HIS Quiz 12

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Which of the following are true about East Africa during the medieval period? (multiple answers - check all that apply)

1) Arab Muslims established wealthy trading city-states along the Indian Ocean coast 2) The kingdom of Aksum was a thriving Christian kingdom during the early medieval period 3) Islam dominated most of the region by 1300 CE

Which statements below summarize the roots of the Hundred Years' War in Europe? (multiple answers - check all that apply)

1) English kings' vassalage to French kings 2) English kings holding large territories in France

Which of the following are true about Jehanne d'Arc, or 'Joan of Arc'? (multiple answers - check all that apply)

1) Her victory at Orleans in 1429 led directly to Charles VII being crowned king of France 2) She was a French peasant girl who claimed to have visions and hear voices from Christian saints.

Which of the following statements are true about the Papal Inquisition? (multiple answers - check all that apply)

1) If the Inquisitors found the accused guilty without having confessed, he or she was usually executed 2) Inquisitors had an array of torture devices at their disposal with which to extract confessions from accused heretics 3) It was a court established in 1225 to root out heresy from medieval Christian Europe

Which of the following is true about Gothic architecture? (multiple answers - check all that apply)

1) It utilized flying buttresses to add support to the walls, enabling them to be much taller 2) The goal was to achieve greater height and light (and therefore glory to God) in European cathedrals 3) One of its innovations was the ribbed vault with pointed arches

Which of the following are true about Charlemagne's empire? (multiple answers - check all that apply)

1) It was an empire of the Franks 2) After 800 it was called the 'Holy Roman Empire' 3) It was the largest empire in Europe since the Romans 4) It was split up shortly after the reign of Charlemagne's son

Which of the following were commodities that the Songhai Empire of west Africa exported to the Islamic empire in north Africa: (multiple answers - check all that apply)

1) Nuts and spices 2) Slaves 3) Gold

Which of the following is/are true about medieval European guilds? (multiple answers - check all that apply)

1) They were a form of labor union which worked for the advantage of persons in a certain trade 2) They could collectively bargain against the 'robber baron' castles for lower taxes and tolls 3) One type eventually became the foundation for western universities

The power of the Mali and Songhai empires was based on:

Control of trade routes across the Sahara

At the Battle of Hattin, Richard the Lionheart defeated Saladin, thereby winning the third Crusade


During the age of Feudalism, European society enjoyed for the first time strong national identities, well-defined borders, and equal rights under the law.


In European feudalism, the oath of loyalty and service given by a vassal to a lord is known as


In European feudalism, the plot of land granted by a lord to a vassal was known as a


Which statement below accurately describes the city of Timbuktu?

It was a commercial and intellectual center of the Songhai Empire in West Africa

The initial call for an army that began the Crusades was issued by:

Pope Urban II in 1095

Which of the following was NOT a result of the Crusades?

The Byzantine Empire rose as the most powerful political and military force in the Eastern Mediterranean

What does the term 'Christendom' refer to?

The Catholic Church's resemblance to an earthly kingdom during the High Middle Ages, having powerful ruling officials, revenue collecting, enforceable laws, and even its own military force.

Which of the following is (are) true about the Norsemen, or Vikings? (multiple answers - check all that apply)

They opened a trading link between the Baltic and Kiev, creating a commercial avenue from Scandinavia to Baghdad

The brief period of unity for medieval Europe under Charlemagne was ended in 843 with the signing of the:

Treaty of Verdun

The end result of the Third Crusade was essentially the end result of the Crusades period as a whole, even though six more followed it.


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