Hist 120 Midterm

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T/F: As colonial society became more structured, opportunities for women in the eighteenth century increased


T/F: During the eighteenth century, many American elites felt distinctively American rather than more like the "Anglicized" English.


T/F: In the late seventeenth century, the Iroquois were known for their fierce hatred and courageous fighting against British colonists.


T/F: Intermarriage between Indians and English settlers was common.


T/F: Over the century between 1650 and 1750, the agricultural economies of New England, the Middle Colonies, and the backcountry grew more and more alike


T/F: Seventeenth-century New England quickly developed into a land of large plantations and landless servants.


T/F: Since mosquitoes bearing malaria flourished in the New World, slaves were particularly susceptible since they had not developed immunity to the disease.


T/F: Harvard College was principally founded to educate young men into the ministry.


T/F: In 1600's, nearly two-thirds of English settlers came as indentured servants


T/F: In 1678, when the Lords of Trade in England queried the Massachusetts government about how well it was following the Navigation Acts, the Lords received the reply from the colony that the Navigation Acts did not apply to the colony unless the colony's own government (not the British Parliament, but rather the Massachusetts General Court) approved them.


T/F: In his work, A Summary View of the Rights of British America, Thomas Jefferson demanded that the British empire be seen as a collection of equal parts held together by loyalty to a constitutional monarch, not a system in which one part ruled over the others.


T/F: According to the English minister George Whitefield, people could participate in their own salvation through their own actions; they were not, as predominant Protestant religions had traditionally held, predestined for damnation.


T/F: By 1700, almost 2 million acres of land was owned by five New York families.


T/F: By 1775, three-fifths of the English owned no land, but about two-thirds of the free male colonists in British North America owned land.


T/F: By substituting "pursuit of happiness" for "property," Jefferson's Declaration of Independence significantly broadened the American conception of freedom.


T/F: By the 1700s, the population of Spanish North America was small, consisting of a few, isolated urban clusters in Florida, Texas, and New Mexico.


T/F: During the Seven Years' War Great Britain treated the colonists as allies, yet only a few years later the colonists were treated as subordinates again.


T/F: During the War for Independence, 5 percent of U.S. males aged sixteen to forty-five died.


T/F: During the eighteenth century, British colonies diversified along ethnic and religious lines.


T/F: England's ongoing struggle to subdue Ireland delayed its entry into New World colonization.


T/F: Every European empire in the New World utilized slave labor and battled for control of the slave trade.


T/F: Fourteen women and five men were hanged as witches in the Salem witchcraft trials of 1692.


T/F: In the English colonies as a whole, half of the wealth at mid-eighteenth century was concentrated in the hands of the richest 10 percent of the population


T/F: In the Ohio Valley (the "middle ground"), the Iroquois were known for their ability to play the French and British empires against each other.


T/F: Newspaperman John Peter Zenger printed several issues targeting the governor of New York's corruption. He was found not guilty as his accusations were found to be true.


T/F: Seventeenth-century Maryland stood out for its system of absolute rule, but also for its practice of religious toleration.


T/F: Slaves who seldom came into contact with whites, as on rice plantations, enjoyed more autonomy than elsewhere in the colonies.


T/F: Some slaves gained their freedom by serving as soldiers during the Revolution.


T/F: The American Declaration of Independence has been an inspirational political document for peoples around the world.


T/F: The reason John Hancock signed the Declaration of Independence in such large script was because he wanted to make sure King George III could read his signature without the assistance of his glasses.


T/F: The rise of black slavery in Virginia developed only gradually, over several generations


T/F: Under the headright system, anyone who brought in a sizable number of servants would immediately acquire a large estate.


T/F: Under the seventeenth-century British Navigation Acts, certain goods produced in the colonies had to be taken in English ships and sold in ports in England.


T/F: Virginia's upper class in the 1700s was sometimes called a "cousinocracy."


T/F: When supplies reached the Roanoke colony in 1590, the inhabitants had mysteriously vanished leaving only a word carved in a tree as a clue to their whereabout


The final decisive victory in the War for Independence was a. Cornwallis's defeat at Yorktown b. Tarlton's victory at Cowpens, South Carolina c. Washington's victory over Howe at Philadelphia d. Nathanael Greene's victory at Guilford Courthouse, North Carolina

a. Cornwallis's defeat at Yorktown

The first permanent English settlement in the area now known as the United States was at a. Jamestown, Virginia b. New Amsterdam, New Netherlands c. Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts d. New Haven, Connecticut

a. Jamestown, Virginia

Which of the following crops did John Rolfe introduce to the English colonies? a. silk b. tobacco c. cotton d. indigo

b. tobacco

When colonists insisted that because they were not represented in Parliament they could not be taxed by the British government, the British replied that they were represented by a. their elected colonial officeholders, especially in proprietary colonies b. virtual representation c. colonial members of Parliament and the Privy Council d. Benjamin Franklin and John Adams as envoys

