HIST 111

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What was the reconquista?

A 700-year contest between Spain and Islamic peoples for control of the Iberian Peninsula.

Native populations declined because of all of the following reasons except

Increased life spans.

Columbus was born into a world

Influenced by European investors seeking low-risk investments.

Why did England conquer Ireland between 1565 and 1576?

Irish noblemen refused to submit to the English monarchy.

The _________ was a business form in England that encouraged the English to invest in founding colonies.

Joint-stock company.

Why did corn cultivation move so far northward from Mesoamerica?

Like other goods and practices, corn cultivation traveled north on the Mississippi River.

From Maya and Aztec writings and other cultural indications, we can conclude that

Maya and Aztec people lived in a complex political world complete with alliances with different groups.

Why had the Spanish been comparatively lucky in their colonizing mission to the Americas?

Mesoamerica's sedentary populations were already familiar with social hierarchies and the paying of tribute.

Francisco Vásquez de Coronado and his entourage traveled from

Mexico City to Zuni Pueblo to Kansas.

Both the Indians and the French believed that

Mixed marriages provided a foundation for trading and military alliances.

In 1513 the Spanish Crown issued the Requerimiento, which

Promised Indians who accepted Christianity and the authority of Spain that they would be left in peace.

What group dominated the government and economy of the Netherlands after 1648?

Prosperous merchants.

In the mercantile system, colonies were useful to European countries because they

Provided raw materials and markets for manufactured goods.

Sugar production demanded a large labor force. Encomenderos decided to

Replace Indian workers with African workers.

Samuel de Champlain

Retraced Cartier's route up the St. Lawrence River.

Ponce de León was the first European who

Set foot on the mainland that would become the United States.

Malinche was

A woman who used her linguistic and cultural knowledge to help Cortes

Under the theory of mercantilism, one nation's gain was

Another nation's loss.

The Indians who lived in the New Netherlands used ____________ as a medium of exchange.

Beads made from clamshells.

Among other things, the Mississippian people were known for

Building mounds, some for ceremonial purposes and some as burial sites.

Archaeological evidence suggests that the earliest Americans arrived on the continent

By 12,000 BCE.

Why did most Anasazi return to hunting and gathering practices at times?

Changing climates and nomadic enemies forced them to resort to alternative forms of sustenance.

Which of the following appears to have been the most important reason for the extinction of the woolly mammoth?

Climactic shifts.

The term ________ suggests the consequences of blending plants, animals, and humans with their diseases from Europe and the New World.

Columbian Exchange.

Which of the following statements about Tenochtitlan is not correct?

Compared to Paris or Venice, Tenochtitlan was a small, rural village.

What crop was cultivated by nearly every Native American farming culture?


French traders and Huron and Algonquian hunters

Created a network that made each group dependent on the other.

The Five Nations or Great League of Peace

Curtailed the mourning wars among Iroquois in upper New York.

The Dutch Reformed Church

Did not oppose slavery.

A sharp decline in the Indian population followed the arrival of Europeans because

Diseases were introduced inadvertently by the Spanish.

The Treaty of Tordesillas

Divided the discovered world between Spain and Portugal.

Why did the European monarchs refuse to finance Columbus's venture?

Each monarch assumed Columbus had miscalculated the earth's circumference.

Christopher Columbus's theories of exploration were based on

Each statement is accurate.

Columbus's attitude toward the Taino or Arawak people and other native people in general was

Each statement is accurate.

Following the arrival of Cortes, the Spanish and Aztecs

Each statement is accurate.

Why were European diseases such as smallpox, typhus, and influenza so devastating to Native populations?

Each statement is correct.

The experience of Don Luis de Velasco, or Paquiquineo, illustrates the

Ease with which European and Indian cultures could interact.

Hernando de Soto led the expedition that

Explored the southeastern part of the United States, including the Mississippi River.

French crews traded for beaver pelts used in France to make

Felt hats.

What first attracted French interest in North America?

Fishing in waters near Newfoundland.

The Hakluyt cousins argued that developing North American colonies would enable England to

Free itself of economic dependency on other nations.

Despite their motivation to get rid of the Spanish, Native Americans lost the battles to the Spanish because

The Aztecs and others could not compete against advanced European technology.

The Beaver Wars erupted when

The Hurons cut off trade between the Iroquois and the French.

Totem poles were central to Native American communities in what region?

The Pacific Northwest.

Why did the combination of corn and beans prove so crucial to the diet of early Americans?

The beans added amino acid to the corn, making the combination as nutritious as meat.

Why did Henry VIII make Protestantism the official religion of England?

The pope would not dissolve his sonless marriage with Catherine of Aragon.

Why have scholars called Mesoamerica the "Cradle of the Americas"?

The region hosted the first technologically advanced civilizations.

How did the French learn to survive in New France?

They adapted to Indian customs and assisted Indian friends against their enemies.

Most colonists in Virginia who did not survive were

Victims of malnutrition and disease.

The Spanish soldiers who fought in the reconquista

Were influenced in part by their Christian faith and promises of wealth and glory.

What about don Luis's behavior shocked and scandalized the Spanish Jesuits in1570?

He took several wives.

When a member of an Iroquois clan was lost in battle,

His tribesmen killed or seized a warrior of the offending clan.

What influenced European countries other than Portugal and Spain to become active in the New World?

Hope for wealth, glory, and power.

How did the Spanish King Phillip II react to explorations by France and England?

He established a string of forts.

Most colonies established by European nations in the first half of the seventeenth century were

Outposts in the global economy.

Sir Francis Drake is best known as a

Privateer who helped defeat the Spanish Armada.

England's first activity in the New World was to

Steal wealth from Spain.

Because the French and English found no gold or silver in areas they claimed in the New World, they

Stole from the Spanish, who did find gold and silver.

The enslavement of Africans

evolved over time

For the natives, the encomienda resulted in

forced labor

During 40 years under Dutch control, the most profitable product of the New Netherlands was


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