federalist administrations of George Washington and John Adams.

In 1845, the clipper ship, The "________________" was launched. They were built for speed. They shortened the amount of time to transport goods across the oceans.


The Creek War: Upper Creeks (______ __________) in Georgia and Alabama sided with the British and Spanish. Lower Creeks, sided with the Americans

Red Sticks

Aaron Burr tried to flee to Florida but was caught and brought to _______________, _____________ for trial under John Marshall (Captured by Nicholas "Bigbee" Perkins, he gained national fame)

Richmond, Virginia

Lewis and Clark added a Shoshone woman to the group. She was _____________________who was a guide, translator and negotiator. They returned to St. Louis in 1806. They had been gone 2-1/2 years. (Lewis and Clark Expedition 1804-1806)


In 1804, Lt. ___________ ___________ and a small crew in USS Enterprise used the captured Tripolitan gun boat INTREPID to invade Tripoli Harbor and burn the Philadelphia. Intrepid accidentally blew up, killing 11 blue-jackets .But the Philadelphia was successfully burned.

Stephen Decatur

1793 Maritime (ships)

The Resolution was a small American Schooner, built in the Marquesas Islands in 1793 as a tender for the maritime fur trade ship for Jefferson.

_____ _____ __ ______ eventually became part of a global European war. In America, the war was fought in three different areas, The Chesapeake Bay (including DC, Maryland and Virginia), the South (Alabama, Mississippi and Florida) and the borders of Canada and the U.S. Meanwhile, in Europe, Napoleon invaded Russia and fought with Austria, Prussia and England.

The War of 1812

What battle ended the Red Stick War?

The stunning success of the Red Sticks, played up in the national press as a barbarous attack against Americans, brought the United States into the war. Thus, the Creek civil war became a war of American conquest. The war ended with a decisive victory by Andrew Jackson at Horseshoe Bend in late March 1814.

What the end of the Era of Good Feeling

The years following* the end of the War of 1812 have been called the "era of good feelings" because of their apparent lack of partisan political strife. In the Election of 1816, James Monroe decisively defeated the last of the Federalist candidates.

What happened when Andrew Jackson marched south from Nashville to fight the Red Sticks?

This was the Battle of Horseshoe Bend (also known as, Treaty of Fort Jackson), In March 1814, Jackson tracked the Red Sticks to Horseshoe Bend, a peninsula formed by the Tallapoosa River in what is now Alabama, and launched a frontal assault on their breastworks. His troops might have been repulsed had the Cherokees not crossed the river and attacked from the rear. Caught between two attacking forces, the Red Sticks lost nearly 900 warriors in what proved to be the decisive battle of the war. (300 drowned)

The 3rd president of the United States was ______________ _________________. He was the first president in the new capital city of Washington, District of Columbia.

Thomas Jefferson (March 4th,1801)

Transcontinental Treaty (Adams-Onis Treaty) (1819)

Treaty between Spain and the U.S. that clarified the boundaries of the Louisiana Purchase and arranged the transfer of Florida to the United States in exchange for cash.

The Islamic rulers of Morocco, Algiers, Tunis and ___________ , the Barbary Pirates, used piracy and extortion on shipping in the Mediterranean. The pirates small, fast craft called CORSAIRS captured American vessels and enslaved the crews. The US paid Morocco in 1786 and then the other Barbary states in the 1790s.


Battle of New Orleans, 1815

Two weeks after the War of 1812 officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Ghent, U.S. General Andrew Jackson achieves the greatest American victory of the war at the Battle of New Orleans. On this day in 1815, Maj. Gen. Andrew Jackson led a small, poorly equipped force to a decisive American victory against 8,000 British troops in the Battle of New Orleans. ... It also proved to be the final major battle of the War of 1812.

During the Barbary War: The pasha (ruler) of Tripoli raised his rates and declared war on the ___________ _________. The US and Tripoli ran a small but intense war for several years.

United States

Washington's Farewell Address

Warned Americans not to get involved in European affairs, not to make permanent alliances, not to form political parties and to avoid sectionalism.

Constitution of the United States (March 4th,1789)

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Maryland Federalist ___________ _______________ , prominent land speculator, was appointed a justice of the peace in the District of Columbia by Adams before leaving office. The commission letter had not been delivered (same old post office, is it not?) when Jefferson arrived. Jefferson told Madison not to make the appointment. Marbury sued.

William Marbury

Thomas Jefferson most significant accomplishments

as president was the Louisiana Purchase. In 1803, he acquired land stretching from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains from cash-strapped Napoleonic France for the bargain price of $15 million, thereby doubling the size of the nation in a single stroke.

Why was Andrew Jackson called "Old Hickory"?

because he fought tenaciously at the Battle of New Orleans in 1815, General Andrew Jackson's soldiers nicknamed him Old Hickory. Hickory is strong and tough, resilient wood.

Agriculture in VA, the Carolina's, and Georgia had become dependent on slave labor. 1/3 of the people living in the South were ____________ _____________.

black slaves

The Civil War was the ______________________ war in the nation's history.


The Louisiana Purchase: The brilliant diplomacy of Jefferson with Napoleon Bonaparte was considered the greatest achievement of the Jefferson presidency. This occurred in 1803 as Napoleon was warring against the rest of Europe. **It more than ________ _____ ___________ _____ _____ ___________ ___________.

doubled the territory of the United States.