b. virtual representation

Who was considered "the first martyr" of the American Revolution? a. James Otis b. George Washington c. Crispus Attucks d. Samuel Adams

c. Crispus Attucks

Which of the colonies did not participate in the First Continental Congress a. South Carolina b. Connecticut c. Georgia d. New York

c. Georgia

Which was not a characteristic of Roger Williams's Rhode Island colony? a. It had no established church b. It had no religious qualification for voting in the 1600s c. It required citizens to attend church d. It was a refuge for religious nonconformists

c. It required citizens to attend church

Which of the following was not a significant feature of the Salem witchcraft hysteria of the early 1690s? a. Many inhabitants accused others of witchcraft in order to deflect suspicion from themselves b. It reflected a widespread belief in the supernatural c. Many were tried on charges of witchcraft, but no one was actually convicted d. Accusations of witchcraft tended to befall women who deviated from prevailing gender norms

c. Many were tried on charges of witchcraft, but no one was actually convicted

Who engraved the image of the Boston Massacre that became one of the most influential pieces of political propaganda of the revolutionary era? a. Samuel Adams b. Crispus Attucks c. Paul Revere d. Benjamin Franklin

c. Paul Revere

The idea that only property-owning citizens possessed "virtue" is most closely related to what political idea? a. Democracy b. Liberalism c. Republicanism d. Deism

c. Republicanism

Carolina grew slowly until planters discovered what staple crop? a. cotton b. indigo c. tobacco d. rice

d. rice

Along with sugar, the West Indies also produced this increasingly popular product enjoyed by both North American colonists and Indians. a. whiskey b. bread c. tobacco d. rum

d. rum

The effect of the Enlightenment on religion resulted in a. a decreased interest in the natural world versus the religious realm b. a rejection of the teachings of Arminianism c. a plethora of new Lutheran churches built in the Middle Colonies d. the adoption of Deism

d. the adoption of Deism

In the mid-eighteenth-century colonies, this area of settlement was the most rapidly growing region in North America. a. the coastal regions b. surburban areas within walking distance to the heart of the city c. the city d. the backcountry

d. the backcountry

By the mid-eighteenth century, distinct slave systems were entrenched in the New World. The oldest and largest was the ________________. a. rice-based plantation system b. nonplantation slavery system c. cotton-based plantation system d. tobacco plantation system

d. tobacco plantation system

The Levellers a. believed that one needed to prove church membership before achieving colonial citizenship b. wanted to preserve the House of Lords and the monarchy, but provided independent freedoms in the colonies c. felt freedom was not based social class d. wanted to greatly expand the right to vote

d. wanted to greatly expand the right to vote

Which of the following series of events is listed in proper sequence?

mayflower compact, real of Anne Hutchinson, Half-way covenant

T/F: The phrase "freedom of speech" originated in colonial America.


T/F: Throughout the eighteenth century, women were not eligible to vote.


Which of the following series of events is listed in proper sequence?

Boston Tea Party; Olive Branch Petition; publication of Common Sense; Declaration of Independence

T/F: Slavery was never allowed in the devoutly Christian colony of Massachusetts


T/F: The Age of Revolution began in Spanish South America.


T/F: The Stamp Act had mainly affected residents of colonial ports, the Sugar Act managed to offend virtually every free colonist.


T/F: The early settlers of English America enjoyed the least amount of rights compared to colonists of other empires.


T/F: The eighteenth century was the height of the Atlantic slave trade, a commerce increasingly dominated by Spanish merchants and ships.


T/F: The first battles of the Revolutionary War were very successful for George Washington.


T/F: The immediate cause of the rioting at the home of Massachusetts governor Thomas Hutchinson was the Sugar Act.


Which was not true of the Middle Passage? a. Seventy percent of slaves were destined for North America b. People were sometimes held between decks that were only one-and-a-half feet in height c. Ship captains sometimes threw slaves overboard, especially when they were sick d. About one slave in five died on the Middle Passage

a. Seventy percent of slaves were destined for North America

Examples of the symbol "liberty" appeared in all of the following except a. a thin soup made only from colonial products called Liberty Consommé b. the politically charged hanging of an official in effigy at the Liberty Tree. c. a meeting place made of a pine mast known as the Liberty Pole d. the meeting space of Liberty Hall

a. a thin soup made only from colonial products called Liberty Consommé

The tactics of American resistance to British colonial policy from the mid-1760s through the mid-1770s included a. all of these b. speeches and pamphlets challenging Britain's right to tax its colonial subjects c. boycotts on the importation of British goods d. mass demonstrations in the port towns

a. all of these

The policy of leaving the colonists to govern themselves was called a. salutary neglect b. colonialism c. laissez-faire d. conventionalism

