HIST 112 Exam 2

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The Chinese signed treaties with France and the US, conceding in a clause that any new concessions granted to one country automatically reverted to those who were "__________ nations."

most favored

In 1792, the sultan and his viziers proclaimed a "new order" for the army, in which:

A separate artillery and flintlock musket corps was created alongside the Janissaries.

By 1800, the viceroyalty of La Plata, with the rising port of _________, had grown through contraband trade with Great Britain.

Buenos Aires

The successor of Louis XVIII of France, __________, took the extreme course of restoring the property of the aristocracy lost during the Revolution.

Charles X

Why did diplomatic missions like Lord Macartney's mission in 1793 ultimately fail?

China felt no need to adapt to Western modes of international commerce and relations.

By 1810, when the first independence movements were formed in the viceroyalty of La Plata, the porteños were:

Creoles living in Buenos Aires who favored independence from Spain.

How did the British enhance their legitimacy in the eyes of the Indian people?

They linked their rule with India's historic past.

How many Europeans migrated to Australia and New Zealand by 1914?

Three million

In 1811, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla:

Was captured and executed by loyal Spanish forces.

When they established power, the Qajars:

Were not powerful enough to interfere with the clerical hierarchy's privileges

Children frequently began work in mines as "trappers", responsible for:

Opening and shutting ventilation doors in mineshafts.

What Latin American state was created in 1903 with the support of the United States?


The commander of an American fleet, Matthew C. _________, arrived in Japan in July 1853, deliberately attempting to impress the Japanese with Western technological might.


Count Camillo di Cavour, the prime minister of _________, was the politician who did the most to realize Italy's unification.


All of the rights of Japanese subjects set out in the Meiji Constitution's 15 articles are:

Qualified by such praises as "unless provided by law".

Which of the following was not an early reform of the Meiji?

The accepting of thousands of American advisors.

Had it not been for __________, the French government, on the verge of Revolution in 1789, would have been well-financed.

The debt incurred during the American War of Independence.

The US Constitution seemed to embody many of the ideals of the Enlightenment, except for:

The issue of slavery

Which was not a location for Indian migrants in the nineteenth century?

The united states

In 1833, the Factory Act set a minimum age of 9 for child employees and limited the workday to _____ hours for children between the ages of 13 and 18.


After the British prohibited slavery in _______, Ashante merchants in West Africa switched to providing commodities that were in great demand in industrializing Britain.


Although Samuel Morse had already invented a telegraph transmission code, it was only in the __________ that major continental landmasses were linked by submarine transoceanic cables.


The end of serfdom in Russia would not come until 1861, and the end of slavery in the Ottoman Empire not until ________.


Italy's imperialist dreams in Africa were stymied by its crushing defeat at the battle of Adowa in ________, in which one-third of its army was killed by Ethiopian forces.


Porfirio Díaz dominated the Mexican government between 1876 and 1880, and again between 1884 and ________.


Simón Bolívar came from _______ in what is today Venezuela.

A wealthy Creole plantation family

_______ published his Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations in 1776.

Adam Smith

The assassination of ________ in 1881 by a leftist terrorist organization impatient for further reforms triggered a repressive backlash from the next tsar.

Alexander II

Among other provisions, the Treaty of Shimonoseki:

Allowed the Japanese to annex Taiwan.

Among the factors that made industrialization in Belgium, northern France, and the northern German states more suitable in the 1830s than earlier in the century was:

An improved network of roads, canals, and now railways in this region.

Who wrote Gothic stories and tales as part of the Romantic movement?

Edgar Allan Poe

Louis XVI held an assembly of the ________, at Versailles to address France's financial problems.


After he had __________ and suffered a nervous breakdown, Hong Xiuquan came to believe that he was Christ's younger brother.

Failed his civil service examination for the third time

One of the outcomes of the Boxer Rebellion was a new "unequal treaty" that allowed:

For the posting of foreign troops in Chinese cities.

In February 1812, the British Parliament passed the _________, which made attacks on textile machinery punishable by death.

Frame Breaking Act

Reformers in Ottoman Empire introduced a system of "life lease" for taxation in the 18th century, mirroring developments that were taking place in the taxation system of _______.


After suffering setbacks in Ethiopia, Italy invaded the __________ province of Tripolitania.


Which colonial power could be found on every continent?


The Great Mutiny was touched off by the rumor that the British had:

Introduced a rifle which required its operator to bite the end from a gunpowder cartridge greased with cow and pig fat

Like the Chinese, Vietnam had adopted the policy of ________ in the 1840s when dealing with Western intrusion into the region.


Publication of Denis Diderot's Encyclopédie was difficult because:

It was banned as subversive by the Catholic Church and the French monarchy.

Charles X of France claimed that his blockade of Algiers was justified because:

It was in response to an insult by an Algerian dey to his agent

The availability of a treatment for _________ allowed Christian missionaries to travel to the interiors of Africa.


What American colony did Britain try to isolate from the Continental Association after it had decided on an economic boycott of Britain?


As the trade in opium expanded in the erly nineteenth century, heavily armed ships would unload their cargo of opium on small, sparsely inhabited offshore islands, from which:

Middlemen picked up the drug and made their rounds on the mainland.

The Treaty of ______ between the Chinese and the British in 1842 marked the first of the century's "unequal treaties" that would be imposed throughout east Asia by European powers.


Ottoman troops were able to repress nationalist agitators in Macedonia in the 1890s because:

None of the groups received outside support in their effort.

Fury resulted from a 1791 decision by the white settler Provincial Assembly in Saint-Domingue to:

Not grant citizen rights to mulattos whose parents were free.

Contrary to expectations, wages for laborers in Latin America ____________ in the 1800s.

Remained low, because ethnic discrimination and racism trumped market conditions.

The opening gambit of Great Britain's "Great Game" against __________ was the first Anglo-Afghan war in 1838.


At the time of the French Revolution, ________ was one of the richest European colonies.


Over the course of the 19th century population in the industrialized nations of Europe:

Shifted from rural to urbanized settings

When they entered Mexico City in 1915, Álvaro Obregón and his Constitutionalists were:

Supported by the working classes and their union representatives.

The image above shows European powers and Japan seeking to carve up China. What prevented the total dismemberment of China?

The "open door" policy of 1899.

The "Fortunate Edict" of 1856 declared that all Ottoman subjects, regardless of _______, had the right to education, employment, and administration of justice.


In urban areas, ________ frequently ran shops, managed markets, were proprietors of cantinas, and performed a host of skilled and unskilled jobs, particularly in the textile and food trades.


The invention of _______ by the Swedish chemist and engineer Alfred Bernhard Nobel aided in the construction of the Panama Canal (1914).


Which colonial power could be found on every continent?


Through a treaty, the British imposed the policy of _________, by which their subjects who were accused of violating Chinese laws would be tried and punished by British consuls.


The two key terms in the popular Chinese self-strengthening formulation Zhongxue wei ti and Xixue wei yong meant "Chinese studies for the essence" and "Western studies for the __________."

practical application

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