In 1819, there were __________free states and _________slave states.

eleven; eleven

Slaves in most states could not testify in court, legally marry, own firearms, or hit a white man, even in self- defense. They could also be abused, tortured, and whipped. Despite such restrictions and brutalities, however, the _______________ managed to create their own communities and cultures within the confines of the slave system, forging bonds of care, solidarity, recreation, and religion.


Monroe Doctrine

expressed the idea that Americans were no longer open to colonization and proclaimed American neutrality in European affairs.

September 17th, 1796 was Washington's ___________ ___________.

farewell speech

George Washington was "________ __ ________, first war and first in the heart's of his countrymen". The people wanted him to be king, but he refused.

first in peace

In 1789, George Washington was elected the nation's _________ ____________.

first president

African Americans who were not enslaved were called

free persons of color.

Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804)

his belief in a strong federal government led him to become a leader of the Federalist. As the first secretary of the Treasury, he laid the foundation for American capitalism through the creation of a federal budget, funded debt, a federal tax system, a national bank, a customs service, and a coast guard. His "Reports on Public Credit" and "Reports on Manufactures" outlined his vision for economic development and government finances. He died in a duel against Aaron Burr.

Andrew Jackson was known to be _______ ___________ and he hated ____________ and the ________________.

hot headed; Indians, British

Governments have four basic ways to pay their bills:

impose taxes or fees on individuals and businesses, levy tariffs (taxes on imported goods), borrow money by selling interest- paying government bonds to investors, and, last but not least, print money.

Whig party Political party founded in 1834, what did it support?

in opposition to the Jacksonian Democrats; Whigs supported federal funding for internal improvements, a national bank, and high tariffs on imported goods.

Alexander Hamilton opposed Aaron Burr's candidacy and his stinging remarks on the subject led to Burr challenging him to duel in which Hamilton was _____________.


The United States paid the pasha $60,000 tribute (blackmail) for the Philadelphia's crew. **Meanwhile ____ ___________ ______________, USMC, and several marines invaded Derna in Tripoli (now Libya). They raised the first American flag on foreign soil. The Marine Hymn, "From the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli" comemerates O'Bannon's exploits.

lt. Presley O'Bannon

In 1831, Cyrus McCormick invents a ____________ ____________.

mechanical reaper

Among the free black population were a large number of ______________, people of mixed racial ancestry. The census of 1860 reported 412,000 mulattoes in the United States, or about 10 percent of the black population— probably a drastic undercount.


John Quincy Adams was the first president to be ________________.


Alexander Hamilton's ideas became the ___________ ______ known as the "Federalists".

political party

Henry Clay, as speaker of the House had a lot of pull. He swung it so the John Adams was elected _______________. Clay expected to be Secretary of State.


The Tariff of 1816 , what did it do?

protected American manufacturing, and the Second Bank of the United States provided a stronger currency. It was intended to protect industries against foreign competition. New England supported it and the South opposed it. John C. Calhoun and a minority of Southerners voted for the tariff.

Thomas Jefferson was into ________, _____, ______________, and spoke 7 languages. He was an architect who designed his home at Monticello, the Virginia state capitol and the University of VA. He was good in math, engineering, agronomy, and he was an inventor. He also played the violin.

science, arts, humanities

Andrew Jackson survived ________ ________, _______________, and a ________ ________ __________ ____ ______ _______ ______ _________.

small pox, dysentery; gun shot wound 2 inches from his heart

Railroads became supreme because of ___________, ___________ ____________, and ______________.

speed, carrying capacity; reliability.

Built by Robert Fulton in 1807, the Claremont was the first successful ________________to sail to Albany.


Henry Clay's American System-Sectionalism

supported economic nationalism by endorsing a national bank, a protective tariff, and federally-funded internal improvements such as roads and canals. Many Americans, however, were more tied to the needs of their particular sections of the country. People in different regions— North, South, and West—disagreed about which economic policies best served their interests. As settlers streamed west, the extension of slavery into the new territories became the predominant political concern, eventually requiring both sides to compromise repeatedly to avoid civil war

The Whiskey Rebellion: Alexander Hamilton's _______ ____ _____________ of 1791 outraged farmers in the back country. It was their most profitable commodity.

tax on alcohol

In 1844, Samuel F. B. Morse sent a _____________ ___________ to Baltimore to Washington , D.C.

telegraph signal

The _____________ ___________ diminished the isolation of the West and united the country economically and socially.

telegraph system

In 1813, Waltham, Massachusetts, the Boston Associates constructed the first ________ _______ in America.

textile mill

The Panic of 1819 was caused by

the British spurning of the American cotton. The British were getting cotton from other sources (Egypt for one) which was cheaper. This caused inflation and land speculation destabilizing the economy - people couldn't pay the loans they got from the national bank. (persisted 3 yrs)

The Treaty of Ghent ended the fighting but failed to address the reasons why President Madison had declared war in the first place:

the disputes about U.S. maritime and the British practice on impressment.

George Washington led the troops for awhile. He was the only American president ____ ________ ________ into battle.

to lead troops

In 1807, Jefferson ordered Vice-President Burr's arrest for _______________.


John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry

was an effort by white abolitionist John Brown to start an armed slave revolt in 1859. He attacked and captured the United States arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia.

The Panic of 1819 ________________________________________________.

was the first major economic depression.

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