a. salutary neglect

British success in the Seven Years' War contributed to the making of the American Revolution because a. the British raised taxes to pay for the debt it incurred during the war b. the British alienated French colonists in Nova Scotia c. Britain refused to recognize George Washington as governor of Virginia d. the British showed little concern for the lives and property of colonists

a. the British raised taxes to pay for the debt it incurred during the war

Which of the following was not significant trend of sixteenth and seventeenth- century English society? a. the elimination of gender hierarchies b. enlarged public debate over the meaning of freedom c. a dramatic increase in population d. a large-scale displacement of rural people from the land

a. the elimination of gender hierarchies

Committees of Correspondence in the colonies during the 1760s a. were a group of colonial elites who exchanged ideas and information about resistance to the Sugar, Currency, and Stamp Acts b. sought to unite various amateur science clubs, most notably Franklin's Junto, together with other such colonial organizations c. wrote King George repeatedly about the importance of rescinding letters of marque, which licensed individuals to seize property d. were groups of women, well known for their letter-writing skills, who sought to promote Mary Wollstonecraft's ideas

a. were a group of colonial elites who exchanged ideas and information about resistance to the Sugar, Currency, and Stamp Acts

The view that reason alone was capable of establishing the essentials of religion, and that outdated superstitions included belief in the revealed truth of the Bible and miracles was called a. Calvinism b. Arminianism c. Antinomianism d. Antidisestablishmentarianism

b. Arminianism

During the 1760s, backcountry protesters in the Carolinas were known as a. Moonshiners b. Regulators c. Tolerators d. Corresponders

b. Regulators

The richest group of mainland colonists were a. New York merchants b. South Carolina planters c. Pennsylvania craftsmen d. New Jersey shipbuilders

b. South Carolina planters

Which did not characterize free blacks (such as Anthony Johnson) in Virginia and Maryland in the 1600s? a. They could sue or testify in court b. They could not own African slaves c. They sometimes purchased white servants d. They could own land

b. They could not own African slaves

Which of the following was not a major cause of Bacon's Rebellion? a. frustration over high taxes and diminishing availability of land b. a determination to abolish slavery in Virginia c. indignation over the governor's favoritism toward wealthy friends d. resentment over restrictions on white settlement in Indian areas

b. a determination to abolish slavery in Virginia

A key motivation behind early English settlement in the American colonies was a. the profits to be made in transatlantic commerce b. all of these c. acquisition of land, and thus a measure of personal independence d. escape from the material and spiritual corruptions of England

b. all of these

Which of the following was not a characteristic of early New England society? a. extensive autonomy and self-government in local affairs b. equality of the sexes in general church affairs, but not in government affairs c. highly patriarchal family life d. intolerance of individual deviations from prevailing values

b. equality of the sexes in general church affairs, but not in government affairs

The half-way covenant applied to whom? a. peninsulares b. grandchildren of the English Great Migrant c. African Slaves d. Women only

b. grandchildren of the English Great Migrant

As a result of the Seven Years' War, a number of French residents in Nova Scotia a. gained new land and farms as they won territorial disputes b. moved to Louisiana, where their descendants came to be known as Cajuns c. adopted the laws of the British and moved to California d. rejected the outcome by petitioning the British government to establish Fort Necessity

b. moved to Louisiana, where their descendants came to be known as Cajuns

The movement that sought to apply the scientific method of careful investigation based on research and experiment to politics and social life was called a. Emersonianism b. the Enlightenment c. the Great Awakening d. Romanticism

b. the Enlightenment

When Nathaniel Bacon led a rebellion against the Governor of Virginia, he called for all except a. a decrease in taxes b. the freeing of slaves, particularly enslaved Christians c. removal of all Indians from the colony d. an end to rule by "grandees."

b. the freeing of slaves, particularly enslaved Christians

Which of the following was an effect of Bacon's Rebellion? a. the increased use of indentured servants b. the increased use of African slaves c. the increased use of Native American slaves d. the increased use of the headright system

b. the increased use of African slaves

Which of the following was not promoted by Oliver Cromwell? a. the promotion of Protestantism b. the return to tolerance toward Irish Catholics c. commercial empowerment in the Western Hemisphere d. English colonial expansion

b. the return to tolerance toward Irish Catholics

Which of the following was not a feature of the Stamp Act crisis of 1765? a. The Stamp Act required colonists to pay a tax on transactions involving printed material b. While resistance to the Stamp Act was launched by colonial elites, it soon developed into a mass movement involving thousands of ordinary Americans c. The Stamp Act was passed by the Stamp Act Congress as a way to subvert the power of Parliament to tax the colonies d. Opponents of the Stamp Act claimed for colonists the full rights of Englishmen

c. The Stamp Act was passed by the Stamp Act Congress as a way to subvert the power of Parliament to tax the colonies

An indenture was a. the name for false teeth made of wood b. the name of the person to whom the laborer owes passage to the New World c. a contract for labor for a period of years d. the name of an indentured servant

c. a contract for labor for a period of years

One change in Indian life after the English colonists settled was a. while woven cloth was immediately accepted, it took many years for the Indians to accept guns from the English b. male Indians devoted less time to hunting beaver for fur trading c. alcohol became increasingly common and disruptive d. Indians rejected the use of metal goods for cooking practices as they preferred to continue in the customs

c. alcohol became increasingly common and disruptive.

In the Salem witchcraft trials of 1692, a. after discerning "which witch was which," three witches were executed b. luckily, no one was put to death for being a witch c. almost 150 people, mostly women, were accused of witchcraft d. hundreds of people were accused of witchcraft, yet only five were convicted and killed

c. almost 150 people, mostly women, were accused of witchcraft

A major blow in the relationship between the British and colonists occurred when Lord Dunmore proclaimed a. British troops would regroup in the meeting halls of each colony to force obedience to the crown b. no further supplies of tea would reach the colonies unless a formal apology was drafted c. escaped slaves who took up arms for the king would be freed d. the idea of liberty, especially that of independence, was ludicrous and without merit

c. escaped slaves who took up arms for the king would be freed

The trial of John Peter Zenger involved the issue of a. freedom of religion b. freedom of speech c. freedom of the press d. freedom from slavery

c. freedom of the press

Among the problems facing the early settlers of Jamestown colony were a. all of these b. overconsumption pf hearty English foods c. high rates of death and diseases d. constant attacks by French and Spanish pirates

c. high rates of death and diseases

The military outposts established by the Spanish in California and New Mexico were called a. haciendas b. asiendos c. presidios d. casas

c. presidios

In the prevailing theory of mercantilism, the government should a. reduce the amount of gold that entered England b. leave the trade regulations to the colonies so they will learn to self-govern c. regulate economic activity to promote the nation's power d. discourage manufacturing and focus solely on agricultural products

c. regulate economic activity to promote the nation's power

What did the 1766 Declaratory Act declare? a. that if the British did not lift the Stamp Act the Sons of Liberty would raze Thomas Hutchinson's house b. that an additional tax was to be laid on sugar imports from Spain's Caribbean colonies c. that Parliament had the power to pass laws for the colonies "in all cases whatever" d. that the settlement of colonists west of the Appalachian Proclamation Line of 1763 was prohibited

c. that Parliament had the power to pass laws for the colonies "in all cases whatever"

The agreement that ended the Seven Years' War was called a. the Albany Plan b. the Geneva Convention c. the Peace of Paris d. the Hartford Convention

c. the Peace of Paris

Which of the following was not a significant feature of indentured servitude in seventeenth-century Virginia? a. Like slaves, indentured servants could be bought and sold, beaten, and denied permission to marry by their masters b. Unlike slaves, indentured servants were held in bondage only for a limited period of time c. Although servants could anticipate some kind of "freedom dues" (often a piece of land) upon completion of their indenture, many died before their terms expired d. Indentured servants never comprised more than a small percentage of Virginians, the great majority of whom arrived either as free settlers or slaves

d. Indentured servants never comprised more than a small percentage of Virginians, the great majority of whom arrived either as free settlers or slaves

Father Junípero Serra founded the first Catholic mission in 1769 at a. Serra b. Sonoma c. Los Angeles d. San Diego

d. San Diego

Regarding slavery, which of the following statements is not true? a. Compared to the plantation regions, slavery was far less central to the economies of New England Colonies b. Initially, liquor and slaves were banned from the Georgia colony. c. Slavery had been present in New York since early Dutch settlement d. The Middle Colonies needed many slaves because large farms predominated

d. The Middle Colonies needed many slaves because large farms predominated

During the eighteenth century, more than half the Africans shipped to the New World as slaves were a. purchased by the Portuguese b. mulattos c. later freed as they earned enough to purchase their freedom d. carried on British vessels

d. carried on British vessels

The main lure for the majority of migrants from England to the New World was: a. slave ownership b. religious freedom c. indentured servitude d. land ownership

d. land ownership

Under the liberalism idea, the "social contract" extorted that a. men would not surrender a part of their right to govern themselves in order to enjoy the benefits of the rule of law b. the government formed a mutual agreement among all people, including women and non-property-owning males c. men were not to govern themselves as this was the role of the British government d. men retain their natural rights, as they predated the establishment of political authority

d. men retain their natural rights, as they predated the establishment of political authority

At the start of the eighteenth century, the population of the colonies was a. relatively equal in proportion white to non-white ratio b. overwhelmingly non-white c. very mixed with the slaves and Indians outnumbering the whites d. overwhelmingly white

d. overwhelmingly white

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